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We're often sentletters by peopleaskingus to clarify rules points,usuallywhere an unusual situationnot coveredby the rules has sprung up. To hetp you out, we've collectedsomeof the more commonrules queriesand providedanswers and guidelines. In particular, we take a look at the psychicrules from the Genestealer expansion and at set, Overwatchand CommandPoints.From readingyour letters,we've found a few areasthat someof you ffnd a little confusingso we're coveringthem againto help clarify matters. And sinceGenestealer released was we've playeda lot of games usingthe psychiccards and found a few minor changes that we'd like to make to the rules.

A few people have asked us to clarify the way that force battles work. These ale actually fairly simple and, once you've got the idea, you won't have any problem with them.

A force batdewo(ks like !his: psykerplays a psychiccard. 1) The artacking 2) The defendingpsyker (who must be a targetof the attack) plays a force card with a force icon of the sarnecolour as the attackingcard's suit. This stopstlrc artack 3) The attackingpsykernow plays his own force cad - again this has a force icon of the samecolour as the original attackingcard.This rnakesthe attackeffective again. 4) Steps2 and 3 are repeateduntil one player either doesn't havea forcecardof theright colour or doesn'twant to play any more cards. Whoever played the last card wins the force banle. I!'s as simpleas lhat - seerhe examplefor a more detailed run-dovmof a forcebanle in action.

Many of drepsychiccardshave a colouredicon in the botlom dght comer- this is the force lcon and it hasdte samecolour andsymbolasoneof fte fortr psychicsuits.Cardswift oneof these icons are known as force cards, Aura cards ale also force cards- they count as force cardsagainstdleir own suit (ie the suit shownby the main icon in the top left comer). The foru suits andtheir coloursare:




It's easyto forget that a SpaceMarine Librarian gets the e4uivalentof a free force card againstevery psychiccard that affectshim. A Librarian wearsan Aegls sult. This is a speciallymodified suit of Teminalor armour that includesa psychic hood, The psychic hood containsa psi-matrix crafted from a intricately interlaced web of psychically-attuned crystals. The psychic hood amplifies dre Libradsn's natural psychic defencesand giveshim greaterprot4tionfrom psychicattacks. Every time a SpaceMarine Librarian is attackedby a psychic effect he sutomaticallygets a ftee force defenceof the dght colour. He doesn't have to use a card or pay any APEand it doesn'tcount asan action. This mensthat to attacka Librarian, an enernypsykerneeds to have at least one force card to enhancehis attack. This overcomesthe Lib'rarian's free force defenceand tlre attack affecs the Librarian as usual, If the enemy psyker doesn't have an extra force card his attackwill fail.

When a pslker is the target of a psychic attackhe can use a force card to block the attack. He simply lays down a card with a force icon of the samecolour ss the attacking card's suit - so a Psionic card is dispelledby a force card with the yellow Psionicsymbol in the bouomright comer. Playinga forcecardlike ftis completelydispelsthe attack- so neiftr thepsykernor any othermodelsare affected. Force Battles A force batde represents eachpsyker throwing extsaenergy into a psychicauackor defence. Whoeverlays down the most cardshasunleashed most psychicenergyand wins the the battle. The two psyke$ take it in tum to lay down force cards.The one who lays down the last card wins. If it's the anacker0le psychic anack takesplace asnormal. If it's the defender,his psychic defenceshave proved too srong and the attack is dispelled.



This examplstorc batdeshowsyou ho$/ths cardsworkandwhichof $e colourediconsyou use at each stage.

The attackingplayrhys dorvnhis psychiccard - lets say whichmakes a Powor it card(rcd). its a Hellfira, lf one of hE targetsof the Hellfiris a psyker,lhe defending playergetsthe chancslo dispelt|e attapk wih a forcacard. lf he dosn'thavea forcecardof th rightcolour,of courss, $e Hellfiretakeseffecl.
IiAncglING tos MNGE:12

This iconshqrs tlla suit ol the psychicanack.This is fie colou hat counlr lor lh lorce batdg.In thiscas6 ifs lhe Powarsuit so only r.d lorce oonaaount.

