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Pastor Jan Marcussen - P O Box 68, Thompsonville, IL 62890 - Phone 618-627-2357 - Fax - 618-627-2712

My web-sites are & - My newest website is WBNS.US

Mid October Y2K+5 {October 22} 161 years since the investigation of the “judgement” began. It’s almost finished.

“None of them can by

any means redeem his
brother, nor give to God a ransom
for him: (For the redemption of
their soul is precious, and Saddam’s Revenge
it ceaseth forever).”
TIME, Sept. 26, 2005
Exhibit #1

Dear SDA friends around the world,

On page 5, you’ll find updated directions to my big
meeting in the SDA church Oct. 15 - in the Brooklyn, NY.
Faith: What does silk underwear have to do with
Pastor Jan: You’ll soon find out.
Exhibit #2 Faith: Above, it says, “and it ceaseth forever?” Does
that mean that the souls of the people are precious, but the
time is soon coming when their probation will be ended, and once it is ended, “it
ceaseth forever,” and is forever too late? Exhibit #3
Pastor Jan: That’s right. There are two things that our Lord tells us that we don’t
realize, 1) the shortness of time, and 2) the value of a soul, “For the redemption of their soul is precious.” The fact that
very soon “it ceaseth forever” makes me want very much to reach the people quickly with God’s saving three angels’
messages - so that they can have a chance to know what God says, and to know Him, so that He can save them from sin
and eternal death.
In this letter, we’re going to look more closely at the Vatican’s New World Order. Rome is working through it. It’s a
vast network of hundreds of organizations that span the globe. It’s so huge that in this letter I can only give you a little,
to add to the little in other letters and future letters. Many people know that it exists, but most of them don’t know that
according to prophecy {GC 565,566} the New World Order {NWO} is secretly controlled by the Vatican in Rome -
through the council of 13, with the council of 30 under them, and the council of 300 under them. Under them are elite
men around the world who control a vast array of secret societies, governments, church organizations, labor unions, the
mob, the media, and organizations of all types, shapes, and sizes, with the black pope above all, and the devil and his
angels above him. It’s a vast conglomeration that takes in most of the world - with the ignorant masses and most church
members following along in a laughing, gloomy procession on their way to hell.
The prophet said, “Riches and worldly honor cannot satisfy the soul. Many long for
something that will bring to an end the monotony of their aimless lives.” MH 211.
The “global elite” from Lucifer on down have for years tried to control the masses to give
themselves the sense of power they think will
satisfy their emptiness and sorrow inside. We
are already in the Vatican New World Order,
but it will continue to strengthen until the
Sunday law, and even until the coming of Jesus
in the sky - as the slaves of disobedience to
God are “led” to try {according to Rev.
13:15,16} - to kill God’s dear people.
You’ve already learned that Winston
Churchill said that Hitler was trying to set up a Exhibit #4
“new order” for Europe. You’ve already
learned that it was the Vatican who picked Hitler to do what he did so
that the papacy could rule the world [GC 565,566] and use Germany,
Italy, and Japan to secretly take over the world for Rome in WWII.
God stopped it at that time. Praise the Lord! He is in control for the
good of His people.
Before I reveal to you some of what the Vatican NWO is doing, I
think I’ll reveal documentation showing some of their goals. You’ll
see that the coming national and universal Sunday laws with the
“sanctions” on buying and selling, and the coming death decree {Rev.
13:15-17} will fit nicely within these goals. Are you ready?
Sept. 26, 2005 Here we go -

