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Aconite: restless, excessive thirst, sudden onset, fear of dying, worse cold wind, high

fever that rise quickly, first stage of illness

Aethusa: violent nausea, projectile vomiting esp infants intolerant to milk (curdled when

Agaricus: frost bite, rx that fears death the most (chronic rx); sensation of frozen, itching,

Allium cepa: hay fever, discharge of nose is acrid, bland lachrymation (opp Euphrasia)

Antimonium crudum: irritable/don’t look at me (all antimoniums), don’t want to be

touched, treats inhibitions and intolerance of milk, cross, don’t want to be looked at or
approached, thickly white coated tongue, agg. Heat and cold bathing, eczema wings of
nose/nostrils (ddx causticum, lycopodium, right nostril only = Elaps) with gastric
disturbance (belching), cracking of skin, skin conditions

Ant tart: gurgling/rattling mucus in chest, can’t cough it up (especially in older

people;doesn’t apply to kids as they haven’t developed cough reflex)

Apis: red, edema, swelling, stinging, burning, impatient, locally > cold (like a pissed of
bee), hives that look like this

Apocynum: Ki failure, swelling, dropsy, HT bicuspid valves regurg, poor circulation,

acute alcoholism

Aralia racemosa: cough < after first sleep, < evening, dry cough, tickling in throat, like
foreign object in throat, lots of sneezing

Arg nit: anxiety rxn (movie – as good as it gets), anticipation before event (e.g. before
speech), loose stool d/t nervousness, fear of flying, impulsive behaviour ddx gelsemium =
sudden, weak knees, want to lie down, also have diarrhea

Arnica: shock, trauma, say ok when not, overall feeling of being bruised, bed feels too
hard (need to move to find soft spot), first remedy after any injury or surgery (often won’t
need secondary rx if use quickly enough), influenza like sx too

Ars: exaggerated fear, disproportional to ailment, burning better heat, < after midnight,
restless, but want to move (from bed to bed, change rooms, etc.), don’t want to be left
along usually toward end of dz state, end stage of life when don’t want to be left alone
(will bring them peace)

Badiaga: cough, mucus flies out (ddx Capsicum – head and chest will fly to pieces)
Baptisia: influenza, dark, grey colour to person (besoted looked), septicaemia, putrid –
everything seems like rotting and deteriorate very quickly with influenza, aching
muscles, can’t get relief

Baryata carb: upper resp organs, glands swollen, chronic swelling of tonsils, dry
suffocating cough, as if smoke in the lungs (often sx of pneumonia)

Belladonna: acute throbbing congestion, redness, delirious with fever (high), sudden
onset, better still, better dark and no noise, blood shot eyes, glassy eyes, hallucinations,
NOT thirsty (opp aconite), out of it (not present), violent, desire to escape (reflects them
being delirious)

Bromium: dry, hoarse, raw, resp organs, hard swelling of glands (ddx phytolacca – right
side, worse at night, conium), burning behind sternum, air inhaled like smoke (ddx bar-c),
cold sensation on breathing in, cough worse deep breathing, > by the sea < by land (b/c rx
of sailors with cough)

Bryonia: better hard pressure, < slightest motion, bronchitis when cough from nose to
chest (common cold goes straight to chest), grumpy like a bear, dry conditions,

Cadmium sulph; ill effects of chemo and radiation (nausea, prostration) – each time px
has the treatment

Calc carb: sour sweat, cold sweat (especially feet), night sweats where rolls of heat and
creates a wet circle surrounding head on pillow, chilly in adults (kids could be warmer)
ear and throat infection, lots of saliva (especially when teething) or perspires easily, right
sided sxs, craving soft boiled eggs when convalesing, don’t digest milk well,
constipation (but not bothered by it b/c diarrhea is more common and very debilitating for
them, < afternoon (opp. Sulph))

Calc phos: irritable, colicky (pains at every attempt to eat), spluttering diarrhea, babies
not thriving well, better moving (b/c tubercular rx), better riding in car, poor healing
after fracture in older people (thin, worn out) (ddx symphytum), feels complaints more
when thinking of them

Calendula: great antiseptic rx, fever from septicaemia (surgery with unexplained
fever), skin scrapes (internally used), to secure union by first intention and prevent
suppuration (don’t use too quickly topically)

Canabis: URINARY (ddx cantharis for UTIs), burning worse urination, extending to
bladder, urethra very sensitive to touch or external pressure (can’t even walk with
legs together), stuttering, a sense of dropping in or around the heart

