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Vol. 44 No.

2 SCIENCE IN CHINA (Series E) April 2001

Chaotic phenomena and small signal stability region of
electrical power systems
YU Yixin ( ~ 9 J ; ~ ), JIA Hongjie ( ~ %, ~ ) & WANG Chengshan CI.. A J-J )
School of Electrical Automation and Energy Engineering, Tianjin University, Tianjin 300072, China
Received September 6, 2000
Abstract In this paper, chaos phenomena and its influence on the power system small signal stabil-
ity region (SSSR) are studied. We first review the studies on the SSSR, and point out that it is very
important to make clear whether there exist some chaotic components on the boundary of the SSSR.
Next, with some analytic skills of nonlinear dynamic system, we give a complete bifurcation diagram of
a chaos existing in a sample power system, from a limit cycle (period-I ) to chaotic state through cas-
cading period-doubling bifurcation. The characteristics of the system energy varying in the continuous
bifurcation are also shown. Thus a conclusion that chaos is always out of the Hopf bifurcation compo-
nents (HB) on the SSSR' s boundary. Based on this conclusion and some further studies, we confirm
that, from the viewpoint of power system engineering, we do not need to consider the existence of
chaos in the SSSR and its boundary. Therefore greatly simplifying the study of SSSR. Moreover,
some aspects of the attractive regions of chaos and limit cycle are also studied, which is helpful to un-
derstanding some mistakes in some previous articles.
Keywords: power systems, chaos, small signal stability region, nonlinear system.
With the fast development of the power system, its deregulation and the environment protec-
tion constraint aggravation, power system instability problems have become increasingly concerned
topics and have attracted more and more attention. The voltage instability and collapse have so far
been a hotspot. According to the IEEE suggestions [I], power system stability (including voltage
stability and angle stability) analysis can be classified into 3 categories: transient stability analy-
sis (TSA) , small signal stability analysis (SSSA) and static stability analysis (SSA). In this pa-
per, we only study some problems of power system SSSA and power system small signal stability
region (SSSR). Without confusion, the 'stability' in the following of this paper refers to the
small signal stability.
It is commonly accepted that the system small signal instability is associated closely to some
bifurcation of power systems[2]. There are three kinds of bifurcation in literature: (i) saddle-
node bifurcation (SNB), first presented by Kwatny[3], which is relative to the power system
monotonous instability phenomena, (ii) Hopf Bifurcation (HB), which, as first pointed out by
] , is relative to the power system oscillatory instability phenomena, (iii) singularity induced
bifurcation (SIB), which is first defined by Zaborszky'<". Later, Guo and Salam[6] further studied
this bifurcation with singularity perturbation technique and found it is also relative to some system
monotonous instability events. More recently, another more complex phenomenon called chaos was
found in power systems[7-IZ], which can be viewed as a kind of oscillatory instability!) from the
I) In the viewpoint of mathematics, chaotic action is a type of special stability. However, no continuous oscillating is allowed to exist
in anypower systemoperation. So in this paper we regard the chaos as one type of oscillating instability of power systems.
188 SCIENCE IN CHINA (Series E) Vol. 44
viewpoint of power system engineering. And, some researchers[7-IO] have found that in the power
injection space, the power load required for the appearance of chaos may be less than that for the
Hopf bifurcation. If this is true, the boundary of SSSR should consist of a chaotic component be-
sides the well-known three bifurcation sub-boundaries of the SNB, HB and SIB, thus making the
study of SSSR very complicated due to the complexity of chaotic behavior.
In this paper, chaos phenomena and its influence on the power system SSSR are studied.
We first review the studies on the SSSR, and point out that it is very important to make clear
whether there exist some chaotic components on the boundary of the SSSR or not. Next, with
some analytic skills of nonlinear dynamic system, we give a complete bifurcation diagram of a
chaos existing in a sample power system, from a limit cycle (period-L) to chaotic state through
cascading period-doubling bifurcation. The characteristics of the system energy varying in the
continuous bifurcation process are also shown, which gives a conclusion that chaos always appear
outside the HB boundary of SSSR. Based on the conclusion and some further studies, we confirm
that, from the viewpoint of power system engineering, there is no need to consider the existence
of chaos in the SSSR and its boundary. This conclusion excludes the unnecessary complication in
the study of SSSR. Moreover, some aspects of the attractive regions of chaos and limit cycle are
also studied, which helps to understand some mistakes in some previous articles.
