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Forward. Introduction.. ProjectAreaMap.. OutlineoftheProject.. ActivitiesoftheProject BasicDiscussionwithStakeholders.. BasicDiscussionwithCommunity SchoolAwarenessProgram ConstructionBuddhistCentreBiogasUnit. ConstructionMagalleBiogasUnit ConstructionSangamittaSchoolBiogasUnit.. ConstructionMainagodaBiogasUnit.. ConstructionWaluwattaDomesticBiogasUnit. ConstructionTotagamuwaCommunityBiogasUnit. ConstructionSahanaMagalleBiogasUnit... ConstructionHareeshaHotelBiogasUnit... RepairMinuwangodaCommunityBiogasUnit. MakeGalleBioEnergyCityConcept ProgramaboutValueandBenefitsofBiogas.. ProgramaboutEnergyProblemandSolutions... ProgramaboutWasteSortingandMaintainofBiogas.. ProgramaboutLesson,LearntandBestPractices.. ExperienceExchangeProgram.. AwarenessMaterialsoftheProgram 03 04 05 06 07 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 1819 20 21 22 23 2425 26 27 2728 29 30 31 32 3233 3334

MonitoringProcessoftheProgram.. FollowedStrategiesoftheProgram.. ChallengesoftheProgram. LessonLearntoftheProgram EffectiveoftheProgram. NextPhaseoftheProgram. VoteofThanksforStakeholders PartnershipsoftheProgram...

GallecityisthecapitalcityoftheSouthernProvince.Itsareais1,652km2(638sqmi),in which 35km2 (14sqmi) is water and 1,617km2 (624sqmi) is land. Galle District is boundedontheNorthbyBentharaRiver,SouthandWestbytheIndianOceanandEast byMataraandRatnapuraDistricts.TopographyofGalleDistrictisverymuchdissent. This area consists of rainforests, which is the water catchments area for most of the rivers and lakes flows across Galle District. Sinharaja Forest Reserve is one of them. Galle district lies in a temperate climatic zone. Annual rain fall is between 2000 2500mm. The river Gin RiverGin Ganga starts from Gongala Hill of Hiniduma patthuwaandinitslongjourneyof113km(70mi).

HELPOisoneofleadingorganizationofthedistrictthatimplementsmanyprograms in ground level. Organization implemented many renewable energy programs in Hospital level, community, domestic, private sector. During this time we got a great opportunitytoworkwithUSAIDSARIENERGYPROGRAM.TheSouthAsiaRegional InitiativeforEnergy(SARI/Energy)programwaslaunchedin2000topromoteenergy securitythroughincreasedtrade,investmentandaccesstocleansourcesofpowerand fuel. Since then, SARI/Energy has reached out to more than 4000 participants in the regiononcleanenergytrade,energyefficiency,ruralenergysupply,energyregulation, energystatistics,andprivatesectorinvolvement.

WiththeirsupportwecouldabletoimplementverysuccessprograminGallecity.We providedtheenvironmentfriendlyrenewableenergysourceamongthegrassrootlevel community. Under this program we could able to implement many activities and the effect of the program. HELPO constructed seven biogas units and two biogas units constructed under the loan basis. Even through this program could able to take an innovativestepthatisimplementjoinprogramwithGalleMCandmainstakeholders ofthecity.TheprogramnamedMakeGalleGreenBioEnergyCitythereasonforit manyorganizationimplementedmanyrenewableenergyprogramsandbiogasunitsin thecity.Sowedecidedtonamethiscityasbioenergycitybecauseeverymajorsectorof the city is using the renewable energy like Hospital, Forces Camps, Private Sector, ReligiousCenters,Community,andGovernmentInstitutions.

On this time we would like to thanks for the all stakeholders of the program who involvedwithustoimplementthissuccessprogram.Ontheotherhandthisprogram wasaPublicPrivatePartnershipRenewableEnergyProgram.Theprogramisthejoin program of all stakeholders that is why this program is success ones again we would liketothankstodonorsandotherstakeholders.


SriLankaisfacingahugewasteproblemsincelastfewdecades.Thegovernmentalsois implementing many programs. But the problem is getting big every day. With the financialsupportofUSAIDSARIEnergyProgramweimplementedsuccessprogramin Galle District. HELPO introduced community based renewable energy program and conductedmanyawarenessprograms.

Under thisprogramweconstructedvarious typesofbiogas unit.Thefirstbiogas unit we constructed in Kaluwella International Buddhist Centre. The first biogas unit we havestartedinthemiddleofthecityonBuddhistCentrethisprogramwasacofinance programwithBuddhistcentretheyhaveagreedtoprovidetheaccommodationandthe foods even they dig the whole for construct the biogas unit. The reasons we have establish the unit in Buddhist centre has huge waste problem and they used much energyfortheirneeds.

Their energy need is much so they needed a good solution. The second program is connected biogas with Toilets, kitchen waste water, Organic foods that is community biogas. Hotel and houses are getting benefits from the biogas. Even we constructed a biogas unit for dump slaughterhouse waste not even that people are started using biogasnow.Noteventhatweconstructedabiogasunitwithfiberglassthatcanmove easilythatbiogasunitisunderloanbasis.

Conducting awareness programs are of main activities of the program. Community leaders,Journalists,schoolchildren,religiousleaders,privatesector,governmentsector and many people and officers we could able to aware under many themes. Now peoples attitude has been changed about the waste and the renewable energy. Now peoplehaveinteresttousetherenewableenergysourcesbecauseofthebenefitsforthe environment and for themselves. Now people request the biogas under loan basis becausetheyrealizethisisaneconomicviableprogramandcosteffective.

Oneofthebestoutputoftheprogramiswegotanopportunitytoimplementthiskind of program in Trincomalee city because of the SARI ENERGY Program. We expect to implement same program in Trincomalee city because we have implemented a great concept name Make Galle Green Bio Energy City with the chair of the Galle MunicipalCouncilandconstructedmanybiogasunitsinvarioussectorsandintroduce therenewableenergytomanysectors.Thatistheprogramweexpecttoimplementin othercityunderthecitytocitycooperationprogram.


BuddhistCentreBiogasUnit CommunityBiogasUnits BiogasProvidedLoanBasis BiogasunitofSchool RepairedDomesticBiogasUnit

The project implemented areas are totally different each other. One biogas unit constructed inside of the Religious centrewhichhasahugewasteproblem and the second biogas unit constructed inHotelwhichhasawasteproblemand energy problem. Third location had slaughterhouse waste problem including the energy problem for the beneficiary because they had to expend much money for it. One biogas unit is Schoolandthatisoneofmodelprogram we implemented because we needed to experiment about biogas unit at school with high scale of students. The other two biogas units are domestic biogas units. One is innovation with made by the Fiberglass and other is repair domesticbiogas.

easy on the other hand another innovation is provide the biogas units underloanbases.

