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Hearken the Voice of the Oracle and Know ThySelf Royal Kemetic Science of Spirituality and Spirituality of Science

Amen-Ra Meri Netchem Em Aunkh Life, Love and Law The mystical gift of Life was presented to all to be fully enjoyed in any harmonious way possible and imaginable. The powerful and magnetic force that binds everything together is Love. The fullness of Love and Loving is hidden far beyond the veils of Life and Living. Yet, Love and Life, Loving and Living are inconceivable intertwined by Laws of Divine Nature. Thus Living the Life we Love can be fully realised by surrendering ones Being deeper into the mysteries of Trusting and Loving the Laws of Nature. The Laws of Nature are fully complete, immutable, yet constantly changing the cause of Life and Love because they are Life and Love Divine. Beloved! Life is Love and Love is an unshakable Law of the Divine Supreme, the One, the All, the Source, the Forceincluding You! Visualise and comprehend this Truth. I, You and Many have asked and continue to request for answers to their unending and unanswered questions: What is Love and why does It hurts so much? Whos got the Love I really need and how best can I Love without getting hurt? Why does It feel like it is too good to be true to be in Love [actually we say Fall]? What will happen if I loose my object of Love? Will I cope with Life without It? All these are very simple questions, yet mind boggling to those ill-prepared to fully embrace Natures Law, Love and Life [3Ls]. The hurt, loneliness and disappointments are our wake-up calls.


Mystical Journey of Self-Discovery Now let us first reveal some on the Truths while exposing the lie we tell ourselves or are programmed to believe. At this point, You, however need to be prepared to take a long, very Long Journey. It is the Journey to be lived with courage, fearlessness and freedom to choose wisely, as Your Ancient Afrikan Love Priestesses and Pure Pleasure Goddesses experienced and expounded to Us. In choosing to accept these natural principles, one need to be holistically [Body, Mind, Soul] prepared, to live even Beyond the Timeless Secrets of Divine and Conscious Relating. We should be prepared to dwell in Spirit and shed the darkness and opinions of the uninformed minds and the immature sensual perceptions. A pure mind and pristine feeling should complement our intuitive Self, and that take some time, but does worth the patience. That which is Divine and Fulfilling surely cannot be attained overnight. The Secrets of Fulfillment and Living Live to the Full takes practice, failure, hot tears, heartaches, learning and perfection. The Jewel is not at the end of the tunnel, but engraved on the Path itself. The Journey is paved with precious stones. The question is: Are You ready to walk the Higher Path of Fulfillment as Courageous Warrioress, a Conscious Divine Feminine focused on reclaiming Her Fullness? Deeper in the mysteries of this journey we find peace beyond pain and hurting. Meditate and ponder on the above issues for sometime.

Aunkh Khem S-Ma 12/12/2008

HetHeru Full-Moon

The Empty Journey to the Peaceful Void The Journey from pain to Pleasure

The Journey Through Emptiness Let me attempt to reduce some of my experiences to words, with the hope that You will meditate consistently until the issues below are revealed to You by Your Own Essence. I have mentioned that the Reason for Coming into Being is Full-Joyment of Live or Love or Law. Now why are we in so much pain, whether we have someone to love or not? Lack of self-satisfaction in Life and Love; I do agree with the Priestesses, is due to lack of Fullness, hence we move around amazingly filled with Emptiness. It is a sense of loss, deficiency and confusion. We move around with a very heavy heart and lack of Natural Awareness as if we have lost Consciousness. We become the Living Dead, i.e. the essential part of us has been taken away, removed, gone or it is not fulfilling our needs. Both helplessness and hopelessness become our best unwanted friends. Anger, anxiety, disappointment and irritability simply become extended family members that continue to reduce our self-esteem and quality of life. Depression sometimes sets in and we do not value ourselves because something worthy is gone; so we see no reason to Live and Love. Our essential nature is Consciousness. However, when we enter into so-called Relationships, we give up this sense of Self to the other. We compromise it due to fear of loss, and when the ship capsises; something of great importance gets lost. The immediate reaction is a sense of need, actually unknown to us is that its a sense of demand. We become filled with unending expectations to fullfill the emptiness so we may experience a sense of [false] fulfillment. Stay calm in Emptiness!

