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Limited Education Pearson l'larlow, Gate, Edinburgh England 2JE, CM20 Essex, Companies throughout world the andAssociated O and 2003 Copyright lanBadger SuePedley reserved; partof thispublication be reproduced, no All rights may in stored a retrieval photocopying, or in system, transmitted anyformor by anymeans, electronic, mechanical, permission the Publishers. moral recording, otherwise or written without prior the The of rightof the author been has asserted. published First 2003 impression 2009 Sixth lsBN978-0-582-53972-3 1opt Setin Univers Condensed KHL Printed Malaysia, in Designed typeset Rock and by Graphics lllustrations Roger by Fereday Acknowledgements Wewouldliketo thankHelen Parker herhelpin developing series, for this Maggie St Jo John, Christine Johnson, Teresa for JulieNoviell, Miller and,Maria Keller theirvaluable Winkleby herhelpwiththe British/American for inputandDiane differences boxes. We wouldalsoliketo thank Hans-Juergen at Deutsche Prell Telekom learners and from 0y, Paper Valkeakoski Metso AB UPM-Kymmene Metso 0y, Paper Sundsvall, Hagfors and Gmbh, Business Medical Goldwell and Grdstorp, English and Services Filton College, and on Bristol piloting reporting thematerials. for photograph copyright Photonica @ Cover

Introduction I Thebasics page 7 page5 Beginnings endings and Thewriters knoweachother well Thewriters knoweachother Thewriters notknow do eachother Messages 1 A firstcontact froman individual An acknowledgement A reply Chasing information up A reply Arranging visit a An invitation Replying an invitation to A confirmation Sending directions Chasing information up Setting a meeting up 1 Suggesting a meeting Suggesting a date, timeand place Agreeing Confirming a meeting An urgent meeting Messages t A general enquiry A reply A further request A reply A cover note 0rders Requesting a quote Placing firstorder a A reply Placing repeat a order Basiclayout A standard letter A memo A group email Messages 2 A firstcontact froma company A reply A request further for information Introducing company the

2 Makingcontact page15

3 Arrangements page23

Travel arrangements Arranging itinerary an Making booking a Confirming a reservation Checking travel arrangements Setting a meeting up 2 Setting agenda the Changing agenda the Negotiating changes Finalising arrangements

I Meetings page 33

Taking forwarding and messages Leaving message a Passing a message on Forwarding a message An acknowledgment reply An automatic email Meeting follow-up Minutes a meeting of Suggested amendments Comments Thanks

5 Enquiries page $

6 Orderc, dealing with problems page 51

7 Shortrcpofts page 6l

8 Personal messages page 69

Glossary Answers Appendices I Punctuation 2 Dates times and 3 Abbreviations

Messages 2 Specific enquiries Advice recommendations and A request information for Forwarding a request Providing details Dealing with problems I Dealing with problems 2 Problems a schedule with Unacceptable service A reply A reply goods Damaged Misleading information A reply A reply Rejectingcomplaint a Providing information Focus facts andfigures on A request information for Presenting numbers A short report Describing trends Asking missing for information Making comparisons P r o v i d i n g fu rth e ri n fo rma ti o n D raw i ngconcl usi ons Messages I Messages 2 Appreciation Good news Congratulations Replying good to news A personal announcement Badnews goodbye Saying Replying badnews to you Saying thank A remi nder Respondingthanks to Replying a reminder to page77 page86 a page92 page93 page95

Eng|bh ior Wodr present practise The in books thisseries and spoken English practical and writing everyday for you communication;feature words expressions willhelp in a widerange they key and which ofwork situations. target The languageintroduced is through texts, developed short and in practice language and notes exercises. Attheback each of book is there a glossary contains which highlighted language the from glossary selected texts. Translations ofthe in languages, bedownloaded the can from Longman website, Theseries intended intermediate learners. is for level Everyday Business Writingwill useful be supplementary materialyouarepreparing business if for English examinations asthe such (BEC), UniversityCambridge of Business English Certificate particularly Reading the and paper, theLondon (LCCI) Writing and ChamberCommerce lndustry of and English Business for exam. EYeryday Bueinerc Wrifing Everyday Business Writing suitable anyone uses is for who English thebusiness in world, and forstudents learning vocational Englishadult in education classes, schools, colleges and universities. The book focuses everyday on business writing, which, today's in is business world, usually sent email. book contains examplesother by The also some of types writing of such letters, as memos, telephone messages cover and notes. Emails often short canbevery and are informal. However, if anemail informal, even is it should still accurate, be appropriate easyforthe and readerto understand. canalso formal Emails be - forexample writing someone thefirst your when to for time, email bejustasformal a can as letter. There nostandard foremail is style writing thebook and reflects factintherange this of presented. point note language One to here theuse contractions. people to is of Some tend (l'll (l use contractionscallyou);others using write fullformswillcallyou). more In formal letter writing, forms recommended; full are in emails either is used. form You find other may the titles thisseries in helpful: Everyd Business lish Eng ay Eve ay Te hncaI Eng c i lish ryd Business ntati s Prese on

llow to use the book First all,workthrough of Unit1 - Thebasics. unitsetsoutbasicguidelines writing This for and emails provides examples styleandlayout. cantheneither of You workthrough book the yourimmediate unitby unitor choose thatmeets one need. Note thatin most the of the examples, focusis onthe bodyof the email. TheSubject andTo/From box boxes for included. example notalways are page search different Youcanusethe contents to for typesof written documents. each Start phrases. chapter looking the Useful by at Thenreadthetextsandstudy accompanying the phrases notes. Certain havebeenhighlighted haveparticular that features associated with them. However, is worthwhile it noting otherphrases appear thetexts, that in whichare important canalsobeseen keyphrases. a dictionary check equally and your as Use to presented refer theappendicesthebackof the understanding language of the and to at book. pages will findinformation some you 0n the notes on differences between everyday British andAmerican usage. Afterstudying textsandnotes, the workthrough exercises; backto thetextsand the refer notes necessary. willfindanswers the exercises as You to atthe endof the book. Finally, to the glossary the backof the book testyourself yourunderstanding refer at and on of the highlighted expressions. translation$ theseexpressions, using key Write of again a pages the Longman dictionary necessary. the English Work if Visit for on website whereyou willfindtranslationstheGlossary a selected of in number languages. of Youcanusethisbook.for self-qtudy with a teacher, your or Good luckandenloy.building 'Everyday Business Writing' skills!

lanBadger SuePedley, and Bristol.2003

recommended Some materials accompany English to the forWo*senes: Longman Business English Dictionary Penguin auickGuides; Busrness English Phrases Penguin Ouick Guides; Eusrness English Verbs Penguin Auick Guides; Eusrness English Words


Some useful phrases. Howareyou? go? Howdidthemeeting It wentverywell. It was good talkto youyesterday. to you meeting last week. I enjoyed you Thank foryourmessage. l'veattached copyof myreport. a Everything fine. looks No ch a n g en e eded. s - please Laurent make arrangements, the Ple a se m e. call Please nothesitate contact to me. do you I lookforward meeting on Friday. to from Look forward hearing yousoon. to younextweek. See Allthebest.

Laurent please _ arrange the ]/ music the for offrce party.

Laurent Please the arrange for music the partY. office

Tlre writers know eaeh ottrer well
tlif,in lbw m W? lt was goodto talkyesterday. Course lwantto be surethateverything and is correct. Canyou fufimlicingthr&ilsof the Leadership pri c hec k t he ro c h u reg a i n e fo retg o e s to th e nter, b i a b especi alpages ly 5-7? P l ease emaimeor cal lmeon l mymobile anychanges needed. if are : Bdngndf Anders c0urse

ldtlf'r, Everything fine. cfigffimam looks ilt Allthe best Kim

you See next week.

The writers know each olfrer

Smi, ri l' you you It wasgood meet attheconference week.would to invite to visitusonMonday May to last I like 25 we at I 1:1 sothat cancontinue discussions. that cancome. 5 our I hope you lkdmd

Head Personnel of

Dear Gonzales Mrs Thankyoufortheinviiation.Wagainon25Mayat1l:l5a'm. Yours sincerely Tarja Novotna

Tlre writerc do not know eaeh odrer

I would to check insurance like our cover. will beshipping equipment ourBirmingham next We new to office month. we need change policy will it be covered? Do to our or

YenCS DrSlack iffi*ilri*,W

Dear S la c k Dr policy you Thisis to confirm yourcurrent that ll covers andthatyoudo notneed takeanyfurtheraction. to youhaveanyotherqueries, please nothesitate contact do to me. Yours sincerely (Administratorl N. Nuul

The way you begin and end a message depends on how well you know the person you are writing to. A good guide is to use th e s am e beginni n ga n d e n d i n g (o r a s l i g h tl y more formal one) as the other person. In informal emails some people do not use the person'sname but start the message: Hi/HelIo/Good morning/afternoon not know if a woman is married or not. Some women prefer to be called Ms.

(Mrcl Piki Gonzales

A little old-fashioned, but when the reader may not know from your name whether you are mal e or femal e,you can hel p by gi vi ng (Ms) at the end of your title, e.g. Piki Gonzales your message.

Whenyou knoweachotherwell,you often begina message with a friendlygreeting. Otheropenings: Hopeyouare well. goodto see you lastweek. It was I'n finalising the details ... why you arewriting: Saying l'm writingto let youknow... Justa noteto let youknow... This to let youknowthat ... is Notehow contracted forms I'm (l am),You're (Youare)etc.are informaland oftenusedin emails. Best regards Theway to end a message a matterof is personal but choice, if you arewritingfirst,it is bestto be moreformalthantoo informal. Someotherinformal endings: Begards Bestwishes Allthe best (veryinformalUK English) Cheers Anders Youcanbeginan emailby simply writing the person's nameat the top of a message. No changes needed. Notethat the verb are (Nochanges are needed) beenleft out hereto keepthe has message shortandsimple. Dear Ms Novotna - Yourcsincerely In emails whichfollowthe styleof more formalletters, you openwith a name; if DearMs/Mrs/Miss/Mr;you closewith lours in sincerely. However, emails rulesare the morerelaxed you can begina message with Dearand end it with Bestregards,Best wishes (seenotesabove). etc. Ms is usedinsteadof Mrs or Missif you do

you I lookforwardto meeting ...

Thi s i s one of the most common phrases used at the end of messages.Note the -lng form of the verb which follows look forward to: I look forward to hearing from you. I look forward to receiving the report.

DearSir/Madam Yourc faithfully UseDear Sir/Madamformalmessages, in if

you do not know the person you are writing to. Dear Slris also used. This type of message usually ends with: Yoursfaithfully.

SeniorManager As thisis a first formalenail, the writer includeshisnane andposition. wellln esta ish reIatio ships, with frequent bl ed n communication, is not necessary. this

ldffiftmqlcan Brlti*h

dltlofrnGer American

Note:Americanstyle usesa colan (:) afterthe salutation business for correspondence

(Dear Piki:lDear or Sk: MadamiTo it Wkom May Concern: Yaurs faitttfully Thisexpression not is usedin Arnerican English. Sincerelyilaurs truly wauldbe usedinstead. frnalising finatizing (phone) phone cellutar) lnabile policy insurance insurance cover (not usedin in used British {aloo American English) Eng.lishl (exists, (also queries but quesgons usedin notoftenusedin British English) American nglish)

la Sasic out
A standard lelter
7 NoginRoad Shipsam Northshire KT3 49P UK 18April20# ffi#;[ p**r, I am going to be in AmsterdaminJune i#*#l*n*t*iiwdi$sref!:$ffita**:fuls$ffi*g#rb:W a meetil4'*i6r'yw as you suggested. and'il.wld like to.trrqe #&,hau,e,*t$ that I am surewill interestyou. &*ld,.trmu..le* ne knon'ff you are availabld onJune5th or 6th? * toot forward to hearing frorn you soon: Yourssincerely,

Hardv Heywa rd


lsatbel Hatvdy
IsabelHardy Partner

A memo
To: F r om : Date: Subject: All Headsof Department Pa me l aN e w ma n Directorof CorporatePlanning .14 Juqe 20 $gent visit

Joo, our Koreanagent,will be visiting the company next #ryS#***t#ffiEun Friday21 June. You are invited to meet her in the Conference Room at 10:30a.m. Eun Joo will give us the latest information on the Korean market,and she will answer any questionsyou may have. There will be a buffet lunch at midday. kesr*m .

A group email
Suljr.t, . fi/at D Attochmenlc:

for the annualdinner.Please me know what let ffi4i$ffi;lt!#ffi#leffir you would likeby the end of this week. ror the music. i$ii{l*ffi;iitiffii;***iii$r****:"Anff!*iMtii$iiH Thanks. Klaus


DearMr Loelgen,
Note that some people prefer to write a comma (,) after Dear Sir,Yours faithfully,etc. It is now more usual to leave out the comma in both formal and informal lettersand messages. Be consistent.lf you use a comma after Dear John, use a comma after Yourssincerely.

Please coilinn that youcan attend.

Otherformalpoliterequests: Please replyas soonas possible. Please contactme by Friday. Dear all greeting A common whenan emailis sentto greetings: group. a Other Deareveryone Dearcolleagues Helloeve ryone(informal) Notethat groupemails can alsobe sent withouta greeting. l've attacheda copy of the menu ... Otherwaysto indicate that you have attached file/files your email. a to Hereis the menu. Thereportis attached. lf you wantto be moreformalyou cansay: Please find attachedthe reportas requested. Herewith filesyouaskedfor. the Laurent, ... can you make the arrangements Notehow we askan individual do to in something a message sentto a group. Usea comma(,)or a dash(-) afterthe person's name; John,pleasecall me whenyoureceivethis. Sonia- can youforwardthismessage Oliver. to

It wasgoodto meetyouat the seminarin Paris.

Remind reader the first or previous the of contact. Do youremember we metat the Expo that presentation? Wespokeat the recentconference. ... I would like to anange a meetingwith you ... Openformalcorrespondence a clear with you arewriting. statement why of I am writingto confirmarrangements. I wouldlike to checksomedetailswith you. We havemanynew products ... your main The nextsentence(s) contain(s) message. Otherpossibilities: Itwouldbe goodto continue discussions. our I wouldlike to showyouour new brochure. Couldyou letme know il you are available... Use couldto makepolite requests: you Could let me knowas soonas possible? you Could call me? I look forward to hearing from you soon. Formal letters usually include polite a final phrase. Otherexamples: I lookforwardto meetingyousoon. Lookingforward to your reply. Please notethat... Please notethat... is a commonway of introducing important information a in formalmemo.

ernail is international, ths ,Egeau*e differancss BritishEnglishand American in ,Eng,lioh Syles ers becomingfewar (US cmails may sometimesbe mors infomal soms gEgtors than UX emsifs),,However, suchas fnancial, bankingand legalprefer formality. ln thcse eases,addresspeople by their titlee, avoid contractionsand slang, and be conciseand to th6 point.

1 Match tlfe opening greeting with the most suitable close. a b D ea r r Si Fred

d e

Dear Somerset Dr Hello everyone

(il ii i ii i ii i ii i ii


Yours faithfully Allthe best Best regards Yours sincerely Withverybest regards you See Yours sincerely Best wishes Yours faithfully Regards

2 Tick the phrase in each pair which is more informal. a i HiFausta ii Dear Fausta


bi Yours sincerely ii Regards ci No problem. i i There no problem. is you di I wouldliketo invite to visitouroffice. i i Come visitouroffice. and ei Please confirm yogcanattend. that yoy cancome. i i Letmeknowif

I T T I .I T I T


Thanks the dinner. for you i i I wouldliketo thank for the dinner.

Gomplete the sentences with a preposition. ExAtptE: amveryinterestedilt . coming the seminar. I . to a llo o kforward ....hearingfro my o u . . . theShanghai seminar. theprogramme. b We met.. c d e f g h

l'd like make to some changes.. . . Tha n kyou.. l'llse e you Ca ll e... m ..yourmessage.

....M0nday.....3p . m. .mymobile. . . . midday.

There be a buffet will lunch . l'veattached filesyouasked the

Put the correct form, -ing or infinitive, in these sentences. you Please ExlMpr"E: .gp.\-+iH. . (confirm)that cancome. you . . . . (check) brochure us? a Can . . the for b l l o o k f o r w a rd to .... c I e n j o y e d ..... .. (re ce i velthe document. .(me e tl yoa stweek. lu (visit) will d Mr Lahtinen be Helsinkitomorrow. you e Could letme. . . . . . (know) everything if is 0K. (go)yesterday? f How themeeting did g I am i h T h i ss t o . . (write)to you some ask for advice. ....(co n fi rm)o u rconver sation.