The program is a co finance program with HELPO and the beneficiaries. In this way we developed a new mechanism to implement the program that is Partnership program because beneficiaries contributed to the biogas unitsinkindwaybecauseweneededto get the community involvement for the programinveryactivewaybecausethis istheirprogramandtheyshouldgetthe responsible to implement this program continue.

Wehadtofacemanychallengesduring implement the program and sometimes we had to upgrade out biogas constructiontechnologyduetothehigh watertableofthegroundandwehadto faceheavyrainseasonsmanytimesdue to the Climate Change but we could abletoachieveouraim.

HELPO decided to start innovation steps with this financial support of the USAID SARI Program. We developed theconceptandnamedtheGallecityas a Bio Energy city through this program wecouldabletoconstructmanybiogas units many sectors of the city. One of other innovation activity is construct fiberglassbiogasunitthatcanmoveable

Through the Make Galle Bio Energy City committee meeting we could able tochangemanygovernmentinstitutions views about the renewable energy and waste management. The committee memberscouldabletoseetheresultsof the program and its effect for the government as well as others sectors of thecity.Thebestinvolvementisprivate sectorinvolvementtorenewableenergy through this program. HELPO constructed many biogas units in various hotels of the area with this trend. Now many hotels are request to construct the biogas as a renewable energy source because day by day LP and other energy sources prices are increasing.Thisisagoodopportunityto move renewable energy sources for the communityandprivatesector.



HELPO decided to conduct a meetingtoallstakeholdersaboutthe new program that expects to implement in Galle City and decide to conduct this program with involve of many institutions and stakeholders. Even we had a goal to aware the major institutions about ourSARIProgramanditsgoalsandbenefitsforthecity.Weinvitedmanypeoplefor participate for this program in Galle Municipal Council. For this program many institutions were participated and they much interest about this program and they express many ideas about this program. Participated people were appreciated this programandourefforttoMakeGalleGreenBioEnergyCityconcept.

Many participated stakeholders present their views and ideas about the program.EspeciallyHon.Mayorofcity explained about the waste problem city and energy cost of city. Also he much appreciates about the program because

city has many recycling programs and this is much added advantage for the city. Not even that participated Central Environment Authority officer strongly recommend about the monitoring committee.

Thechairmanoftheorganizationexplained what we are expecting to do through this program. We explained that we expect to establish a monitoring committee with the chair of the Hon. Mayor of the Galle city and involvement of the other stakeholders ofthecity.Noteventhatexplainedexpects to construct 05 biogas units and conduct manyawarenessprogramsundermanythemes.Alsoweawaretheparticipantsabout theimportantoftheprogramforthecitywithmanysectorslikeMunicipalcanreduce thewasteamountandexpensestheyexpendformanagethewasteevenbenefitsofthe healthsituation.


Weintroducecommunitybasedbiogasunitsasone of sustain solution for energy problem and waste problem and that was effective program for community. We have a great opportunity for implement program with USAID SARI Energy programandthatiscommunitybasisalso.Ourfirst focalpointisthegrassrootlevelcommunityandwe have organized 05 programs for aware the community about this program and its benefits for themandforenvironment.Oneofobjectiveistogettheactivecommunityinvolvement to this program. We invited many community based organization for this awareness meetingalsowehaveinvitedtoourpeoplemovementbranchesalsowehadagoalto give this opportunity many community based organization and get their support also forthisprogram.

Belowmentionplacesweconductthebasicdiscussionwithcommunity Waluwatta Siyambalaghawatta/Lunuvilawatta Mahaliyawatta Magalle Minuwangoda One of main effect of the program is many people agreed to provide their lands for construct the biogas unit after conduct those awareness programs. They realize the important of the biogas units. The second major effect is there is a person who came to Minuwangoda Area program and he hasabiogasunitandheisdoinganimalhusbandry. But on that time it didnt work and he was hate to biogasunitbecausehecouldabletogetbenefitfrom theunitinfewdays.Andtheconstructedpeopledidntgiveanyinstructionsforhowto usethisunit.Butafterparticipatethisprogramhecouldabletosolvehisproblemabout his knowledge. So we able to find a solution for renovated this program with the participationofthecommunity.Atthismomentwehavestartedtorenovatethisbiogas unitwithinthenextfewweeksexpecttofinishthisbiogasunit.


HELPO could able identify about new opportunity to conduct Renewable Energy program inside of the School. Sangamitta Girls College is one of main school in Sri Lanka and it has huge students. While on our journey we are aware the Schools too and we constructed biogas unit for school already because they were suffering from serious waste problem and didnt have solution but we could solve that problem. After construction the biogas unit we conducted awareness programs for them about various topics of waste management. We conduct this with the support of our own contribution. The first program topic was what are Biogas unit and what the major benefits of it are for environmentally and Energy. We decided to conduct one awarenessprogramforthestudentsaswellasfortheteachersoftheSchool.

Topic was value and benefits of the biogas. During that program also we discussed belowmentiontopics.

Whywastebecomeproblem Whatisthebadeffectsofbadwastemanagementprocess Organicfertilizeranditsbenefits Whatarethebenefitsofbiogasandhowwastebecomesaresource Importantofproperwastemanagementandproperwastesortingsystem

During this session we explained about the first biogas unit which is located in Karapitiya Hospital and explain about why we establish that on that hospital and why it runs continually and also explained about the important of waste sorting. Why this hospital should implement this program in success way and what are the benefits you can achieve while you are implementing this biogas unit. After that explained even Major hospital can successfully implement this program and School can implement this program too. Under this program we explained them about what is the international standard of waste sorting system and its benefits. Even we explain that bad effect of the irregular wastedumpingandburningofpolytheneandplasticincludingthePOPGas.Alsowe highly motivated the children that biogas is good alternative solution for the energy problem.


Buddhist center is located in middle of the Galle City. For one day more than thousand of people visit to this place. Therearemanyclassesforstudentsandnurseryandmany more social services. For one day waste collection is huge and Municipal Council doesnt collect the waste properly. The International Buddhist Centre had to face huge waste problem. Under the USAID / SARI ENERGY Program we could able to construct a biogas unit in this temple they usedtheLPGasbeforemakefoods.Eventhereisnoproper wastesegregationprocessintemple.

GalleBuddhistcentrebiogasunithandedoverandtheyare getting benefits from that. Hon. Galle Mayor Mr. Methsiri de Silva and Mr. Chathura Welivitiya Chairman / Chief Executive HELPO and committee members and government officers and people were participated to this occasion.Thetemplehasbeenstoppedtheusingfirewood and LP Gas they have more biogas for their needs. The templecouldabletosavemoremoneyfromthebiogasand their waste problem also solved. Now temple started the waste segregation and they dont have a waste problem. Nowwastebecameresourceforthem.

