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Election Election Campaign: the election period shall commence ninety days before the day of the election

and shall end thirty days thereafter. (Sec. 6, Art. XII-C, Const. !he period of campaign shall be as follo"s: #. *. 0. $residential and %ice-$residential Election & '( days) Election of +embers of the ,atasang $ambansa and -ocal Election & ./ days) and ,arangay Election & #/ days.

!he campaign periods shall not incl1de the day before and the day of the election. 2o"e3er, in case of special elections 1nder Article %III, Section /, S1bsection (* of the Constit1tion, the campaign period shall be forty-fi3e days. !he term 4election campaign4 or 4partisan political acti3ity4 refers to an act designed to promote the election or defeat of a partic1lar candidate or candidates to a p1blic office "hich shall incl1de: (# 5orming organi6ations, associations, cl1bs, committees or other gro1ps of persons for the p1rpose of soliciting 3otes and7or 1nderta8ing any campaign for or against a candidate) (* 2olding political ca1c1ses, conferences, meetings, rallies, parades, or other similar assemblies, for the p1rpose of soliciting 3otes and7or 1nderta8ing any campaign or propaganda for or against a candidate) (0 +a8ing speeches, anno1ncements or commentaries, or holding inter3ie"s for or against the election of any candidate for p1blic office) (. $1blishing or distrib1ting campaign literat1re or materials designed to s1pport or oppose the election of any candidate) or (/ 9irectly or indirectly soliciting 3otes, pledges or s1pport for or against a candidate.

!he foregoing en1merated acts if performed for the p1rpose of enhancing the chances of aspirants for nomination for candidacy to a p1blic office by a political party, aggro1pment, or coalition of parties shall not be considered as election campaign or partisan election acti3ity. $1blic e:pressions or opinions or disc1ssions of probable iss1es in a forthcoming election or on attrib1tes of or criticisms against probable candidates proposed to be nominated in a forthcoming political party con3ention shall not be constr1ed as part of any election campaign or partisan political acti3ity contemplated 1nder this Article. II.

SEC!I;< *. 9eclaration of $rinciples. & !he State shall, d1ring the election period, s1per3ise or reg1late the en=oyment or 1tili6ation of all franchises or permits for the operation of media of comm1nication or information to g1arantee or ens1re e>1al opport1nity for p1blic ser3ice, incl1ding access to media time and space, and the e>1itable right to reply, for p1blic information campaigns and fora among candidates and ass1re free, orderly, honest, peacef1l and credible elections. 9cCE2I !he State shall ens1re that bona fide candidates for any p1blic office shall be free from any form of harassment and discrimination. SEC!I;< 0. -a"f1l Election $ropaganda. & Election propaganda, "hether on tele3ision, cable tele3ision, radio, ne"spapers or any other medi1m is hereby allo"ed for all registered political parties, national, regional, sectoral parties or organi6ations participating 1nder the partylist elections and for all bona fide candidates see8ing national and local electi3e positions s1b=ect to the limitation on a1thori6ed e:penses of candidates and political parties, obser3ance of tr1th in ad3ertising and to the s1per3ision and reg1lation by the Commission on Elections (C;+E-EC . 5or the p1rpose of this Act, la"f1l election propaganda shall incl1de: 0.#. $amphlets, leaflets, cards, decals, stic8ers or other "ritten or printed materials the si6e of "hich does not e:ceed eight and one-half inches in "idth and fo1rteen inches in length) 0.*. 2and"ritten or printed letters 1rging 3oters to 3ote for or against any partic1lar political party or candidate for p1blic office) 0.0. Cloth, paper or cardboard posters, "hether framed or posted, "ith an area not e:ceeding t"o (* feet by three (0 feet, e:cept that, at the site and on the occasion of a p1blic meeting or rally, or in anno1ncing the holding of said meeting or rally, streamers not e:ceeding three (0 feet by eight (? feet in si6e, shall be allo"ed: $ro3ided, !hat said streamers may be displayed fi3e (/ days before the date of the meeting or rally and shall be remo3ed "ithin t"enty-fo1r (*. ho1rs after said meeting or rally) 0... $aid ad3ertisements in print or broadcast media: $ro3ided, !hat the ad3ertisements shall follo" the re>1irements set forth in Section . of this Act) and 0./. All other forms of election propaganda not prohibited by the ;mnib1s Election Code or this Act. SEC!I;< ?*. -a"f1l election propaganda. & -a"f1l election propaganda shall incl1de: (a $amphlets, leaflets, cards, decals, stic8ers or other "ritten or printed materials of a si6e not more than eight and one-half inches in "idth and fo1rteen inches in length) (b 2and"ritten or printed letters 1rging 3oters to 3ote for or against any partic1lar candidate)