The Figment of a Relationship Bondage Unfulfilled, we start ascribing value due to poor judgment; to things, objects and events; as if these had qualities of deep inner joy for us. In this manner we voluntarily cheat ourselves and everyone who believes in such life fully filled with holes. All I am says is that demand-drive or need-to-have or expectation-based relationship is the best way to fall in and out of relationship, broken hearted. At its best ability, relationships are devoid of Love, Life and Law as they are man and woman made a dream-state that turns out to be our worst nightmare. The presence of expectations, needs, judgments, desires and hopes while one is unaware of these, is a clear indication of one who is self-victimised and imprisoned by self-made holes. The two or more that enter into a relationship, enter is the dark abyss of mental anguish and distress, and the intense agony of spiritual misery. The extent at which our emptiness and pain deepens, so is the intensity of the inner holes, and need to keep them filled with tranquilisers. The tranqualiser is the other person and what we believe the person is offering, i.e. the need and demand to be appreciated, the hopes or expectations to be given something that will make us happy. We wrongfully judge that the thing that makes us feel fulfilled in the other person is actually a part of us. Unconsciously, we mistaken the thing or the quality that contribute towards us being peaceful or pleasurable not only as part of us, but as us. It is here that the sense of ownership, selfishness, greed, control, obsession and possessiveness is born. We then move from pain to pleasure to pain, and call such a relationship. Do You relate to such a relationship form?


The Empty Journey to the Peaceful Void

Steadiness in Separation and Pain The separation of the wrongfully valued thing in the other person is mistaken is an essential part of us being taken away. When the other person leaves, or dies, we further mistaken and misjudge the natural law of life that everything MUST come to an end and unconsciously believe that something in is taken gone. Simply because the other was filling the hole, when they are gone, we feel the hole in us as us. The missing link is the reason for coming into Life, our natural sate of BeingPeace and Pleasure. Due to lack of Knowledge of Self, we waist our birthright by voluntarily offering that it be replaced by others and things involved. Knowledge of Self as Consciousness and Will will always grant one an opportunity to choose to go even beyond relating consciously, but to always choose the best as such is blessed by the best and can never settle for less. Them that have this Great Quest to enter in Spiritual Union will be required to understand that patience is the virtue of those that are better than the rest. As Conscious Being, their experience of their Union is on a Spiritual Platform; hence they first take a journey to purge themselves of the garbage filling their holes. They then sojourn into the path of aloneness [not loneliness], the meantime of learning the Art of Self-Love and the Science of SelfLoving. t is a journey to be under-taken with vision, devotion and mental clarity, complemented by high sense of circumspection, inner justice and wiliness to surrender to the harmony of the Laws of Nature, Love and Life. Will you endure the path of pain?

The Journey to Self-Healing The results of surrendering to Nature comes smoothly as we maintain an attitude of gratitude, living our Highest Good all the time, under all circumstance, in all places. This marks the beginning of the Journey of Healing and letting go of Beloved Mummys and Daddys indoctrinations, including so-called societal norms. It is the time to shed all religiosity and ready to be the pioneer of ones Life, ruling ones Destiny. It is a State of Madness but are Your Willing to be called insane, bearing in mind that the clinical definition of insanity is doing same thing, the same old way, using the same means, over and over again, whilst expecting a different result. The Journey of Self-Healing [removing stuff and cleaning our empty holes] involves Living in the NOW, i.e. when someone leaves us, we must take time to experience all the pain, anguish, etc in order to understand what kind of garbage they were, and which holes they filled. We must feel and fully experience our state of emptiness and learn to go beyond the pain and the need to be filled quickly. Experiencing our emptiness leads to the inner sanctuary where time is of essence. Meditation and holistic Living will teach us that no two things can occupy the same space at the same time. It is here that Life, Love and Law help us in cleansing our temple while appreciating our pure emptiness, the void of pure inner joy and inner peace. A state of reasonless joy and emotionless peace will soon usher in our unlimited potential to create a Loving Being i.e. infinite possibilities to create the New US.