1 Power system small signal stability and power system small signal stability region
Power system small signal stability is the ability of a power system to remain in a state of the
original operating equilibrium under small and instantaneous disturbances, or to transfer to a new
state of operating equilibrium similar (i. e. differential homeomorphism) to the original state' if
the small disturbances keep constant. That is to say, when a power system is small signal stable,
it will never diverge monotonously or lose the operating equilibrium through oscillation of increas-
ing amplitude under any small disturbances. Obviously, the studies on the power system small
signal stability only concern the conditions close to a system operating equilibrium.
Commonly, a power system can be described by the following differential-algebraic equations
(DAE)[13] :

= f(x,y,p), (1)
o = g(x,y,p),
where x E R" is the system state variable vector, y E R" is the system algebraic variable vector
and p E RP is the system control variable vector. For a given vector p, the system operating e-
quilibrium set EPs(p) can be defined as
EPs(p) j(x,y) I f(x,y,p) = 0 & g(x,y,p) = of. (2)
Power system small signal stability is just defined on the system EPs. Given an equilibrium
point (xo, Yo) E EPs, linearize the system of eq. (1) near the point of (xo, Yo):

= fx I (x ,y) 6x + fy I ( ). 6y ,
o 0 xo'Yo (3)
o = s. I (xo'yo) 6x + gy I (x ). 6y,
0' Yo
where, L f
s., gyare abbreviations of aflox, aflay, aglax and agloy, respectively,
Further define and D (p)
gy I (xo'yo)' Then system of eq. (3) can be described as
6 ~ = A (p) . 6x + B (p) . 6y , ( 4)
0= C(p)6x+D(p)6y.
If the matrix D (p) of eq. (4) is nonsingular, 6 y can be eliminated and eq . (4) can be sim-
plified into
AX = A(p) . ~ x , (5)
where A (p ) =A (p ) - B (p ) D (p ) - 1C (p ) .
Theorem 1. Suppose that matrix D (p) of eq. (4) is nonsingular, the system of eq. (1)
is small signal stability if and only if all the eigenvalues of matrix A(p) have negative real parts.
Note that all the matrices A(p), B(p), C(p), D(p) and A(p) are functions of the
control variable p. And the eigenvalues of A (p) are also functions of parameter p. According to
the variation in eigenvalues of A(p ) , we can define the following two types of instability modes:
Definition 1. Suppose that matrix D(p) of eq . (4) is nonsingular, if there is an eigen-
value A whose real part turns from negative to positive with the continuous variation of p, and
then define the point p' where A =0 as the saddle-node bifurcation (SNB) point of system (1) .
After the point of SNB, system (1) will lose its small signal stability through a monotonous diver-
gence mode.
Definition 2. Suppose that matrix D (p) of eq . (4) is nonsingular. If there is a couple of
conjugate eigenvalues A, A* =a j b (b ~ 0) whose same real part turns from negative to posi-
tive with the continuous variation of p, then define the point p' where A,A * = j b as the Hopf
bifurcation (HB) point of system (1). After the point of HB, system (1) will lose its small sig-
nal stability through an oscillatory mode of increasing amplitude.
The assumption of the nonsingularity of matrix D(p) is not always true. Under some condi-
tion, matrix D (p) can turn singular. So the algebraic vector 6y cannot be eliminated, and eq.
(5) cannot be obtained. Ref. [5] has defined such a phenomenon as one type of bifurcation,
singularity induced bifurcation (SIB) as follows.
Definition 3. Define the point p' where matrix D (p) turns singular as the SIB point of
system (1). At this point, algebraic eq. (4) turns unsolvable. The following theorem describes
the characteristics of system SIB.
