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Le spun mereu elevilor c zborul, pe lng bucuria pe care i-o ofer, te poate pune de multe ori n situaii neobinuite,

unele la limit. Pentru a nu fi surprini de astfel de situaii, le spun mereu s aib aprins beculeul rou. Este o formulare care mi s-a prut potrivit pentru a ilustra necesitatea de a-i ascui atenia i a o menine treaz clip de clip pe timpul zborului; o exprimare scurt, care spune multe.

I always tell my students that flight, besides the joy it offers, puts you many times in unusual situations, some of them to the limit. In order not to be surprised by such situations, I always tell them to kepp a "red light" turned on. It is a formulation that seemed appropriate to illustrate the need to sharpen attention and to keep awake at every moment during the flight; a short formulation, which says a lot.

Una dintre mprejurrile care necesit aprinderea beculeului rou se refer la remorcajul de automosor, unde pot aprea situaii de ncetare a traciunii din diverse motive. Genul acesta de evenimente sunt simulate i repetate de nenumrate ori pe parcursul procesului de nvare a zborului, pn la stpnirea perfect de ctre elevi. Astzi, am avut o situaie amuzant, vis-a-vis de modul de rezolvare a unui astfel de caz special, cum l numim pe aerodrom. V vorbeam, ieri, de Ionic, unul dintre sportivii notri, cruia urma s-i fac astzi controlul n zbor pentru ieirea la simpl

comand aa-zisul solo flight. Ionic este brevetat de mai mult vreme, dar acestea sunt procedurile ce trebuiesc urmate dup o perioad mai mare de ntrerupere de la zbor. One of the circumstances that requires the "red light" to be turned on, refers to the winch towage, where, for various reasons, a thrust failure may arise. This kind of events are simulated and repeated again and again throughout the learning process, to perfect mastery by students. I had a funny situation today, about how to solve such a special situation. I was talking yesterday about Ionica, one of our students. He should make today a short in flight control before his solo flight. Altough Ionica owns a pilot license, these are the procedures to be followed after a long break flying.

Cum ieri fcusem angajarea i vria , tem la care Ionic s-a descurcat ca la carte, m-am gndit s i fac i o simulare de ncetare a traciunii la automosor, aa, pe neateptate. M-am neles cu pilotul mosorist asupra detaliilor, dup care am trecut la fapte. Dup decolare, pe la vreo 70-80 de metri, ne-am trezit brusc fr traciune, o situaie nu tocmai comod. Am urmrit cu atenie reacia elevului, m interesa n cea mai mare msur s vd cum va reaciona, deoarece aici pot aprea probleme legate de elementul de surprindere; Ionic a pus planorul instinctiv pe pant normal de zbor, a declanat cablul de remorcaj, dup care a virat stnga. Era genul de incident care presupunea nscrierea planorului pe o taiectorie care s l aduc la aterizare pe direcia invers decolrii. Atta doar c procedurile spun c trebuia s vireze dreapta, dup care urmau celelalte manevre. L-am corectat, dup care totul a decurs ca la carte.

As we have done the "stall and spin" flight theme yesterday, I thought it would be useful to simulate an unexpected winch thrust failure. I established all the details with the winch pilot, then we prepared for the flight. After takeoff, at about 200-220 feet, we suddenly lost traction, a not very convenient situation. I carefully followed the student's reaction, I was mostly interested to see the student's reaction, because there are a lot of problems related to the element of surprise; Ionica instinctively pushed the glider on the glide path, he detached the towing cable, then made a left turn. This kind of incident involves putting the glider on such a trajectory to bring it on an opposite direction for landing. Ionicas first maneuver should be a right turn. I corrected him, then everything went by the book.

Partea amuzant a fost dup aterizare. cnd l-am ntrebat dac tie unde a greit. Mi-a rspuns: beculeul rou! Am mai fcut o simulare, la care nu se atepta nici ct la prima dar, de data aceasta, lucrurile au mers perfect. Am mai fcut apoi un zbor de control i a ieit la simpl comand. Zboar de destul de mult timp, este i ndemnatic, dar a uitat de beculeul rou. La urmtoarele zboruri cu siguran nu va mai uita. The funny part was after landing when I asked him if he knew where he was wrong. He said: "the red light"!