1) One goal which members of the NWO have vocalized is to

reduce the population of the world by 80% - from 6 billion down to
½ to 1 billion. This will not be accomplished until after probation
has closed and the seven last plagues are falling, but in their effort,
they hope to get rid of so many Bible believing Protestant Christians
{especially Seventh-day Adventists} that it will aid Rome in
regaining control of the world as Sister White revealed in GC 565.
Keep in mind that the Vatican must work in secrecy {Rev. 17:5,6} -
hiding behind the work of many groups - groups which no one would
suspect as having any relation to the papacy - but whose leadership
are vitally controlled by them in accordance with the rulings of the
Vatican II council {1962-1965.} You’re going to be surprised at the
various unusual ways and means they use - totally unsuspected to the
masses, or to Protestant churches.
Below, you see the headlines of the 9/11/05 issue of Our Sunday Approved and signed by the President of the
Visitor concerning the Vatican II council. {9/11 is an appropriate United States at that time.
date for this article to come out - for the Vatican was secretly behind
those who carried out the 9/11 attack.} The article talks about what happened in the Jesuit controlled Vatican II council. It
was the rulings of that secret council from hell that led to the chaos you see happening in the Protestant churches and in the
world today. On my 15 part video series, I revealed to you that it was in this council that the awful corruption was planned
- to be introduced into the churches - to weaken, confuse, and corrupt them so that amid the change and chaos, Roman
Catholic principles could be introduced in harmony with Rome’s plan [in the words of Ellen White - “to regain control of
the world, restart persecution [the secret source of illegal disfellowshippings in Protestant churches lately] and to undo all
that Protestantism has done.” GC 565,566.
This information is so vital - in order to understand the source of what’s going on in the churches, that I will give the
entire 15 part video series free to all who get 1000 NSL preachers for a donation of 39¢ each with free shipping in the U.S.
And you have my permission to copy them for anyone you wish. There’s a place for copyrights, but why should I
copyright things and use the law to keep information away from people who desperately need to know it in order to get the
money from it? Now is no time to live for money. Those who live for money now will die with their money. Those who
live for ease and pleasure will end up with the mark of the beast. Those who live for Christ will live forever.
Above, you see the statement of the Convention on Biological Diversity. Who would think that Rome had anything to
do with that? But there’s a mountain of more papal controlled NWO groups who say the same thing.
In 2000 there were 6 billion people in the world. In exhibit #2 you see the famous naturalist Jacques Cousteau. In the
book Demanding Accountability, published by the United Nations Development Fund for Women, pp. 84,85, Jacques
Cousteau said, “In order to stabilize world population we must eliminate 350,000 people per day.” Did you notice who
published that book? The U.N. is controlled by the Vatican, and the harlot is pushing under the table for the U.N. to rule
the world.
Charles Wurster of the Environmental Defense Fund said, “People are the cause of all the problems; we have too many
of them; we need to get rid of some of them.” Who would guess that the Environmental Defense Fund is controlled by
Bill Clinton [remember him?] signed the Biological Diversity Treaty [whose shocking statement you see in the box
above.] Who would ever suspect that the Baptist Bill Clinton was trained at the Jesuit Georgetown University in
Washington D.C., and is in disguise a loveable Jesuit agent of Rome? Who would ever suspect that this “treaty” agreement
would help fulfill the Jesuit oath to murder people?
Peter Singer, Princeton University professor said, “Christianity is our foe. If animal rights is to succeed, we must
destroy the Judeo-Christian religious tradition.” He favors killing babies up to 28 days old. In the Jesuit oath, [which I’ve
shown you as recorded in the Library of Congress] they vow to “crush their [Protestant] infants heads against the wall.”
They crush them in abortion clinics. Rome is openly fighting against abortion, when her priests and nuns are having more
abortions than anyone in the world. Rome loves the abortion of Protestant babies, and the Jesuits are secretly behind the
great movement for abortions while outwardly fighting against it. In case you didn’t know it yet, this is the way Rome
works - for a smokescreen, she openly fights against the very things that she is secretly promoting - “for by thy sorceries
were all nations deceived. And in her was found the blood of prophets, and of saints, and of “all” that were slain upon the
earth.” Rev. 18:23,24. What does the word “all” mean?
Ellen Craig, in the book Mankind at the Turning Point, said, “The world has cancer, and the cancer is man.” She was a
longtime official for the Rockefeller foundation. Who would suspect that that foundation has anything to do with the
In exhibit #4, you see Ted Turner, the leader of CNN. He said, “A total world population of 250-300 million people, a
95% decline from present levels, would be ideal.” In exhibit #3, you see Dr. Kent Hovand, who provided this information.
He said, “OK Ted, you lead the way.”
Prince Philip said, “If I could be reincarnated, I would wish to return to earth as a killer virus to lower human population
levels.” He is also the president of the World Wildlife Fund. Who would ever think that that group had anything to do with
Concerning this statement of Prince Philip, Dr. Kent Hovand said, “This is especially scary when you consider that
Prince Philip is involved with Archer Daniels Midland, and they own and control 95% of the food distribution of the
world!” !!!!
Is this why the abundant amounts of food which our kind Father has provided - [enough to feed everyone on earth] is
not getting to the masses of the people in certain countries, and they are starving? But
who would think that the Vatican has anything to do with that great conglomerate?
“And in her was found the blood of prophets, and of saints, and of all that were slain
upon the earth.” Rev. 18:24. What does the word “all” mean?
Would the Jesuit oath to murder Protestants be fulfilled by smiling, friendly people
who come to save you from disease with hypodermic needles? Dr. Kent Hovand said
that before you get any vaccinations you should consider that Dr. Kalokerinos said, “I
found the whole vaccine business was indeed a gigantic hoax. You cannot immunize
sick children, malnourished children, and expect to get away with it. You’ll kill far
more children then would have died from natural infection.”
“Dr. Mendelsohn M.D. said, “There is growing suspicion that immunization against
relatively harmless childhood diseases may be responsible for the dramatic increase in
autoimmune diseases since mass inoculations were introduced. These are fearful
diseases such as cancer, leukemia, rheumatoid arthritis, multiple sclerosis, Lou
Gehrig’s disease, lupus erythematosus, and the Guillain-Barre syndrome.”
Dr. Kenneth Hovand said, “This business of “shots for tots” is aimed at seeing to it
that children under two are fully vaccinated by their doctors’ offices. After studying
Exhibit #5 this for the last four years we see that well-meaning parents are destroying their
The “Georgia Guide Stones”

