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220 artigo <> 1768 Grupos de notcias: comp.dcom.modems,, netcom.modems Caminho: De: (Wolfgang Henke) Assunto: Re: Modems FAQ Message-ID: <> Remetente: (Usenet News) Nntp-Posting-Host: Organizao: WH Networks X-Newsreader: TIN [verso 1.2 PL2] References: <33kibp $ pfc @ status> Date: Fri, 27 ago 1994 05:19:12 GMT Linhas: 2056 Xref: comp.dcom.modems 65135 4712 netcom.modems: 1768 Este arquivo foi apresentada por Karl Willdig. / pub / wolfgang / ModemsFAQ.txt: O Que Voc Precisa Saber sobre Modems -------==================================------31 de maio de 1992 Revisado agosto de 1994 Verso 1,1 3,0 ================================================== ===================== Eu atualizei isso, eu diria que de domnio pblico, se o original autor atualizadas isso, ento eu nunca vi a atualizao, e tenho certeza que ele no se importaria me mud-lo e redistribu-la. Este documento pode ser livremente redisbruted aslong, uma vez que no usado para ou seja, de lucro, em uma revista, sem que eu e os autores originais permisso. Copyright (c) 1994-1995 Karl Willdig & Patrik Chen. Todos os direitos reservados. Se voc tiver qualquer problema com isso, ento voc pode, se voc realmente tem que contacte-me em Eu incentivar os fabricantes a fazer assim e me atualizar sobre a informao para que eu possa continuar atualizando isso. ================================================== ==================== AVISO DE DISTRIBUIO: Este documento pode ser distribudo por via electrnica quadros de avisos e comercial on-line de servios. Este documento pode no ser editado ou alterado de alguma forma para a redistribuio. Este artigo foi parte de um livro em trs partes / relatrio intitulado "A Alegria de Telecomputing. " medida que um arquivo ASCII, no pode conter qualquer um dos as ilustraes e elementos grficos fornecidos no impresso verso. Este artigo deve ser til para qualquer pessoa interessada em alta velocidade modems (ou 2400 bps modems com MNP5 ou V.42bis). A maioria dos modems mencionados neste artigo so unidades externas. Esses modems podem ser usado em qualquer sistema de microcomputador, seja ele um PC, um Macintosh ou um Amiga. Apesar de apenas certos programas de comunicao so usados como exemplos, a discusses sobre a configurao de software se aplicam aos pacotes no abrangidos neste documento. Supe-se que o leitor sabe o bsico sobre ir online. Por exemplo, ns no seria discutir a forma de conectar um modem externo para seu computador, nem explicar o que 8-N-1 significa. Todo esforo foi feito para fornecer informaes atuais e precisas. No entanto, as informaes contidas neste documento esto sujeitas a alteraes sem aviso prvio e no deve ser interpretado como um compromisso por parte do autor que no assume nenhuma responsabilidade por quaisquer erros que possam aparecer. Marcas: O autor tem tentado ao longo deste documento para distinguir marcas proprietrias de termos descritivos, seguindo o estilo de capitalizao usada pelo fabricante. ================================================== =====================

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CONTEDO I. Introduo II. Protocolos de modulao 0. Viso geral do protocoles 1. 2400-bps modems 2. Modems de alta velocidade a. V.32 (9600) b. V.32bis (14.400) c. v.FC (Classe Fast) (28.800) d. Outros protocolos proprietrios (v.32terbo) e. EUA Robtica HST f. Telebit PEP e PEP Turbo g. Hayes Expresso 96 h. CompuCom CSP 3. Que est por vir a. V.34 b. V.36 c. ISDN 4. Outras Normas e protocoles III. Protocolos de Controle de erro 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. V.42 e MNP4 V.42 e MNP4 pode fornecer livre de erros conexes V.42 e MNP4 pode melhorar o rendimento Protocoles Correo outro erro So MNP 4 e V.42 til?

IV. Protocolos de compresso de dados 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. MNP5 e V.42bis So MNP5 e V.42bis til? Compresso por software vs MNP5/V.42bis Controle de fluxo local e buffer de dados Macintosh e modems de alta velocidade PC e UART Amiga Serial

V. Cellular protocoles 1. 2. 3. 4. ETC - AT & T HST - USRobotics Zycellular - Zyxcel MNP 10

VI. Sobre Fax Modems 1. Protocolos a. Grupo 3 b. V.27ter c. V.29 d. V.17 e. CAS f. Classe 1 e Classe 2 2. Quo til um fax modem? VII. A compra de um modem de alta velocidade 1. Voc deve pagar mais por um modem V. FC? 2. Se voc comprar um modem com uma modulao de propriedade protocolo? 3. Se voc comprar um modem 2400 bps com V.42bis? 4. Padres que voc pode contar em Modems 5. PCMCIA bolso / ou Modems Normal? 6. Interna ou modems externos? VIII. Configurao de Software para trabalhar com modems de alta velocidade 1. a. Configurao de velocidade b. Transferncia de arquivos protocoles a. ASCII

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c. d. e. f. g. h. i. j. k.

b. Xmodem c. Xmodem-1K d. Ymodem e. Ymodem-g f. Zmodem g. Kermit h. FTP que voc deve usar? 8-N-1 ou 7-E-1 (bits de dados de paridade / / stop bits) Comprimento de dados Paridade Stop Bits Controle de fluxo por hardware (RTC / CTS - Xon / Xoff) Comm Porto Emulao de terminal Seqncia de inicializao Tipo de discagem (tom ou pulso)

IX. Configurando Software Comunicaes Popular para trabalhar com Modems de alta velocidade 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Procomm 2,0 Telix Qmodem HyperAccess 5 Crosstalk para Windows Microfone II (para Macintosh) White Knight (para Macintosh) ZTerm (para Macintosh) NComm (Amiga)

Concluses X. X.1. Informaes para contato X.2. Obrigado ================================================== ===================== I. Introduo ---------------------Comprar e usar um modem usado para ser relativamente fcil. No h muito tempo, quase todos os modems eram 2.400 bps unidades e todos eles eram compatveis com o Smartmodems Hayes (embora alguns fossem mais compatveis com Hayes que outros). Como o tempo mudaram. Hoje, no s modems correr mais rpido, eles tambm so carregados com caractersticas como o controle de erro e compresso de dados. De repente, voc se depara com todos os chaves: V.32, V.32bis, V.42, V.42bis, MNP5, LAP-M, etc O que eles significam? E o que eles significam para voc? Para tirar o mximo partido de um modem de alta velocidade, voc precisa entender trs diferentes tipos de protocolos e as relaes entre eles. Eles so os protocolos de modulao, protocolos de controle de erros e dados protocolos de compresso. II. Protocolos de modulao --------------------------------Modem significa modulador / demodulador. Um modem converte digitais sinais gerados pelo computador em sinais analgicos que podem ser transmitidos atravs de uma linha telefnica e transforma analgico de entrada sinais em seus equivalentes digitais. As tcnicas especficas utilizadas para codificar os bits digitais em analgicos sinais so chamados de protocolos de modulao. A modulao vrios protocolos definem os mtodos exatos de codificao e transferncia de dados velocidade. Na verdade, voc no pode ter um modem sem protocolos de modulao. Um modem normalmente suporta mais de uma protocolos de modulao. A velocidade crua (sem a velocidade de compresso de dados) de um modem determinado pelos protocolos de modulao. Modems de alta velocidade so modems que apresentam protocolos de modulao de 9600 bps ou superior. A 2400-bps modem com compresso de dados que podem, teoricamente, produzir um 9600 bps rendimento no um modem de alta velocidade. "CCITT" um acrnimo francs para o Telegraph Internacional e Comit Consultivo telefone. CCITT, uma agncia das Naes Unidas,

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um comit de padres internacionais de telecomunicaes que faz recomendaes sobre uma ampla gama de assuntos dados relativos comunicaes. CCITT recentemente mudou seu nome para ITU-T para ambos os termos so utilizados neste. II.0. Viso geral do protocoles DUPLEX MODEM NORMAS DE TRANSMISSO ITU APROVADOS Bell V.21 Bell V.22 V.23 103 300bps padro EUA. 300bps. 212A 1200bps padro EUA. 1200bps com queda de volta para 600bps 1200bps com o canal de volta 75bps, cair de volta para 600bps/75bps Utilizado pelo servio de videotexto brasileiro e europeu. V.22bis 2400bps com queda de volta para V.22 V.32 9600bps com queda de volta 4800bps V.32bis 14400bps com queda de volta para 12000bps, 9600bps, 7200bps e 4800bps V.34 28800bps. Aprovado 6/9/94. Anteriormente chamado de V. FAST. Inclui: o "linha de sondagem", para testar a confiabilidade de uma conexo. o 28800bps transmisso half-duplex para aparelhos de fax. o retorno para srie existentes V-modems. o canal de 200bps para dados de controle do modem. o Trellis codificao para corrigir rudo na linha. o aperto de mo com telefone equipamentos de rede. * HALF-DUPLEX MODEM NORMAS Transmisin (usado para FAX): V.27ter 4800bps com queda de volta 2400bps V.29 9600bps com queda de volta para 7200bps e 4800bps V.17 14400bps com queda de volta para 12000bps, 9600bps e 7200bps V.34 28800bps. PROPRIEDADE protocolos de transmisso: V.32terbo 19200bps, com queda de volta para 16800bps. Desenhado por AT & T, e domnio pblico, de modo que qualquer fabricante pode usar este padro e colocar -lo em seus modems. V. FC "V. rpido Classe" 28800bps padro da indstria defacto, por Rockwell e Hayes. No uma recomendao ITU-T, apesar da "V." prefixo. Fornecedores de modem incompatvel com V.34, mas muitos podem oferecer dual-padro modems. Atualmente, todos os modems que so v.FC so expansvel at v.34. HST 9600bps/14.4kbps/16.8kbps/21kbps/24kbps "Tecnologia de Alta Velocidade", Protocolo EUA Robtica "duplex de propriedade plena. USR pe para fora modems HST que use, modems que usam V.32bis, e modems que suportam ambos padres, chamados de "dual-padro". o canal de volta apenas 75 ou 300 bps, dependendo da verso do HST sendo usado. PEP "Packetized Ensemble Protocol", 9600bps proprietria do Telebit meia de correo de erros duplex protocolo. Relatado para sustentar ruidosos melhor do que as conexes V.32. TurboPEP uma melhoria, e pode alcanar 24000bps ou mais. Expresso 96 "Ping Pong Protocol", protocolo proprietrio Hayes "9600bps. CSP "Speed CompuCom Protocol", protocolo proprietrio CompuCom de 9600bps. Em 1992, a Champ SpeedModem foi o nico que era mais barato que V.32, mas CompCom saiu do negcio. II.1. 2400-bps Modems A 2400-bps modem compatvel com Hayes normalmente suporta os seguintes protocolos de modulao: Bell 103 (300 bps U. S. Standard) Bell 212A (1200 bps U. S. Standard) CCITT V.22 (1200 bps padro fora os EUA) CCITT V.22bis (2400 bps International Standard) Cerca de 2.400 bps modems tambm suportam os seguintes protocolos: CCITT V.21 (300 bps padro fora os EUA) CCITT V.23 (1200/75 e 75/1200 bps, utilizado na Europa)