Theorem 2[6,14J With the variation in parameter p, a real eigenvalue f1. of matrix D (p )
comes across the origin and turns its signal. At the same time, a real eigenvalue A of matrix
A(p) also changes its signal, and will come from one infinite end to the other (i. e. + 00 -- -
00 or - 00 -- + 00 ). For the case of an eigenvalue A of matrix, A(p) turns from - 00 to
+ 00 , system (1) loses its small signal stability and the instability mode is monotonous diver-
Furthermore, in the control parameter space RP, the small signal stability region nsss of
system (1) can be defined as follows.
Definition 4.
Qsss 1pEW I all the eigenvalues of A(p) have negative real parts f (6)
Note that when matrix D (p) is singular, A(p) does not exist. So the boundary dnsss of system
SSSR consists of three types of point sets (bifurcation curves) [13 J :
dasss = ISNBs I U 1HBs f U 1SIBs I . (7)
In practical system power calculation, SIB can hardly appear.
In recent years, some researchers[7-12J have captured some chaotic phenomena in power
190 SCIENCE IN CHINA ( Series E) Vol. 44
system simulation. Chaos exhibits a continuous and random oscillation . So it is forbidden in the
power system operation. According to refs. [7-10J, in paramet er RPspace, chaos can exist in
the Q ", just as shown in fig. 1, where chaotic region is within the HB sub-boundary and in the
system SSSR. As discussed above, if this conclusion is true, it will cause much trouble in the
studies of SSSR .
2 Evolution of the bifurcation under small
disturbances and chaos
Stable region ( SSR)
Fig. 1 . The case that chaos in the system SSSR ( QI dis
power syste m rea ctive load and d is sys tem da mping fac -
tor ) .
0.1 0
Chaos is a completely undeterministic phe-
nomenon without any randomness generated by a
completely deterministic system itself IS]. From the
above description , we may catch a glimpse of its
complexity. The chaotic phenomenon is so complex
that we cannot give it a precise definition, even an
appropriate description. For a long time, people
can only give some typical properties about a chaot-
ic set denoted by '1i' [IS,16] as follows: (i) '1i' is
stable and bounded (in some references, it is often
called a strange attractor}: (ii) any trajectory in '1i' is unstable; (iii ) there are uncountable tra-
jectories in '1i', which are all dense in '1i'; (iv) all of the periodic trajectories in '1i' make up a
dense set; (v) the trajectory in '1i' is very sensitive to the initial conditions, i. e. no matter how
close to each other they are at the beginning, any two trajectories will be diverged and become
quite different things; (vi) '1i' is a Cantor set, which implies that '1i' is a fractal, etc . In the fol-
lowing part of this section, we will use a simple power system to illustrate the evolution of the bi-
furcation when the system comes into chaos .
A simple power system . Fig . 2 .
2 . 1 A sample chaotic attractor in power system
Consider the power system model with 3 buses
shown in fig. 2. which has been used in ref. [ 8 J. It
can be regarded as one generator supplying power to a lo-
cal load. The external system is treated as an infinite
bus. And the line connecting the generator to the infinite
bus can be regarded as a weak tie . The detailed equa-
tions are given in Appendix 1. All of the system data are the same as those in ref. [ 12 J except
what we emphasize especially .
We can get the following ordinary differential equation ( ODE) :
x= I( x ,p ) , (8 )
where p is the bifurcation variable. When a two-axis generator model with a fast excitation system
is used, the state variables of eq. ( 8 ) will be x =[() , Sm , E' d, E' s : E
()L, V
F. When a
classical generator model is used (see sec . 5), the state variables then change into x =[(), Sm'
() L, VL F, which is the same model as that in refs. [7- 10J except Y3 equals zero and a correc-
tion is made to the generator inertia M in this paper . We still choose Q1d as the bifurcation vari-
able p in the following.
In fig. 2, when we choose the two-axis generator model with a fast excitation system, and
set the system parameters as follows: T
= 0.05, K
= 140. Suppose that the initial state vector
xo= [0.7611155,0,1.332678, -0.3283270,4. 198358,0.2396075,0.7795296]T. Select the
following two values of Q1d (there is only 5 X 10 - 7 difference between these two variables) as bi-
furcation variables:
Case 1 . Q1d =1 .2030000 (plotted with a solid line in the diagram) ;
Case 2. QI d =1 .2030001 (plotted with a dashed line in the diagram) .