THE SECRETS OF THE AFROCENTRIK SPIRITUAL UNION AND SACRED PARTNETSHIP Return the Goddess-Divine Feminine Healing and Creativity is the realm of Feminine and Black Goddesses and Priestesses of the Ancient Order of Devotion, Love and Pleasure mastered the Art of Love and Science of Loving by harnessing their ability to clear off their deficiencies and purposelessness. Together with the masculine energy of Stability, Justice and Happiness the Art of Love and Science of Loving was experienced by both Goddesses and Gods, as they discovered the Sacred Self. My Journeys is into these lonesome places revealed to my Being treasures of Self discovery, everlasting rewards of Self-Love and SelfSufficiency, through which all emptiness, sense of lacking, confusion and the path of pain are completely dissolved. This is holds the Joy of reclaiming ones original state of Being which is Love, Living a Loving Life. Freedom from hole-filing trash is freedom from automatic and compulsive emotional reaction to live and its events. There is no more hurts, jealousy, fear, anger, hatred and envy, but Divine Qualities of deep inner peace, confidence, friendliness, love, wellwishing, contentment, patience, serenity and tranquility. Everything emerges from within, original and experiential. Inside emerges a direct experience of knowledge, contrary to pseudo-passions or false feelings that are devoid of spiritual essence. If both, a Goddess and a God are fully satisfied within themselves, there wont be any need to compromise once natural state of Being Loving and Living. There wont be any faking, but the authentic Self will always emerge, including fully appreciating ones limitation by not allowing others and things to replace them. This is the Path of the Goddess. Will You Walk It? The Return of the Conscious Lover Those in search of being filled run out of clients, and in isolation are forces by the Law of Love, to self introspect. Whoever refuses to change, change will painfully change them, given time, their selfesteem naturally returns to them. Where there was hurting, true healing returns, and one becomes whole again, body, mind and soul. Returning to our essential peaceful nature reveals the secrets of pure emotions and feelings. One who returns to Self, reclaims ones Superior Feminine or Masculine. Rooted in confidence, uncompromising in living as authentic Beings, fearless in declaring and proclaiming their original needs, Conscious Lovers uplift One and All, Selflessly. In Loving Consciously, they emerge as Powerful Beings, complete while transcending likes and dislikes, going beyond preferences. They fullcourage their Lover to experience the fullness of Life and Love. They never stoop low nor dwell in fear of loss nor compromise their Divine Wholeness. Fear to declare my vision and fear of scaring the so-called lover away taught me the lesson that I actually lost them even before I could have them. Being a Fearless taught me be ready to for the Big Hole Death! It is beyond death the We subsist as Consciousness conscious of Being a Conscious Lover. The realisation of this Higher Truth is the basis of fully enjoying things when they are made available to us, and remain peaceful when they are gone, taken away or not satisfying our likes or dislikes or preferences. The Journey of Life has brought me to this point, where, I am learning that Choice, and not Circumstances, Determines our Success in Life. And much Joy I share with You in Your Quest for Inner Peace, whilst Loving Deeply without Attachment.


THE RE-EMERGENCE OF SUPREME CONCSIOUS LOVE Peace, Love and Pleasure To enter into the Supreme Sacred Spaces of the Secrets of Conscious Loving, one need to learn by living it s principles, Today as Yesterday, and Yesterday as tomorrow. This therefore requires of anyone considering entering its mystic and mysterious realms to be ready to receive its amazing wonders. Beyond its veils are gardens of serenity and tranquility, attainable to all of us; easily and effortlessly. Beloved! Love, Peace and Pleasure are the properties of the Goddesses to be shared with a God. Reclaiming our Divinity is our birthright, and fulfilling this inherent need is the highest act of Love. We need to BE Love, i.e. its nature is to be given, and never owned. Its Law of to give unconditionally expecting nothing in return. It never thinks of itself as deserving, though it is the most deserving of our nature, hence it is rooted in humility. Loving with humility eases up the heart and makes one to Love freely, honestly and deeply, without fear of loss of a beloved as it can never be lost or gained, but integrated in ones life as a way of living. Commitment to understanding the interdependence, interrelationship and interconnected of things, events and reasons for such occurrences is part of the mystery of love. These are keys in our lives in that they are prerequisites for loving unconditionally, and unconditional love underscores detachment, which in turn determines our ability to fulljoy life and not necessarily things [money, beauty, and partner]. Our ability to fulljoy life and living, helps us in enjoying enjoyable things, whilst understanding that such things do not have joy in and by themselves. We therefore move from Peace to Pleasure to Peace as these are the effects of being in Love or Loving. It is impossible to be joyous if we are neither peaceful nor experiencing pleasurable from within. The Joy of Life and Love Moving from Inner Peace to Pleasure and back to Peace is crucial in Living a Healthy Life, because it gives us the ability to heal, quickly from every situation, including the one You are in. Your quest is to know how to free yourself from inner anguish. The answer requires patience and one should be prepared to take a journey of Self Knowledge. Without commitment to understanding Life and Self, ones socalled love-life will soon be on a headlong collision with the original realities of Life. Lack of true knowledge of self will inevitably render a relationship a field of fleeting excitement followed by what may be considered loss or break-up or divorce a Joyless Live! The Art of Love and Science of Loving, as seen through an Afrikan Inner-Eye, ushers in the emergence of Conscious Relating evolving into Conscious Loving culminating into Spiritual Union for Healing and Spiritual Evolution. Our solar system, galaxy and milky-way will soon be calibrated into the dance of Cosmic Balance. This is the time to return to the roots, open the first eye and let the spiritually uplifting Love flow first of all to All, without prejudice. We must take time-off of mediocre relationships, heal, and consciously create the Divine and Spiritual Mates, and let go of some foolish dudes or dude-resses. How Much are you willing to Give Up? Beloved, the path to lasting bliss is a simple one and not in the other but within the very core of Your Being. Accessing it requires a complete overhaul of Your present Way of Life into something new and meant for the future. Without it, You will remain stuck in the museum of the past, hankering for days gone by, missing the opportunities of living in the Now, and lamenting Your inadequacies to fit into Futuristic Societies crafting the Future of Love and Life. A holistic Way of Life rooted in Your Joyous Culture will help you realise this form of Bliss. Stay Close!