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No passado, a maioria dos 2400 bps modems no suportam qualquer correo de erros ou protocolos de compresso de dados. Recentemente, no entanto modem, muitos fabricantes introduziram 2400-bps modems com recursos extras, como compresso de dados, correo de erros ea capacidade de fax. A maioria Fax 2400 modems capazes s pode enviar ou receber faxes, e no tanto, ou apenas em 4800 ou 9600. II.2. Modems de alta velocidade H quatro protocolos de modulao padro para modems de alta velocidade: V.32, V.32bis, e v32terbo v.FC. v.32 e V.32bis so padres estabelecido pelo CCITT. v32terbo um padro de fato para 19,2 e v.FC (chamada s vezes incorretamente v.FAST) um padro de fato para 28,8 k. II.2.a. V.32 Este o padro para 9600 (e 4800) modems bps. CCITT V.32 adoptada pela CCITT em 1984. Mas o mercado no decolou at 1990. V.32 modems custava mais de modems usando proprietrias modulao protocolos (Hayes introduziu o Smartmodem 9600, um V.32 modem, em 1988, com um preo de US $ 1999). Mas no mais verdade. Empresas que fazem modems com protocolos de modulao proprietrios so fazendo com modems "padro duplo". U. S. Robotics, Telebit, Hayes e CompuCom todos tm modems que suportam V.32 e seus proprietrios prpria protocolos. V.32 agora apenas protocole uma alternativa para a maioria das pessoas, como tem sido substitudo com V.32bis ou modems 14.4k. No muitos fabricantes de modem continuar a fazer modems v.32 anymore. Isto porque modems V.32bis o mesmo custo para fazer e a diferena de velocidade no constitui a necessidade de v.32. II.2.b. V.32bis V.32bis, estabelecido no incio de 1991, o padro CCITT para 14.400 bps modems. Um modem V.32bis tambm pode cair de volta para 12000, 9600, 7200 e 4800 bps. V.32bis descendente compatvel com V.32. Como 2400-bps modems, onde um nico protocolo de modulao (V.22bis) suportado por todos os fabricantes de modem. O mesmo se aplica para V.32bis, mas existem vrios proprietrios (no-padro) protocolos de modulao utilizada por modems de diferentes fabricantes. Trs exemplos notveis so o U. S. Robtica HST, Telebit PEP e Zyxcel. II.2.c. v.FC O padro atual para modems 28.8k. Esta uma defacto padro lanado pela Rockwell (O fabricante de chips). No papel isso est longe inferioir a v.34 mas 1.000.000 modems devem estar usando este protocole at o final de 1994. Todos esses modems ser atualizvel v.34 para a UIT aprovou 28.800 padro e que venha a ser uma questo de tempo que todos eles so atualizados. A principal razo que as pessoas no vo atualizar para v.34 de v.FC aqueles modems interposto fora os EUA. Como alguns fabricantes dizem que no vo atualizar um modem non-US, eo custo de obteno de e para os EUA pode significar as pessoas optam por no atualizar o modem, mas felizmente, espera-se que no v.34 modems fallback para v.FC faro parte do chipset. No mercado so basicamente trs modelos diferentes de modems v.FC que tm o seu prprio caminho de atualizao e funcionalidades; 1. USR Courier modem 28.8k parece ser o melhor do grupo, com um atualizao promessa grtis via FlashROM para v.34. O Modem 28,8 k Courier sendo chamado de modem v.everything porque o modem s que faz todos os protocoles v.xxxxxx incluindo v.32terbo que nenhum outro fabricantes oferecem em um modem 28.8k. 2. Soluo Completa modems ROCKWELL Chipset, estes incluem Zoom, Microcom ES, Boca e outras marcas mais baratas de modems no mercado. Esses modems so basicamente projetado pela Rockwell, e fez pela respectivas empresas, o nico desses modems que eu recomendo o ES Microcom, tanto como Zoom e modems Boca parecem ser menos confivel em hardware e software de nvel. 3. ROCKWELL DataPump controlador personalizado modems Cdigo, o FAST Microcom

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o modem que eu sei que, nesta categoria, mas tambm acredito que os modems PPI esto tambm nesta categoria. O FAST Microcom o primeiro modem que conheo com uma interface de porta paralela e serial e parecem ser os mais confiveis modem Rockwell base. 28,8 k PPI do modems s agora foi liberado, mas PPI tm uma boa reputao para modems de qualidade. A DSI v.FCi modem 28.8k tambm pode vir a esta categoria, mas, novamente, difcil obter informaes. II.2.d. Outros direitos de propriedade protocolos de modulao H modems usando outros protocolos de modulao proprietrios. Por exemplo, a Motorola Codex (uma subsidiria da Motorola Inc.) apenas anunciou a 326XFast Series de modems. Embora voc possa ver os modems referido como "", eles usam um protocolo proprietrio. Dois modems pode estabelecer uma conexo apenas quando eles compartilham uma protocolo de modulao comum. Para se conectar em alta velocidade, dois modems tm para suportar o protocolo mesma modulao de alta velocidade. Portanto, um modem com um protocolo de modulao proprietrios s podem estabelecer uma alta velocidade de conexo com outro modem do mesmo fabricante. A EUA Robotics modem HST s pode estabelecer uma conexo de alta velocidade (Em 9600 bps ou 14400) com outro HST ou um modem USR Padro Dual. Um modem HST Courier no pode estabelecer uma conexo de alta velocidade com uma Courier modem V.32bis. Eles s podem se conectar a 2400 bps. (Todos de alta modems de velocidade no mercado de apoiar o CCITT V.22bis modulao protocol). Por outro lado, dois modems V.32 podem falar uns com os outros em 9600 bps. Eles no tm que ser do mesmo fabricante. Dois V.32bis modems podem falar uns com os outros em 14400 bps. Um modem V.32 pode falar com um modem V.32bis a 9600 bps. O novo (1994) protocoles que todo mundo est falando so v32terbo o padro AT & T para transmisso de dados 19.2K (que BTW Domnio Pblico) e v.FC que prprio padro Rockwell 28.8k. modems v32terbo parecem estar vendendo bem, mas agora voc pode pegar um v.FC modem para um pouco de dinheiro extra para as vendas de modems tm v.32terbo caiu por causa disso. V.32terbo nunca ter um poro de mercado, porque foi lanado no muito antes de modems v.FC. modems v.FC que voc pode comprar em o mercado hoje ser atualizado para o ITU-T (International) padro de v.34, que ser o padro internacional para 28.800 transmisses de transmisso. Antes de comprar um modem v.FC verificar o quanto a atualizar para v.34 ser! II.2.e. U. S. Robtica HST At a recente onda de modems V.32bis, os EUA Robtica HST (High Velocidade Technology) foi o padro de facto na BBS baseada em PC da comunidade. EUA Robotics introduziu o modem HST Courier em 1986 e pioneira no mercado de modems de alta velocidade no PC IBM ambiente. A imensa popularidade do HST modems foi em parte devido para o programa generoso desconto EUA Robtica oferecido ao BBS Sysops (operadores de sistema). Muitos fabricantes de modem tm implementado programas de descontos semelhantes Sysop, mas a maioria dos sysops BBS permanecer leal o U. S. modems Robotics. O modem HST originais Courier correu em 9600 bps. U. S. Robtica tarde (Em 1989) melhorou a velocidade do HST Courier para 14.400 bps. Em Maro de 1992, EUA Robtica HST reforada a 16.800 bps (que produz um rendimento efetivo cerca de 2000 cps com arquivos compactados). Agora USR HST pode render uma 21.6k throughput. Embora EUA Robtica continua comprometido com o HST modems, nenhum outro fabricante de apoi-lo, e ele est sendo lentamente eliminados.

