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Josephs Catholic Church Bulletin 21st August 2011

Fr. John B. Winstanley, Parish Priest St. Josephs Presbytery, Woodlands Road, Ansdell, Lytham St Annes, FY8 4EP. Tel: 01253 737037

21st Sunday in Ordinary Time Yr A, Mass Book page 66

Who do you say I am?
MASS TIMES & INTENTIONS SUN 21 21st Sunday Ordinary Time 6pm (Vigil) Intentions of Jayne Thornton 9.30am Parish 5.05pm Nowakowski Family The Queenship of the Blessed Virgin Mary 9am Ints of Emma Worsfield & friends 7pm Dcd Armer & Hunt families WORLD YOUTH DAY: Young people from around the World are gathered with Pope Benedict this weekend in Madrid. Many young people from our diocese are there. We keep them all in our prayers this weekend. CAFOD: We need someone to coordinate our work for CAFOD in the parish please give some thought to this. Please see the letters on the CAFOD board acknowledging recent donations from our parish. Lets keep in our prayers particularly the people of East Africa and the relief work there by CAFOD and other international organisations. NEW POSTERS in the main porch: 1.) Events Celebrating Creation in the Diocese. 2.) Castlerigg Youth Events: Big Walk:9th 11th Sept, and BBQ/Open Day, Sun 18th Sept. VICTORIA HOSPITAL: Monthly Mass in the Chapel, see poster. BISHOP CAMPBELLS JUBILEE: The Bishop will be celebrating the 40th Anniversary of his priestly ordination and writes to all the parishes: I would love it if you could join me for a Mass to celebrate my jubilee on Friday 16th September at 6pm in Lancaster Cathedral. This is an open invitation to all. BURKINA FASO: The total raised so far, including outstanding sponsorship, is 2927. Gift Aid will bring the total to over 3000. The fund will remain open for final donations until Saturday 10th September when a cheque will be presented to the Bernadine Sisters at a Hot Pot Supper & Social Evening in the hall from 7.00pm. Tickets for this event will be available this weekend. PARISH AGM: The Parish AGM will be held on Sunday 11th September at 11.00am in the Hall, all welcome. Nominations for Chairperson and Secretary are required. Nomination forms available at the back of church and completed forms should be returned to the parish office no later than 28th August. PARISH PASTORAL TEAM: The team would like to consult all existing groups on an idea for a parish showcase event on the weekend of 19th/20th Nov, the Feast of Christ the King. Would anyone who leads or organises a parish group, small or large, formal or informal, please pick up a letter from the pastoral team. They are in a box on the table in the main church porch & can also be viewed on the parish web site. CLEATOR PILGRIMAGE: Sunday 11th September 3.00pm Mass and blessing of the sick. Please see poster for details. Refreshments served afterwards at the Grove Court Hotel at a cost of 7.95 per head. Bookings for refreshments to St. Marys Cleator by 26th August. Tel 01946 810324. A coach is going from St. Peters Lytham leaving at 11.15am. Cost for the coach and tea is 22. Ring Fr. Flynn on 736721 after Friday for details. THE NEW TRANSLATION cont. Lord I am not worthy as the priest invites us to receive Holy Communion, he will say Behold rather than this is, the Lamb of God. Behold means to look at and is our invitation to adore Christ who we are about to receive in Holy Communion. We are used to saying Lord I am not worthy to receive you This will change to: Lord, I am not worthy that you should enter under my roof, but only say the word and my soul shall be healed. This is almost exactly what the Roman Centurion said when he came and begged Jesus to heal his servant. When Jesus says he will come to the Centurions house, the man knows that Jesus doesnt need to do that, that just his word will be enough. The Centurion says: Lord I am not worthy to have you come under my roof, but only say the word and my servant will be healed. Our new reply changes only one word of the Centurions speech my servant becomes my soul will be healed. NEW TRANSLATION: We are now using the new Mass responses and Eucharistic Prayers at Weekday Mass. Today at Sunday Mass we will start using the new I Confess and Gloria. From the first weekend in September we will use the new translation at all Masses.

MON 22 TUE 23 WED 24 THU 25 FRI 26

St Bartholomew 9am 9am Rev Roger Brooks

Bl Dominic Barberi 9am Mike Armer St Monica 9am


SAT 27 SUN 28

Mary Josephine Reynolds

22 Sunday in Ordinary Time 6pm (Vigil) Bernard & Mollie Sheridan 9.30am Moyra Borg 5.05pm Parish

RECONCILIATION (CONFESSION) Friday after 9am Mass, Saturday 11am 12 noon and any time on request. PRAYER & DEVOTIONS Benediction 1st Sun of the month 3pm Morning Prayer of the Church: Mon, Wed -Sat 8.45am. Holy Rosary Tuesday 6.40pm Exposition of Blessed Sacrament Sat, 11am-12noon SICK: Please remember those who are sick, especially Anthony Bentley, Bernard Jones, Betty Tattersall, Kathleen Griffiths, Angela Livsey, Vera Myerscough, Vernon Eccles, Bernie Farish, Liam Herron, Christopher Hunter, Maureen Lundy, Pat Marion, Charles ONeill, Margaret Portelli, Barbara Gillett, Robert Blackhurst and Mary Strickland. LATELY DEAD Please pray for the souls of Terry Murphy and Rev. Roger Brooks. ANNIVERSARIES: Please pray for the souls of Colin Butterworth, John Heney, Mollie Sheridan, Catherine Ann Nickson, Eileen Naylor and William Shakeshaft whose anniversaries occur about this time. FR JOHNS HOLY COMMUNION VISITS TO THE SICK on Friday morning: Newlands Rd, Church Rd, Lomond Ave, Greenways, Clifton Gdns, Rutland Court. COLLECTIONS: Thank you for last weeks collections. Next week we have a special collection for the Catholic Trust for England & Wales (formerly the National Catholic Fund). This is a levied collection. Offertory Good Shepherd Gift Aid 521.50 116.32 Non-Gift Aid 573.10 120.18 236.50 1094.60 27/28 August Sat 6pm Sun 9.30am Sun 5.05pm Readers A Waters P Kelly M French Ministers Group C Group F J Berry, M&J French

TEA AND COFFEE in the Hall after 9.30 am Mass. WEDNESDAY WORD available from the back of church to prepare for next Sundays readings.


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