baby’s immune system by putting over 22 viruses into their systems

before they are two.” “For by thy sorceries [pharmacaia] were all
nations deceived. And in her was found the blood of prophets, and of
saints, and of all that were slain upon the earth.” Rev. 18:23,24. What
does the word “all” mean?
Who would ever think that this lovely life-saving work of
vaccinating people has anything to do with the Jesuit vow? Who
would dream that this vow would appear in so many strange forms?
Kathryn Bertino, executive director of U.N. food distribution, said
in a U.N. speech – “Food is power. We use it to control behavior. We
do not apologize.”
After reading this quote on his video program, Dr. Hovand said,
“You just mark my words, some folks have plans to reduce the
population.” He hasn’t read what Sister White said about Rome’s
plans in GC 565,566.
Dr. Hovand continues - “If you go about eight or 10 miles north of
the city limits of Atlanta Georgia, you’ll find a little place in the Exhibit #6
hillside where there are some stones
set up. It looks like Stonehenge. These are called the Georgia guide stones. If you look at
the stones, you’ll find they have written on them - in 12 languages - the 10 Commandments
for the New World Order. [You see a picture of the stones on the previous page in exhibit
#5, and above in exhibit #6.] There are masonic symbols all over them.
“Commandment number one says to ‘maintain
humanity under one half billion.’ There are
already 6 billion. How do you propose to maintain
it under one half billion? Are they planning to get
rid of a whole bunch of people? If you read the
book of Revelation very carefully I think you’ll
find that it fits right in folks.”
In exhibit #7, you see Alex Jones, a syndicated
talk-show host. He said, “ I remember five years
ago being on the radio, and reading UN documents
Exhibit #7 on the air that were public, and having people call
in and say “There is no New World Order because
the news said so. The news said ‘dangerous people’ talk about it.’ I told them that
there is a world bank and a world court where you have no jury, and you cannot
face your accusers. Now, [after five years of exposing this thing], people don’t call
my syndicated show and disagree with this anymore. And I assure you my friends,
this New World Order is nothing less than total enslavement. We’ll look at the Exhibit #8
type of 1) cashless society control grid they’re putting in. 2) The destruction of the The U.S. president on 9/11/91 - ten
Bill of Rights and Constitution in America. 3) The disarming of the people, 4) The years to the day of the 9/11 attack -
end of our national sovereignty. 5) The calling for a New World Order
militarization of police. 6) The before the U.S. Congress.
concentration camps which are a fact. 7)
The use of crises - crises which many times are engineered to scare the people
into acccepting tyranny, the New World Order, and total enslavement.”
Now Alex Jones shows a video clip of the senior President Bush on 9/11/91
[as seen in Exhibit #8] {exactly ten years to the day before the 9/11 attack} calling
for a New World order before the Congress of the United States. He said, “Out of
these troubled times, a New World Order can emerge. Now we see a New World
coming into view.”
Next, he shows Gary Hart on C-SPAN Sept. 12, the very day after the 9/11
attack - {as you see in exhibit #9}, reminding the U.S. Commission on National
Security of the New World Order that President Bush called for, and saying,
“There is a chance to use this disaster to carry out what his [President Bush’s
father called for], and that is a New World Order.”
The NWO elite knew that that was what the 9/11 attack was for. Unlike Adolf
Exhibit #9 Hitler, they have to do things in a nice and a civilized manner. Alex Jones
continues -
“By the turn of the 21st century, one could no longer
ignore the fact that we are living inside a New World
Order. The question is ‘what degree of dehumanization
and enslavement will the people accept?’ Headlines of
an article from MSNBC [which you see in Exhibit #10]
read, ‘Is This the New World Order?’ The New York
Times article [which you see in exhibit #11] went
further by saying, ‘Nations seek world order centered Exhibit #10
on U.N., not U.S.’ The article went on to say that
leaders of the EU had a meeting with a commitment to what may be viewed as a form of world government with a
supervision of countries by an international bureaucracy whose headquarters is the
United Nations.’ They were talking about 1) a global tax, 2) a global court, where
there are no juries - where you are guilty until proven innocent, and the prosecutor
and the judge sit on the same side of the bench working together.
“The propaganda masters know that they can no longer keep the existence of
this world government from you. So now they say, ‘OK, there is a world
government, but there’s a left-wing world government, and a right wing world
government, and you have a choice which kind of world government you want.’
They completely bypass any discussion which says, ‘We don’t want a New World
Order. We want to keep our rights, keep our freedoms, keep our heritage.’ So
think about that. Five years ago they say that there is no New World Order. Now
that they can no longer deny it, they give you a choice of which kind you want.
“But that’s just on the surface. There really is no left or right wing world
Exhibit #11 government. It was founded and chartered by the industrial military complex in
1945. [This is the same time that the Jesuits were working to establish what would

