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Free Diving Training Info

Land based Training Exercise - Static Breath Holds

Info source: Difficulty Level - 1 Purpose Increase static breath hold ability Awareness of your bodys inhale reflex and your ability to work through it to find your true point of must breath, your insufferable point Mental training to teach yourself to relax and be calm during the inhale reflex stages of a dive Duration 35mins total training time 5 min warm up + 5 x 6mins training {3 min breath hold + 3 min recovery} Frequency Twice a week Timing Morning (first thing) - The best time is directly in the morning when you wake up You should notice great increases in performance within a week ! Equipment: 1 bed, Stop watch Peace and quiet Method: Place yourself on the bed and relax, breathe deep, but normal for 5 minutes After 5 minutes of breathing, take three deep breaths one after another After the third inhale, make a powerful exhale emptying your lungs totally - a bit more if possible. Immediately after emptying your lungs take a powerful (from your toes) inhale filling the lungs to approximate 98 %, and hold your breath. At this point, start the stop watch to measure the time that you can hold your breath. When your holding breath, different thoughts are spinning inside your mind, this is normal, do not think about the time or that you actually is holding your breath, try to think about things that normally makes you calm After some time the first inhale reflex accrue, but dont give up, continue to fight ! Almost all untrained persons can still hold their breath for equal amount of time just before the reflex accurse When you reach the insufferable point and you have to take a breath, take a breath and stop the stop watch. Take 2 or 3 fast and deep inhales, trying to find your way back to the calm and relaxed breathing you had just before holding it. Rest for about 3 minutes with deep and normal breathing before you repeat the exercise. Repeat the exercise 5 times !

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Land based Training Exercise - Walking Breath Holds

Info source: Difficulty Level - 1 Purpose Increase dynamic breath hold ability To learn to control your breathing (not let your breathing control you) To learn the importance of correct breathing and breathing preparation before a dive Mental training to teach yourself to relax and be calm during the inhale reflex stages of a dive This training (walking apnea) is perhaps the exercise that gives you the most as freediver Duration 36mins total training time (if you reach a maximum of 2mins 30sec breath hold time, less if your limit is less) o 30sec breathe, 15sec hold, o 45sec breathe, 30sec hold, o 60sec breathe, 1min 15sec hold, o 1min 15sec breathe, 1min 30sec hold (if you can) o 1min 30sec breathe, 1min 45hold (if you can) o 1min 45sec breathe, 2min hold (if you can) o 2min breathe, 2min 15sec hold (if you can) o 2min 15sec breathe, 2min 30sec hold (if you can) o Decrease back down the list (line by line) when you reach you limit until you reach the 15sec hold again Frequency Twice a week Timing Morning (first thing) - The best time is directly in the morning when you wake up You should notice great increases in performance within a week ! Equipment: Stop watch A place that you can walk around without any disturbance Method: Start the exercise in standing position, Breath normally using your lower stomach as much as possible when you breathe Start the stop watch and start walking, not fast, just in usual relaxed tempo. Continue the usual breathing with help of the stomach all the time After 30 seconds of walking, restart the stop watch and take a deep breath and hold it, Without stopping, continue to walk in the same calm and relaxed tempo all of the time. After 15 seconds restart the stop watch and you start breathing again (dont stop walking at any time), After 45 seconds of walking restart the stop watch and take another deep breath and hold it, dont stop walking. After 30 seconds of holding your breath restart the stop watch and start breathing again. Continue the exercise like this, increase the time walking and breathing and the time walking and holding your breath 15 seconds at the time. When you have reached the limit of your breath holding ability (cant make the hold time), decrease the time with 15 seconds leap (like a pyramid), all the way down to the starting point. If you alternate with the static breath hold exercise you will notice that the limit of your training pyramid will grow. Soon you will be in control over your breathing, and not the opposite way around.

