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Simple Marketing

The Simple Way To Big Business Growth

This book is copyrighted 2008 © by Jen Blackert. No part
of this may be copied, sold or used in any way without
express permission from Jen Blackert. The author makes
no representation or warranties with respect to the accuracy,
applicability or completeness of the contents of this book.
The Author’s Intention
I intend this book to ignite your peaceful mind, inner
creativity and original thought so you can follow inspired
actions to deliver strategic and powerful branding, marketing
and sales messages that attract your perfect clients with
ease. I offer my expertise and ideas as inspiration.
Introduction 9

How to read this book 11

Law #1: The Simple Way 13

Law #2: Creative Space 25

Law #3: Your Imagination 33

Law #4: Your Gift 45

Law #5: Targeted Intentions 55

Law #6: Gift Expression 63

Law #7: Compelling Messages 69

Law #8: Aligned Methods 81

Simple Marketing

Law #9: The Universal Internet 91

Law #10: Automate Your Business 99

Afterword 107

About The Author 109

I would like to acknowledge my hubby Joe, who supported
me through all my internal fears of writing this system and
starting my business. My son, Jason, for understanding that
sometimes I need to stop playing and get down to writing.
And profound gratitude to Dave Duggins my editor. The
creation process flowed smoothly with his support. I am
forever grateful.
I used to have a high-stress job. I’m glad I did. Without
it, I never would have never discovered yoga. Yoga is the
foundation of my marketing business.

I know it sounds crazy, but let me explain.

I started my professional career in 1993, after receiving a

bachelor’s degree in Nutrition from Virginia Tech. I got
my first job as a nutritionist at The Diet Center. Since I
was a thin 20-year-old, I wasn’t taken very seriously as a
weight loss counselor. So I started working on The Diet
Center’s marketing. I designed their brochures and flyers.

I have always had a natural talent for manifesting what I

want. Family members would comment on it. I would just
smile. I had no idea my belief in myself and my abilities
were really what took me to my next best job. As soon as I
got bored and tired with the pay at one job, I would make
a decision to get a better one. I usually doubled my income
when I obtained a new career position.

In 1999, I decided to teach myself HTML and make

a website of my own, which started my computer
programming career. I quickly learned that if I moved into
management, my current position would become easier
and would pay more.
Simple Marketing

This is also when I started to get serious about yoga. Yoga

was just exercise at first. Later, it became stress management.
And these days, it is quickly becoming a way of being.

Yoga has taught me how to consciously listen. Once I

learned how to listen to my thoughts and identify their
craziness, I began to learn how to manage them. The power
of changing your mind is absolutely incredible. Napoleon
Hill said, “Thoughts are Things.” The Buddha also teaches
that thoughts are powerful energies that mold our reality.
We are what we think! It’s simple.

After a few years in technology marketing and management,

I left to start my own business as an emotional eating
nutritional coach. The purpose of the business was solely to
teach others how to change their thoughts and their beliefs
so they could change their eating behaviors and their lives.

Recently, I realized how everything fits together like a lock

and key. My marketing business is based in the Law of
Attraction, the powers of our passionate thoughts and
practical marketing know-how that gives us confidence to
believe it will happen.

Ready to get started?

How to read this book
“Don’t I just start at the beginning?”

The simple answer is “yes.” However, you may have a

profound transformational shift in perspective and approach
to life and work if you do all the exercises. For your best
benefit, consciously answer the questions I include. They
will help guide you.

A journal will be very useful in completing the exercise

examples in this book. You may need more space than I
can provide.

Please read this book only if it calls you to read it. This book
has been placed in the universe for my intended audience.
If it doesn’t intrigue you, then it was not intended for you
at this time.
Law #1

The Simple Way

“Simplicity, simplicity, simplicity! I say, let your affairs
be as two or three, and not a hundred or a thousand.”
- Henry D. Thoreau

Understanding simple universal wisdoms is fundamental to

creating a successful business. Entrepreneurs fail to achieve
their goals and intentions for one of two reasons:

1. They have inner conflicts, challenges and beliefs that

result in poor business decisions;


2. They lack the education and skills needed to grow their


The path to business growth is simple. When we live by

a few basic principles rooted in time-honored spiritual

Simple Marketing

practices and energies, we can create an extraordinary

experience - and a remarkable business.

Laws of Nature

There are many laws of nature. For example, everything

has a purpose and that purpose is to grow. You can see this
in the trees, grass etc.

We are going to focus on the law of resonance. The law

of resonance is all about energy. This vibration can be a
thought, mood, emotion, feeling, hunch or belief. Whatever
its form, it transmits an energetic vibration.

The law of nature responds whether the message is what

you want or what you don’t want. It obediently chooses
to give you what you are focused on and feel to be true
whether or not it is something you desire. For example,
if you are thinking, “I don’t want to have to wait in line,”
lines will appear all around you. What you focus on and
feel becomes your reality. This is the law of resonance.

The law of resonance is always working just as the law of

gravity is always working. It isn’t something you can turn
on or off. However, you can deliberately manifest what
you want if you think, feel and be the simple way.

“That’s why the wise soul

does without doing …”
~ Tao Te Ching

The Simple Way

This is The Simple Way to Manifesting.

Desire: What is your fantasy? Think about it. Feel it
now and hold that feeling. Feel it as yours. Conceive it
and achieve it. Be clear and specific about what you want,
and ask for it.

Real Love: Do you feel passion about your desire? Do you

feel thankful and grateful for everyone, everything and the
experience? Be in love with the journey.

Emotional Decision: Commit to feeling your heart’s

desire in the moment. Let go of your perceptions of fear,
worry, doubts and regrets and walk in faith with God.

Act Now: Take action on what is available now. Do what

can be done now. The next step will appear if you allow it.
Don’t “try” to figure it out in the now.

Manifest: The desire becomes completed in the physical


“To bear and not to own;

To act and not lay claim;
to do the work and let it go:
for just letting it go
is what makes it stay.”
~ Tao Te Ching

Simple Marketing

Subtle Energy

Tantra yogic teaches that subtle vibratory energies are in

everything. Yogic methods teach that energy is not simply
as an abstract vibration, but has divine power. This is
referred to as Shakti. This divine power takes form and
becomes our reality.

In Hindu traditions, Shakti can become form. Different

energies make up different powers of the divinity. This
makes up our consciousness.

You may understand that the thoughts in your head are a

part of you, but consider these thoughts as divine energetic
vibrations sending you signals or intuitive nudges about
what you could do next.

Energetic Attraction

Albert Einstein proved that energy = mc². M represents

mass, and c² is the square root of the speed of light. Which
means energy and matter are essentially the same. We think
of a chair as being solid, but it is really just a lot of atoms
and vibrating energy. Nothing is really solid.

Your thoughts are energy as well. This means that clutter,

annoyances and random unclear thoughts are getting in
the way of your good energy - a bunch of unwanted atoms
whizzing around distracting you from your true purpose.

The Simple Way

Your challenge is to align these atoms and get them pulling

in the same direction. Sending out crystal clear messages
about what you want. Get rid of all negative energy drains
and add as much positive focused energy as possible.

Understand the Mind

It’s important to understand that the conscious,

subconscious and unconscious parts of your mind are
always in communication--whether they agree or disagree.

The conscious mind includes thoughts that you hear in

your head. (“Am I saying this out loud or in my head?”).

The subconscious mind is like a computer’s hard drive. It

starts out empty when you are born and you add information
bytes that become beliefs and habits as you experience life.

The unconscious mind includes behaviors that you don’t

realize such as breathing, blood flowing – body functions
that just happen by being alive.

From now on, you need to choose what you believe. What
you take in and place on your “hard drive.”

Words are very powerful energies. If you were told as a

child that you were great at math, you will always have
confidence in your math abilities and be great at math. Isn’t

Simple Marketing

it amazing how people can tell us something and we trust

that it is true without even questioning it? How about your
own words to yourself? What do you tell yourself? Make a
list to bring awareness so you can decide if you want it on
your hard drive.

As an emotional eating disorder counselor, I saw many

patterns in self-talk. If you were once overweight and you
told yourself that you were fat for years, you believed it.
Then you lost weight and the rest of the world considered
you thin, but you hadn’t changed your thoughts. You
continued to tell yourself you were fat and you couldn’t
eat. This is what happens with anorexia.

What are you telling yourself? Are you listening to yourself?

Are you telling yourself the truth? What you want to believe
is the truth. It doesn’t matter if the information is true or
not. What you know to be true becomes true.