Match the two parts of the sentences. 1 l'mjust finalising a thefilesyouasked for. 2 Please everyone let b fromHead office. justhad message 3 l've a c come the meeting. to you 4 Please confirm youcan that d meeting lastweek. e the arrangements nextweek. for 5 Wemetrecently 6 John f knowaboutthe arrangements. g please 7 | really enjoyed make necessary the arrangements. attached h in the London 8 | have office. 6 Order the sentences into a message. An informal mesrage find a I couldn't it thismorning. e b l'll beback theoffice in f g morning, lan. c Good you yesterday? h Did send themao me map d vou vest(

Ma ija Thefax number 9505142. is you Could faxit again. laterthisafternoon.

a b c d

A formal rnemo willvisit office Friday. the on D e ac ol l e a g u e s r Wewould everyone like Thisis to confirm Mr Tayama that

e f g h

Marcus Kerimov byWednesday latest. atthe Please confirm youareable attend that to to meet in Room at2:30. him 21

7 You are the Human Resources manager in your company. You are organising a one-day conferenoe on 'Health and Safety'. Look at your notes below and then write a memo to all staff: O inviting to theconference them (subject, time O giving allthe details theconference of date, etc) for O asking a reply O offering give to more iqformation if necessary Write 4O-5O wolds, using the texts and notes in this chapter to help you.

Some usefrrl phrases. I have the seen advertisement webpage. onyour you Could please mesome send more information? you Thank foryour email. I have form. attached application an Please return us. itto Please meknow youneed further let if any information. you Wearewriting inform thatwe areorganising to a meeting Tokyo. in you Can complete booking the form? Please a look ourwebsite. take at I look forward hearing yousoon. to from Wewere very interestedhear to about conference. the Weareanestablished companytheUK. in Weexport Brazil. to you Looking forward seeing inToronto. to




Messages I
A first dontact fiom an indhlidual

DearMs Giles :FlF and would like to apply for theg$,of {*r*,r{i*xi:*t*: iM,,gtLw InternationalMarketingManager. I'fd: cgti!3lt$.:irt,:liqqisqn. I would be gratefulif you could send me an application form and some information aboutthe post. Thankyou in advance. Yourssincerely Jean-Luc Reigniers

An acknowledgement

DearJean-Luc .i lfi *,ffiand T&rurkryutr$or your meit I m Blead.&#anhrq$'i information about the post,flt.,&tl#" Couldyou also completethe attachedquestionnaire return it to us by the end of the week. and I look forward to hearingfrom you soon. Best regards SaraGiles HumanResources Manager

A rcply
l5l .

G iles Please find attachedmy completedapplicationform and a copy of my SV for your information. yow n$y. l bch.furd.b Best regards Jean-Luc Reigniers

Ghasing up inlomation
DearJean-Luc your completed Thank you for your recentapplication.However, havenot yet received we questionnaire. Couldyou pleaserefurn this as soonas possible.

Fffifu*l*hiffie,km.rrW*. Best regards


A reply

DearMs Giles Please find attachedmy completedquestionnaire. 08120745614 you need any further information. if f$'!illuffi1*i*ttr*,ii*S1*H* Lookingforward to hearingfrom you soon. Best regards Jean-Luc Reigniers

the on I haveseen advertisement yourweh page...
generally openwittra clearpointof Emails reference. Thanks youremail. for last Wemet at the conference week. I readyourrepoft with interest.

I look forwardto yourreply.

This phrase is a standard polite close to an emai l . Alternatives are: I look forward to hearing from you soon. I awaityour reply.(very formal)

Please meknowif youhaveany queries. let

This is a polite, informal ending to the message.You could also say: Please contact us if you have any queries. A more formal endi ng i s: Please do not hesitate to let us know if you
wordforjobor position. Postis alternative an I amcurrentlyworkingas a Marketing in Assistant a puhlishingcompany London. for
job: Sayingmoreaboutyour current Advisorsince I havebeenworkingas a Sales May. for I havebeenin the ExportBusiness three years. I havebeena lecturer since2001. Thankyou lor your email. response an email. Thisis a standard to for an Whenreceiving emailfrom someone the firsttime you couldalsosay: you in Thank for your interest our company. pleased hear that youare We were to interested ... in I am pleasedto attach our online application form... Documents with an email areattached sent ratherthan enclosed they are with a letter. as Youcouldalsosay: ... Please attached find Please takea lookatthe attached file... will Theattachments give youthe information youneed ... ... as requested. Thisis a morecommonexpression thanthe alternative: ... whichyourequested.

require further information. any r Aueries questions. singulais query. are The I apologise notsending earlier. for this YoucoulU say: also I amsorryI didnotsendthisearlier. I'msorry lforgottosendit.(informal) Please meonmymohile... call
in Notethe useof prepositions the sentences aboveand below: 232. Please contactme on extension Pleasevisitour websiteat You can emailme at

Erldil/Amrican d{tornco Amedcan Bdtirh ... I haveseen the I sawtheadvertisement English advertisement... Note:American
usually usstho simple pasttense.


apologize resumE Noto: In Ameriean EnglishCVis ucually ressrvedfol acaderlic applications. Please me on ny call cell phone. Please contactme at extension 232.


. . . v... c
Th is is a doc um en tg i v i n g d e ta i l so f y o u r educationand past employment, used when applying for a job. lt comes from the Latin: curriculum vitae.

Flaasesallmaan ny nobile. Please contactme an extension 82.

2 ilt$ssagFs
A firct dontact from a eornpany
This will be an excellent opportunityto liflr*trlu*ting to lnvllr Wu.ts e conhronccin Tokyo.
meet local suppliersand agents. at where you will find details of lha fkr&a.laot af ourw*rlto @dricftca rdudub and our online registration form. Pleasedo not hesitateto contact us if you require any further information. Yours sincerely Minori Kishimoto Organiser Conference

A rrply
DearMs Kishimoto We werevery interestedto hear aboutt&e,foft&coming conf,erence in Tokyo ad,,Miike registrationform and look forward to hearing to attrnd I am pleasedto attach our completed from you soon. Yourssincerely GuillermoRavallo

A request for further information

your application are pleased informyou that we havereserved We havereceived and to form. and somevideoequipment you, as you requested your registration for on g,csnFany, for our conference Oqdtl rul plrar tmd dr r fifty word *nnmary handbook, !ildn and'CIf urftik &i Bestregards MinoriKishimoto Organiser Conference

Intr,oducing dre eompany

Dear Ms Kishimoto Thank you for your email.Hereis a suilnary of our companyfor the handbook: of |[{fh rs'c{H*:cffid cs@f in tb UK with over thirty years'experience providing management training for the qMffidnS and narvice iildustries, We can providea rangeof faining programmes, otr-site, at a ysiltls in the UK, or online,at a competitiveprice.' If I hopethis is acceptable. not pleasedo not hesitateto contactme. lnoking forward to meetingyou in Tokyo. Best regards GuillermoRavallo

... Weare writing to invite youto a corrterence
ln formal written communicationsit is more common to use the full verb form We are writing rather than We're writing. Companies wiff also use We rather than /when contactingsomeone for the first time.

Wearean estahlished company theUK... in

Otherwaysto describe company a could include: Weare a largemanufacturing company in specialising ... producers ... Weare oneof theleading of Weare the leadingexporters ... of ... manufacturingand senice industries. industry to The manufacturing makesproducts for sellto customers, example cars, telephones, clothes, providesservices The seruice industry and advice customers. example to For banks, travelagents, shops. ... on-site,.., On-sife trainingis whenthe trainergoesto workplace givethe the customer's to training. ,.. venue... A venue the place is wherean event(suchas a conference meeting) or takesplace.

Please takea lookat our website ...

is: An alternative visitour website ... Please You find our websiteat ... will ... ... the conferenceschedule planof what will happen This is a detailed andwhenit will happen. Notethat an itineraryis detailed the schedule or planof a visitor trip. . .. the forthcoming conference . . . which is forthcomingwill happen Something soon. ... and (wel would like to attend. Noticehow it is not necessary repeatwe to in this sentence. ... a stand ... is At a conference exhibition stand a or a smallareawherea company candisplayits products giveout information visitors. or to Couldyou please sendus a ... summaryof your company... is: A moreformalalternative We wouldbe gratefulif you couldprovideus witha summary ... givesthe most importantfactsin A summary a briefway. ... by the end of the week. By theendof theweekis usedto say when you want something done. Other exactly are: alternatives Friday. ... before ... on Monday I a.m. at ... withinthe next24 hours. ... in an hour.

British (tor a stand conferences) of organiser programmes

American a booth; exhibit an experience organizer pr0grams
{Note:This American spellingof programsie usedin BritishEnglish but only to refer to computerprograms.)

venue (not used in this way in American English) speciatising

In AmericanEnglish locationor sifewould be more usual. specializing

1 Gomplete the sentences with a preposition.
goods. We EtoMptE: area leading . electrical a b c d e f g h I a m currentlyworking I wouldliketo apply ...a F in a n c ia lA d v is o r. . . . the position Chief of Executive.

I h a ve beenworking.........Fra mc o s in c e rc h . Ma I enclose application an form I wouldliketheworkcompleted .. me Please telephone . . . Please email me . . . requested. . the endof theweek.

0039572 34698.

. . . further for any information. . . . glassware.

manufacturing We area large company specialising

2 Match the words with the correct definition.

1 stand i you 0uestions askto getinformation to check or something trueor correct. is you Thetoolsor machines need a particular for activity. A small where a areaat a conference exhibition or company showits products giveout can or information visitors. to

2 3

itinerary equipment

4 5 6

queries post venue .vi

place. Theplace where event an takes A detailed schedule plan a visitortrip. or of A job or a position a company. in

Fill in the gaps with words from the box below. "A*neomirf summary questionnaire

on-site range producer service

in ExlrMITE: are pleased inviteyouto our .f.qrfh99.tflthg. conference 0hio. We to a b c d e f programmes . We canarrange training either produceswide a Ourcompany We aretheleading The youprepare short Can a you C ou ld completethe attached . . . . . . or online. . . . of products. . . . of carsin Germany.

. . . sector includes businesses as banks travel such and agents. . . . . for the monthly report. . . . . a n dre t u rn a s s o o n sp o s s ib le . it a

4 Match the two parts of the sentence.

I 2 3 4 5 6 7

lf youhave questions any fonruard | look Wearewriting Wewere interested Please a look take you Thank you Could please

a b c d e f g

you to inform about nextexhibition. our at ourwebsite.

foryour recent application. please nothesitate contact to me. do in Madrid. to hear aboutthe conference me further information. send some you to meeting in September.

Put the sentences in the correct order. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I I Please takea lookat ourwebsite at you to We arewriting inform Please nothesitate contact do to us you where willfindfulldetails theconference. of thatwe areorganisingconference NewYork a in Wewouldliketo invite attheendofthe month. yourorganisation attend. to if yourequire further any information. D ea r olleague C

y.ah to. .?..We. e. wrilih.q. inf prq4. . ^y


Seo Jeorrgmi

6 Match the statement in A with the response in B. A B 1 | attach completed our registration a Wewereinterested hearabout to the
2 formfortheforthcoming exhibition.\ | wouldliketo apply the postof for Finance 0fficer. your We havenotyet received form. completed application you Wewouldliketo invite to our in conference London. U conference, would to attend. and like youforyourapplication. Thank We havereserved stand youin the for a ma in a ll. h you Thank for youremail. am I pleased attach online to our application form. I apologise notsending earlier. for this

7 Read the email and notice below and then complete the booking form. Write a word or phrase or a number on lines 1 - 5.

dl To: Jahn$mith

Can you completethe attachedEquipmentBookingForm for the conference that you are organisingand return it to the Technical I Department. will do a short introductionso I will need a laptop and a projector. Checktheprogramme to see if we need any other equipment. Let me know if you need any more informationfrom me. I will be in Room 412 all day today. Thanks. Equipment Booking
(1) ...


C o n ference' l ' i tl e

Name of Organiser (21 Equipmentrequired (3) Date needed Venue

t4l (5)

Some useful phrases. visitourcompany. if Wewould verypleased youcould be youravailability. let Please us know Areyoufreeon Monday afternoon? yo m C an usen d ea mapplease? to l'veattached mapanddirections ouroffice. a SeeyouFriday. you I lookforward seeing tomorrow. to for an trip. l'veputtogether itinerary theChina morning. I'mtaking 7:30 the flight Paris to tomorrow reservation. to my l'mwriting confirm hotel free. l'm sorry| wasn't in l'vebeen delayed Paris. his He's missed flight. for l'll be awayfrommyoffice a few days. I triedto ringyoubackyesterday. wa Th en u m b e r sengaged. tomorrow l'll callagain

Arran tn a visit

Ar inYltetion

We were interested hearthat you will be in Japanfor the International to Motor Conference,and $tp, 4ii${*:*,*l*M,,,ff during you r ,lliffitffi stay in Tokyo. Shtft-l|t,f**M,ffi and we will arrangea tour of our factory. you soon. We hopeto havethe opportunity meeting of Yourssincerely Mr TaroSato

Replying to an inuitation
Dear Sato Mr f!x* ycs for tlta ia$ta,th$, ft*,rV,ilSt,W$.r,:Wffi$;I woutdbe veryinterested seeingyour factory, in as I haveheard exceltent reports yourlatestproduction technology. on line I witt be availabte 6th Mayif this is convenient you. on for

r&*&ftsd,to$lr Yours sincerety

MsG[oria Dunn



A confirmation
Hi J ohn rls{r$dt!ot! on Friday May 31 at 10 a.m. &$t,**rttry lf you come to receptionand ask for me, I will meet you there. lf you need to contact me, pleasecall me on my mobile (07975639400).

Regards Kevin

Sending directions
Dear MissBromtey you I am pleased areableto visit us on 21st.$t*i$ you needit. Ptease me knowwhenyou hopeto arrive. case let to f with directions ourkdtftll, in

you arriveat the maingate,Security When witt give you a visito/s pass. FdlifiS #iilf#ilffilt*SlffiiHl* where havereserved car parkspace you. I a for you Loohngforward meeting nextweek. to Regards JacobLetterman

Ghasing up information
DearMissBromley l'm just finalisingarrangements your visit. ,ffils.lffii for **{*;**.$ [


Bestregards JacobLetterman

if ... we wouldhe verypleased youcouldvisit ... ou company
phrases: Other similar in Weare holdinga conference London and pleased you couldattend. if wouldbe very We wouldlike to inviteyou to an evening reception. Thisis the formallanguage invitation. of wouldbe: Moreinformal waysto invitepeople join Please us for lunchtomorrow. Wouldyoulike to visitour new factory? Pleaselet us know your availability ... whenyou are Thisis a formalway of asking free.Youcouldalsosay: Whenwouldbe convenient? Are youfree on Tuesday? Thankyou for the invitation to visit your company. from a Thisis a formalreplyto an invitation Also: new contact. to I was verypleased receiveyourinvitation. replywhenyou knowthe A moreinformal person well: for Thanks invitingme. for Thanks the invite. I look fonuard to your confirmation. Youcanalsosay: you Could pleaseconfirmthis? as Canyouconfirm soonaspossible? Just to confirm your visit to us ... way of confirming details. Thisis an informal wouldbe: this A moreformalway of saying I am writingto confirmdetailsof your visitto nextweek. our company Seeyou Friday. ending an email to Thisis an informal meeting/visit.more A a confirming planned wouldbe: formalending you I lookforwardto meeting on Friday. I am attachinga map ... are Detailed directions oftensentas lf directions very short,you are attachments. couldsay: at Leavethe motorway Junction14,turnleft on to theA37.Ourofficeis onemilealongthis roadon the left.

facility the Thisis often to a used mean factoryor

placewhere a product is made.

... Followtheroadaround themainreception to

for Otherusefulexpressions giving directions: Followthe mainroadinto town,and you will find us on the right. Stayon thisroaduntilyoureachtheHotel. Keepgoingstraight. Turn at the station. left Gostraightalongthe corridor. Do you know when you are planning to arrive yet? Moreinformal: Anynewsaboutwhenyouplanto arrive? Moreformal: yourarrivaltime. Please advise British/Ameriean British Itried to ring you backyesterday. difi elences American I triedto callyou backyesterday. {Alsousedin British English.)

The wasbusy. line The nunberwas engaged. finatising finalizing Some difference* in giving directions at the Leave matorway Leave freeway the 14. at Junction exit 14. mile this One along 0nemiledownthis road. road.
lDownalsousedin English) British Keepgaing for a block. Note:metricdistances not usedin the are are US.In townsand cities, distances between expressed blockstthe digtance in two streetsl.