ud n*d!., i1y dd{or

rhou$ 'rtstry dnhr ldrdi t'hq

ood.L 'th (3


For the initialanack,it doesn't matlerwhatcolourlhis iconls - it has no effecton th attack,

playerdoes havea ws'll assumethe defending However, torca card with a rqd lorc icon - say, lhq Burstof Speed lhe cardwithhe rsd icon.He playsthisanddispels attack. rightcomer Remember it's the forcsiconin the bonom that thatcounts it doesn'tmattert|at Burstof Soeeditselfis (blus)suit. fromtheTemporal

This is th icon thal counts lor a pslichacdfence - it must be

samesuitcolour $o as attack.In lhis case,it's red to match Hellfire's the suit. lf fie attackerrcinforceslhg psychic aftack, iconstill this matler it onlycounls doesn't for fie odginalattack.

lf the attackingplayeralso has a forcecardwith a red force icon- say t|e Smitecardwiththe red icon- he can playlhis to enhancehis atlackso that it is oncs morein effect. wouldhave lf he didn'thave a red forcecard.he Helltire bsndispelled.


an ll you?6reinlorcing attack with a lorce cad ifs the same as displling lhem-this icon mustbelhe samsui/colout as lhe attack.

player lf ths detending dossn'thaw another forcecard, red now as lhe Hellfire takesettect usual. lf he does haveanotherred torcecard he can choossto play it and dispslthe Hsllfire again.Say he's got an Aura cardlromths Power suit-as it'san Auracardit counts a as forcocardagainstits own colour.

orlly in tho caseol an Aura .a.d doesthis iconcountlor forcebatfes.

Because theycounl as lorce against thsirov,nsuit, cards Autacardsdon'thavea gparato lorce icon in this @met.

withlhe righicolour forceicons(redin thisexample). Thiscango on as longas bothplayers havegot forc6cards it lays Theykegptraking in tumsto laydownforcecardsandwhoever downths lastcardwins. lf the attacker cardis dispellsd hasno elfect. and wins,thepsychic cardwo*s as usual- if thedefenderwins, psychic the

Of course, the Libraria.n can also play a force card from hisl hand !o defend against the attack and ftis will lesd to a normal force battle - whoever lays fie last cald wins the banle.

affecranymodels in dispelled it doesn't effectis completely thatsection. by to This meansrhat if you're expecting be attacked a psyker,you canprovide protectionfor your Space Genestealer Marinesby kepingtiem in the samesectionasa Librarian. However,if you're not careful this can makeyou a sitting sectioneffect weapon,such as a targetfor a conventional It firing plasma missiles. canalsoslow you missilelauncher down and mate it hard to setup good firing positionsso you too together much. haveto avoidclumpingyour models

Attacks Unstoppable
The Librarian's free force defence doesn't work against unstoppable psychic attack. These aren't stopped by folce cards and the Lit'rarian's Aegis suit isn't an exception.

Section Effcts by effectandstops it, If theLibrarian attacked a section is cards, the either withhisfreeforce defence byplaying or force


SinceGenestealer cameout we've playeda lot of games using the psychic rules and rre now feal that the Lighming fuc attackis slighdy too powerful. To reduce the power of the attack, we're changing the targetingrules asfollows: 1) Eoch ettsck mu6t be dlrctdat a different targeL Thesetargetscan be anywherewithin 12 squares 0re of caster.The casterdoesn't have to decidein advance which six targetshe's going to attackprovided each targetis only anackedonce. 2) The usualrules for blind targetingapply, except: You can't tsrget through an Intervenlngmodel. If the only route you can uace to a model is blockedby anothermodel, you can't make that attack.This means that if a target survives an attack, you can't attack anything behind that target unlessyou can trace an altef,native route to it. As before, you also can't target through doorsl bulkheads,cratesand psychic sectioneffects &at block line of sight, althoughyou can targetthroughnormal sectioneffecs (eg flamer his). Remember that if a psyker saveshimself with a force card or an Aura card the Lightsing Arc is dispelled and can't make any morc attacks.
LIGHTNII{G ANC (ir) The Spacairarin Librarian casE a Lightnino ^rc. He makes (G1)in frontol him but his firstattackegainst Genstealsr he onlyrollsa I on th dic- h Gnsrcaler survives. (G2). Ho makeshis socondaltad againstthe nxt Ggnestealer 8causeLiohr ng Arc is Hindtargeting, dosn'tmatterfiat the il 6r9tGenestoaler bloclGhis lino of sight- ile Librariarcan trace a doar pathb lhe socondGeneslealer doesnt passhrough that anohr rnodel,lealurs,dmr or blocked diaOonal. Sey hg Librarianrolls a 6 againstGenosloaler - this kills d|e 2 Genstgaler. can now make his third attack againstthe Ho furttesl Genostoalo. {G3).Aoain,becausoLiohlningArc is blind b.glin0 il do$n't mattetthat ho can't so aroundf|e corner. It, ho|ever, tr|eLibraian tailodb kill$e scondGgngslealer, he couldn'lattackGonesleall3. Gnestealer completelyblocks 2 palh ihat he his rouleto Genostealor and fio.'s no altrnative 3 call tracgb makelllo eltad(