become the world Council of Churches - to {ultimately} unite the churches with Rome – knowing that whoever unites with
Rome is soon subjugated by her. Alex Jones doesn’t know that the Jesuits had anything to do with any of this in fulfillment of
Rome’s plan to use it to regain control of the world in harmony with the prediction of GC 565.
He continues - “The UN plays good cop in global affairs, while Russia and the United States play bad cop - as the global
government is expanded.
Concerning the amount of information about the New World Order in this letter, I can only give you a tiny grain of dust.
You already know about the Roman Catholic man {who had never been on the Supreme court before} who was made the chief
Justice. Now, in exhibit #12, you see the nomination of a lady for the Supreme court who has never even been a judge in her
life. Will God’s people ever stand before an international criminal court for not going along with the devil’s law?
Alex Jones mentioned a global, [international court.] Neither he, nor
President Bush, nor hardly anyone else know that God’s prophet Ellen
White revealed that God’s dear people will appear before ungodly
“tribunals.” From the indications, you would think that no Congress in CHANGING OF THE GUARD
its right mind would ever confirm her. What condition is the Roman
Catholic controlled Congress in? We will soon see.
Mystery-woman Miers: New
Will the betrayal, rejection, and crucifixion of Christ soon be clues to resume
reenacted “on an immense scale” before an international court? Watch
closely - Bush pick supported International
“The scenes of the betrayal, rejection, and crucifixion of Christ have Criminal Court
been reenacted, and will again be reenacted on an immense scale. The
delusions of the archenemy of God and man will have great power. By Joseph Farah, Oct. 4, 2005
Those who have given their affections to any leader but Christ will find © 2005
themselves under the control, body, soul, and spirit of an infatuation WASHINGTON – Harriet Miers, President Bush's
that is so entrancing that under its power souls turn away from hearing nominee to the U.S. Supreme Court to replace
the truth to believe a lie. They are ensnared and taken, and by their Sandra Day O'Connor, is on record as supporting
every action, they cry, ‘Release unto us Barabbas, but crucify Christ.’ the establishment of the International Criminal
“We need not be surprised at anything that may take place now. We Court. . . While some conservative leaders and
need not marvel at any developments of horror. Those who trample organizations were stunned by the appointment,
under their unholy feet the law of God have the same spirit as had the most were not alarmed by the lack of a paper trail
by the nominee who has never served as a judge
men who insulted and betrayed Jesus. Without any compunctions of at any level.
conscience they will do the deeds of their father the devil.” 3SM
415,416. Exhibit #12
“Hoarded wealth will soon be worthless. When the decree shall go Fox News reported that Mrs. Miers helped the
forth that none shall buy or sell except they have the mark of the beast, Catholic Charities of Dallas in an immigration and
very much means will be of no avail. God calls for us now to do all in naturalization case - where they assist Roman
our power to send forth the warning to the world.” RH March 21, 1878. Catholics to come into the U.S. and get citizenship
“Satan says, ‘For fear of wanting food and clothing they will join {so they can help take over the nation for Rome as
is stated in the book Making America Catholic &
with the world in transgressing God’s law. The earth will be wholly GC 565 cf. 581.}
under my dominion.’
“As the defenders of truth refuse to honor the Sunday-sabbath some
of them will be thrust into prison, some will be exiled, some will be Miers in middle of Bush
treated as slaves. To human wisdom all this now seems impossible, but
as the restraining Spirit of God shall be withdrawn from men and they National Guard scandal?
shall be under the control of Satan, who hates the divine precepts, there Records of litigation involving Ben
will be strange developments. Barnes payoff, Texas Lottery
