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B21 Queen for a Bishop, it tries to buy time and EEJ attempts to avoid getting his pieces Heinsius

exchanged. At the same time White moves [EEJ ] quickly with the hope of maintaining a time advantage. At this stage white hopes black B21: Sicilian: 2 f4 will blunder at some point (or that he will run Annotations by EEJ using Deep Fritz 12 out of time). 19.Bc4-e6 g7-g6 20.d3-d4 software. This game features a no-give up c5xd4 21.c3xd4 e5xd4 22.Be3xd4 attitude on the part of White who loses his Bd6-e5 Queen for a Bishop on move 10. White [ 22...Nf7-e5 Would have been better. fights back looking for any opportunity to 23.Ra1-b1 g6xf5 24.Be6xf5 Bd6-a3+ ] cause trouble for Black. The game 23.Bd4-c5 Diagram complicates in the middle and Black loses h g f e d c b a his way. 1.e2-e4 0 c7-c5 2.f2-f4 1 1 Diagram # White immediately gets aggressive opening space on the king side 2 2 1 to go after the Black King. d7-d5 Black challenges the center creating tension 3 3 and White removes the challenger releasing 4 4 tension. 3.e4xd5 Ng8-f6 4.Nb1-c3 Nf6xd5 5.Ng1-f3 Bc8-g4 6.Bf1-c4 5 5 Nd5xc3? Diagram # Moving the Knight 6 6 twice in the opening is not advised, (I am speaking in general and of course there 7 7 may be exceptions depending on the 8 8 position on the board. Especially beginners and club players should avoid such double h g f e d c b a moves with their knight in the beginning of the game and prior to bringing out all the A slight break for White ! Notice blacks other pieces) prior to getting all other pieces rooks are in the corners on their original out. 7.b2xc3 e7-e6 Prevents intrusion on squares 23 moves into the game, d5 and gives some room to the Black queen accomplishing absolutely nothing ! and Bishop to move out. 8.0-0 Qe7xc5+! 24.Ne4xc5 Be5xa1 25.Rd1xa1 White castles the King into a safer spot. g6xf5 26.Be6xf5 Nf7-d6 27.Bf5-d3 b7-b6 Nb8-c6 9.h2-h3 Bg4-h5 10.Nf3-g5?? 28.Nc5-e6+ Kf8-f7 29.Ne6-c7 Ra8-c8 Diagram # A massive blunder losing the 30.Nc7-d5 Rc8-c5 31.Nd5-e3 The White Queen for a Bishop. The game for White is Knight dancing around the board is in effect "Over". But White fights on. dangerous. It controls a maximum of 8 [ 10.Qd1-e1 The semicircle symbol squares in the middle of the board and as implies that the annotator thinks that "better is" as in a better move. In this case, such are dangersous there. Knights are much less dangerous at the corners as they moving the Queen outside the line of the control less squares. For example at the Bishop would have been much better. corner of the board they can only move to Bh5xf3 ] two square. Rh8-c8 32.Ra1-f1 Nd6-b5 10...Bh5xd1+ Diagram # 11.Rf1xd1 33.Ne3-g4 Rc8-c6+ 34.Bd3xh7 Nb5-a3 Qd8-f6 12.d2-d3 Bf8-d6 13.Ng5-e4 35.h3-h4 Na3xc2 Diagram Qf6-e7 14.f4-f5 e6-e5 15.Bc1-g5 f7-f6 [ 35...Rc6-d6 Better is Rc6-d6 as it 16.Bg5-e3 Nc6-d8 17.Bc4-b5+ Ke8-f8 avoids the skewer should the rook on C5 18.Bb5-c4 Nd8-f7 As White is down a

move. (the skewer being Knight to E5 as occurs on move 37. ]

1 h 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 h g f e d c b a g f e d c b a 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 2 3

a 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

4 5 6 7 8 h g f e d c b a

36.Bh7xc2= Rc5xc2 37.Ng4-e5+ Diagram

h 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 h g f e d c b a g f e d c b a 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

A rook endgame transpires 39.Kg1-h2 f6-f5 White has a new backward pawn: g2 40.Kh2-h3 Ke6-e5 41.h4-h5 a7-a5 42.Kh3-h4 Ke5-f6 43.g2-g4 Rc6-c4?? Diagram [ 43...Rc6-c5 Better is RC6-C5 Provding better protection for his pawn. ]
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 h g f e d c b a 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 h g f e d c b a

the Knight does his dirty deed, skewing the King and his Castle. The Pawn cannot capture as the White Rook is in line with the Black King. Kf7-e6 38.Ne5xc6 Rc2xc6 Diagram (Diagram 4)

Black gets into trouble with this move. 44.Rf1xf5++ Kf6-g7 45.Rf5-b5 Rc4-c6 46.Kh4-g5 Rc6-c5+ [ 46...Kg7-g8+ Would have let Black last a little longer. Black is in trouble. ] 47.Rb5xc5 b6xc5 48.Kg5-f4 Kg7-h6 Diagram # its over as the White King trots

over to the other side and scoops up the Black Pawns. The Black King cannot capture the backward White Pawn as the Pawn in front would then Queen. 49.Kf4-e5 c5-c4 50.Ke5-d4 c4-c3 51.Kd4xc3 Diagram
h 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 h g f e d c b a g f e d c b a 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

White Wins. Diagram {#} Copyright 2011 EIJI, Incorporated. All Rights Reserved. 1-0

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