Other unmentioned variables are chosen the same as Case a of ref. [12]. Integrating the
system equations, we can get the results of fig. 3 ( a) - ( c). Fig. 3 ( a) illustrates the curve of
the generator phase angle 0 vs time t. Fig. 3(b) gives the zoom-in result in the time period t =
1460 - 1500s. And fig. 3( c) is the o-sm phase graph of Case 1 . We can observe from these fig-
ures that the results have all the properties of chaotic attractor, such as boundedness (note that
we can always get the same results even with different integration algorithms and integrating up to
30000 s), sensitivity. to the initial condition, density. and instability. of all the trajectories , etc.
1490 1480
l Is
. : : ~ ' I f.::.::
,', ~ c
: 'ii i
" .
: : ~ . ~ j ,
: ~ t r l ~ ~ :
:, I
" ,
, ,
, , ,
, , ,
: I , I ' ~
, , ,
, I
" I
, "
I ,
' ,
, I
, , , ,
, ,
I ,
i I
'.0;) 0.
1500 1000
~ 0.5
Fig. 3. (a) Two ii-I curves with respect to the two initial points; (b) the zoom-in ii-I curves with 1= 1460-1500s; (c) the
'm-ii phase curve of Case I .
2.2 Evolution of the system bifurcation to chaos
Using the technique of Piocare section and Piocare mapping' IS], we give the full bifurcation
diagram of the system in fig. 4, where the Piocare section is selected as . ISm =0, and 0
<8c s 8c denotes the oscillating center of the angle 0 f , where 1J is the 0 coordinate of the cross
point of the Piocare section and system trajectories. The top frame in fig. 4 is a zoom-in
branch of the period-3 screen. And, the evolution of the system periods is given in figs. 5 ( a)
and (b) .
192 SCIENCE IN CHINA (Series E) Vol. 44
Fig. 4. System bifurcation graph in the (b, QI d) plane.
1.200 1.1 95
- 0.2
- 0.2
When Qld is less than 1.1915 p. u . ,
there is only a stable period-one solution in the
system (fig. 5 (b) -0. Then a period-2 trajec-
tory appears, and keeps up until the QI d equals
about 1.1970 p.u. (fig. 5(b)-2). From then
on, a period-4 trajectory floats up (fig. 5 ( b)-
3), then period-8 occurs at QI d = 1 . 19808 p.
u , and so on. Until QI d is equal to about
1 . 19845 p. u. , the chaotic phenomenon comes
into light. Now, the system is controlled by a
so-called strange attractor (fig. 5 ( b ) -4 ). In
the study of famous logistic mapping, it is
known that there exist some exquisite structures
in the chaotic region[15J. The system behavior
of this paper is very similar. There are also
exquisite structures of these type in the chaotic region as shown in fig. 4. When QI d is equal to
1.20136 p.u. approximately, a distinct period-3 is popping out (fig. 5(b)-5). This period-3
trajectory is kept up till QI d = 1 .201525 p. u. Then system comes to period-6 (fig. 5 (b) -6) ,
period-12 (where Qld = 1.201559 p. u.), and so on. Until Qld is about 1.20160 p. u . , the
system comes again to a chaotic condition through a series of period-doubling bifurcation. At this
point, another stable strange attractor appears (fig. 5 ( b) -7). Throughout this evolution, the sys-
tem oscillatory amplitude becomes larger and larger. At last, when QI d is about 1 .2035 p. u. ,
the stable condition of the strange attractor is broken. At this point, the system has already ap-
proached the critical state of the chaotic condition.
Another property of the chaotic system is that its bifurcation graph is a fractal['5J. When
some small local screens of the whole graph zoom in, one can get a similar graph with the same
structure just like the original one. It is true in our system. They all come from a regular state
and go to an irregular condition through the continuous period-doubling bifurcation as shown in
fig. 4. Due to the difficulty in illustration, we only give the zoom-in result of a typical period-3
branch. Of course, there are also more exquisite and smaller screens in the zoom-in part and the
other diagram part. For example, there are obviously two screens of period-5 and period-6 just
before the screen of period-3 in fig. 4. But the capture of their trajectories is more difficult.