Alongthecorridor for Ao straight 100 metres.


Anangifig an itinerary
fif$trei ,' Can you let me know what you think about it?

Tuesday 22 llftpa,ftom ffisr at 11:05 on fliglrt llll$, Afternoon visit to Salford site Overnight stay at Hilton Hotel,Salford Wednesday23 Plnk up by company car at 08:flt All day visit to Newcastleon Tyne site Ret u rnfl i g h t to Mi l a n d e p a rti n ga t 17:05on fl i ght 8467, arri vi ngat 19:20 A llt he bes t M ic helle arriving Manchester at 11'25


a booking

&&U.for the Bertinmeeting.Doyou want to travel with him? $flffi: on Wednesday morning,and there'sa returnflight on il*i iffi*;St&s. Thursday evening 17:00. at a',@, t Let meknowif this suits 44t . you. flm. Hotty

Gonfirming a reserration
Dear Ms Tourelle i

|l***i, t li*' f f i. c n m ffd * ts * ' ffi ma d e b y p h o n e t hi smorni ng,fortw osi ng| e rooms at the Hotel Sorbonne on May 26, for Ms Scheelenand Mr Moura. They will arrive at the hotel at about 7 p.m. and they would like to have dinner at 8 p.m. Could you pleaseemail us a map and directions? Yours sincerely J am es E v ans

Ghecking trauel arrangements

1:e Dear David,

$im&L:ffil*r*ftx*kit*tt: . a !t**iffii[*lif*hic1


,,re.pleqser flight ,.ffi,ontomorrow's toBerlin?

Has Franz organiseda companycar to collectme from the airport? kt me know if thereareany problems. Thanks Jo

I've put togetherthefollowing itinerary.
An itineraryis detailed the timetable a visit of with itinerary: trip.Otherverbscanbe used or Theagent haschanged itinerary. the I've fixedthe itineraryfor our Japantrip. We need to finalise it today. Youcanalsosay: We'llfinalisethe detailstoday. today? Canwe finalisethe schedule Departurefrom Milan at ll:(E on flight 8A68,... Notethe followingprepositions placeand of aboutarrangements: timewhentalking Theplane departsfrom Paris4 8:00. I'm travelling FlightKLM646 Osaka. on to g! We'releaving midday. I arrivea'tTerminal gt l9:00. 3 Pick-up hy company car at 8:N) meaning To pickup is an informal expression to collect. An airportpick-upcan be arranged. l'll pick youup at the station. I'n booking Don'sflights today ... We oftenusethe present continuous tense to talk aboutfutureplansand arrangements: in I'm goingto Paris the morning. Directorat 2 p.n. the I'm meeting Finance I'm catchingthe earlytrain. flight leavesLondonat 7;30... TheLufthansa simpletenseto talk We oftenusethe present abouttimetables: Thetrainarrivesat l8:00. startsat I a.m.tomorrow. Theconference leavethe airporteverythirtyminutes. Coaches ShallI reserueyoa a seaton the sameflights? and usedin offers, suggestions Shallis requests advice. for I Shall finishthe reportfor you? Shallwe meetfor lunch? we Whatshall do abouttheproblem? I am writing to confirm the reservation, ... Otherverbsusedwith reservation: my l'm writingto change reservation. I'm afraidI haveto cancelmy reseruation. CanI checkmy reservation?

Couldyoucheckout the following for me please:

way of Tocheck outsomething an informal is sayingcheck: Canyou checkthe followingfor meplease: Canyou checkout the flighttimes? to Youcan alsocheck outof a hotel,meaning payand leave. Weneedto checkout before7:00 catch our to flight. Hasthe airline reseruedan aisle seatfor me ... you Otherquestions can askto check arrangements: Did youreserue windowseatfor me? a youre-confirmed flight? Have my Didyoubookan economy ticket?

Bdthh + American departing Note;The 24-hourclock ie calledmilitary time and is not at 17:05 a booking/ to book travelling midday
gnneralfu us$d!nthe U5. Times are nsted with a.m. and p.m. reserue a reseruation/to talsousedin BritishEnglish) traveling noon English, Note:ln American middayindicatesperiodof a time in the eady afternoon, from about noon until 2 p.m. l've seilmadehe itinerary. one way fticketl front desk Note:hotelsin the US use vsrytng terminology but these are ueual: a a single a roorn with one dsublebed * a daubls a room with tvvo double b*ds * a I QUQEB room with one queoneizsbed a king* a loom with one king eizebed

I'vefixedthe itinerary. (ticketl single In a hotel: reception a single/ raam dauble

Leauing"a message
Li Juan you Thank for yourphone thismorning. catl * .&l i *!ffi#h*f* You catlmeat the officeon arrange meeting, SF a but can !Ef,![f ffi,'ffito 234768. 7444 best before - or on mvmobite 3:30 07050 0207001 Sue Passing on a meooago

DearAndreas with JayneEaxt'ercatledtoday. 9trdo bawtd&*d ln thatqhal, eo ehe'llmieethe dinnerthia eveninq you and Mr Ho Lim. Canyu Atva ry&gba, *r*? hs Canyou alaotetl Mr Ho Limthat. ihcru *r *# W*ta *etdr. fa fa,{,Si} ryiththc contract?Wtit* fi#lthnrtar&f& pbrw at. the hotel? Linathi


a meosage

Sandy :dMtrl@:*sr Hope you had a good break in ltaly.#* l l*#fiikdt*l*over the weekend - we can then discuss it on Monday. Bye for now Stefan Message-Original From: Wall, Helen Imailto:Helen.Wall@ie23c.coml Sent: 29 August 17:37 To: Stefan Ruiz (E-mail) Subject: ltinerary for Swedish Trip

DearStefan l'm attaching draftitinerary Sweden. for the Let me knowif you want me to arrange any othervisitsfor you. Helen

Ar acknowledgment

it it It looksfine,but I'll gothrough carefully weekend wecandiscuss onMonday. this and ,i[#;{iiffilii#iiryi*ffi &: *t6#*!:*Wf Sandy Alr automatic email rcply
If you needan urgentreply,ptease contact

*d*fiffil EveWheeler 0590 4779456. on

free l'm sorryI wasnT to speak.
for Reasons not beingableto talk: I was on anotherline. I wasin a meeting. I was out of the office. meaning was busy. I is lwasn'tfree informal, youfree?meansAre youdoinganything? Are Also:Are youavailable? I tried to call you back this afternoon... telephone Tocallbackis to returnsomeone's call. Canyou call backtomorrow? I'll askher to call youback. I triedto returnyourcall. ... the numher was engaged. means sameas thenumber This phrase the for wasbusy. Otherreasons not beingableto reach someone: Therewasno reply. I had the wrongnumber. getthrough. I couldnT ... She's beendelayedin Shanghai for Someotherreasons not beingavailable: atthe airport. beendelayed She's He'sbeenheldup in Paris. He'smissedhisflight. Can you give her apologies, please? Youcouldalsosay: apologies? CanyousendSara's giveher apologies. Please please? on Canyouapologise her behalf, ... there are still somedetailsto soft oat ... or Tosottoutisto solvedifficulties problems. I'lltry and There's beena misunderstanding; sortit out by tomorrow. system. We'vesortedout the computer Canhe call her tonight,please? you of Someexamples othermessages can pass on: Please Sallytoday. call JohnfaxthereporttoFranz? Can Please himknowDavidwill be late. let

l've justreceivedthedraftitineraryfor Sweden Have lookat it ... fromHelen. a

Youcouldalsosay: Take lookat the itinerarywhichHelenhas a sent. I'm forwarding itineraryfron Helenfor you an to lookat. Thanksfor this, Stefan. something To confirmthat you havereceived you cansenda simpleThankyou. Youcouldalsosay: Thanks sending repoft. for the figures. Manythanks the sales for Letb say l0 a.m. in my office. way of makingan Thisis an informal You arrangement. couldalsosay: Whataboutl0 my office? Canyounake l0 a.m? Howabout p.m.tomorrow? 2 I shall be away from the office until 2 July. Automated are emailreplies usedwhen you knowyou will be out of the officefor a periodof time.Otherpossibilities: I will be on leaveuntil22August. until I will be awayon busrness 2 May. I will be out of the officefromMonday2ndJune untilMonday9thJune.

Britirh The number was engaged. There stillsome are dstailsto saftaut thedraftitinerary apologise l'lltry andsort out it by tomartow. Ameriean The wasbusy. line are There stillsome de{ailstotake of. eare a draftsf theitinerary apalogize care t'lltry andtake sf it tomorrow

1 Gomplete the aentences A to D below ueing the words in the box.
*co*finTr contact attend queries

22nd July nextweek

pleased invitation


office August


a b c d

l ' dl i ke to .q p .\fi f$ e se rvationa..... re for . r oom , on... Wewould very be if youcould us visit d u r i n g yo u r.. .... i nTor onto. Pa u l i so u to fe ... th ...thisweek. Please ...... Mar ia on3650899 have ifyou any... T h a n kyo urth e ... fo ... tothe confer ence in.... I willbepleased . . . . to used in making
to yourconfirmation. if thisis convenient? onthe9:15 flight Paris. to for a double roomon 26th May? if youcould visitourcompany. at the airport 7 p.m. at foryourChina trip. between and10a.m. I to an evening reception.

Match the two parts of the sentences affangoments. pleased 1 Wewould very be a 2 | look fonrvard b you 3 Wewould to invite like c you 4 Could please meknow let d you 5 l'vereservedseat a for e you 6 Can confirm reservation my f you g 7 A company willpick up car 8 | have organiseil itinerary the h I You can to$orrow i

Put these sentenees into the correct order. a Our office located posite busstation, totheMarlin is of the next Hotel. your to b Just confirm visit usonFriday at9 a.m. to 14th please meonmymobile c lf youneed contact forany to me reason, call 071186 34521. you d Looking foruvardseeing onFriday. to e Best regards, Francis you you f When arrive, formeat reception I willmeet there. ask and

r b. .Jt'..s!.tp. sq$.,."n .y9hy.vis.r!.ts. Fri4ny. nt 1. nr.ql. .lt *w. .

Complete the sentences with a suitable preposition. ExIMITE: will pickyouup .by . company We car. a b c d e f G ostr a ig h t ....the corridor. Herof f icis . . . . e t h ele f t . l'llbe ..... Madrid nextweek. l'llstay.. . . . t h eMo d e rn o . meetyou.. . . Terminal2 . . ...mid n ig h t . . O ur r ive r will d Th e r es a fl ight..... P aristwiceday. i a l'vefixedthe itinerary. . . . the Brazil . trip. l'm tr ave lling..... flightB A 248..... Mad rid .

Gheck each aentence. ls the preposition in italics cofrect, incorrect or not necessary? They be arrivingffthehoteltonight. will ExnilplE: a b c d e f g h EvaGonzales arriving is fromMadrid tomorrow. I didnotknowthat Heidi wasvisiting Bangkok. fa is Erik Sharman staying theGrand af Hotel. I will contact Neilfor hisapproval thisbudget. fo of is Theitinerary finalised fromthe Berlin trip. you rnwriting? Could please confirm Heis offfrom desk his atthemoment. Theflight leaves 19:00. on

Read the memo and email below then complete the Travel Form. Write one word, phrase or number in each numbered space 1 to 5.
ffiffir u e ffitrffiwesga'#*s& To: From: Date: Re: JaquesDuval,Finance RobertaBenetto,Marketing 21st May My visit to Beijing- to attendAgentsWorkshop

Canyou lookthroughthe flight details from Travel Worldand complete a TravelFormfor me, requesting flight which arrivesearlyin the morning the payment of the 18th. Couldyou organise today please, creditcard? by

Thanks Rts

AF 202 BritishAirways BA148

DepartureLondon Heathrow Arrival Beijing Departure LondonHeathrow Arrival Beijing

17 June 11:45 18 June 08:15 17 June 21:00 18 June 17:00 28 June 28 June 28 June 28 June 10:25 17:30 13:00 20:00

Departure Beijing Arrival LondonHeathrow 8A149 Departure Beijing Arrival LondonHeathrow Can you confirm within 48 hours please. Thanks Sophie TravelWorld

AF 203

Travel Form
Traveller Details

Department Purpose Visit of Travel Details Flight from Flight to D e p a r t ure D a td T i me R e t u r n Da td T i me Airline Cost M e t h o d o fP a yme n t


.....London .....3 .....28June....

. . . . . el 0 0 0

Some usefirl phrases. We need setup a meeting. to weeksometime? Howabout next in Tuesday 10a.m. myoffice? at Whatabout Arewe still0K for Friday? have working a lunch. We could you the on Can confirm meeting the lTthin Prague? yougetback metoday? to Can It'sin mydiary. for Can reschedule Monday? we please? you all items today Can letmehave agenda to We'llneed circulate agenda. the any Letmeknowif youwantto make changes. We'llneed rearrange programme. to the l'veattached minutes the meeting. the of points. to I was interested readthe action you Thank for yourcomments.




,: ,,.1 (il
I ! : , 1"1

Settin u a meetin
Suggesting a meeting
Eduardo l Nt i :ffiffi* Kate your new contract. as soon as possible discuss to

Suggesting a date, time and place

Kate I leave Spain Wednesday,we'[[need meetbefore for on so to then.iltfh$tri* !,1ilH*,*&n* I pffiuffiiiffinl t? llh g'glldt**rr,rnrltng ktt$. you Can getback metoday? to Eduardo

Dear Mr Sato



as you suggested. eimr.-*:irr,srH**&


i I will be with one of my colleagues,Miss Ashley,our new ProductionManager.

Best regards Ms Sue Winter


Confirming a meeting
Marija lt&ffi;,W4l,m tfu,?,1e*'In,Sonn? It's in my diary but I havehad no 6 ;;ls ll${i* information about it. I know therewas a possibility of postponingit.

Regards Piers


ft/Isr Y!* r#ri d* rm

To: all senior managers From: Rick Lovell, Chief Executive Date: 20 December We have a serious problem with the packagingof one of our products. with all senior managers at 2 p.m. this afternoon in my *,lffiiffiffi l office. ffi#iiffiffi ir*,!&* * , decide the actionwe need to take and discusshow to managethe Media. Please clear your diariesfor the whole of the afternoon.


Weneedto setup a meeting ... is Tosetupa meeting to arrange organise or a
meeting. for Otherusefulexpressions setting up a meeting: I'd like to meettomorrow. Weare holdinga meeting 2 p.m. at meeting Therewill be a staff tomorrow. How ahoutnext week sometime? Thisis a usefulinformal expression for suggesting meeting a withoutgivinga specific or time.Youcouldalsosay: day Howdoesnextweeklook? Canyoulet me knowyouravailability (moreformal) nextweek? Whatahout Tuesday I p.n. . .. at informal way of This is another suggesting meeting. a Also: HowaboutTuesday I p.m? at Moreformalsuggestions are: Are you available Tuesday I p.m? on at youmanage p.m.on Tuesday? I Can ls I p.m.on Tuesday convenient? ... inthe canteen? location: Otherprepositions describe to We'llmeetin my office. is Theconference at Cleve House. We'llneet on platformtwo atthe station. We could have a working lunch. Aworkinglunchis when you carry on workingwhileyou are eatinglunch. I would he very pleasedto visit you next Tuesday,... This is a formal/polite of agreeing way meeting time. to a suggested 3 p.m. would be fine with me. expressions show to Otherinformal or acceptance agreement: 3 0K for me. me. 3 p.m.suits 3 fine.

you I look lorward to seeing againnext week.

It is usual to confirm arrangementsat the end of the message.More informally you can say: See you next week.

Canyouconfirmthemeetingon the21stin Bonn?

This is useful for confirming or checking More informal: arrangements. ls nextTuesday's meetingin Bonn stillon? Are we still 0K for the 2lst?

Weneedto finalisearnngements today,

Youcan useneedtopointout the importance of something. Weneedto contacthimimnediately. You needto checkthe detailscarefully. I want to meeturgently ... To pointout the urgency something use of vocabulary suchas: We'llhaveto do thisimmediately. Thiswill needimmediate action. Thisis a prioriU. Thd parpose the meetingis to hrief you on the of prohlem,... Tobriefsomeone to give informationabout is something.




::1:.,, [i16fl;6[ ' B*tlah cantasn ,:'.:. ,gpt6(t@iql "' ;: (also ueedin British Engtish) lfs in ny datebooAcabndar. Note:In AmericanEnglish is a diary @r journall a book in which you write ' down the thingsthat happento you eachday (alsoin British English). :",rrlffi$'}iigEg-,an''Wa'l! '." neeton/attr:ack2 at platrorn 2 at he train station. the statian.

lft in my diary.