The subconscious mind also houses thoughts that we

are not aware of, but can be brought to our conscious
mind when alerted. In Tibetan meditation, a bell is
rung periodically to help clear and focus the mind. This
discipline is supported by a breathing technique. It is not
said, “If the mind wanders. It is when the mind wanders.”
The mind’s programming is embedded so deeply we are not
consciously aware of it. Tibetan monks practice for years
to bring conscious control to subconscious programming.

The Simple Way

Change Your Old Way

Emotional changes do not have to be difficult, but

it may take time and effort. Change has to happen on
a subconscious level. To do this, we must observe the
behavior and continually and consciously repeat the desired
behavior in place of the undesired behavior. This change
alone may be a grand step in changing your way of being.

Inner challenges may be because your conscious and

subconscious minds are not aligned. If your mind is not
aligned, you will experience mental chatter. Examples
include when you become “mad at yourself ” or you have
bad habits like smoking, overeating or drinking that you
don’t “like about yourself ”. You may consciously want to
change, but hidden subconscious benefits prevent it.

The secret lies in the words, thoughts and feelings

you choose. Be conscious of them. If your dominant
thought is “I don’t want lose my security,” you may
be attracting poverty. Focus on abundance instead.
In your quest for deliberate positive focus, you may still
feel sad, angry or irritated. Accept and allow those feelings.
Experience them fully. Learn from them. Then release
them and move on with new zest.

Simple Marketing

Align Your Mind

Use the 10% of your conscious mind to change your

unconscious mind. It’s as easy as setting goals and
following them for 60 days solid. This begins to change
the subconscious so the behavior changes permanently.

Tell the Truth

We are attracted to authentic people - “warts and all” is the

popular phrase. Much of our world is illusion; we may not
be consciously aware of it, but we sense it. Integrity aligns
your mind.

What is integrity? It means to be true to your values. This

concept traces back to ancient society, and the beginning of
written language. One early written reference, the Sanskrit
“Sat Nam,” is over three thousand years old.

Tell the truth – particularly to yourself. Be truthful about

your money, body and family! If you say you are going
to start an exercise program on Monday, do so. If you
promise to start your diet, follow through.

Never tell yourself you are fat when you know you really
aren’t. If you are doing these things to yourself, you need
to stop. It can really cause mental chaos.

The Simple Way

Do you think you have integrity? If you tell yourself you

are going to do something, do you always do it? Are there
promises you are not keeping? Intentions you are not

We often make promises we don’t keep. You might tell

yourself, “I am going to start a diet on Monday.” Monday
comes and goes. No diet.

This behavior causes a misalignment of the unconscious and

conscious minds, which may manifest as procrastination,
fear, or unfocused intention.

Integrity is critical. If you set intentions, but never follow

through, your own mind stops believing you.

Listen and live consciously. Stay aligned with what you

really want and need. Then you will be successful.

We are all human. We all face these challenges. With

awareness and positive action steps, we will find ourselves
back on the path.

Align Habits with Desires

If you want to be rich, but you spend all your time sitting
around surfing the Internet, you are out of alignment. It is
time to make a change.

Simple Marketing

In your journal, create a table similar to the one below.

List all the things in your life where you feel you may be
out of alignment. Next to each item, describe a way to
change. Prioritize the changes you believe will have the
greatest impact. Work your way through the list, one item
at a time.

Get Help

If you have identified a belief that needs to be changed

but can’t seem to change it on your own, get help. There
are three great techniques that access the subconscious
immediately. Research one of these techniques; if you feel
aligned with one or more, find expert practitioners to help
you make changes.

Technique 1 – EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique). This

technique addresses the belief and releases it from your
subconscious hard drive.

Technique 2 – Hypnosis. Hypnosis goes in to your

subconscious hard drive and changes it.

Technique 3 – NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming).

NLP is similar to hypnosis, but employs techniques that
can be used in daily life to help install new beliefs.

The Simple Way


Where are you getting stuck? What do you fear? What

specifically is getting in your way? Make a list, then include
the action steps you need to take.

I am out of alignment… What do I need to

change …

Example: I fear public Read, communicate

speaking and learn steps to
overcoming this fear.
I intend to face my
fear of public speaking

Law #2

Creative Space
“Space abhors a vacuum.”

Successful business owners use universal laws to attract

clients in abundance and with ease. They know what they
want and they put out aligned energy to get it.

Space is probably the biggest attraction principle that aligns

us with our source. I like to think, “I am creating space so
my fairy godmother can bring in what I want.” If you want
something new to come in, get rid of something old. That
holds true for both physical material objects and mental
chatter and beliefs. If you have ever cleared out a dresser
drawer, you know how attractive space is. But how long
before that dresser drawer is packed again?

Simple Marketing

We are all born to be phenomenally attractive and

successful, but sometimes a few things can get in our way.
By creating space, you can naturally increase your ability
for success and have more energy. Let me share a few ways
to increase your natural attractive energy. As you read these
techniques, please open your mind and let your intuition
be your guide. Ask yourself, “What do I need to clear out
of my mind and my life?”

Take Action

Clutter includes anything that you don’t like or need both

mentally and physically. If your car trunk is loaded to the
lid, the additional weight will decrease your fuel efficiency.
So I say, “Get the junk out of your trunk!”

If your workspace is messy, it takes additional energy,

time and brainpower to get your work complete. If your
schedule is cluttered with unnecessary meetings, it creates
a feeling of chaos. If your mind is cluttered, the gateway to
clear thoughts is not possible. If your diet is cluttered with
unhealthy food or habits, you will experience lack of focus,
energy and success.


Take a trip around your house and office and discover what
needs to be:

Creative Space

Disposed of

Walk into each room in your office and/or home (heck, get
crazy and do both—especially if they are under the same

Start a list in your journal. It will give you a big smile when
each item is checked off.

Write down what needs to be done and what date/time you

will plan to do it. For example, “clean linen closet” or “get
printer cartridge.”

Get Organized

Organization is much deeper than what is on the surface

of your desk. Organization is a behavior that allows you to
complete tasks and projects, and avoid emotional damage.
If you don’t complete things, they will eat at you. Anything
that you don’t complete has continuation, and gathers
emotions that will attack you from the inside out.

Organization prepares the foundation for future abundance.

It helps keep the mind clear of other decision making, like

Simple Marketing

“Where should I put this?” It helps create space for more

prosperity and abundance. And of course, it’s also attractive
to others visiting your space.

Fred’s Frustration

Fred, a senior vice president of a software company, was

inundated with work and found himself piling and stacking
papers. The more work he had, the bigger the stacks
became. Though the stacks were orderly when we first met,
they were not organized. We’ll leave it at that.

Fred came to me for advice on creating a strategic marketing

plan. When asked what he had already planned, he said he
had an 11-page marketing plan on his desk. He began

Ten minutes later, Fred handed me his formal marketing

plan. He apologized for the wait, but when I reviewed the
plan, I found it was completely disorganized as well.

After working with him on his marketing program, I

brought up the subject of organization.

Today, Fred has two detail-oriented secretaries, his business

has tripled in size, and Fred has more focus, more time and
more energy.

Creative Space


Hold yourself accountable. Figure out what systems you

need to be successful. List systems that need to be created
and when they will be created.

Create these systems or find someone that can help you

create them. This will help free some negative energy spent
on disorganization.

If you suffer from chronic disorganization, you may need

to look deeper in to your psychology. If you organize, but
3-5 days later everything needs to be re-organized, then
your mind may be cluttered and you need to learn to clear
the mental clutter first.


Take a deeper look into organizing your inner being. Take

3 deep breaths and ask yourself:

How clear are my thoughts?

Can I create more focused thoughts and ideas? Is so, what

do I need to do?

Why am I operating unconsciously or mindlessly?

Simple Marketing

What can I do about it? What will I do about it?

Fix It or Recycle It

If it doesn’t work, don’t just let it sit there! It’s time to

start removing these petty annoyances in your business and
your life that you are putting up with for no reason. These
annoyances are negative energies that drain you.

It is more difficult to be successful if you are continually

distracted. You may not even be aware of it. These
annoyances include that light bulb that needs to be
changed, those clothes that need to be sewed and that ice
maker that needs to be fixed. If you don’t plan to fix it,
trash it or recycle it.

Add Success Habits

Successful people take conscious care of themselves by

eating well, exercising, and cultivating bliss. These healthy
habits bring successful attractive energy into their lives.