(c Cloth, paper or cardboard posters, "hether framed or posted, "ith an area e:ceeding t"o feet by three feet, e:cept that, at the site and on the occasion of a p1blic meeting or rally, or in anno1ncing the holding of said meeting or rally, streamers not e:ceeding three feet by eight feet in si6e, shall be allo"ed: $ro3ided, !hat said streamers may not be displayed e:cept one "ee8 before the date of the meeting or rally and that it shall be remo3ed "ithin se3enty-t"o ho1rs after said meeting or rally) or

(d All other forms of election propaganda not prohibited by this Code as the Commission may a1thori6e after d1e notice to all interested parties and hearing "here all the interested parties "ere gi3en an e>1al opport1nity to be heard: $ro3ided, !hat the Commission@s a1thori6ation shall be p1blished in t"o ne"spapers of general circ1lation thro1gho1t the nation for at least t"ice "ithin one "ee8 after the a1thori6ation has been granted. (Sec. 0A, #'A? EC SEC!I;< ?0. Bemo3al, destr1ction or defacement of la"f1l election propaganda prohibited. & It shall be 1nla"f1l for any person d1ring the campaign period to remo3e, destroy, obliterate, or in any manner deface or tamper "ith, or pre3ent the distrib1tion of la"f1l election propaganda. (Sec. .(, #'A? EC SEC!I;< ?.. Be>1irements for p1blished or printed election propaganda. & Any ne"spaper, ne"sletter, ne"s"ee8ly, ga6ette or maga6ine ad3ertising, posters, pamphlets, circ1lars, handbills, b1mper stic8ers, streamers, simple list of candidates or any p1blished or printed political matter for or against a candidate or gro1p of candidates to any p1blic office shall bear and be identified by the "ords 4paid for by4 follo"ed by the tr1e and correct name and address of the payor and by the "ords 4printed by4 follo"ed by the tr1e and correct name and address of the printer. III. $rohibited contrib1tions SEC!I;< '/. $rohibited contrib1tions. & <o contrib1tion for p1rposes of partisan political acti3ity shall be made directly or indirectly by any of the follo"ing: (a $1blic or pri3ate financial instit1tions: $ro3ided, ho"e3er, !hat nothing herein shall pre3ent the ma8ing of any loan to a candidate or political party by any s1ch p1blic or pri3ate financial instit1tions legally in the b1siness of lending money, and that the loan is made in accordance "ith la"s and reg1lations and in the ordinary co1rse of b1siness) (b <at1ral and =1ridical persons operating a p1blic 1tility or in possession of or e:ploiting any nat1ral reso1rces of the nation) (c <at1ral and =1ridical persons "ho hold contracts or s1b-contracts to s1pply the go3ernment or any of its di3isions, s1bdi3isions or instr1mentalities, "ith goods or ser3ices or to perform constr1ction or other "or8s)

(d <at1ral and =1ridical persons "ho ha3e been granted franchises, incenti3es, e:emptions, allocations or similar pri3ileges or concessions by the go3ernment or any of its di3isions, s1bdi3isions or instr1mentalities, incl1ding go3ernment-o"ned or controlled corporations) (e <at1ral and =1ridical persons "ho, "ithin one year prior to the date of the election, ha3e been granted loans or other accommodations in e:cess of $#((,((( by the go3ernment or any of its di3isions, s1bdi3isions or instr1mentalities incl1ding go3ernment-o"ned or controlled corporations) asia dc (f Ed1cational instit1tions "hich ha3e recei3ed grants of p1blic f1nds amo1nting to no less than $#((,(((.(() (g ;fficials or employees in the Ci3il Ser3ice, or members of the Armed 5orces of the $hilippines) and (h 5oreigners and foreign corporations.