Monkisinterestingabout thebiogas

The people of the temple use the biogas for their daily needs and through this biogas unit we could able to give very song message to others. Even this became a learning center and many people aware about alternative energy sourcesanditsbenefits.GalleMCdoesntgotocollectthe waste now and that cost also reduced by this biogas unit. Now temple also using the renewable energy for their needsandthisisagoodmodeltoo.Evennowtheyhavea good waste management behavior because now they have startedtoseparatethewasteproperway.


The biogas unit of the Magalle is very special becausewehaveconnectedthetoiletsandonehotel. Even we use the kitchen waste water of the hotel. The area is also highly waste generation area. The people have limited space to dump the waste and population is high. The majority use the fire wood as an energy source. They need quick and good. Thereisfishwastetoobecausethereisanearbyfish shop and all waste comes to Municipal Council. MorningandEveningtheycollectthewaste.

Even people suffer from the waste because no proper place to dump the waste. Hotels and small restaurants connected the kitchen waste water and other waste to the canal so within short period all drainsystemblock.Themethanegasemissiontoair ishighandthemajorityofthewasteisorganicand that can use to another energy source. Energy city committee got the request to construct the biogas unit in Magalle Area. This hotel use much LP Gas before but with this they could able to reduce that amount and now they are using biogas for making foods.

HELPO officers done a survey and analyze before installabiogasunit.Alsoweidentifiedthatthereis a possible to connect the toilets and kitchen waste water, fish waste and other house hold level waste too. We have design the biogas unit for this all waste.Inbeginningtimepeopledidntagreeorlike toconnectthetoiletsbecausetheythoughtthatthis is not good to cook with toilet waste. We have organized a awareness program about value and benefits of the biogas. HELPO graduallyexplainedthemaboutthebenefitsandinformedthatthereisnoharmtouse theseweragewaste.Thentheythoughtthatthebiogasisgoodandeffective.Nowthey realizethathowwastebecamearesourceforthemandhowtoaddavaluetothewaste. Eventheyrealizeabouttheimportanceofusingalternativeenergysources.


HELPO decides to start the renewable energy programinSchoolandthisisthefirstbiogasunit that we constructed inside of the School. The school is so special because this is the biggest school children study school in Asia. The daily waste collection is much and Municipal Council doesnt collect the waste properly. The students weresufferedfromthewasteproblem.

Inside of the school they have started the organic cultivation and they have started a good waste management program. Under our concept we have decided to implement this program in this school. Even the school uses the LP Gas for the canteen of the school and there is a big opportunitythat isthis is agoodmodeltoothers schoolsevenschooluseLPGasfortheirneedsbut throughthisunit.

Now school has been started to cultivation with thebioslurry.Thestudentsareveryinterestingto those activities because this is one of innovative thingsandtheycangetpracticallessonsaboutthe wastemanagementandrenewableenergysources and they are one of key stakeholders that we addressed under this program because they will careabouttheworldtomorrow.

Under the support of USAID / SARI ENERGY programwehave constructed asmallbiogas unit in School. Now they have a proper place dump thewaste.Nowschoolusesthebiogasforcanteen. Noworganicwasteproblemissolvedinsideofthe school. Now we expect to introduce this to other schoolsbecausethisissuccessprogramwithmany benefits. The children started a tree planting program and organic cultivation program inside oftheschoolwithusingtheorganicfertilizer.

This area is one of place that highly waste generation. Even there are many slaughterhouses. Peopleofslaughterhousesdonthaveaproperplace todumpthewasteandtheydumpthewastetonear canal. That was huge environment issue and near peoplecouldnotabletoliveinthatareathatwasbe came a natural disaster but the people who has slaughterhouses dont have solution. On the other handthewastegenerationamountisverybiginthis area. Most of people use fire wood as an energy source. The people who supply the fire wood cut manytreeswithintheweek.Ontheotherhandthis becameahugeproblemtoo.

Under the SARI Energy program we constructed community biogas unit in that area. Now people dump the slaughterhouse waste to this biogas unit. Nowproblemsolvedandpeoplewhousethebiogas noneedtousetheLPGasorfirewood.Thebiggest thing is no slaughterhouse waste problem now. Through this program we could able to solve huge environment problem because some of people left the home because of this waste problem. Through ourPHIofficersandcommunitymemberswegota request to construct a biogas unit in this area. We have done a survey to measure about possibility to constructthebiogasunit.

Now people are happy about this new solution because this program is sustainable. Nowpeoplehaveaproperplacetodumpthewasteandtheydonthaveaproblemof energy. Now people request biogas units as an alternative energy source. They had a hugeproblemofenergybutnowhaveanalternativesolution.Weexpecttohandover thebiogasunittothepeople.Thelandalsodonatedbythepeopleofthearea.

For the people of the area we have conducted an awareness program about the value and benefits of the biogas. Through this they could able to increase the knowledge. Theyawareabouttheprogramandwegotmanyrequestsforconstructthebiogasunits inhouseholdlevel.

Walauwaththa, is located near the Galle town. Under USAID SARI program HELPO had providedthedomesticbiogasunittothisvillage. Withourpreviousexperiencesofdomesticlevel HELPO involved to implement a biogas unit, that unit is fiberglass biogas unit with the capacity of 6m3 and 50kgs of waste with water. The biogas unit provided under loan basis and they are getting benefits from the biogas unit nowtheyputthewastetobiogasunitandwaste is not a problem to them. The beneficiary is happy about this unit because she doesnt need much space to install the biogas unit and she expects to start the cultivation from the organic fertilizer of biogas. Not even that she already started to repay the loan installment and according to her statement now she can save much money that she expended to LP Gas and fire wood. The step we have taken is little different because this biogas unit is totally loan basis after install this biogas unit we couldable to got many requests like this biogas unit. The organization expects to use that fund as a revolvingfundtoexpandtheprograminfuture.

This village has very little space and it is very populatedsothiskindofbiogasunitisperfectly matchedtothecommunityneed.Theotherthing is people can recover the cost within very short period and after that they can have the profits. Underthe SARI Energyprogramwecouldable to implement very success program in many places of the district. And the program was much effective to reduce the waste from the generating place. The all programs are community based and implemented the though thecommunitynetworkoftheHELPO. 04

Thisisanotherbiogasunitthatweprovidedunder loanbase.Theownerexpectstosellthebiogasfor the people and repay the loan. This is other good model to study that how people contribute to others and for protects the environment with a profitablemargin.Thelandownerhasmanycattle andheexpectstousethecowdungandurinewith otherorganicwasteoftheareaasrowmaterialfor thebiogas.Theowneragreedtogetthisbiogasunit underloanbasis.

