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2009 NCBTS DOMAINS CHEd Memo 30 COMPETENCIES Percentag Professional Education e Weight Courses Domain 1 Social Regard The Teaching Profession Determine ways and means to ensure the 20% for high standards of personal and Learning Social Dimension of professional development. 1.1 Teachers actions Education (The Global Teacher; demonstrates value for Teaching Competencies) learning. Field Study 1 Learners Development and Determine the roles of the teachers as 1.2 Teacher Environment active members of the community and as demonstrates that global citizens responsible for the learning is of different Field Study 2 outcomes of their actions and for kinds and comes from Experiencing the Teachingdeveloping other citizens. different sources. Learning Process (Intercultural communication; Gender and development; Domain 6 Community Field Study 3 Globalization and education) Linkages Technology in the Learning 6.1 Teacher establishes Environment Analyze historical, economic, sociolearning an environment cultural, geographical, environmental, that responds to the Field Study 4 political and social-psychological factors aspirations of the Understanding Curriculum that affect the role of the school as an community. Development agent of change. (School as an agent of change) Domain 7 Personal and Field Study 5 Professional Learning Assessment Interpret educational problems in the Growth Strategies light of philosophical and legal foundations of education. 7.1 Teacher takes pride Field Study 6 (The Teacher as a Person in the Society; in the nobility of teaching On Becoming a Teacher The Professionalization of Teaching) as a profession. Practice Teaching Apply the four pillars of learning in 7.2 Teacher builds responding to the aspirations of the

professional links with colleagues to enrich teaching practice. 7.3 Teacher reflects on the extent of the attainment of professional development goals.

community: learning to know; learning to do; learning to live together; learning to be. (Four Pillars of Learning)

Apply ethical principles and situations involving teachers relationship with various groups of people. (Guide for Professional Teachers) Reflect on professional teachers accountability to learners performance and achievement and to the teachers total involvement in the teaching profession. (The Teacher as a Person in Society) Select activities, teaching methods, instructional materials and technology, classroom management techniques appropriate for chosen subject-area. (Determining Appropriate Instructional Approaches and Methods, Learning Activities, Instructional Materials and Tools) Apply appropriate approaches to lesson planning and curriculum development. (Lesson Planning) Choose appropriate principles in the preparation and utilization of the conventional and non-conventional technology tools as well as traditional and alternative teaching strategies. (Other Modern Methods of Teaching;

Domain 2 Learning Environment 2.1 Maintains a learning environment of courtesy and respect for different learners (e.g. ability, culture, gender) 2.2 Teacher makes the classroom environment safe and conducive to learning. 2.3 Teacher communicates higher learning expectations to each learner.

Principles of Teaching 1 and 2 Curriculum Development Educational Technology 1 and 2 Developmental Reading 1/2 Field Study 2 Experiencing the TeachingLearning Process Field Study 3 Technology in the Learning Environment

35 %

2.4 Teacher establishes and maintains consistent standards of learners behavior. 2.5 Teacher creates a healthy psychological climate for learning. Domain 4 Curriculum 4.1 Teacher demonstrates mastery of the subject. 4.2 Teacher communicates clear learning goals for the lessons that are appropriate for learners. 4.3 Teacher makes good use of allotted instructional time. 4.4 Teacher selects teaching methods, learning activities and instructional materials or resources appropriate to the learners and aligned objectives of the lesson. 4.5 Teacher recognizes general learning processes as well as unique processes of

Field Study 4 Understanding Curriculum Development Practice Teaching

Integrated Teaching; Guidelines on the Selection and Effective Utilization of educational technology tools and resources) Align curriculum components to instruction and assessment. (Linking curriculum, instruction and assessment) Distinguish the roles of stakeholders (students; teachers; employers; parents; and community) In the delivery of the curriculum (Delivering the Curriculum) Use activities that enhance critical, creative and metacognitive reading skills. (Honing of critical, creative and metacognitive reading skills) Analyze extrinsic and intrinsic factors that affect reading performance. (Extrinsic and intrinsic factors that affect reading performance)

individual learners. 4.7 Teacher demonstrates skills in the use of information and communication technology in teaching and learning Domain 1 Social Regard for Learning 1.2 Teacher demonstrates that learning is of different kinds and comes from different sources. Domain 2 Learning Environment 2.1 Maintains a learning environment of courtesy and respect for different learners (e.g. ability, culture, gender) 2.2 Teacher makes the classroom environment safe and conducive to learning. 2.3 Teacher communicates higher learning expectations to each learner. 2.4 Teacher establishes and maintains consistent

Child and Adolescent Development Facilitating Learning Field Study 1- Observation of the Learner and the Learning Environment Field Study 2 The Teaching-Learning Process Practice Teaching

