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Choose the correct answer : 1) Traffic analysis is a) Passive attack b) Active attack c)Not an attack d) Security mechanism 2) Which of the following involves capture of a data unit and its subsequent retransmission to produce an unauthorized effect. a) Masquerade b) Man in the middle attack c) timing attack d) Replay 3) The use of a trusted third party to assure certain properties of a data exchange is known as a) Event detection b)Trusted functionality c) Notarization d) Security Audit Trial 4) Which is sophisticated pre computer hardware devices that use substitution techniques. a) Steganography b) Malicious hardware c) Rotor machines d)None of these

5) Symmetric encryption is also known as. a) Single-key Encryption b) Conventional Encryption c) Secrete-key Encryption d) All of these 6) A substitution technique in which every new message requires a new key of the same length as the new message is known as a) Hill Cipher b) PlayFair Cipher 7) Rail Fence technique is a) Substitution technique c) Monoalphabetic cipher c) One-time pad d) Caesar Cipher

b) Transposition technique d) None of these

8) Which mode is ideal for short amount of data. a) Cipher Block Chaining Mode b) Cipher Feedback Mode c) Output Feedback Mode d) Electronic Codebook Mode 9) A typical block size in RSA algorithm is a) 64- bits b) 128-bits c) 512-bits d) 1024-bits 10) Diffie Hellman Protocol for key exchange is insecure from. a) Timing attack c) Brute force attack 11) Public-key Encryption provides. b) Man-in-the-middle attack d) Masquerade attack

a) Confidentiality and authentication b) Confidentiality but not authentication c) Authentication but not Confidentiality d) Only key exchange 12) Which is the function of all bits in a message and does not use key. a) MAC b) DSS c) Hash code d) Encryption 13) Direct digital signature involves a) Source and third party b) Destination and third party

c) Only source and destination d) Source, destination and third party 14) Challenge/response or nonce is used to avoid a) timing attacks b) Replay attacks c) Masquerade d) Traffic detector

15) A trusted third party is also known as a) Arbiter b) Distributer c) Both a and b d) None of these

16) In asymmetric encryption ,how many keys are required per communication party? a) 3 b) 2 c) 4 d) 1

17) When one entity pretends to be different entity, then it is called. a) Replay b) Non Repudiation c) Masquerade d) Blinding 18) Which algorithm is use only for key exchange a) DSS b) DES c) RSA d) Diffie-hellman 19) To verify a digital signature, we need a) Senders private key b) Senders public key c) Receivers private key d) Receivers public key 20) We trust a digital certificate because it contains. a) Owners public key b) Owners signature c) CAs public key d) CAs signature 21) A substitution technique in which matrix is constructed by filling in the letters of the keyword is called a) Caesar cipher b) Hill Cipher c) Playfair Cipher d) One-time pad 22) In brute force analysis of Caesar cipher how many keys are there to try? a) 50 b) 100 c) 150 d) 25 23) Triple DES algorithm uses key size of a) 56 bits b) 64 bits c) 168-bits d) 256 bits 24) Time stamps are used to avoid a) Timing attacks b) Replay attacks c) Masquerade d) Traffic analysis 25) Direct digital Signature provides a) Only Authentication b) Authentication and Confidentiality c) Authentication and key exchange d) Authentication, Confidentiality and key exchange 26) Which key distribution provides stronger security by providing tighter control over distribution from directory. a) Public key certificate c) Publicly available directory b) Public key authority d) All of these

27) Which cryptanalytic attack have knowledge of encryption algorithm and ciphertext. a) Chosen ciphertext b) Chosen plaintext c) Known ciphertext d) Ciphertext only 28) How many rounds are used in encryption using DES ?

a) 8 b) 12 c) 16 d) 10 29) Non-repudiation is a) Security service b) Security Mechanism c) Security attack d) None of these 30) How many input and output pins are used in each cylinder of rotor machine a) 6 & 4 b) 32 & 32 c) 26 & 26 d) 8 & 32 31) Hash code also referred as a) hash value b) MAC c) Massage digest d) both a & c 32) For block x, it is computationally infeasible to find y=x with H(y)=H(x) is called a) Strong collision resistance b) Weak collision resistance c) Computation resistance d) one-way property 33) A function of message and secrete key that produces fixed length value as an authenticator a) MAC b) Hash c) Encryption d) both a & b

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