Setfingf tlre agenda

a meeti

Dear all, you as a for meeting let me know soon possible and as Can have lookat theagenda Friday's any if youwantto make changes ;ih, iil# ;#Wffi anyreason. iffifor Review Meeting Alrrdr Monthly 4 August Time: 10:00 Room 2 Conference *ffi,iiiii

l: Sffifitr#I$ffi SP IM JK BH RA 1 ffiffiWffi
2 3 4

ffi}ffi';roding Review 2nd quartersales of for Salesprojections nextquarter

5 f,oB 6 S**{;:ngt mq*liog

Thanks Dan


lfre agenda

To: Executive Team From: DonWiLtis Date: 21 October item change SubjectAgenda for this week's satesmeeting.As Sharon ffi*tfr*i#r*t tiffi{i{ Despois be away,I:i*lii1*: ia witl ffi#ik$'{ildlr you Wenowhavea stot to discgss Customer SeMce. Coutd a[[ therefore sendyour reports Jane to

bywednesdav? ffiliwlrdtsi:ffirt{t*lfi*h*fi$$ ilegotiating changes

Emma me the for model tomorrow's meeting. Youasked to present costs theCP2 at Unfortunately, ffi so the kl**; * today, I amnotableto access figures. W ffiffii'




Martine Finalising arangemente

managers To all departmental Canwe meet in my office tomorrow at 8:30a.m?l*t the staff inductionday on Monday? #lffifor we are expectingmore than 25 new employeessoi#*ffit*,*

}ffiffi* ilmffi:dffi

Jim Downs

if Please meknowin advance youare let ... unahletoattend is wayof I amunable attend a formal to I saying can't come. ln advance means beforehand. Agenda
An agendausually shows date, time and venue as well as all the items for discussion.

.. . I havemoved lnternational the Strategies paperto nert week.

ltemson the agendacan be moved. Other verbsto usewith agenda are: Please adviseif you wantto makeany amendments the agenda. to There a changeto item3 on the agenda. is you meeting? Could dtaft an agenda Fridayb for prior to the Shewill circulate theseto eyeryone meeting. papers to passpapersaround Tocirculate is to everyone. Priortolsa formal expression before. lor ... out compatet slstem is down ... Tobe downis an expression which means not working when usedfor computers. ls it possihleto put this on the agendafor Monday's meeting? Youcouldalsosay: ls thereany chanceof puttingthison the agenda Monday's for meeting? this Wouldit be possible dr.scuss at Monday's fo meeting? l'd like to run through the final anangements ... Torun through somethingis to look at the with details makesureyou arefamiliar to everything. couldalsosay: You go Let's throughall the final arrangements. for Letbgo overthe finalarrangements tomorrow. ... we need to ensurethat everything runs smoothly. Torunsmoothly to workwithoutany problems. is

The venueis the placewhere the meeting is held.

Participants: fhe participants the people are attending the

me et is us ualt o i n c l u d eth e n a m e s o r initials of the participants.

The first item on the agenda is usually apologiesfrom people who can't attend.

Minutes lastmeeting ol Theninutes a summary thepoints are of

discussedand agreed at the meeting.The chairpersonusually circulatesthe minutes of the last meeting to everyonewho was present: l'm attaching the ninutes of the last meeting. Here are the minutes of Friday'smeeting.

AOB for busrness, is This A08 stands anyother

to always lastitem on the agenda the discuss otherissues. any Dateol nert meeting Note how the articlethe canbe left out when writingin noteform: (The) Minutesof (the) lastmeeting. (The)Sales projections (the)nextquafter. for Pleasenotethe changeto item2 on flte agenda. .. (subjects) for An agenda a meetinghasitems whichare discussed. Please noteis a formal way to point out You changes. couldalsosay: notethat item2 on the agendahas Please now changed.

pfosentarabse*t' ' : e Oth rN nfinishd husiness e fum tupic etaffinductlan newenptow, orienation ay d ' r.,. :r:,l:: :i..' .i;r'!ri:'ri,rtilt,iitt'.;';1':::;',1.:, dry.

vgnug Apalagles A08:

p r.l frAqm[ifoIla,yyng
tinutes of a teeting
Minutesof Marketing Managers Meeting Friday6th April Conference RoomC
Present: Don Room (Chair),Yu Liang, Martina Lenka,John Dawes,Doris Gonzalez, Dent Jo A oologies : J am i e J o h n s i$trlf 1 Sales up by 25 per cent. ito DR. 2 Marketing Activity (i) Trip to CzechRepublicMay 13-19. S{f&CIto team - 24th May 10 a.m. Room C1. (ii) New brochure ready for distributionon 8th April. YUMUDG ongoing Completion Date


24th May 8th April

Targets Targetfor next quarter - aim for 30 per cent increasein sales. gfuk# ir&rvf,srr wi0r kF to publicise success. DR AOB Congratulations marketingteam on excellentperformancethis quarter. to

end April

Next Meeting: 13th April 11 a.m. ConferenceRoom C

Suggested amendments
Dear Don

&ruiffiffiffi,if**!ffiffiffi** Sorry about this. Martina

andrealised I'[ be out of the country that again the 24th. on for mybriefing theteam.i*ffi to k you? if this datesuits

HI Don, Sorrylcou|dn,tmaketoday'smeeting.ffi(item2ii);|,vejustheardfromthe printers that therehasbeena problem with the machine, we'reexpecting delayof about so a three days. Theywill still be readyin time for Martina's trip. fifr****?tffiffithey look great! i*fornextquartertoo'We,||haveabusyfewweeks! Jamie

Don our performance quarter.ffiffi this Everyone worked has veryhard.sffiffi! duringthepastfewweeks. Liang ffiiffi

Actionhy The minutes namethe person usually who will carryout the actions A discussed. completion date(dateby whichsomething given. mustbe done)is alsousually

I suggest 2ndJune. the

This is a formal way of making a suggestion. More informally,you could say:

What about June? 2nd Letb change 2ndJune. itto to Canyou pleasesendoutan amendment everyone,... An amendmentis a change. Be.thenew hrochures ... Fe.means reference andis shortfor with fo (See the regarding. also appendix page on 95
for common abbreviations.)


Beview of last quarter'spertormance Thisis lookingbackat the company's activities duringthe pastthreemonths. Notealso: Preview nextquarterislookingforward at of what will happen overthe nextthree months. All teamsto provide weekly report... Writingin noteform (leaving verbs, out articles, etc.)is commonin minutes. Brochure be readyby $thApril. to gratuIations to marketing team. Con Press 0fficer to contactlocalnedia. Briefing... This is a meeting which information at or instructions given. are Therewill be a briefingmeeting 2 p.m. at Could nanagerspleaseattendthe team all briefingthisafternoon? interviewswith Press ... Schedule Toscheduleisto arrange date. a Please schedule meeting Friday. the for the for Canyouschedule interuiews nextweek? l've just looked at the minutes. .. Justis a usefulway to start a memo or email.Seealso; l've justreadyourreport. I've justseenthe latestfigures. We'll need to reafiange a date ... Youcouldalsosay: Canwe seta new date? the Canwe rearrange briefingfor next Monday?

Bytheway,... Here bytheurayis used givefurther to can also be used to introduce a new stubject:

The figures very By are impressive. theway, is when th'e project next meeting? I was interested seeournew salestarget... to
Notealso: It wasinteresting seeour new sales to target... I understand fromthe minutes that we have a new sales ... target Thankslor your commenbon ... Moreformally: yourcomments ... I appreciate on gratefulfor yourcomments ... I am very on I've passedon your congrutulations the team. to Topass something meansto give someone on a message information or from someone else. l'll pass yourthanks. on you passon the message himplease? to Could Thankyoa for all your support... help. Supportmeans For example: Your supportis greatlyappreciated. you Thank for supporting me.

1 Ghoose a word from the box to complete each sentence. available manage availability suits suit -W ExlMpr^E: is . .b.eSt . . foryou, 14th, or 16th Which the 1Sth February? you your . a Can letmeknow . . next week? you b Can . . c Would January lfth d When re u a yo e That .........? . .. me . .2 p.m.tomorrow? .. . you?

2 Select an appropriate phrase to begin each sentence. We'll need to you you Can confirm Thank for you Can pass on

l+m-lee*+ng{onliaid Please meknow Whatabout I would verypleased let be

you ExlMpTE: lppking.fgrwar4. . to meeting onFriday. .l atu,,r.

1 ... 2 3 4 6 7 ... .. ... .....i ..r... ... .. . ..cir culatethem eetingnotes. . . allyour help during project. the ...mycongr atulationstoever yone? .'.thedate themeeting? of .. if you wantto ake changes. m any ..tovisityounextweek. . . meeting lunch for tomorrow?

5 ...

Mateh the words with the correct definition. I to brief1 i Tosend information number people. to a of \ place place. 2 item ii The where eventtakes an \ \iii 3 minutes Togive someone information need dotheir the they to work. 4 agenda iv A specified during meeting time the when specific a subject bediscussed. can 5 participant v One thesubjects bediscusseda meeting. of to at 6 venue vi Anofficial written record whatis said a meeting. of at part 7 circulate vii Someone takes in a meeting conference. who or I slot viii A listofthesubjects bediscusseda meeting. to at

4 Complete the puzzle below and find the keyword.

1 Can have copy the o\ge\44. I a of


I :

f ' ma f r a ih e 's o to \ .... d n y 3 H o w m a nP.... in I'm 4 Ithink free.l'lllook my 4

2 5

. . . before meeting? the . . . onM onday. ...w e reattheconfer dnce?

Monday's meeting now.We'llhave Y to I can'tmake . to the minutes I themout. before send to somer't 6 We'llneed make b.... ...meonth e A me ric a n ma rk e t ? 7 C an yo u I I t41... yo C an u takethe .... o ft o d a y 'me e t in g , J o h n ? s at her can't here be today- shesends Sarah

rst 1 0 T h e r ebs e n ch a n g e to th e fit..... 'e a

.. onthe agenda. please? ...them eeting notesto ever ybody 1 1 Sa n d c a n uc.... y , yo s.... g ve ... ofpr ogr esssofar ? 12 Pa u l , c a n yoiu u saq u i ck = ar. KEYWORD Use the note and diary page below to write a short email to all staff in the Marketing Department. Write about thirty word$, using the language and notes in the unit to help you.

ll| | e ssa g e
For: Piewe From: Hatrrk

FviafatY lOfh |taty

Aefails? Piew, everyorte lo fell theu'r |he all ltarvlretrtg star$P' auzt emaril yore agarrise at rraeetirtg with Carr uarY o Dafe - Trresa\arY l4*h \eezt Z hot^rs ury a\iatny *- $te besf Hyqe - well o -ripre - look art hew bvochqve a hbiect - to a\isct^ss otrv roor'^ o Ve\he - correte\ce barc\c Ptor"r fir rsfevataur' Tha\ks - See yotr whert I gel

6 Gomplete the sentences with a suitable preposition. please? ExIMITE: youputthis..qh... theagenda Can a b c d e f The r e willbea Health S afety and meet in g tomorrow. . P ie t eG o d o y o f f ic e . . . . . . . 3 : 1 5 r 's . 10:00 .. . .. . . a.m.

ThenextSenior Managementteam meeting be will Wednesday 18. May All agenda items . Thursday 22. I wantto meet 8:00 a.m. Please meknow. let I wouldliketo briefyouall themeeting

. Monday should 26 reach me . the PortValeSitetomorrow. . .

all Department Heads

advance youwantto make changes. if any . the latest situation . Germany.

En lrtes
Some useful phraees. for We arelooking a newsupplier. in of We areveryinterested yournewrange products. price list. us Please send a current you in Thank for yourinterest ourproducts. brochure. company a I have attached copyof ourlatest you of I will send a copy ournewcatalogue. on information ourwebsite. You findfurther will have lookat ourwebsite. a Please problems thenewmachine. with We arehaving you us Whatwould advise to do? you Whowould recommend? yourproblems. to Sorry hearabout you EFPC? contacting about Have thought them. recommend I canstrongly company. It'sa veryreliable alsocontact UniversalTools. You could

Messa sl e
A gendral enquiry
We are looking for a new supplier of healthcareproducts and your company has been ,togetherwith information on recommendedto us. !!W.W@!* *#b delivery times and costs. We would be grateful if you could include ..[1ffiqe Best regards P auloS am b u c c o

A reply
Dear Sambucco Mr Tt*[H]S0eiftrl}.surh*$s*,klcrw w* bdcffirM buyfng*'!smfr&{NFwg*ffieit* me Yourylll,r{i$d,Iilrth*r ln&rm@ Qa,$ryr,w&&.Please email yourpostal address and gs#'.rtsxrw*rleggWe lly8l.,r*nili,Ws,* have localrepresentatives I would and be
happy to arrange a visit. I look forward to hearing from you. Yours sincerely FrancescaMaurois



colleaguesin Sweden.We offer a wide range of products, all basedon natural materials and

A furtlrer request
. :ffi;tl*it*. to my enquiry.Yourcatalogue arrivedyesterday. Would it be possible one of your representatives visit us?il for to ,ffiFffi.i* thereare a numberof thingswhichwe would liketo discuss ffi;F#lltffitbut face-to-face. Bestregards Paulo Sambucco

A reply
Thankyou for requesting visit from oneofour representatives. Gaveaux, seniorsales a Eva our manager will be in Italy during the last two weeksof May.Wnil&ii$il*Srhil*ffidrm, you not, perhaps couldsuggest tc,ffiiffi1lf somealternatives. Looking forward to hearingfrom you. Francesca Maurois

A coYer note

With compliments
fls vequestea, Ichowi* you reqtaire arty *uvthev ih*ovqrrtio\. RegavAs ftarurois Fvarrtcescar Please let y,re

price list,... Please me send a current
Somecommonphrases requesting for information: sendus information about... Canyou(please) you Could (please) senda listof yourproducts ... Canyoulet us havemoredetails. ... somesamples. are of Samples examples products. Thankyou for your interest in our products. Otherresponses an enquiryor request: to you information Thank for requesting about... you about... Thank for yourenquiry you Thank for enquiring about... Youremail was forwarded to me ... (Iormal)meansto sendon ot pass Toforward on.Useful expressions: I will passon yourmessage. Your letter was senton to me. forwardthismessage the appropriate Please to (tormal) depaftment ... we helieve in huying lrom Fairtrade organisations. Notethe useof the -ing form after to believe in, insiston,be interested to be goodat. in, Examples: We insiston buyingfromlocalproducers. in with Weare veryinterested doingbusiness yourcompany. is Thecompany goodat dealingwith problems. Fartrade organisation are organisations i s which literally 'tradefairly'by doing with the producers business directly of goods,especially from developing countries. Youwill find further inlormation on ou wehsite. for to Otherphrases referring the web: More detailsare available the website. on You can find out moreby loggingon to our website. is Ourwebsiteaddress Visit website ... our at ... I will send you a copy of our new catalogue. Responding a request: to l'll sendyou our brochure.

l'll make sureyoureceive catalogue. our l'll post today. it Manythanks yourpromptresponse for ...
Alternatives: Manythanksfor yourquickresponse. for Thanks gettingbackto me so quickly. We are very interestedin orderingfrom you ... in. Noteagainthe useof -ingalterinterested WouldMay 24th he a suitahletime to visit you? Somealternatives: DoesThursday you? suit Whatis the besttimefor you? Would May24thbe 0K?(informal) ... I enclosea copy ol our latestcompany hrochure. for Someusefulphrases covernotes: I haveenclosed report. the Thereportis enclosed. you Herewith information requested. the

Bririrh/laoricaa frwccr Britirh American postaladdress mailing address enquiry/inquiry Note;enquiry/inqaryexists in Amsrican English is but not oftenused. catalogue catalog A conpliments Note:this expression not is stip ueed American in English; omployeee ofrenhave printed with memopads the theirnames tFrom desk of JaneDoe) usefor to shon notes. I'll postittoday. l'll'wailittuday. Vfsudfl4thMay Wsutd 24thbe 0K? May (Pronounced twentybe0K? May (Pronounced fourthl thtwenty-fourth of May) DoesThursday Is Thursday wiilryou? 0K English} suity.w,? usodin British {also

Specilic enquiries
DearBill We are havingproblemswith the new machinethat you installedfor us in the NewYear.Every time we run the machinefor more than four hoursit overheats. engineers Our havefollowed all the instructionsin the manualbut thereis no improvement. ffil*i*SffiffiW you know wherecan we obtain parts for our DCI equipment? Bgr:tftr,;l$ffii:do Our handbook doesn'tlist local suppliers. Ait'WrW, Many thanks Lee

Aduice and rocornmendations

brqr'*Ct,$lt$*l$iil::ii -:ffie$fi* As for the parts

Sorry to hear about your problems. l'd like to send one of our engineersto your factory before offering any advice. He should be with you by 10 a.m. tomorrow. In the meantime,ffi


Wehaveused thema lot andl can

stronglyrecommend them.Theirdelivery timesaregood andthey arevery reliable. Also yari wf*! li - their numberis 604934. U Bestregards Bitl

A request for informafon trl

yourwebsitewww.eng| ffit$l f#ffiffill#iiffiffiffi*,ffi Ihave visited andtll$*il your about courses. like attend I would to a general business iouise Engliih in siartingFebruary. i
please lf youdo notoffera suitable course thistime, at recommend alternative. an I studied for English five yearsat school threeyearsat university. and Best wishes J os eS anc hez

Forwarding a requcst
Dear.lose ji. 5* business English iiffiiffii ; ,' iit*tf$fii:$general gdq!i* February.have I forwarded yourenquiry Filton whichrunscourses to College throughout year. the Best regards Milrisa Lerte

E Dear Jose


ti$ffi#1f$#* ,&ffi*e*t*,l*tlfrtW, Regards Vera Baxter

I have attached a copy of our brochure ffi ft{*d Pleasecontact me if you have any questions.