Chaos is another type of oscillating phenomenon which is near instability. But it is very dif-
ficult to precisely capture the chaos surface in practice. In real power system operation, chaos is
not allowed to exist. Moreover, from the above discussion, we can find that when the load of the
system is monotonically increasing, it will meet the PDB prior to the chaos in the parameter
space. At the same time, they are very close. So it is reasonable to use the boundary of PDB as
an approximate boundary of chaos from the viewpoint of power system engineering.
3 Rules of system energy variation in the evolution of bifurcation to chaos
Two famous theorems for chaotic phenomena, i. e. Sarkovskii Theorem[ 15J and Li-Yorke[16J
Theorem, make use of the Sarkovskii series (see Appendix 2). This series, in the real physical
system, is always related to the energy needed for the appearance of each periodic cycle, such as
the critical temperature for Lorenz system' 17J, the critical temperature difference for the varied
Period- l or Chaos
QJ.f' 1.1915 1.1970 1.19808 1.198301.19845
eriod-3T Period-6r Period-12-.--. TChaos
1.20136 1.201525 1.201559 1.201566 1.20160
- 0.02
- 0.5 o 0.5 1.0
Fig. 5. (a) Periods evolution of the system. (b) System phase graph of different periods. 1-6. Peri-
ods-I -6; 7. chaos.
Benard cells[12] structures, the critical stress for the fracture phenomenon[13], etc. In an electri-
cal power system, the evolution of system periods also obeys the following
Proposition 1. In the periodic evolution of a system (fig. 4), the required energy of the
sequent period is incremental, i , e 0 E 1(energy of period-L) < E2 (energy of period-Z) < E4
0 0 0
. ' The corresponding periodic series is just the inverted order of the last line in Sarkovskii
In an electrical power system, the system energy Esys consists of two parts: kinetic energy
Ek and potential energy E p[ 13] :
194 SCIENCE IN CHINA ( Series E) Vol. 44
For simplicity, in this paper we only give a simple explanation with the power system tran-
sient energy function (TEF). Choose the classical system model under the assumption that the
matrix of damping factor D is zero and all transmission lines are pure inductive, i. e. G = O.
Then the system kinetic energy and potential energy are given as
e, = 1/2
i = I
( 10)
ng - ng IItf+ 1
EI' =- - 81) - vYjBijlcos(8
- 8
- cos(8i - 8J) f , (11)
i= 1 i = I j = i + I
where M
is the inertia constant of generator i; Wi is the speed variation of generator i (in this
paper we use Sm to represent the same meaning); ng + 1 is the total number of generators, with
the (ng + 1) -th generator as the swing bus; 8i is the angle of generator rotor i; Bij is the con-
ductance of the ij-th branch. We choose a stable equilibrium point S (SEP) near the first Hopf
bifurcation point as a reference point (here Esys =0) in order to compare the difference in energy
among different period bifurcations, and use the superscript s to denote the corresponding values .
The system energy variation in fig. 5 is given in table 1. It is obvious that its variation fol-
lows Proposition 1.
Table I The relationship between system period variation and system energy values
Order 2 3 4 5 6
1.190000 1.193000 1.195000 1.197000 1.198100 1.199500
Period 1 2 2 4 8 Chaos
0.233939 0 .276308 0.296612 0 .311580 0 .331549 0 .355675
Order 7 8 9 10 11 12
o; 1.201500 1.201530 1.201600 1.201620 1.201630 1.203462
Period 3 6 6 6 12 Chaos
E.,. 0.397697 0.399611 0.401730 0.402382 0.402695 0 .574087
The system energy Esys is generated by the system disturbance. In this paper, we categorize
the load increasing as the system general disturbance. Disturbance leads the system energy to in-
crease. When the energy grows up to a critical level beyond the acceptable value of the system,
the system will turn instable (different bifurcations or chaos). 50 we can directly get the following
Deduction 1. From the angle of system energy changing, the necessary precondition for
the existence of chaos is that there already exists a period orbit in the system, or in other words,
there must be a Hopf bifurcation prior to the chaos. So in the study of power system small signal
stability, the chaos can hardly take place prior to the Hopf bifurcation.