We made another simulation, but this time things went perfectly. Then Ionica made his solo flight. Altough he is a good, skilled student, he forgot about the "red light". He will definitely not forget in his future flights.

I have promised to my readers to come up with some explanations on terms and phrases less familiar, who have or have not a direct contact with the sport aviation. I'll try to explain those terms that I already used in my posted articles, but I'm expecting to more questions on other topics. Am amintit, ieri, termenul de mosor, cu referire la modul n care am decolat la unul dintre zboruri. Termenul complet este de automosor, i se refer la un utilaj folosit de piloii planoriti pentru lansarea planoarelor la zbor. n principiu, este vorba despre un troliu, avnd de regul doi tamburi cu cablu metalic, cu o lungime ntre 1000 i 1500 de metri. Automosorul se amplaseaz la captul opus al locului de decolare, iar cablul se ntinde pe teren pn la panor. In my yesterday article, I mentioned, the term "spool" in reference to how we took off for one of our flights. The appropriate noun in English could be winch, and it refers to a machine used by the gliders pilots for launching their gliders in flight. Basically, there is a winch, having two towing elements, usually metal cable, with a length between 1000 and 1500 meters. The towing machine is situated at the opposite end of the runway, and the cable lies on the ground, from the winch towards the glider. Captul dinspre planor este prevzut cu un dispozitiv care permite clanarea (ataarea) sa de fuselajul planorului. Tamburii mosorului sunt acionai (individual) de un motor cu ardere intern, care i antreneaz n micare de rotaie, permind bobinarea cu mare vitez a cablului de remorcaj pe tambur. n felul acesta, se imprim viteza necesar decolrii i a meninerii n pant de urcare a planorului, dup care cablul este detaat de la planor i acesta ramne n zbor liber. End from the glider is equipped with a device that allows clanarea (attachment) to the glider fuselage. Drums are driven spool (individual) of an internal combustion engine, which involves rotating, allowing the "reeling" with great speed on the towing cable drum. In this way, print speed to maintain takeoff and climb the slope glider, after which the cable is detached from the flight plan and it remains free. Prin comparaie cu remorcajul de avion, cel cu automosorul este mult mai rapid i mai economic, fiind ideal n faza de pregtire iniial a piloilor de planor. By comparison with towage cost at the automosorul is much faster and more economical and ideal for initial training phase of the glider pilots. O alt referire a fost cea la urcarea n cminul termic. Cminul termic este reprezentat, ntr-un mod foarte simplist, de o bul de aer cald de dimensiuni finite, care capt o micare ascendent ntr-o mas de aer instabil. Planoarele efectueaza un zbor spiralat n interiorul respectivei bule de aer, urcnd odat cu aceasta. Viteza de urcare poate varia de la sub 1 m/sec pn la 15-20 m/sec. De obicei, prezena acestor bule de aer ascendent este marcat de ctre norii Cumulus, acei nori albi i pufoi, prezeni n zilele nsorite de var. Another reference was the boarding home to heat. The home is the heat in a very simplistic way, a hot air bubble finite size, which receives upward in an unstable air

mass. Gliders on a flight that stranded inside bubbles, ascending with it. Climb speed may vary from less than 1 m / sec up to 15-20 m / sec. Usually, the presence of these bubbles upward is marked by cumulus clouds, and fluffy white clouds were present during the sunny summer.

