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C:\Users\AppData\Roaming\Minilyrics\Lyrics 111-00-0589012-0 a.n efidarni Re: Backtrack screen brightness You might need a driver for your card.

You could also try changing the xgamma se ttings. # xgamma -help for more info. Or # echo 100 > /proc/acpi/video/NVID/LCD/brightness where NVID would be the direct ory where my LCD brightness settings are located. Your may be different. Look in the ./video directory for the appropriate name. T he number 100 being somewhat arbitrary. The max here is 100 again yours may be d ifferent. Re: Backtrack screen brightness I tried what you suggested, to no avail. I installed backtrack all the way so no w I don't need the flash drive. What do you suggest now? Thanks. Re: Backtrack screen brightness Mine is a Vaio SZ6, a difficult one for brightness tuning. I use a nice app: xba cklight. Try: xbacklight -set 80 (brightness %) BackTrack is a Linux distro specialize in penetration testing. In BackTrack 4 fi nal, networking is not enable by default. You have to enable it manually. It s sim ple and easy to enable it. Open terminal and enter these lines: [do not copy words inside bracket] su root [# Makes you a super user] /etc/init.d/networking start [# To enable the networking] update-rc.d networking defaults [# This makes the networking starts automaticall y after BackTrack is started next time] Then find Wicd Network Manager and start it. Choose how would you connect to int ernet like usual. **Read this post to enable usb modem on your linux.** Happy networking on BT4! Originally Posted by kompi417 gan kalau misalnya koneksi dengan LAN (provider Speedy) gmn caranya gan. mhn bantuannya. Seharusnya terdeteksi secara otomatis... namun, bila tidak, ketikan ini di kons ole : Quote: root@bt:~# ifconfig eth0 up root@bt:~# ifconfig eth0 /** Terserah Agan, yang penting IP disesu aikan ajah dengan yang ada di jaringan Agan)... */ root@bt:~# route add default gw /** (Bila memang ini IP Default Gate way nya)... */ root@bt:~# nano /etc/resolv.conf /** Membuka teks editor untuk memasukan IP DNS dari ISP yang bersangkutan... */ Quote: GNU nano 2.0.7 File: /etc/resolv.conf nameserver /** (DNS dari Spe*dy)... */ nameserver /** (Alternate DNS dari Spe*dy kalau memang ingin dig

unakan)... */ /** Setelah selesai, disimpan... tekan (control x), (y), (enter) bergantian... */ /** Setelah itu, coba untuk ping... */ root@bt:~# ping alamat_website Semoga bermanfaat... ifconfig eth0 up ifconfig etho route add default gw Hitam : IP Address Merah : IP Gateway tapi kok di balesnya etho: ERROR while getting interface flags: No such device ifconfig Link encap:Local Loopback inet addr: Mask: UP LOOPBACK RUNNING MTU:16436 Metric:1 RX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 frame:0 TX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 frame:0 RX bytes:0 90.0 B) TX bytes:0 (0.0 B) dhclient

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