You’ve probably heard a lot about bad habits, but not so

much about developing good ones. You may be doing a
few things that limit enjoyment, clarity and fun in your

You can change them. You can eliminate bad habits, and
create new ones that help rather than limit you.

Creative Space

Vicky’s Victory

Vicky, a former coffee addict, kicked the habit and now

openly admits that the coffee was draining her energy and
her time due to more intense mood changes. Vicky is now
more energetic without coffee and attracts ample clients.


What good habits will you add to your life? Write them
in your journal. Tell the universe what you want. Express
it in positive terms. Some ideas: I will to email or call a
friend each day. I will practice yoga on a daily basis. I will
have dinner with the family every night.

Recall your childhood. What did you do for fun when you
were twelve years old? Are any of those activities still fun

Talk to your younger self as if you were asking another

person. Pay attention to the answers. Your intuition will
never steer you wrong of your true desires.

Start with five things you would like to transform into new
habits. Are these things you would be interested in doing
daily, weekly, monthly? Write them down. Do you see
your future self doing these things regularly? Will these
new habits bring clarity, focus or fun into your life?

Simple Marketing

Once you come up with your list of five new habits, think
of some ways you can reward yourself for successfully
applying them. This should not be nearly as hard as coming
up with your new habits!

What is your favorite way to “baby” yourself? Pedicure?

Manicure? Gourmet dinner? You decide.

Start a tally sheet to hold yourself accountable. A simple

check box method will do just fine. Predetermine what you
reward will be for each habit. Before you know it, you will
start enjoying yourself!
1. ________________________________________
2. ________________________________________
3. ________________________________________
4. ________________________________________
5. ________________________________________

Now. Look over these habits. They must be things that

you truly want. I will exercise more, I will eat better, I
will --

You fill in the blank.

Law #3

Your Imagination
“I can teach anybody how to get what they want out of
life. The problem is that I can’t find anybody who can
tell me what they want.” – Mark Twain

What Do You Really Want?

Before you can design a crystal-clear, complete, concise

marketing message, you first need to know what you want
your life and your business to be like. What does your
future business look like in your mind’s eye?

Poof! Your fairy godmother appears in a cloud of smoke.

You have two minutes to tell her in detail what you want.
What do you say?

Do you already have realistic intentions and visualizations

that you can tell her? Do you know, clearly and completely,
what you want?

Simple Marketing

The clock is ticking. What will you tell her?

If you’re not sure, we have some work to do. How can your
fairy godmother give you want you want, if you can’t tell
her what it is?

What, you don’t believe in a fairy godmother? Well maybe

she will stop believing in you, too. What if you did have a
fairy godmother? What would you tell her? How clearly
could you tell her? Are you thinking about what you want
or want you don’t want? To what are you giving your

Assignment: Coach Yourself

Coach yourself by answering these 5 questions.
1. What is the most important goal in your life right now?
2. How long have you had this goal?
3. What has been your biggest obstacle to achieving that
goal? What excuses are you making they may be keeping
you from complete it?
4. What actions have you taken toward the accomplishment
of your goal in the last 24-36 hours? Where does it fall on
your priority list?
5. How will you feel once you reach that goal?

Your Imagination

Now, look at what you wrote under #5. Is this really your
goal? Is this what you really want?

Visualize with Your Imagination

Using your imagination can be fun and easy. As if you

were a child imagining yourself as a princess or firefighter.

Use these 5 techniques to engage your mind and experience

your imagination.

The Sensory

Engage all the senses. What do you hear, see, feel, smell and
taste? If you have ever sung a song in your head, you know
you can “hear” mental sounds. Explore the possibilities.
Enjoy it!

Example: Imagine owning a new car. Engage all your


What do I hear? The hum of a quiet engine.

What do I see? A brand new steering wheel with no peeled


What do I smell? That wonderful new car smell.

Simple Marketing

What do I feel? The steering wheel is smooth under my


What do I taste? A fresh strawberry I just bought at a

farmer’s market.

Engage in a virtual reality.

Example: See the interaction with the sales clerk while you
are purchasing the car. What are you saying? Then see
yourself driving it off the lot.

The Movie

See yourself as a curious observer as you view yourself

participating in your dream. It is almost like you are
watching a movie or seeing a play in which you are the star.
Watch yourself act out the role.

Example: Close your eyes and start watching yourself as in

a movie. The movie ends when you are driving your new
car in your driveway.

The Finish Line

Encode the experience in your being by seeing yourself

enjoying the gift of achieving the goal.

Your Imagination

Example: How do you know when you get there? Are you
writing a check? Are you driving your car home?

External Pictures with Internal Focus

Collect pictures of ideas and things you want. Imagine

yourself in these pictures.

Example: A picture of you in your new car could be posted

on your bathroom mirror.

Assignment: Short and Long Terms

What short-term visions/intentions do you have? Write

down what you plan to have, do or be in the next 3
1. ________________________________________
2. ________________________________________
3. ________________________________________
4. ________________________________________
5. ________________________________________

What long-term visions/intentions do you have? Write

down what you plan to have, do, or be in the next 6 months,
12 months, 2 years, and 5 years.

Simple Marketing

Message the Universe

1. Phrase your intention in the present, as if you are already
experiencing it.

Example: I am the owner of a 5,000 square foot beautiful

home in Austin with no repairs needed. I have a 20% down
payment and can easily make monthly mortgage payments.

NOTE: Have an inner visual associated with this message.

Maybe your inner vision of the home has a spiral staircase
and an elevator.
2. Be grateful.

Example: I am grateful and thankful for my new home.

3. Let it be easy. Let it be right.

Example: I receive my new home in a positive meaningful,

relaxed way.
4. Affirm the purpose.

Example: For the greater good, the universe and myself.

5. Complete

Example: So it is!

Your Imagination

The completed message may sound like this.

I am the owner of a 5,000 square foot beautiful home in

Austin with no repairs needed. I have a 20% down payment
and can easily make monthly mortgage payments. I am
grateful and thankful for my new home. I receive my new
home in a positive meaningful, relaxed way. For the greater
good, the universe and myself. So it is!


Write out your messages for each vision you created.

Conceive It, Believe It, Achieve It

If you can think it up, it can be yours. The trick is to

know it is yours – you must believe before you can achieve.
Stating these messages may seem strange and unbelievable
at first, but as you continue to state them, they become

Consider changing your morning and evening ritual. For

example, after you brush your teeth (and floss) read and
speak your visual messages.

If it’s short and memorized, you may want to state it as

often as possible.

Simple Marketing

Reminder post-it notes, e-mail reminders, a booklet by

your bed, or even audio recordings are great ways to send
your message out often.

Chasing Butterfly Disorder (CBD)

Now that you have a created some space and a crystal-clear

vision, you must watch out for butterflies that start rapidly
flying around your periphery.

Example: Someone offers you a dozen donuts while you

are trying to drop some pounds.

What is CBD? If you find yourself chasing all sorts of new

opportunities or ideas that are not related to your current
business or your vision of your life, you may have chasing
butterfly disorder.

Think back to when you were 10 and had slumber parties.

One person would get out the flashlight and the rest of
you would be in a pitch dark room. Do you remember the
focus and attention given to that light? What if that light
was focused only on your future vision? Where do you
think your life would be today?

Read these questions and see if you can relate. If you can,
you may have CB disorder.
1. You are asked to speak at an upcoming event and you
jump at the chance without knowing who will be in the

Your Imagination

2. You accept an invitation to collaborate on a project that

is completely unrelated to your business and your target
3. Your church group has asked you to volunteer for a large
summer camp. It will take up to 8 hours of your time and
you agree to help because you feel obligated.

There’s an easy way to tell the difference between intuitive

ideas and butterflies. When an opportunity comes along,
quickly evaluate it with the following questions:
1. Will this help me accomplish my intentions?
2. Is this where I want to be spending my time and
3. Will this support growth, change or improvement to my
current habits, environments or relationships?

Krissie’s Catastrophe

Krissie, a family physician, came to me to help her

automate her marketing efforts, particularly follow-ups
and postcards.

After our first coaching call, I soon realized that what

Krissie thought she needed was very different than what
she actually needed.

Simple Marketing

Krissie was frustrated and overwhelmed with the day-to-

day activities. When I asked why she started her practice,
she had no clear answer. She had never taken the time to
create a vision for her life and her business.

She was told as a child she would become a doctor like her
dad. She simply followed the steps to get there. Krissie
told me she liked being a doctor, but she disliked all the
other aspects of her business.