Another beautiful day

He said in the afternoon that day, a friend that I can not remember to have met the Deva as good a thermal condition and a long period. Without exaggeration, I could organize a small competition these days flight away. Yet, student participation has been weak to nonexistent ... Not many years ago, although I went out to fly gliders 10-12, sometimes more often happens to athletes who did not catch the flight left that day. Where have the years or that spoke to our airfield about Mecca? We made several trips today, less heat and more photos flight, as usual, nature has been generous. I took heat from the spool, (for those unfamiliar with the terminology, I will return with an explanation), I climbed an average of 1.5 m / sec, maybe more, we have not realized when I reached one thousand meters. The scenery was absolutely gorgeous. From the fluffy white, the outline ivory, then to dark blue-black one, true columns cauliflower-shaped tip, I could discern with the naked eye "cooking" inside the cloud. They were at that stage of maturity that makes you increase your level of attention. Somewhere near the North is already unleashed a downpour of rain. It was a short flight, but effective. Ionian athlete that I was in the glider, he needed an outlet to "hiring and tail spin." As soon as I got, so we came back quickly. On alighting from the glider, Ionian started bouncing with joy and I repeat, not know how much time to himself how little he needs a man to be happy ! One thing these days really impressive was how quickly the weather phenomena that have evolved on a background of great instability. From those fluffy clouds, fan across the sky (quite rightly have been called cumulus humilis), the giants Charlie Bubu, as he called Michael a few days ago, my friend. Nearly every day ending with a small noise and light show (yesterday was a bit higher), then everything has calmed down and came in the evening. Yes, we can safely say that it is summer. I look forward to come and vacation students. We started this year with the right, in terms of flight performance and I would like to continue the same. We try to recontour a lot of proprietary flight performance athletes in recent years. Among them are some really talented. At the same time, we have a large group of beginner students who are eager to start flying. I'd be lying if I said that we, the instructors are less anxious.


If you are wondering why did this blog ... The decision to build a blog has helped me in a very large extent, my daughter's suggestion to try to flight enthusiasts share something from the experience gained over My career in the field. Once the decision made, I rediscovered the pleasure of writing, and the feedback received lately from readers telling me that the previous posts have sparked some interest among them. At the same time, I was delighted to make them share the idea and those who read this blog on the joys that they give me off, every day, the prospect that one of the things when you look out there at the top. When you say perspective, I do not mean a particular way of looking at things, but to something much more pragmatic, the views that we offer the world seen from above. Nature gives us free, May each day, impressive performances, everything is to take time to admire them.

I discovered with great pleasure that Porumbu and navigate, we have a great admiration for the professional set up a blog for planoritilor, where highly accurate information is posted in this area, very useful and really valuable, whereas Fri from a man with an enviable exprien in gliding and as a stock of knowledge. Some of the articles published by me will help in understanding the phenomena related to flight, and were therefore will continue to be published in the category "A little school." I'll try to respond, to the extent that I succeed, as many questions that arise in terms of understanding the flight came from feedback from readers is very important. I will also present a flight and legally less theorized, ie in terms of living a joy at every take-offs.

Aurel Vlaicu the paramotor Cup

Saturday and Sunday, respectively 28-29.05.2011, Deva Territorial Air Club hosted the second edition of the Cup Paramotor Aurel Vlaicu, in collaboration with the Phoenix Sports Club 89. Supported samples were: 1. Accuracy landing - landing three consecutive 15-cm disc 2. Sample benchmarks - benchmarks that must be demolished in June as soon as possible Competition winners were: I BEZERGHEANU MUGUREL - Craiova Rites IONUT II - University of Timisoara III Buzan ADRIAN - Club 89 Phoenix Athletic Association, Bucharest Since the event coincided with the festival "Days of the City", organized by the Municipality of Deva, the premiere was conducted by Mayor Deva, Mircea Munteanu, on stage in front of a local supermarket. After the ceremony, participants in the competition gave them an air show great Deva residents. Photo credits

Atmospheric warming
Sun, the radiation emitted, the main source of heat for the earth. The whole spectrum of radiation emitted by the sun, are responsible for the warming effect of the infrared radiation, radiation with a wavelength greater than visible light. Air, due to its physical properties, is able to absorb only a small amount of direct sunlight, heating was insufficient quantity. Land area, however, turns sunlight into heat, which is then transmitted through the air several processes: radiation, conduction, convection, turbulence, advection and phase changes of water.