Remark. When the transmitted loads, including real and reactive power, increase, the
line angle differences get larger and the system potential energy increases at the same time[13]. If
the transmitted loads at the appearance of chaos are smaller than that of HB, which means the
system potential energy at chaos is smaller, then the kinetic energy at chaos must be larger than
that at HB. In refs. [ 7- 10] the initial condition is that Xo =[ 0 . 3 , 1. 5,0.2,0.97 JT with a
very large initial slip Wo ( =sm) =1.5. Why we use such a large initial speed is that the system
can get higher energy such that a chaos is likely to appear. This has been proven by simulation.
One may disbelieve that so large a speed can exist in the practical operation of the power system.
Even if it can, this scene is beyond the category of the small signal stability study. 50 it is rea-
sonable to just consider the limits of HB and SNB in the study of 5SSR.
Deduction 2. Because any large-amplitude oscillation in power system operation is forbid-
den, i. e. the existence of HB is impermissible, it is enough to consider the effects of SNB, SIB
and HB in practical SSSR study.
Remark. Deduction 2 only indicates that it is not necessary to include the effects of chaos
small signal stability region. The chaotic phenomenon is very likely to be a scene of the instability
after some large disturbances. So in the studies of large-disturbance stability, one still needs to
investigate chaotic behavior more deeply. Some further discussion can be seen in sec. 5.
4 Some samples and analytic results on the power system SSSR
In this section, we will study the influence of the system tie line Y3 and the excitation pa-
rameters on the Hopf bifurcation and the chaos. A famous analytic tool AUT09i
] commonly
used in nonlinear dynamic system study is adopted. The following results can serve as evidence of
the above conclusion.
0.5 0.4
4.1 The relationship between the SSSR of power system and its network electrical connection
Fig. 6 gives the influence of system tie line Y
on (fig. 2) the HB and chaos, where we also use
PDB to approximate the boundary curve of chaos.
The shadowed part under the solid curve is the sta-
:! 1.4
bility region. We can find that the network electrical Cll
connection intensity extraordinarily influences the
system oscillatory instability scenes. When the net-
work electrical connection is weak, it is apt to suffer 0.1 0.2 0.3
from the oscillatory instability. However, if the net- Y
work electrical connection is tight, the probability of Fig. 6. Relationship between the SSSR of power system
oscillatory instability can be reduced greatly. and its network electrical connection intensity.
4.2 The relationship between the SSSR of power system and the generator excitation
Choosing a two-axis generator model with a fast excitation system in fig. 2, we calculate the
stability regions bounded by the HB and PDB surfaces using different excitation system parame-
ters. The result is shown in fig. 7 (a). The upper boundary is corresponding to the PDB surface
and the lower one is HB surface. Spaces below such surfaces are the system stability regions. In
order to give a distinct illustration, we show their difference in fig. 7 ( b) . The boundary surface
of PDB is always over the one of HB, indicating that it suffices to only consider the bound of
SNB, SIB(monotonous instability bound) and HB (oscillatory instability bound) in the practical
SSSR study.
From fig. 7 ( b), we can discover the following simple tendency of 6 Q1d (where 6 Q1d =
QPDD - QHD): When K
turns smaller, 6 Q1d turns larger, and vice versa; at the same time,
when T
turns smaller, 6 QI d turns smaller too, and vice versa. So we can say that if the gain of
the excitation K
is very large and the time constant T
is very small, then 6 QI d will tum very,
very small. In the extreme condition, e. g. the gain K
goes to infinitely large or the time con-
stant T
becomes zero, which is just the assumption of Chiang's model (the terminal voltage of
the generator is assumed as a constant), 6 Q1d will approach to zero. So we can conclude that,
for the system in fig. 2, the conclusion of QPOD < QHB is possibly caused by the unsuitable
196 SCIENCE IN CHINA (Se ries E) Vol. 44
1.2 :.( 1 ) :.
1.0 :.) [ } 1...
.., 0.8 ; . . . .
