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By Jeffrey D. Dean Sr. September 14, 2011

A purely "religious" school would be a school that teaches ALL religions (at least the basics of each one) and then allows a person to make an informed choice as to which religion is right for he or she. Ultimately, if they were SCRIPTURE BASED, this would be the ONLY real lesson, however, that

"PURE RELIGION and undefiled before God is that a man visit the fatherless and the widow in their affliction and to keep oneself unspotted from the world." (JAMES 1:27)
This principle transcends ALL religions and therefore it can be said, no matter WHAT religion you follow if you do as prescribed in the above quoted text you have PURE RELIGION! You need not any building or creed to remember the fatherless and the widow. So you can say that the Holy Spirit is therefore that "perfect teacher of religion." You also do not need church buildings and religious ceremonies in order to keep oneself "unspotted" from the world.


Religious doctrines within the Organizations of Christianity (The Beast Religions) teach plainly that while remembering the fatherless and the widow (charity to those less fortunate than yourself) is quite possible, the second pronouncement "and to keep oneself unspotted from the world," is IMPOSSIBLE. They cannot understand nor do they see that the above text states that keeping oneself unspotted from the world is the ONLY PURE RELIGION! Thus, Christians blatantly understand that their religion is TAINTED (NOT PURE) by Biblical Definition, however, they remain within that religion because they have concluded that PURE RELIGION (keeping oneself holy or unspotted from the world) is NOT POSSIBLE! They never ask themselves the question, why would James define the only PURE religion in a fashion as to say that pure religion is "impossible?" (Don't fool yourself, when you say that keeping yourself holy or unspotted from the world is "impossible" you are ABSOLUTELY saying PURE or TRUE RELIGION is IMPOSSIBLE for that is the VERY DEFINITION of PURE/TRUE RELIGION in the Bible)! If there is NO PURE RELIGION (because James defines it in such a way as to make it impossible or non existant) then WHY do the Christians even HAVE religion? Why do they have religions based on the teachings of the Apostles, being that the Apostles have thrown in the towel and stated that PURE RELIGION is impossible! If PURE RELIGION is keeping oneself unspotted and Christians are SPOTTED and they teach there is no way to BE ANYTHING BUT SPOTTED, then, their religion (being spotted) is FALSE (TAINTED OR UNPURE) RELIGION and they ADMIT IT OPENLY! It is the OPPOSITE of PURE RELIGION, it is ANTI-RELIGIOUS because it is the OPPOSITE. While PURE RELIGION keeps one UNSPOTTED, the OPPOSITE, Christianity (UNPURE RELIGION) keeps one SPOTTED.

I find that to be the most amazing part! You often hear Christians saying "don't be religious," and "religion is death." Now, it might sound like they are right on the mark, for their Christian Religion is in fact IMPURE RELIGION by their own scriptural definition and therefore, it's wise to avoid it. Yet, Christians are NOT saying AVOID THEIR CHURCHES when they say "don't be religious." Oh no! They WANT YOU to go to their church and will warn everyone not to "forsake the gathering of yourselves together as the manner of some are.." What in the WORLD do they mean then? They are saying that there is ONLY IMPURE religion (belief in Christ while you remain spotted with sin). They are saying that to attempt PURE RELIGION (being unspotted) is LEGALISM and is what they mean when they CALL someone RELIGIOUS. They are talking about the pursuit of Christlike perfection, telling you to "not try to be truly religious by keeping yourself unspotted from the world." They call your efforts "self righteousness" and say it's "filthy rags." They speak EVIL of doing good and call it "RELIGIOUS" and state that TRUE RELIGION is a BAD THING. ("Don't be religious" they say while insisting you join their religion). They justify this in their minds by telling themselves it's okay to NOT be PURELY RELIGIOUS because God knows that's "impossible" anyway. It is better to encourage people to be "nonreligious" (or FLAWED in their Religion for Pure religion is impossible to them) in the sense that you don't try to keep yourself unspotted. In all other senses they want you to be religious and come to regular church services, pray the way they prescribe, dress the way they dress, and preach their VERSION of a twisted and perverted Gospel, whereby the PRUDENT SPIRITUAL DISCIPLE is now called a "prude" (that used to be a good word to say about someone, that they were prudent, now it's bad). They have turned the whole world upside and now preach wickedness for righteousness and righteousness has become wickedness. They have decided that ONLY a WICKED and PERVERSE PERSON would preach to others that they should do something that it is IMPOSSIBLE to do! Amazingly they then break this very principle themselves by posting the Ten Commandments on their Court House steps and in their churches and schools for if being "unspotted from the world" is IMPOSSIBLE so is KEEPING THE COMMANDMENTS- and indeed they teach that is impossible as well- so, while they judge the "legalist" for preaching the impossible, they themselves are guilty of the same, for WHY would you post the Ten Commandments if they are "impossible?" Aren't you then guilty of being "religious?" If you preach truly that we CAN be like Christ through Christ's strength, they will make you an enemy and a heretic! They have concluded all LOST and IN BONDAGE under sin as long as they are in "this life" and in "this flesh." If you tell them that we are SET FREE of this bondage through Christ's work on the cross they will reject you, for they say they are ONLY set FREE from the PENALTY of the SIN! Finally, and most importantly, they will offer as the ultimate proof of your "frivolity" and "vanity" the "fact" that JESUS WAS GOD and HIS LIFE OF OBEDIENCE AND PERFECTION WERE THE PROOF OF HIS DEITY. Thus, they have concluded God does NOT WANT them to be like Christ for then they would be making Satan's error, attempting to be LIKE GOD. They then teach that God WANTS ALL HIS FOLLOWERS AND CHILDREN IN BONDAGE TO SIN so that when they finally get to heaven "no man can boast" because ALL got there by GRACE alone! They teach that it's only impossible to be perfect because it's NOT GOD'S WILL. Thus they conclude that ONLY their CHRIST ever kept PURE RELIGION and ever WILL have PURE RELIGION. Yet, if this is so why would James the Servant of God tell us about it or even define it? It's something that only belongs to GOD INCARNATE and is NOT SOMETHING we can even learn. James was wasting his time and ours if you hear the "UNPURE RELIGION" (Christianity) tell it!

They teach it's NOT God's WILL for us to be PURE (in our religion or otherwise). They teach this DESPITE the numerous and myriad scriptures that show us it is DEFINITELY GOD'S WILL FOR US TO BE LIKE HIS SON! HOLY. UNSPOTTED FROM THE WORLD. Worst of all, they teach these things DESPITE THE HOLY SPIRIT who shouts on the street corners and from the rooftops to them that they are SINNING and shall REAP THE REWARDS OF THEIR SINS! God warns them every day in the Spirit but their ears are deaf, and their consciences are SEARED with a hot branding iron. (They are branded but not with the mark of God, it is the Conscience SEARING BRAND OF THE ANTICHRIST DOCTRINE which teaches them that to be God's obedient children is impossible and undesirable and out of the WILL of God). What a LIE they have swallowed! What a rude awakening awaits them. I hope it doesn't come too late! Jeffrey D. Dean Sr.

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