WeimplementedonebiogasunitinThotagamuwa area the capacity of the unit is 22m3 and the beneficiaryhascattleintheirpremises.Hegotthis biogasunitunderloanbasisandheexpectstosell thebiogasforothers.Constructionofbiogasunitin thisareawasahugechallengewiththehighwater table. We had to follow very special and safe technical process in construction time. We made the biogas unit above from the ground level and thenwehadtodiptheconstructeditemstoholewe dig. We could not able to construction in below fromgroundwith the highwater level.But finally our effort success and could able to finish the biogas unit. With the heavy rains our works has beendelayedanditwasnoteasyworktoconstruct thebiogasunit.

Now he provides the biogas for other houses and gets money from them and he is repayingtheloan.Thisisanotherconceptweexpecttopromoteinfuturebecausethe owner has good income from the waste continue. After repaying the loan he can gets thenetprofitfromthebiogasunit.Noteventhatgrassrootlevelcommunityalsocan gettheenergysourceverylowcostthanthemarketprice.Theorganizationexpectsto introducethistofarmersbecausecowdungisverygoodrowmaterialtogeneratethe methanegas.


After construction many biogas units in community level within Galle city many people and private sector requested biogas units for answer for many problems. Some requested this for energy problem and some requested this for waste problem. Sahana Magalle Restaurant is one of place that requested after seeing the community biogas unitofMagalle.Ontheotherhandtheyagreed togetthisbiogasundertheloanbasis.Evenwe have installed one fiberglass biogas unit in their restaurant. With the financial support of theUSAIDSARIEnergyprogramweinstalled another fiberglass biogas unit in Magalle Restaurant.

This is a good innovative action taken by the private sector for loan basis. Now they are usingrenewableenergysourcetomakefoods. Earlytimetheyhadtospendmuchmoneyfor the LP Gas. Even their waste was much disaster for the environment now they are getting benefits from the waste now and they are earning from the throwing waste now. MonthlytheycouldabletoearnRs.6,500from this biogas unit. HELPO expects expand this programtootherhotelsandrestaurantsofthe cityandweexpecttoreducetheLPGasusage withintheGallecity.

Restaurant appointed one unit for the biogas unitandtheyfeedto biogasunit atspecifictimeandtheywellaware about maintain and operation of the biogas. We provided the biogas unit under loan basis. The restaurant management has been understood about the economic value and economically viable. Now they are repaying the loan monthly basis even they are payingtheloanwiththesavingsbyreducingtheLPGasusage.

The organization has been provided another biogas unit under loan basis to the Hotel Hareesha. The hotel had a huge waste problem andtheyweresufferingfromtheenergyproblem. Webelievethisismuchgreatopportunityforthe organizationandtopromotetherenewableenergy sources among the hotel sector because in our country they use much LP Gas for their daily works. Involvement of this hotel to biogas is a good sign because through this we can expand this message and spread the message to many places.

Hareesha Hotel is one of very attractive and best hotels which nestled in the Galle district and surroundingwithaforestaddsmoreattractionto the hotel. People, who are engaging various life styles, come to this hotel for spending their leisure, vacation, holding parties and etc. Among them not only local people but also tourists are. They welcome their guests and guests are being treatedwellbytheirgreathospitality.Theysupply foodsandforcookingmealstheyhavetospendin hugescaleofmoneyontheirenergyneeds,asthe energypowertheyuseLPGas.Whilehavinggood solutionforwasteproblemtheyexpecttohavean alternative energy for their energy problem. Actually waste was a huge problem to them previous time so that they tried to get rid of the waste problem and they searched a properwaytosolvethishugeproblem

ThroughthisprogramtheycansaveaboutRs.35,000/=40,000/=ontheirbiogasusage andtheyareabletohaveotherbenefitstoo.Organiccultivationcanbestartedbyusing organic fertilizer which comes out as side productivity of this process. Through this programtroublesomewastebecomesprofitablesourcetothemandtheirattitudeshave changed in positively. They can conserve to the environment by reducing methane emissiontotheair.Thisisgoodandinnovativeactionoftheprivatesectortoconserve theenvironment


This is a community biogas unit located Minuwangoda area. The owner of the land has cows and animal husbandry is his main income. Early time other organization constructed a biogas tohimbutthatdidntworkmuchtime.Wegotthe requesttorenovatethisbiogasunitandwegotthis request through the Galle Bio Energy City committee because he participated one community awarenessmeetingwhichweconduced.

This place is located near the road and canal the all waste goes to this canal. On the other hand this is a huge environment issue. Under the USAID support we have renovated the biogas unit. Now this function well and he can dump the all animal wastetothisbiogasunit.Thisisagooddemonstrationforourenergycityprogramand the beneficiary is getting benefits from the biogas. Environment problem is solved by thebiogasunit.


MakeGalleGreenBioEnergyCityconceptisone ofmainmechanismweimplementedthrough the stakeholders. The chair of the committee is Hon. Galle Mayor. We got the involvement of the all major stakeholder of the city for the committee like, Prison, Police, Hospital, Chamber of commerce, Community, UDA, CEA, NGO, Schools,MunicipalCouncil,Religiousleadersand Navy. ThereasonwenamedGalle asEnergy city becausemanyoforganizationsandgovernmentinstitutionsimplementedmanybiogas programswithinthecityandmostofmajorplacesofthecityareusingtherenewable energy.AsamodelcitytostudywenamedthisasanEnergyCity

Throughthisweneededtochangetheviewsandpolicyofthebiogasandenvironment and our effort became success because through discussion could able to change the ideasandtheirviewsnoteventhatthisprogrambecameacommonprogramandevery membermonitorabouttheprogramintheirside.MunicipalCouncilagreedtoinclude to new regulations of issue approval for building with the checking the waste managementprocessorwastewatertreatmentprocess.

We believe that is a huge impact of our program because their policy has been changed and this committee is a good model to public private partnership. On the other hand this committee is a good monitoringmechanism.Notonly monitoringthe biogas unit we have done through this committee. We could able to organized tree planting program and cleaning program through this committee. HELPO also provided the pants and plant cover to protect the plant. Within many places of the Galle city we could abletomakegreenery.

Even school children were participating for the programandNavy,Police;Prisongavetheirofficersto success this program. Through this we could able to Plantedonetreewithinthe give a strong message that is to protect the trees and GalleMunicipalArea userenewableenergysourcebecausewediscussabout this topic in large level and many citizen were participated and we aware many institutionsaboutthistopic.Finallyabletoplantthetreesidentifiedplaceswithsupport and active involvement of the all stakeholders. As a first step we planted the trees in CoastalRoadofthecityandoneSchool.


Ontheotherhandthecommitteemeetingbecameaverygoodplatformtodiscusmany environmentproblemsofthecitybecauseeverystakeholdergatherforthemeetingand they can get answer for their problems. Through this we could able to solve many problemsofthecitybecauseeverystakeholdercanexpresstheirideasandissuesabout the city and could able to find quick solutions to the environment problems. The best thing is able to change the policy of local authority about waste management. Even theirwastemanagementandrecyclingprocesshasbeenincreasedanddevelopinlarge scale.


