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Angajatorii refuz s ncadreze tineri care abia au terminat coala, chiar dac statul le subvenioneaz un salariu lunar de minim

500 de lei timp de 1 an de zile i i scutete de plata contribuiilor sociale pe aceeai perioad. Cu sau fr diplom de absolvire a liceului sau a facultii, tinerii sunt refuzai la angajare, din cauza lipsei de experien i a nivelului redus de pregtire cu care ies din colile romneti. n ciuda stimulentelor de care beneficiaz, angajatorii se tem s se lege la cap cu tineri absolveni (de gimnaziu, liceu, coli profesionale sau faculti), deoarece sunt obligai s-i menin n post pe o perioad de minim 3 ani. Altfel trebuie s returneze toii banii de care au beneficiat de la stat, plus dobnda. n primele 5 luni din 2011, statul a reuit s ncadreze doar 2.540 de absolveni prin subvenionarea locului de munc, dintr-un total programat de 10.290, ceea ce reprezint 24%. De asemenea, firmele au angajat doar 1.370 de absolveni benefiari de prima de ncadrare (de 500 de lei) dintr-un numr programat de 4.490 de tineri, respectiv 30%. La nivelul ntregului an 2010, procentajul de reuit nu a depit 52%, respectiv s-a reuit ncadrarea a 5.568 persoane prin subvenionarea angajatorilor care ncadreaz absolveni ai instituiilor de nvmnt. Judeele n care angajatorii s-au lsat cel mai greu convini s ncadreze absolveni n 2011, cu toate stimulentele oferite de stat, sunt Olt (22 absolveni), Vaslui (21), Vrancea (19), Constana (17), Giurgiu (16), Brila (14), Ialomia (14), Clrai (7), Ilfov (4), Cara-Severin (zero). La polul opus, judeele cu angajatorii cei mai interesai s primeasc faciliti de pe urma angajrii de absolveni sunt Iai (251), Mure (136), Bihor (123), Slaj (122) i Alba (110). Angajatorii care ncadreaz n munc absolveni primesc o subvenie difereniat n funcie de nivelul studiilor, pe o perioad de 12 luni: primar i gimnazial 500 de lei lunar; liceal i postliceal - 600 de lei lunar; universitar - 750 de lei lunar. Firmele beneficiaz i de scutirea de la plata contribuiei pentru omaj aferent absolvenilor ncadrai, pentru 12 luni. Angajatorul este obligat ns s menin n activitate persoana angajat pentru cel puin 3 ani. i absolvenii primesc bani n cazul angajrii, nu doar angajatorii. Conform legislaiei n vigoare, absolvenii beneficiaz de o prim n valoare de 500 lei, n cazul n care se angajeaz cu program normal de lucru pentru o perioad mai mare de 12 luni.

teenagers, but as we age we forget how to connect with young people. We think that we can just tell them what to do and theyll do it. Wouldnt that be great? Most teenagers are a different kind of human until they get a few years of work experience or college under their belts. They think differently and feel differently than adults do. Try to remember when you were young and you had hormones pushing through you and all you could do was think about sex. Thats the first trick. Put Yourself in Their Shoes When you can put yourself in their position you can learn how to motivate teenagers. Teenagers may be weird, but they have emotions just like you and me. Theyre just a little more intense. When dealing with a teenager make sure you are sympathetic to their needs. Make sure you see #4 Dont Be a Push-over because they will take advantage of you if you let them.

Show Them Their Mistakes and How to Improve Them Teenagers dont pick up on adult concepts as quickly as adults. Well, duh. You will be surprised by how many business owners dont understand this concept. Teenagers may be geniuses on the computer or multi-tasking, but they learned these things like everything else. When they make a mistake, explain what they did wrong and how they can improve it. This may need to be done a few times before they catch on. Give Them the Respect They Seek Giving a teenager the respect that he or she deserves will go a long way in earning their trust. Most adults treat teenagers like teenagers when all they want is to be treated like the man or woman that they are trying to be. Talk to them like an adult and they will raise their level of work. Dont Be a Push-over A teenager will take two feet when given a foot, so make sure you set boundaries and if they cross them then document it and let them know. If they continue to cross the line then dont be afraid to let them go if they you need to. Enjoy a Good Laugh There is nothing a teenager likes doing more than enjoying a good laugh. Yes they may be moody, but when a teenager is in a good mood it can be down right infectious to the rest of the staff, so allow them to get excited and have a good time. Listen to Them Teenagers want to help. They may be selfish, but they arent stupid. They can see things that you cant. Listen to their suggestions. If they give you an idea that wont work then let them know why and show appreciation for their efforts. If they have a good idea, tell them that you want to hear more and ask them to come up with a plan on how to implement it. Have Patience with Their Learning Curve Their learning curve is a little steeper than most adults, but their potential is greater too. Once a teenager catches on to a concept they make it their own. Reward Them

The Gen Y generation and younger grew up being rewarded for blowing their nose. They dont take well to harsh discipline, so when they do something good even without your approval, reward them. Give them an extra hour for lunch or a $20 bonus. Their idea might have saved you hundreds of dollars, so disperse the wealth. Dont Yell at Them Teenagers hate to be yelled at. They get enough of that from their parents, teachers, and friends, so speak with an even toned voice when youre upset. Make sure they understand that you never want to see such behavior, but dont make a scene out of it. Train Your Staff to be Patient Many retailers employ young people because they are cheap labor and as a result, they are treated as second class employees by the rest of the staff. Big mistake. Train your staff to treat them as equals. When the rest of the staff gives them respect they will be more respectful to the customer. Managing Teenagers Review Teenagers want to do good work if they are given the right atmosphere in which to do it. They will need a little more attention, but you will find a few gems that make it all worth the effort. Who knows, that one little gem of a teenager might one day help you run your company.

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