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Carbohidrati buni

Cerealele integrale Painea integrala Fructele Legumele Orezul brun Turtele si biscuitii de ovaz Orzul Fasolea Lintea Cartofii

Carbohidrati nu prea buni

Cerealele rafinate Painea alba Gogosile Biscuitii Prajiturile Bauturile acidulate Crispurile Chipsurile Pastele fainoase Siropurile din dulceata

Pentru ca dieta bogata in proteine sa aiba succes, trebuie consumate urmatoarele produse:


LEGUME Broccoli Varza Conopida Telina Castraveti Andive Chimen Ciuperci proaspete Usturoi Fasole verde Sfecla Laptuci (salata verde) Masline Ridichi Spanac Ceapa verde Patrunjel, verdeturi PROTEINE cascaval oua albe peste proaspat Fructe de mare Carne de miel Carne de vitel Carne de pasare carne tocata de vita GRASIMI ulei de masline ulei de soia ulei de peste maoineza BAUTURI Ceai fara zahar Cafea fara zahar Apa plata Thermojetics ceai

ALIMENTE cu continut mai mare de carbohidrati - nu mancati mai mult de patru portii pe saptamana FRUCTE, LEGUME Caise Piersici Mazare Prune dovleac zmeura varza murata capsuni pepene verde suc de fructe rosii PROTEINE carne rosie branzeturi branza de vaci Nuci GRASIMI unt ulei de floarea-soarelui crema de branza smantana degresata BAUTURI suc de rosii Herbal Aloe

ALIMENTE bogate in carbohidrati - INTERZISEPainea si toate alimentele inrudite Branzeturi grase Produse de patiserie, prajituri, gogosi Cereale de orice fel Fasole, mazare, linte Paste de orice fel Mamaliga Legume radacinoase (morcovi, ceapa uscata) snacks-uri orez cartofi Lapte si iaurt Carne procesata (slanina, mezeluri) Alimente cu continut ridicat de sare Peste afumat Margarina si alte grasimi saturate

Sugestii pentru masa principala a zilei:

PROTEINE: Cat doriti, carne alba slaba si fara pielita, sau faceti o omleta cu cascaval si legume bogate in fibra vegetala SALATA: Poate sa contina o varietate de legume, precum ridichi, ciuperci, castraveti, telina, etc...Garnisiti salata cu feliute de curcan, pui, cascaval, creveti sau ton. LEGUME: Alegeti din lista de alimente permise broccoli, varza, laptuci, ceapa verde etc,. Puteti cali o parte din legume in ulei de masline si adauga bucatele de carne de pui, vaca, curcan. Legumele pot fi folosite fie natural, fie cu putin ulei de masline, fie amestecate cu elemente sarace in carbohidrati.

ciuperci; pentru ciuperci fierte, 12g net carbs inseamna 3.1 g la 100g, deci ar fi aprox 400g ridichie NA 1.8g la 100g, deci aprox 600g arpagic (chive) NA laptuca (lettuce) 1.5g la 100g, deci 800g castravete 3.1g la 100g, deci 400g anghinare 5.10g la 100g, deci 250g dovleac 6g la 100g, deci 200g sparanghel 1.8g la 100g, deci 600g varza acra, varza creata; varza simpla: 3.3 la 100g, deci 400g vinata 2.3g la 100g, deci 500g spanac la conserva 1.3g la 100g, deci cam 900g broccoli gatit 4g la 100g, deci 300g rosie 2.7g la 100g, deci 500g praz 12.4g la 100g, deci 100g bama NA ceapa NA conopida 2.8g la 100g, deci 400g

10 grame de carbohidrati
Posted on March 30th, 2009 by Ionut Pentru a va fi mai usor, iata cat inseamna 10g carbohidrati. Sper ca asa veti sti ce sa gustati seara cand va e foame si simtiti nevoia sa rontaiti cate ceva La fructe, cand vorbesc de cana, ma refer la fructele taiate in bucati. Sper sa va ajute. 1/2 cana migdale 55g de arahide prajite 1/4 cana fistic 3/4 cana nuci 1/2 cana de seminte de dovleac 1/3 can cu seminte de susan 55g seminte de floarea-soarelui 1/2 cana morcovi taiati rondele 1/2 cana mazare 1/4 cana ridichii 1/2 mar 12 cirese 1 piersica 12 struguri 1 cana cu capsuni 1/2 grapefruit 1 kiwi