Among the processes listed above, the most important role in heating the atmospheric air movements we have horizontal ( advection ) and vertical ( convective ) and its phase changes of water in the atmosphere. An air mass volume of air is comparable to the horizontal dimension with large portions of continents and oceans, characterized by a relatively homogeneous distribution of physical parameters. The vertical thickness of air masses can be several thousand feet, sometimes reaching up to extend the upper troposphere. Physical properties that keep their values are somewhat constant temperature, humidity and degree of transparency, and they are determined by the characteristics of air mass surfaces in contact. In the meteorological sense, advection in the atmospheric air is moving horizontally or almost horizontally. Following this move, the air mass characteristics (including temperature) changes to its entry into active contact with a surface of the earth, whose parameters are different. Heat transfer by advection may cause an increase or a decrease in local temperature.

Convection is defined as an unorganized move vertically up and down the volume of air that cause, for different thicknesses, mixing layers of air. May be capable of thermal convection, dynamic or combined. Thermal convection arises from uneven heating of parts of the earth's surface (plowing, construction areas, surface water, forests, etc..). This leads to strong upwelling which can sometimes exceed 15-20 m / s, accompanied by downward movement of air, usually with lower speeds. Rising currents characteristic of clouds is often indicated. Convection is represented by a dynamic forced upward movement of air masses and wind moved in the path meets a large obstacle. These barriers may consist of mountain slopes, in which case we are dealing with orographic convective or large masses of cold air over a sliding upwards warmer air mass, in which case we speak of frontal convection.

Another way to transfer heat between land surface and atmospheric phase changes of water . (I'll return with a special article dedicated to them). A good example is the condensation of water vapor, a process accompanied by a strong exothermic form of latent heat of vaporization. The amount of heat released is equal to the amount of heat consumed for evaporation. If the transformation of a gram of water vapor is consumed a quantity of approx. 600 calories, imagine the energy released inside the clouds with great vertical development whose water content can exceed 300 tonnes.

GPS and VFR flight

GPS is the abbreviation of the English language for Global Positioning System - Global Positioning System and is based in principle on the use of a satellite system to accurately locate the position of an object (receiver) in soil and air. For this system to work accurately, requires at least four satellites and a receiver operating principle, in a simplistic way, based on accurately measuring the distance between the satellites and receiver. Currently, GPS receivers are extremely widespread and popular among pilots. I refer here to individual receivers, which can be easily purchased by users.

The most popular systems are moving map that shows the path followed by aircraft, along with other useful information (ground speed, head of the flight path followed, as estimated by various calculations, fuel, etc..) Superimposed over a map of land overflown. Devices are extremely easy to use, so they have also been adopted by a large number of pilots for the flights on the route. I never wanted to write in detail how the GPS system works, we can discuss this issue thoroughly in a later post. What I want to emphasize here is that is practiced more or less tendency to "abandon" the means of navigation, without due attention to classical systems show navigation "on demand". The trend was talking about has some explanation, if we consider the prices of those devices, but generally decent, especially when you consider the convenience and ease of use. Why insist on acquiring a thorough classical methods of navigation and I refer particularly to the shipping method seen? (By definition, method of navigation is a set of procedures observed to ensure follow a flight path and aircraft position determination by comparing the terrestrial parts of the map.) Because it is a simple method that uses only the map, a compass or compass, clock, and aviation. The probability that a compass to break aviation is extremely small, almost impossible, due to its constructive simplicity. These devices become unusable, the overwhelming proportion because of their age. If we stay, however, to think of GPS system complexity ... Do not think in any way intend to undermine the qualities and merits. Do not forget that a huge majority of transport aircraft using the system to talk and flight events caused by the malfunction or improper operation thereof are insignificant. We speak in this case the systems certified for use on aircraft. At the same time, to compare the reliability of portable GPS navigation systems certified. In conclusion, I believe that in addition to a GPS device on the aircraft that pilots, an aviation compass, a stopwatch and a VFR navigation map, accompanied by a shipping document well written, will be a real useful, obviously provided an appropriate level properties of the method of navigation observed. We'll talk about methods of navigation observed in a future article.

