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Experience your Self Realization Online:

Volume1, Issue 4 Subscribe Online at: November 2007

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Inside this issue:
Yoga - The fourth 1 state of consciousness The Legend of Dagad Trikon Alterations in brain
In the mystical experience one enters a state of pure existence, pure awareness, pure attention and pure being. As pure Being, pure existence, one can experience reality as such, without translator, without thoughts, in absolute silence. This state of mystical transcendence of the mind, of absolute silence and complete serenity, has been called by different names according to the different mystical traditions: Continued on Page 2 without 'coloring' them with the projection of our thoughts.
Compiled By:

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Western science limits itself by considering cognitive functions such as thinking as the highest state of consciousness. However, in eastern philosophy, as well as in western mysticism, the existence of even higher states of consciousness is common knowledge. This higher state of consciousness transcends thinking and other processes of the logical mind and has been called the fourth state of consciousness: the state of 'thoughtless awareness'. In thoughtless awareness the dualism of the human mind is transcended and one enters the silence in the gap between the thoughts. The silence of 'thoughtlessness' leads to pure perceptive existence as opposed to the usual projective perception of the world, where projections from our logical human mind are thrown into reality and then extracted again. The perception of reality can therefore never be pure, if undertaken from an epistemic mental level. The mind sees the outside world only through the limitations of its own understanding, through the tinted lenses of human categories, laws of logic and interpretation based on past experiences. These limitations of the human mind make it ultimately impossible for humankind to perceive reality in its pure form. The Kantian 'thing itself' can not be perceived independent from its translation through our mental categories. Reality without mental coloring, without the biased and distorted mental translation can thus only be perceived if we learn to transcend the human mind. And the human mind can only be transcended by mystical experience that allows us to enter this state of absolute silence, where we are aware of our surroundings

activation during Meditation What They Never Told Music and Divinity Sahaja Yoga meditation has transformed me! Corporate Meditation, A Reality! 8 4 6 7

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"The Legend of Dagad Trikon is a fascinating story that touched me deeply, indeed, at times I had a sense of being in meditation in the middle of reading a chapter. At other times, I was profoundly moved, for I could feel inside what the characters in the history were going through. Grgoire de Kalbermatten has a unique and rare talent, the ability to put into words, feelings and aspects of life of extreme depth." Horacio Albertoli, Switzerland ( A readers review ) Continued on Page 3

Sahaja Yoga is a revival of ancient Yoga techniques that teaches how to enter into this joyful fourth state of consciousness that is thoughtless awareness.

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ated with the stress hormone cortisol. The limbic system regulates emotion and motivation. It has traditionally been considered an evolutionarily lower brain centre than the cortex, which is responsible for higher level cognitive functions. However, the limbic system is essential for regulating our individual drives. Without this motivation no cognitive functions would be possible. Indeed, depressed patients, for example, with their lack of drive due to abnormal activation of the limbic system, suffer from cognitive and attentional dysfunctions. Without the battery, i.e. the emotional and motivational centre of the brain, all other functions the brain is capable of are bereft of The electro-physiological activity of the brain changes through prolonged practice of Sahaja yoga meditation from typical fast waves during normal consciousness to a state of slow waves, similar but not identical to the sleep state (Matsuoka et al., 1990, Aftanas et al., 2001; link to Aftanas). The slow waves (the so called theta waves) are thought to be formed by the limbic system, which it is believed is activated during Sahaja Yoga meditation. Likewise, studies using high resolution brain imaging have shown that during meditation, activity in the frontal and other cortical brain regions (thought to be the areas that originate thought processes) are reduced, while activity in the limbic brain areas increases, especially in the hippocampus (Lou et al., 1999, Lazar et al., 2000), an area associtheir motivational charge and ultimately can Meditation with its relaxation of the body and limbic system, provides the necessary energy sources for a full potential of cognitive functioning. Only when we are fully relaxed, motivated, satisfied and full of energy can we truly activate our full potential, whether it is cognitive or artistic. Interestingly, another brain region that appears to undergo increased activation as a result of meditation is the hippocampus, which is linked to the stressrelated hypothalamusPatients with pituitary-axis. not unfold to their full potential.