Whatwouldyou advise to do? us
Alternatives: Whatis youradvice? Canyouadviseus? Doyouhaveanyadvice? verb-s; noun-c. Notethe spelling: Also:practiselvl; practice(nl. Youwill also seeadvise usedto meantell,let us know inform.Examples are: Please adviseus whenyouarrive. l'll adviseyouas soonas I know. By the way, ... for This is a usefulinformalphrase introducing new topic. a By the way,I will be visitingDCInextweek. Are there any that you can recommend? Otherusesof recommend: Whowouldyourecommend? I canstronglyrecommend Gudul. Theyare highlyreconmended. is My recommendation... Werecommend using... ... itb hest notto start the machineagain until he arrives. Youcouldalsowrite: (Please) untilhe arrives. dont staftthe machine Wedon'trecommend startingthe machine until the engineer arrives. ... have you consideredcontacting Gudul? Usethe -ingtorm afterconsider: We considered buyingfromRoxo. Wehaveconsidered usingthem. you could contactUnivercalTools ... ... Otherwaysto makesuggestions: Tools. Whydon'tyoutry Universal Tools? WhatabouttryingUniversal contacting ... I suggest ... I would be gnteful if you could sendme further inlormation .. . for This is a politephrase makingrequests. send ... me Also:P/ease you sendme ... Could please

you Thank for yourenquiry. phrases: you Thank forcontacting us. Other you Thank for yourinterest ourcompany. in I'n afraidwe donotrunany(...1counses
to Youcan usel'm afraidas an alternative unfortunately I'm sorry: and I'm sorrybut we don'trun any courses. we Unfortunately don'trun anycourses. With referenceto your enquiry,... The formal phraseWithreference tois sometimes shortened 8e,and to in lessformalcontexts: Re.youremail. Withref. to yourenquiry. However, is morefriendlyto saysimply: it you Thank for yourenquiry. Youcan seelurther detailsol our schoolby going to our wehsite. It is helpful provide to sources further of information: 0ur websitehasfurtherdetails. Please refer to our brochure further for information. Letme knowif youneedfurtherdetails.

Brilish/Anruican dlftrurenr American British

If you do not offet an lf you do not progrcm. offer a suitable appropriate course. lstudied... at school. Note:$cfoolin American Englishrefersto all levelsof edueation.Wharsdid yougo ta schoal?generallyrefers to tho.highest16\lyo.u complated, usuallycollege Americans or university. say collega,even if the instituti.on they attendis a university. practice {for both verb and noun} ,

practise (not usedin American English)

Gomplete the sentences with a preposition. reply. Many .fp:t yourprompt ExIMILE: thankr p post. in a l h a v e u tso me fo rma ti o n .....the .. from suppliers. b Webelieve . . . buying local n l c W ea r e o o ki n g .....a e w su p plier . BMES. d I h a v e fo rw a rd e d yo u re n q uir y..... parts. . . . ourmachinery? . can spare e Where we buy .. newrange furniture. of f I aminterested. . . your g . . . . . r e fe re n ce .....yo u re n quir y attached latestbr ochur e. I have our Write the correct form of the verb with , -ing or infinitive with to, in these sentencea. producers. . fromlocal EglutprE: insist ._b.qyjy,j. . . (buy) We on (hear) problems. about allyour a Sorry not b lt'sbest c Mr Roulins expects plans . d She at e Our staff good are f in Weareinterested. g Werecommend you h Thank for i You findfurther can details . . . . by (start)the process everyoneready. is until (be) Boston week. in next . . . . . (arrive) intheevening. early (solve) problems. . . . . .{buy}from Fairtade organisations. (use) Gudul. (get) to mesoquickly. back . . {go}to website. our

Write these $entences in another way. Refer back to the messages in this unit. informationourwebsite. ExlMpTE: willfindfurther You on gr .t9. .o.h'r. gb Si-fg W F r fu rth r inform ati n,. :tgf o e o posted some you information. a I have informationin . .. is Some the b I have attached report. report The is you would advise? c What W h a ti s ..........?

is recommended company. d EDR strongly byour strongly Ourcompany try the first. e You could closing system down Whatabout f we l'mafraid donotarrange delivery. l'm. . . . we donotarrange delivery ........?

4 Which sentence in eaeh pair is the more informal? Tick / the correct sentence. your this will at of a i Further ourdiscussion morning, payment arrive theend theweek. to p u ii Asl s a i d a rl i e r,w eg o i n g toa yyoa tthe of theweek. e 're end
i Please attached copy ourhandbook. find a of ii l'veattached copy ourhandbook. a of pleasure advising thatwe shall you in have stand theexhibition. a at i I have to to at ii l'm pleased saythatwe aregoing havea stand the exhibition. problems. i Please me are contact if there anyother me ii Please nothesitate contact if thereareanyotherproblems. do to you i I amwriting advise thatour representative visityounextmonth. to will will ii Justto letyouknowthatour representative visityounextmonth. it. i I have been considering Inko the offer andbelieve we should that accept we accept Inko the offer. ii I think should me i Please send thereport Fairtrade. on if on ii I wouldbe grateful youcould sendmethe report Fairtrade. Match the two patts of the sentencos used in making enquiries. 1 l'd liketo know


tr tr tr tr tr

tr tr tr


2 3 4 5 6
7 8 9

problems Wearehaving Wecanrecommend Wearelooking you l'llsend Please refer

like Wewould to arrange if We wouldbe grateful | couldn't the information find

a b c d e f g h i

some moreinformation about products. our ourbrochure. to delivery date. arranging suitable a youcould us information. send more parts. wherewe canbuyspare in a supplier London. onyourwebsite. for a newsupplier. a visit.

6 Order thc sentences into a response to an enquiry. Enquiry I a I have attachedcopy ourlatest a of catalogue. you b Thank foryour enquiry prices offers, the and c For most up-to-date d Asrequested, you e lt contains theinformation need all prices terms delivery. f concerning and of g I look forward hearing yousoon. to from h visit website our at Enquiry 2 contact JanJuoma. Mr a please asked b You about newrange equipment our of c lf youareinteresteda demonstration, in you interest ourcompany. in d Thank foryour e and enclose brochure. I our f I look forward hearing you. to from g His address email


tr tr tr

tr tr
(contact) (recommend) (advisel (enquirel (rely) (log) (attach) (forward)

7 Gomplete the sentences with a form of the word in brackets. you Have considered ... . John it? about l'd beinterestedyour.. . : . . in Whatisyour .........? you Thank foryour . . . . supplier. Weneed finda more to F i n d u t m o rey.... ..... o n toour website. o b lhave ...a co p yo fo u r br ochur e. h Your message . . was . to us. a b c d e f g

with G}*x#*,rp,,*,Ffr1fq*
Some useful phraees. items fromyourcatalogue. We wouldliketo ordersome you send a quote? us Could please are thattheitems in stock. Please confirm time statea delivery of fourweeks. Your termsandconditions you Thank for yourorder. you are that I confirm alltheitems ordered in stock. within week. one them Wewilldeliver for delivery. charge special is There no additional applies. Your usual discount meet agreed the schedule. l'm sorry we cannot that problems. some are 0ur suppliers having your to I wasverysurprised receive message. promised thatthe was us schedule guaranteed. You Thisis veryinconvenient. our We havestillnotreceived order. you whatis happening? Could letus know
f NO' THERg'5



r*pprrrosnu) \ r.,lo cun<oe eorz \ I lseectr.rl DcLrvaRt


Bequeedlq trl
Dear Rona qe

a quote
effi whichwill arriveon 24 July.ffi

of list) - assembly new furniture (seeattached ofall packaging - disposal that I estimate this will be no morethana day'swork for two people. With thanks Karim

Placing a first order trl

DearSir tlt xradd ||1. to pleco m ordr urtth yrxr for the items listed on page 2 of your catalogue. that theseare all in stock. Please confirmas soonas possible ltrur,brnr::lEdeondldom rftm. fllwy,|hCaffi*:{di**W.&.t*in ll*lii| dkpttch l0orf. t - 3 wttl*r tm rit *r as we needthem urgently?lf there is iffi,ffifflf cnerge.pleaselet us know. Yours faithfully assistant) JeromeGilbert(Purchasing

A reply
i tr l
Dear Mr Gilbert Thank you for your order. crf b shct and ii*M fiffi {dud that we will deliver the.itemsyithin two weeks.Therewill be no exha chargefor delivery. With bestregards Brad Askew Sale Manager Placing trl
Zhou How are you? We're pleasedto say that salesof the Alio range have been very good and for the following: a

a Fpeat


Alio 3207=*ffi Alio 3215=2000pcs fromtheAliarange whichareinffi*ffiffi l'm also interested ordering 000items in 3 in early andffiHq: frt*Slmi luly


Best regards Alima

new office recentlyorderedsome We haye luniture...
A more formal phrasefor starting this message:

I cancorrtirmthatall the itens youorderedare ... in stock

ln stock meansthat the itemsorderedare available readyto sendout. and The oppositeis: out of stock out Thechairsyouorderedare currently of stock.Weshouldhavesomenext week. ... we'd like a rcpeatorder... This means the that the orderis exactly order. sameas the previous 4 ilMpcs Pcsis an abbreviation pieces. for /Seepage00 for moreabbreviations) ... yoar lateil catalogue. Thisis the mostrecent,the mostup-to-date catalogue. Could you give us a lirm delivery date ... Fftmmeansdefinite,fixed. Delivery dateiswhen goodsshouldarrive. is Thedateof dispatch the day the goods leave supplier. the Delivery timeisthe lengthof time between receiving orderand sending goods. the the the Totakedelivery is to receive goods. of (Couldlou) coilirm that our usual discount would apply? Youcan alsosay: Please confirmthat we wouldreceiveour usual discount. price: A discount a reduced is Whatkindof discountcan youoffer? is Ourusualdiscount l5 per cent.
:: : l ' 1 : r: l : -r:

order new for Withreference ourrecent to ... office furniture you quote for: Could please for is Asking estimates A quote anestimate.
of cost:

you Could giveusa pricefor ... much it going cost? is to How quote. Please mehave written let a removalof existingfuniture
are Notethat itemslistedin a quotation usuallywritten in noteform. Articlesfthe, a/an)areleft out. We would like to place an order with you .. . Toplacean order meansto order.Other verbsusedwith the noun order: Tochangean order,cancelan order,confirman order,to orderagain,to re-order Your terms and conditions state a delivery time of four weeks. includeprice,methodof Terms conditions and payment, timesetc. delivery Wouldit be possibleto dispatch items | - 3 within two weeks ... is Todispatch a formalterm for to send. We will dispatchyourorderon receiptof (formal) payment. We will sendyourorderas soonas we receive (informal) payment. ... an additionalcharge... An additional chargeisan extracharge. relating charges: to Otherexpressions is There no charge. At no extra cost. Freeof charge. Itb includedin theprice. (Thepriceis alwaysthe A fixedcharge. same.)

ffidlficnnc=er Brftbh Anrrlcan

quote quffiio{@iflnta is lestimate also used in ish English)

Yourc fai$fulty Yaurs tu$/sinicerety To out dispatcV To shif,send Engtish) usdJn Bdtish despatrlr {elso

with roblems 1
Prtoblems wiilr a schedule
EI Dear Mr Bassos ,limr*m$,:l&k3ry :Our usua|supp|ier is ffir*r$**ild if, experiencingdifficultiesand has warned us that there is a five-weekwaiting list for delivery of materials. l'm afraid ffi*;flldtcfulfibdtind:*rttdtle if we cannot find an alternative supplier. Yours B r endaHind

A roply
Dear Ms Hind tr,{ffii*w$ iiln* i*.i$,wplfoe }oa nsssge. You rmmd s,#Hdi.,&k,,*dt*diil*.ln*'g t: and therewould be no problemskeepingto it. Please to find an alternativesupplierof try materialsso that that therewill be no delavs. Yours truly, Dmitri Bassos

Damaged goods

DearMs Hirst gs#W,l-:i$h.

ma*"d*lMl|ififfitllitwHfrf @r#nk,#fiilffikffi havecustomerswaitingforthegoodssoffi'lr*Wlforus.

to arrive. Yours Eliot Banks

of CD cases. We


A reply

Dear Mr Banks with our delivery:dluf.@;We il.*$@ havesenta # Fqf:ynnM*i replacement order to youfty,iffiffiirIt should be with you before l0 a.m. tomorrow morning. The samecourier will take awaythe damagedboxes. It is no excuse, Offi,. but r week.Please acceptour apologies i**is*,ffiry.last that rngtq{s,llt*llt}.ffiIM Bestregards Jan Hirst

I'm sorry to say that we may not be able to meet the agreed schedule. Notethe use of sorryhere: I'm/l wassorryto hearaboutit. I'm sorryfthat)we cannotmeetthe schedule. you l'm sorryto tell/inform that ... to schedule, fn the sentence meettheagreed to meetmeansto keepto. ... ... we will lall hehind schedule Otherexpressions: We willbe late. We will missthe deadline. Thegoodswill be delayed. I was very surprisedto receive your message. good Noticehow,for the sakeof keeping with the supplier this stage, at the relations ratherthan annoyed or writer usessurprised angry. You assuredus that this schedulewas guaranteed... Otherphases: guaranteed schedule. the You gaveus yourword that you wouldkeepto You the schedule. promised that you couldmeetthe us You schedule. 0n Friday lSth March we took delivery ol a consignment... of Notethat we takedelivery goods. Whenthe goodsarrivewe canslgnforthem. 0n unpackingthe hoxes,we found ... meansas soon as/ the 0n unpacking boxes the whenwe unpacked boxes. we the 0n opening boxes, saw ... I 0n readingthe instructions, noticed... ... that many of the caseswere damaged. complaints! Somecommon Thegoodsarrivedlate. Thegoodsweresentto the wrongaddress.

inconvenient... ... thisis extremely

Otherphrases: It was veryinconvenient. It hascaused a lot of inconvenience. us for This a greatinconvenience us. is We urgently need replacements. Otherrequests: Weneedthemimnediately. We wouldlike a refund. back. Wewantourmoney I am very sorry to hear that you had prohlems ... Thewriterapologises putsthingsright. and I'm verysorryaboutthis. I'm sorry,it wasmy fault. I will sortit out immediately. (ref. F035il (number) short tor reference on Seeotherabbreviations page95. ... hy couriet means that the goodswill be sent By courier quicklyby an express company. delivery By express meansby express delivery. after By return means sentimmediately receiptof a letter/order. . . . our regular packer was on holiday . .. reasons why the problem Otherpossible happened: was down. Thecomputersystem Therewas a fire in the building. Wehavehad a staffshoftage. A lot of staffhavebeenoff sick. ... our seruice was helow our usual standard. Belowour usual standard meansnot as good as usual/not to our usualstandard. up

Briti#Amr*m Br*tirh theagreed schedule anholiday apologise

ffolw Arrprican we theschedula agreed on on vacation ryologize

Unacceptable service
Dear Mr Dennis you havegiven us this year. Your serviceengi W$:iu*Wff,fi&x*i.rd$r:lk;ktnf:*i*f$ffi neverarrive within the promised24 hours and {Eiffit@:trffifi1*ffi,9i* iAs a resultfrelffirilS,,b;;ffi:iffiin#lt*A**oa like to meetyou to discuss o@*,Id how things can improvein the future. Yours sincerely Catherine Easterbrook

Reply el
DearMs Easterbrook Thankyou for your letter.I srr slrtr torrt to lrce r&ryt tlm,,Bffib ilt'sr,ffi:t*ili, your letterto our customer I haveforwarded manager c$ff*ii!!d. service asking for a full him report. should We meetassoonasI hear thaa*clxil$ of hisinvestigations. *"@rS. G ldi r?ort bt thc crd of th|r rrecL. Yours sincerely Martin Dennis tisleading information

Dear S ir We have still not received this order. lt says on your website that you will deliver within three days and it is now five days since we placedthe order. Could you let us know what is happening. C hr is M or an

ReplV trl
Dear Mr Moran We are very sorry that you havenot yet received your order and . F*poforyflm,r ffi;;,r *me**tmdhgicaused by the information on our website. Delivery to addresses outside Europenormally take five days.,*|h.&&g,,to keepour websiteup-to-dateand I havediscussed this matter with our websitemanaser. Your sincerely PeterWieser

Beiecting a complaint
DearMs Ono With reference your complaint orderno. 376,our qualitycontrolstaffhavetestedall the to re p.lnilff 0p** since goods you sent backto us. fftgil,H*:!ffimfr ffi#l{ll rryf#, , they meetall our qualitystandards. However, as,t,g we will accept them as unwantedgoods and wi|| issue,*llilrli ;aS, 1,f*r1,ffir** :sn*i t$d$.! l Yourssincerely Sergioda Silva (Customer service)

with thelevelol service ... Weare veryunhappy
Some strong complaints:

... we apologise anymisundeffianding ... for

Notethat we apologise forsomething. The expressionsWeapologise for/Please acceptour apologies moreformal than are Wearesorry. Otherformal phases for for apofogising: sincerely I apologise ... My sincereapologies. We do try... Do/does addedfor emphasis, especially are whenthereis disagreement. Wedo needto improve seruice. our Theterms andconditions state... do I regret that we cannot accept the retum as faulty goods ... Note how we use regrettoexpress polite a rejection: I regretthat we cannotdeliveron Sundays. Politebut lessformal: l'm afraid can?accept... we l'm sorrybut we can'tdeliver ,.. ... a goodwill gesture, ... gesture a friendlyand helpful A goodwill is action whichis goodfor maintaining relations. business ... a credit note. lf goodsarefaultythey can be returned to This the supplieranda credit noteis issued. informs customer the document the of moneyowedfor the faultygoods. I trust this meels with your approval. This is a formalexpression. Notealso: I trustthisis satisfactory. To be fessformal, use:I hopethishelps. I hopeyouare happywith this.