NOTA: O protocoles a seguir so includos mais do que para a histria atualmente utilizados protocoles. II.2.f. Telebit PEP e PEP Turbo

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Telebit introduziu o TrailBlazer em 1985, que empregou uma propriedade modulao protocolo chamado PEP (Packetized Ensemble Protocol). Enquanto o HST Courier popular entre os BBS, modems Telebit dominar o UNIX UUCP e comunidades Usenet. O TrailBlazer Alm disso deve seu sucesso, em parte, ao seu suporte builtin para o UUCP g-protocolo, permitindo assim que UUCP eficiente e sem falhas sesso. PEP tambm funciona bem mesmo com as linhas telefnicas ruidosos. O rendimento real de cerca de 14.400 bps. O Plus tem um TrailBlazer base instalada de mais de 120.000 unidades. No s no vai cair facilmente conexes, ele tambm no se degrada em passos enormes como outros protocolos fazer. Com V.32bis, por exemplo, se voc est rodando a 14,4 kbps e os modems tem que descer, eles passo para baixo a 12 kbps ou menor, para uma perda de pelo menos 15% de transferncia e com um atraso de vrios segundos para a reciclagem. PEP e TurboPEP queda baixo em incrementos de apenas alguns pontos percentuais, e no leva muito tempo para faz-lo, tampouco. Telebit tambm introduziu um modem mais barato do PEP (e mais lento), o T1000, em 1988. Como EUA Robotics, Telebit anunciou PEP Turbo que tem uma rendimento tranfer eficaz de dados de 2300 cps (com arquivos compactados). O WorldBlazer Telebit um modem dual-mode, que suporta tanto V.32bis e PEP Turbo. Telebit muito raro encontrar agora, como fabricantes de modem perceber a necessidade de ser compatvel protocoles properietary esto sendo eliminadas, o 3 s vai provavelmente ficar por mais um ano ou 2 e eles so HST, v32terbo e v.FC. II.2.g. Hayes Expresso 96 Hayes entrou na arena modem de alta velocidade em 1987 com a introduo do V-series Smartmodem 9600. O modem utilizado um proprietrio modulao protocolo chamado expresso de 96 (tambm conhecido como Hayes "Ping Pong" protocol). Os modems V-srie no ter sido to bem sucedido quanto o U. S. Robotics ou a modems Telebit. II.2.h. CompuCom CSP Enquanto todos os fabricantes de modem estava entrando na onda V.32, CompuCom contrariou a tendncia e saiu com a Champ SpeedModem em incio de 1991. um modem 9600 bps com uma modulao de propriedade protocolo chamado CSP (CompuCom Protocolo de velocidade). A Champ SpeedModem foi o modem apenas com um protocolo proprietrio que custa menos do que um genrico modem V.32. (The Champ SpeedModem interno foi fixado o preo em US $ 169. Uma verso externa foi de US $ 199.) Centenas de PC baseado em boletim sistemas de bordo instalado o Champ SpeedModem. A Champ tambm funciona como um Hayes compatvel com modem 2400 bps com controle de MNP2-MNP4 erro e MNP5 compresso de dados. (Infelizmente, CompuCom saiu do negcio por volta de 1992.) ================================================== ==================== II.3. Que est por vir ----------------------II.3.a v.34 Este o protocole junto ao ser dada a aprovao da UIT-T, no e-mail estgio de votao agora (julho de 94) deve ser lanado em modems e pela final de 94. Este protocole lentamente vai substituir o esperado 1000000 v.FC base de modem l fora, com atualizaes e compatibilidade com verses anteriores. II.3.B V.36 V.36 j est sendo falado, rumores dizem que ser 31250 o que realmente apenas um pequeno upgrade em 28.8k. ISDN (ver adiante) vai provavelmente ser o prximo grande passo em velocidade. II.3.c. ISDN

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Em um par de anos, pode no precisar de modems em tudo. Integrado Services Digital Network (ISDN) tem vindo h anos. Quando ser ISDN realmente tornar-se disponvel para o resto de ns? Depende de sua companhia telefnica local. Estima-se que at o final de 1997 cerca de metade das ligaes telefnicas em que os EUA tem acesso a -lo. Com ISDN, voc no vai precisar de um modem uma vez que no modulao ou demodulao ser necessrio. Voc vai precisar de um adaptador ISDN em seu lugar. Alemanha parece estar liderando o upgrade para ISDN Nova Zelndia tem muitos locais de teste, mas cerca de 200 empresas tm linhas ISDN. Dois nveis de ISDN so availible, a verso mais caro ter um maior largura de banda no sero cobertos aqui, como para as empresas com dinheiro para queimar (aps rasgar-nos fora;)), a verso mais barata discutidos abaixo. Uma linha ISDN tem trs canais digitais: dois canais "B" que transportar vrios tipos de dados em 64.000 bps e um "D" do canal a 16.000 bps que pode transportar sinais de controle ou servir como um canal de dados terceiros. Um nico canal ISDN pode transferir dados sem compresso bidirecionalmente em 64.000 bps. Combine isso com um esquema de compresso de dados e voc ser capaz de transferir dados a centenas de kilobits por segundo. Eventualmente, ISDN ir fornecer amplamente disponveis, de baixo custo digitais de comunicao para comunicao de voz e dados. At ISDN est firmemente no lugar, modems de alta velocidade estar conosco por um tempo. [Ralph Peters escreveu] Eu no uso ISDN mim. As vantagens so a maior transmisso taxa (64Kbit) (~ 7.000 CPS), a velocidade de conexo alta (tempo at conectar muito curto). As desvantagens so a maior correo de preos (Ca. 80/month DM). Com ISDN voc tem 2 linhas. Com o padro linhas analgicas, voc paga DM 40 para cada 2 linhas (DM 30 para o primeiro, DM 10 para a segunda linha). Assim, linhas analgicas so mais baratos. ISDN apenas econmica se voc tiver muitos dados para transmitir, ou se voc realmente precisa do maior velocidade. Uma desvantagem adicional da ISDN que voc no pode usar o antigo (analgico) telefones. Para voc, eles, voc precisar de um adaptador A / D para cada telefone, que custou DM 800 (!) cada. II.4. Outros padres e protocoles ---------------------------------------V.25bis Uma linguagem de comandos para modems. V.54 Modem padro de diagnstico, muitas vezes includos por modems V.32. V.18 interoperabilidade para dispositivos de comunicao para surdos. -RDIS ISDN o Integrated Services Digital Network. O que pode oferecem um grande nmero de novos servios atravs de linhas telefnicas analgicas a maioria de ns ainda esto usando. -ISDN Basic Rate Interface (BRI); Os fios carregar dois "canais B", cada uma capaz de 64kbps. H tambm uma 16kbps "canal D" normalmente usado apenas para sinalizao. V.24: Lista de definies para circuitos de intercmbio entre os dados equipamento terminal (DTE) e os dados do circuito de terminao equipamentos (DCE) V.110: Suporte de equipamentos terminais de dados (DTE), com V-series interfaces do tipo por uma rede digital de servios integrados (ISDN) V.58 , como apontado por outros, um CMIP conseguiu modelo de objeto para DCEs V Series (modems, por exemplo). Ele adota uma abordagem bloco de construo, com modelos para DTE interface, DataPump, interface de linha etc, para permitir que os vendedores para a construo de representaes da gama de dispositivos em o campo. A razo para usar CMIP ao invs de SNMP baixo para o ITU .. ser um corpo de telecomunicaes orientada tende a ser muito OSI orientado e CMIP o protocolo de gesto ISO. H planos em andamento para converter v.58 em trs formatos: (I) SNMP A MOT v.58 ser traduzido em uma MIB SNMP para permitir que o mesmo funcionalidade de gerenciamento essenciais que devem ser obtidos utilizando SNMP. (Ii) DMTF A Fora-Tarefa Desktop Management est olhando para a gesto de coisas e anexado a estaes de trabalho. H um trabalho em processo de

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converter v.58 para "MIF" format (o equivalente a um DMTF MIB). Este permitiria, por exemplo, um gerente SNMP em uma rede local para enviar uma mensagem a uma estao de trabalho LAN informaes anexado solicitando sobre o estado de um modem conectado estao de trabalho .. esta seria convertida dentro a estao de trabalho de uma operao SNMP em uma MIB para uma operao em um MIF. H uma vantagem evidente se o MIB e MIF so idnticos em funo. (Iii) Extended conjunto de comandos AT (V.25ter) H um projecto substancial do padro AT estendida conjunto de comandos, agora conhecido como V.25ter. Este usa o prefixo AT + como levar para um conjunto AT de comandos para configurao do modem. O comit concordou que o TIA funo de cada comando AT + deve ser baseada na estreita colaborao v.58 definies, portanto, permitindo fcil traduo da CMIP / SNMP / DMTF operaes para o equivalente comando AT.