Meditation with its relaxation of the body and limbic system, provides the necessary energy sources for a full potential of cognitive functioning.

post-traumatic stress disorder or depression show a reduced size in their hippocampi that may be related to increased stress-induced corticol levels (Bremner et al., 1998, 1999). An increase in hippocampus activation may thus be another indicator of stress reduction through meditation. Thoughts can indeed have a corresponding reaction at the physiological level. Anger, for example, has been shown to raise pulse rates and blood pressure and can even tear blood vessels, leading to heart infarction (Williams, 2001).

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Continued from Page 1 mystical extasis (Christianity), gnosis (gnosticism), Tao (Taoism), Satori (Zen Buddhism), Sahaja Samadhi (Sikh tradition), Nirvana (Buddhist and Hindu traditions) and Yoga (Indian mysticism). Yoga is the Indian description of this mystical experience of "union" - a joining of our individual consciousness with the all pervading energy of the universal consciousness, of the individual 'Atma' with the universal 'Brahma'. The English word 'joke' and 'joy' derive from the Sanskrit word Yukti, reflecting the joyful aspect of this mystical fusion of the individual with the universal consciousness. Sahaja Yoga is a revival of ancient Yoga techniques that teaches how to enter into this joyful fourth state of consciousness that is thoughtless awareness. This state has a significantly relaxing effect on body and mind. Considering that stress is mostly induced by thinking about past or future events, the meditative state of being in the present, in the 'here and now' shows to have an important effect on stress relief. In addition, far beyond stress relief, Sahaja Yoga has also shown to have important therapeutic effects on disease processes and can most certainly play a crucial role in disease prevention. Sahaja Yoga a simple method of finding inner happiness in your life. Its easy to learn and always free visit

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To explore the truth one has to go beyond mental and sensory perceptions. Our mental perceptions limit us to see the world only at a physical, finite, gross level. Our finite, subjective mental activities make us blind to the virtue of the absolute reality. Absolute: Whole, holistic, the big picture. There comes a moment in the life of every seeker when he dissociates himself from his thoughts to reach out for the eternal peace and happiness. This very essence has been explored in this issue where one is taken on a journey to explore the hidden realms of our subtle being. The reader/seeker is taken through the passage of consciousness to the highest state of consciousness- the hitherto elusive, and ever sought, state of "thoughtless awareness", the state of becoming "shunya". This state of remarkable bliss and nourishment can now be easily achieved by practicing Sahaja Yoga meditation started by HH Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi in 1970. This message of divine joy, which always lies beyond one's mental state, is gaining a breakthrough momentum in various parts of India and the world. Penetrating into the daily lives of people spanning the man made borders of age, sex, nationalities, Sahaja Yoga meditation is balancing, neutralizing and healing human problems from within.

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Imagine.... Discovering the key to the next level in the cosmic game of creation... Imagine.... uncovering the roots of humankind, and the truth of ancient myths that cut across race and culture... Imagine.... that the roots are alive, and within every human being ... Imagine.... true freedom... Imagine.... that the time for e pluribus unum (out of many, one) is now ...
The Legend of Dagad Trikon is a mythical tale, a pageturning story of goodversus-evil, of the search for ten caskets containing prophecies hidden by the Avasthas, an enlightened race who vanished ten thousand years ago. This compelling narrative moves across continents, from Dagad Trikon, an ancient site deep within the Sahara desert, to the elephant rock in Delphi, to Washington D.C, and New York, to Mount Kailash in Nepal, and the Vatnajoekull glacier in Iceland, under which the first casket is unearthed - just as the volcano underneath has begun to erupt. Visit for more details

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Seeking is the essence of all organisms; however at a gross state the intensity and the depth vary from simple to complex organisms. A simple organism such as amoeba will seek life to avoid death, seek chemical balance over imbalance while the more complex an organism gets the seeking also goes beyond just for survival. But the earliest of single-cell organisms have these basic forms the progress of evolution gave way to progressively more complex organisms such as hydra and sea anemones, which have single nerve cells to help in survival. The evolution of higher organisms showed a more complicated behavioral repertoire which corresponds directly to the complexity of the nervous system. For eg., earthworms developed a nervous system consisting of a cerebral ganglion and a ventral nerve cord; animals such as frogs, snakes developed more specialized organs within their nervous systems, and human beings, the ultimate The beginning of evolution saw the formation of organisms such as amoeba which use simple mechanisms to survive. From One of the most significant product of evolution, developed the most complex nervous system. developments of the 20th century was the increasing recognition that aspects of human behavior and experience are actually functions of a material structure, the nervous system. Such an idea seems to have been on the mind of 19th century poet, Emily Dickinson, who wrote that the brain can contain the sky With ease - and You beside. This gross level complexity and enormous capacity to sustain knowledge of the human brain has not only had a positive impact on society in the form of improving the quality of life, but has led to many negative aspects such as psychosomatic diseases, stress etc. Modern medicine seems to help overcome these negatives aspects by implementing the following characteristics:

There is more and more talk of societal ills, psychosomatic illnesses, the placebo effect. Does the health of our body depend on the wellbeing of the psyche ?

limited means of seeking anything while the multicellular organisms developed sophisticated organs to seek what one desires.

A passive attitude on the part of the individual. Someone else takes responsibility to reduce or destroy the virulent aggressors by disinfectants, antibiotics, antiseptics, and other forms of anti something.

The products used have a physio-chemical or biochemical action on the organism and or the environment.

A mechanist orientation, whereby matter governs everything and each problem can be reduced to its composite parts.

While these characteristics do seem to provide relief, they do not help in curing the problems, as the mind layer that has been developed has lost contact with its ecological and organic roots. Thus, there is a need for the medical science of the 21st century to integrate a new approach to sickness and healing. In the new approach:

The individual takes an active approach, drawing on his own reserves of energy to fight off external aggression. This would require an awareness of the source and functioning of this energy.

Mediator-transmitted methods of activating natural immunity. Complex conceptualization, i.e. the body is considered as living and heterogeneous, it can not be separated into different components (physical, psychological, emotional, spiritual) without losing its identity. It evolves over time and adapts according to events and circumstances. It has a psychological and physical memory (the immune system and the memory of

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aggressors, for instance) which allow it to adapt itself over time.

Remedies provide information; information does not, however, exist in a vacuum. It only becomes real when received and treated by the receiver.

Importance of prevention and control of environmental factors which lower the bodys capacity to respond.

To understand the underlying psycho-physiological mechanisms of the body, let us take a look at some scientific principles brought to light by ancient oriental knowledge, in particular the Indian tradition of yoga.

Parasympathetic, the central path, the Tao

dhi, Marcelle Senard, Kahlil Gibran. Self Realisation

Eastern spiritual traditions explain that a certain energy resides in the sacrum bone (it is said to be a fraction of the primordial cosmic energy), capable of developing under certain conditions, and of vibrating the other plexuses with the help of the parasympathetic nervous system. This suggests that each nerve plexus has a way of acting which is not solely chemical and electromagnetic, but which encompasses another component of the energy field: much more subtle and for lack of a better word labelled vibrations. In anatomical terms, the parasympathetic nervous system has a peculiarity: there is a gap in the line of nerve bundles going from the brain to the base of the spinal column, at the level of the stomach (thoracic and lumbar columns). Because of this, the tenth cranial nerve which carries the most parasympathetic fibres was called the vagus nerve. The physiological consequence is that the brain is unaware of what lies below the solar plexus (for lack of liaison) and thus the energy residing in the sacrum bone remains in the unconscious. Yogis claim that this energy has been waiting since the dawn of evolution for the consciousness of humans to be sufficient to conceive of an integration with the universe, before starting to function. This phenomenon can be compared to the sexual functions, which only activate when a certain level of maturity is reached in the human body. The awakening of this energy manifests in an experience called Self Realisation described in many traditions, but also by modern authors including Jung, Einstein, Maslow, Gans with electro magnetic waves, these vibrations radiate in the environment like a transmitter which sends its energy by antennae, amplified in the case of larger wire receivers. Thus each plexus becomes like a transmitter in tune with and interacting with the vibrations of the universe and those of other humans or objects in the immediate environment. When this energy traverses the top of the head, a connection (called yoga) is established with the primordial cosmic energy and the person experiencing this feels a cool breeze (spiritus in latin) coming out of the top of the head and on the palms of the hands, a phenomen illustrated and described in numerous cultures (as in the Pentecost at the time of Christ). In this state, intuitive or supra normal information which Russian researchers (capable attributed of to torsion fields transmitting information The awakening of the spiritual energy in the sacrum manifests as a vibration capable of creating an energy bridge between the two extremes of the parasympathetic channel, joining the vagus nerve to the hypogastric plexus, thus making possible a conscious connection with the sacred aspect of the parasympathetic system. The vibrations generated at the sacrum level can be compared to a radio broadcast, reacting on the hypogastric plexus, then the aortic, then the solar plexus, cardiac, cervical, and up to the top of the head. A

