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() Letter and Word A, B, C, D Letter

1) CAPITAL LETTERS (PRINTED FORM) N,O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z 2) SMALL LETTERS (PRINTED FORM) . a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l, m, n, o, p, q, r, s, t, u, v, x, y, z 3) CAPITAL LETTERS (WRITTEN FORM) . A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y,Z 4) SMALL LETTERS (WRITTEN FORM) . a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l, m, n, o, p, q, r, s, t, u, v, x, y, z . A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M,

Vowels & Consonants aeiou (Vowels) bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxyz (Consonants) Sentence A sentence is a group of word with complete sence. (sentence)

eg ... 1) Baby cry. I. tatement sentence

2) We eat rice.

() )

1) Dogs like meat. II. Interrogative entence 1) Do you read newspaper?

2) I am a programmer. ) 2) Do you love me?

III. Imperative Sentence ( 1) Open the door. IV. Exclamatory Sentence( 1) What a Shame! Subject eg .. 1) We use internet. subject subject

2) Get out. 2) Oh ! My God. )

predicate ( 2) He Sleep. ... ) predicate ) ) /

Predicate ..Birds fly.( Farmers grows paddy.( .. Predicate Predicate ..

Verb( Verb Subj+Verb+Obj

.. subject + verb erb intransitive verb subject + verb Verb Object( Object( ) eg..Baby cry. Birds fly. erb Subject ( ) ) He sleep. )

Object eg...A cow gives A cow gives milk.

1) I love my mother.

2) We love our country.

() Words word ( )

... go = cat


book =

eat =

Word-Class (


The Eight Parts of Speech

1) Noun .. (n)

........... man, woman, boy, girl, dog, cat, car

2) Pronoun..(pron)

/ (Noun

........... I, we, you, he, she, it, they

3) Adjective...(adj)

/( Noun )

........... good, bad, fat, thin

4) Verb......(v)

( )

........... go, come, eat, have

5) Adverb...(adv)

/ ( Verb )

........... slowly, quickly, carefully, good, beautiful

reposition.. pre

........... in, on, at, to, from

7) Conjunction..(conj)

........... and, but, or, because

8. Interjection...(interj)

........... Is that so?! Oh, unexpected! Surprising! Extraordinary! How wonderful! O, what a surprise! Oh, I see! Ah, poor fellow! Oh, that's great! Hear, Hear! () Dear, Dear!

Content Words and Structure Word Grammar Structure word Content Word Content Word Content word

1. Noun 2. Verb 3. Adjective . Adverb... Content word

Structure Word structure word (

1. Pronoun 2 .Preposition 3. Conjunction 4. Article 5. Helping Verb..... structure word

() Phrase & Clause Phrase Phrase 1. In the east 2. on the table = 3. at the door = 4. under the tree= 5. behind the wall =



Verb (Predicate)

Phrase = Preposition (adj) N

Preposition / / . / /



.., on, at, of, for, by, with, near, to, from, etc 1. My mother is in the kitchen. 2. Fruits are on the table. 3. My father is not at home.

Noun phrase

Gerund (V+ing style)

to infinitive

Eg.. I like playing the guitar. (gerund) I want to drink a cup of coffee.

Clause Subject Verb (Predicate) Clasue

Clause = Conjunction + Subject + Predicate = Conjunction + Predicate

. 1. [the man] who kill the tiger 2. [the cat] which likes milk 3. that they will come

) )

4. because he works hard 5. if you work hard

Conjunction ; A conjunction is a joining word. It joins one word to another word or one sentence to another sentence. Eg.. and, or , because, if, after, but, etc. .. 1. Boys and girls sing together. 2. Give me a fountain- pan or a ball-pen. 3. He is poor, but he is honest. 4. Moe Moe is absent because she is ill. 5. If you want to succeed you must work hard.

entence is group of words . ubj and verb hrase is group of words . Subj and verb Clause is group of words . Subj and verb .

She was reading a story when her mother come into the room .(sentence) when her mother come into the room(clause) come into the room(phrase)..