III. Protocolos de Controle de erro ---------------------------------Alm de protocolos de alta velocidade de modulao, todos os modelos atuais de modems de alta velocidade tambm suporta controle de erros e compresso de dados protocolos. III.1. V.42 e MNP4 Existem dois padres para o controle de erro (erro de correo de erro, correo) protocolos: MNP 4 e V.42. A Rede Microcom Protocolo, MNP, desenvolvido por Microcom. MNP2 para MNP4 esto erro protocolos de correo. MNP5 um protocolo de compresso de dados. V.42 estabelecido pelo CCITT. V.42 realmente incorpora dois controle de erro esquemas. V.42 utiliza LAP-M (Link Access Procedure para Modems) como o esquema primrio e inclui MNP4 como esquema alternativo. Portanto, um modem V.42 ser capaz de estabelecer uma conexo de erro controlado com um modem que suporta apenas MNP 4. Um modem que usa um protocolo de modulao proprietrios tambm pode utilizar um no-padro de protocolo de controle de erro. Por exemplo, Hayes V-series Smartmodem 9600 suporta um protocolo de controle de erro chamado LAP-B. SpeedModem CompuCom da Champ tambm usa um controle de erros no-padro protocolo. III.2. V.42 & MNP4 pode fornecer conexes errorfree Modems sem protocolos de controle de erro, como a maioria dos 2.400 bps Hayes compatvel com modems, no pode fornecer dados livre de erros comunicaes. O rudo e outras anomalias linha telefnica esto alm as capacidades de qualquer modem padro para entregar dados livre de erros. V.42 (e MNP 2-4) lida com as perdas de linha de telefone atravs da filtragem o rudo de linha e automaticamente retransmitir dados corrompidos. Se voc tiver usado um modem Hayes compatvel com o padro, voc provavelmente notar alguns caracteres ilegveis (como "@ 8d_ \ nw` [ce ") aparecer no seu tela de tempos em tempos. Quando dois modems estabelecem uma erro controlado conexo, disse que esto a ter um link confivel e so capazes de filtrar os caracteres ilegveis causada pelo rudo na linha. Observe que o rudo de linha ainda est l, ele s faz no aparecem na tela ou a tela do sistema remoto. O processo de filtragem utilizada por V.42 (e MNP 2-4) semelhante ao esquema de correo de erros usado por protocolos de transferncia de arquivos (como Xmodem). Os dois modems usam um algoritmo sofisticado para se certificar de que os dados recebidos combinar com os dados enviados. Se houver um discrepncia, os dados so reenviados. Qual a diferena entre os protocolos de controle de erros (tais como V.42) e protocolos de transferncia de arquivos (como o Xmodem)? Por um lado, os protocolos de transferncia de arquivos fornece deteco de erros e correo apenas durante transferncias de arquivos. Protocolos de transferncia de arquivos no fornecer qualquer controle de erro quando voc estiver lendo mensagens de correio electrnico ou conversando com outras pessoas online. Em outras palavras, o controle de um erro protocolo "on" o tempo todo durante a sesso on-line e arquivo protocolos de transferncia esto "on" apenas algumas das vezes, ou seja, quando voc estiver enviando ou recebendo arquivos.

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Apesar de um protocolo de controle de erro "on" o tempo todo, ns ainda necessidade de protocolos de transferncia de arquivos, quando dois modems estabelecer um nexo link. Um modem funciona com streams bit, timing e tons. No entender o que um arquivo. Ao fazer o download ou upload de um arquivo, o seu software de comunicao precisa cuidar dos detalhes relacionados com a o arquivo: o nome do arquivo, tamanho, etc Isso tratado pelo arquivo protocolo de transferncia que faz mais do que de verificao de erros. Alguns protocolos de transferncia de arquivos, principalmente Ymodem-g e Imodem, so desenvolvido para lidar com a transferncia de arquivos sem executar qualquer verificao de erros. A idia de usar um protocolo como Ymodem-g eliminar a redundncia -, assim, melhorar a velocidade de transferncia. Ymodem-g Imodem e s deve ser usado com modems que fornecem built-in de erro protocolos de controle. Estes protocolos de transferncia de arquivos no fornecem qualquer de deteco de erros ou capacidade de recuperao. Se ocorrer um problema durante a transferncia de arquivos, a sesso de transferncia ser abortada. Protocolos como o Ymodem-g ou Imodem dependem da modems para fornecer garantia para a integridade dos dados sendo transferidos. No entanto, voc deve saber que um link confivel entre dois modems no fornece garantia absoluta para a integridade dos dados durante a transferncia de arquivos. Quando voc chamar um computador remoto, existem apenas trs ligaes envolvidas na o processo. Alm da ligao entre os dois modems, ainda h uma ligao entre o computador eo modem e outra ligao entre o modem remoto e no computador remoto. Quando dois modems fazer uma conexo confivel usando V.42 ou MNP 4, apenas a integridade dos dados entre os dois modems assegurada. ainda possvel para os erros ocorrer em ambas as extremidades entre a porta serial eo modem (na cabo) ou no prprio computador. (Felizmente, tais erros so raras.) Para proteo extra, voc ainda pode querer usar uma transferncia de arquivo protocolo como Zmodem que tambm realiza a verificao de erros, mesmo que voc tem um link confivel com o sistema remoto. Existe um comum equvoco que Ymodem-G muito mais rpido do que transferir outro arquivo protocolos. Apesar de Ymodem-G significativamente mais rpido que Ymodem, ele oferece pouco mais de Zmodem. Zmodem tem provado ser extremamente eficientes. (Veja a referncia abaixo) Filename Ymodem Ymodem-g Zmodem -------------------------------------------------- -----the-wave.txt 1527 cps 3261 cps 3296 cps dayrpt.arc 761 cps 1042 cps 1025 cps dayrpt.wks 1244 cps 2314 cps 2337 cps sunset.arc 745 cps 987 cps 965 cps sunset.pic 1297 cps 2594 cps 2588 cps text109k.arc 814 cps 1089 cps 1064 cps text109k.txt 1351 cps 2812 cps 2885 cps Salvo indicao em contrrio, os resultados so obtidos usando o seguinte: Computador: Mac SE com Mobius Exibir Pgina Dois com 68.030 acelerador Modem: ATI 9600etc / e (o modem est configurado como V.32 com V.42bis ativado) Sistema operacional: 7,0 Sistema Software de comunicao: ZTerm (Comm porta definido para 38.400 bps) File Transfer Protocol: Zmodem Todos os resultados so relatados por ZTerm. (Eu uso comunicao diversos programs on both IBM PC and Mac. All of them show the average throughput while file transfer is in progress, but ZTerm actually produces a report after the transfer is completed). III.3. V.42 & MNP4 can improve throughput

The other benefit of V.42 (or MNP4) is that it can improve throughput. Before sending the data to a remote system, a modem with V.42 (or MNP 4) assembles the data into packets and during that process it is able to reduce the size of the data by stripping out the start and stop bits. A character typically takes up 1 start bit, 8 data bits and 1 stop bit for a total of 10 bits. When two modems establish a reliable link using V.42 or MNP 4, the sending modem strips the start and stop bits (which subtracts 20% of the data) and sends the data to the other end. The receiving modem then reinserts the start and stop bits and pass the data to the remote computer.

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Therefore, even without compressing the data you can expect to see as much as 1150 characters per second on a 9600 bps connection. (Although the modem subtracts 20% of the data, the speed increase is less than 20% due to the overhead incurred by the error control protocol.) Here are the test results obtained by downlaoding the same file (1) without any error control protocol, (2) with MNP4, and (3) with V.42. No data compression protocol is used. Filename No EC MNP4 V.42 -------------------------------------------------- -----the-wave.txt 935 cps 1151 cps 1128 cps dayrpt.arc 863 cps 1023 cps 1002 cps dayrpt.wks 898 cps 1071 cps 1052 cps sunset.arc 838 cps 971 cps 953 cps sunset.pic 903 cps 1080 cps 1065 cps text109k.arc 908 cps 1085 cps 1064 cps text109k.txt 937 cps 1150 cps 1127 cps III.4. Other Error Correction Protocoles

Two other companies have there own error control, AT&T have OLI or Optical Line Interface, which works connected to any other modem to reduce the amount of echo and in general the effects of line noise. ZyXell also have a similar error correction which also monitors the line quality and shifts the speed of the modem up or down. III.5. Are MNP4 and V.42 useful?

Absolutely. Anyone that has ever used a standard modem can appreciate the benefit of an error-free connection. And the increase in data throughput, though modest, is nothing to sneeze at. IV. Data Compression Protocols ------------------------------------Besides error control protocols, all current high-speed modems also support data compression protocols. That means the sending modem will compress the data on-the-fly and the receiving modem will decompress the data to its original form. IV.0. V.42 V.42bis ERROR CORRECTION & DATA COMPRESSION STANDARDS Error correction with asynchronous to synchronous conversion. Includes MNP-1 through MNP-4 and LAP M. Data compression. The rhetoric claims you can get compression up to 4:1, but it is more typical to get 2:1 or maybe 5:2. V.42bis always uses V.42 error correction. You may get a greater data copression ratio, it all depends on how well the data can be compressed. "Microcom Network Protocols" Asynchronous, half duplex transfer. Error correction, asynchronous, full duplex. Error correction, synchronous. Not a big win over MNP2 about 20%. Error correction, better throughput than MNP2-3. a modification which rides on top of MNP2 or 3 to improve throughput. Simple data compression, about 2:1. Statistical duplexing and Universal Link Negotiation. With V.29, modems can emulate full duplex operation. Also supports fall-forward operation between two MNP modems. Data compression, about 3:1. MNP7 for pseudo-duplex modems. Data compression, about 3:1. Includes V.32 technology. (?) Dynamic fall-back and fall-forward adjusts modulation speed with link quality. Intended for use for cellular, but doesn't work too well for cellular transmissions!


LAPM "Link Access Protocol for Modems". BTLZ (British Telecom Lempel-Ziv) is a nickname for V.42bis. When buying a high speed modem, you should find that it does MNP 2-5, v.42 and v.42bis. Only when buying older modem may you find it doesn't support all the above standards.

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MNP5 and V.42bis standards for data compression protocols, Some modems also use proprietary data

There are two major MNP5 and CCITT V.42bis. compression protocols.

A modem cannot support data compression without utilizing an error control protocol, although it is possible to have a modem that only supports an error control protocol but not any data compression protocol. A MNP5 modem requires MNP 4 error control protocol and a V.42bis modem requires V.42 error control protocol. Also note that although V.42 include MNP4, V.42bis does not include MNP5. However, virtually all high-speed modems that support CCITT V.42bis also incorporate MNP5. The standard compression ratio that a MNP5 modem can achieve is 2:1. That is to say, a 9600 bps MNP5 modem can transfer data up to 19200 bps. Some data however can be compressed 4:1 or higher with MNP 5, as with a V.42bis modem is 4:1 but if the data is easily compressed it may be as high as 10:1. That is why all those V.32 modem manufacturers claim that their modems provide throughput up to 38400 bps. **IMPORTANT** There are some modems advertised as having MNP5 and/or v.42bis but are not the real macoy, thats probably why they are so cheap. These modems do not have MNP5 implemented in the modems themselves, but rather depend on the communications software (e.g. Bitcom Deluxe) to do the tricks. Besides being slower than the real MNP5 modems, these modems will not provide an error-free connection unless you use the accompanying software. If you buy one of these modems and decide to use your own software (e.g. Procomm Plus), you have to treat the modem as a plain vanilla 2400-bps modem. IV.2. Are MNP5 and V.42bis useful?

