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Naila : 078172222S8

Champa : 0781324S767
Railway Time Table
8473 !:7i - 1odhp:7 (S:pe7 Fast) 1:45
8030 Shalima7 - K:7la (Shalima7 Exp7ess) 3:05
2409 Raiga7h-Nizam:ddin 4:40
2810 How7ah-M:mbai Mail (S:pe7 Fast) 6:03
2069 Raiga7h-Gondia (1an Shatabdi Exp7ess) 7:35
2906 Hapa How7ah - !o7banda7 (Sat. S:n.) 8:20
2834 How7ah - Ahmadabad 10:25
361/8237 Gewa7a-Bilasp:7 (Chhattisga7h Exp7ess) 12:20
8477 !:7i - Ha7idwa7 14:05
3288 So:th Biha7 (Danap:7 - D:7g) 15:48
8517 Ko7ba - Vishakhapattanam 17:05
8507 Hi7ak:nd - Vishakhapattanam-Am7itsa7 (T:e.F7i.Sat) 17:25
8239 Gewa7a - Nagp:7 (Shivnath Exp.) 18:54
6512 Ko7ba-Yashwantp:7 (Vainganga)(Th:.) 19:36
6327 Ko7ba-T7ivend7am(Wed. Sat.) 20:25
321 Tatanaga7-Bilasp:7 5:01
363 Ko7ba-Nagp:7 6:55
339 Raiga7h-Bilasp:7 8:40
355 1ha7s:g:da-Gondia 10:45
369 Gewa7a-Bilasp:7 14:55
337 Raiga7h-Bilasp:7 16:45
327 Tata-Nagp:7 18:54
335 1ha7s:g:da-Bilasp:7 20:30
367 Ko7ba-Bilasp:7 22:09
Ko7ba-Bilasp:7 Special !assenge7(Wed.Sat) 8:15


8474 1odhp:7-!:7i - (S:pe7 Fast)(S:n) ----
8029 K:7la -Shalima7 - (Shalima7 Exp7ess) 23:05
2809 M:mbai-How7ah- Mail (S:pe7 Fast) ----
2070 Gondia-Raiga7h- (1an Shatabdi Exp7ess) 20:30
2905 !o7banda7 - How7ah - (Th:.F7i) ----
2833 Ahmadabad-How7ah 1:50
360/8238 Bilasp:7-Gewa7a- (Chhattisga7h Exp7ess) 8:35
8478 Ha7idwa7-!:7i 12:03
3287 So:th Biha7 (D&RG-Danap:7) ----
8518 Vishakhapattanam-Ko7ba 9:55
8508 Hi7ak:nd - Exp (Mon.T:e.F7i) ----

6511 Yashwantp:7-Ko7ba- (Vainganga)(Th:.) 5:13
6328 T7ivend7am-Ko7ba-(Wed. Sat.) 2:32
322 Bilasp:7-Tatanaga7
362 Nagp:7-Ko7ba
340 Bilasp:7-Raiga7h
356 Gondia-1ha7s:g:da
368 Bilasp:7-Gewa7a
338 Bilasp:7-Raiga7h
328 Nagp:7-Tata
336 Bilasp:7-1ha7s:g:da
366 Bilasp:7-Gewa7a
364 Nagp:7-Gewa7a
Bilasp:7-Ko7ba Special !assenge7(Wed.Sat)

Excellent ca7ee7 in aviation ind:st7y


1. Diploma Co:7se in Ai7line Hospitality Management (Ai7hostess/ Flight stewa7ds)
Co:7se D:7ation:- 1 Year.
Age:- 17 to 27 Years.
Eligibility : 102 / Graduate ( any stream).
Co:7se content
History oI Aviation Industry / Techinal knowhow oI Aviation Industry / Personality Gooming / Spoken English &
Hindi / Beauty Sessions / Yoga Session / Fashion Designing / Diet Sessions / Knowhow oI Ticketing & Time
Management / Knowhow oI Tourism Industry Swimming / Basics oI Hotel Management Training / Foreign
Language / Computer Application / Customer Service / First Aid Training / General Intelligence / Group
Discussion and Debates (Extempore)
2. Ce7tificate Co:7se fo7 Cabin C7ew & G7o:nd staff
Co:7se D:7ation:- 1 Year.
Age:- 17 to 27 Years.
Eligibility : 102 / Graduate (any stream).
Co:7se content
History oI Aviation Industry / Techinal knowhow oI Aviation Industry / Personality Gooming / Spoken English &
Hindi / Beauty Sessions / Yoga Session / Fashion Designing / Diet Sessions / Knowhow oI Ticketing & Time
Management / Knowhow oI Tourism Industry Swimming / Basics oI Hotel Management Training / Foreign