It shall be 1nla"f1l for any person to solicit or recei3e any contrib1tion from any of the persons or entities en1merated herein (Sec. 6/, #'A? EC I%. -a"f1l E:pendit1res SEC!I;< #(*. -a"f1l e:pendit1res. & !o carry o1t the ob=ecti3es of the preceding sections, no candidate or treas1rer of a political party shall, directly or indirectly, ma8e any e:pendit1re e:cept for the follo"ing p1rposes: (a 5or tra3elling e:penses of the candidates and campaign personnel in the co1rse of the campaign and for personal e:penses incident thereto) (b 5or compensation of campaigners, cler8s, stenographers, messengers, and other persons act1ally employed in the campaign) (c (d (e 5or telegraph and telephone tolls, postage, freight and e:press deli3ery charges) 5or stationery, printing and distrib1tion of printed matters relati3e to candidacy) 5or employment of "atchers at the polls)

(f 5or rent, maintenance and f1rnishing of campaign head>1arters, office or place of meetings) (g 5or political meetings and rallies and the 1se of so1nd systems, lights and decorations d1ring said meetings and rallies) (h 5or ne"spaper, radio, tele3ision and other p1blic ad3ertisements)

(i 5or employment of co1nsel, the cost of "hich shall not be ta8en into acco1nt in determining the amo1nt of e:penses "hich a candidate or political party may ha3e inc1rred 1nder Section #(( and #(# hereof)

(= 5or copying and classifying list of 3oters, in3estigating and challenging the right to 3ote of persons registered in the lists the costs of "hich shall not be ta8en into acco1nt in determining the amo1nt of e:penses "hich a candidate or political party may ha3e inc1rred 1nder Sections #(( and #(# hereof) or (8 5or printing sample ballots in s1ch color, si6e and ma:im1m n1mber as may be a1thori6ed by the Commission and the cost of s1ch printing shall not be ta8en into acco1nt in determining the amo1nt of e:penses "hich a candidate or political party may ha3e inc1rred 1nder Sections #(( and #(# hereof.

AC!;+A!E9 E-EC!I;< I. A1tomated election system, hereinafter referred to as AES & a system 1sing appropriate technology "hich has been demonstrated in the 3oting, co1nting, consolidating, can3assing, and transmission of election res1lts, and other electoral processes) SEC. /. A1thority to Cse an A1tomated Election System. & !o carry o1t the abo3e-stated policy, the Commission on Elections, herein referred to as the Commission, is hereby a1thori6ed to 1se an a1tomated election system or systems in the same election in different pro3inces, "hether paper-based or a direct recording electronic election system as it may deem appropriate and practical for the process of 3oting, co1nting of 3otes and can3assing7consolidation and transmittal of res1lts of electoral e:ercises: $ro3ided, !hat for the reg1lar national and local elections, "hich shall be held immediately after the effecti3ity of this Act, the AES shall be 1sed in at least t"o highly 1rbani6ed cities and t"o pro3inces each in -16on, %isayas and +indanao, to be chosen by the Commission: $ro3ided, f1rther, !hat local go3ernment 1nits "hose officials ha3e been the s1b=ect of administrati3e charges "ithin si:teen (#6 months prior to the +ay #., *((A elections shall not be chosen: $ro3ided finally, !hat no area shall be chosen "itho1t the consent of the Sangg1nian of the local go3ernment 1nit concerned. !he term local go3ernment 1nit as 1sed in this pro3ision shall refer to a highly 1rbani6ed city or pro3ince. In s1cceeding reg1lar national or local elections, the AES shall be implemented nation"ide II $aper-based election system & a type of a1tomated election system that 1ses paper ballots, records and co1nts 3otes, tab1lates, consolidates7can3asses and transmits electronically the res1lts of the 3ote co1nt)4 III. SEC. 6. +inim1m System Capabilities. & 4!he a1tomated election system m1st at least ha3e the follo"ing f1nctional capabilities: (a Ade>1ate sec1rity against 1na1thori6ed access)