The program is about Value and Benefits of the biogas. This program has been created for increase the knowledgeaboutclimatechange.Thevalueandbenefits of the program is the first program of the project. We focus thisprogram to the grassroot level community of the project implement area. Even we needed to encourage the people to use the alternative energy sources because they are facing huge energy problem. Oneofotherobjectiveischangetheattitudesofthepeopleaboutthebiogas.

Throughthisweexplainthepeopleaboutthebenefitsof thebiogasandwhatequipmentsthatwecanusethrough the biogas are and how the world use biogas as alternative energy source. Program conducted on 24th.09.2010and30th09.2010inBuddhistcentrepremises and Maniagoda Area. Mr. Moonamale and Dr. Jayasiri were participated as resource persons. They explained about the value and benefits of the biogas even they explainedwhatarethebadeffectsofirregularwastedumpingandburningwaste.First weneededtoawarethegrassrootlevelcommunityaboutwhywastesbecomeahuge problemtothemandwhatwillhappengloballyandwhatthebadeffectsofthewaste are. Through this aware the people about the bad effects of the waste and why we should implement proper waste management program. Even he explained them how thismethanegaseffectgloballyandhowthiseffectstoclimatechange.

Mr. Moonamale Environment Analyze so he explained about the bad effects of the burningwasteandPOPGas.Thissubjecthewasbrieflyexplainedtothem.Thesecond theme was about how biogas uses international scale. Through this he aware the participants about how foreign countries use biogas for transportation, as a fuel, for agriculture, electricity generation an even for waste transport. Even he explained that what the equipments we can use with the biogas are. He explained about the biogas unitinternationalbenefitsandhowtheygettingbenefitsfromthewaste.

Dr.JayasiriLokugeheexplainedtothepeopleaboutthehealthbenefitsofthebiogas. Hedeeplyexplainedthatwhatwillhappenwithwasteandwhatarethediseasesmay cause for people by waste. Then Dr. Jayasiri said that about the important of healthy peopleandhowtheycanachievethat.


This is one of program we have conducted to the grassrootlevelcommunity.Thetopicoftheprogram isEnergyProblemandSolutions.Thereasonwehave chosen this program is people dont care about the WasteEnergySources.Wehavedoneasmallsurvey with base of the City level. Usually people waste more energy without any reason. Most of people dontknowwearefacinganenergyproblembecause they didnt feel it they waste Electricity, Gas and other Energy source. We needed to awarethemaboutthisandawarethemtostopthiswasteenergysources

Thosetwoprogramsconductedon03rdDecember and07thDecember2010.Mr.ChathuraWelivitiya and Mr. Moonamale was conducted the two programs.Beforetheystarttheprogramtheydid an assessment about waste the energy sources. They have asked about simple questions about energy.Oneisperweekhowmanytimestheyuse the Electric Iron, How many times they open the refrigerator.Evenhowmanybulbstheyusewithoutanyworksorpurposearefewof questionstheyaskedfromthepeoplerelatedtoenergyproblem.

Finallytheyanalyzethedataandmostofpeople use much energy sources without any reason andactuallytheywastetheenergysources.Next step was aware them about where we are now and explained why we should protect this energy sources and what is the benefits for the grass root level community. Finally people agreed they waste the energy sources without any reason and they should protect it. On this time we explained about the important of Renewable energy sources are Biomass /HydroPower/SolarPower/WindPower.Alsoexplainedaboutwhatarethestepsthat takenbytheSriLankangovernmenttosavetheenergysourcesandwhatarethefuture plans of the government to protect this. Even he explained that government has been establishedaseparateinstitutenameSustainableEnergyAuthority.

This is one of main program need to conduct to success of the biogas program in success way. The biogas beneficiaries dont have a proper knowledge about the biogas technology and how to use it in proper way. This program is a technical program to the beneficiaries and other members of the CBO because they also involve to the biogas program. Under thisprogram weawareaboutthe properway tousethebiogasandhowtomeasurethebiogaspressureandwhatistheproperratio for mixing the waster with waste are few of main themes we discussed with the community.Weconductedtwoprogramsfromthistopicforthebeneficiaries.

The starting speech conducted by Mr. Nilaufer and theprogramstartswithintroducingthemainpartsof the biogas unit and its importance. In this secession we aware the people why every part need and how eachpartwillusetobiogasgenerationprocess.Next theme is how to feed the biogas. How to feed the biogas unit? What is the proper way for it? What is theproperratioformixwater?Importantofthewatermixingandwhataretheitems thatcandumptobiogasunitandwhataretheitemstheycantfeedtobiogasunit.In thistimealsoweawarethemaboutthebiogasunitfeedingprocess.Awarethemtofeed thebiogasunitwithwater

First he made a chart and explains about the classification of waste like hazardous and non hazardous. Even he explains what are the common wastedisposalsystemanditsbadeffectlikeacidrains, health impacts, damage aesthetics, irrigating order are fewexamples.Forpreventthisheawarethepeopleand said you are the individual person who should start it fromyourhomeandonedaythatwillbeagoodoutput.Startsmallscaleforaproper nonorganicwastemanagement.WhilethistimeheawareabouttheThreeRsystems andhowpeoplecangetbenefitsfromwithincludingtheenvironmentprotection.The nexttimeheawareabouttheinternationalstandardtowastesegregationincolorwise and it is important. We strongly recommend to people to minimize the waste generation place and aware to follow those steps. Reduce the waste generation, reuse andrecycling.


The program started on 15th March 2011 the programtopicisbestpracticeslessonandlearnt of biogas technology. Through this program we expected to share our experience and what we haveimprovedthebiogastechnologyduringthe past time. We have invited many stakeholders for the program and they are root level Community, Health department officers, MunicipalCouncils,Prisons,Schools,Engineers, Chamber of Commerce, Hoteliers, and NGO participated to this program and many our beneficiariesalsoparticipated.

From beginning time we explained how we changedthebiogasunitconstructionmodelfora betterandsuitableway.Wehavedevelopedthe biogas unit structure and new model is very success and effective. We implemented old Chinese model biogas unit but we found some faultsofthebiogasandwemixtheIndianmodel andchinamodelsowehavedevelopedit.

WeconnecttheIndianoutlettochinadomeand alsowehaveimprovedsometechnologieswhich are related to this. The other thing is we construct the biogas unit we followed many technicalstrategiesoneisconstructthebottomof dome not like a fat surface and it is like a U shapeandthatisonetechnicalimprovementwe havedone.

Not even that we share other things like slurry management program slurry filtering systemofbiogasunit.Atthemomentwehaveconstructslurryfilterbecausewelearnt thatisreallynecessarytoprotecttheenvironmentandwaterfromthesedimentofthe biogas.Anotherthingwesharedabouthowtogeneratetheelectricityfromthebiogas anditspossibilityforit.Alsowesharethegasstoragefacilitiesinlargeandsmallways. The other discussed about the sulfur filter of the biogas including the important of sulfurfitter.