~ :: .; .....:.......:...... :...
06 .' . .
0:4 : L ~ . : : : : : . 1 . : : : : : t : : : . L : :
0.2 . ;.: : .: : ;'.. ~ . m fm'fll.
o.: (a) ' : .: :
400 350 300 250 200 150
0.8 .' .,'
0.6 ..
~ .., .
Fig . 7. (a) The PDB and HB boundaries with different K A and TA; ( b) difference between the PDB and HB bound-
aries under different K A and T A
choice of system model or by choosing an impossible initial point (e. g. the initial generator speed
deviation/ slip is chosen as 1.5 p. u . ). Under ordinary condition, the appearance of a PDB is al-
ways later than that of an HB.
5 Pseudo-stability regions of power system and further discussion of fig. 1
In order to give a further discussion of fig. 1, we select the same model and parameters as
those in refs. [7-10J. Let us fix the generator damping factor d to a possible value in the range
of chaotic appearance, e . g . d =0 .07 (i . e . the AB line in fig. 1) , which is corresponding to a
specific system. Based on the Floquet theorem!15-20] , and using the same method as that in ref.
[ 9 J, start from an HB point (i . e . the point A at fig. 8) in the set of system equilibrium points ,
slowly change the value of QI d and the period of the limit cycle, and keep one of the system Flo-
quet multipli er as 1 .0. Then we can get a branch of limit cycle curve of system ( 8). This curve
splits the whole QI d _ Sm plane into several parts just as shown in fig . 8. Furthermore , let us de-
fine the points in Q1d - Sm plane converging to stable chaotic attractor (SCA) of the system as
SCA ' s pseudo-stability region, the points converging to the system stable equil ibrium point
(SEP) as SEP' s pseudo-stability region, and the points converging to the stable limit cycles
( SLC, including period-l and period- n, n ~ 1 as integer ) as the SLC' s pseudo-stability regi?n .
Then the Q1d - Sm plane separates into four parts: three pseudo-stability regions of SEP , SLC
and SCA and one unstable region as shown in fig.
8 . Power system regular operating point is
corresponding to the equilibrium ( including stabl e
equilibrium points--SEPs and unstabl e equilib-
rium points--UEPs ) point of system ( 8),
which is just the horizontal coordinate in fig . 8.
At point A, a system Hopf bifurcation appears.
The aliform curve ABDstarting from point A is just
the limit cycle curves of system ( 8). At point B
on this curve , a system cyclic fold bifurcation
( CFB) [ 10] occurs . Unstable branch of limit cycle
Fig. 8 . Power system pseudo-s tability regions .
AB turns into a stable branch BC after the CFB.
At point C, the first period-doubling bifurcation- PDB of system (8) appears. Nearby and right to
point C is the system SCA' s pseudo-stability region. From fig. 8, we can find that if any possi-
ble operating point converges to a stable chaotic attractor , it must first traverse the limit cycle
curve ABD, which can be simple evidence for deductions 1 and 2 in sec . 3.
We emphasize here that the SEP' s pseudo-stability region in fig. 8 is complet ely different
from the traditional small signal stability region-SSSR. Points inside the SEP spseudo-stability re-
gion do not require a small initial generator speed slip Sm ( =wo), which is the precondition of
the small signals (or small disturbances) . Instead , the possible operating points that can con-
verge to the SEP are all categorized into their pseudo-stability regions, while the SSSR only con-
cerns the points very close to the SEPs, i . e. Sm = o. So a possible reason for the mistake of fig.
1 may confuse the distinction between transient stability (large disturbance) study and small sig-
nal (small disturbance) stability study, and improperly regard the pseudo-stability regions with
larger initial generator speed slip as power system SSSR. We use prefix "pseudo-" because many
points inside the pseudo-stability regions of SEP, SLC and SCA have a very large initial generator
speed slip and belong to the range of large disturbance (in fact, some points are even outside the
range of transient stability and belong to asynchronous oscillatory states) . The reason why we plot
the pseudo-stability regions is only to reproduce the studi es of refs . [7-10] and conveniently
discuss the result in fig. 1.