A successful day

Today was that kind of day that makes you fly your sorry that it ends. Many athletes in flight, while only better, with more flights and great satisfaction at the end of the day you draw the line and see the results. Two attempts 5 hours flight time almost successful, Oana Jitaru, and Raul Oaida 4:00, 3:30. If we moved a little faster, today we have had at least a 5:00 flight. And we all know that's not easy. It seems that we have not yet entered fully into our rhythm and there were things out as we wish. If nature will be as generous and tomorrow, as these days, we will seek not to fail. Very often, I'm angry that we are not Germans, or even to think and act like them. I am convinced that we would be much better, not to mention the other ones ... There were two flights away, one of Luci's Drumei, 199 km, and the other, Dorel's Vlasin, about 150 km, plus thermal flight training and as much as possible with the children. The weather even held with us, I have not had as good a thermal condition for some time. Altogether, it was a day of days out of the common thread, which have increased too much lately, like the day you congratulate yourself that you have chosen this profession. What to say? ... More!

Experience is gained little by little

I will begin my story with the words of a friend, a very exeprimentat planorist pilot. The more experienced, I'd say. "... More experienced pilots should be careful what you say and do. Young riders he considers models. Help them learn how to make, not what NOT TO DO gliding. " This is a great truth. Before becoming "experienced pilot", we were all students, and certainly remember how much importance I gave all the words of our instructors. What I want to present in this post would be part, rather, of "just not done", but one can not learn from experience to the limit, I went through, undoubtedly, everyone? Let's cut to the chase. What you'll read below happened long enough ago to still be about 20 years ago. Each airport has some features that are not necessarily official and recorded in various documents: prevailing wind direction, a frequency of thunderstorms phenomena, the most likely areas in which they occur in relation to the position of the aerodrome, the probability of Cb clouds formed in the neighborhood to affect flight activity and so on. All these features, observed by pilots over the years he spent at the airfield that helps to determine, with fairly high accuracy, how much can continue without being affected flight safety. More directly put, how much can be delayed by transport aircraft in the hangar before the onset of specific phenomena accompanying Cumulonimbus clouds. Obtained, not long ago, the commander qualification PZL-104 airplane and fly like tug that day. On the home were 4-5 gliders, about two IS28B2, and IS32A IS29D2. Somewhere, by SW airfields, to form a CB. I was always watching him, knowing very well about what can happen if you do not beware the time of his way. B2 take off with a tail, which would take him to the airport area, not too far, given the approaching storm. On the larger side of the track tour, hang gliding has been instructed to institute, and I'll come as soon as possible after landing, ie directly on bretel. Fortunately, Deva

aerodrome dimensions allow it, so I swerved left short by the hangar. The first feeling was that I hit a wall, then began "dancing". When it is said that the turbulence in the vicinity of Cb is severe, it exaggerates nothing. The plane was like a coconut shell on a sea raging waves. We landed without flaps and I ran to the hangar for the flight I heard the driver instructions to carry the urgency of the sailplane hangar. I helped the boys from technical lead plane and the other gliders in the hangar. Meanwhile, those who have arrived from home and I managed to do last maneuver the glider hangar IS32A introduction, at the huge scale, the "fury was unleashed." It did not last more than 15-20 minutes. Less than a minute later, I could not see in front of the hangar deck, large drops of rain and ice projectiles began to beat the drum on the hangar roof and walls, and no more incessant downloads. I remember seeing a bird that is fighting the wind and simply, was swallowed by the waves of rain. The show was really impressive. It's unbelievable how much energy can accumulate in such event, there are situations when they must respect nature and when people can only be given to a party and to contemplate, perhaps, its greatness. Life often gives us an aerodrome chance to admire nature in all its splendor, even if sometimes we dread this splendor. Maybe I left a little ahead of the wave and I deviated from the subject of the story, but the idea that I would like to draw from this is that it's always good to look seriously great development due to vertically clouds, especially cumulonimbus clouds and phenomena generated by them.