1 cana cu pepene verde 1 pruna 1/3 banana 1/3 mango

Ways to improve food intake: Eat more frequently: little and often i.e. 5-6 small meals or snacks rather than 2-3 larger meals (often not finished!). Try to take something every few hours. Do not miss meals. Choose nutrient-dense foods (avoid diet/slimline/low sugar products; try to avoid very low fat foods). Choose nutritious fluids as drinking is often an easier way to gain calories/protein. Do not fill up on water, coffee, tea or diet drinks. Be aware that drinking before or with a meal can fill you up. Make eating easy; choose simple meals & snacks, ensure fridge/cupboard are well stocked; choose favourite foods. Start early in the day - having breakfast can help stimulate your appetite. The roles of protein and calories: Protein is a body-building nutrient that is important for muscle growth and replacing old or damaged body cells and tissues. Calories give us energy or fuel and are needed for the body to carry out all its functions. Sufficient calories are needed to enable the body to use dietary protein effectively. Good sources of protein (try to include one of the following as part of each meal): Meats and game Poultry chicken / turkey / duck Fish ensure it is well cooked. Try scrambled egg, omelette, hard boiled, egg mayonnaise Dairy foods milk cheese yoghurt. (Try fortifying your milk to increase protein: add 2-3 tablespoons of skimmed milk powder to a pint of milk. Use this milk on cereals, in milkshakes, drinks, milk puddings, sauces and added to soups. Pulses baked beans, kidney beans etc. lentils, peas, and chickpeas (including houmous) try adding to soups and casseroles. Nuts and seeds useful to add cereals and dishes or taken as snacks. Vegetarian options tofu, quorn, tempeh, and soya products. Good sources of energy foods: All food groups give some energy. Good sources of calories are carbohydrates: starchy (slow-acting) and sugary/refined (fast-acting) foods and fats. Starchy foods: Bread, potatoes, pasta/noodles, rice, cous cous, breakfast cereals, porridge Sweet potato, yam, cassava, plantain, matooke (green banana), chapati, naan Crackers, bagels, scones, teacakes, muffins, crumpets, brioche, crisps, cakes, biscuits are useful snacks if main meals taken are very small

High Calorie, High Protein Dietary Advice

Sugary foods: Sugar is a concentrated form of carbohydrate and an easy way of adding energy to the diet. Be aware that good dental hygiene is important, especially if sweet foods/drinks are taken between meals. NB: this group of foods is not advisable if

you have raised blood sugars. Sugar (brown/white), syrups, jam, honey, marmalade Sweets, chocolates, desserts, sweet cakes and biscuits Sugary drinks: fizzy, squashes/cordials, lucozade & isotonic/sports drinks Good sources of fat: Fats are the most concentrated source of calories, giving twice as many calories as a similar portion of carbohydrate or protein. A few people are intolerant to fat and find it aggravates diarrhoea therefore should not increase levels in the diet. For the majority it is the easiest nutrient to increase when appetite is poor and energy density is needed in the diet; it can then be used at a more moderate level once weight and appetite have improved. (Try to increase unsaturated fats (plant-based) in preference to animal fats.) Vegetable based cooking oils (e.g. olive and sunflower oils) Butter, margarines and spreads Mayonnaise (pasteurised), salad cream, dressings Full fat dairy products: milk, cheeses, cream/sour cream/creme fraiche, yoghurts, fromage frais Nuts (including peanut butter); seeds (including sesame seeds and tahini) Oily fish (e.g. sardines, mackerel, pilchards, salmon): tinned in oil or fresh Dips(e.g. houmous, taramasalata, cream cheeses, avocado/guacamole, salsa & sour cream) with crisps/tortilla chips/pitta bread Croissants, pastries, chocolate Fruits & vegetables: A persistently poor dietary intake can lead to a lack of certain nutrients. While fruit and vegetables are an important source of vitamins and minerals these foods are also filling, low in calories, and provide little if any protein. Fruit and vegetable portions should not be excessive. The following suggests ways to use these foods in a more calorie-dense way. A multivitamin and mineral preparation can be prescribed from your clinic and may be advisable to correct any potential deficiencies. Fruit: Serve fruit (fresh/tinned in syrup/frozen) with yoghurt, ice-cream, custard, cream or add to a milkshake. Dried fruit is higher in calories than fresh, but equally high in vitamins and minerals. Add dried apricots, prunes, apples, and pineapples to breakfast cereal or yoghurt. Eat with nuts as a snack. Add raisins or sultanas to curries, rice dishes or salads. Fruit juice is a more concentrated calorie source than fruit, often easier to consume if appetite is poor. Fruit puddings are useful: try fools, compotes, pies, crumbles, pastries, tinned in syrup. Vegetables & salads: Add olive oil or cheese to roasted vegetables. Serve veg. with cheese sauce and breadcrumbs. Add olive paste, pesto, cheese sauces to mashed potatoes and pasta. Serve crudits with high calorie dips (see fats section). Add avocado, sundried tomatoes, olives, nuts, cubes of cheese, croutons to salads and use dressings. D rinks: Choose nutritious fluids in preference to low calorie drinks, water, coffee and tea which fill you up.

If appetite is poor a large proportion of your calories can be acquired from high calorie fluids e.g. fruit juice, milk (fortified), milkshakes, drinking yoghurts, fizzy drinks, squashes/cordials, Ribena.

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