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Start of Vear 3 1 had 2 were waiting 3 stole4 did, do

5 didn't know 6 went 7 asked 8 told

Pages 2-7
9 did, go 10 went 11 was checking in
Present simple and present continuous 12 put 13 found
1 1 go 2 arewaiting 3 believe 4 gets 4 1 Did you use to live in America?
5 is swimming 6 are working 7 watches
8 don't understand No, we used to live in Australia.
2 Did they use to study German at school?
2 1 live, are staying 2 is making, cooks No, they used to study Latin(at school).
3 isn't tidying, iswatching 3 Did your parents use to livein the country?
4 speak,am learning 5 wear, aren't wearing No, they used to livein the city.
6 am playing, don't, play 4 Didyou use to walk to school?
7 watches, is studying 8 drives, walks No, I/we used to get the bus.
3 1 Where areyou staying this week? 5 Did you use to play basketball at school?
2 Do you still work for the council? No, J/we used to play hockey (at school).
3 What areyou studying? 6 Did he use to go to summer camp?
4 When areyour school holidays? No, he used to stay with his cousins.
5 What sports do you play? 5 1 usedto 2 usedto 3 usedto 4 useto
6 What areyou having for dinner? 5 usedto 6 didn't useto 7 useto
7 Do you like dassical music? 8 usedto 9 usedto 10 didn't useto
8 Are you reading a magazine? 6 1 I didn't useto like soup when I was a kid.
4 1 Shedoesn't live in the city centre. 2 There didn't useto be many female politicians
2 They aren't buying food for tonight. when my grandmother wasyoung.
3 Pauland Simon aren't listening to music upstairs. 3 I usedto go to summer camp everyyear when I
4 My parents don't speak Italian.
4 Beforecar people used to travel by horse.
5 The team aren't playing well.
6 It isn't a fabulous house.
5 Mymum used to tell me bedtime storieswhen I
was little.
7 I'm not watching a great film on television. 6 There used to be a cinema here when I was
8 Tessadoesn't work in the bank. young.
5 1 Are,we are, 2 Do, we don't 3 Are,we aren't
Present continuous, going to and future
4 Is,he is 5 Is,she isn't 6 Does,he does
7 Are, they aren't 8 Do, I do
1 1 He'sgoing to the beach with Abby,Joshand Sue.
Past simple, past contlnuous and used to 2 YesoHe'sseeing Claireon Friday.
1 1 flew 2 was watching, went out 3 He'swriting his Englishessay.
3 didn't see 4 saw,was riding 5 went 4 No, he isn't.(He'sgoingto the dentiston
6 didn't enjoy,was 7 Wasmum making, phoned Wednesday.)
8 wereyou doing 9 wake 10 washaving 5 No, he isn't.
11 were riding, saw 12 told, saw
2 1 Is he playing rugby at the weekend?
2 1 Where did you stay on your holidays?
2 WiII there be lesspoverty in the developing
2 Why did she shout? world soon?
3 Did you wait for 20 minutes?
3 Isshe going to give up eating chocolate?
4 Did your mum help you? 4 Are you meeting up at the theatre tonight?
5 What were you doing at fiveo'dock? 5 Will internet accessbe free for everyone in the
6 Where did you eat? future?
7 What did you watch? 6 Are they going to change schoolsnext year?
8 When did you go home? 7 WiII you text me when you get there?
8 Are they bringing a picnic lunch?
Definitions Teacher's Resource Book 1 ~ Macmillan Publishers Limited 2008. This page may be photocopied tor use in class. ~

3 1 are going to drop 3 1 '11have finished 8 1 '11have visited

2 willburn 2 '11have driven 2 '11have driven
3 willremember
3 '11have visited 3 '11be sitting
4 is going to make
5 willwin 4 '11have stopped 4 '11have taken
6 are going to buy 5 '11have finished 5 won't have seen
7 willforget 6 '11have eaten 6 '11be flying
8 is going to study 7 '11have applied
9 willbe
1O won't get 4 Students' own answers
4 1a 2 b 3 b 4 a 5 1 Hewillbe flyingto Parison
5 a 6 a 7 b Monday.
5 Hewillhave started his new
1 Areyou coming
2 We're meeting 3 1'11meet job by Wednesday.
4 He is bringing 2 She willbe decorating the
5 1'11phone house all morning.

6 Areyou walking The party willhave started
7 1'11
get 8 it won't be by 9.00pm.
6 1 is leaving/isgoing to leave 3 Hewillbe studying medicine
2 is meeting/is going to meet for five years.
3 are seeing/are going to see Hewon't have finished until
4 is having/is going to have he's 25 years old.
5 won't ask 4 Hewillbe riding for three
6 isgoing to drive weeks
7 is playing/is going to play Hewill have come home by
8 are having/are going to have July.
9 willhave
10 is cooking/is going to cook 5 She will be writing it all
Future perfect and future She willhave finished it by
continuous Monday.
1 6 They willbe taking offat 6
1 will be living o' dock.
2 willbe doing
3 willbe leaving They willhave arrived at
4 will be starting Veniceairport by 9 o'dock.
5 willbe relaxing 6 1 willbe doing
6 willbe arriving 2 '11be driving
7 willbe having 3 willyou be writing
8 willbe flying 4 will be living
9 willbe getting 5 '11have washed
1O willbe going out 6 will have written
2 1 1'11
be doing my homework 7 '11be driving
8 '11have had
at 4.00 pm.
2 Thistime next week 1'11be 7 1 Willyou have learnt to drive
starting my new job. by your 18th birthday?
3 Paulwillbe watching that 2 WiIIyou have finished the
filmfor the next two hours. job by the end of the day?
4 Thistime tomorrow we'lI be 3 WiIIyou stillbe doing this
skiing in the Alps. tomorrow?
5 Sam will be seeing the 4 Where willyou be working?
doctor later on today. 5 What willyou be doing
6 Marywillbe having dinner tomorrow afternoon?
with friends at 8.00 pm. 6 Where willyou be sitting?

Definitions Teacher's Resource Book 1 @ Macmillan Publishers Limited 2008. This pa!

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