To understand the underlying psychophysiological mechanisms of the body, let us take a look at some scientific principles brought to light by ancient oriental knowledge, in particular the Indian tradition of yoga.

sitized by this evolutionary experience. eration of Effects of this damaged plexawakening include a regenuses, and a reestablishment of the balance between the two ity sympathetic to physically channels. feel the Another effect is the possibilstate of ones plexuses or of those on whom one places ones attention. This awareness allows one to adjust ones behaviour according to the qualities of plexuses, thus achieving Continued on Page 6

without energy at a speed superior to light), can reach the conscious mind sen-

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ment, but the light in your spirit will have been awakened. Through meditation this awareness of your subtle system increases, as well as the state of thoughtless awareness. Like a messy

state and correct them?

Continued from Page 5 a balance (Tao) necessary for optimal well-being. In concrete terms, the

How can you feel a real inner peace which is unperturbed by stress?

In a word, how to feel good ?

room in the dark, once you turn on the light it is easier to clean up the room.

practice of yoga, or meditation represents a state of awareness without

Its simple! So if you want to awaken In the olden times, one had to meditate for years and sacrifice ones worldly life in order to achieve a state of inner peace and balance. We could become ascetics in the forest, but there is a much easier way in these modern times. One simply needs to ask someone who already has this energy awakened, like a candle which has been lit, enlightens another candle. In this way the connection with the collective unconscious is established. You may not immediately reach a state of total enlightenWebsites: your energy and experience for yourself all of the above, come and find out about Sahaja show being. We do not charge any Yoga you and we you will can how

In the olden times, one had to meditate for years and sacrifice ones worldly life in order to achieve a state of inner peace and balance. We could become ascetics in the forest, but there is a much easier way in these modern times.

thoughts, characterized by a calming and harmonizing of all bodily functions, thus improving or even curing a large number of psychosomatic ailments.

achieve a real state of well

Perhaps you are wondering how this phenomenon occurs?

money, as how can you pay for something which is already inside you?

How can you initiate the awakening of this energy capable of repairing damaged energy circuits?

How can you feel your

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written by the great Western classical music composers. Many of the titans who are considered geniuses in music were born realized souls (Mozart, Bach, Vivaldi, to cite a few). After Self Realization, you can hold your palms out towards the music you are listening to, or even towards the CD or tape, and if you feel vibrations coolness), then that music is in tune with your Spirit and with the Divine, There are many Sahaja Yogis who have disIndian Vocal music therapy- a unique experience Music is a divine vehicle that can take us to a higher state. But not any music - music itself must be in tune with Spirit, in other words to emit divine vibrations. Indian classical music, which is based on the primal sound OM, emits such vibrations, and also many of the works covered a new dimension of their talent in music, as well as renowned artists who have achieved great heights through their Self Realization. One such renowned singer amidst us is Dr. Arun Shridhar Apte who is a registered medicinal practitioner in music therapy. He is a specialist in singing Hindustani classical ragas and semi classical music like Thumari, Bhajans, Stage music(Natya sangeet) Marathi Bhavageet and has also composed and set to music many Devotional Bandishis. Dr. Apte and his wife Surekha have given lectures and demonstrations explaining therapeutic and curative powers of sound in several parts of India and Europe. He has developed new and innovative techniques of Indian Vocal Music Therapy. Dr. Arun Aptes Indian Vocal Music Therapy is a culmination of Ten years research on the effects of Indian Music based on a combination of multiple sciences. It is not only Continued on Page 8

There are many Sahaja Yogis who have discovered a new dimension of their talent in music, as well as renowned artists who have achieved great heights through their Self Realization.