Don't be fooled by the claim. It is extremely rare, if ever, that you will be able to transfer files at 38400 bps. In fact, V.42bis and MNP5 are not very useful when you are downloading files from online services. Why? How well the modem compression works depends on what kind of files are being transferred. In general, you will be able to achieve twice the speed for transferring a standard text file (like the one you are reading right now). Decreasing by 50% means that you can double the throughput on the line so that a 9600 bps modem can effectively transmit 19200 bps. However, V.42bis and MNP5 modem cannot compress a file which is already compressed by software. In the case of MNP5, it will even try to compress a precompressed file and actually expand it, thus slow down the file transfer! Here are the test results obtained by downloading the three compressed files using (1) MNP4 without data compression, (2) MNP5, (3) V.42 without data compression, and (4) V.42bis. Filename MNP4 MNP5 V.42 V.42bis ---------------------------------------------------------------dayrpt.arc 1023 cps 946 cps 1002 cps 1010 cps sunset.arc 971 cps 935 cps 953 cps 950 cps text109k.arc 1085 cps 988 cps 1064 cps 1053 cps If you have ever downloaded files from a BBS or online service, know that almost all files are in a compressed format. Therefore, should only expect to see an actual throughput between 950 to 1100 even if your V.32/V.42bis modem is supposed to offer throughput to" 38400 bps. you you cps "up

Most PC files are in the ZIP format. Macintosh files are typically in the .SIT (Stuffit) or .CPT (Compact Pro) format. Amiga files are usually in the Lha and DMS format. Note that GIF files are also in a compressed format.

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Compression Software vs. MNP5/V.42bis

There are several reasons why compression software programs (such as PKZIP or Stuffit) are superior to MNP5 or V.42bis. 1. Compressed files save disk storage space. 2. Compression software programs are more versatile. Most of them allow you to group several files in a compressed file archive to ensure that all the related files get transferred at the same time. 3. Software compression is more efficient than on-the-fly modem compression. In the case of a small file, this may not make much difference. But the difference can be significant when you are transferring large files. Filename Size Time Throughput ---------------------------------------------------------the-wave.txt 143579 bytes 43 seconds 3296 cps dayrpt.arc 8423 bytes 8 seconds 1010 cps dayrpt.wks 19712 bytes 8 seconds 2337 cps sunset.arc 5084 bytes 5 seconds 950 cps sunset.pic 16391 bytes 6 seconds 2643 cps text109k.arc 29775 bytes 28 seconds 1053 cps text109k.txt 111386 bytes 39 seconds 2822 cps As we can see from the test results, it is about 30% faster to transfer the compressed file text109k.arc than to download the text file with V.42bis. Hayes BBS does not provide a compressed version for the file the-wave.txt. Using PKZIP (for PC) and Stuffit (for Macintosh), we obtain the following results: the-wave.sit: 6812 bytes (PKZIP) 6081 bytes (Stuffit)

Assuming a transfer speed of 1000 cps, the compressed file can be downloaded in 7 seconds. That's six times faster than downloading the text file with V.42bis! Here is another example. One of my local BBS has a Macintosh TIFF file (206,432 bytes) which can be downloaded in 56 seconds (with an effective throughput of 3745cps) with a V.32/V.42bis modem. The result may seem impressive at first. However, the file can be compressed to 6065 bytes (with Compact Pro) or 7385 bytes (with Stuffit). Assuming a transfer speed of 1000 cps, it would only take 6-8 seconds to transfer. Again, it is seven to nine times faster than downloading the file with V.42bis. On-the-fly modem compression does have one advantage. It is more convenient. You can send a file without compressing it first and the recipient does not need to decompress the file. IV.4. Local Flow Control and Data Buffering

To get the most from a modem with data compression, you'll want to send data from your PC to the modem as quickly as possible. If the modem is idle and waiting for the computer to send data, you are not getting the maximum performance from the modem. For example, you have a V.32/V.42bis modem and you want to send a text file to a remote system which also has a V.32/V.42bis modem. Let's assume the modem is able to send the file at 20000 bps using V.42bis. If your computer is sending data to your modem at 9600 bps, your modem will have to stop and wait to receive data from your computer. To get the maximum performance, you want to set the computer to send data to the modem at 38400 bps (the maximum a V.32/V.42bis modem can achieve). Since the modem can only send the file to the other modem at 20000 bps, it will never have to wait. Here are the test results for downloading the text file thewave.txt by setting the communication port at different speeds (usually referred to as "DTE speed"):

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946 cps 1885 cps 3296 cps

(modem port speed 9600 bps) (modem port speed 19200 bps) (modem port speed 38400 bps)

However, there is a new problem. Since your computer is sending data faster than the modem can handle, there needs to be some ways for the modem to ask the computer to stop sending data. Otherwise, data loss is sure to occur. This is where local flow control comes into play. A high-speed modem typically supports two kinds of local flow control: hardware handshaking (CTS/RTS) and software handshaking (XON/XOFF). Of the two, hardware flow control is the preferred method. We have mentioned earlier that there are three links involved when you are connected to a remote system: 1. The link between your computer and your modem 2. The link between the modems 3. The link between the remote modem and the remote computer Local flow control is used for the first and third links. Aviso prvio that the first link need not use the same kind of flow control as the third link. Hardware flow control (or hardware handshaking) works by altering voltage levels on the RTS (Request To Send) and CTS (Clear To Send) signal lines at the RS232 serial interface between the modem and the computer. **NOTE** : Both your computer software and your modem settings MUST be the same, either both RTS/CTS or Xon/Xoff. CTS is used by the modem on the sending end of a transmission. Quando the local modem is ready to receive data, it sends the CTS signal to the local computer and the computer starts transferring data. If the modem is unable to accept the data as fast as it is received from the computer, the modem will disable the CTS to inform the computer that the modem buffer is almost full (A high- speed modem typically contains a small amount of RAM which is used to provide data buffers). The computer will then suspend data transfer. Once the local modem has emptied its buffer by transmitting data to the remote modem, it will enable CTS again. RTS is used by the computer on the receiving end of a transmission. When the computer cannot accept data at the rate at which the modem is passing data, it will disable RTS. The computer enables RTS again when it is ready to resume receiving data from the modem. Software flow control (or software handshaking) is achieved by embedding control character in the data stream. XON and XOFF are the most commonly used control characters. XON is also known as ControlQ or DC3 (ASCII 19) while XOFF is known as ControlS or DC1 (ASCII 17). The use of XON and XOFF during data transfer can create problems when a binary file contain the ControlS (^S) character as a legitimate part of the data. Do not use this method if ^S and ^Q are part of the transmitted data. IV.5. Macintosh & High-speed Modems

If you use a Macintosh with a high-speed modem, you will need a special modem cable that is wired correctly to support hardware handshaking. You can order the cable from most mailorder companies that sell high-speed modems. Unfortunately, the cable did not work with my SE. The cable is good since it worked fine on a Mac IIsi. It just refused to work on my SE. I was disappointed but not surprised. After all, my SE is equipped with a 25 Mhz 68030 accelerator. (Well, it is actually both an accelerator and a video adapter for a 19 inch dualpage monitor.) Since I will never want to run my SE without the accelerator, I have no choice but to use software handshaking. IV.6. PC & UART

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Your PC's serial port has a UART (Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter) chip to control the input/output. The XT usually has an 8250 UART, the AT usually has a 16450 UART. Se voc est running Windows, Desqview, OS/2 or any other multitasking environment, you should upgrade your UART with the 16550 (if your PC does not already have one). The 16550 is standard in most IBM PS/2 and many 386/486 or higher based computers. The 16550 UART has a 16 bytes FIFO (first in, first out) buffer that helps to prevent degradation when several programs are running at the same time. If you use an external modem, the UART is in your computer (either on the motherboard or on an I/O card that has the serial port). If you use an internal modem, the UART is on the modem. A maioria internal modems say they have 16650 UART Emulation, which is the same thing as the real UART but made by another company. When buying your computer, it would be a good idea to check which UART the computer has, as many manufacturers only put in the cheaper 8250 UART and not the 16550 UART. As most people reading this have a computer already you will find many diagnostic programs around which can tell you with reasonable accuracy which UART you have. IV.7. Amiga and High Speed Modems

The Amiga computers serial port is locked to a maximum speed of 31,250 which allows for very little data compression. For the Amiga 2000,3000,4000 computers serial cards can be purchased which will allow upto 115,000baud rates. Most comms programmes support the higher speeds for this reason. 31250 is fine for speeds of 14.4k or less (Works fine for faster speeds but not at the optimum level), but for faster modems I would recommend a serial card to allow faster transfer rates. V. Cellular Protocoles ---------------------------On the market currently are 4 contenders for the growing cellular transmissions Microcom's MNP 10, AT&T's ETC (Enhanced Throughput Cellular), USR's HST and ZyXell's Zycellular. I read recently in a post on internet that all four were put to lab tests to see howthey ranked. It quickly became apparent that MNP 10 was not suitable and pulled from the competition, the other 3 all worked fine. V.1 AT&T ETC data transmission. I do not have any further

Allows upto 14.4k information on this. V.2 USR HST

This protocole allows upto 16.8k data transmission I believe. V.3 ZyCellular

ZyXEL's ZyCellular incorporates a proprietary technology that is used to strengthen the physical layer of the transmission, in order to handle the most common impairments encountered in cellular networks. It will automatically determine the best operating speed, given the adverse line conditions that exist in the cellular environment even after a connection is made. With V.42 error control and selective reject error control. Hand-off - Hand-off occurs when the communication frequency changes and the channel is interrutted ( when the cell station in communication is switching from one cell to another) for 0.2 to 1.2 seconds. A regular modem would respond with retrain or may even lose carrier. But ZyCellular modems perform fast synchronization with the remote modem immediately after the cell detects the hand-off. Este results in smooth hand-off, without losing connection. site Power Level Change - As you move towards or away from each cell station the power level will fluctuate. The cellular unit's

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transmit power will be instructed to change by the cell site station. With each power level change, the channel is interrupted for about 0.2 seconds. ZyCellular modem responds to the interruption, with fast resynchronization as in the case of hand-off, allowing greater efficiencies in data transmission. V.4 MNP 10

Did not perform well enough to be compared to the others, cps rates reported to be around 240 if lucky. Changes in the cellular network occur very quickly. A protocol such as MNP10 is not as effective because it must receive several error blocks before any corrective action is taken. By the time a MNP10 modem reacts, the error condition may have already disappeared.