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Land based Training Exercise - Stair Breath Holds

Info source: Difficulty Level - 2 Purpose Increase dynamic breath hold ability This training prepares you mentally for your dive, down to deep water To learn to understand and feel your depth verses dive time To teach you to realise when it is time to start to ascend to the surface To learn calm, relaxed descents and controlled assents To control your oxygen usage / exercise rate and learn your limits Duration 50mins total training time (if you reach a maximum of 1mins 30sec descemt time, less if your limit is less) o 6mins warm up jog (1km) o 15sec descent (breath hold), 10sec ascent (breath hold), o 1min rest o 30sec descent (breath hold), 15sec ascent (breath hold), o 2min rest o 45sec descent (breath hold), 20sec ascent (breath hold), o 3min rest o 1min descent (breath hold), 30sec ascent (breath hold) if you can o 4min rest o 1min 15sec descent (breath hold), 40sec ascent (breath hold) if you can o 5 min rest o 1min 30sec descent (breath hold), 50sec ascent (breath hold) if you can o 5min rest o Decrease back down the list (line by line) when you reach you limit until you reach the 15sec descent again Frequency Once a week Timing Any Equipment: Stop watch Running shoes A high building with a staircase (at least 8 floors high) Heart rate monitor (not essential) Method: Warm up jog for 1km. Take the elevator up to the top floor in the selected building, and walk to the top of the staircase (this is the equivalent of the water surface) Set your start depth shallow, say 15secs of decent for the first time you do this exercise and go 15secs deeper each subsequent attempt until you find your max depth; Practice your calm deep breathing using your lower stomach. When you feel calm and your pulse is at resting (or close to it) take three deep and faster inhales/exhales, The last of the three respirations should be a deeper exhale and a deeper inhale (as in Exercise 1)

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Hold your breath, start the stop watch and begin walking down the stairs. Walk down calm and as economical as you can in full control of yourself. Look at the stop watch and note your turn around time. Note your "depth" on the staircase. Turn around and start to walk back up When you are on your way back up (to the surface) increase your speed to half running speed When you have reached the top (surface), start breathing and stop the stop watch You should be able to hold your breath for as long as this exercise takes, from the surface - down to the right depth - and back to the surface again. At the top of the stairs (surface) rest for about 1 minute before you prepare yourself for the next descendant. Repeat the exercise but increase the depth by 15secs before you turn around and increase the rest time by 1 minute every stage. When you have reached your maximum depth pyramid back in 15sec increments to the starting dive depth

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Land based Training Exercise - Yoga Breathing Exercise (Sodarshan Chakra Kriya)
Info source: and Difficulty Level - 2 Purpose Increase dynamic breath hold ability Core muscle development Mental calmness with the onset of contractions during dives Lots of other benefits if you believe the Yoga gurus Duration 31mins total training time (if you complete 16 cycles of 3 pumps per chant with 16 chants per cycle) Frequency Every day for 40 days if you want to do it as per the Yogis max benefit system. Otherwise as often as you can make time for it. Timing Any Equipment: Peace and quiet Method: Sit up straight, have your spine erect and bring head back slightly (not up) so your chin is subtly drawn in and back like a soldier at attention. This aligns your spine with the back of your head. Your eyes should be 1/10th open looking down at the tip of your nose. Rest your left hand on your left knee. Block your right nostril with your right thumb and have the remaining fingers pointing upwards. Now breathe in deeply through the left nostril filling your lungs to capacity. Lower your right hand now and place it on your right knee. With your breath held in, begin to pump your stomach (pulling in the abdominal muscles) to the mantra "deeper diving". You should be pumping your stomach with full force You will pump your stomach 3 times for each iteration of deeper diving. Once for deeper, once for dive and once ing. The mantra should be chanted mentally of course, since the breath is held in. Chant for a total of 16 times, so for a total of 48 stomach pumps with the breath held in. Then raise your right hand, close off the left nostril with your right pinkie and breathe out of your right nostril. This completes 1 cycle breathe in through left nostril, hold and pump, breathe out through right nostril. Continue to repeat this cycle for the duration of 16 cycles. Variations: Beginners o Do only 1 pump for each chant. o So in total with your breath held in you will do 16 pumps per cycle. o Also, reduce the force of the pump to where you are comfortable. o Start with 3 minutes and build up to 11 minutes. o It should be practiced daily.

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Intermeditates o Do only 2 pumps for each chant. o So in total with your breath held in you will do 32 pumps per cycle. o Pump your stomach with a moderate force o You should try to do 11 minutes, then go to 22 minutes and then to 31 minutes daily o It should be practiced daily. Advanced o Do the kriya as described above in the method section o The commitment should be to do 40 days without missing a day, 31 minutes each day o If you miss a day, you go back to 1 and start over till you complete 40 days