“If we are called to suffer for Christ’s sake, we shall be able to go to
prison trusting in Him as a little child trusts in its parents. Now is the Commission scam ordered destroyed
time to cultivate faith in God.
“Many will be imprisoned, many will flee for their lives from cities Posted: October 5, 2005
and towns, and many will be martyrs for Christ’s sake in standing in By Joseph Farah
defense of the truth. © 2005
“The best thing for us is to come into close connection with God
and, if He would have us be martyrs for the truth’s sake, it may be the WASHINGTON – The nomination of Harriet
means of bringing many more into the truth. Miers as associate Supreme Court justice may
“The only way in which men will be able to stand firm in the have an unintended consequence for President
conflict is to be rooted and grounded in Christ. They must receive the Bush .
truth as it is in Jesus. The preaching of Christ crucified, Christ our
righteousness, is what satisfies the soul’s hunger. When we secure the This article of October 5 states, “President
interest of the people in this great central truth, faith and hope and Bush says he nominated Harriet Miers to the
courage come to the heart.” Supreme Court in large part because she is a
“Many, because of their faith, will be cut off from house and close and trusted associate,” writes Corsi. "The
heritage here, but if they will give their hearts to Christ, receiving the question is how close and how trusted?"
This article reveals strange things about the
message of His grace, and resting upon their Substitute and Surety, relationship of this lady with the president, and
even the Son of God, they may still be filled with joy. with other questionable people and situations in
“When the storm of persecution really breaks upon us, the true the Vatican New World Order. Will this
sheep will hear the true Shepherd’s voice. Self-denying efforts will be information destroy her confirmation in Congress
put forth to save the lost, and many who have strayed from the fold for such a high position on the highest court of
will come back to follow the great Shepherd. [Praise God!] The people the land? Does the fact that she has never been a
judge in her life make any difference? What
of God will draw together and present to the enemy a united front. condition is the papal controlled U.S. Congress
[Praise God! - There will be total unity of God’s people around the in? Will the pressure for, or against her sway
world - forevermore!] In view of the common peril strife for them? This is the body of people which will pass
supremacy will cease, there will be no disputing as to who shall be a national Sunday law from pressure on them.
accounted greatest. How close are they now to that condition? You
will soon see. If you want a copy of this article, or
“He [our kind Father] is mindful of what is passing upon the earth. any article offered in this letter, just send anything
And when a crisis has come, He has revealed Himself and has to help cover the cost. Anything above that will
interposed to hinder the working of Satan’s plans. He has often be used to reach as many as we can with God’s
permitted matters with nations, with families, and with individuals to three angels’ messages as fast as we can. May
come to a crisis that His interference might become marked. Then He our kind Father help us to reach the people is my
has let the fact be known that there was a God in Israel who would prayer.
sustain and vindicate His people.” [Praise God!]
“When the defiance of the law of Jehovah shall be almost
universal, when His people shall be pressed in affliction by their fellow men, God will interpose. The fervent prayers of His
people will be answered, for He loves to have His people seek Him with all their heart and depend upon Him as their
“For a time the oppressors will be permitted to triumph over those who know God’s holy commandments. . . . To the last,
God permits Satan to reveal his character as a liar, an accuser, and a murderer. Thus the final triumph of His people is
made more marked, more glorious, more full and complete.” Last Day Events, pp. 148-153. Wonderful Jesus!