(b Acc1racy in recording and reading of 3otes as "ell as in the tab1lation, consolidation7can3assing, electronic transmission, and storage of res1lts) (c Error reco3ery in case of non-catastrophic fail1re of de3ice)

(d System integrity "hich ens1res physical stability and f1nctioning of the 3ote recording and co1nting process) (e $ro3ision for 3oter 3erified paper a1dit trail)

(f System a1ditability "hich pro3ides s1pporting doc1mentation for 3erifying the correctness of reported election res1lts) (g An election management system for preparing ballots and programs for 1se in the casting and co1nting of 3otes and to consolidate, report and display election res1lts in the shortest time possible) (h (i (= (8 Accessibility to illiterates and disabled 3oters) %ote tab1lating program for election, referend1m or plebiscite) Acc1rate ballot co1nters) 9ata retention pro3ision)

(l $ro3ide for the safe8eeping, storing and archi3ing of physical or paper reso1rce 1sed in the election process) (m Ctili6e or generate official ballots as herein defined)

(n $ro3ide the 3oter a system of 3erification to find o1t "hether or not the machine has registered his choice) and (o Config1re access control for sensiti3e system data and f1nctions. C9A2I!

4In the proc1rement of this system, the Commission shall de3elop and adopt an e3al1ation system to ascertain that the abo3e minim1m system capabilities are met. !his e3al1ation system shall be de3eloped "ith the assistance of an ad3isory co1ncil.4 I% SEC. ?. !he Ad3isory Co1ncil & !he Commission shall create an Ad3isory Co1ncil, hereafter referred to as the Co1ncil, "hich shall be con3ened not later than eighteen (#? months prior to the ne:t sched1led electoral e:ercise, and deacti3ated si: months after completion of can3assing: $ro3ided, for p1rposes of the *((A elections, the Ad3isory Co1ncil shall be immediately con3ened "ithin ten (#( days after the effecti3ity of this Act. 4!he Co1ncil shall be composed of the follo"ing members, "ho m1st be registered 5ilipino 3oters, of 8no"n independence, competence and probity:

4(a !he Chairman of the Commission on Information and Comm1nications !echnology (CIC! "ho shall act as the chairman of the Co1ncil) 4(b 4(c ;ne member from the 9epartment of Science and !echnology) ;ne member from the 9epartment of Ed1cation)

4(d ;ne member representing the academe, to be selected by the chair of the Ad3isory Co1ncil from among the list of nominees s1bmitted by the co1ntry@s academic instit1tions) 4(e !hree members representing IC! professional organi6ations to be selected by the chair of the Ad3isory Co1ncil from among the list of nominees s1bmitted by $hilippine-based IC! professional organi6ations. <ominees shall be indi3id1als, at least one of "hom shall be e:perienced in managing or implementing large-scale I! pro=ects. 4(f !"o members representing nongo3ernmental electoral reform organi6ations, to be selected by the chair of the Ad3isory Co1ncil from among the list of nominees s1bmitted by the co1ntry@s nongo3ernmental electoral reform organi6ations. 4A person "ho is affiliated "ith any political party or candidate for any national position, or is related to a candidate for any national position by affinity or consang1inity "ithin the fo1rth ci3il degree, shall not be eligible for appointment or designation to the Ad3isory Co1ncil. Sho1ld any s1ch sit1ation arise at any time d1ring the inc1mbency of a member, the designation or appointment of that member shall ipso facto be terminated. 2CSEI! 4Any member of the Ad3isory Co1ncil is prohibited from engaging, directly or indirectly, "ith any entity that ad3ocates, mar8ets, imports, prod1ces or in any manner handles soft"are, hard"are or any e>1ipment that may be 1sed for election p1rposes for personal gain. 4Any 3iolation of the t"o immediately preceding paragraphs shall dis>1alify said member from the Ad3isory Co1ncil and shall be p1nishable as pro3ided in this Act and shall be penali6ed in accordance "ith the Anti-Draft and Corr1pt $ractices Act and other related la"s. 4!he Co1ncil may a3ail itself of the e:pertise and ser3ices of reso1rce persons "ho are of 8no"n independence, competence and probity, are nonpartisan, and do not possess any of the dis>1alifications applicable to a member of the Ad3isory Co1ncil as pro3ided herein. !he reso1rce persons shall also be s1b=ect to the same prohibitions and penalties as the members of the Ad3isory Co1ncil. 4!he Commission on Information and Comm1nications !echnology (CIC! , shall incl1de in its ann1al appropriation the f1nds necessary to enable the Co1ncil to effecti3ely perform its f1nctions.4 4SEC. '. f1nctions: 51nctions of the Ad3isory Co1ncil. & !he Co1ncil shall ha3e the follo"ing

