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Juan Saenz History 1302 Margaret Shipley

Chapter 19
Key Terms Who Grover Cleveland- 22nd and 24th President of the United States; only President to serve two non-consecutive terms. Farmers Alliance- A populist movement of U.S farmers, organized against the crop-lien system. Precursor to the Populist Party Populists-Brainchild of the Farmers Alliance, short term lived political party also known as the Peoples Party. Made up of farmers across the South and Midwest, an anti-elitist group. William Mckinley-25th President of the United States, popular for being involved in Spanish-American War and for starting the Republican dominance from late 1890s until 1930s. Theodore Roosevelt- 26th President of the United States, known for being assigned President the youngest, after the assassination of William McKinley. What Election of 1880- Won by James Garfield, with 214 electoral votes because of his self image as a hard working man, and having good funding. Sherman Anti-trust Act of 1890-A law which required the Federal government to probe trust, governments and organizations, against monopolism and cartels. Interstate Commerce Act of 1887-Focused to regulate the Railroad Industry, because of its monopolistic practices. First federal law which regulated a private industry. Yellow Journalism-Journalism focused on publishing sensationalistic and greatly enticing stories with a goal to cause controversy and sell.

Review Questions 1. The Spanish American war was caused by the U.S interest in the Carribean and the Cubans ambition to free from Spanish rule. Cubas ambitions were announced in Yellow Journalism and Americans sympathized with such revolt. Several incidents later, especially the sinking of U.S Battleship Maine triggered the actual confrontation. 2. In the first election he lost since his message against elitist was small. In the second election, he kept campaigning in favor of free silver which was not in trend with the current population, and anti-imperialism was not an accepted topic. In his third attempt he lost to a most famous and accepted Howard Thaft. Making Connections 1. In some points Manifest Destiny and Imperialism was similar and different. In the ambitions of Manifest Destiny the United States seemed to want to absorb land as much as God permitted. In the Imperialism it seemed it was the same goal to conquer land and countries as an example, but differently it just wanted to rule over territory without having to integrate its population. So both had somewhat of the same goals, although Imperialism had less consequences on the U. S population, since civilians did not have to fight against the facing population like it did in the philosophy of Manifest Destiny.

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