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Doppelkopf: A four-person suit and trump game where the partnership is randomly determined by who has the Queen

of clubs. All cards add up to 240 points. A hand is won by having >120 points. One game point is received by winning. Announcements during the hand can increase the odds, therefore increasing the number of game points won. There are a few additional ways of winning game points. Play: Determine if 1 or 2 rounds (a round is 4 hands each person dealing once), the number of solos and if forced solos are allowed. Solos will be explained later. There are 48 cards. The dealer deals 3 at a time till all are distributed. Announcements are made starting to the left of the dealer. For a regular game, the person to the left of the dealer starts. Cards: Trumps (in order of strength) 10 (second one wins trick) Queen Queen Queen Queen Jack (point if wins last trick) Jack Jack Jack Ace (point if lost) 10 King 9 Non-trumps Ace 10 King 9 Ace 10 King 9 Ace King 9

If a regular card is played, all must follow suit unless they are missing that suit, in which case they can play another non-trump or trump it. The highest suit card wins unless it is trumped, in which case the highest trump wins. There are two of every card and generally the first card played is the strongest except for the 10 of , in which the 2nd 10 played on a trick wins. A trump can be led at any time. Prior to starting a round, each person can make one of several possible announcements, based on their hand: Announcements: Consequence: Two Ace of The aces of is the highest trump The person to win the first trick is the announcers Marriage -- Two queen of partner. If the announcer wins the first three tricks, they are playing a secret solo. No trump higher than a Jack Redeal Five 9s Redeal The cards are passed to the left looking for a partner Only 3 trump (or 4 including an Ace of ) Solo The announcer plays solo against the other three players

The party with the Queens of is the Re party, the other party becomes the Contra party. During the game, several announcements can be made to increase the odds of the game. Other than these announcements, players may not communicate whether they have the Queen of (therefore, determining partnership can sometimes be tricky) Announcements during the game: Meaning: Re / Contra (9 cards in your hand left) The opposing team will not make 120 points No 90 (8 cards in your hand left) The opposing team will not make 90 points No 60 (7 cards in your hand left) The opposing team will not make 60 points No 30 (6 cards in your hand left) The opposing team will not make 30 points Scoring (Round): Card points: Ace 11 points Ten 10 points King 4 points Queen 3 points Jack 2 points 9 0 points Scoring (Game): Each player on the team who wins >120 points wins 1 game point (If the round score is 120 / 120 the contra party wins, unless they announced Contra). If Re or Contra is announced the score doubles to 2. If Re and Contra are both announced the score doubles again to 4. One additional point is won (or lost) for each successive achievement (no 90, no 60), and that point is similarly doubled if was announced. Each member of the losing team is penalized with the negative of the winning teams score. Thus, the score across players always sums to zero. Additional points: Against the queens (the contra team wins) Win the last trick with the Jack of Capture your opponents Ace of Doppelkopf (at least 40 points in 1 trick) 1 point 1 point 1 point 1 point

Solos: In a solo, you are against the other 3 players. During the game announcements are the same as above (Re is the soloist), but announcing Re or Contra is allowed only before the 6th card is played The possible solos: Queens only are trump Jacks only are trump Queens and Jacks only are trump Kings, Queens and Jacks only are trump No trump (Strength Ace, 10, King, Queen, Jack, 9) Regular set of trump (can choose hearts, clubs, or spades as trump instead of diamonds

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