Capsicum: cough, respiratory, burning and smarting sensation as from cayenne

pepper in throat and other parts, no > by heat; chest and head feel like will fly to
pieces (explosive, spasmodic cough), ppl with poor hygiene (e.g. elderly pxs),
homesickness (could be why getting sick)

Carbolic acid: allergic rxns – vesicular eruption all over body, which itches
excessively, > after rubbing, but leaves a burning sensation;, anaphylaxis – throat
closing (ddx gentia lutea, pumon histamine), acute sense of smell; jetlag (better than

Carbo Animalis: glands that burn like fire, prostration (weak debilitated state – feeble
old constitution ddx bar-c – old or very young), indurated glands (axillary, inguinal or
mammary regions), deep-seated illness, ill effects of eating spoiled fish/vegetables (ddx
arsenicum – food poisoning, bad meat, restless, fear of death, cold, worse after midnight)

Carbo-veg: inadequate oxidation (think of person passed out, pale, blue, cold), want to be
fanned b/c need oxygen, collapse state – from the bad effects of a bad disease, never
recovered; “corpse reviver” - after surgery or at end stages of life; bad effects from loss
of vital fluids (ddx Caust, China, Phos) very gassy, can’t pass it, not better passing gas

Collophylum: weak contraction of uterus, tonifies uterus – sense of internal trembling

present, helps dysmenorrhea

Causticum: very controlled ppl (hate injustice, stand up for group), scalding burns,
suppression of urine after surgery, involuntary urine from cough, sneeze etc. (puls, squila,

Chamomilla: irritability, anger from pain, capricious behaviour, especially in kids (>
when carried), colick/teething (ddx nux-v), with green diarrhea like chopped eggs and
spinach (hot, very offensive, like rotten eggs; convulsions of children after fit of anger in

Chelodonium: LV/GB obstruction (R-sided rx), constant pain under their right
inferior scapula (gall-stone colic), bilious complications during pregnancy, prefer
very hot food and hot drinks (temperature – almost boiling or else ST will not retain
them (Ars)), yellow thickly coated tongue with red edges and teeth mark, yellow eyes,
yellow diarrhea (stains bowl), right-sided pneumonia complicated by LV probs

China: prostration from loss of animal fluids (blood, water, milk), mother who is nursing
twins, feeling weak from it, symptoms occur every other day (periodicity – not just from
malaria), extremely sensitive to touch (skin over whole body feels sore, even the hair) but
> hard pressure

Cimicifuga: labour when pain is going to drive them insane, intense pain that makes them
very angry

Cistus Canadensis: glandular rx, malignancy of the glands of neck, extremely sensitive to
Cocculus: motion sickness (even from just looking at car or boat in motion), better eyes
open (ddx tabacum better eyes closed), general sensation of emptiness (all internal areas
– head, bowels, etc.), weakness of cervical muscles with heaviness of head, ill effects of
loss of sleep, night-watching or over-work (ddx caust, cuprum, ignatia, nitric acid)

Coccus cacti: feeling of thread in throat/tickle in larynx, whooping spasmodic cough ends
in vomiting white tough, ropey, mucus/viscid, hanging in long strings from the mouth

Cochicum: gout, great prostration, internal cold (and burning at the same time – often in
abdo), restless, nausea and vomiting from the smell of cooking food (to faintness)
especially fish and preg (ddx tabacum, cocculus, other nausea in preg rx symphoricarpus
racemosis – snow berry – very good rx for nausea in preg when other well-indicated rxs
don’t work; pulsatilla); sx agg from sundown to sunrise

Colocynthis: sharp, cramping, stabbing, twisting pain in abdomen, better bending

double, > hard pressure (dioscorea better bending back, mag-phos better heat),
dysentery-like diarrhea often renewed after least food or drink with characteristic colic
pains, pissed off, irritable (pain is neuralgic in nature and thus this rx is good for

Conium: stoney induration of glands (ddx bromium (stoney), phytolacca, carbo-an

(stoney) ), contusion of breasts and become cancerous, stoney mastitis (usually later in
condition, stoney hard like rocks (in any cancer), reason good in cancer is b/c for people
are hard and cut off from life, vertigo < turning head sideways (Coloc. Left) or turning in
bed, ascending paralysis, breast become enlaraged, painful, sore at each menstrual
period agg at least jar or walking

Cuprum: intense cramping, about control, feel as if under intermittent attack (vs. zinc
ALWAYS under attack and can’t let up), all sxs violent and sudden, thumbs are clenched
in colicky babies