I worked with Krissie over several weeks to create a new

vision for her. Armed with a clear picture, the obstacles of
day-to-day life seemed to vanish. She began to tackle tasks
without procrastination. She also became very aware of the
“butterflies” in her office and banished them.

Make Conscious Decisions

You may think you are living in the present moment, but
are you? Do you consciously eat, dress and shower? How
often do you find yourself daydreaming in the shower and
washing your hair twice? What were you thinking about?
Do you know? Was it beneficial?

What can you do to make sure that you’re conscious and

mindfully present? There’s a Sanskrit word that means
non attachment—vairagya. It’s about embracing life - the
sounds, sights, smells, tastes and feelings - without needing
to own them.

Your Imagination

Here are some simple tips to help in achieving vairagya... so

you start working and living more consciously every day!

Assignment: Present Moment

In your notebook, describe your present moment:

How does the air feel? How do your clothes feel as they
touch each part of your body?

Is there a certain smell in the air? Do you taste anything?

What do you see?

Open yourself. Notice everything. Begin every sentence

with: ‘Right now…’ or ‘At this moment…’ or ‘Here and

Get an egg timer and set it for 10 minutes. Go find some

business work to do, like checking e-mail or logging bills.
When your timer goes off, ask yourself these questions.

Did you consciously tackle each item or did you start

daydreaming? How long was it before your mind
wandered off? Get back on track by setting your timer for
5 minutes.

If you are still having trouble here are a couple tips that
might help.

Simple Marketing

1. Write down your random thoughts in a journal and

“capture” them in the closed book.
2. Throw them in a mental blender and then toss them

Get in the present and create the life that you want. Think
of it like this: an hour from now is fantasy, while an hour
ago is only a memory. The present is what you have to
create now.

IMPORTANT: When you do this “getting present”

exercise, you don’t have to do this sitting still. Do it at
any time! The more practice you get at being present, the
longer you will be able to feel present.

To re-acquire the full feeling of mindful-presence is an

experience of tremendous impact. And you will definitely
know it when you get there. When you are mindful, you
are an enlightened being.

Law #4

Your Gift
”If you think you can do a thing or you think you can’t
do a thing, you’re right.” – Henry Ford

Now that you are clearer on what you want, it is time to get
clearer on your brand and how to promote it.

Your personal brand needs to be rooted in your mind and

your prospect’s mind as a form or image of your natural
being. It also needs to be aligned with your vision so you
intentionally attract your perfect clients.

To create an instant impact, your brand needs to be genuine,

authentic, compelling, universal and rooted in integrity.

Are You “Brandable”?

1. Do you have a service or product that is wanted or

Simple Marketing

Regardless of how much you love your idea, you need to

know that others want to buy from you. If you ever saw the
show, “The American Inventor,” you would know plenty of
people have passion for a product, but often, no one else
shares it. What benefits do your product or service offer?
2. Am I willing to “let go” and immerse myself
completely in my own success?

Many business owners just starting out continue to hold

on to a safety net. If you plan for success, a net is not
3. Are you passionate?

If you are not driven every morning to work on your

business, then you may not be following your ideal path.

4. Do you know exactly what you want in detail?

If you answered yes to these questions, collect $200 and

pass GO.

Create Your Personal Brand

Creating your own brand is easy. God made us unique. All

you have to do is tap into “you.”

Your Gift

Take a moment and think about the relationship between

you and your brand. The next exercise helps you search
your psychology and discover your unique self. That is
how you “stand out”.

Optimize Success Factors

There are four simple factors to being phenomenally


T.E.A.M: Tools, External & Environmental, Action

Awareness, Mindset


Tools or Skills

What tools need to be added to your toolbox to be successful?

Do you need education or any additional skills to be successful?
Make a list and include projected dates for completion.
1. _______________________________________
2. _______________________________________
3. _______________________________________
4. _______________________________________
5. _______________________________________

Simple Marketing


External & Environmental Awareness

Are you trying to live up to others’ expectations of you? If so,

what are those expectations? Where do those expectations
come from (you or others)?

Why is it important for you to do something for someone


Stop comparing yourself to your “competition.” You are

on your own path. Stop allowing people to get in your

If all your friends ate fast food every day for lunch, could
you go with them, drink water while they eat and then eat
organically later? Or do you follow the pack?

List external forces that may be pulling you from your inner
attractive brand identity.
1. _______________________________________
2. _______________________________________
3. _______________________________________
4. _______________________________________
5. _______________________________________

Your Gift


Action Awareness

We talked earlier about adding joyful habits to your life.

Focus on good habits, behaviors and actions.

If you sell nutrition products but eat poorly, then you are
not aligned. You are sending out contradictory messages
to the universe. Abundance will not come your way if you
are not aligned.

List any unattractive habits and describe how unaligned

habits will be discarded.
1. _______________________________________
2. _______________________________________
3. _______________________________________
4. _______________________________________
5. _______________________________________


Mindset Awareness

What are you doing that you shouldn’t be doing? Yes, this
includes that donut you ate this morning.

Simple Marketing

Take care of yourself. No one else will do it for you. Hold

yourself accountable.

Be present. You are either “NowHere” or “Nowhere.”

Take action. The past is gone. The future is an unknown
quantity. “Now” is all there is.

List what are you doing that is not aligned with what you
could be doing:
1. _______________________________________
2. _______________________________________
3. _______________________________________
4. _______________________________________
5. _______________________________________

Personal Brand Boundaries

Boundaries are your standards. They earn respect. If

someone is saying or doing something that bothers you,
don’t hold it in. If you have trouble with boundaries, just
follow the four-step approach below.

The formula for setting boundaries

Inform: Tell them what they did. Do so without anger.

Start with “Do you know that…”

Your Gift

Request: “I request that … ”

Demand: “I insist that you … ” You can add


Leave: Stop associating with them. You can just leave the
room. You can leave either temporarily or permanently.


Want to make some boundaries? Great! Start your list.

Make a list of what people can’t do to you or do around
1. _______________________________________
2. _______________________________________
3. _______________________________________
4. _______________________________________
5. _______________________________________

Brad’s Breaking-Point

Brad owns a thriving advertising firm. He knew hiring a

college student would offer some challenges, but had no
idea how many of his boundaries would be tested.

Simple Marketing

Jeff, Brad’s newly hired college student, was given

responsibilities and told he could ask any manager for
clarification and information. Jeff was likable and eager do
a good job. However, he popped into the other manager’s
offices multiple times in an hour, often speaking while the
manager was on the phone or in a meeting. It became clear
the young man did not know the boundaries of good office
manners. One of the managers met with him privately to
make him aware of his actions.

I was coaching Brad on other personal issues at the time

and realized Brad hadn’t set any clear boundaries in his
business or his life. I informed Brad how to handle the
situation with my four-step process.

Jeff, the college student, realized he was interfering with

business protocol, but his poor behavior didn’t stop. Brad
took the next step by insisting Jeff change or he would be let
go. Jeff’s annoying behavior did not stop suddenly, but over
time, continued to improve. Thanks to Brad, Jeff learned
the boundaries of office manners and the consequences of
not using them.

Define Your Brand


Create a list of everything that you see as unique about

yourself and your business brand.

Your Gift

How am I unique? How is my brand unique

due to

my personal uniqueness?

Now, answer these five questions and your brand will be


1. Position:

The position describes what you do and for whom. Write

your unique value and how will clients benefit from your

What’s your position?

2. Promise:

A promise is something you will deliver every time. “Your

way, right away.” As a personal brand it may be your
passionate personality or guaranteed quality.

What’s your promise?

3. Traits:

What do you want your business to be known for? What

adjectives best describe you as a personal brand? Examples

Simple Marketing

are ambitious, detail-oriented, conscious, and quality-

minded. What are your personal brand traits?

4. Story:

Where have you been? What’s your history? How did you
get here? Your story adds credibility and character. What’s
your story?

5. Associations:

What are your name, logo, tag lines? What are the
associations people see that reflect your brand’s promise?
What associations are related to your company?

Law #5

Targeted Intentions
“ It’s really the popularity with the target audience that
counts.” Stephen Greyser

This wouldn’t be a marketing book if I didn’t address target

markets. Even if you already know who you are trying
to reach, this section will be useful if approached from a
different mindset.

Your Perfect Audience

As a business success coach, it’s my job to bring in fresh

positive energy and get rid of negative energy. Have you
ever worked with clients who seemed to draw energy from
you? Those clients are not aligned with your business
principles and values. They sap the precious energy you
need to be at your best for your clients. That’s why every
client must be your perfect client. They will be if you send
out clear, concise messages to them.