Wewerevery dissatisfied ... with level seruice unsatisfactory. is Your of These delays totally are unacceptable. .. . we alwayshaveto wait for sparepar6.
Notethe position always, othertime of and rarely, expressions suchas: never, occasionally, often, a sentence: rarelyanswer phone. Thesales depaftment the Thegoodsneverarriveon time. Weoftenneedto remindyou. ... we have had to shutdown production on three occasions. Phrases every such as on threeoccasions, month cancomeat the beginning end etc. or of the sentence: we 0n fouroccasions havehadto shutdown... Every monthwe haveproblems. everymonth. Wehaveproblems I was very softy to hear ahouttheproblemsyou have experienced. Lessformal: I wasverysorryto hearaboutthe problems you'vehad. ... ... the outcome An outcome the result(of a process). is I do not knowthe outcome theinvestigations of yet. I expect to receive his report hy the end of this week. be ol Shouldcan usedinstead expecttoor hopeto: I shouldreceivethe reportby Wednesday. I'm hopingto receiveit by Wednesday. I shouldhearfromthemtomorrow. I expectto hearfromthemtomorrow. We have still notreceived this orden Problems with deliveries: We are still waiting for the delivery. Thedelivery now two dayslate. is Weneedit urgently.

n mf
Brtti$t Thesales



Iha salesdepaftnent nrely r- 'Soirtr6rs phone. do,pf,r. l@'ng,',: &a rarely'answer Note:AmaricanEnglishtreats tha phtne. cornpnyand departmental nsrnesas singular. a credit reteipt/ a uedit slip

a credit note

Ghooso the best alternative. We the ExAMpf.E: havestill not takenfleft/teceived order. a b c d e f We will sendyou a replacement order/enquiry/seruice. you the message me. to Could change/checAforward original was Youbelieved/assured/said the schedule guaranteed. usthat Pleaseaccept/make/take apologies. our of Yourorderwill be quoted/damaged/dispatched on Monday nextweek. l'm sorrywe can'tmeet/take/findthe schedule.

Gomplete the sentences with a preposition you I . ExIMITE:amwritingto complain*b.qtt\t . the lasttwo orders sentus. a b c d e f g h i We aretrying keep to . . . . the schedule. . . . time. .'.two machines. the did Unfortunately goods notarrive. like an . Wewould to olace order.

youhave Pl ea se letmeknowif any p ro b le ms . . . . . . . . . . t h is . arrive Th ecases should Wea pologise . .. . 3 p . m. o n rid aa t t h ela t e s t . F y

....themisun d e rs t a n d in g . . . . . thisoccasion.

giveyoua refund I amsorry thatwe cannot We arestillwaiting

. . . . the delivery arrive. to

We a r everyhappy.r..........the e rv ic e y oh a v e iv e n s .Ma n y t h a n k s ! s u g u .' Match the two parts of the sentences. 1 We need goods the

2 3 4 5
6 7 8 9

| wasvery sorry hear to l'msorry that l'marranging phone Please

| sincerely apologise fonruarded | have | hope the was Unfortunately information

a b c d e f g h i

meif there anyproblems. are for alltheinconvenience. notclear enough. yourletter our Head to Office. urgently. you problems have had. aboutthe for an express of delivery yourorder. I cannot more be helpful. youarehappy withthis

The eight sentences below are part of a company's response to a letter of complaint. Gomplete each sentence with a verb from the box. have experienced to discuss to receive have sent return J.eftlng- will refund apologise you problems had you withthedelivery. Thank for l.gtting. . . usknow ExltsptE: aboutthe you for a Weapologise thedifficulties . . . b Weneed c lexpect morning . . . we d This delivery. e Please thedelivery cost. f we again, . . . Once . . howwe canimprove service thefuture, our in ... a reportfrom dispatch departmenttomorrow. youa newconsignment day bynext goods usan(we . . . . thefaulty to caused. forany intonvenience

Match the words in the box with the words which have similar meanings in the sentences.
additional dissatisfied definite concerned




a refund a discount meet

me :r.g9glt . .brochure. ExIMITE: youforsending yourtatest/.tt195.t. Thank very . . about level service received. the we a Wewere unhappyl of b Wewillsendl is c There noextral you me d Can give a firnl p ri y o u e C a n o u f f er sare d u ce d ce l f Weareveryworriedl g I canassurel i we l'mafraid cannot tol keep . . yourorder tomorrow. . . charge thisservice. for . . delivery date? ........? . . thatthedelivery belate. will . . you thateverything be0K. will . . theagreed schedule.

goods notarrive wewould ourmoney like h The did so backl .

6 Read tllls letter of complaint from a customer and write a reply.

Dear Sir or Madam This morning we received consignmentof printers from you (Order no a SN206).On unpackingthe boxes,we noticed that all the printers were damaged. Could you pleasearrangeto senda replacement order as soon as possibleand goods?Hopefully, we will not haveto pay for arrangeto collect the damaged this. Yours faithfully Ms JanineDuval Write a reply of 5O - 60 words to your customer: . thanking her for her letter . apologisingfor the problem o agreeingto replacethe damaged goods today o offering to collect the damaged goods, at no extra cost Use the texts and notes in this chapter to help you.

rt re
Some useful phraees. you report? me Could send a short newagents. some wasto appoint of Thepurpose thevisit wasverysuccessful. Thevisit in missing the report. is There onething with are 66percentof ourcustomers satisfied ourproducts. customers notsatisfied. are A thirdof our rose Spending byI percentlastyear. wentupfrom e 50000peryearto 76000. Costs rosesubstantially. Sales fall wasa sharp in sales. There competition. is in Thedecline sales dueto increased rosein the lastquarter. Profits Whatis yourrecommendation? you try We recommend should a newsupplier. companies. other looking some at We suggest three days. within enquiries follow-up need to You

A rcquest
Janet CsuH you &ryri,e4p{f Thanks Simone on your recentJapantrip, in preparationfor the next rM: I d appreciate this as soon as possibleplease.

for information

A shoil

i . ,..: :i l

.,lffi*,,'Hs.* ,
Background ptrtin&c'il i,ftok Tk'&trryn*oof fiajfftwartotik tand appoint new agents to help promote our products in the Far East. Details 10 000 visitors attendedthe Tokyo Exhibition. O0$$,slWlor ruuu rrecliwd and 300 orders were placed. 2 new agents were appointed. Actions / Recommendations ; UYcns.d brdlorv*cloffinlr *;iB: Wo nconunsd th*fh to see our production processes, : 'iiiim,s Conc lus ions The visit was very successful, resulting immediately in new businessworth over f300 000. Japan will be *{rry'nt*{cfi for us for the future. Report by Janet Robbins 14th October

Asking for missing information

':' fanet Thank for the visit report.ffiffiSfffi:W showing total expenditureand anticipatedincome. Thanks Simone




Cost Analvsis Exoenditure .*, ,1ffii'i.,i.':::,;.:,,,t*:,,: i:l]:i;ii,iji:i*riifi*ifi0&i;:t. r,,,r;,ti, . posting of catalogues $ 2200 . flights $ 2400 . accommodation $ 3600 ;ii ll *l $ 3700 $ 6 ooo ' staffing Total..lp& $ 28400 .* r ftd.s 400000 Profit $ 371600

you me report... Could send a short youis used make request. to a Could
Youcan alsosay: Canyousendme a shortreport? Please emailme a shortreport. ... Board meeting. TheBoard the groupof Directors is who manage company. the Wehold weeklyBoardmeetings. Themembers the Boardwill holda meeting. of Japan Visit Beport A formalor informalreporthasa cleartitle The and sub-headings. formatvaries depending the purpose the reportand on of individual company style, usually the has but followingsections: 'l'itle Background/lntroduction Details/Findings Actions/Recommendations Conclusions of The purpose the visit was to take part in the Exhihition ... TokyoTechnology The opening sentence a reportclearly of sets the scene: Thisreportshows salesfrom2000 2003. requested repoft on expenditure. a Finance 2 il)O enquirieswere received ... to actions without Usethe passive describe saying who doesthem.Forexample: werereceived. Several complaints Therestaurant was closedfor two weeks. 200new orderswereplacedtoday. We need to follow up customerenquiries immediately. Actions and recommendations oftenuse verbs fike need,must, haveto and should: Weneedto supportour agentsoverseas. We mustmakesurethat we delivertoday. We mustensureour pricesare competitive. We recommendthat the new agentsshould visit the UK... Whenmaking recommendation a or you suggestion. couldalsosay: you Werecommend try a new supplier. lookingat a numberof alternatives. Wesuggest is Ourrecommendation to signthe agreement. ... a key market... for A keymarket a very important is market your products. Just one thing nissing - can you sendme the costanalysis ... Usea dash(-) in an informalmessage to add a request extrainformation. or you couldsay: Moreformally There justonethingmissing. is you Could pleasesendthe costanalysis? . exhihition stand E r0 ffi Bulletpoints( . ) areoftenusedwhen listing information, makethe information clearer. . expenses to The moneygivento you by your company spendon company business. ... Expenditure This is the amountof moneyspent.For example: Marketing rose thisyear. expenditure Anticipated Revenue Anticipated what you expectto happen. is Sales werehigherthananticipated. Revenue the moneythe business is receives from sales. Revenue lastyear exceeded $35K. ffiffllmnc!! Brttish exhibitianwnd

Amerlcan exhibitisnbooth

po&inE 8f, catalogaes

... as soon as possible.

nailingaf catelogs
ASAP{pronounced ay-sap} {Thieabbraviationis also usedin British English pronounced ay-es-ay-pee but would only be usedin informal'emaiis.)

Prssenting numbers
Visitor Feedback ;bd to the centre.* &*yn*r ,fiSiiffiStl ffi -@.ofr under sixteen.* r#l*iffilffiiil,rf*r:* 9&:. and interesting. $fin$:.@ptresnils W,,S:ffi;ltGffirx i&ativt Describing tronds


*lj , h*,0fi,*S fir,,

Dear Marcia You may be interestedin the findings of our recent survey: Findings In the summer, we analysedthe successof our new TV promotion by interviewing customers in different cities in Germany. Following the TV promotion, asbs lwrt up,bV,SS:ffi$Mlt*: in most major cities. In tl$rg;f,:lt*isrfrom lastyear'sfigures. However,in Hamburg,tffimcahtplilrof the smaller cities,the promotion was less successfuland tffi;;Wt*$ $lby 2 per cent.

taking trl


Product SalesReport FirstOuarter with lastquarter, supermarket Compared our Frozen foods are still tffi our most popularproduct, with 52 per centof total sales, followedby breadwith 20 per centand soft drinkswith 10 per cent.

Drawing conclurfions

Sally Can you includethe followingin your productivity report: Conclusion lfH*{A$ This low .l# moralewas due to the pay cuts that were introduced in March.:lffi$fi;*.i|fr|fi




Thisyearwe hadover25Un visitorc ...
Otherwaysof givingan approximate number: Wehad morethan25000visitors. Therewereabout25 000visitorsthisyear. (About meanmorethan or fewerthan can 25 000./ A third of the visitorc were children .. . Athird= 33 per cent A quarter=25 per cent A half= 50 per cent =75 per cent quarters Three Approximately t) per cent of the visitorc said they found the centre informative . .. Youcan express figuresas a percentage. France a 25per centmarket has share. 40per centof our cars are exported. Most people were happy to pay the entrance fee of &1.50. point is written In British English decimal the as a dot (.).Manyothercountries a use (,). comma ... sales went up hy il) per cent, ... Otherverbsto describe upwardchange: an roseby 20per cent. Sales 0rdersincreasedlastmonth. peaked June. in Sales Notethe useof the prepositions and to in by thesesentences: rosefty l0 per cent last Consumer spending year. fromI per centto l0 per increased Spending year. cent last ...there was a sharpriseof 40per cent... Otheradjectives describe change: to a Therehasbeena s@ny declinein enquiries. Therewas a S[gbtdropin saleslastmonth. Therewas a significant improvement orders. in Therewas a dramaticrisein profits. ... sales droppedslightly ... a Otherverbsto describe downward change: Profitswent down lastyear. Sales in January. fiell 0rdersdeclinedlastmonth. Numbers deueasedin July. Slightlyindicates a smallchange. Otheradverbs describe degree to the of change: fell Sales significantly month. last 0rdersdeclined steadilvlastquarter. Profits went downdramatically. .. . sales are higher. you Whenmakingcomparisons can use expressions suchas: Sales werehigher Aprilthanin May. in Thismodelis moreexpensive thanthe old one. is Chocolate our mostpopularproduct. product. Thisis the/eastsuccessful Lastyearb lall in productivity was a direct resultof low morale. Alternatives a directresult to of: It wasa consequence low morale. of It was due to low morale. Morale a mentaland emotional is condition of enthusiasm, confidence loyalty. and Thesepay cufs werc responsible the lor increasein sick leave. Afternativesto to be responsible for: pay cutscaused increase The the ... pay cutsresulted an increase The in ...

ffifficum Britbh


75%*threequarters also:I fourth; three fourths = l0l = one hundred also:101 one andone one hundred e*t*0r centre Ld:st'yerdirk'fall in Lattyearkdrop productiviry, in praductivity; (al*ousedin British *ttrt) ... an increasa sirlk, an intrsase the in in tesve" number siekdays. of nst lsickleave usedin {aldr ussdin British AmericEn Englieh) . Englistrl

I Look at tttre company sales report below. Decide in which part of the report (A - Dl you would find the information 11 -71.
ITCplc A Report Sales lntroduction

Findings pg q e. ip. t Saleq wqr1 de 1qs py.1.8. y.c.e.nt.t!e.!a.qt.qg ftp dwi f..