Cumulonimbus clouds associated phenomena

After describing the training and development of cumulonimbus clouds (Cb), I think some practical aspects are welcome related to the phenomena associated with them and the implications that each has on the flight. We talked so far about Cb cloud was "in sight". Unlike the latter, whose training and development we can follow with the naked eye, there Cb clouds which can not be observed directly since they are embedded in a layer of clouds. Quite often, in a warm and unstable air mass, the storm clouds can be embedded (embedded) in a blanket of multilayered clouds, located in front of a warm front. If the aircraft that fly is not equipped with weather radar (Weather Radar) or discharge detection equipment (Stormscope), a pilot flying VFR can sense the presence Cb clouds with embedded showers of rain, more or less strong , falling from them.

Another phenomenon is associated with Cb cloud icing . Most probable area of formation of Ice are in areas with temperatures between 0 0 C (freezing level) and -15 0 C. In that layer, it is possible to encounter supercooled water droplets, thus avoiding, whenever possible, flights between these temperature values. Is not insignificant and hail , which in some circumstances can be as big as an orange. Try to imagine the effect of collision between an aircraft in flight and a few such projects ...

Almost all of Cb clouds containing hail, but most of it melts before reaching the ground. If Cb cloud strongly developed, wait for the presence of hail. Thunderstorms is one of the most dangerous phenomena for aircraft flight. Produced by lightning strikes can damage electrical installations, the outer covering of the aircraft or the antennas and even the production of fire on board. A discharge of static electricity near an aircraft in flight, can cause temporary blindness in the pilot, especially in low light conditions. The areas most likely to be struck by lightning are in or near Cb cloud at altitudes close to the ice, to + / - 2,500 feet to the isothermal of 0 0 C. Turbulence is also found in the storm areas. After the intensity has been established scale of turbulence, more pilots used posts. - Turbulence easy - causes irregular light change altitude and / or flight attitude. It is perceived by the pilot as a slight "tremor." - Turbulence moderate - may cause some changes in altitude and / or attitude, and speed sometimes, but the aircraft can be controlled at all times. The pilot will experience some "jerk" worse. - Severe Turbulence - cause large changes in altitude and / or conduct, with potentially large changes in speed. At times, the aircraft can spiral out of control. The pilot felt "strong jolt." - Turbulence Extreme - cause violent changes in altitude and / or attitude of the aircraft, accompanied by great changes in speed. Sometimes it can cause damage to the aircraft structure. Usually encountered turbulence near cloud Cb is part of "severe turbulence". As conclusions, regarding the flight storm: - No land or off from an airfield near the core notice that storm. They are incredible effects that can be wind shear on aircraft, however great they may be. - In flight, avoid areas of storm by-pass at least 10 miles, even 20, when severe storms. In the event of a passageway between two clouds Cb, switching among them are recommended to be done only if the distance between them is less than 12 miles. - Tied up and carefully adjust your seat belts, the passengers and make you and your loose items in the cabin. - Do not forget the possibility of embedded Cb clouds. If you experience rain showers in the forecast or if you have reported the possibility of Cb clouds embedded, avoid the bypass those areas. - Do not try to counteract the effects of turbulence and sudden maneuvers or on large orders by significant changes in engine power. In addition to discomfort, which is subject to aircraft overloading may lead to deformation and even damage the structure. - Avoid passing under Cb clouds. Excessive turbulence and rainfall in these areas may lead to release from control of the aircraft or damage to it. - If the storm is very large and can not be avoided or overcome in some way, taking into account very seriously, returning to the aerodrome of departure or landing at an aerodrome in the vicinity.