Simple Marketing

Pretend a coach is asking you the following questions. Do

your best to answer them consciously.


Who is your perfect audience? Answer these questions in



What do they do for a living?

Family Size/Children at home or in college?
What are other common characteristics? (hobbies, health


Where are they located?

Cities? Countries?

Targeted Intentions



What books and magazines do they like?

What TV and radio shows?

What fears, struggles and frustrations?

What beliefs?

Can you find them? List where they gather? Can you
purchase lists? Where? Can they afford your services? What
actions do you need to take to reach them?

Once you have answered these questions, you will have a

clearer vision of your targeted audience.


List all the problems and struggles they face and how you
can provide a solution.

Reach Your Perfect Client

Now that you know your perfect audience and how to

reach them, you are ready create a vision of your perfect
client. Who’s your perfect client? Here are a few questions

Simple Marketing

that will help you see a clear vision of your perfect client.

1. Do they pay you what you desire without hesitation?

2. Do they know you are the only person who can provide
your services?

3. What rules and boundaries do they have to obey to work

with you? For example, I won’t work with anyone that isn’t
open to multiple options and problem-solving ideas.

4. What intentions do you have for your perfect clients?

For example, I intend that every client I work with becomes
successful due to my marketing efforts.

A perfect client becomes unpaid sales staff, because they are

so happy with your services they can’t wait to tell the world.
You can intend that they feel this way. A perfect client
represents your targeted audience and is a gravitational
force that pulls in other perfect clients. Remember the
universal law… like attracts like. One perfect client will
magnetically pull in other perfect client and so on.

Lisa’s Lost Market

Lisa is a bookkeeper who makes upwards of $40,000 a

year doing basic business bookkeeping. I met Lisa at a
women’s networking group. I asked her who was in her
target market. She responded with “well … everyone.”

Targeted Intentions

Of course, Lisa didn’t market to everyone. If Lisa met a

computer programmer that worked at a software company,
would she sell her bookkeeping services to them? What
about Fortune 500 companies? Did Lisa have the skills to
handle that kind of bookkeeping work? I asked her who
her clients were and we determined that she is a bookkeeper
for small businesses with fewer than five employees.

Describe your perfect client.
What’s in his/her head?
What is his/her age range and ethnic group?
What is his/her personality?
What are his/her challenges?
Write a description of your perfect client:

Example: My perfect client’s name is Cindy. Cindy is

a successful speaker, author and coach, but lacks regular

Simple Marketing

coaching clients without expensive spurts of marketing

when she doesn’t have clients. Cindy trusts universal
energy principles, but can’t envision how smooth her life
will be when she has regular marketing systems in place
that attract all the clients she needs. When I write, I write
to my friend Cindy.

Build a Perfect Marketing Messages

By having a vision of your perfect client, you can create all

your marketing messages just for them.

Speaking or writing to one person? Why? Only one

person will be reading your message at a time. Why not
plan for it to be your perfect client? Writing directly to that
perfect client will help you relate to his/her issues and build
stronger relationships.

I’ll talk more about communication in the next chapter.

First, I want to introduce the marketing cycle – a
foundational principle in solid business-building.

Targeted Intentions

Launch Your Marketing Cycle

There are six stages of target audience awareness in every

marketing cycle.

1. Exist

Does your target audience know that your gift exists? 

How will you let them know?  Some ideas for methods of
expression is covered in Law #8: Aligned Methods.

2. Interest:

You have to get ‘you’ on their mind. We do this by

continually educating and sharing information to our
perfect prospective audience.

Simple Marketing

3. Prospect:

You have been on their mind; now they come to you. They
want to know more. They want to know exactly – “WIIFM:
What’s in it for me?”

4. Client:

Under promise and over deliver! Keep them excited.

5. Referral:

You want your clients to tell all their colleagues and friends.
Put a reward system in place, so they will refer clients to

6. Repeat starting at step 3 for Prospect:

When you receive a prospect as a referral, you need to make

an immediate connection with them. Introduce them to
any articles you’ve written, any audio files you have to offer
and any other free information they may need to decide to
hire you.

Law #6

Gift Expression
“Helpful gives someone what they seek; profound gives
them something bigger than they knew was possible.”
– Thomas J. Leonard

Listen Consciously

You think you are a good listener. But are you? We weren’t
taught how to listen except when we were told to “listen
to the beep” during a hearing test in elementary school.
Imagine what the world would be like if we were taught to
listen to everything so intently.

Listening is very attractive. It makes the speaker feel that

the listener understands, knows, likes and trusts him.

Interesting isn’t it? Persuade naturally by listening. Next

time you are in a conversation listen consciously and review
what was said in your head before you respond. If you find

Simple Marketing

you’re talking to yourself, or you’re suddenly jolted by the

thought, “Oh, no! What did they just ask me?” Then you
need practice. Don’t worry – most of us do!


Listen profoundly during your next five conversations.

Journal your insights. Implement action steps to improve
your listening abilities, based on what you’ve learned.

Speak Consciously

Now that you are listening more, you must be talking less.
You have a wealth of knowledge, but a prospect comes to
you with problems they are trying to solve. Focus your
• Respond to only your prospect’s problems.
• Offer scenarios and powerful stories so your
listener knows they are understood.
• Point out their unique gifts and respond to their
• Feel their feelings and speak at that level or a notch
higher. This helps you become more energetically
aligned with them.
• Deliver profound, memorable statements – they’re
a kind of emotional shorthand. I use “believe to
achieve,” “chasing butterflies” and “now here or

Gift Expression

• Don’t compliment, but do make note of their

true being. Make note of who they are.
• Turn complain ts into requests.

Write As You Speak

Write as if you are talking to your perfect client. Strive for

simple, clear communication. The last thing you want is
“lawyerspeak” or “technobabble.”

How would you talk with your best friend? Write like

Make an Impression

The Average American’s attention span for new information

is 9 seconds. Stand out and make a powerful first

If I saw you walking down the street, what would I

think about you? Have you perfected the environment
of you? What assumptions are made about you? Are you
comfortable with those assumptions?

How profoundly do you affect others?

Test yourself:

Simple Marketing

• I talk positively
• I speak about the present moment vs. future or
• I impress others without trying
• I match tone and mood
• I hear what’s behind their words

• I am trustworthy
• I am put together and polished and feel great
• I only work with passionate people
• I embody quality and people can tell __ I shine

• I am honest and fair at all times
• I live a simple life
• I always do my best
• I am always on time
• I feel in balance

Gift Expression

• I am humorous and live light-heartedly
• I’m hip
• I’m generous
• I’m strategic
• I’m present

Law #7

Compelling Messages
compelling adj 1. attracting strong interest and
attention 2. tending to make somebody do something,
make something happen, or be necessary
– Webster Dictionary

Understand the Psychology of Marketing

Before I talk about compelling messages, it’s important for

you to understand why advertising works.

Advertising works when your message reaches people. By

reach, I mean they actually hear it. By hear, I mean it goes
in to their brain and hits a subliminal need or emotional

World Class Chef Gordon Ramsay chooses to yell at his

chefs to get work done. While I don’t recommend yelling
at people, Gordon knows that by provoking an emotional

Simple Marketing

response in his chefs, they will remember and make necessary

changes. It’s the same with marketing and selling.

If you are reading this, you probably have heard that people
buy with their emotions. Do you know why? And how?
Let’s start with the “why.”

The human brain has three main components:

The brain stem
The limbic system
The cerebral cortex

The cerebral cortex analyzes sensory data, performs memory

functions, learns new information, forms thoughts and
makes decisions.

The limbic system is responsible for emotions and feelings

like anger, passion, and sadness. Information retention
and long-term memory are stimulated by the firing of the
amygdala, which performs a key role in processing nearly
all emotional events.

Emotions cause us to pay attention and help us decide

which messages to remember.

The brain stem is responsible for bodily functions, which

is very important in sustaining life, but not for marketing
and advertising.

Compelling Messages

Luckily, it is almost impossible to be emotionless. We

are emotional beings. When writing or speaking your
marketing message, it must be processed by the limbic
system. Emotions tell the reader when to pay attention.
Emotions are not only processed faster than logical thought;
they make the final decision. Your marketing message
needs to stimulate an emotional reaction.

Now for the how! To stimulate a human emotion, the

brain needs to make emotional associations. Your targeted
audience needs to hear a marketing message 6 –9 times
to really understand it. More importantly, your message
needs to be heard three times in seven nights’ sleep to move
it from short-term memory to long-term memory. To get
on someone’s mind, you need to make an impact.