V 2 3 4 5 6 7

worldwide by 18percentinthelastquarter. rose Sales Thisreport shows breakdown sales the of during lastyear. the Europe hasthe largest still share the market. of We need increase advertising theFarEast. to in our Overall, business verygood yearandwe expect success continue. was last this to intheFarEastfell 3 percent. Sales by We mustappoint newagents the FarEast: in

2 Underline the correct word to complete this report.

SalesReport Introduction year. This reportshowsthe salestrendsfor the lastfinancial Details a At the start of the year,there was a steady/steadierdrop in sales. b However, increase March. in there was a sharp/sharply in the c This was dueto/caused/resulted introductionof a new pricing policy. in/on d Salescontinued risesteadily to Apriland May. The summersalescampaign was very successful. in e This resulted a dramaticdrop/increase in salesduringAugust. Thistrend continued until the end of the year. Recommendations f We needto ensureour pricing policy is compete/competition/competitive. g We suggestinvesting/invest in further salescampaignsnext year. Conclusion year for us. h ln total/0verall, was a very successful this year,saleswere much high/higher/highest. i with last Compared

3 Put in an appropriate word or phrase from the box to complete the following report.
due JIJffc. recommend recommendation visitors placed

I Introduction T h e . . . . .? l l l ? g tg ...o fth e re p o rtistoanalysesuccessofour m ar ketinginBr 2 Details a 25000 b 900 enquiries taken. were orders were. c 150

Fair attended Trade in Sao the Paolo.

3 Recommendations a The main . . . . . . isto appoint agents Brazil. new in . b Wealso . . . .. opening office Sao in Paolo. an to c Weneed make decision theendofthemonth. a by 4 Gonclusion in The increase business . was Brazil bea keymarket usinthefuture. will for

. . . to ournewmarketing strategy.

4 Find 6 verbs in the square which show an upward or downward movement.

EHlftPt-E: decrease

a z o r

e b

c a b d

I e e

m p s
I b v

o b e m s e

n c

a I I o

s e

o p p

e c r

Look tt the graphc below then use the phrases in the box to complete the report. paragraph been graph paragraph Each has for which started you. Decide each
describes. I ....
Sales $
at t ta

Sales $

Sales $

12 3 Year

12 3 Ysar

23 Year

improvement w drop -ss+eescful- lh]ffr decline resulted in a sharp dueto verylow

years weopened Three ago three shops. new A: performed inthefirstyear sales.YpS.g. Alpha well . and However, a change ftanagement of inyear,two to led

. . . . . significantly.

Fortunately, mandger appointed year there been steady a new was last and has a . since then. B year Inthefirst BNK . . th.e. !g.*qt. . . . successfulthethree was of stores. Sales year. were . anddidnotimprove much thesecond Then in we redesigned store thishas. . . the and . a significant in increase sales.

ln contrast, wasthemost. 5.t+gge5.lf.q!. inyear Geo one. Howevel since then, have fallen . increased sales competition locally. Sa l ea r eco n ti n u i n g to .... s store. ... and m ay we haveto consider closingthe

Some uceful phraeee. for to thanks sorting the problems. out Justa quicknote saymany you everything have done. appreciate We really Manycongratulations! W elld o n e l thatI will be leaving company. the Thisis to letyouknow visitme. come and Please be to It would great seeyou. to thatyouareleaving. I was sorry hear in success thefuture. I wishyouevery news! Good justreceived results the survey. of the I've Theresults verygood. are job! done great a You've party? you aboutthe Have remembered you it. We hope canmake me. for Thanks reminding l'd love come. to

Messages 1
Jlixilln,{riiiih,irq&,,*owiw.St&for ,gict:s{ibw&& *-T,h.msUY,*$ sorting out the problemswith the deliveries last week. ffi. you in Madrid next month. Look forward to seeing All the best

Everyonehere in the Tripoli office has askedme to ffit}:t$ttgtffi*albr*re"g*rr:gm&rr. sendyou their bestwishes.We'll miss your visits-i*t*!ffi;ffild*,, With bestregards Tareq

A personal announcement
Dearfriendsand colleagues Thlr k:.t0:*dF,ffi*,*rw ffilfin*.tirffi #DC,at the end of this month. After a very enloyablecareerin the Buenos Airesoffice I have decidedto move back to Brazil.ll#ffik** you are visiting Rio- you all have my mobile number! d:id$ig**tif With very best wishes Mario

Sayrng goodbye
Dear Mario




'*l*and,ilriffirffi*i;li*![i*{ Bestwishes, Alejandro

Saying lfrank you

the conference in London last week. lt went really well. We ,AtiHft*trat$h*,1lr&'during are planning another event in Dubai in March and we would really appreciateyour help there. Let me know if you can make it. i A llt he bes t Ashia

Responding to tthanks
detailswhen you havethem. Donna

... Justa quicknoteto saymanythanks
Notethe useofTusfto indicate startof a the shortmessage: yourmessage. Justto say I havereceived you that l'll be awaynext week. Just to remind We really appreciate evefihing you have done. fo appreciateisto value. The use of really makes meaning evenstronger. the Many congratulations on your promotion. Theuseof manyatthe of beginning the Notealso: addsa noteof friendliness. sentence yourhelp. Manythanksfor all Manyapologies the delayin sendingthis. for ... stayin touch. Usethis whenyou would liketo keepin Youcan also say:Keepin touch. contact. I hopewe dont losetouch. This is to let you know that I will be leaving EFPC... knowthat... a usefulway is This istoletyou for an to announce reason sending the Notealso: email. Justto let youknowthat ... Please comeand visit me ... to Otherfriendlyinvitations visit: Please comeand seeme whenyouarein Bristol. here. You alwayswelcome are You mustcomeand seeus soon. I was very sorry to hear that you are leaving the company. Youcouldalsowrite: I was verysad to hear aboutit. Wewillallmissyou. It won'tbe the samewithoutyou. It has beena pleasureworking with you ... Youcouldalsosay: workingwith you. I havereallyenjoyed It'sbeengreatworking withyou.(moreinformal) ... I wish you every successin the future. goodwishes: Sending luck in the future. Good luck with yournewjob. Good Enjoyyourretirement.

Thanks all yourhelp... for

Moreformal: you Thank verymuchfor everything. I am verygratefulfor all youhavedone. yourhelp. I reallyappreciated It would he great to see you there. phrases: Somealternative I'd be verypleasedif you couldcome. if I'd be delighted you couldmakeit. I'd be verygladif you couldhelp. Goodto hear that the event went so well. Youcanalsowrite: It wasgoodto hear... Notehow wordscan be left out in informal we emails people know. Otherexamples: tg Very happytohelp= | am very happyto help Sorryto hearaboutit = | was sorry to hear aboutit. Lookforwardto hearingfromyou= | look forwardto hearing from you &ifirh/Amiean Bdtbh I wassorryto hear thatyou areleaving. ffswoe American I amsorryto hearthat youare leaving. Nbte: Americsn Engliehoften usesthe presenttEnsefor this kind of cxpresgion.

Stay touch, in

Kaep tuuch, in

(also. usedin British English) Many congraUlations. fiongratulations, ln written English, Manyisnot usedin Manyisaddedhere this way in American for emphasis. English. lwitlbe leaving EPFC. I an teaving EPFC.

(phone} ;;#{:r* you in I wish every Best luck the of .e,lso succass thefuture. future. for usedin (evelysuccessnot British is English) used American in ll wish ... is not Ensrish) 'ou ... nrynobrta ulmbar


idessases 2
Good news

Heli It rweridl ,i$,ffih of the Iatest custome satisfactio r n mgrtts:@*rmhd,fu survey and the resultsare very good. Sdd$rs*il$l*iffilii j ffi,iet*ail( I heardthar you're coming into the officenext week.Hopeto seeyou then. Macy

Replying to good news

done ile#,fffil$ l1[fi*ffF;:You've a greatjob! l'll be in the officeon Thursday we can so go throughthe results together. Heli

Bad news

Dear Olga r:*ed yonmtGffigewflllem,*i*,*om&.Mffilim f'nt x*As you know, he has not beenvery well for sometime. I'll be looking after his work while he is awayso if you need anything,please contact me. Regards Tim Replying

to bad news

Dear George ,b lwy I,r*n , *afffl$fi*li,| know you'll be worried about your work, but l'm sure that Tim can handle thingsl Takecare and make sure you get plenty of rest. ilril.*i O lga ;;

A reminder
Dear Sarah W,,AffiH*!*li@:h:rfur? We'd like to organisea leavingparty for her.Lhry*p***e,& . k i .*[ i **ru.Bythe way,do you think shewould like somegolf equipmentas a retirement present? Regards Duncan Replying to a rominder

Duncan Mona'sretirement. sure shewould really l'm -i*titrfi$Wi*il**$iffi,#about appreciate somenew golf clubs- but I recommend you askherwhat shewould like that beforeyou buy themlffi**partygoingto be in June?iff:*ffi" is the retirement l'll lkiffiSil$a**$G be on holidayfrom June 30. Bestwishes Sarah

I'm pleased tell you... to
good news: Otherwaysto introduce the ... news!I've justreceived results Good youthe results. I'm happyto tell are to You'll oleased knowthatthe results be verygood. ... l've justreceivedthe results... news: Morephrases announcing for that... l've justheard John hasjusttoldme that ... I heard fromJohnthat... youknowthat... Did I thought you'd like to know immediately. ft is very commonto use lthoughtorI knew news: to announce to I thoughtyou'd interested hear... be you I thought mightnot knowthat... I knewyouwanted knowthe results. to Well done, Macy. An alternative Congratulations! to Macy) Usingthe name(Welldone, personalises congratulations. the to tell you that Georgewill he on sick I'm sorry leave for two weeks. lf you wantto say more: He hasbeenunwellfor sometime. He hasjusthadan operation. He hasbrokenhisleg. I was really sorry to hear you're not well. of Otherexpressions sympathy: I was sorryto hear thatyouhavebeenill. I was verysorryto hearabouttheaccident. to I wasshocked hearaboutit. Getwell soon. Hopeyoufeelbettersoon. An afternative: Youmay alsoseethis formalalternative: recovery. Wewish you a speedy Haveyou rena nhetedthatMonais rctiring in June? that... andJustto Haveyouremembered you remind arc politewaysof reminding Compare with: someone. youforgotten ... that Have I hope you can make it. Tomakelt(informal)meansto come/attend. I hopeyou can makeit to the meeting. I hopeyou can makeit on Tuesday.

l'm sureshe'dwantyouto he there.

is something Usel'm surewhenyou believe true. I'm sure I told youabout it. I'm surehe agreed come. to I'mnotsureindicates uncertainty: I'm not sureif I told you. I'm not surewhois coming. Thankyou for remindingme ... you Note how we use Thank for +ing: you Thank for helpitg me. you Thank for sendfugthe repoft. Justtocheck... to Otherphrases checkmeaning: Just checking I ... Can justcheck Moreformalwaysto askfor clarification: whatyoumeant ... by Canyouexplain l'm sorry, couldyouplease clarify... but lf so, I'd love to come. /f so meanslf thisis trueor lf thisis the case.



Britirh Anrerican jsbl Welldanel Eaad (Notussdin American English.) care t:'tlbe loaking after t'llbe taking hiswork... of hiswork... (Alsoused British in English, thoughless frequently.) party A leavingparty A farewell l'llbeonhatiday fran Junefi. June {pronouneed thethirtieth) He hasjust an had has operationlHa broken leg. his I wasreally sorryto hear ... Equipnent Booking Form t'ltbeon vacation stafting June3A. (pronounced June thirrieth) Hejusthadan aperationJ4e brokshis leg.' t'Nt an really sorry to hsar ... Reservation Equifnent Form

Make tlrese statementa more'friendly'. the chapter and the phrases below Refer to the messages in

ExAMpu: .Pte+s.e. 9.Q4e .ql{visit.$s,. .

a Have rest! a Make sure you. b Thank Many . has c Sonja broken arm. her l ' ms o rryto .... is d John retiring month. next Just let . . . to e I willcome theparty. to t'd ... you f I hope canattend meeting the you I hope can g Hewants present. some sports equipment hisleaving for l'msure he'd. h Contact me. Pl e a se g e ti n . .. , Complete the sentences with a form of the word in brackets. I have ExAtptE: reatty.g!d9Y.<4... workini .. withyou. (enioyment) t (retire) a Areyoulookingforvqard to your b l ' m o r g a n i si n g a ..... c We really. e Wewere all f you Could . . g l h a v ea n i mp o rta n t..... h Many i j l w a s so rryto h e a ra b o u tyo ur .. you I hope arefeeling better the after ...for M ona. given . allthe youhave help us. . . when heard news. we the exactly is happening? what ...tom ake! ......1e9. . .Very done! well (collect) (appreciation) (promote) (shock) (clarification) ( announce) (congratulate) (break) (operate)

d Just letyouknow to about Laura's

3 Put the sentences below in the correct order. g Weareplanningarrange from a to hearing you. to party. h to discuss helping organise office to the b for this. thanks i Allthe c Many best j Looking help d your again. foruvard success! k and would we really e lt wasa great appreciate youcallme f Could I another in December event

Hi lattr

th*lkl s..\^.tly.


4 Match the two parte of the sentences.

1 | was sorry very to you 2 Just remind to

to 3 Weareplanningorganise that 4 l'msure Rosa had leave company the 5 She to decided to 6 I have 7 Good to if 8 l'd bedelighted It has been a I

a b c d e f g h i

would to come theparty. like to move to Dubai. back hear everything well. that went is next thatFrieda retiring week. hear youhaven't well. that been forpersonal reasons. party a leaving forher. pleasure working you. with youcould usinthesummer. visit

5 Gompldte the puzzle below and find the keyword. 1 2 3 4 5 6

7 P w


s r

s t
a e g

r .PJe aS e..........k eepi nto u c h ! 2 You very are

you 3 Have . . 4 Many you 5 Wewish every. 6 |., 7 W e r ea l l y. to that 8 | wassorry hear youare =P KE Y WOR D ..

. . . . . to come stay us. and with

thatit isJulie's birthday tomorrow?

.....for allyour help! . . . . inthefuture. . . . you'd to hear news like the immediately. ....allyour help. . . . thecompany.

6 Complete the s_entrlnces with a preposition. EnlrrptE: .Oh Congratulations a b c d e f g h l w assorrytohear.. We areverygrateful l ho p eyou arefeeling better. Getpl e n t y l go in gtobe. I'm a fraidK ateis.... Wholooks . l'll be back Th a n kyou.. . . . yourpromotion. . . . . y o u ra c c id e n t . allyour help. . . . . . . re s t .

.....holid a y n e x t we e k . . . s ic k le a v e . . . . . . Kate's workwhensheis away? Friday? youthen. See ....remin d in g me .

I TheBasics
Beginnings endings and Your language HiKim How you? are l'mfinalising details theLeadership the of Course. Best regards (No Nochanges needed. changes needed). are Dear NovotnaYours Ms sincerely you I would to invite to visit like us. you I look forward meeting again. to - Yours Dear faithfully Sir/Madam policy This to confirm your is that current you. covers Basiclayout you Itwasgood meet attheseminar Paris. to in I would to arrangemeeting you. like a with Wehave many products willinterest new that you. you Could letmeknow youareavailable if on June or6th? 5th I look forward hearing yousoon. to from Please that Korean willbe note our agent visiting company Friday June. the next 21 Please that confirm youcanattend. D e aa l l , r l'veattached a copy themenu theannual of for dinner. please youmake arrangements Laurent, can the forthemusic?

Making Gontact
Messages 1 I have your-advertisementweb seen onyour
Your language

page. like I would to apply thepost. for working a Marketing I amcurrently as Assistant. for I work a publishing companyLondon. in you Thank foryour email. I ampleased attach online to our application form. forward your I look to reply. my as I enclose CV requested. Please meknow youhave queries. let if any for I apologise notsending earlier. this Please meonmymobile. call Messages 2 you Wearewriting invite to a conference. to Please a look ourwebsite. take at I amsending schedule the the for forthcoming conference. Wewould to attend conference. like the Wehave reservedstand you. a for you send Could please usa $umgary your of company theendofttteweek? by Weareanestablished in companytheUK. Weprovide training themanufacturing for and service industries. Wearehappy provide to on-site training. Wecanprovide training in atvenuestheUK.

3 Arrangements
Arrangingvisit a pleased could would very We be ifyou visit
0urcompany. let Please us knowyouravailability. you Thank for the invitation visityourcompany. to

Your language
I lookforward yourconfirmation. to yourvisitto us nextFriday. Justto confirm SeeyouFriday. I amattaching mapwith directions our a to facility. Followthe around themain road to reception. Doyouknowwhenyouareplanning arrive to yet?

Travel arrangements put l've together following the itinerary.

it We need finalise today. to DeparturefromMilan 11:05 flight is at on 8A68. You havean overnight atthe Hilton will stay Hotel in Salford. pick-up company will beat 8:00. Your by car flights l'm booking Don's today the Berlin for meeting. flight TheLufthansa leaves London 7:30. at you flights? Shall reserve a seatonthe same I I amwriting confirm reservation. to the you out for Could check thefollowing me please? reserved aisle for Has airline the an seat me?