Digitalis: cardiac failure (arrest/ collapse), dilation of HT, slow irregular pulse, dilation
of myocardium, hypertrophy of LV

Dioscorea: (ddx colochynthis and mag-phos), sharp, twisting, gripping, “grinding”

(specific to dioscorea), better bending back (can be any kind of cramp – even menstrual)

Drosera: sorry I missed these…but Toby B has them



Gelsemium: 5 d’s – droopy, dizzy, diarrhea, dopey/drowsy, fear will blank out during

Graphites: skin conditions – eczema with thick, sticky, oozing, dries like honey-comb
around head/ears (possible impetigo rx)

Grindelia: resp, asthma/emphysema with dilation of HT, suffocation on falling asleep

(sleep apnea)

Hepar-sulph: splinter-like pains, sensitive to pain, irritable, restless, chilly (like nux),
good for abcesses/infections that need an outlet (ddx silica to expel foreign bodies and
chilly, but milder presentation than hepar-sulph), later stages of infection, fetid discharge
(green/yellow, rotting), response is immediate (w/in minutes/hours)

Hydrastis: relaxed mucous mems, with thick, yellow, ropey secretions, aversion to
vegetables, irritable kids, digestive complaints

Hypericum: nerve pain, antiseptic, hematic, sharp shooting pain

Ignatia: hysterical conditions (related to emotions), sighing relieves condition, not better
consolation, easily trigger b/c emotions on surface, perfectionist/idealist, usually
emotional trauma related, lump in throat (globus hysteria) (not better swallowing)

Ipecacuanha: n/v, nausea not better vomiting, clean tongue, lots of saliva, indicated in
coughing that ends in vomiting (stomach flu or coughs)

Iris versicolor: migraines, headaches begin with blurred vision, develop from too much
mental exertion (over-studying)
Kali-bi: ddx hydrastis d/t ropey discharge, yellow, elasticy, ropey, sticky, thick discharge,
hard to get out (snaps back), yellow, chilly, worse morning, URT, pain at root of nose <
pressure (ddx sepia – dry crusty discharge, better warm drinks)

Kali-carb: weak back/backache, labour, sharp, stabing pain as baby comes out, chilly,
intolerant of cold, sweating of back

Kali-mur: ear infxn and white discharge

Kali-sulph: ear infxn, Yellow discharge, profuse (ddx hydrastis d/t yellow ropey and
relaxn of mucus mems, but dislike veggies), sulphur craves sweet, left sided, hot feet
(uncovers), hot vertex of head, ailments from not being appreciated from work,
opinionated – all these are keys to sulphur

Kali-phos: BURN OUT (ddx phos-ac, mur-ac, pic-ac, lecithin)

Kreostotum: blackness became from necrosis, looks black like charcoal, discharge
extremely excoriating, violent sxs

Lac caninum: back and forth – alternating sides (like a dog wagging tale), tonsillitis
(URT affinity), sore throats (constitutional – abuse, mistreatment then give lycenum when

Lachesis: left-sided (can extend to right), agg into sleep (all snakes), worse in morning on
waking, better cold, intense rx

Ledum: puncture wounds (mosquito bites, surgical incisions), ecchymoses (bleeding

under tissues), black eyes – around eye (ddx injury to eye ball = symphytum – arnica of
eye ball)

Lycopodium: right sided sore throat, better sweet warm drinks (except diphtheria),
gallstones – back pain better urinating (only lyc and med) gas stuck at splenic flexure
(more chronic)

Mag-phos: colicky rxs, abdo pain better bending double, better warmth when condition
spasmodic (any spasmodic) (ddx colochynthis, dioscorea), relieved by rubbing area,
gas, belching wit no relief, fullness of abdomen have to loosen clothing

Merc-sol: salivation, perspire a lot and worse when do, fetid, rotting condition, lots of
saliva but increased thirst, restless, chilly (but narrow temp range, back and forth)

Merc-i-f: right sided (flavus = yellow = LV = right), tonsillitis, sinusitis on right side

Merc-i-r: left sided (rubor = red = HT = left)

Muriatic acid: exhaustion, exhausted mother, over nurturing, mothering everything

around them; acute: hemorrhoids strangulated blue and purple

Nat-sulph: concussions, any blow to spine (start with arnica and then consider nat-sulp
when not resolving), green, thick mucus, sensitive humid weather or basements