We're ofter! askedif you canyou teleport througha MiasmaThe answeris No. Miasmablocks all psychic effects from the sctionit's in, ,o the sectionit's in and,l.ongi the sectionit's in. It's dle only psychicsectioneffert that completelyblocks all other psychicabilities, including free targetingartacks tlrough the section. Of course,there's nothing to stop you teleporting beyond a Miasmaif you can tracea route !o the odrcr side that doesn't passtlrough dreMiasmasectionandis within TeleportIange,

Thesechanges make sornerninor adjustmentsand cover the ambiguityin the original rules aboutwhereyou could and couldn't move an Assailedmodel. 1) You can't move an Assailedmodel tluough obstructions suchascloseddoors,bulkheads. cratesor othermodelsie through anyrhing that would normally block movemenl You can move the modelroundcomers,onto section effects that don't block movementand ove! rubble,pitfalls, ladderserc. The player castingthe Assail cannow chooseto placean Assailedmodel prone. A pronemodel hasno line of sight and cannotmove, shootor closeassault rrrttil it getsup. If a pronemodel is -1 atacked in close combat,subtsact from is dice - if it wins or ties it getsup and facesits attacker. The AP costsfor a pronemodel to get up arc asfoUows: Model Space Marine in Terminatorarmour Space Marine in power armour PuestsainGenestealer Cene,stealer Hykid 3) AP 2 I 0 0

Another common question concerns what happens when a psyker is in a Miasma or Stasis section effect - can the player still draw psyhcic cards?


Gnestealrs player getsto draw Ore The Cenesrealr samenumbrof cards regardless how many psykershe's got in play. h fact, he of getsto hold I handof psychiccardsevenif there'sno psykers in play at all. This neans it makesab6olutely differenceto no him rphetheror not some or all of his psykers are caught in Misamaor Stasiseffecb. SpaceMarines This oneisn't so clean The rules saythat the Space cut. Marine player's psychichandis 2 cdds plus one card for eachSpace Marine in play andhe getsto draw 1 new psychic card at the startof eachturn for eachpsyker in play. We've thoughtaboutthis and there is obviously an argument for reducingdre SpaceMarine psychichandwhen a Likarian ente$ theseeffects,especiallyin the caseof Stasiswhich takesa sectionour of the game.However,we've decidednot to worry aboutit in oidef b keep thhgr simple. So the rule is that the Space Marine player'spsychichand doesn'tchange a Lib'rarian in a Miasmaor Srasis if is field. You only reduce the SpaceMarines' psychic hand if a Librarian is eitherkilled or movesoff the board.

A SpaceMarine fiat is AssailedcannotspendCPs as I responseto the psychic attack - he's too disorientated and shakento be able to reslDnd.This meanshe cannot imrnediatelyspendCPs to turn or standup. This resEictiononly appliesto rhe Assail irself - the SpaceMarine canspendCPs asusualif anotheractionis later taken in his line of sight (remember, pronemodel a hastlo line of sight).