Taking forwarding messages and | free l'msorry wasn't to speak. I tried callyouback afternoon. to this The number engaged. was Baxter been has delayedShanghai. in Jane you please? her Can give apologies, There stillsome are details sortout. to please? Can call tonight, he her the itinerary Sweden for l'vejustreceived draft from Helen. Have look it. a at Thanks this, for Stefan.

Your language
in Let's 10a.m. myoffice. say I shallbe awayfromthe officeuntil22July.

4 Meetings
(11 up Setting a meeting
Weneed setupa meeting. to How about week next sometime? What about Tuesday 1 p.m. thecanteen? at in lunch. Wecould have working a pleased visit next you be I would very to Tuesday. 3 p.m.would fine be withme. you forward seeing again week. next I look to you the Can confirm meeting 2lstin Bonn? on Weneed finalise to arrangements today. I want meet to urgently. you is Thepurpose themeetingto brief onthe of meeting. Please your clear diaries. Setting a meeting up {21 let in if you Please meknow advance areunable to attend. Agenda/Ven rticipa ue/Pa nts/Apo,logies gf l'veattached minutes thelastmeeting. the of meeting A0B/Date next Please thechange item ontheagenda. note to 2 paper l'vemoved International the Strategies to next week. priorto We'll need circulate agenda to the the meeting. system down. is Our computer ls it possible putthisontheagenda to for Monday's meeting? l'd like run to through final the arrangements. Weneed ensure everything smoothly. to that runs

Your language

Meeting follow-up performance Reviewlast of quarter's

All teams provide to weekly report. Schedule interviews the Press. with A0B = anyother business l'vejustlooked the minutes. at We'llneed rearrange date. to a I suggestthe June. 2nd you send anamendmentto out Can please

everyone? Re. newbrochures the I Bytheway, wasinterestedseeournew to sales target. Thanks your for commentsourperformance. on l'vepassed your on congratulations team. to the you Thank forallyour support.

5 Enquiries
Messages 1 price Please me current list. send a
you some Could include samples? you interest ourproducts. Thank foryour in Your email fonruarded was to me. in from Webelieve buying Fairtrade organisations. informationourwebsite. You findfurther will on you I willsend a copy ournewcatalogue. of prompt Many thanks your for response. Wearevery interestedordering you. in from you? Would 24th a suitable to visit May be time I enclosecopy ourlatest a of company brochure. 2 Message you What would advise to do? us Arethere suppliers yourecommend? any that It'sbest to start machine not the again the until arrives. engineer

Your language
you Have considered contacting Gudul? Youcouldconta,ct Tools. Universal I would grateful youcould be if send further me information. you Thank foryourenquiry. l'mafraid do notrunanygeneral we courses. your I have foruvarded enquiry Filton to College. to Withreference yourenquiry. You seefurther can details ourschool of by going ourwebsite. to

dealing problems with 6 Orders,

We haverecently ordered some newoffice furniture. you quote removal existing for Could please of furniture. Wewould to place order like withyou. an Your termsandconditions statea delivery time of fourweeks. it Would be possible dispatch items to the within two weeks? lf there an additional is charge,'pleaseus let know. you I canconfirm alltheitems ordered that are in stock. We'dlikea repeat order. ls thisyourlatest catalogue? you Could giveus a firmdelivery date? you that Could confirm ourusual discount would apply?

(11 Dealing problems with

l'm sorry saythatwe maynotbe able meet to to t h ea g r e e sch edule. d

I'mafraid willfall we behind schedule. Your language your I wasvery surprised receive message. to You assured that schedule this us was guaranteed. 0n Friday March took 13th we delivery a of consignment cases. ofCD the 0n unpacking boxes, found many we that of thecases were damaged. This extremely is inconvenientus. for Weurgently replacements. need I amvery sorryto hearthatyou problems had withourdelivery. Wehave a replacementcourier. sent by packer onholiday. regular was Our service below usual was Our our standard. (21 Dealing with problems Wearevery unhappy thelevel service with of youhave given thisyear. us parts. Wealways to waitforspare have production three Wehave to shut had down on occasions. you I wasvery sorry hear to about problems the have experienced. Weshould assoon I hearthe meet as outcome. I expect receive report theend this his to by of week. Wehave notreceived order. still this Weapologise any for misunderstanding. Wedotryto keep website our up-to-date. I regret we cannot that accept return the as goods. faulty gesture, willissue credit Asa goodwill we a note. I trust meets your this with approval.

7 Short reports
infomation Providing you a report? Could sendmeshort
Board Wehold weekly meetings. was Thepurpose thevisit totakepart the of in Exhibition. were 2 000 enquiries received. Weneed follow customer to up enquiries immediately. Werecommend thenewagents that should visit theuK. you missingcan send the me Just thing one cost analysis? Exhibition stand Expenses/Expenditure/Antic ipated Revenue Focus Facts on andFigures year had This we over 000 25 visitors. were A third thevisitors children of under sixteen. Approximately cent thevisitors of 90per said they found Centre the informative. people happy pay entrance were Most to the feeof$ii1.50. wentupby30percent.t' Sales There a sharp of40percent. was rise slightly 2 percent. Sales dropped by with sales Compared lastquarter, arehigher. year's in productivity a direct Last fall was result lowmorale. of pay were responsiblethe for These cuts increasesick in leave. Your language

Personal messages
1 Messages a note many thanks. Just quick to say
you We really appreciate everything have done. Manycongratulationsyourpromotion. on

Your language in Stay touch. EFPC. This to letyouknow I willbeleaving is that Please and me. come visit sorry hear youareleaving to that I wasvery thecompany. It hasbeen pleasure a working you. with you I wish every success thefuture. in for help. Thanks allyour you Itwould great see there. be to that wentsowell. Good hear theevent to 2 Messages l'mpleased tellyouthatl'vejustreceived to theresults. you'd to know like immediately. I thought Macy. Welldone, will I'msorry tellyouthatGeorge beonsick to leave twoweeks. for I wasreally sorry hear you're well. to that not well Get soon. you that is Have remembered Mona retiring inJune? a for We'd to organisecollection her. like you it. I hope canmake you want to bethere. l'msure she'd you me. Thank forreminding in to Just check istheparty June? lf so,I'dlove come. to

1 TheBasics
1 2 3 4 5 6 a- i, U- [ a i b ii ato ci c-ii, d-i, e-ii dii eii fi eon,at fon gat hfor


cto dfor

a check b receiving c meeting d visiting e know f g o g writing h confirm 1e 2f 3b 4c 5h 6g 7d 8a

An informalmessage 1c 2d 3 a 49 5f 6b 7h 8e A formal memo 1b 2d 3 a 4c 5h 6g 7f 8e

To: From: Date: Subiect AllStaff (your name) Human Resources Manager (today's date) Health Safety and Conferqnce

you I wouldliketo invite allto attend conference July22,at g a.m. a on in the Board Room. There be a buffet will lunch midday. at Please confirm thatyoucanattend. please nothesitate contact on extension lfyou haveanyqueries do to me 345.

Making Gontact
I 2 3 4 5 2 5 7 6 8 1 4 3 9 aa s liii b for 2v 3 ii cat.das;eby 4i5vi .6iv f on g a t h in

ao n - site b r ange cproducer dserv ic e e s u mma ry f q u e s t io n n a ire 1d 29 3a 4e 5b 6c 7I

D ea r olleague C you We arewriting inform to thatwe areorganising conference NewYork a in at the endof the month. We wouldliketo invite yourorganisation attend. to Please takea lookat ourwebsite at youwill findfull details the conference. where of Please nothesitate contact do to us if yourequire further any information. Yours sincerely Jeongmi Seo

6 7

1b 2c 3d 4a right is The Customeralways Smith John projector, video Laptop, 4thoctober Room Conference B

3 Arrangements
1 a b c d July confirm single 22nd pleased nextweek stay office contact queries invitation August attend 2a 2a 3i 3f 4b 5c 4c 5d 6d 6e 7f 8g th

2 3 4 5 6

1e lb

on b in;at c at;at d from/tofor e foro f on;to a along; e c a correct b notnecessary correct d notnecessary incorrect-for f correct g incorrect away h incorrect at Marketing Agents WorkshoP Toattend 11:45 17 th n e Ju Air France card Credit

4 Meetings
I 2 esuits b a a v a i l ab i l i tyma n a g ecsu i t davailable need to 1 We'll you 2 Thank for you on 3 Can pass you 4 Can confirm let 5 Please meknow pleased be 6 | would very about 7 What liii 2 v 3 vi 4 vi i i S vi i 6 i i 7i 8iv

1 agenda 2 availablo 3 participants 4 diary 5 reschedule 6 amendments 7 brief 8 minutes 9 apologies 10 item 1l circulate 12 summary = availability KEYW0RD 5 Example answer
Toall Marketing Staff There be a meeting Tuesday in the Conference will on l4th from14:00 16:(X) discuss new Room to to the brochure. Please meknowin advance youare unable attend. let if to you Looking fonrvard seeing all nextweek. to Pierre

I 2

a in;at b at on c for;on;by d with; at e in f on;in at a in b in c for d to e for f in g With;to a to hear b to start c to be h getting i going d to arrive e solving f buying g using

5 Enquiries

informationinthqpost. a Some is is b Thereport attached.;. c What your is advice? recommends d 0urcompany strongly EDR. e What about closing down system the first? f l'msorry we donotarrange but delivery. 4 5 6 aii bii ci i di eii fi i gi 1 e 2 c 3 f 4 h 5 a 6 b 7 i 8 d 99 Enquiry 1 1b 2d Enquiry 2 1d 2b 3a 3e 4e 4c 5f 5a 6c 6g 7h 7t 8g

a contacting b recommendation advice d enquiry c g attached h foruvarded e reliable f logging

with problems dealing 6 Orderc,

1 2 3 4 a order b forward c assured d accept e dispatched f meet ato b on cfo r d w i th e by f for
g on h for i with

1 e 2f 3 h 4 g 5 a 6 b 7 d I i 9 c b a have experienced to discuss c to receive d havesent return, refund f apologise will e

a dissatisfied b dispatch c additional d definite e a discount f con ce r ned gpromise harefun d i meet Dear Duval Ms you Thank foryourletter. problems ourconsignment with of printers. to that I wasvery sorry hear youhad you the today courier. same by The courier willtake away sent order Wehave a replacement to : printers, noe)dra cost. damaged at . I trust meets your this with approval. ' our Please accept apologies. Yours sincerely (Sign name) your (Print name) your

Reports 7 Short
the of during last the year. A 2 This report shows breakdownsales quarter. rose in worldwide byl8 percent thelast B 1 Sales share themarket. Europe has largest still the of 3 Eastfell 3 percent. by in 6 Sales theFar inthe East. to our C 4 Weneed increase advertising Far in new East. 7 Wemust appoint agents theFar good year we expect success continue. to was last and this business very D 5 0verall, to d in a steady b sharp c due g investing h Overall i higher 1 2 3 4 e increase f competitive

purpose a v i s i t o rs cp l a ce d due a recommendationrecommend b due

a z o

d, pba sib
nG,r' O ,/ ,/C //

I en




TZmop b "/l'l
,/ e l al s e

s e d

2 /d



UcUb s



rose a sharp decline improvement (Graph 2) (Graph low resulted B theleast very in 3) ( Gr aph to 1) c successfuldue drop

Personal messages
I a Makesureyougetplenty rest. of b Many thanks to has her c I'msorry hearthatSonja broken arrn d Justto letyouknowthatJohnis retiring nextmonth. party. e l'd loveto come the to you f I hope canmake themeeting. itto g l'm surehe'dreally present. appreciate/like sports some equipmentfor leaving his (withme). getintouch h Please a r eti r em e nt bcollection cappreciat ed p ro mo t io ne s h o c k e d f c la rif y g announcement congratulationsbroken f operation h i H i l an c Many thanks b for helping organise party to the e lt wasa great success! g We areplanning arrange to I another event December in k andwe wouldreally appreciate d yourhelpagain. yo f Co u ld ucallme h to discuss this.

2 3

j Looking forward from a to hearing you. i Allthe best Conchita 4 5 1 e 2 d 39 4 a 5 f 6 b 7 c 8i9h 1 please 2 welcome 3 remembered 4 thanks 5 success 6 thought 7 appreciate 8 leaving = pleasure KEVWoRD a a b o u t bfo r co f d o n e o n fafter gon ".hfor".

Emails are often written very quickly, and rules of punctuation are not always follo{red. However, corect use of punctuation makes the message clearer. Some examples: (contractionI An apostrophe you l'll send thereport soon possible. as as twill) 1 1 '1 1 = (possessive) An apostrophe John's schedule. Brackets Tel:{01423} 187900 A colon Wewill need following: the 50chairs 5 desks proiector 1 digital A comma Thenewdirector, Cuplet, be inthe office Fred will t0m0rrow. A dash Saleh canyoucallmetomorrow. A dot Thewebaddress is An exclamation mark Welldone everyone! A fullstop l'lltry andcallyout0m0rrow 3 p.m. at A hyphen l'd prefer have right-hand car. to a drive 0uotationmarks Mayumi shewas"pleased" theresults. said with A question mark Have forgotten we anything? A semi-colon Business going is well; have we increased sales 20percent. by A slash Thewebaddress is

Dates and tlmes

Dates ways the There several to write date: are 16 Manager since July2002. working a Marketing as been I have 2Wl. 30 was on The contract signed March on model started l.0.07.01. of Production theCP4 2002. Toni retireon23rdNovember will you 3 on See at2 p.m. ThursdaySept. the you you out -rd, When writethedate, canleave theletters -nd, 4hlthatfollow l-st you third, fourth whether writeit or not: efc. second, say but number, youalways first, and fwo and or 3 July 2001 thethirdof July,twothousand one, Julythethird, thousand one of 3lst Decemberthethirty-first December is sure 10.07.03, make there no butto infigures the completely You write date can or it is to misunderstandingbetter writeit infull lfth July2003 Julylhth2M3 Gommon Expressions of Time For years. three exporting Brazilfor to been Wehave youfor twodays. to trying contact I have been (Forrelers a periodof time, showinghow long something has lasted.i to Since for of sincethebeginning August a reply. I have beenwaiting since 2U)2. these materials supplying been We've (sincegives starting pointof actions continuing to the present./ up the Ago ago. threedays I lefta message years many ago. Hamburg I visited showswhen a pastactionstartedbut not by giving actualdates./ /Ago Last you meeting lastweek. I enjoyed a lastyearwas greatsuccess. The conference Nert you to I lookforward seeing nextMonday. goods beready delivery week. next for will The Until tonight. I willbeat theofficeuntilI p.m. until withthecompany Septemher. to l'mgoing stay

Prepositions of Time ln Canyou confirm.a deliverydatein July? in I left the company 2003. ln (the)summer, saleswent up substantially. John Smithis retiring in 2007. At Are youavailable 2 o'clocktomorrow? at will Thecompany be closedat Christmas. Theofficeis openatthe weekend. 0n I look forwardto meetingyouon Tuesday. We will deliverthe goodson Friday17May. By Thecases should arriveby Monday. Theminuteswill be readyby Tuesday lunchtime. (Byrefers a deadline/ to From Therewill be a meeting the conference in roomfrom2 to 5 p.m. Iwas in Berlinfrom4th to &thJuly.

BTtr|r'{moryn ffirurmr
Britiah American

third, thousand oee Jutythe two and

(lfth 10/07/03 JulyZNE) " The campany beclosed will atDhristinas.


thousand one

:il* :ilillffitr:H ib'|'nsef' ;rtr;?s

Theoffice open theweekend. is at The office apen theweeketncl. is on

(0ctober ZffEl tW7/03 7th HOTE: Ambrican English styleis month/day/year The cornpany be clased Christnas. will on In NOTE: the USonlytlecember is a holiday 25th

Some common abbreviations used in emails. a.m. approx. ASAP Attn cc c0. CV dept. e.g. ETA etc. FAO FYI govt. i.e. lnc. Ltd N.B. pcs p.m. pp* PS qty re. ref. RSVP tba tbc (ante e.9.9:00 a.m. midday meridieml, before approximately as assoon possible of For attention the to copy c0mpany vitae curriculum department (exemplii gratia) for example estimated of arrival time et cetera English) is in the of For attention (FAO notused American your For information government thatis (id est) Incorporated Limited bene) Please (Nota note pieces (post meridiem) midday after (per pro) of onbehalf Postscript quantity regarding reference plait) s'ilvous replv Pfease fi1pondez be to beadvised/to agreed to beconfirmed

* ppis notused American person, of on a English. yousign document behalf another When in initials. youcanwrite person's followed your name by the

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