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As you move from left to right across the periodic table: atomic radius decreases atomic radius increases

ionization energy decreases electronegativity decreases

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As you move from top to bottom down the periodic table: a change in atomic radius cannot be predicted atomic radius decreases electronegativity decreases ionization energy increases
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Which of the following are all properties of nonmetals? usually donate electrons easily, typically brittle in the solid form, poor conductors of heat usually gain electrons easily, poor conductors of heat, poor conductors of electricity usually gain electrons easily, good conductors of heat and electricity usually donate electrons easily, metallic luster, good conductors of heat
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Q: Which of the following element groups are considered types of metals? basic metals only basic metals, transition elements, halogens transition elements, basic metals, alkali metals, alkaline earths, halogens transition elements, basic metals, rare earths, alkali metals, alkaline earths Where would you expect to find the smallest atoms of elements in the periodic table?

top and lefthand side top and righthand side bottom and lefthand side bottom and righthand side

Which of these elements has the largest atomic radius? aluminum calcium fluorine potassium ans sulfur Which of these elements has the smallest atomic radius? potassium iron arsenic bromine krypton ans Which of these elements has the highest first ionization energy? oxygen beryllium fluorine ans carbon boron Which of these elements has the lowest first ionization energy?

sodium-ans aluminum phosphorus sulfur chlorine Which of these elements has the highest electronegativity? lithium nitrogen ans potassium arsenic beryllium Which of these elements has the highest electron affinity? astatine iodine bromine chlorine ans Q: As you move up and to the right on the periodic table: atomic radius increases and electronegativity increases atomic radius decreases and electronegativity increases ans atomic radius increases and electronegativity decreases atomic radius decreases and electronegativity decreases
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Which of the following elements, which is commonly encountered as a diatomic gas, makes up most of the earth's atmosphere?

H C N O F Ne Which electron configuration would you expect to see for a magnesium atom in its ground state? 1s22s22p5 1s22s22p6 1s22s22p63s1 1s22s22p53s2 1s22s22p63s2 Which of the following ions would have the smallest ionic radius? O2FMg2+ Al3+ ans
he electrons in a nonpolar covalent bond are: gained lost shared equally shared unequally Q: What is the charge on the ions formed by the alkaline earth metals? +1 +2 ans -1 -2

Q: The bond between sulfur (electronegativity value 2.5) and chlorine (electronegativity value 3.0) would be: not formed ionic polar covalent nonpolar covalent What is the formula for the ion which has 17 protons and 18 electrons? Cl+ ClAr+ ArQ: How many electrons are gained/lost by magnesium and what is the charge on the ion that it forms? loses 2 electrons to form a magnesium ion with a 2- charge gains 2 electrons to form a magnesium ion with a 2- charge loses 2 electrons to form a magnesium ion with a 2+ charge gains 2 electrons to form a magnesium ion with a 2+ charge
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Chemical Bonds (Ionic and Covalent) Quiz Test your knowledge of ionic and covalent bonds.
1. N has 5 valence electrons and it is diatomic. How many covalent bonds are there in a N2

molecule ? (1 point) single double triple 2. An atom that has lost or gained electrons becomes a (an) _______. (1 point)

proton electron ion 3. The bond formed when Mg combines with O2 is _____. (1 point) ionic covalent metallic 4. Hydrogen Fluoride has a (an) ________ bond and its chemical formula is ________. (1 point) covalent, HF ionic, HF covalent, H2F 5. Covalent bond is formed between atoms of ________. (1 point) metals non-metals metals and non-metals 6. Magnesium Bromide is a (an) ________ compound. (1 point) metallic covalent ionic 7. Calcium Oxide is a (an) _____ compound and the formula for Calcium Oxide is ________. (1 point) covalent, CaO2 ionic, CaO ionic, CaO2 8. Ionic bond is formed between atoms of ________ and _______. (1 point) metals and non-metals metals non-metals

