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protozoa Portal of entry Final site in the host MOT

Risk groups characteristics

Toxoplasma gondii mouth All organs, esp brain and lymph node Food and water borne (cyst and oocyst) Organ transplant (zoite and cyst) Cats feces (oocyst) Blood transfusion (zoite) Laboratory accidents (zoite) Pregnant woman (zoite) Immunosuppressed patient (cyst, zoite, oocyst) Oocyst

Oval shape More resistant but destroyed in boil water, burning and contact with strong NH3 for 3 hours Tachyzoite

Life cycle

Cresent/oval shape Pseudocyst : tachyzoite + its wall Destroyed : freezing/thawing Bradyzoite Slowing dividing form Destroyed : freezong/irradiation Definitive host : cat Accidental host : human Release of oocysts in the cats feces Shedding of oocysts (infected host) Sporozoites (in intestine) Trophozoites (pseudocyst-endodyogeny) Invade macrophages (lymphatic vessels) Enter blood stream and other intestinal organs True tissue cysts Intracellularly in tissues The immunity is established in healthy host Tissue cysts (dormant bradyzoites) *when host resistant is lowered, cyst is reactivated and bradyzoites are released toxoplasmosis Congenital toxoplasmosis 1st trimester : abortion 3rd trimester : congenital abnormalities infected newborn : ocular involvement, intracerebral calcification, hydrocephalus, psychomotor disturbances and mental retardation ocular toxoplasmosis : acute retinochoroiditis, pain, photophobia, blurred vision, healed scar pale, prominent black spots of choroidal pigment, blindness acute disease fever, malaise, lymphadenopathy, sore throuat myalgia, popular rash chronic reactivated disease encephalitis myocarditis pneumonitis Isolation : animal inoculation, tissue culture Parasite detection : histological examination PCR Radiology serology Pyrimethamine + sulfadiazine Pregnant woman Spiramycin + Folate acid

disease Clinical symptoms



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