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opensa door. On the other slde there's r A Genestealer Marlne shoot Marltre h overratch, Doesthe Space Space at the Genestealer? The Yes, the SpaceMarine must shoot at the Genestealer. has Genestealer taken an action in his line of 8i8ht and is sti[ Marine in hi,sline of sight at the endof t}le action so the Space must take an overwatchshot. It doesn't mattef,0rat the Space Marine seesthe door move rather than the Genestealer he still sesthe rcsultsof the action. Remembetthat SpaceMarines in overwatchalta)J have to that shoorar Cene$teal(s take an action and ale still in 6eir line of sight and fire arc at tlte end of dre action.They don't get the choiceto hold their ffie - they're too lensedup ready to shootandhaveno time to make dcisionsaboutliring. player can sometimes this to his own use The Genestealer advantage, especiallywhereh's got overwhelmingnurnbers to dEow at SpaceMarines in overwatch.Becausethe Space Marines have to fire, the Cenestealetplayet can hull wave after wave at the SpaceMarines, hoping to jam their bolten. Seethe diagramfor an exampleof using wave atlacksagainst Space Marinesin overwatch. closes& door betwenitself and a Space A Gnstealer Marhe In overwatch.Can th SpaceMarlne shootat th Genestealeror the door? or Marinecan't shootat eiiherihe Genestealcr No, the Space the door. the shot because overwalch He can't shootthe Genestealer has comesaftef,the Cenestealer completedits action.Closing out Marinc'slinc thedoor takestheGene,stealer of theSpace of light so it can'rbe shot.

WAVE ATTACKS AGAINST OVERWATCH aro th6 In this example, Gnestealers in a good posilionto lalnch an atlackid an anomplto swamp$g SpacsMadnss. lo that EachG6nestealer movesforoesall free SpacaMarinos shot fire.So evenil he lirstoverwatch killslhe Gqnslaler,lho othertwo SpacMariishaveto rollto checkthsydon'tjam. wilh a Th chanco killing Gonestealer an ove atchshotis ot a of l6sshan twiceh9 chance gtting iam so thisis oltenan - if rathercosdy- way to anack. ffsclive got to Genestealers Ot courss, onlywo*s if yol./'ve enough it And lher'sa chance casualties. remember iakethe inevitable playolwill luckyandwillgundoern all b Marine thatthe Space jammed! getting wilhout thecharging Genestealefs player !o i9lonunate, he'llbabl6 moveinand llh Genstealer Al in kill someof lh SpaceMarines closcombal. worst,h brcing the shouldbe ableto fill die roomwithGenestealers, lho to nertturndearing loom.lt6possiblo Marines spend Spac will lhe SpaceMarineplayer haveto spendso manyAPs on that Genestealers h won't be ableto put evoryono shootnE thenb ableto should backonioovrwalch. Gnestealers Thg turn witha much anothe. wavealtackin the followino launch grealdcnancg success. ol Waveattacksare onq ol lhe keys lo playingth Gonesteals6. tacic, an ot Justthe threat launching attackcan b a powodul slowingdown lhe SpacMarinosby lorcingthemlo spndhalf ove atch. thekAPson setling itb fast laclics oftenrequire hovement, As goodSpace Marin llthe they vitalloavoid skuationswhre 9e!lieddownin a room. player lrom !p can kepbringing reinforcenents Genostealer be like couldu,ell a nearby entryareas, situation theon above pointin lhe game.ll's veryhardfor the Space the turning ara, Marines breakout of a heavily-threalened ospecially to or with suppo kom heavyflamers a Librarian sction withoul splls deteat. but !o efleclanacks, failing do so usllally

He can't shoot the door becausea SpaceMarine in overwatch is only allowed to fire ai a Genesrealerthafs just taken an action. Overwatch represenrs the Space Marine's split-second responseto a moving rarget, He's waiting tensely for a Genestealer to show itself and ignores all odler targets, such as doors oi feaNres like crates. On fte other hand, if the Space Matine player wanted to spend a command point, he co!/d shoot at the door. Command points represcnt s?ecific orders to perform extra actions nthe! than installt snap-shotresponses.Spending command points allows him to pcrform any action provided he has just seen a Genestealer take an aclion. With command points the Space Marine could tum, step forward or backward, clear ajam or shoot at a door (any door - it needn'r be tre one thaCsjust closed). The penalty for doing this, of course,is that the SpaceMarine loscs overwatch.