Analyze the cognitive, metacognitive, motivational socio-cultural factors that affect learning. (Cognitive, metacognitive, motivational, sociocultural factors that affect learning) Interpret theories and research findings related to child and adolescent development along the biological, linguistic, cognitive, social and psychological dimensions. (Biological, linguistic, cognitive, social and psychological dimensions of development of children and adolescents) Organize the learning environment that promotes fairness regardless of culture, family background, and gender, responsive to learners needs and difficulties. (Individual differences in Learning; Theories of styles)


standards of learners behavior. 2.5 Teacher creates a healthy psychological climate for learning. Domain 3 Diversity of Learners 3.1 Teacher determines, understands and accepts the learners diverse knowledge and experience. Domain 5 Planning, Assessing, and Reporting 5.2 Teacher develops and uses a variety of appropriate assessment strategies to monitor and evaluate learning. 5.3 Teachers regularly monitors and provides feedback on learners understanding of content. 5.4 Teacher communicates promptly and clearly to learners, parents and superiors the learners progress. Assessment of Learning 1 and 2 Field Study 5 Learning Assessment Strategies Practice Teaching Apply principles in constructing and interpreting traditional and alternative/authentic forms of high quality assessment. (Roles of Assessment; Principles of High Quality Assessment; Process and Product Oriented PerformanceBased Assessment; Portfolio assessment; Development of classroom assessment tools; Test Standardization) 25%

Utilize processed data and results in reporting and interpreting learners performance to improve teaching and learning. (Utilization of assessment data; Utilization and reporting of test results; Planning and Implementing Parent-Teacher Conference)

Demonstrate skills in the use of techniques and tools in assessing affective learning. (Affective assessment competencies, techniques and tools) *Equivalencies for the mandated professional education courses (RA 7836 and RA 9293) are found in Annex A. Prepared by: DR. JUNE P. SALANA Capitol University, Cagayan de Oro City PROF. RODELIZA A. JAMIH Notre Dame University, Cotabato City DR. ANDRES JULIO V. SANTIAGO, JR. University of Santo Thomas, Manila DR. NENIE M. GALEDO Supervisor for Teacher Education, CHED RO VI, Iloilo City DR. NENITA V. QUION University of San Agustin, Iloilo City DR. MILAGROS L. BORABO Cento Escolar University, Manila City Consultant: ROSITA L. NAVARRO, PhD-Chairman, PACUCOA

ANNEX A Mandated Professional Education Courses Cluster I Foundations of Education *Philosophical and Legal Foundations *Sociological Foundations NCBTS DOMAINS CHEd Memo 30 Professional Education Courses The Teaching Profession Social Dimension of Education Field Study 1 Learners Development and Environment Field Study 2 Experiencing the TeachingLearning Process Field Study 3 Technology in the Learning Environment Field Study 4 Understanding Curriculum Development Field Study 5 Learning Assessment Strategies Field Study 6 On Becoming a Teacher Practice Teaching COMPETENCIES

Domain 1 Social Regard for Learning 1.1 Teachers actions demonstrates value for learning. 1.2 Teacher demonstrates that learning is of different kinds and comes from different sources. Domain 6 Community Linkages 6.1 Teacher establishes learning an environment that responds to the aspirations of the community. Domain 7 Personal and Professional Growth 7.1 Teacher takes pride in the nobility of teaching as a profession.

Determine ways and means to ensure the high standards of personal and professional development. (The Global Teacher; Teaching Competencies) Determine the roles of the teachers as active members of the community and as global citizens responsible for the outcomes of their actions and for developing other citizens. (Intercultural communication; Gender and development; Globalization and education) Analyze historical, economic, socio-cultural, geographical, environmental, political and social-psychological factors that affect the role of the school as an agent of change. (School as an agent of change) Interpret educational problems in the light of philosophical and legal foundations of education. (The Teacher as a Person in the Society; The Professionalization of Teaching) Apply the four pillars of learning in responding

7.2 Teacher builds professional links with colleagues to enrich teaching practice. 7.3 Teacher reflects on the extent of the attainment of professional development goals.

to the aspirations of the community: learning to know; learning to do; learning to live together; learning to be. (Four Pillars of Learning)

Apply ethical principles and situations involving teachers relationship with various groups of people. (Guide for Professional Teachers) Reflect on professional teachers accountability to learners performance and achievement and to the teachers total involvement in the teaching profession. (The Teacher as a Person in Society) Select activities, teaching methods, instructional materials and technology, classroom management techniques appropriate for chosen subject-area. (Determining Appropriate Instructional Approaches and Methods, Learning Activities, Instructional Materials and Tools) Apply appropriate approaches to lesson planning and curriculum development. (Lesson Planning) Choose appropriate principles in the preparation and utilization of the conventional and non-conventional technology tools as well as traditional and alternative teaching strategies. (Other Modern Methods of Teaching; Integrated Teaching; Guidelines on the Selection and