VI. About Fax Modems -----------------------------Since fax machines are essential business tools today, it has become a trend for modem vendors to add fax capability to their products. A fax machine is made up of a scanner, printer and fax modem. The sending fax machine scans a sheet of paper and convert its image into a code for transmission over the telephone line. The receiving machine reconverts the codes and prints a facsimile of the original. (However, some fax modems can send and receive fax, while others can only send but not receive fax.) VI.1. Protocols

Here are some terms you'll need to know about fax modems: CAS Class 1 Class 2 Group 3 Group 4 IBM and DCA standard for computer-faxmodem interface. Electronic Industries Association/Telecommunications Industry Association standard for minimal computer-faxmodem interface. EIA-578 EIA/TIA standard for extended computer-faxmodem interface. EIA-592 specifies Class 2.0 "Class 2" is a non-standard based on an obsolete draft. Fax protocol. 14400bps. 203x98dpi/203x196dpi. Compression. ISDN Fax protocol.

When buying, most Faxmodems are Group 3 Class 1 (IBM PC mdoems) or Class 2 (Amiga). It does not matter what class fax is sent, but you must have software that supports the class fax you are using. Se software is packaged with a modem, then it will work with the modem. VI.1.a. Grupo 3 Group 3 is the international standard for communication between two fax devices (fax machines or fax boards). Fax machines have evolved over the past 20 years. Groups 1 and 2 fax machines transmit a single page at six and three minutes respectively and were used throughout the 1970s. Group 3 transmits one page in as little as 20 seconds (at 9600 bps). Group 3 resolution is 203x98 dpi in standard mode and 203x196 dpi in fine mode. Virtually all fax machines sold in the market today are Group 3 units. VI.1.b. V.27ter

V.27ter is the modulation scheme used in Group 3 Facsimile for image transfer at 2400 and 4800 bps. VI.1.c. V.29

V.29 is the modulation scheme used in Group 3 Facsimile for image transfer over dial-up lines at 9600 and 7200 bps. VI.1.d. V.17 V.17 is a new CCITT standard. It's the modulation technique for

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use in extended Group 3 Facsimile that allows 12000- and 14400-bps fax transmission. VI.1.e. CAS

CAS (Communications Application Specification) is a communications protocol developed by Intel and DCA (the software company know for Crosstalk) for a combination fax and modem board that allows personal computer users to exchange data more easily with fax machines. CAS was introduced in 1988. It has been supported in many applications software (e.g. WordPerfect). VI.1.f. Class 1 & Class 2

In the past, no standard existed for a microcomputer to deal with a fax board. As a result, the software for a particular fax board won't work with another fax board from a different manufacturer. (Although CAS has been moderately successfully, it hasn't become the industry standard.) The Electronic Industries Association/Telecommunications Industry Association (EIA/TIA) has been developing new standards (Class 1 & Class 2) for microcomputers to communicate with fax modems. As a result, you can buy a software program that will work with Class 1 (or Class 2) fax modems from different manufacturers. The Class sending a fax AT-command set modem. 1 standard provides minimal hardware support for from a microcomputer, while Class 2 adds over 40 instructions and places more functionality into the

Most "Class 2" fax modems in the market today are based an obsolete draft. (It has become epidemic for computer vendors to announce products that are supposed to meet a standard while the standard doesn't even exist yet.) VI.2. How useful is a fax modem?

A fax modem may not be as useful as you'd think. Fax modems are good for sending, but not receiving fax. You may still need (or want) a fax machine even if you have a fax modem. Fax machines are easy to use. Fax modems are a little more difficult. Anyone that knows how to use a phone can learn to use a fax machine within a few minutes. A fax machine will work no matter what kind of computer you have. It also doesn't matter what operating system or environment you are running on your computer. Fax software is now very good, recieving or sending faxs is a relatively simple process on most computers. The main problem is that the fax sometimes has to be printed out, which on a dop matrix is not a quick process. If you need to fax a printed document, you'll need to have a scanner to get it into your computer. To print out a fax received by your fax modem, you'd need a printer. Also, your computer needs to be on to receive fax. The other problem that may occur is a recieved fax can be sideways, not all software applications can cater for this, especially if you want to type in something on the fax and then resend it. Small business's may get away with a faxmodem by using a local paper sop to send some faxes but otherwise the fax option is more of a toy than qualquer coisa. However, there are several advantages for using a fax modem (if you can live with its shortcomings): 1. You won't have a paper jam if you're faxing a multi-page document. 2. The software for fax boards are more flexible and versatile. A fax board can be a life-saver if you regularly fax the same document to several people. 3. You don't have to print out the document you want to fax if it's generated with your computer. And the quality is better. It's worth noting that many documents that are faxed should be

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sent by e-mail. (A high-tech employment agency recently asked me to fax my resume and then had it re-typed into the computer. I suggested that I sent the resume by e-mail, but they didn't use e-mail.) VII. Buying a High-speed Modem -------------------------------------V.32bis and v.FC modems are clearly the standards of high-speed modems today. But with changing times and standards it is difficult to decide which to buy, especially as cheap 28.8k modems as not much more than expensive 14.4k modems. VII.1. Should you pay extra for a V.FC Modem?

That really depends on what you need that extra speed for and whether you will be able to use it. As more and more BBS's upgrade to v.FC it becomes more and more a good move. Commercial BBS's are dragging there legs behind them waiting for the ITU-T to approve v.34. So if you mainly use these types of BBS's then it may be better to wait. But what will happen to modem prices when v.34 is released, some speculate that prices for v.34 modems will be higher, someone has to pay for ITU-T. But as upgrades for v.FC modems to v.34 range from $0 to $300 (US) one has to wonder which is the cheapest in the long run. Will you get you money's worth out of a 14.4k modem?? For mail and causal downloading these modems are great, but if your a major downloader then the extra expense may be justified, especially over long distance calls. It really is your decision, can you afford a decent 28.8k modem?, because as discussed in the conclusions, you pay for what you get. Or would you be better of with a decent 14.4k modem and saving the rest of the money for a faster modem next year or the year after? VII.2. Should you buy a modem with a proprietary protocol?

It is generally not a good idea to purchase a modem which only supports a proprietary modulation protocol. You should consider getting a modem that supports dual modulation protocols (USR Courier Dual Standard, Telebit WorldBlazer, Hayes Ultra) if (i) you have to connect to a modem that uses a proprietary modulation protocol, or (ii) you need to have better throughput than a V.32bis modem can offer. The only proprietary modems that you should buy are those which are v.FC or if they have a cellular protocole that you wish to use. But remember if you buy a proprietary modem that you need the same type of modem on the other end to use the protocole. e.g. AT&T Dataport with ETC at the office and an AT&T PCMCIA Faxmodem in the Laptop somewhere on the planet. A lot of BBS's still use USR's HST standard, most of them however use Dual standard modems which mean a v.32bis/v.FC modem will still connect at 14.4k or higher. You should know already if you need a proprietary protocole, if you don't know, then chances are you don't need it. VII.3. Should you buy a 2400-bps modem?

If you are thinking of purchasing a 2400 bps modem even with V.42bis or MNP 4 data compression, think again. We have mentioned earlier that V.42bis and MNP5 are nearly useless for downloading compressed files. There is one more reason why a 2400 bps with V.42bis is generally not useful when you are calling commercial online services or BBS. Online services and BBS usually have separate phone numbers for 2400-bps and high-speed modems. Most of them do not support V.42bis or MNP 5 on their 2400-bps lines. Also the biggest factor is, 2400 baud modems are very quickly

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becoming paper wieghts because they are very slow, especially if you look at the average size of a file to download now-a-days, 15meg files are not uncommon, at 2400 baud that = approx 17hours to download!! VII.4. Standards You Can Count On In Modems

Current V.32bis modems support MNP 2-5 and V.42/V.42bis, and Group 3 Class 1 or 2 Fax. Also most v.32bis modems support 57600bps thoughput from the computer to the modem. At v.FC or 28.8k, the modem is basically the exact same as a v.32bis modem except it will be able to handle 115k bps thoughput and v.FC protocole. 2400 baud modems usually come with either send or Recieve Fax, some come with both, Don't buy a 2400 baud modem for fax capabilities. These modem are ok for mail, and small files, bt as BBS's start locking 2400 baud users off, you may find you'll have to buy another modem. A number of commercial BBS's charge more for 2400 users, especially if transfering files. VII.5. PCMCIA / Pocket or Normal Modems

