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Robert Anderton Burgess II

14294 Bald Eagle Dr. Apt. 104, Noblesville, IN, 46060, robertandertonburgess@gail.!o,
t"isburgess.blogspot.!o, #12.219.$%#0
Media Communications Professional
Award-Winning Journalist / Columnist / Blogger / Photographer / ditor / Producer /
!ideographer / Paginator
A motivated, dynamic professional, possessing excellent written and visual communication skills, an
efective combination of creative and technical abilities evidenced through ability to generate superb
content from conceptualization to published product, familiarity with diverse media formats and extensive
experience in print and photo journalism.
PR"#$$I"%A& 'PRI%C
Kokomo Tribune ( %ight ditor/ditorial Board Member
March 2012 to Present, 3 !. "nion #t., $okomo, %! &'(), *isty $nisley, city editor,,
&sing 'i!roso(t )*!e, Ne+sEdit,ro, -./0ue, B1)2, -par., 0uar., 3ip and Adobe 4-6 I edit !op/, assign
stories, anage a 5ve6reporter ne+sroo, slot pages, generate budgets, proo(read duies, !urate so!ial
edia and +ebsite, and !apture and edit p"otos.
7rite ne+s, !enterpie!es and entertainent (eatures. ,ublis" +ee.l/8 .eek in /eview, 0uestion
1ime and 2ouse of 3urgess.
7on 9irst ,la!e 6 Best 3eneral 4oentar/ 6 Division % 6 201: ;oosier -tate ,ress Asso!iation 9oundation
Better Ne+spaper 4ontest.
-erve as Assistant Editor, 2eartland <regional aga=ine, previousl/ 2oward 4ounty 5iving> and Editorial Board
'eber, $okomo 1ribune.
Anderton &eaf Photograph) ( Photographer/Co-owner
March 2010 to Present
,"otograp" individuals as +ell as spe!ial events in!luding +eddings.
NUVO Newsweekly ( #reelance Reporter/Photographer
December 2010 to May 2011, 3(-) !. *eridian #t. 67, %ndianapolis, %! &'78, 3),.7-&.7&, 9im :oyser, managing editor
7rote "ard ne+s pie!es !overing t"e state"ouse in addition to !on!ert and albu revie+s (or usi! se!tion.
-"ot and edited p"otograp"s (or publi!ation in bot" print and online slides"o+ (or.
Ukiah Valley Television ( Reporter/Producer
uly 200! to uly 2010, :.;. 3ox -)7, "kiah, 4A, (-&87, ,,.&'3.)')&, 9ay 9ohnson, owner,
,la/ed an instruental role in and produ!ing a television ne+s progra, "<1< !ews, !overing 'endo!ino
4ount/, 4ali(.? @esponsible (or +riting and editing t"e +ee.l/ ne+s!ast s!ript as +ell as teAt (orat ne+s
pie!es (or t"e !opan/ +ebsite. EBe!tivel/ utili=ed video s"ooting and editing s.ills to produ!e video ne+s
Iproved "<1< !ews (ro an ebr/oni! video produ!t into a pro(essional ne+s!ast.
The Ukiah Daily ournal ( Reporter
"u#ust 200$ to uly 200!, -( #. #chool #t., "kiah, 4A (-&87, ,,.&'8.3-, $.4. *eadows, editor,,
7rote (eature, edu!ation, governent and !rie stories. ,ie!es o( note in!luded !overage o( !ontentious
=oning and edi!al ariCuana ballot easures, drug6related !rie and natural disasters.
-olel/ responsible (or ">9 5ive blog and !reated popular +ee.l/ opinion !olunDblog, 2ouse of 3urgess.
-pe!iali=ed in ,"otograp"/ and videograp"/, in!luding post6produ!tion (or print and online.
EA!elled in page design and la/out, utili=ing InDesign, 0uar.2,ress and Ne+sEdit ,ro.
The %e&orter'Times ( Reporter
March to "u#ust 200$
www.reporter?, :.;. 3ox )'3', *artinsville, %! &')-), 3rian 4ulp, managing editor,, ,'-?3&7?33)) ext.
4overed t"e 5ve s!"ool distri!ts o( 'organ 4ount/, Ind. as edu!ation reporter? also !overed !rie and business
7rote !oluns, s"ot and edited p"otos, !aptured video and laid out a ulti6paged edu!ation se!tion ea!"
()*+ ( Correspondent/Programmer
October 200, to March 200$, :.;. 3ox )(,3, 3loomington, %! &,&7, 4had 4arrothers, news director, 8)7.373.)7
7rote, re!orded and edited ne+s segents (or t"e >aily 5ocal !ews progra.
;osted usi! s"o+, *ind 3ullets, (ro 1 to : a.. ever/ 9rida/.
Times'Mail ( #reelance Reporter May
1!!$ to March 200$, :.;. 3ox 8&(, 3edford, %! &,&7), #ara 4liford, lifestyle editor, 8)7.7,-.&)()
7rote (eature stories, initiall/ t"roug" a progra enlisting "ig" s!"ool students to +rite a se!tion
!alled 3est of 1imes.
;ired, based outstanding erit o( +or. on 1he 3est of 1imes, to +rite (eature stories and s"oot
p"otos (or 5ifestyle se!tion.
The Orbit E Reporter/ditor-in-Chief
"u#ust 1!!$ to May 2001
#upervisor@ Aene *c4racken, newspaper teacher
-u!!ess(ull/ served as reporter (or "ig" s!"ool "ig" s!"ool ne+spaper, 1he ;rbit
-ele!ted senior /ear, b/ supervisorDtea!"er, to be editor6in6!"ie(.
Indiana +ni-ersit) - B.$./ lementar) ducation
"u#ust 2001 to May 200-, 7) !. /ose Ave., 3loomington, %!, &,&-
Nae to t"e DeanFs 1ist (or -pring 2004.
-pent eig"t +ee.s student tea!"ing -t. Ni!"olas ,riar/ -!"ool in 4ranleig", -urre/, &nited Gingdo in
-pring 200%.

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