#. Becommend the most appropriate, sec1re, applicable and cost-effecti3e technology to be applied in the AES, in "hole or in part, at that specific point in time.

*. $articipate as non3oting members of the ,ids and A"ards Committee in the cond1ct of the bidding process for the AES. +embers of the Ad3isory Co1ncil representing the IC! professional organi6ations are hereby e:cl1ded from participating in any manner in the ,ids and A"ards Committee. 0. $articipate as non3oting members of the steering committee tas8ed "ith the implementation of the AES. +embers of the Ad3isory Co1ncil representing the IC! professional organi6ations are hereby e:cl1ded from participating in any manner in the steering committee. .. $ro3ide ad3ice and assistance in the re3ie" of the systems planning, inception, de3elopment, testing, operationali6ation, and e3al1ation stages. /. $ro3ide ad3ice and7or assistance in the identification, assessment and resol1tion of systems problems or inade>1acies as may s1rface or res1rface in the co1rse of the bidding, ac>1isition, testing, operationali6ation, re-1se, storage or disposition of the AES e>1ipment and7or reso1rces as the case may be. 6. $ro3ide ad3ice and7or assistance in the ris8 management of the AES especially "hen a contingency or disaster sit1ation arises. A. $repare and s1bmit a "ritten report, "hich shall be s1bmitted "ithin si: months from the date of the election to the o3ersight committee, e3al1ating the 1se of the AES. S9a2Ec <othing in the role of the Co1ncil or any o1tside inter3ention or infl1ence shall be constr1ed as an abdication or dimin1tion of the Commission@s a1thority and responsibility for the effecti3e de3elopment, management and implementation of the AES and this Act.4 !he Ad3isory Co1ncil shall be entitled to a =1st and reasonable amo1nt of per diem allo"ances and7or honoraria to co3er the e:penses of the ser3ices rendered chargeable against the b1dget of the Commission.4 %. 4SEC. #0. Contin1ity $lan. & !he AES shall be so designed to incl1de a contin1ity plan in case of a systems brea8do"n or any s1ch e3ent1ality "hich shall res1lt in the delay, obstr1ction or nonperformance of the electoral process. Acti3ation of s1ch contin1ity and contingency meas1res shall be 1nderta8en in the presence of representati3es of political parties and citi6ens@ arm of the Commission "ho shall be notified by the election officer of s1ch acti3ation. 4All political parties and party-lists shall be f1rnished copies of said contin1ity plan at their official addresses as s1bmitted to the Commission. !he list shall be p1blished in at least t"o ne"spapers of national circ1lation and shall be posted at the "ebsite of the Commission at least fifteen (#/ days prior to the electoral acti3ity concerned.4 %I 4SEC. 00. Eoint Congressional ;3ersight Committee. & An ;3ersight Committee is hereby created composed of se3en members each from the Senate and the 2o1se of Bepresentati3es,