9. Metals tend to _______ electrons to become _____ ions. (1 point)

lose, positive gain, negative lose, neutral 10. Non-metals tend to _______ electrons to be come ________ ions. (1 point) lose, positive gain, negative lose, neutral 11. Write the chemical formula for a compound that has one Calcium atom and 2 Chlorine atoms. Predict the bond between them. (1 point) CaCl2, ionic CaCl2, covalent Ca2Cl, ionic 12. In a covalent bond, electrons are _______. (1 point) lost or gained shared none of the above 13. When a Cl atom gains an electron, it gets a charge of ________. (1 point) -1 +1 0 14. Charged atoms are called as _____. (1 point) protons electrons ions 15. The process of becoming an ion from an atom is called as ________. (1 point) ionization electrolysis

electron affinity 16. From the list of elements given, select 2 elements that would likely form an ionic bond. K, C, Br, Ar. (1 point) K, Br Ar, C K, Ar 17. The chemical formula of the product formed from the reaction between Mg and O2 is _______. (1 point) MgO2 MgO Mg2O 18. When a Na atom, loses one electron, it gets a charge of _______. (1 point) -1 +1 0 19. How is the bond in F2 different from the bond in KCl ? (1 point) F2 is covalent and KCl is ionic F2 is ionic and KCl is ionic F2 is ionic and KCl is covalent 20. Oxygen has 6 valence electrons and it is diatomic. How many covalent bonds are there in an O2 molecule ? (1 point) single double triple 21. In an ionic bond, electrons are _________ or _______. (1 point) lost or gained shared none of the above
7. In metallic bonding... A) Some electrons are redistributed so they are shared by all the atoms as a whole.

B) One atom takes the outer shell electrons from another atom. C) A couple of atoms share their electrons with each other. D) Bonding takes place between positively charged areas of one atom with a negatively charged area of another atom.


Chemical Bonding Quiz

9. "Chemical Bonding" Module 10. Visionlearning - an interactive practice exercise. (1) What does Gilbert Lewis's theory of chemical bonding state? (a) A chemical bond is formed when an atom's electrons interact with each other (b) All of the choices (c) Atoms bond together to fill their valence shells (d) The most stable configuration for many elements is one that contains eight valence electrons (2) What are the two main types of chemical bonds? (a) ionic bonding and covalent bonding (b) nonpolar covalent bonding and covalent bonding (c) polar bonding and covalent bonding (d) simple bonding and ionic bonding (3) Which particles play the most active role in chemical bonding? (a) electrons (b) neutrons (c) protons (d) valence electrons (4) An ionic bond is formed when electrons are: (a) completely destroyed (b) completely transferred (c) divided (d) equally shared (5) Due to the fact that Ionic compounds have strong intermolecular forces they are ____________ at room temperature. (a) bonded covalently (b) gases (c) liquids (d) solids

(6) Ionic bonds form between which elements in the periodic table? (a) metals and metalloids (b) metals and nonmetals (c) noble gases and metalloids (d) noble gases and nonmetals (7) A covalent bond is formed when electrons are: (a) destroyed (b) shared (c) split (d) transferred (8) Covalent bonds form between which elements in the periodic table? (a) a metal and metalloid (b) two metalloids (c) two metals (d) two nonmetals (9) In a polar covalent bonding, electrons are: (a) completely transferred (b) destroyed (c) equally shared (d) unequally shared (10) In a nonpolar covalent bonding, electrons are: (a) completely transferred (b) destroyed (c) equally shared (d) unequally shared (11) What kind of bonding occurs in the water molecule? (a) covalent bond (b) ionic bond (c) nonpolar covalent bond (d) polar covalent bond (12) What type of bonding exists in the N2 molecule? (a) covalent-ionic

(b) ionic bond (c) nonpolar covalent bond (d) polar covalent bond (13) When a partial electrical charge exists across a molecule, it is called a(n): (a) dipole (b) ion (c) ionic compound (d) nonpolar bond 39. Inert gases do not react with any other element because their outermost electron level is filled with 8 electrons. their nucleus is very small. the temperature is not high enough. the pressure is not high enough.

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