Sharing the experience is much important of the development process. Under the USAID SARI Energy program we have organized an experience exchange program for the grass root level people. The objective is to share the experience of other beneficiaries who use the biogas already. Most of people could able to get a biogas unit under the USAID Energy Program. Through this program theydiscoverthattherearemanypeopleinthecity usebiogasfortheirdailyneeds.Oldbiogasbeneficiariesexplainedhowtheyimplement thisprogramandwhatthechallengestheyhadtofaceare.Alsotheyexplainedabout theimportantofanenvironmentfund. Theplacestheyvisitedare

01. KarapitiyaTeachingHospitalBiogasUnit 02. GalleMunicipalCouncilBiogasUnit 03. DadallaWaluwattaCommunityBiogasUnit 04. SirasaMawathaCommunityBiogasUnit 05. GalleBuddhistCentreBiogasunit 06. BalapitiyaMaduRiverCommunityBiogasunit

Thosearethevisited biogas unitsduringtheir visit and their final destination was waluwatta community biogas unit. On that occasion we have organized a meeting to share what they have learnedfromthefield.Ineverybiogasunitwehave organizedaverysmallpresentationformthebiogas beneficiary.Thetotalparticipantsare62.

The first location was Karapitiya Biogas unit and that is the first biogas unit that constructed by the HELPOontheotherhandthatbiogasisspecialbecausethatisthefirstbiogasunitthat constructedinsideofthehospitalinAsia.Weconstructedthisbiogasuniton2004and since that day it is working without any problem. Hospital staff explained how much theycangetbenefitsfromthebiogasandhowmuchtheycouldabletoreducetheusage ofLPGas.Evenhospitalstaffexplainedhowtheydumphugeamountofthewasteand whattheproperprocessisforthat.

EveryStakeholderisexplainingabouttheworthofthebiogasforthem. After that they went to see the biogas unit of Galle Municipal Council and they explained how they are getting benefits from biogas unit. Under this program we organized to visit community biogas units, institutional biogas unit and through that they can get a good and clear idea about biogas and how should they develop their biogasunit.

One of women describe that how they are implementing this biogas unit and also she describes about the benefits of the biogas unit for individual person. Even she explained that she could able to get more benefits from the Bio fertilizer too and she briefly explained about the environment fund and its important for a sustainability of the program and how much they earnedfromtheenvironmentfund.

The biogas units we have visited are not same and there were various institutional biogasunitsandimplementingprocessistotallychangeanddifferentbiogastobiogas unit. This is a good time to study about the mechanism to participants. They participated in first time and learnt lot. Community members much appreciated this opportunity. During the exchange program they learnt about the peoples movement mechanism and their system. New CBO members learnt how to organize and implementthiskindofprograminasustainway.

Not even that they went to see some success case studies of the villages. The people who got the financial assistant to develop their business. Now they became very successfulpersonandtheirbusinessandincomehasbeenincrease.Finallythisprogram became a very effective program for the grass root level people. With the base of the knowledgeoftheexchangeprogram,nowtheyhavestartedwhattheylearnt.


The organization published biogas guiding book for the grass root level community becausethereisahugegapaboutguidingbook.Underthisbookweawarehowtouse biogasunitinproperwayandevenaboutwatermixingratios.Thebookprovidesfor the beneficiary when they face a technical program can see the book and get a quick solutionforit.Thebookhasbeendesignedfromthebasiclevel.

This is a very good tool for the biogas users because they know how to maintain the biogas unit in a proper way also we have put the CH4 generation capacities with various capacities of biogas unit. The book has written in Sinhala Language because most of people use this language in country. The book shows the people about the majorpartsofthebiogasunitandhowitseffecttogeneratethebiogasproperly.Thisis acompletedguidingbookforthebiogasusers.


HELPO followed many strategies to monitor the program because we developed the program to city level. The first step was energy city monitoring committee for monitoring the program. The committee represents the every major sector of the city and they personally and institutionally monitor about the program. Monthly they gather and discuss about the progress and the success of program. They personally involvetoprogram.PHIOfficersandEnvironmentOfficersarethekeypersonsofthe monitoringandtheymonitortheprogramcontinue.

Technical monitoring done by the HELPO technical group they have enough experience for it. From the starting time of the biogas unit they monitor the program andtheyprovidethenecessaryguidelinestoo.

The other monitoring system is grass root level community monitoring because we implement this program through the CBO. When we could not able to find a CBO in thatareaweformedtheCBOandweimplementthroughthecommunitynetwork.The community also monitor the program continue. . They are the first and main key for monitortheprogramingroundlevel.Nowtheyagreetomonitortheprogrambecause this biogas unit is assert for their village and from the starting construction time they involvetomonitortheprograminproperway.


01. We have followed many project strategies while we implement the program. We hadtochooseagoodkeypersontocoordinatetheprogram.Withoutthatdelayed theprogram.Thefirststrategyisgottheinvolvementofkeyperson.

02. Theotherstrategyweusedisdiscussionwiththemunicipalcouncilandwithother stakeholders of the city because they didnt realize the important of the program. Weconductedameetinganddiscuswiththemandexplainedaboutthevalueofthe program and the benefits of the program to the city and the municipal council. Throughthiswecouldabletomotivatethem.

03. Another strategy we used is implementing the program through the community network because they also get the responsible to implement the program and it is easytogetthecommunityparticipationtoimplementtheprogram.Thecommunity participationandcontributionisveryhighinthisprogramandthisistheirprogram nowbecausetheygettingmanybenefitsoftheprogram.

04. .The other strategy was well communication with the all stakeholders. That was much useful to implement the program. We aware the all stakeholders about the verystepsoftheprogramandwehadagoodcommunicationwithdonorsandother stakeholders.

05. The other strategy was we got the labours from the area because people should contribute for this program. Some of people work voluntary. Through this action thisconstructionbecametheironeandthereisnoneedtokeepawatcherinnight because they protect the row materials and biogas unit. With the community supportoftheareacouldabletofinishtheprograminsuccessfulway.

06. Conducting awareness programs are one of other strategy we used encourage to community as well as the municipal council officers. They didnt have a good knowledge about the program and we aware them step by step. Awareness was a good and strong material to success the program. Even we used the exchange programinlocallyandinternationallyforthesuccessofprogram.Throughthatthey couldabletogetagoodandclearideaabouttheprogramanditsbenefits.

07. Theothertechnicalstrategyweusedismadeastaircasebetweendomeandoutletto increase the pressure of the biogas. When waste dump to the biogas unit step by stepgoestotheoutlettank.Thatistheoneofwaytoincreasetheefficiencyandthe pressure of the biogas unit. Not even that that strategy also affects to increase the protectionofthebiogasunit.

