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Max. Marks: 20] [Time: 25 Minutes

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Q01. Q02. Q03. If 5sin A 3cos A 3 , the value of 3sin A 5cos A is: (A) 5 (B) 5 (C) both 5 and 5 (C) an even integer (D) 3 (D) an odd integer
1 1 and a+b is: a 2 b2

n 2 1 is divisible by 8, if n is: (A) an integer (B) natural number

If a and b are zeroes of x 2 2 x 5 then a quadratic polynomial with zeroes as (A) 25 x 2 44 x 12 (B) 25 x 2 44 x 12 (C) 25 x 2 24 x 12

(D) None of these

Q04. Q05.

The value of angle A for which 3cosec2 A 2sec A is: (B) 30 (C) 90 (D) None of these (A) 60 The pair of equations x=a and y=b graphically represents lines which are: (A) parallel (B) intersecting at (b, a) (C) intersecting at (a, b) (D) coincident If cos9 sin , 9 90 , then the value of tan5 is: (A) 1/ 3 (B) 1 (C) 3 (D) 0 When Euclids lemma is used for a b with q and r as quotient and remainder respectively, then: (A) a bq r (B) a br q

Q06. Q07.

(C) b aq r

(D) both A and C

Q08. Q09.


If sin cos 0 , then the value of sin cos is: (A) 1 (B) 3/4 (C) 1/4 (D) 1/2 The correct relation in the followings is: (A) Mode= 2Median3Mean (B) Mode= 3Median2Mean (C) Mode= 2Median+3Mean (D) Mode= 3Median+2Mean The areas of two similar triangles are 144cm2 and 81cm2. If one median of the first triangle is 16cm, length of corresponding median of the second triangle is: (A) 9cm (B) 27cm (C) 12cm (D) 16cm

OP Gupta, having done engineering in Electronics & Communications, has written several books, study materials and practice materials on Mathematics for his students of classes X, XI and XII. A sample of these can be obtained from

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