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Organizational Atmosphere Survey Instructions: Below you will find a series of statements that you may use to describe

your working atmosphere. Please, mark with an X the grade of agreement or disagreement that you may have on each one of them. Do not forget to answer all the statements, THANK YOU.

Totally agree (5) Agree (4) Neither agree, or disagree (3) Disagree (2) Totally disagree (1)

1 2 3 4 5 6 8 9

I feel confidence among my workmates when we carry out a project together. I think the general director really backs up his collaborators. The suggestions that I have proposed at my working center have been carried out. My boss is capable of motivating us to work by combining efforts. At my working center people may act upon their own initiative. Working as a group saves time. I consider that my boss is a person that has enough character to make decisions. Work has a better quality if it is carried out as a team.

7 The artistic director is a good leader.

10 I consider that when working as a team we are all responsible of the obtained outcome. 11 The working instructions that I receive are clear. 12 When something displeases me I can dialogize it with my boss. 13 I think that working as a team, I learn from others. 14 The contributions made by the employees are appreciated and valued at my working center. 15 The general director usually takes into consideration the ideas that may araise from the working team. 16 I consider that at my working center team work is appreciated and valued. 17 The artistic director is a flexible person. 18 I consider that working as a team is a waste of time. 19 The salary that I obtain provides economic stability. 20 The general director gets together with his collaborators to discuss future projects. 21 At my working center I obtain acknowledgement for my individual achievements. 22 At my working center the reached goals of the established objects are measured. 23 I believe that my artistic director is qualified to fulfil his position.. 24 We are usually congratulated when things are well done at my working center.

25 At my working center a follow up exists when a goal is required to be met. 26 I consider that the working atmospehere is one of respect. 27 The salary that I receive allows me to live with commodities. 28 When I dislike something I can discuss it with my artistic director. 29 I believe that at my working center working conditions for team working are facilitated. 30 I consider that the installations at my working center are uncomfortable to work at. 31 I consider that my salary is correct accordingly to what I do. 32 I consider that my artistic director encourages me to feel confident when a problem arises. 33 At my working center my achievements are acknowledged. 34 I think that at my working center my ideas are taken into consideration. 35 I consider that my salary maintains my mind at ease. 36 My artistic director is capable of motivating us to work as a group. 37 The relation among my wokmates is amicable. 38 My efforts, in order to carry out my job, are acknowledged. 39 My boss gets together with his collaborators to discuss future projects. 40 At my working center I have been able to establish good freindship relations. 41 I feel satisfied with the salary I receive. 42 The supervision politics within the enterprise are the adequated ones. 43 At my working center we share a common goal. 44 I consider that the artistic director is a person that has enough character to make decisions. 45 The supervising manners within my working area are well-defined. 46 The furniture at my working center is comfortable. 47 I believe that the salary I receive is just compared to other working centers. 48 My supervisor notices when I carry out a good quality job. 49 I believe that my boss is qualified to fulfil his position. 50 The artistic director is person who has the qualities of a leader. 51 At my working center I have the necessary tools to carry out my job. 52 Due to my job I have frequent headaches. 53 I believe I could resign because I feel stressed at my job. 54 I can confide that my workmates will give me an honest opinion about my job. 55 I think the artistic director really backs up his collaborators. 56 I think we obtain good outcomes working as a team. 57 My boss is a person who has the qualities of a leader. 58 At my working center the employees are encouraged to act upon their own initiative. 59 The working instructions that I receive are clear. 60 At my work a tense atmosphere can be perceived. 61 I consider that my boss encourages me to feel confident when a problem arises. 62 I think that working as a team causes conflict. 63 The ventilation and noise conditions in my working area is adequate.

64 The artistic director usually takes into consideration the ideas that may araise from the working team. 65 There is enough harmony in my working team to obtain the necessary objectives. 66 The supervision that I get makes my work easier. 67 The furniture that I use is the appropiate one for my job. 68 The salary I receive for my job allows me to have recereational moments. 69 The artistic director gets together with his collaborators to discuss future projects. 70 The physical space in which I fulfil my job is agreeable. 71 I consider that among my workmates the support that we give each other is appreciated. 72 The general director is a good leader. 73 My boss is a good leader. 74 The supervising manner at my working center stresses me. 75 The general director is a flexible person. 76 The working instructions that I receive are clear. 77 I feel part of the group when I work in a team. 78 There exists loyalty among my workmates 79 I believe that the general director is qualified to fulfil his position. 80 I think mutual help exists among my workmates. 81 I feel that I am listened to when I give an opinion. 82 I think that my boss really backs up his collaborators. 83 When something displeases me I can dialogize it with my general director. 84 Maintenance and reparing of the furniture in my working area is adequate. 85 I consider I have a good working relationship with my workmates. 86 I consider that my general director encourages me to feel confident when a problem arises. 87 I feel burdened to honor the regulations at my working center. 88 When a working problem arises, generally all of us cooperate in order to solve it. 89 My general director is capable of motivating us to work by combining efforts. 90 My boss is flexible. 91 I think that there exists too much pressure at work in order to do it in a continuous manner. 92 I consider that my salary compensates the work I do. 93 I consider that general director is a person that has enough character to make decisions. 94 My boss usually takes into consideration the ideas that may araise from the working team. 95 Working in a team gives me important satisfactions. 96 The general director is a person who has the qualities of a leader.

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