How do you make an impact? You need to make it

emotional. You must deliver emotionally charged messages.
It doesn’t matter if the words provoke a positive or negative

The Great Depression, 9­11, April 15, taxes, and Uncle Sam
are examples of words which provoke a negative emotional
response. Numbers are also used to evoke emotions.
For example, 75% off, 9 in10 people, 13 surefire ways.
Though you may think numbers would be factual, they
really cause emotional urgency. Many times, numbers
will evoke urgency, fear of loss or security. Teachers love
asking questions about numbers. Numbers are easy to

Simple Marketing

How to Formulate Compelling Messages

Your prospective clients will never know what you really

do until you consistently deliver the same messages to
them over and over again. There are so many consistent
messages which need to be created. Some examples are:
elevator speeches, postcards, flyers, sales letters, business
cards, advertisements, articles, speeches, website pages,
newsletters, e-zines, reports, and audio recordings.

Your message must be contain the following elements:

#1 Must-have: Pick a need/emotion

1. Security: (What will they gain or lose? Wealth,
comfort, health etc.)
2. Love: (Can they receive love or lose love? Both are
strong emotional needs that hit us at our roots.)
3. Recognition: (Will you have the best, most
luxurious, will you be acknowledged, are you

#2 Must-have: Address these 4 elements to construct

elevator speeches, postcards, business cards and small ads.
1. Speak personally to your perfect client.
2. Address their problems or issues.

Compelling Messages

3. Tell them the benefits of your solution.

4. Ask them to take action Example:
(Must-have 1 & 2)

Are you struggling with finding clients online? I’ve developed

a 10-step system that teaches small business owners how to
book their business solid in 8 months or less. Get started
for free with my weekly marketing tips ezine. Put your first
name and email address in the below box.

Additional elements #1:

(Use for newsletters, ezines, sales letters)

1. Educate
2. Give testimonials
3. Share features with your benefits

Additional element #2:

(for speeches, long audio i.e. radio interviews or podcasts,

reports, ezine and newsletter articles, sales letters)


Stories help develop relationships and move your reader to

feel as if they “know” you.

Simple Marketing

Here are some questions that will help you write compelling

Do you think the story is interesting? What is important

for them to hear? What would shock them? What would
sound almost unbelievable? Can you add a hook that will
make them stop and think?

Example: Story (for article marketing)

For the longest time, I wanted be thin, but I kept having

recurring thoughts that I couldn’t be. I had all kinds of
excuses. I would have to go hungry. I would have to run
5 miles a day. I didn’t have the time to exercise rigorously
daily. You name it. I thought it. I had every excuse in the
book. I was making untrue statements in my head. In fact,
I was manifesting that there was no possible way I could
be thin.

One day, it dawned on me after several years of reading and

applying Abraham Hicks’ and Wayne Dyers’ work. I had
already been using some of the principles of the law of attraction
and didn’t even know it. For years, I would find myself saying,
“I don’t like this job, I am going to quit in the next four weeks
and find a better job making $20,000 more.”

In the joy of my new job, my sister would make some comment

about the universe loving me. And then I figured it out. I knew

Compelling Messages

what I was doing and I knew that if I wanted to be thin, I just

had to be willing. And although I want the scale’s number to
say a couple pounds less, I trust that number change. I also
know today, I look great and feel thin. By following in the
law of attraction and universal energy, I already know that
whatever I want and believe will be, will be.

Additional Element #3:

Emotionally charged copy & hypnotic punches

When you read something that brings up some emotions

(tear of sadness, tear of joy or excitement), you have read
emotionally-charged copy. Have you ever read an email
that says, “I’m so excited to tell you about…”? It’s simply
copy that gets the reader excited to read on. Whenever
you can present emotions in your copy, you can provoke a
mental charge. It’s like a little energetic charge in the mind
that causes the reader to take action.

Here are some easy, effective strategies to quickly turbo-

charge and give a 1-2 punch to your copy.

1. Use captivating language that excites the reader.

Make them want to read more. Don’t use adjectives. Do

use powerful verbs and other descriptive words.

Simple Marketing

2. Tap into their fears.

The strongest emotion is the fear of loss. If people feel

that are going to lose their chance to receive the product or
service they are more likely to act now vs. later. Fear of loss
can be demonstrated with a limited time offer, a deadline,
a price change or a bonus offer.

3. Make them curious.

Another great emotion that gets our prospects to take

action is curiosity. “(Your Name), Do you know Sally”?
This makes the users curious and they have to click to find
out if they know Sally.

4. Answer their mind’s FAQs.

What’s the conversation going on in the reader’s head? Are

you answering their questions? How will it make their life

5. Write and speak in the present tense.

Instead of: “This program will change your life.” Use “This
program changes your life.”

6. Use second-person “You”. ”You may begin to


Compelling Messages

7. Make a relationship.

Relate to the reader by feeling their pain, problem or

struggle. People buy from people they know, like and trust.
The best way to do this is to offer value. This means giving
them education, information, facts and ideas on how your
products fit their needs. Be consistent with your offers.

”I know how you feel, I have been there too.”

8. Use clear process instructions.

Tell your prospect exactly what you want them to do.

What benefits you have to offer. What steps do they need
to take? “Go here now.” “Visit this page.” “Click here.”

You are a consumer, too. Be an intentional, conscious

consumer and make note of what works. More than likely,
it is a proven tactic that you can use in your own business.
9. Add some hypnotic power-punches.

Map Their Experience

This is a hypnotic technique that reaches your reader on the
subconscious level. You describe what they are experiencing
in that given moment.

Example: As you are reading this you are becoming more

and more interested in these hypnotic power punches. You
are curious, and want to learn more.

Simple Marketing

Here are some terms that can be added to your copy.

You already know…

Some people have told me when they...

I would like you to discover something…

When you think about...

As you bear them in mind...

Before you buy…

As you are getting excited…

While you are reading this letter and as you are getting
excited, you will benefit…

Imagine the benefits...

I’m not sure what aspects you will find the most magnetic
for you…

I am not sure what it is next that will…

Can be available to you…

Compelling Messages

As you find yourself thinking...


Write an elevator speech and a 50-word ad description for

your perfect client.

Law #8

Aligned Methods
“ My success just evolved from working hard at the
business at hand each day.” ~ Johnny Carson

A marketing strategy is simply a plan, while methods are the

pieces within a strategy. Many small business owners only
choose one marketing method and don’t create a marketing
strategy. In this chapter, I outline marketing methods that
make up your strategy.

Simple Marketing

In Chapter 5, I addressed the marketing cycle.

Law #8 covers three marketing cycle phases (Exist, Interest

and Prospect).

As you read these methods, mentally select methods you

feel aligned with. Do not choose a method if you can’t
visualize it in your business.

Discover Your Aligned Methods

Method #1: Networking

Networking means building a system of alliances and

education in order to receive referrals.

Aligned Methods

It is not a place to find customers! I will say that again. It

is not a place to find customers!

Choose groups that surround you with your targeted perfect

audience or powerful people with whom you can make
alliances. Again, networking is about creating relationships
that will bring you referrals.

Improve the effectiveness of networking by creating a free

information-packed report or CD that can be shared to
educate interested colleagues.

Method #2: Speaking

Before speaking to any audience, get answers to these

questions. What is the size of the audience? What are their
demographics? What are their intentions? Will this reach
my perfect clients?

Choose your speaking engagements. Start by speaking for

free locally. Find groups by asking colleagues and search
the Internet for previous speakers that reached your perfect

You can find many speaking engagements by letting

everyone know that you are a speaker and asking them
if they know of any groups that are in need of speakers.
Plenty of organizations and associations are looking for
speakers. Call first and then follow up with an e-mail if
they are unreachable.

Simple Marketing

Method #3: News Release

If you have REAL news, this is a great way to get your

word out. REAL news includes at least 3 of these 6

• Conflict: Is there a conflict within your news

release that you can help solve?

• Unique: Is your product completely different

than any other thing on the market?

• Timely: Is your article similar to a topic on

Oprah? Is it a hot topic?

• Prominent: Are you popular or working with

someone that is well-known?

• Proximity: Is it relevant to your area? A new

store opening is an example.

If you have REAL news, then do your homework, learn

how to write news releases and get going with your writing
and releasing.