& SPACEHULK QUEST]ONS ANSWERS When r SpsceMarlne In oyerwatchJams,how mar|y commatrd polnts doeslt cost to go back into overwatch? Ir coss 3 commandpoints: 1 commandpoint to udjam the stormbolter and2 commandpoints to placethe Space Marine back into overwatch.

AND DOORS OVERWATCH CLOSING Becaus thesearesEparale actions,a Cenestealer could take3 actionsbeforethe SpaceMarine canshootagain: Genestealer FLst action Secondaction Third action SpaceMarlne PaysI CP !o clear thejam Pays2 CPsto retum !o overwatch Takesan overwatchshot
It thg Gsnestedfi dosgs d|e doo.,lhe SpacMarinin lh room (Ml) can'l takean owlwatdr shol The Ggngstealgrlactronhas placed ou ot hislineol sioht. ir Th Spac|,rarin6could spenda commandpoint to shoot ths door,bul ti8 wouldimmsdiately takghim out ol ovtwatdr. orr fie olher hand,lhe SpaceMa.inein ile coridor (ld2) mubt shootat the Genosloalor bcausoho Gonostealer still in his is lineot sighland fir6 arc aftd it's takend|o adion-

A SpaceMarlne hss Just survlveda Genestealer close assault.Do nearby SpaceMarins on overwatchshoot at the Genestaler? Yes.In fact they must, Of course,the SpaceMarinesmust be ableto draw a clear lhe of sight to the Cenestealer it must and be in their fue arc and l2-squareoverwatchrange. Note that there'sno chanceof themhitting their fellow Space Marine evenif they miss the Genestealer. If a Space Marine forcesa Bllp to convert into th line of slght of anotherSpaceMarine on overwatch,doesthe model on overwatch get a shot? No - the newly-converted Genestealer hasn't taken an action in the Space Marine'sline of sight,so there'sno chance to shoor.

Does a Space Marlne In overwatch really gt a shot at s Genestealer that turns 90' - after all. thls ls a fr sctlon for Genestealers? Yes. Even though tuming 90' costs no APs for a Genestealer, it's still an action so the Space Ma ne gets a shol This makes doorways and comers good defensive positions for Space Marines in overwatch as Genestealerswill often have !o tum to make a close assault. Of course, a Cenestealer can partially offset this by moving sideways, This is more expensive in APs but it means the Space Marine gets one less shot - see the diagrarn for more dctails.

OVERWATCH TURNING ATTACK AND TO Dlagaan TheGneslealgr'5 squa@ movoment il inlo 1: irst of tales Diegrem Anallernaliw 4: mlhod anad( thGenestealr for is to of theSpaco nhlineol sioht fre arc.As he'sonoveftarch, i/ia and Marine sseL Arthispoint il3 Urn90' forlreebeforo Space the can
lhe SoaceMarinetakosa shot.
still out of the Space Marine'sline ol sioht and can'l b shot. 2: Thg Genssteale/s second square mov6sil directly in frootof f|9 SpacoMaine who gols anothorove atdl shot. olagratn3: The Genestealer can'tallackbocause tacinglhe il's wong way. h now takssa free actionlo rurnto lac ihe Spac Marine, Space Thg i,larino a shol Oets lhkdoveflvatch evenlhough the Genestoaler's actionwas tre, The Geneste6ler spnt2 APsgettinghere.ll it hassurvived has the overuatchshots,I can nowfiake a closeassaull.Thiswill torcethe SpaceMafinsto delendhimselfand loseove|watdt. This is the bost tacticto us it you want to be able rc movelh6 Genestealer atlacking (probably) after and killing Space be Marine.