“When the defiance of the law of Jehovah shall be almost

universal, when His people shall be pressed in affliction by their fellow
men, God will interpose. The fervent prayers of His people will be
answered, [Praise God!] for He loves to have His people seek Him with all
their heart and depend upon Him as their Deliverer.
“To the last, God permits Satan to reveal his character as a liar, an
accuser, and a murderer. Thus the final triumph of His people is made
more marked, more glorious, more full and complete.” Last Day
Events, pp. 148-153. Wonderful Jesus! America ruled by ‘Men in
In another letter I’ll share more facts with you concerning what’s Black’
going on in the NWO, and concerning the soon-coming of the lovely How the Supreme Court is destroying
Jesus in the clouds of heaven. the 'land of the free'
Now look at © 2005
what our The ultimate expose of the United States
I’m scheduled to speak at 11 a.m. & at 3 Supreme Court “Men in Black: How the
p.m. in the SDA church in the Brooklyn, N.Y. mighty God Supreme Court Is Destroying America,"
area on Sabbath, October 15. The SDA will do after the contends the nation's No. 1 court is now the
church is at 1925 Gates Ave. Ridgewood, N.Y. Vatican New No. 1 enemy of freedom.
11385. From the junction of I-95 & I-278 in
New Jersey, go East on I-278 {Brooklyn World Order is
no more - As the Vatican New World Order gains strength
Queens Expy} into New York. Get off on exit and power, the men in black will loam ever larger
30 & bear left onto Classon Ave for 43 yards. “Pain cannot and more important to carry out Rome’s plans here
Then turn right onto Flushing Ave for 2.8 exist in the in the end of the world, until King Jesus appears in
miles. Then turn R {east} onto Metropolitan the sky in flaming fire as King of Kings and Lord of
Ave. 0.8 mile. Then turn R onto Fresh Pond atmosphere of
Lords. Then the men in black will fade from view as
Rd. for 0.1 mile. Then turn L onto Menahan heaven. There
St. This soon changes to Traffic Ave. Go on we enter the gorgeous “home of the saved” in “a
will be no more land very far away.”
this for 0.2 mile to Gates Ave, & turn R. The
SDA church is at 1925 Gates. May dear Jesus tears, no funeral
bless you all is my prayer. I’ll see you soon. trains, no
badges of mourning. ‘There shall be no more death, neither sorrow,
We now have about 60% of what we need to nor crying: . . . for the former things are passed away.’ ‘The inhabitant
reach another million precious people with God’s shall not say, I am sick: the people that dwell therein shall be forgiven
mighty 3 angels’ messages in the massive city of
Miami in the great 40 Million Man March. Thank their iniquity.’ [Praise
you so much for what you’ve been doing! If our God!]
kind Father impresses you to help us to reach Dear Pastor Marcussen,
“All the treasures of We want to thank you for the
these dear people, just mark it below.
the universe will be open wonderful work that you are doing!
to the study of God's We watched one of your videos and
Dear Amazing Truth, we see that so much is happening
I found your book at the supermarket. This redeemed. Unfettered by behind the scenes. Many of us have
book was meant for me! I am writing to tell mortality, they wing their been asleep compared to what we
you that this book is priceless and that tireless flight to worlds should be! I met a student SDA pastor
everyone should have one. So I’m buying 100 afar – worlds that thrilled who came into the SDA church and is
of them from you to give away. If there is now going to be a faithful SDA
anything that I can do to help you to get these with sorrow at the minister because of reading the book
books out to the people, let me know. Cheryl spectacle of human woe “National Sunday Law.” I’m sure
King and rang with songs of there are [many] more like him. Please
gladness at the tidings of send us your monthly letter. We will
This dear lady is fulfilling God’s commission to pray that you will keep up the
reach the world with God’s mighty three angels’ a ransomed soul. With wonderful necessary work you are
messages - as soon as she found out what it is - unutterable delight the doing! Sincerely, Brian & Sonja
and she is not even a Seventh-day Adventist yet! children of earth enter Canada
She is showing us old sleepy church members the into the joy and the
kind of powerful, beaming, bright spirit the mighty
144,000 will have. Praise God! wisdom of unfallen
beings. [You’ll look at their faces!] They share the treasures of
knowledge and understanding gained through ages upon ages in
contemplation of God’s handiwork. With undimmed vision they gaze upon the glory of creation--suns and stars and
systems, all in their appointed order circling the throne of Deity. Upon all things, from the least to the greatest, the Creator’s
name is written, and in all are the riches of His power displayed.
“There the heavenly Shepherd leads His flock to fountains of living waters. The tree of life yields its fruit every month,
and the leaves of the tree are for the service of the nations. There are ever-flowing streams, clear as crystal, and beside them
waving trees cast their shadows upon the paths prepared for the ransomed of the Lord. There the wide-spreading plains
swell into hills of beauty, and the mountains of God rear their lofty summits. On those peaceful plains, beside those living
streams, God’s people, so long pilgrims and wanderers, shall find a home.” GC 676-678. Praise God friend. Praise God!