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I have been meditating for over a year now. So what have Sahaja Yoga and meditation done for me? They have done everything. Sahaja Yoga has given me peace, complete peace inside. I was searching very hard for this peace before I found it with Sahaja Yoga. I used to ask people, What is the meaning of life. What are we here for? What is the truth? And I got answers like, All of us have thought of those questions at least once, but they will fade away. You won`t think of those questions so much when you are my age. But luckily I didn't have to give up. I found Sahaja Yoga, and with meditation I found my self. Introspection came a lot easier than before I did Sahaja Yoga meditation. Now I can heal myself from depression, anger and everything like that. It is not easy in every case, but I know I'm improving all the time. Inside I have really strong feeling about it and it helps me when life feels harder than usual. Above all I have learned to enjoy life more. Well actually, I can`t say I`ve learned it, - it all just happened, and I'm very thankful to H.H. Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, who has founded Sahaja Yoga. The main thing in Sahaja Yoga is that you become thoughtlessly aware, and that is how you can see things clearly. It helps you in many ways. For example you can concentrate better on lectures, on your homework, on your job. You won`t get tired so easily, you don't loose your temper so easily, and with art it gives you creativity. Ideas just flow through you and you will be amazed at the beautiful things you create, or what wonderful music you create, or whatever. This creativity also comes into your everyday life. But what is this, and where did you get all those ideas? It is the Power of Love, God or the Energy all around us, or what ever you may call it. I`ve experienced these things in my own life. Now I`m studying pottery making and sometimes I feel I don`t know how to do some work. Then I meditate for a while, or just ask deep inside, Mother, please give me the idea, how to solve this, and then I leave it. Suddenly I find that my problem has been solved. For example, Ive had a wonderful idea as to how to decorate this statue! It has happened every time Ive asked a question with a humble and pure heart. This Energy of Love will take care of you all the time. And you will know it clearly when you are in Sahaja Yoga, when you have got your Self Realization and meditated for a while. 20 yearl old girl, Nelli (Kuopio, Finland) narrated in 2001

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Sahaja Yoga Meditation workshops were conducted at a number of reputed organizations during October and November at various locations in India. Successful workshops were conducted at Honorable Supreme Court of India, Indian Airlines, Convergys, Wipro, Shoppers Stop, Axis Bank, Intergraph, Mars Telecom, ESN Technologies, Kotak Life Insurance, Mentor Graphics, Cognizant Technologies, Yashoda Hospitals, IAS Officers Wives Association gathering and many more such Organizations / Institutions. In these programs the participants experienced the benefits of Self-Realization sessions in which they experienced the awakening of their inner power and actually experienced it. Most of the participants spoke about their wonderful experience after the Self-Realisation. Some of them were even quoted as saying that they were bathed in a tremendous feeling of peace and expressed their joy at being able to be in a state of 'thoughtless awareness' that is, they felt inwardly still and at peace, but did not have any unwanted or random thoughts. Seekers who have been doing regular meditation at their homes also spoke about the stress relief and better management of their daily lives. Due to such an overwhelming response, weekly meditation sessions are currently being organized at Honorable Supreme Court, Intergraph and Wipro Technologies (Hyderabad), and more requests are being received by us for the same. For more details about organizing the workshop in your company, pl. email to These workshops are conducted free of Cost across the globe. HR Head Speaks: Ms. Nisha Bajaj, CCA & Unit HR Head, Shoppers Stop Limited (Ansal Plaza) says: We take this opportunity to thank Sahaja Yoga for the free camp organized in our premises. You have really shared great thoughts about the inner powers & awakening of Kundalini. It was really an informative & suggestive session. You & your team had been of great support. We would like to congratulate & appreciate the fact that you all are associated with such a noble thought. Improves pronunciation and voice for particular profession Expecting mothers and chiltherapeutic for physical, dren inner greatly quality benefit from mental and emotional disorders, but it also elevates the participant to a new spiritual dimension effortlessly. This unique therapy package is a one to two day workshop which includes using applied knowledge of Music notes, Omkar, Bija Mantras, Bija Akshar, Mantras, Shlokas, Nomton and Raga methods for self-help medication The obvious health benefits of this music therapy are: Stress managementovercoming and avoiding depression ADHD- has a positive improvement in people suffering from attention deficit The vibrations with the help of this music therapy not only in the creative process but also in transporting the residents into realms of meditation and spirituality. For more details contact: Dr. Arun Apte E-mail: All copyrights reserved@Nirmal Transformations Pvt Ltd, Pune, India Achieving easy, quick, deep and effortless meditation for physical, mental, emotional and spiritual ascent. development

Photographs taken during the meditation session at Shoppers Stop, Ansal Plaza, New Delhi

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and achieve inner peace

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