Olagran 5: The Genestealer then movessidewaysdown the coridor at a cost ot 2 APs.This rakesit into ho SpacoMarino'slino ol sightso lhespacoMadne shot o6tsan ovorwatch Olag6m6: Spending another APi, theGenstealer againmoves 2 sidewaysdown th6 corridor- tho Spac6 MarineOeGanother The Genestealer now in a positionto athck. k's cost4 APs b got is hereraher than2 as belorebul he SpaceMadnehas had one less chanceto shoolthe Genestealer. playor h doosn't Thisis a better tactic lhe cene$ealer for if wanllo movehjsmodel much lunher tun. lhis


In the Gnestaler's turn, a Space Marlne has Just survlved an attack by r Gnestealr. Carr the Space Marine player now spend a command polnt to hav the Space Marlne shoot hls storm bolter at the Genstealer? Yes. What's hap,penedis that the Space Marine has manaSed to fend off the Geneslealer's aftack. He holds the Genestealer wi0r his power glove and tsies to pump several rotmds into it at point blank range. If the same thing happend after the nxt round of close assault, would th Spsce Marltre get s sustalned fire bonus, even though h'd fought ln between the two shots? Yes. At this range he could hardly fail to improve his chances flom rcund to round! Can a Space Marlne spend command polnts to do anything other thar fire in this sltuation? Yes. For example, if he wanted, the Space Marine player could sperd command points !o step backward, step back and fire, even to close assault (if, say, he had lightning claws). When comrnand poins are used, the Space Marine can do any one action normally allowed by the rules. Can you spend commard polnts to have a Space Marine take an action lmmedlately after the same Space Marine has fired from oYerwatch? Yes. The impofiant thing to remember is that spendiflg the CPs meals the Space Marille automatically loses overwatch. Sometimes you might wadt to do this to get an extra shot in. For exarnple, if a Genestealer is aboul to allack a Space Maline in close combat, the Space Marifle's got nothing to lose - he'll come out of overwatch as soon as the Gcnesbaler attacks anyway. This can also be useful when you want to do something other than shoot. Common examples are stepping out of line of sight when facing a Cenestealer Hybrid armed with a ranged weapon, closing a door between the Space Marine and the Genestealers or stepping back to prevent a close assault. A Genestealer on the edge of a board section has Just attacked a SpacMarin with a llamer. The Space Marine surviyed - can he nory spend 2 CPs to shoot th flamer? Yes. Provided the Genestealer isn't in the same board section as the Space Marine with the flamer, the Space Marine can shoot at him. COMMAND POINTS Ma ne in Dlagrem1: A Gehestealq advanong e Space is oo movslhresquatesand eachtim ovedatdr , TheGensstealr lhe SpaceMa n takesan ove atch shot. All hros shots ar6 has misseg, tor th tlkd he lollsa double hisstorml,oltor bul Jammd. movesfo rardanothq square. Olagram2: Th Genestealor The SpaceMarinespendsa cohmand pointto cleat he jam. spends itth AP lo movdght its Dlag..m 3i Th Genoslealer next lo he SrracMarine.lf lho SpaceMarinedidn't have any him couldcloseassault Yrif|its final CPslgft,the Genestealor f,tadn6 onlyhad I CP left,he couldtireat the AP. It he Spaca Genestgalgr hopeto kill il beforeit atlacked.In this exampl, and 2 b lh SpaceMadnehasat leastanother CPsand chooses step backandlir6. rtr forward Dlagram TheGenestealer spends lastAP b mov6 its had any noxl to the SpaceMadneaOain. lhe SpaceMarine lf firg othelwise he'llhaw to CPsleft,he could atthGenestealer. wait untilhis turn to shoot.By takingthal step back,he's put cant close himselliust lar enoughawayso that lh6 Genestealer p.obably essault, saving life. his

These new rules for crates and rubble bring them up !o date with the weapons and psychic attacks introduced in the Genestealerexpansion.We've included a quick summary of the basic crates and rubble lules to remind vou how thev work.

Lightning Arc destroys a crate on a 4 and Hellhre desaoys a crate on a 3 - in both cases, the crate is replaced with rubble. Other psychic attacksdon't alfecl crates.

Cratesblock line of sight and movement.They can't be movedbut they canbe attackedwith the sameroll as a door if destroyed, replacethe crareby rubble. However,if a convenion beameris used to attackcrates,dre cratesarevaporisedandno rubble is left in their place. Psychicanacks may alsodestroycraies.Vofiex andBlast bodr automaticallyvaporisecratesandleaveno rubble.