fo1r of "hom shall come from the ma=ority and three from the minority, to monitor and e3al1ate the implementation of this Act. A "ritten report to the Senate and the 2o1se of Bepresentati3es shall be s1bmitted by the Ad3isory Co1ncil "ithin si: months from the date of election. !he o3ersight committee shall cond1ct a mandatory re3ie" of this Act e3ery t"el3e (#* months from the date of the last reg1lar national or local elections.4 4!he o3ersight committee shall cond1ct a comprehensi3e assessment and e3al1ation of the performance of the different AES technologies implemented and shall ma8e appropriate recommendations to Congress, in session assembled, specifically incl1ding the follo"ing: 4#. An assessment and comparison of each of the AES technologies 1tili6ed, incl1ding their strengths, "ea8nesses, applicability or inapplicability in specific areas and sit1ations) 4*. An e3al1ation of their acc1racy thro1gh a comparison of a random sample of the AES election res1lts "ith a man1al tab1lation, and the cond1ct of similar tests) 40. As to the scope of AES implementation in the s1bse>1ent elections, pro3ide for recommendations as to "hether any of the follo"ing sho1ld be adopted: 4a. 51rther test application of the AES or a partic1lar AES technology 1sed in the *((A elections, "hether in the same or other areas) 4b. An increase or enlargement of areas for implementation of the AES or an AES technology and not a f1ll implementation) or 4c. 4.. A f1ll implementation of the AES. 2Aa9cS As to the 8ind of AES technology, pro3ide for proposals as to "hether:

4a. A partic1lar AES technology sho1ld no longer be 1tili6ed for being obsolete, inapplicable, inacc1rate or "ith a defect "hich cannot be remedied) 4b. An enhancement or impro3ement is needed to an AES technology "hich "as 1sed in the *((A elections to ma8e it more f1nctional, appropriate and acc1rate) 4c. A partic1lar AES technology is already appropriate and sho1ld be 1tili6ed f1lly for s1bse>1ent elections) or 4d. !he testing or adoption of ne" technologies "hich may ha3e emerged after the *((A elections is needed.4

Electionion e:penses: SEC!I;< #(. Election e:penses. & E:cept in barangay elections, s1ch e:penses as may be necessary and reasonable in connection "ith the elections, referenda, plebiscites and other similar e:ercises shall be paid by the Commission. !he Commission may direct that in the pro3inces, cities, or m1nicipalities, the election e:penses chargeable to the Commission be

ad3anced by the pro3ince, city or m1nicipality concerned s1b=ect to reimb1rsement by the Commission 1pon presentation of the proper bill. 51nds needed by the Commission to defray the e:penses for the holding of reg1lar and special elections, referenda and plebiscites shall be pro3ided in the reg1lar appropriations of the Commission "hich, 1pon re>1est, shall immediately be released to the Commission. In case of deficiency, the amo1nt so pro3ided shall be a1gmented from the special acti3ities f1nds in the general appropriations act and from those specifically appropriated for the p1rpose in special la"s. (<e" SEC!I;< #(0. $ersons a1thori6ed to inc1r election e:pendit1res. & <o person, e:cept the candidate, the treas1rer of a political party or any person a1thori6ed by s1ch candidate or treas1rer, shall ma8e any e:pendit1re in s1pport of or in opposition to any candidate or political party. E:pendit1res d1ly a1thori6ed by the candidate or the treas1rer of the party shall be considered as e:pendit1res of s1ch candidate or political party. !he a1thority to inc1r e:pendit1res shall be in "riting, copy of "hich shall be f1rnished the Commission signed by the candidate or the treas1rer of the party and sho"ing the e:pendit1res so a1thori6ed, and shall state the f1ll name and e:act address of the person so designated. (Sec. /., #'A? EC SEC!I;< #(.. $rohibited donations by candidates, treas1rers of parties or their agents. & <o candidate, his or her spo1se or any relati3e "ithin the second ci3il degree of consang1inity or affinity, or his campaign manager, agent or representati3e shall d1ring the campaign period, on the day before and on the day of the election, directly or indirectly, ma8e any donation, contrib1tion or gift in cash or in 8ind, or 1nderta8e or contrib1te to the constr1ction or repair of roads, bridges, school b1ses, p1eric1lt1re centers, medical clinics and hospitals, ch1rches or chapels cement pa3ements, or any str1ct1re for p1blic 1se or for the 1se of any religio1s or ci3ic organi6ation: $ro3ided, !hat normal and c1stomary religio1s d1es or contrib1tions, s1ch as religio1s stipends, tithes or collections on S1ndays or other designated collection days, as "ell as periodic payments for legitimate scholarships established and school contrib1tions habit1ally made before the prohibited period, are e:cl1ded from the prohibition. acd !he same prohibition applies to treas1rers, agents or representati3es of any political party. (Sec. 60, #'A? EC SEC!I;< #(/. Acco1nting by agents of candidate or treas1rer. & E3ery person recei3ing contrib1tions or inc1rring e:pendit1res by a1thority of the candidate or treas1rer of the party shall, on demand by the candidate or treas1rer of the party and in any e3ent "ithin fi3e days after recei3ing s1ch contrib1tion or inc1rring s1ch e:pendit1re, render to the candidate or the treas1rer of the party concerned, a detailed acco1nt thereof "ith proper 3o1chers or official receipts. (Sec. //, #'A? EC SEC!I;< #(6. Becords of contrib1tions and e:pendit1res. & (a It shall be the d1ty of e3ery candidate, treas1rer of the political party and person acting 1nder the a1thority of s1ch