A number of different sizes of modems are on the market, and the price tends to get higher the smaller you get. Which modem is suitabe for you will depend on what you need the modem for, and what you WILL need the modem for in the future. PCMCIA card modems are for laptops, and shouldn't be use for any other sort of computer (unless you rich, and want the smallest and your computer can handle it). These modems are about the size of 4-6 credit cards stacked ontop of each other, which slot into most laptops, and some PDA's and various other small "desktop" diaries etc. The advantage of these are they use little power, and can be connected to a wall socket, or a cell phone (additional fittings may be needed depending on country and cell phone). POCKET modems aren't usually too much more expensive than the larger counterparts nowdays, but they use to be much more expensive. Pocket sized modems are just that, they should fit into the average sized pocket and be portable. But not only that, a true pocket modem will run off a battery as well as mains power, as these modems were made small for use with laptops. NORMAL modems, are your standard desktop modems. They basically come in two main types, like computers Tower or Desktop. O difference is preference, the tower takes up a less desk room, but more standing room. VII.6. Internal or External? This is a big question among a lot of people, why should I buy an external modem when the internal is cheaper. Talk to different people you will get different opinions based on THIER experience. I will briefy go over the advantages of both ; External Advantages ; 1. Easy to move to another computer 2. LED's and/or LCD's tell you what the modem is doing, so you do not have to relie on the software to tell you. 3. On/Off switch to drop carry quickly (Some BBS's may crash or freeze on you, and its quicker and easier than ATH) 4. Usually easier to set up than an internal 5. Compatible with almost all computers, some internals are only usable with IBM clones. Internal Advantages 1. Cheaper than externals 2. Includes a suitable UART

VIII. Setting Up Software To Work With High Speed Modems -------------------------------------------------- -----------Getting a high-speed modem is only half the battle. Voc ir

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need to get it to work with your communications program. A maioria communications programs still come with settings configured for standard 2400-bps modems. All modems come with default settings preconfigured from the factory. Many V.32bis high-speed modems are preset to use V.42bis and hardware flow control when they are turned on. This optimal configuration enables the modem to automatically negotiate a connection with either another V.32 modem supporting V.42bis or MNP protocols (or even a standard modem). There is another change required. And it has to do with the parameters controlling how the modem deals with two of the RS232 signals: DTR (Data Terminal Ready) and CD (Carrier Detect). CD is a signal generated by the modem which is used to indicate its connection status. DTR is a signal generated by your computer. DTR is used to enable the modem to accept commands from your communications program, it is also used by most modems to determine when to disconnect a call. Most communications software programs expect DTR and expects CD to follow carrier. "&C1&D2" for the modem to handle the DTR and CD signals communications programs. (However, if you use a "&C1&D0".) VIII.1.a Speed Setting the modem to follow sets the parameters as expected by most Mac, you should use

The main thing that you should have to change is the the baud rate depending on your modem speed. MODEM SPEED | Software Speed | ================================= 2400 | 2400 | 9600 | 19200 | 14400 | 19200/38400/57600 | * 19200 | As Above or 76000 | * 28800 | As Above or 115000| * ================================= * Set Amiga Amiga IBM's IBM's Mac's to the speed that you 1000,500,600 1200,2000,3000,4000 Pre-386 Rest computer can handle ; 19200 38400 38400 or 19200 if you get errors etc 38400 or Above


File Protocole

You will need to decide on a file transfer protocole, usually software comes with the most popular for use with general BBS's and commercial ones like Compuserve. Most BBS's support ZModem, which has the advantage of being able to resume the download/upload if you get disconnected and also has further error correction. Some software does not support this protocole and you may need to select YModem or XModem. VIII.1.b.a. -ASCII

This is designed to work with ASCII text files only. Notice that you do not have to use this protocol when transferring text files. The ASCII protocol is useful for uploading a text file when you are composing e-mail online. VIII.1.b.b. -Xmodem

Xmodem use to be one of the most widely used file transfer protocols. The original Xmodem protocol uses 128-byte packets and a simple "checksum" method of error detection. A later enhancement, XmodemCRC, uses a more secure Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC) method for error detection. Xmodem protocol always attempts to use CRC first. If the sender does not acknowledge the requests for CRC, the receiver shifts to the checksum mode and continues its request for transmission.

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Xmodem-1K is essentially Xmodem CRC with 1K (1024 byte) packets. On some systems and bulletin boards it may also be referred to as Ymodem. Some communication software programs, most notably Procomm Plus 1.x, also list Xmodem-1K as Ymodem. Procomm Plus 2.0 no longer refers to Xmodem-1K as Ymodem. VIII.1.b.d. -Ymodem

Ymodem is essentially Xmodem-1K that allows multiple batch file transfer. On some systems it is listed as Ymodem Batch. VIII.1.b.e. -Ymodem-g

Ymodem-g is a variant of Ymodem. It is designed to be used with modems that support error control. This protocol does not provide software error correction or recovery, but expects the modem to provide the service. It is a streaming protocol that sends and receives 1K packets in a continuous stream until instructed to stop. It does not wait for positive acknowledgement after each block is sent, but rather sends blocks in rapid succession. If any block is unsuccessfully transferred, the entire transfer is canceled. VIII.1.b.f. -Zmodem

This is generally the best protocol to use if the electronic service you are calling supports it. Zmodem has two significant features: it is extremely efficient and it provides crash recovery. Like Ymodem-g, Zmodem does not wait for positive acknowledgement after each block is sent, but rather sends blocks in rapid succession. If a Zmodem transfer is canceled or interrupted for any reason, the transfer can be resurrected later and the previously transferred information need not be resent. VIII.1.b.g. -Kermit

Kermit was developed at Columbia University. It was designed to facilitate the exchange of data among very different types of computers (mainly minicomputers and mainframes). You probably will not need to use Kermit unless you are calling a minicomputer or mainframe at an educational institution. VIII.1.b.h. Which file transfer protocol should you use?

In general, I recommend Zmodem. If Zmodem is not supported by the system you are calling, use Ymodem-g. (If you are connecting to a UNIX system in a university, you may have to use Kermit or Xmodem to transfer files.) Compuserve prefers Compuserve-B. Here are the test results obtained by downloading the files using various file transfer protocols. The number before the parentheses is the transfer speed (in cps) and the number in the parentheses is the time elapsed (in seconds). Filename Xmodem Xmodem1K Ymodem Ymodem-g Zmodem ------------------------------------------------------------------------the-wave.txt 429(334) 1508(95) 1527(94) 3261(44) 3296(43) dayrpt.arc 314(26) 758(11) 761(11) 1042(8) 1025(8) dayrpt.wks 415(47) 1252(15) 1244(15) 2314(8) 2337(8) sunset.arc 337(15) 771(6) 745(6) 987(5) 965(5) sunset.pic 399(41) 1337(12) 1297(12) 2594(6) 2588(6) text109k.arc 343(86) 817(36) 814(36) 1089(27) 1064(27) text109k.txt 410(271) 1379(80) 1351(82) 2812(39) 2885(38) ======================================================================= Duplex -----------You will need to set the duplex option to Full Duplex for normal use with BBS's. If you are going to connect with a friend, Half Duplex is the norm. Data Lenght --------------In general, set the parameters to 8-N-1. If you are calling a commercial online service (such as GEnie), you may need to set the

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parameters to 7-E-1. Set this to 8 bits, unless you are connecting to Compuserve, in which case 7 bits. You can usually tell that the Data Lenght is incorrectly set by garbage appearing on the screen usually going diagonally across the screen. Parity -----------Set this to NONE for use with normal BSB's. different and you need to set it to even. Stop Bits ----------Set to 1 CTS/RTS or Xon/Xoff -----------------------I recommend CTS/RTS for all modems, especially above 2400baud. Xon/Xoff is not as quick and reliable as CTS/RTS, and usually the modem configuration has to be changed especially at high speeds. Xon/ Xoff may interfer with binary file transfers, where-as CTS/RTS won't. Comm Port -------------For your computer to talk to your modem, you need to tell the software where to find the modem. If you use a PC with an external modem, you need to specify which serial port the modem is connected para. If you have an internal modem, you need to configure the modem and tell the software which COM port the modem is configured for. Comm 2 or higher is usually used for modems, depending on other hardware connected like mice. If you use a Macintosh, specify whether your modem is connected to the modem port. Consult your manuals. Terminal Emulation -------------------If you are using an IBM compatible, choose IBM PC or ANSI. Otherwise, try VT102, VT100, VT52, TTY. Unix sites and some BBS systems use VT100, ANSI is the emulation you want to use for "colourful" BBS's, most none commercial BBS's support ANSI, which allows animations and colour. Initialisation String ----------------------This is possibly one of the most frustrating and difficult things to set up, most modems will work fine with the factory defaults so this should only be ATZ, which means load configuration in memory. Se you have to make changes to the factory defaults then you need to save them to memory with a AT&W command, then when the modem is turned on, and the software says ATZ, those settings will be loaded. Some people need a couple of different settings for different computers etc, you can put in your commands in the Init String so the modem configuration is changed from the settings in its memory when that software is loaded. Consult your manuals for further information on settings as they vary from modem to modem. Your manual will tell you if more than 1 factory default is availible and what settings they are, for example the AT&T has 3 factory defaults, at&f1 (standard BBS's etc), at&f2 (slightly different), and at&f5 (cellular settings). Some things I change ; S11=50 S0=0 L3 Speeds up the dial rate Stops the modem answering an imcoming call Turns the modem volume up (L1 down)

Compuserve again is

Dial Type -----------Set this to your local dial type, tone or pulse, most countries in the Western world are Tone, which is dit diit dit dit, pulse dialing is when you can here the phone "tapping" the number out. Se in doubt, try one then the other. Dial String: ATDT xxxx where xxxx is the number you want to dial, and ATDT means dial TONE. If you have to dial the digit 9 to obtain an outside line, Use