Rubble Rubbledoesn'tblock movement,but it costsan extra 1 AP to move onlo a rubble square.It doesn't block line of sight but any shotpassingOrough a rubble squareis deflectedand has no effect on a roll of 5 or 6 on one dice. just The rubbledellcction rules apply !o the new weapons like lhey do !o storm boltrs. However, if a conversionbameris used,a roll of 5 or 5 indicatesthat the shotmissesits intended targetandvaporisestherubble - removethe rubble marker. Blast and Vortex psychic attacks also automaticallyremove rubble markers. destroyrubble, No otherpsychicattacksor weapons


Can Space Marines pass thlngs scross dlagonals or even backwards? Yes. Space Marines can pass objects to any of the 8 squares around them. It doesn't matter which way the Space Madne passing the object or the Space Marine receiving it are facing. The only restriction on this is that you can't pass somelhing across a blocked diagonal. Note that you can only pass objects when the mission briefing says so. Normally, you can't pass weapons or grenades,for example. From which squares can a model open a door? A model can open a door if the door square is in any of the model's ftont tkee squares - the three shaded squares in the diagram below.


on6 bhind the oflr. Th firc|(Gl) Thers a l*o Gnslealors is outof line ol sightbul is apparentlyblockinolineol sighl lo he gcond (G2). So the qustionis: Can a hiddn model block line ol sight? Oiagrsm t: ll's cloar that lhe corner of th room blocks lins of sight lo the nearestGenestealr fte Space Marinecan't shoot at GenesGaler1.


Oiagram 2: lt's qua'ly ctear kom this diagram that the Space Marine would normally have line ol sight lo Genestealsr 2 but dlat any shol at Geneslealer2 passes through Geneslealer1's square, We v dcadod lha! the Space Ma ne can fre al Gonesloaler2, This rcprsntsGonesteald 1 igno ng tho hiddn Genestealer. movino as clos to the wall as possiblelo gel lhe full bnefit of hiding bhind he comer, leavingth Space Marine a clear shot al lhe secondGenestealet.

A model can't operl a door that's in its side or rear facings. A Blip, on the other hand, can open a door in any adjacent square - vertically, horizontally or diagonally - as shown by the shaded souares below.

Can you flame a sectiol containing other SpaceMarines? No. Although it doesn't mention it in the rules, you obviously can't attack your oIIn models. We'd always assumedthis to be the case and hadn't imagined that unscrupulous players miSht think of kiling their own models. The same goes for psychic section effects, self-destructing thunder hammers, firing assault cannon on full auto when there's a friendly model in the line of fire, and so forth. If there are two models one behind the other and llne of sight to the first ls blocked, does the nrst model block line of sight to the scond model, even though th firer can't see th tirst model? This Eicky situation that has come up a few times in our recent games.By the letter of the rules, neithcr target can be shot - a model always blocks line of sight n any model bchind it. However, this seemspatently absurd - it means that lhe second model is taking cover bchind someonethe fircr can't acnrally see! We've had a long hard think about this one and decided to go with the common senseview - the secondmodel can be shot. Mainedoeshavea clearlineol sight to oiagram3: lf he Spac line 1, rulesfor blocking of sightapply Geneslealer lhe normal 2. lor and he can'lshootal Gnestalor There'snowhere ol Genstealrto hideandgetoutof thsvray ths shot. 1 when hiddenmodels,l: The rule aboutignoring ro applyto chscking of sighlonlyapplies tbdels. lt dosn't line - a pile lealurossudr as crateswhichblocklinof sightas usual ol crals can'tmoveoutoflhewayl Simllarly, lherowas a pile of rubblein the way, lhe Space af wasdeflected. Marine would haveto rollto seif hisshot slill

So the ruling is that a model that you can'r see doesn'i block line of sight to anything beyond. See the diagtam to check how this works. Note that this only applies when the front model is hidden - if you've got line of sight to the front model, then it does hide the rcar model. Ii also only applics to models,not !o featules such as cratesor rubble. If you look ar thc diagram you'll see why this is the case.


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