candidate or treas1rer to iss1e a receipt for e3ery contrib1tion recei3ed and to obtain and 8eep a receipt stating the partic1lars of e3ery e:pendit1re made. (b E3ery candidate and treas1rer of the party shall 8eep detailed, f1ll, and acc1rate records of all contrib1tions recei3ed and e:pendit1res inc1rred by him and by those acting 1nder his a1thority, setting forth therein all information re>1ired to be reported. (c E3ery candidate and treas1rer of the party shall be responsible for the preser3ation of the records of contrib1tions and e:pendit1res, together "ith all pertinent doc1ments, for at least three years after the holding of the election to "hich they pertain and for their prod1ction for inspection by the Commission or its d1ly a1thori6ed representati3e, or 1pon presentation of a s1bpoena d1ces tec1m d1ly iss1ed by the Commission. 5ail1re of the candidate or treas1rer to preser3e s1ch records or doc1ments shall be deemed prima facie e3idence of 3iolation of the pro3isions of this Article. (Sec. /6, #'A? EC SEC!I;< #(A. SEC!I;< #(?. SEC!I;< #('. 5orm and contents of statement. & !he statement shall be in "riting, s1bscribed and s"orn to by the candidate or by the treas1rer of the party, shall be complete as of the date ne:t preceding the date of filing and shall set forth in detail (a the amo1nt of contrib1tion, the date of receipt, and the f1ll name and e:act address of the person from "hom the contrib1tion "as recei3ed) (b the amo1nt of e3ery e:pendit1re, the date thereof, the f1ll name and e:act address of the person to "hom payment "as made, and the p1rpose of the e:pendit1re) (c any 1npaid obligation, its nat1re and amo1nt, and to "hom said obligation is o"ing) and (d s1ch other partic1lars "hich the Commission may re>1ire. If the candidate or treas1rer of the party has recei3ed no contrib1tion, made no e:pendit1re, or has no pending obligation, the statement shall reflect s1ch fact. (Sec. /', #'A? EC SEC!I;< ##(. $reser3ation and inspection of statements. & All statements of contrib1tions and e:pendit1res shall be 8ept and preser3ed at the office "here they are filed and shall constit1te part of the p1blic records thereof for three years after the election to "hich they pertain. !hey shall not be remo3ed therefrom e:cept 1pon order of the Commission or of a competent co1rt and shall, d1ring reg1lar office ho1rs, be s1b=ect and open to inspection by the p1blic. !he officer in-charge thereof, shall, on demand, f1rnish certified copies of any statement 1pon payment of the fee prescribed 1nder Section *A( hereof. (Sec. 6(, #'A? EC It shall be the d1ty of the Commission to e:amine all statements of contrib1tions and e:pendit1res of candidates and political parties to determine compliance "ith the pro3isions of this Article. (<e" SEC!I;< ###. Effect of fail1re to file statement. & In addition to other sanctions pro3ided in this Code, no person elected to any p1blic office shall enter 1pon the d1ties of his office 1ntil he has filed the statement of contrib1tions and e:pendit1res herein re>1ired.

!he same prohibition shall apply if the political party "hich nominated the "inning candidate fails to file the statements re>1ired herein "ithin the period prescribed by this Code. (Sec. 6#, #'A? EC modified

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