08. Providing the biogas units under loan basis is one of our strategies we followed. Through this we could able to establish a revolving fund to expand the program continues.Atthismomentpeoplerealizethebenefitsoftheprogramandtheyready togetthebiogasunitsunderloanbasis.Forthefirsttimeweprovidedtwobiogas unitsunderloanbasiswithsmallinterestnowtheyarerepayingtheloan.

09. Fixing the sulfur meter is one of strategy we used to protect the biogas unit. Through the sulfur meter can filter the sulfur and water vapour. If doesnt filter thosethingsbiogascookerwillcorrosivesoonandifbiogasleakthereisamassive smellsothroughthiswefilteritandprotecttheequipments.

10. Theotherthingisusingthemanometertoprotectthedome.Ifinsidegasgeneration too much and no using there is a threat to break the dome but through the mano meter can easily release the methane without any damage to dome. This is one of safety valve to protect the biogas unit. On the other hand can easily measure the biogaspressure.


Our first issue is to establish the strong monitoring committee before reach to that goal we conducted a meeting in GMC office with participation of all stakeholders andawarethemwhatistheprogramanditsbenefitsforthecityaswellasforthe environment on that time decided to develop this concept and make a strong committee for implement this program in success way because that we decided to implementthiswithinvolvementandcontributionofallimportantstakeholdersof thecityanditishardthingtobringthemallforonegoal. The second thing is to get attention and attraction of the people because we chose manyindependentsmallgroupsofthecity.Weconsidergivingthischancetomany small groups of the city some of people didnt know about biogas unit and its benefits.Wehadtoawarethemfrombeginninglevelandthatwasmuchhardwork forus. Another issue is heavy monsoon to down south during the construction time. Several times we had to stop the works because of this reason. After finish the cementworkswehavetodumpthewarmcowdungtogeneratethemethanegas. Due to the heavy rain we could not able to find warm cow dung. We had to wait severaldaystofinishtheheavyrain.

After that we had collected warm cow dung in small scale and we went to many places to collect the necessity. When we construct the biogas units we use now temporarysheetasaroof.Underthatsheetweconstructthebiogasunit.

WhenweinstallthebiogasunitinMagallewehaveplannedtoconnectthetoiletsto thisbiogasunit.Sopeoplehadabadattitudeaboutthistheydidntliketousethe biogaswithconnectedtoilets.ThenweconductedawarenessprogramaboutValue and Benefits of the biogas. Step by step we have explained about the benefits and thereisnoharmusingtheseweragetogeneratethebiogas.Afterthatpeopleagreed toconnectedthetoiletsandusethebiogas. One of issue is lack of spaces in urban areas and people request biogas unit and thereisnocapabilityforconstructthebiogasunits.Wehavetofindaquicksolution for this and we started new experiment for solve this lack of space problem. We tested some biogas units with fiber and that can use as a portable biogas unit for domesticlevel.

The first lesson is how to implement Make Galle Bio Energy City Concept in successful way with the involvement of the many stakeholders. Even main stakeholders are the Government institutions and private sector. We have to get theirattentionandcooperationfortheprogram. Evenwelearntabouttheimportantoftheintegratedapproachforsolvethewaste problemandhowthateffectinacitylevelbecausethisisnotonlyourprogramand wedividedinacitylevelandallparticipantsoftheCommitteegottheresponsible toimplementandmonitortheprogram. We learnt how to promote renewable energy source among various sectors of the city and how to make a good mechanism through integrated approach. We implementedthisthroughthisprogramanditisverysuccess. The other thing we could learned is the team work and listen to others ideas and discussion because when we implemented all activities we didnt try to push our ideatoaccepttoothers.Thenwesuggestedandallparticipantsarediscussaboutit andmakefinalizethen. Theotherlearntthingishowtodevelopourconstructiontechnologywhenwework in high water table land. We had to follow very strong and specific construction methods to build one biogas unit and through that we developed our biogas technology. Theotherleantthingistheimportantofthesharingtheexperienceamongvarious communities of the city. When people are seeing the benefits of the biogas their views and attitudes has been changed. Even that is one of success key for implementingtheprogramwithcommunitybasisandinstitutionalleveltoo. The best leant thing is we can apply to minimize the waste through biogas within citylevelandforprovidethesustainablesolutiontoenergyproblemtoo.Noteven that we realize that we can market this product in very success way and we can implementthisconceptwithinmanyplacesinacitylevel. The other lesson is how to change the peoples attitude because when we aware themwecanusethehumanwasteforgeneratethemethanemostofthemdidntlike tothatthenwebroughtthosepeopletobiogasunitthatconnecthumanwasteand showed them there is no bad smell of gas and no bad smell of foods that use to preparethatgas.Throughthattheirviewhasbeenchanged.Andthatisoneofkey turningpointoftheprogram.

Theeffectiveissohugebecausenowpeopleattitudeschangedaboutthewastebecause previous the waste was a problem but now waste became a resource for them. Now waste has a value now. On the other hand we could able to introduce good and sustainablerenewableenergysourceforthegrassrootlevelcommunity.Anothereffect of the program is HELPO got an opportunity to implement same program in Trincomalee city with the success of USAID SARI ENERGY Program. Even we have decidedtoconstructfivebiogasunitswithinthisprogrambutwecouldabletofinish09 biogasunitsinvariousplacesandinstitutions.

Now people dont put the waste in irregular way and people adapt to alternative energysourceandthatisenvironmentfriendly.Nowthroughthisunitwecanreduce the methane gas emission to air. This is really effect to Global warming and Climate Changeandfortheenergyproblem.ThisisasmallstepthatwehavetakeninSriLanka levelbuttheeffectislargewhenweconsideraboutthisinGlobalLevel.Nowprivate sector and government sector also promoting this renewable energy source for their beneficiaries.

Othermajoreffectisotherlocalauthoritiesareinterestingaboutthecommunitybiogas conceptbecausetheycouldabletorealizetheeffectiveandbenefitsofthebiogasunit. Now Government policy has been changed because they know biogas is profitable thinganditiscosteffective.Nowgovernmentdecidedtoexpandthebiogasconceptin National Wide already theyaretaking necessarystepstointroduce thistechnology to Prison,Hospitals,andGovernmentInstitutionswiththesupportofGovernment.


1. Popularrenewableenergysourceamongthepeople 2. MinimizethewastefromWasteGenerationPlace 3. Addavaluetothewasteandwastebecomesaresources 4. MinimizetheMethanegasemissiontoair 5. DecreasetheEnvironmentPollutionandwaterpollution 6. Increasetheknowledgeofpeopleaboutwastemanagementandrenewableenergy 7. Getthecommunityparticipationtowastemanagement 8. DecreasetheLPGasorFirewoodusage&Increaseincomeofbeneficiaryfamilies 9. MinimizethePOPgasemissiontoair 10. Decreasetheirregularwastedumping&Diseasesaffectfromthewaste. 11. Increasetheethnicandinterrelationshipsofthepeople 12. DecreasetheMunicipalcostformanagethewaste


One of the best products of the biogas unit is Organic Compost Manure. This automatically comes fromthebiogasunit.Thisis highlyeffective for cultivation. At this moment we have printed a label and ithasamarket value.The one oforganic compost bottle they sell Rs.20.00 and this is one of good income for the village peoples company branch. We have enough requests for this compost manure from the cultivators. The biogas beneficiariesalreadystartedthe cultivation withusingthe Biofertilizer.Thisfertilizer canusefor manyways oneiswecanusethis asamanure and secondwayistopest controlandthirdwayishormone.