Nit-ac: sharp splinter-like pains in throat, irritable, secretive, feels being persecuted, pains
appear and disappear quickly (like belladonna), (nitrogen = need for expansion and crave
fat – without expansion feel constricted and about to explode – thus pains with be
exploding e.g. exploding headaches, lipomas)

Nux-v: chilly, irritable, wastes time to be sick, constipated, urging intense without

Petroleum: burning like fire skin

Phos: electric shock, haemorrhaging nose bleeds, key notes: ice cold drinks, better
outside, fearful, anxious, suggestable personality

Phos-ac: burnout rx (ddx kali-phos, mur-ac, nit-ac, china), mental followed by physical

Phytolacca: red, hard, inflamed, mastitis, throat infxns or tonsillitis worse sticking tongue
out, dark purplish red throat, better cold drink, worse at night, affections of glands, right-
sided, cannot swallow anything hot

Plumbum: arteriolsclerosis in the cerebral vessels leading to paralysis (mainly affects

extensor mm = wrist drop and ankle drop) – comes after repeated small vascular
accidents, usually ppl selfish and self-indulgent, abdomen is retracted toward spine like a

Podophyllum: painless, summer diarrhea, bright yellow, sputters out

Psorinum: chilly, ppl don`t respond to well indicated rxs, lamenting, complaining,
nothing helps, shrivelling (not expansive)

Pulsatilla: weepy, better consolation, fresh air, chilly when sick, infxn to late state quickly
(in less than 24 hours), thirstless with dry mouth

Ran-b: shingles with blue, painful vesicles, lots of itching and burning, injury or fracture
of the free floating ribs (ddx bryonia = rib fractures)

Rhus-tox: chilly, worse first mvmt, better heat, restless, better moving, can`t find comfy
position, crave cold milk, loves to stretch
Rumex: resp rx, tickle in throat pit, feels like a feather or dust in that area that triggers
cough and then continuous, worse breathing cold air, worse touching throat, better cover
throat and head, worse changing temp (warm to cold or vice versa)

Ruta: tendon rx, affinity for wrist and flexor tendons, bruised, sore, aching, tender

Sabadilla: nasal mucus mems (ddx hydrastis), hayfever, lachrymal glands, persistent
sneezing from tickling in nose, itch so intense that stick fist in eyes and nose to rub,
cannot tolerate smell of garlic

Sambucus: snuffles in newborns, sudden suffocation that gets them as soon as fall asleep
or wakes them at midnight from asthma or coughing (ddx grindelia), person turns blue
(like hypoxia from suffocation)

Sanguinaria: right-sided, LV and rheumatism (of right shoulder – pain), lots of burning
heat, as if blood boiling (ebullations)

Sanicula: enuresis, sea-sickness (ddx tabacum), offensive foot sweat, constipation

Secale: shrivelling up, emaciation, dryness, dry gangrene after frostbite, diabetics prone
to gangrene, worse heat or warm covering, better cold or uncovering even though feel icy
cold, want to stretch because of the shrivelling

Silica: expelling foreign objects, chronic infxns with not characteristic sxs or long
lasting, bashful stool, stinky foot sweat, feel as if hair in throat, poor stamina (vs.
cocculus is px that needs to night watch and get burned out)

Spigelia: (whooping, hoarse, croupy, cough – not huge keynote) (ddx drosera is
spasmodic), agg by smoke (so is drosera, pulsatilla), sharp, piercing pain beneath
frontal eminence extending to left eye, in and around eyes, extending to socket, fear of
pointed objects, left-sided exclusively, sinus or migraine type headaches, left-side of

Spongia: saw-like, barking, croupy cough, whooping cough, better warm drinks, (in a
question the cough will be key)

Squilla: bronchial pneumonia, stubborn cough, child rub eyes during cough, violent
sneezing with violent cough, involuntary spurting of urine with cough, cough worse cold
drinks, deep breathing and exertion, worse change from warm to cold, tendency for
soreness around margins of nostrils with lots of coryza

Stannum: later stage of pneumonia, chest feels hollow and thus can`t talk, bitter yellow
greenish expectoration with bitter tastes

Sulphur: procrastinating infxns, sweets desired, hot person

Tabacum: motion sickness, nausea better closing eyes (on a boat)

Thuja: rx after vaccine – ill effects, can be used for warts but it is over prescribed

Tuberculinum: eczema, persistent cold throughout the winter, prone to constipation,

prone to eczema from birth

Veratrum: cold, pale, collapse, as if from sun stroke, beading cold sweat on forehead

Zincum: restless leg syndrome, esp feet at night, OCD rx, ailments from suppressed skin

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