Syllab:s Fo7:-
Cabin C7ew Membe7
Mod:le 1 - Int7od:ction to the Cabin C7ew !7ofession
O Int7od:ction to the Cabin C7ew !7ofession
O Histo7y and O7igin of !7ofession
1. Key Historical Milestones
O A Day in the Life of a C7ewmembe7
1. A Day in the LiIe
2. BeneIits and Challenges oI the Cabin Crew ProIession
Mod:le S:mma7y
Mod:le 2 - Landing the 1ob
O Landing the 1ob
O Landing a 1ob
1. Resumes and applications
2. Training and CertiIication
O Minim:m Req:i7ements
1. Minimum Requirements
2. What Skills Do You Have?
O G7ooming and !e7sonal Appea7ance
1. Good Grooming Practices
2. Personal Hygiene
3. Hair and Hairstyles
4. Make-Up and Cosmetics
5. Jewelry
6. Prescription Eyewear
Mod:le S:mma7y
Mod:le 3 - Cabin C7ew Healthy Living/Lifestyle
O Cabin C7ew Healthy Living/Lifestyle
O Healthy C7ew Lifestyle
1. utrition and Exercise
2. Proper LiIting Techniques
O Adapting to Lifestyle Changes
1. The LiIestyle oI Cabin Crew
O The !7ess:7es of F7ontline Wo7k
O !e7sonal Health
1. Health Risks Associated with Travel and Flying
2. Other Recognised EIIects From Flying
O Sec:7ity and Safety While Away F7om Base
1. In Transit and in the Hotel
2. When Sightseeing or Leaving Your Room
3. Emergency Situation to Prepare Ior When Traveling
Mod:le S:mma7y
Mod:le 4 - Int7od:ction to the Aviation Ind:st7y
O Int7od:ction to the Aviation Ind:st7y
O Ai7lines. Cha7te7s. !7ivate and Co7po7ate 1ets
1. Scheduled Airlines and Alliances
2. Charters and Corporate and Private iets
O Reg:lato7y Agencies and Aviation Reg:lations
1. What is ICAO?
2. Government Agencies in Aviation SaIety CAAs, FAA, and JAA
3. IATA International Air Transport Association
O C:stoms and Immig7ation fo7 Ai7 T7avel
1) Customs and Immigration
Mod:le S:mma7y
Mod:le 5 - Int7od:ction to Ai7c7aft and Aviation Familia7isation
O Int7od:ction to Ai7c7aft and Aviation Familia7isation
O Ai7c7aft Familia7isation
1. AircraIt Types
2. AircraIt Layout and Terminology
3. AircraIt Furnishings, Systems and Terminology
4. General Aviation and Ground and Airport Operations Terminology
O Theo7y of Flight and How Ai7c7aft Fly
1. Take OII`s and Landing
2. Movement oI an AircraIt in Flight
O &sing Time Zones
1. 24-Hour Clock
2. Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) and Time Zones
3. International Date Line
O Wo7ld Ai7po7t Codes and Ai7line Codes
1. World Airport Codes
2. Airline Designators
Mod:le S:mma7y
Mod:le 6 - C7ew Membe7 Coo7dination and Comm:nication
O C7ew Membe7 Coo7dination and Comm:nication
O Role and Responsibilities
1. Cabin Crew
O Flight !7epa7ations
1. Pre-Ilight Crew BrieIing
2. Pre-Ilight Preparations
3. Flight Preparation
4. Boarding Process
5. Pre Take-OII Preparations
6. Passenger SaIety BrieIing
7. Preparing Ior Take-oII
8. Preparing Ior Landing
O Int7od:ction to C7ew Reso:7ce Management (CRM)
1. Communication, Interpersonal Skills and Handling InIormation
2. Basics oI Crew Resource Management (CRM)
Mod:le S:mma7y
Mod:le 7 - C:stome7 Se7vice
O C:stome7 Se7vice