Method #4: Promotional flyers

Distribute and post promotional flyers where, when and

if appropriate. Remember, start with your target market.
Are you going to reach them? Is the information timely?
Does it add value to your business? I’m sure you can easily
answer these questions.

Aligned Methods

Method #5: Article marketing

Articles build credibility and can make you an immediate

industry expert. Write articles for magazines, periodicals,
books and online publications. You may even make a buck
or two for your article.

Leverage your articles by finding business owners that may

hold a prominent role in the eyes of your perfect clients.
Offer to share your article or other information with their

Method #6: Get Involved With Your Audience

Spy on your perfect clients. Where do they hang out? What

are they reading? Subscribe to their magazine, forums and
support groups.

After a quick online search you will find plenty of forum

and discussion groups and other information. Get involved
and help answer their questions. Never sell your services to
them; instead educate them on how you can help.

Method #7: Internet Marketing

Buyers are looking for solutions online these days. This is

the least expensive and the best strategy to getting more
people interested in you and your services. More in-
depth information about marketing your business on the

Simple Marketing

Internet is covered in Chapter 9. For now, just choose it as

a marketing method.

Method #8: Host A Teleclass

A teleclass is charge for a class, consider offering a free

teleclass first. This way people can try you out before they

Offer a transcript as a free downloadable report so they will

keep in touch with you.

Promote your class in teleclass directories. You may have to

pay service fees, but it is worth it.

Method #9: Cross Promote

Create strategic alliances by identifying and asking other

editors that reach your perfect audience to share your
upcoming events. If you are charging for your event, you
may need to offer an affiliate commission.

Method #10: Paid Advertising

If you plan to pay for advertisements, make sure you

do your homework. Call previous advertisers in your
targeted market and find out how much response they are
receiving from their ad. Also follow the format for creating
compelling messages. If you are considering pay-per-click

Aligned Methods

search engine ads, research your keywords and keyword

phrases. Ensure your perfect audience is searching for the
keywords specified.

Method #11: Direct Marketing

A nice strategy is to have methods 1-11 as an avenue to get

prospects in your database. Now, you are ready to reach
them directly.

Direct marketing is simply identifying your perfect audience

and sending intentional messages directly to them.

The most common approach is direct mail and email

marketing, but there are other direct approaches. The
Blockbuster coupon you received in the mail is an example
of direct mail marketing. The last product you bought
online because you searched for a solution is an example of
direct response marketing.

Direct marketing campaigns allow your captured audience

to receive information on your upcoming workshops,
teleclasses and speaking presentations. Direct marketing
can also be an opportunity to educate your audience. By
focusing on your prospects, they will begin to like, trust
and know you.

Solution + timing + (know, like, trust) = 99.99% purchase


Simple Marketing

Some people simply aren’t ready to buy from you when

they meet you. Over time you can persuade them to know,
trust and like you. Once you build a relationship, they will
buy from you.

Create a Marketing Calendar


Step #1: Write down your selected marketing methods

(from the above list) and implementation ideas.

For example: Speaking, networking, advertising.


Step #2:Write down your marketing strategy. A strategy

is a selection method for sending out your intentional

For example: I will locate 2-3 speaking engagements

per month and collect email addresses for my monthly


Step #3:Create a detailed task list.

Aligned Methods

For example: Speaking Engagements

1. Research groups

2. Identify groups with my targeted audience

3. Identify leaders

4. Contact leaders

5. Create presentation

6. Schedule on your calendar


Step #4: Put each detailed task on your calendar and

reference any related flow chart.

Don’t forget to add “review marketing model” as one of

your tasks. Create process/flow chart notes below.

Calendar Procrastination Disorder

WARNING: You may experience marketing calendar

procrastination disorder.

Remember, 90% of our functions are unconscious, which

makes change difficult. A marketing calendar is a big
change. What happens if you find yourself rescheduling

Simple Marketing

or procrastinating? How do you change the behavior? The

questions below will help you with your disorder.

1. Do you know how to implement the marketing

method you choose?

2. Are you ignoring it or are you searching for a


3. Do you fear implementation or rejection?

Do you like this marketing method? If not, consider

outsourcing the work.

Don’t get stuck and stop; find help or support.

Law #9

The Universal Internet

“Hitch your wagon to a star.” --Ralph Waldo Emerson

This chapter is written so you know how to speak

intelligently to a web designer and/or a SEO (Search
Engine Optimization Internet marketing specialist. You
want to hire a web designer that is also an SEO specialist.
Many web designers and developers tell you they are also
SEO specialists. Don’t believe them! I have seen too many
designers that just put a couple of keywords on your site
and tell you that your site has been optimized. The first
thing you need to do before you hire a designer is to ensure
that you call all their references and ask them how their
site is doing on the search engines. In addition, you want
to view their portfolio to ensure that they do keep the
below marketing strategies in mind while designing their

Simple Marketing

4 Simple Steps to ��������������

Online �������
#1:  Website Set-up: Receiving Leads

#2:  Deliver Traffic to Your Website. This includes (a)

natural (b) paid traffic (c) other strategies.

#3:  Build A Relationship With Your Perfect Audience.

#4:  Call Them To Take Action.

#1: Website Set-up: Receiving Leads

Make sure you website’s copy addresses the following:

1. Speak to your target market, specifically the individual
that you identified earlier.
2. Understand her immediate problem. Do your
homework. What does she need? In this situation, you
want to know how to attract more subscribers and how to
do it effortlessly.
3. Tell your visitor the benefits of your solution. For
example, what would you get if you had all the clients
you needed? Some benefits may be more cash flow, more
profits, business development or growth.
4. Create a report or a short audio report that solves one of
his biggest or issues problems. Use the formula in Chapter
7 and create a powerful compelling message.

The Universal Internet

Here’s an example of a free report offer that can be listed

with an ezine description in your opt-in box (the request
for them to subscribe to your email newsletter with the
form on your website)

Are you struggling with finding clients online? Get my

FREE Report that teaches you how to build your client list
and skyrocket your profits.

Do you see how I used the compelling message formula?

The first sentence addresses your target market and his
immediate problem, while the second sentence demonstrates
benefits and invites him to opt-in.

You can use this same formula when you create a

compelling ezine description. These descriptions can be
used in the resource box of every article you write and every
blog entry you make. The ezine description’s purpose is to
get visitors excited and interested in you and your ezine.
Remember when writing a description-- consider making
the offer seem irresistible – something that will change their
business or their life. Make it something they absolutely
can’t pass up!

#2(a): Deliver Natural Traffic

Let’s talk about “Natural” search engine optimization

(SEO). “Natural” means your link naturally shows up first
on search engines like Google and Yahoo.

Simple Marketing

SEO #1: Narrow down your list of keyword phrases to

3-4. Make sure they are highly targeted keyword phrases
for your business. These are the keywords you think people
would search for in Google, Yahoo or MSN (the major
search engines).

For example if you sell auto parts in New York, your

keyword phrase would be “auto parts in New York” and
not just auto parts.

When people search for your site, they search for targeted
phrases, and not just keywords these days! This is great
news, because it is incredibly hard to get the ranking 1-10
for one keyword!

SEO #2: After you have chosen your phrase, check it.
Yes. Search for those words in Google, Yahoo and MSN
(again, these are the big guys). If your keywords are
extremely popular, you may want to rework your phrases
to be focused on your business. Targeting a keyword that
is not highly sought after could lead to big profits in niche
markets. I had a small business that did very well with the
keyword phrase “vegan baby.”

SEO #3: You’ll want to look at your “tags” or have your

web designer look at them. These tags include meta
tags, title, header and anchor tags. They look like this ---
<title><h1><h2><h3><a href=…> in your code. The tags
are html code that list the different words in relation to
your product on the web page. Make sure you include your
keywords in these tags.

The Universal Internet

SEO #4: Content is King. Write often and update often.

Search engines love new information. Write normally and
filter in keywords when appropriate.

SEO #5: Incoming links. This is also called link popularity.

Other sites linking to you are a great way to increase your
popularity and improve your website’s ranking.

SEO #6: Outbound links. Links to other sites are important,

too. Be careful to not confuse your reader. Put them where

SEO #7: I recommend this free tool for website SEO

evaluation. Give it try.

#2(b): Deliver Paid Traffic

The only advertising worth paying for is Google or Yahoo/

Overture pay-per-click campaigns. Don’t pay for banner
ads. They just aren’t effective. Here are the Adwords bare-
bones basics:
1. Do keyword research. Find out what keyword phrases
your target audience use for searching. Ask your current
clients! Use 2-3 word phrases and choose 15-­20 phrases.
2. Use keywords in your pay-per-click ad. You want to
reach your perfect clients only.