Your friend in Christ, Pastor Jan

Please send me 1000 NSL preachers to help save souls for a donation of 39¢ each with free shipping, with the 15
part CCA video series exposing Rome’s attack on God’s SDA church ____. Don’t send the videos because I already
have them __. Send me 2000 NSL preachers for a donation of 37¢ each with free shipping, and to come free to the
one week medical missionary soul-winning school in mid December __. I want 100 NSLs for a donation of 53¢ each
with free shipping __. I want 200 NSL preachers for a donation of 49¢ each with free shipping ___. Please send me
the 15 part CCA video series exposing Rome’s attack on God’s SDA church for a donation of $150 __. Please send
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Preparing for the 144,000 transferring their treasure before them to Heaven. Most of
those who profess to believe the truth testify that that
In these letters, we’re talking about preparation to be which they value most is in this world. To preserve and add
one of the 144,000. This is part two. What are these to their treasure is the study of their lives. They have taken
people like? What do they do? What are we Laodiceans so little stock in the heavenly treasure that their minds are
like? Have you ever heard a sermon on these things? In not attracted in that direction. Selfishness girds them about
Maranatha p. 241, the testimony of Jesus says that we as with iron bands. It is my farm, my goods, my trade, my
should strive to be one of them. How? Watch closely - merchandise. Men and women professing to be waiting and
“I used to say to my children, as they were leaving home loving the appearing of their Lord, are shut up to self. They
in the morning: ‘Now, children, remember that you are to are corrupted by the world, and discern it not. They talk of
guard your tongues. Speak not one word that will provoke a love to God, but their fruits show not the love they express.
wrong act. If you fail, then when we meet at family worship They rob him in tithes and offerings, and the withering
during the evening hour, we shall talk the matter over, and curse of God is upon them. The truth has been illuminating
make it right with God. their pathway on every side. God has wrought wonderfully
“Possibly during the day one of the children had said, in the salvation of souls in their own households, but . . .
‘Mother, someone has done thus and so to me.’ I had many of them are as unthankful as the brute creation. The
replied that when we all came together in the evening, we sacrifice for man was infinite, beyond the comprehension
could talk it over. When evening came, they had all had of the strongest intellect. Yet, men who claim to be
time for reflection, and they did not feel inclined to bring partakers of these heavenly benefits are too thoroughly
charges against one another. They would say, ‘Mother, I selfish to make any real sacrifice for God. The world, the
have done thus and so,’ and the tears would start from their world, the world, their minds are upon it. “The redemption
eyes, as they would add, ‘I feel as though I would like to of their soul is precious, (and it ceaseth forever.)" If all
have you ask the Lord to forgive me. I believe He will.’ would bear in mind, and in a small degree appreciate, the
And then we would bow in prayer, and confess the sins of immense sacrifice made by Christ, they would feel rebuked
the day, and pray for forgiveness. After confessing their for their fearfulness and their supreme selfishness. Because
wrong doings, these little fellows would soon fall asleep.” of selfishness, and love of the world, God is forgotten, and
7MR 270. Isn’t that precious! The prophet continues - many have barrenness of soul, and cry, My leanness, my
“When a child hears an older person constantly talking leanness. God has lent means to his people to prove them,
about the faults of someone else, he in turn is imbued with to test the depth of their professed love for him.” PH 090,
the same spirit of fault-finding and criticism. Oh, how can p. 20.
professed Christians indulge in such a work! Miserable wretch: These words describe me. Woe is
“I feel an intense interest regarding every faultfinder; for me! I have sinned, and am full of self. God be merciful to
I know that a quarrelsome disposition will never find me the sinner! Have mercy on me oh Lord and save me
entrance into the city of God. Quarrel [only] with yourself, from myself and my sin! Create in me a clean heart oh
but with no one else; and then be converted. Confess your God, and renew a right spirit within me! Please forgive me