Cluster II Principles and Strategies of Teaching

Domain 2 Learning Environment 2.1 Maintains a learning environment of courtesy and respect for different learners (e.g. ability, culture, gender) 2.2 Teacher makes the classroom environment safe and conducive to learning. 2.3 Teacher communicates higher learning expectations to each learner. 2.4 Teacher establishes and maintains consistent standards of learners behavior.

Principles of Teaching 1 and 2 Curriculum Development Educational Technology 1 and 2 Developmental Reading 1/2 Field Study 2 Experiencing the TeachingLearning Process Field Study 3 Technology in the Learning Environment Field Study 4 Understanding Curriculum Development

2.5 Teacher creates a healthy psychological climate for learning. Domain 4 Curriculum 4.1 Teacher demonstrates mastery of the subject. 4.2 Teacher communicates clear learning goals for the lessons that are appropriate for learners. 4.3 Teacher makes good use of allotted instructional time. 4.4 Teacher selects teaching methods, learning activities and instructional materials or resources appropriate to the learners and aligned objectives of the lesson. 4.5 Teacher recognizes general learning processes as well as unique processes of individual learners. 4.7 Teacher demonstrates skills in the use of information and communication technology in teaching and learning

Practice Teaching

Effective Utilization of educational technology tools and resources) Align curriculum components to instruction and assessment. (Linking curriculum, instruction and assessment) Distinguish the roles of stakeholders (students; teachers; employers; parents; and community) In the delivery of the curriculum (Delivering the Curriculum) Use activities that enhance critical, creative and metacognitive reading skills. (Honing of critical, creative and metacognitive reading skills) Analyze extrinsic and intrinsic factors that affect reading performance. (Extrinsic and intrinsic factors that affect reading performance)

CLUSTER 3 Human Growth, Learning and Development

Domain 1 Social Regard for Learning 1.2 Teacher demonstrates that learning is of different kinds and comes from different sources. Domain 2 Learning Environment 2.1 Maintains a learning environment of courtesy and respect for different learners (e.g. ability, culture, gender) 2.2 Teacher makes the classroom environment safe and conducive to learning. 2.3 Teacher communicates higher learning expectations to each learner. 2.4 Teacher establishes and maintains consistent standards of learners behavior. 2.5 Teacher creates a healthy psychological climate for learning. Domain 3 Diversity of Learners 3.1 Teacher determines, understands and accepts the learners diverse knowledge

Child and Adolescent Development Facilitating Learning Field Study 1- Observation of the Learner and the Learning Environment Field Study 2 The TeachingLearning Process Practice Teaching

Analyze the cognitive, metacognitive, motivational socio-cultural factors that affect learning. (Cognitive, metacognitive, motivational, sociocultural factors that affect learning) Interpret theories and research findings related to child and adolescent development along the biological, linguistic, cognitive, social and psychological dimensions. (Biological, linguistic, cognitive, social and psychological dimensions of development of children and adolescents) Organize the learning environment that promotes fairness regardless of culture, family background, and gender, responsive to learners needs and difficulties. (Individual differences in Learning; Theories of styles)

and experience. CLUSTER 4 Measurement and Evaluation Domain 5 Planning, Assessing, and Reporting 5.2 Teacher develops and uses a variety of appropriate assessment strategies to monitor and evaluate learning. 5.3 Teachers regularly monitors and provides feedback on learners understanding of content. 5.4 Teacher communicates promptly and clearly to learners, parents and superiors the learners progress. Assessment of Learning 1 and 2 Field Study 5 Learning Assessment Strategies Practice Teaching Apply principles in constructing and interpreting traditional and alternative/authentic forms of high quality assessment. (Roles of Assessment; Principles of High Quality Assessment; Process and Product Oriented Performance-Based Assessment; Portfolio assessment; Development of classroom assessment tools; Test Standardization)

Utilize processed data and results in reporting and interpreting learners performance to improve teaching and learning. (Utilization of assessment data; Utilization and reporting of test results; Planning and Implementing Parent-Teacher Conference) Demonstrate skills in the use of techniques and tools in assessing affective learning. (Affective assessment competencies, techniques and tools)

SUGGESTIONS FOR CHED MEMO 30 Teaching Profession may be changed to Foundations of Teaching Profession in order to clearly cover the very imfoundations

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