Simple Marketing

3. Does your ad offer a solution to their problem? For

example: If they search for marketing help, your ad might
say, “Free marketing tips.”
4. Mind your budget. Watch what you are spending for
your ads and stay in your budget.

#2(c): Deliver Other Traffic

There are many, many ways to receive traffic to your site

including article writing, joint venture partnerships and
networking.  Receive a list of 101 list building tips at

#3: Build a Relationship

This topic refers to the call to action, described in #1 part 4

under the topic Website Set-up: Receiving Leads.  You have
called them to “opt-in” and in doing so, you have collected
their contact information (at least I hope you did). You
want your prospective audience to get on your marketing
list so you can email them.

Now, you start sending them weekly, bi-monthly or

monthly e-mails. We have already addressed how they are
to be written. I recommend using an established company
to manage your list, you don’t want to be a SPAMMER!

The Universal Internet

#4: Call Them to Take Action

Find reasons to get your targeted prospects to take action.

How can you get them to revisit your website or blog?
Let them know you have added a new article or product.
Create a competition. Make them find something in a
giveaway. Be creative and find reasons for them to come
back to your site.

Law #10

Leverage & Automate

Your Systems
97% of all failure is due to the SYSTEM and not the
person. - W. Edwards Deming

All true wealth stems from systems. Think about it. If

you are trading hours for money, you will never create true
wealth. Rich people invest their money and let the stocks
do the work.

Systems are also universally attractive because they

continually deliver a clear, concise, consistent messages. In
chapter 7, you created your compelling messages. Now it is
time for you to make them “golden” and put them in the

Simple Marketing

Imagine if I got sloppy about my marketing information.

What if my marketing messages didn’t include any of the
4Cs (clear, concise, compelling and consistent)? What do
you think would happen to my prospects? Do you think
they would take me or my business seriously? Probably

Imagine having a step-by-step process for all your marketing

efforts. A process to get your newsletter out, a process to
book an event, a process to network even a tickler system
that tells you to review your plan! A turn-key solution. It
would be nice, wouldn’t it?

Let’s start with figuring out what processes you need, so

you can create your own turn-key solution.

Let’s start creating wealth!

Check Your Mindset

If you are a sole business owner, it is important to realize

that you may need to delegate one day. It may be just to
buy an envelope stuffer, but you are delegating. Why not
get the systems in place for you or when you are ready? Or
at least use them to make your life simpler and systematic.

OK. OK. I hear you. I know, you are saying, “But I’m a
creative person.” Great, you can still be creative. Just be
creative once. And then get more creative the second time
when you revise your process.

Leverage & Automate Your Systems

Let’s get down to it.

Create a Business Blueprint

Where do we start? Well, we start from the beginning.

Step 1. Create a “What am I doing list?”

Pull out a tablet and carry it with you for at least one week.
Make a list of everything you do. No details needed. Just
a line item, number them, and leave space between each
for notes.

For example:
1. Write article
2. Check e-mail
3. Call referral prospect
4. Create proposal
5. Turn low hanging fruit into clients

Step 2. Next to each item from step 1, write your intended

outcome. Ah, yes. Have an intention behind everything
you do. Next, see visually what you want to get out of
each task. See that smile on your face when you get a new

Simple Marketing

opt-in subscriber. If you attend a networking event, what

do you expect to get out of it? If you have someone on the
phone, what do you want (and state it positively)? If you
don’t close them on the phone, what would the next step

1. Write article – I intend for this article to be distributed
Internet-wide and find 20 new subscribers to opt-in to my
newsletter on my website.

Step 3. For each line item, write how you intend to get
there. What action steps do you need to take? This can
include a flow chart, a marketing calendar or a how-to list.
This can be created while you are doing the work the first
time or revising at a later date.

Example: How to syndicate articles on the Internet?

1. Post original to your website
2. Make modifications and submit article online

Step 4: Circle what you don’t enjoy and plan to delegate

in the future. Heck, go crazy, and visualize the task being
delegated. It is important to do what you like to do, so you
will attract more of what you like and not what you don’t

Leverage & Automate Your Systems

Take Home Tricks

TRICK 1: Product Leveraging

What if you created one powerful presentation and used

it over and over again? Then, this presentation would
become a book, an ebook, an audio program, a speech, a
couple of reports and a series of articles. The articles could
get submitted all over the Internet to give you links to your
website and create interest in your work.
TRICK 2: Recycle Your Plans

Yippee, you presented a workshop without a hitch. Great!

Why not wait six months and advertise in the same
places at the same times prior to the event, give the same
presentation and sell the audience on your products? All
you have to do is show up. This is also an excellent trick for
teleclasses and telecourses.
TRICK 3: Create processes as you create programs

If someone emails me for marketing help, I customize a

template response and send it to them. This saves me time
and the mental energy of what I need to say. It also helps
me to be consistent with my marketing materials.
TRICK 4: Keep your marketing calendar going

If you have a networking meeting that you like to attend

Simple Marketing

regularly, schedule it in. In fact, why not put “review

marketing calendar” in your schedule, too?
TRICK 5: The checking “in process”

If someone doesn’t buy, what will you do? How will you
influence them to buy from you? I like to hold my prospects
accountable. If someone isn’t ready to make a decision,
I schedule a date and time to “check in” (friendlier than
“follow up”).

I keep doing this until they make a decision to buy from

me or leave me. The process will increase your revenue and
decrease the cost of finding new clients. Put it on your
marketing calendar.
TRICK 6: The low hanging fruit process

You may have heard this term before. Low hanging fruit
is ripe and ready to be picked. This is another marketing
calendar item. Include one day a month for calling your
low hanging fruit.

Be sure to include an intention and purpose for the call.

Use the same wording for every follow-up call and reference
previous conversations.

Leverage & Automate Your Systems

Master Delegation

You have great processes in place. Now, let’s hand them


We all need to delegate. We either delegate or stagnate.

As you attract more clients, you’ll be delegating more and
more. This gives the universe a sign that you can handle
more. You simply won’t have the time to do everything.

There are three steps to delegating well.

1. Training. Make sure your “replacement” thoroughly
understands your documented process.
2. Delegate the entire system you created. Now that the
project has been explained and the end result is clear, don’t
explain the path that led you to your system. The path
doesn’t matter; the results matter!
3. Establish checkpoint and update meetings. This avoids
any confusion as to when the project or a portion of the
project should be completed. The regular meetings leave
the door open for clarification.

Fire Yourself: A Simple 3-Step Dance

Step #1: Fire yourself from the small stuff. Are you ready
to build some wealth? Yes? Well start with firing yourself
from the $10 an hour jobs. Some examples are answering

Simple Marketing

the phones, filing and bookkeeping. In time, you can fire

yourself completely, but this is only your first step.

Step #2: Get over your disappointment at not being needed!

If you have several assistants and you go on vacation, are
you slightly upset when things don’t go wrong? It doesn’t
mean you aren’t important. It means you delegated well.
Relax and reap the benefits to a job well done.

Step #3: Take longer vacations! It’s time to see how long
the business can be run without you.

OK. So you have read the book and completed the exercises.
Now what? Do you have any lingering doubts about how
well these laws work? Want some ongoing help?

Receive a special free gift from the author on the next

Simple Marketing

FREE One-Month Membership

Jen Blackert’s Monthly Membership Program

for Inspired Entrepreneurs

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Yes Jen, I want to take you up on your offer of a FREE

One-Month Coffeeshopreneur Membership
1. Group Coaching Membership (2 trainings monthly)
2. 40% discount on all products and classes
3. Jen’s Million Dollar Rolodex

There is a one time charge of $9.95 to cover administration

fees. You can cancel anytime through or by
emailing me at If you would like to
continue membership after 1 month, you will be charged
$47 per month.

Sign-up now!

About the Author
Jen Blackert is a woman on a mission.  Her passion is
contagious.  She has dedicated her life to being the “simple
& fun lifestyle” expert.  Jen’s exudes a charismatic presence
that has a loyal fan base and numerous success stories.  Her
principle system called The Simple Way is based on time-
honored universal wisdoms to teach us how to love the life
we lead.

Jen has authored of several books, and programs, including

Seven Dragons: a guide to a limitless mind and Discover
Your Inner Strengths co-authored with Steven Covey and
Ken Blanchard.

To learn more about The Simple Way for Entrepreneurs

and receive weekly “simple thoughts” from the author, visit

Contact by email:

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