sins right here where you are.” from all sin and cleanse me from it forever! Take my will.
“Silence is the greatest rebuke that you can possibly give Take my heart. Take everything. I claim the holy blood of
a faultfinder or one whose temper is irritated. Keep your Jesus. I claim the promise of a new heart. I claim Jesus as
eye fixed on Jesus. Keep your eye on the One who never my personal Saviour - now and forever. I claim His grace,
finds fault with you, only to lay before you perils from His robe of righteousness, His merits, his holy atonement,
which He would deliver you.” 7MR 271. the redemption through His blood. . . . ”
Did you catch those amazing words about the lovely Good Laodicean: God I thank thee that I am not like
Jesus? - “The One who never finds fault with you.” Did other church members, or like that miserable wretch over
you know that Jesus “never finds fault with you?” How do there. I pay tithe on every penny. I hold the door for all
you feel about that? Do you like it? Praise God! church leaders. I make comments in Sabbath School class.
Remember that when a saint will “reprove, rebuke, exhort I’m not as fat as my next door neighbor. I always put a
with all longsuffering and doctrine,” II Tim. 4:2, or when dollar in the offering plate. I don’t let my lawnmower
Jesus tells lost Laodiceans their true condition, or when shoot grass on my neighbor’s yard. I gave my own favorite
God or His people expose the devil’s plots through the silk underwear, and a brand new box of tooth picks, and a
beast power, the antichrist, the Vatican New World Order, half can of vegeburger to a poor beggar who slept on the
or anyone else, He is not finding fault with His children, He ground and said he wanted protection from the ice and
is only laying “before you perils from which He would snow. I give luxurious birthday gifts to my children, and
deliver you.” Ms 95, 1906. always send a Christmas card to all my friends, I give
Now the testimony of Jesus shows us some of these money to the conference to support Hyveth Williams. I
“perils.” As you read them, don’t forget the comforting gave money to Loma Linda for their Ronald McDonald
things you just read. The following words apply to House so that Ronald McDonald the clown can creep
Laodicea as a whole. Maybe they don’t apply to you. around and make people laugh, and Loma Linda can get
Maybe they do. If so, they will help you rise higher in the more grants from the McDonald hamburger joint. I gave
pathway of faith toward becoming one of the 144,000. money to Andrews to spray weed killer on the grass, and
“I have been shown that God's people who profess to paint a building, and set up a bench with my name on it.
believe present truth, are not in a waiting, watching I’m in the pew every time the church door opens. If a little
position. They are increasing in riches, and laying up their old lady falls down, I’ll pick her up. I thank Thee that I am
treasures upon the earth. They are becoming rich in worldly not like that miserable wretch over there who is on his face
things, but not rich toward God. They do not believe in the humiliating himself, and crying like a lost goose.
shortness of time. They do not believe that the end of all Miserable wretch: God be merciful to me the sinner.
things is at hand. They do not believe that Christ is at the “And the publican, standing afar off, would not lift up
door. They will act out all the faith that they really possess. so much as his eyes unto heaven, but smote upon his
They may profess much faith but deceive their own souls. breast, saying, God be merciful to me [the] sinner. I tell
Their works show the character of their faith. Many testify you, this man went down to his house justified rather than
to those around them, by their works that the coming of the other. for every one that exalteth himself shall be
Christ is not to be in this generation. Their preparations are abased; and he that humbleth himself shall be exalted.”
being made to remain in this world. They are adding house Luke 18:13,14.
to house, and land to land, and are citizens of this world. If Pastor Jan: Praise God friend! Wonderful Jesus!
they possessed genuine faith, instead of increasing their Which one of these will you be like as you soon face the
treasures upon the earth they would be selling off, freeing judgment bar of God? The good Laodicean? Or the bad
themselves from the cumbersome things of earth, and one?

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