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ATDT9,<<number>>. The comma (,) instructs the modem to pause two seconds. This allows enough time for the dial tone to occur before the modem dials. You can use as many commas as you like. If you have an option for "Locked Rate" use it, especially at when using a high speed modem. IX. Configuring Popular Communications Software ------------------------------------------------------Below are brief instructions for configuring some popular communications programs to work with a high-speed modem. O particular initialization string is for the ATI 9600etc/e modem. Ele is assumed that the appropriate initialization string to use is "AT&F2&C1&D2S7=60" if you are using a PC. (Use "AT&F2&C1&D0S7=60" if you have a Macintosh.) Make sure you save the changes you make. IX.1. Procomm Plus 2.0 (Global, i.e. it works

To change the modem initialization string: with every dialing entry) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Load Procomm, press Alt-S Select Modem Options Select Modem Commands Press A Change the initialization string to AT&F2&C1&D2S7=60^M

To set the software to wait 60 seconds for connection: (Global) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Load Procomm, press Alt-S Select Modem Options Select General Options Press A Type 60 and press Return

To enable hardware flow control: (Global) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Load Procomm, press Alt-S Select Terminal Options Press D (hardware flow control) Press Space Bar to toggle, press Return to accept Press C (software flow control) Press Space Bar to toggle, press Return to accept Telix


To change the modem initialization string: (Global) 1. 2. 3. 4. Press Alt-O Select Modem and dialing Select A (Init String) Change the initialization string to ATZ^M~~~AT&F2&C1&D2S7=60^M

To set the software to wait 60 seconds for connection: (Global) 1. Press Alt-O 2. Select Modem and dialing 3. Select K (Dial time) and enter 60 press Return To enable hardware flow control (Global) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Press Alt-O Select Terminal options Press J (XON/XOFF software flow control) Select Off Select K (CTS/RTS hardware flow control) Select On Press ESC to exit Qmodem


To change the modem initialization string: (Global)

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1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Press Alt-N Press M to select Modem menu Select Modem Commands Press Return Change the initialization string to AT&F2&C1&D2S7=60^M

To set the software to wait 60 seconds for connection: (Global) 1. Press Alt-N 2. Press M to select Modem menu and Press Return to select Communication Parameters 3. Press H to select Timeout delay 4. Type 60 and press Return 5. ESC to exit To enable hardware flow control: (Global) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Press Alt-N Select Toggles Press Return to toggle XON/XOFF flow Select CTS/RTS flow Press Return to toggle ESC ESC Press E for Exit Save Changes HyperAccess 5


Note: HyperAccess 5 supports the ATI 9600etc/e. However, HyperAccess 5 does not let you edit the initialization string directly. You can add additional setup commands to change the modem settings for each individual dialing entry. To change the modem initialization string: (Individual, i.e. it works only with the particular dialing entry) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Select Define system settings from the Main menu Select Modify Use cursor to select the system to modify and press Enter Select Hardware from the System settings menu Select Modem Select Additional modem setup commands Type S7=60 Press ESC twice to go back the Main menu

To set the software to wait 60 seconds for connection: N/A To enable hardware flow control: (Individual) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. if Select Define system settings from the Main menu Select Modify Use cursor to select the system to modify and press Enter Select Hardware from the System settings menu Make sure that Data terminal ready signal is output on DTR, delete RTS

it is listed 6. Select Communications port 7. Select Incoming hardware handshaking and type CTS 8. Select Outgoing hardware handshaking and type RTS IX.5. Crosstalk for Windows

To change the modem initialization string: (Global) 1. Pull down Setup menu and select Modem... 2. Select Custom and click on Settings 3. Change the initialization string to ^M~AT&F2&C1&D2S7=60^M 4. Click OK

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To set the software to wait 60 seconds for connection: (Individual) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Pull down File menu and select Open a phone book entry Open the phone book entry Pull down Setup menu and select Session Click on More Change the value in Allow xx seconds for the host to answer

To enable hardware flow control: (Individual) 1. 2. 3. 4. Pull down File menu and select Open a phone book entry Open the phone book entry Pull down Setup menu and select Device Click on RTS/CTS and click OK MicroPhone II (Mac)


To change the modem initialization string: (Individual) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Choose Settings Menu Select Communications Choose V.32 Standard from the Modem Driver list box Click OK Hold down the Command key and choose Scripts menu Select Modify Script Click the Modem Scripts button Double-click on Modem_Init Double-click on the first line that says Set Variable * mcmd from Expression "'AT....'" 10. Change the initialization string in the lower right box to 'AT&F2&C1&D2S7=60^M' 11. Double-click on the second line that says Set Variable * mcmd from Expression "'AT....'" 12. Change the initialization string in the lower right box to 'AT&F2&C1&D0S7=60^M' 13. Click OK 14. Press the Option key and choose the File menu 15. Select Save Modem Driver (If you want to save the driver under a new name, select Save Modem Driver As... in the File Menu. Name the new driver, e save it into the Modem Folder.) To set the software to wait 60 seconds for connection: N/A To enable hardware flow control: (Individual) 1. Pull down Settings Menu 2. Select Communications 3. Click on the Hardware Handshake box IX.7. White Knight (Mac)

To change the modem initialization string: (Global) 1. Choose Local Menu and select Serial Port 2. Choose Modem Init Command to AT&F2&C1&D0S7=60 To set the software to wait 60 seconds for connection: (Global) 1. Choose Service Menu and select Dial or Redial Number 2. Change the value in Wait for Answer up to XX seconds to 60 To enable hardware flow control: (Global) 1. Choose Local Menu and select Serial Port 2. Check Use Hardware Handshake IX.8. ZTerm 0.85 (Mac)

To change the modem initialization string: (Global) 1. Choose Settings Menu and select Modem 2. Change Init String to AT&F2&C1&D0S7=60^M

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To set the software to wait 60 seconds for connection: (Global) 1. Choose Settings Menu and select Modem 2. Edit Dial Timeout To enable hardware flow control: (Individual) 1. 2. 3. 4. Choose Settings Menu and Select Flow Control Uncheck Xon-Xoff Receive Uncheck Xon-Xoff Send Check HW Handshake NComm (Amiga)


To set up NComm for standard 14.4k or 28.8k Modems 1. Under the menu "TRANSFER" set the default paths where you want downloads and uploads to go to. 1.a. Set your sub menu "PROTOCOLE" option to ZModem, and select all the ZModem options under the "OPTIONS" sub menu. Buffer should be set between 16-64, change this if you have troubles uploading or downloading. 2. Under the "COM" menu set the baud rate to correct setting as suggested above under VIII. 2.a. Set all the other options as also recommended above in VIII. Select the Open Serial option. 3. Under the "EMULATION" menu set the sub menu "END OF LINE" to ; TX EOL = CR ticked RX EOL = CR ticked 3.a. Set character set to IBM under the "CHARACTER SET" sub menu. 4. Under the "MODEM" sub menu of the "PHONE" menu, set the following; Init String = ATZ Dial Command 1 = ATDT (Unless your Pulse in which case ATPT) Hang UP Command = \w\w+++\w\w\w\wATH\n (\w = wait \n = return) Use Locked Rate = YES Hard-DCD Checking = YES 5. Now save this config. The software is ready for some phone numbers, and you have many other options which you can play with, consult your maual or just play!! ===================================================================== X. CONCLUSIONS :

I hope that the above file has helped you a little when it comes the the confusing world of high speed data commnuications. Overall you should only be looking at 4 things when buying a modem ; 1. Reliability of the modem (You pay for what you get) Go for the larger brands, like you do when buying a car or stero, you want a good modem, that won't break on you and can handle some line noise. DSP based modems tend to have the edge over other brands. SOME DSP MODEM MANUFACTURERS ; USR, Zyxcel, DSI, AT&T 2. Backup support and service, an EMail address for a company is a good indication, along with a 5 year warrenty, toll free tech support, FREE ROM upgrades. Some other things that you may want to check is will it cost YOU money to have a modem fixed in the way of shipping etc. Don't forget a lifetime warrenty is nice, but how long is a lifetime when it comes to modems? 3. Upgradability of a modem, either return/swap or daughter/FlashROM upgrades to to new protocoles etc. ROM's are getting old touch now, FlashROM's and reprogrammable ROM's are becoming the standard. 4. Check what else you will need to buy with the modem to get it working fully and properly, like serial cards, serial cables, sotware. When you buy the modem, buy it from a good dealer, not the cheapest. Bom dealers have FULL refunds (7+ days, 30 is Excellent), and buy the modem from a dealer that is polite and nice to you, and doesn't treat your stupid questions with disgust, someone that doesn't mind helping you out, and who'll give you after sales support. Changes are after reading this file, you know more than most dealers!!

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======================================================================== X.1. Contact Info

This as my re-release of this old help file is in no way complete. Please if you would like to add and/or change this file EMail me at the below address, and I will amend this file, add your name in and post it a-fresh every month around the world...... EMail : (Karl Willdig) : (Karl Willdig) Phone : 649 263 9666 Fax : 649 278 8221 Snail Mail : C/- MycroCom NZ : P.O. Box 23-608 : Hunters Corner : Auckland : New Zealand Yet to be added to this file, please post suggestions.... Internet Compuserve Prodigy (Author does not have access to) Common Problems with modems (Please send in your probs with solution) X.2. THANKS ------------Bill Karwin - Protocole Definitions Stephen M. Dunn - stephen@bokonon.UUCP - Various nit pickings ;) Ralp Peters - - ISDN Germany ZyXell - Brent Wolfgang Henke <> ... WH Networks ............................. /pub/wolfgang 2672 Bayshore Parkway Suite 503 ....................... (415) 390-9316 Mountain View CA 94043 ............................ fax (415) 390-9317

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