O !assenge7s and G:ests
Mod:le S:mma7y
Mod:le 8 - Managing !assenge7 Inte7actions
O Managing !assenge7 Inte7actions
O Ca7e Giving
O Giving a Command and Making a Req:est
O Flight and Fight Reactions
O Fea7 of Flying
O !assenge7 with Special Needs
Mod:le S:mma7y
Mod:le 9 - Safety and Eme7gency !7oced:7es
O Safety and Eme7gency !7oced:7es
O Accidents and S:7vivability
1. Routine Preparation
O Evac:ation and Eme7gency !7oced:7e
1. Unplanned or Planned Evacuations
2. Emergency Landings
O T:7b:lence
1. Air Turbulence
2. Turbulence Related Incidents
3. Iniury Prevention
4. Response to Turbilence
O Eme7gency Eq:ipment
1. Types oI Emergency Equipment
2. Types oI Evacuation Equipment and Use
3. FireIighting Equipment
4. Emergency Equipment Ior Ditching
O Responding to Fi7es
1. ClassiIication oI Fires
O Decomp7ession
1. What is Decompression?
2. Basic Response Procedures in a Decompression
O Hypoxia and How to Recognise it
1. Hypoxia
2. Rapid/Explosive Decompression
3. The EIIect oI Decompression on the Flight Crew: TUC or Time oI UseIul Consciousness
Mod:le S:mma7y
Mod:le 10 - Medical Eme7gencies and Medical T7aining
O Medical Eme7gencies and Medical T7aining
O Eme7gency eq:ipment on boa7d ( Fi7st Aid Kit. Eme7gency Medical Kit. A:tomatic Defib7illato7. !e7sonal
!7otection )
1. First Aid and Medical Equipment
O Basic Fi7st Aid and !e7sonal !7otection
1. Check-Call-Care: First Aid Primer
2. Protect YourselI!
O C!R. AED and Heimlich Mane:ve7
1. Assisting Someone Who Has Stopped Breathing
2. CPR
3. AED (Automated External DeIibrillator)
4. Heimlich Maneuver
5. Sample Cabin Crew Medical Training Syllabus
Mod:le S:mma7y
Mod:le 11 - Int7od:ction to Dange7o:s Goods
O Int7od:ction to Dange7o:s Goods
O Dange7o:s Goods
1. What are Dangerous Goods?
2. Regulations and Standards
3. ClassiIications oI Dangerous Goods
4. Why Dangerous Goods At All?
O Hasa7d Class Definitions - Identification and Recognition
1. Dangerous Goods or Hasard Class DeIinitions
O !7eca:tiona7y Meas:7es - Enfo7cement and Repo7ting
Mod:le S:mma7y
Mod:le 12 - Aviation Sec:7ity
O Aviation Sec:7ity
O Th7eats to the Ind:st7y - Bomb Th7eats. Hostage/Hijacking. Th7eatening o7 Ab:sive !assenge7s
1. Who Poses a Threat?
2. Maior Threats to the Aviation Industry
O Recognising and Responding to S:spicio:s Activities. Dis7:ptive !assenge7s
and Othe7 Th7eats
1. Disruptive Passengers
2. Response to Disruptive Passengers
O Cabin C7ew`s Role in Aviation Sec:7ity
Mod:le S:mma7y
Mod:le 13 - Int7od:ction to Ai7line Cate7ing and Food Se7vice
O Int7od:ction to Ai7line Cate7ing and Food Se7vice
O Ai7line Cate7ing
1. Food Service in the Airline Industry
2. Caterers
O Galleys and Eq:ipment Familia7isation
1. The Gallley
2. Pre-Flight Galley Check
3. Delivery and Loading oI Catering Services
4. Security Procedures
5. Types and Codes Ior Special Meals
O Se7vice Types and Levels
1. Service Levels
2. Types oI Meal Service
O Food and Se7vice Hygiene

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