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Free Diving Training Info

Pool Training Pool Session Interval dive training
Info source: Difficulty Level 4 (freediving champions level) Purpose Improving freediving swimming techniques Improve fitness (of freediving muscle groups) Improve endurance and ability to deal with CO2 build up and lactic acid build up Learn your dive limits in a safe environment Duration ~1.5hrs to 2hrs total training time Frequency Once a week Timing Any time (before or after work) Equipment: Stop watch (waterproof) 50m pool Snorkel & mask Short rubber dive fins Long free diving fins or a monofin, A dive buddy or safety spotter and lifeguard Method: Warm up o Stretch of muscles in arms, legs, back and abdominals- 5 minutes o 100m breast stroke, 100m crawl at a slow speed/pulse Without fins, diving: 5 laps. Start with 15 butterfly kicks (while diving) for a max. 25m then surface and swim to the end. When it gets easy, try doing it on the back and the side. o Video 1 Butterflykick wo fins.wmv o Video 2 Butterflykick wo fins side(1).wmv o Video 3 Butterflykick wo fins back.wmv 1min rest 200m Out/Under 3 breaths. : 4 x 50m laps max speed mixed styles (front, side, back and spinning) With small rubber fins, diving with your arms straight in front of you. 3 breaths on surface then underwater until fatigued, then surface and 3 deep breaths then return underwater. No rest until 200m completed. o Video 4 small fins back.wmv o Video 6 small fins normal.wmv o Video 8 small fins side.wmv o Video 9 small fins spinning.wmv 1min rest 200m Out/Under 1 breath. 3 x 50m laps max speed mixed styles (front, side, back). With small rubber fins, start by diving 15-20m then surface for only 1 breath before diving again for 15-20m before catching a breath again and diving 25m Under/25m Surface. 2 x 50m laps. Start by diving 25m followed directly by 25m in the Peter Pedersen

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surface. Swim in as many different ways as possible, both in the surface and while diving. o Video 5 small fins surface back.wmv o Video 7 small fins surface side(2).wmv Surface swimming with snorkel. 6 x 50m. With long free diving fins or a monofin -: o 2 x 50m max speed with arms in front Video 10 surface mono with snorkel.wmv o 2 x 50m max speed with both arms along the side o 2 x 50m max speed with one arm in front, one to the side Video 11 surface mono side.wmv 50m dive. 5 x 50m. With long free diving fins or a monofin . 3 breaths on surface then underwater until fatigued or 50m reached, then surface and swim to end and rest up before 3 deep breaths and repeat: o Focus on your technique and time to do the 50m, no interval training now. Do longer rest breaks (2-5mins) o Vary the dive speed. Example: First 3 laps lap can be done fast 4-5 sec faster that usual The last 2 laps can be done in a normal pace. o You will see that the normal pace will increase this way Cool down o 100m breast stroke, 100m crawl at a slow speed/pulse, relaxed and easy

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Free Diving Training Info

Pool Training Pool Session CO2 tables
Info source: Jasmine Bastow (Australian Champ Female freediver) Difficulty Level 2 (set your level to match your ability) Purpose Improve endurance and ability to deal with CO2 build up and lactic acid build up Learn your dive limits in a safe environment Duration ~1.5hrs to 2hrs total training time Frequency Once a week Timing Any time (before or after work) Equipment: Stop watch (waterproof) 50m pool Snorkel & mask Long free diving fins or a monofin, A dive buddy or safety spotter and lifeguard Method: Warm up o Stretch of muscles in arms, legs, back and abdominals- 5 minutes o 50m breast stroke, 50m crawl at a slow speed/pulse CO2 tables as per the spreadsheet. Do at least 2 sets. Cool down o 50m breast stroke, 50m crawl at a slow speed/pulse, relaxed and easy

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Free Diving Training Info

Pool Training Pool Session O2 tables
Info source: Jasmine Bastow (Australian Champ Female freediver) Difficulty Level 2 (set your level to match your ability) Purpose Improve endurance and ability to deal with low oxygen levels Learn your dive limits in a safe environment WARNING Low O2 levels risk samba or blackout. ALWAYS ensure your training buddy is watching and ready to rescue you if you samba. For more info about samba watch the video at

Duration ~1.5hrs to 2hrs total training time Frequency Once a week Timing Any time (before or after work) Equipment: Stop watch (waterproof) 50m pool Snorkel & mask Long free diving fins or a monofin, A dive buddy or safety spotter and lifeguard Method: Warm up o Stretch of muscles in arms, legs, back and abdominals- 5 minutes o 50m breast stroke, 50m crawl at a slow speed/pulse O2 tables as per the spreadsheet. Do at least 2 sets. Cool down o 50m breast stroke, 50m crawl at a slow speed/pulse, relaxed and easy

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