Noun ( ( )

) Noun

man, woman, boy, girl, dog, cat, car


Nouns Grammar 1. Proper Noun ( 2. Common Noun ( 3. Collective Noun ( 4. Abstract Noun ( ) / ( oun oun )/( ) ) .. )

Grammar () Countable )

Noun ncountable

Proper Noun (


): (Proper Noun <= >

eg.. ,Thar Gyee, , Thi Hla, Ye aing , Daw Aye , Smith eg.. ,Aung Net, Kyar Bo Mon State Yangon Division Myanmar Kayin Japanese Indian

Tun, Mr./Mrs.

The Ayeyarwaddy, The Pacific, The Red Sea , The Suez Canal


President, The Pa Pa Win, The city hall, The New Light of Myanmar, The yemon, The people magazine Proper Noun proper noun )

Capital Letter( Yangon (/) yangon(x)

A, An, The

A U Aung (x) U Aung (/)

Common Noun ( (Common Noun)


, man dog table ( twon habour ( river / sea

Man ) dog ) ) ) Proper Noun Common Noun ) )

.. U Pon Nya is often called the Shakspaer of Myanmar. ( )

Shakespear Shakespear Proper Noun Common oun

Collective Noun ( Collective Noun eg.,Committee, Jury( fleet( class, term, navy, pair,

) / (


), army, ), crowd, flock( ), herd( ),

family, a group of young men, a flock of sheep, a herd of cattle, a hive of bees.

Material Noun ( material noun


eg., water, air, earth, mud, sand, wood, chalk, cotton, leather, plastic, metal, gold, silver, rice, wheat, bread, sugar, salt, meat, beef, pork, mutton, curry, oil, milk, tea, coffee common noun

Abstract Noun ( Noun Eg ....kindness, beauty, honesty, bravery, obedience, wisdom, victory, innocence, happiness, sorrow, laziness, pleasure, Leisure, friendship, childhood, manhood, hardness, softness, love, anger, greed, heat, light, length, height Abstract Noun


Abstract Noun

Countable & Uncountable Nouns 1. Countable Noun Common Noun, Collective Noun

2. Uncountable Noun _Proper Noun, Material Noun, Abstract Noun

.... one dog, two dogs, three dogs one book, two books, three books two flock of birds , three yoke of oxen, five pairs of slipper .. Common Noun, Collective Noun

Proper Noun, Material Noun & Abstract Noun .. Myanmar ..Mount Everest Water .. Sorrow . Uncountable


milk, coffee, wood, paper, silver

.. (Plural)


Case and Number Case Nouns ( case Nominative Case (Subject Noun) Case

..Mg Mg is clever. Khin Khin is beautiful.

Objective Case (Object

Noun )

..I love my mother. We admire Khin Khin.

Possessive Case (


Possessive Case)

..Mg Mgs father is very rich. hin hins eyes are bright. Possessive case Noun s

eg.., 1. dogs tail s

2.birds wings lural oun s possessive case ..

eg..,1. the dogs tails 2. Birds wings eg.., 1 The houses windows x s The window of the house / of

Number ( () Singular Number ( Singular lural

ouns ) Plural Number ) (


s eg.., boy to boys, book to books, desk to desks, house to houses, river to rivers .. s ,sh, ch brush class fox watch brushes, classes , foxes, box gas tax boxes, , gasses, taxes, x es ..

watches, branch branches,

-The only bird that can fly backwards is the humming bird. -The giant squid has the largest eyes in the world. -An ostrichs eye is bigger than its brain.

-A rat can survive longer without water than a camel.

-A dolphin sleeps with one eye open. -A crocodile cannot stick its tongue out.

-A goldfish has a memory span of three seconds. -Camels will spit if they are annoyed. -Only female mosquito bites. -A mammal's blood is red, an insect's blood is yellow and a lobster's blood is blue. -Loud, fast music makes termites chew faster. -A blue whale's tongue weights more than an elephant. - -Bats always exits a cave to the left. -Tigers has striped skin, not just striped fur. -The heart of a giraffe weights more than 25 lb, and is 2 feet wide. ( -Elephants is not afraid of mice. -Camels has three eyelids to protect their eyes from blown sand. -Slugs has four noses.

-Snakes is immune to its own venom. -The fastest bird is the peregrine falcon and can fly faster than 190 miles per hour. " " () -Mosquitoes are attached to the color blue more than any other colour. -Cats cannot taste sweet things. -The largest egg is laid by the ostrich and can be 8 inches in length and 6 inches in diameter. () ()

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