From fig. 8, we find that another reason for the mistake of fig . 1 is improper selection of
the diagram coordinates . If the initi al generator speed slip Wo is relati vely large, the critical im-
pact to cause chaos phenomena is , of course , Wo itself. But in fig. 1, the coordinates are d and
QI d just missing the criti cal Wo. So the illustration of fig. I is obviously inadequate , i . e . it
gives people a false impression that chaotic region is inside the HB boundary of power system . It
can also be directly observed from fig. 8 that the line ab is just the projection of the scx. pseu-
do-stability region in the power injection space (on the horizontal coordinate QI d); however, on-
ly the injection cannot fully describe the SeA's pseudo-stability region .
6 Conclusions
In this paper we mainly study the influence of the chaotic phenomena on the SSSR of power
system. Using a simple power system, for the first time, we give complete system bifurcation dia-
grams coming to the chaos via continuous period-doubling bifurcation. The law of incremental
variation in system energy in this route is also brought to light . Based on all these, we confirm
that, from the viewpoint of power system engineering, it is necessary to use Hopf bifurcation to
describe the system oscillatory boundary limit, and not necessary to consider the existence of
chaotic phenomena in the SSSR study. Moreover, some incorrect conclusion of the previous pa-
pers are also studied and rectified .
Appendix 1 Power system model
I Generator model
IJ = WB Sm'
2Hs m = - dsm+ Pm - Pg ,
T'dOE'q =- E'q + (Xd - X'd) i
+ E
T'qOE' d =- E'd - (X
- X'q) i
E', :: V
- X'did '
( AI)
( A2)
( A3)
( A4)
198 SCIENCE IN CHINA (Series E) Vol. 44
E'd = Vd + x'qi
where 2 H is the generator moment of inertia, d is the generator damping factor per unit, WB is the
system frequency in rad/s , Sm is the generator slip and Pg is electrical power of the generator 1. The
Sm and Pg are defined respectively as follows:
Sm = (w - WB)/WB'
Pg = E'qi
+ E'did + (Xd - X'q) idi
2 Excitation system models
Excitation system models are equipped with a fast excitation system:
ri;fd = - E
+ K
( V
- VI)'
(All )
Po + PltL + P2
+ P3 VL,
Qo + qltL + q2
+ Q3
i .
3 Load model
The load model is the same as the one in refs. [7-12]. The real and reactive load powers are
specified by the following equations:
P = P
l d
Q = Qld +
4 Network model
YL<p = YIL<P
+ Y
a = EbY
+ <P - <P
+ YIVLcos(8
- 8 - <P + <PI)'
b = - E
+ <P - <P
+ Y
- 8 - <P + <PI)'
e = 8 + tan-1(vd/Vq)'
a = 8
- e- <PI; (3 = 8
- <P

We can get the following balance equation at bus CD and bus @ :
cos<P sin<P - YX'd] [ iq] [ YE'q - a]
- (sin<p - Yx'q) cos<P i
= YE'd - b '
P = V,VLYlcosa - ViYlcos<P
- ViY
Q = V,VLYlsina + ViYlsin<P
+ E
+ ViY
Symbols and detailed evolutions can be found in ref. [12].
Appendix 2 Sarkovskii series
Definition At. Define the following order as Sarkovskii series: (After a semicolon is a remark
on the series ahead) .
3l> 5 l> 7 l>9"'; firstly, rank the odd number greater than one as the first line.
(3 x 2
) l> (5 X 2
) l> (7 X 2
) l> (9 X 2
) ... ; secondly, rank the 2
times of the first line.
(3 X 2
) l> (5 X 2
) I> (7 X 2
) l> (9 X 2
) "'; thirdly, rank the 2
times of the first line.
... ... ... "'; rank the 2
, 2
, 2
, times of the first line in order sequentially .
... 2
l> 2
l> 2
l>2 t>1; finally, rank all the rest number of N in a descending order as
the last line: 2
, 2
, 2
, 2, 1, which is in fact all the powers of 2 ordered descendingly. Now
the Sarkovskii series consists of all the natural numbers N.
Acknowledgements This work was supported by the National Key Basic Research Special Fund of China (Grant No.
G1998020303) .
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