Fromourprogramsweawarethegrassrootlevelcommunityabouttheworthofthebio fertilizer. Even they can get environment friendly and healthy foods for their needs. Manybeneficiariesalreadystartedthecultivation.Thepeopleusednewtechnologyto cultivation and they used waste plastic items. On the other hand this is another environment friendly effect in village level. Through this biogas we could not able to providethegasformanyfamiliesbutmostofpeopleareusingtheorganicfertilizerfor cultivation.NowHotelsandotherinstitutionsarelookingtostartthecultivationfrom the Bio Fertilizer. This system is another good income for the grass root level communitybecausetheycanreducetheexpenseforthevegetable.Amongthepeople thissystemisgettingmorepopularbecauseitiseasytouseandveryeffective.

ThegovernmentorganizedHomegardeningcompetitionwithintheGalledistrictand one of our beneficiaries could able to get an award for her garden. Not even that throughthisprogramwecouldabletoariasthemutualunderstandingandteamwork amongthemembersbecausetheyhelptoeachotherstostartthehomegarden.


ThenextphaseoftheprogramistoexpandthisprogramtoTrincomaleecitybecause that is one of main cities of the East Province of the Sri Lanka and enrich with many naturalresources.Oneofthemainproblemswediscoverediscuttingtreesforenergy source and waste problem in city. The city is quick developing city and their energy needs are much higher than other cities and introduce renewable energy sources are veryless.Becauseofthereasonswehavedecidedtoimplementthiskindofprogramin TrincomaleecitywiththesupportofUNEP.

Not even that we have planned to expand the biogas technology to other municipal councilsofthecountrybecauseduringthelastfewmonthswecouldabletoimplement many biogas units in many places. This we expect to implement in community level becausewehavearequesttoconstructthebiogasunits.Ontheotherhandweexpectto promote the biogas units under loan basis within private sector and community level andwegettingrequestsfrommanyplacesnow.

HELPO established a company for construct biogas units. This registered under the CompanyactofSriLankaandwillprovidethetechnicalandotherassistancethatneed. At this moment we dont have enough technical staff for implement this kind of programandexpecttoconductmoretechnicalprogramsinlargescale.Alsowehopeto increasetheknowledgeofthetechnicalstaff.ThenameofthecompanyisHELPOEco GreenCompany.


AsaprojectimplementedorganizationHELPOwishestothanksfortheorganizations that funded for this program. USAID South Asia Regional Initiative for Energy (SARI Energy) Program was funded for the program. Without their funding support we would not able to implement this program in proper way. We highly appreciate their cooperationandsupporttoimplementthisprogram.Evenwewouldliketothanksto the other stakeholders of the program for supporting to us and encourage us to implementthisprogram.

ThenwewouldliketothankstoGalleMunicipalcouncilforsupportingtousforthis programandbeenactivepartoftheprogram.CentralEnvironmentAuthorityisoneof mainstakeholderthatsupportedtoustosuccessthisprogramandUrbanDevelopment Authority also gave the full of cooperation for us. Even Chamber of commerce gave huge support to promote this concept within the private sector. Finally our best stakeholder for this program is grass root level community and CBO which largely supportedustomakethisdreamreality.

HELPOwouldliketogivethesinceregratitudeforbelowmentionorganizationsand institutionsforsupportingandcooperationforthisprogram

PrisonDepartmentSriLanka MinistryofEnvironmentandNaturalResources SriLankaNavy SriLankaArmy SriLankaPolice MinistryofHealthSriLanka MinistryofEducationandschoolsofGalle MinistryofScienceandTechnology SouthernProvinceDevelopmentAuthority PracticalActionOrganization MinistryofFisheriesCulturalAffairs,FoodsupplyandDistribution,Tradeand CooperativeSouthernProvince


TheSouthAsiaRegionalInitiativeforEnergy(SARI/Energy)programwaslaunchedin 2000 to promote energy security through increased trade, investment and access to cleansourcesofpowerandfuel.Sincethen,SARI/Energyhasreachedouttomorethan 4000 participants in the region on clean energy trade, energy efficiency, rural energy supply,energyregulation,energystatistics,andprivatesectorinvolvement.

Countriesintheregionimportovertwothirdsoftheirhydrocarbonresourcesandare seeking ways to diversify supply sources. Significant untapped energy resources exist within the region. Energy sharing and cooperation could dramatically improve the regional supplydemand scenario and enhance energy security for the individual countries of South Asia. SARI/Energy works to promote technical and institutional frameworks for regional energy planning and infrastructure investment involving crossborder trade in energy. Promoting regional power exchanges and developing regional power transmission networks helps provide access to untapped energy resources,andalsotoassurethereliabilityofenergysupplyandmutualsupporttothe nationsofSouthAsia.

ThenetworkofenergysectorprofessionalsinAfghanistan,Bangladesh,Bhutan,India, Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan, and Sri Lanka created by SARI/Energy, has led to widespreadsharingofbestpractices,modelsofinstitutionalreformandrestructuring, anddocumentedperformanceimprovement.Theseprofessionalsarehelpingtoputin place the building blocks for more robust regional trade and sustainable economic development.

SARI/Energysponsored training, capacity building, and networking have contributed tothewritingofenergysectorrestructuringlawsthroughouttheregion.Theprogram supports institutional and organizational changes that make the sector more market driven and better equipped to address the needs of underserved consumers. In addition, the program has identified significant opportunities for catalyzing private sectorinvestmentsinregionalenergyinfrastructure.

NGO(nongovernmentorganization)basedinGalleinSriLankasSouthernProvince. HELPOwasformedin1993withtheaimsof

helpingpeopletosecuretheirhumanrights; protectingtheenvironmentforthefutureand; strengtheningthecommunitytowardsindependentdevelopment

Following the South Asian tsunami in December 2004, HELPO became involved in a rangeofprogramstohelpcommunitiesrecoverfromthedisaster.Ourworkaspartof the relief effort has included developing housing for displaced people, reconstructing community facilities and providing advice, assistance and microfinance to small businesses.

Our vision is of a world with social justice and environmentallyfriendly economic development. Our mission is to support vulnerable communities in Sri Lanka to identifytheirneedsanddevelopsolutionsthroughpartnershipswithstakeholders.

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