THE GREAT DECREE AND INVOCATION OF HOLISTIC LOVE Living the Vision and Loving the Legacy Living the Vision of Future Conscious Loving Societies is a Legacy we must Live NOW. Prepare to enter into the meantime of 2012 Summer Solstice by transforming You whole Being. Prepare to Live the Afrikan Creation of Conscious Societies by Visualizing and Affirming such in a state of Great Trance. I continue learn the art and science of returning to Itongo [The Source], by invoking the full cellular ascension of our Being in the NOW. I proclaim and share My divine frequency with All that interact with while I reclaim harmony with all Elements of Life, Beings of Lights, and the Wise Guides. I activate all my cells with the unified power of the Source while I decree my Highest Good. I decree Grace and Mercy and the full truth and reality of Spiritual Ascension, rising above lower lusty vibrations NOW. I invoke and dream awake the transcendental fire I breath, transmuting My whole Being as I. I am an Conscious!. I return to my full realised abundance, self-sufficient and wholeness, fulfilling My every divine needs and desires. I proclaim the end of all procrastination, tiredness, blockages, obstacles and unhealthy belief systems. I consciously live in my infinite opulence of Love within and release all my reactive karma in all My relations. I reclaim My personal empowerment in every instance so everyone could be divinely positively by My Being, thoughts, words and creations. I reclaim My eternal Self, so powerful and fully aligned with the Goddess of Consciousness. I invoke all My Guardians and Guides, to realign and heal all My energies fields, including the full restructuring of My DNA. I consciously transmute all negative psychic energies, automatically, easily and effortlessly NOW. I am empowered by EveryThing. I reclaim My infinite empowerment of My sexual, spiritual, physical, emotional, mental and financial relationship with Life and Love and Law. I invoke and dream awake the mysteries of creative sacred sexuality, erotic innocence and will always express the sacredness and mystical nature of My sexual force for creativity, healing, spiritual pleasure and expansion of consciousness. I consciously invoke world sexual healing from woundedness and shame. I realise all internal and external manipulating tendencies from my Being. I decree and release all inadequacies, anger, hatred, envy, jealousy and My controlling nature from My past, present and future relations. I invoke My lucid dreaming in order to remember them upon waking. I invoke and dream awake my infinite harmony with Goddess with I Am. I decree the full miraculous healing power for My life is a continuous stream of miracles. I reclaim my infinite ability and willingness to receive all lifes blessings, invoking my constant attitude of gratitude for My whole Life, My accomplishments and blessings including the Universe at large. I invoke and dream awake all My decrees, meditations, visualisations, invocations and prayers to the Universe and I open Myself to Goddesss response for support and Love. I decree My Highest Good and declare the release from the present incarnation all decrees and vows of limitations, insecurities and fear not favorable to ascension NOW. I Am Peace, Love and Divine Pleasure! IN THIS NOW.



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