In a more simplistic, but very readable, the storm is represented by several cumulonimbus clouds accompanied by lightning. These issues generate spectacular weather events of the time, lightning, thunder, rain showers and strong wind significant intensification. As I said in the previous article, dangerous weather phenomena on flight, those storms are often accompanied by downbursts, but rain and hail and severe turbulence. Storms are always associated with cumulonimbus clouds and is one of the biggest risks for pilots. The conditions needed to trigger a storm are as follows: 1. An increased atmospheric instability - which means that once triggered the upward movement of air, it will continue. 2. A high content of moisture of the air mass, so easily to form clouds. 3. An action trigger upward movement of air caused by several factors such as: - The presence of atmospheric front - A mountainous relief or other form of air upward print - Strong heating air in contact with the ground, to cause convective motion - Heating the lower layers of a polar air mass with its movement over the warmer regions Storm or, more accurately, generating a cloud that has three stages of development: 1. Stage training and development of cumulus cloud.

With the upward movement of a mass of moist air is cooled until it reaches the so-called dew point (temperature at which an air mass becomes saturated). In this phase, water vapor begins to condense, becoming the water and form cloud droplets.

During the latent heat of condensation is released so that the air is cooled at a slower rate, with the release of large amounts of energy, leading to the formation of a storm cloud (Cumulonimbus). In the early phase cumulus cloud formation occur relatively strong ascendancy of hot air on the surface with a diameter between 2 and 4 km, with no significant presence of descending currents. Ascendenelor intensity increases with altitude, the temperature inside the cloud is higher than outside air (due to latent heat release during condensation), and the cloud continues to grow to higher levels. Upward movement of air, becoming stronger, train with it and drops of water to high and very high levels, most often over the ice, where they continue to remain frozen or liquid drops supercooling. The cause condensation of water and fine droplets merge to form droplets from growing large. Stage of cumulus cloud formation and development of lasting, typically, between 10:20 and is characterized by continued upward. When the average speed of rising currents exceeding 2000 feet / min, a period of up to 10 minutes, cumulus cloud develops into a Towering Cumulus (cloud base to 8000 m high).

Cumulus cloud formation stage 2. Stage of maturity When water droplets become too heavy to be able to be supported by rising air, they begin to fall. The number of falling drops of water increases, the air mass in their vicinity is involved in the movement of descent, producing strong progenies. Most often, the first lightning and the first drops of water appear in this phase of cloud evolution. Triggering rainfall reaching the soil are an indication that the cloud has reached the stage of maturity stage on which events are associated with the greatest intensity. Adiabatic heat air in the fall, but due to very low temperatures, the droplets of water, heating rate is low, resulting in very cold air mass descending compared to ascending hot meal. At this stage, producing showers of rain or hail strong, having their maximum intensity within the first five minutes after the trigger. Very strong air currents can throw away the core of hail cloud, sometimes a few miles from it. For this reason, we encounter the particles sometimes hail the sky appears blue.

Mature stage of cloud Cumulonimbus Cumulonimbus cloud peak at this stage of development, could reach tropopause, reaching to about 30,000 feet and 50,000 feet in temperate latitudes to the tropics. From this, phase

Cumulonimbus cloud becomes typical appearance, with the top spreader and the specific form of extended anvil high-altitude wind direction. Cumulonimbus clouds can meet and develop highly vertically crossing the tropopause to the stratosphere. Upward and downward movements inside the cloud extremely violent causes extreme wind shear and turbulence, which can lead to structural failure of the aircraft. Extremely rapid changes of direction of the air wing of the aircraft may cause recruitment therefore intended flight within a mature Cumulonimbus is strictly prohibited. With its proximity to the ground and reach the mass of air in the fall, it produces a strong wind shear accompanied by turbulence, a phenomenon that led to the destruction of many aircraft over time. The wave of cold air spreads out causing a sudden drop in temperature. Mature stage of cloud Cumulonimbus lasts between 20 and 40 minutes. 3. dissipating stage Progeny caused by strong cold air leads to decrease and disappearance ascendenelor, which causes slowing down and stopping the transport of warm and moist air to the top of the cloud and its dissipation. This stage is characterized by downward movement of air. Which, not long ago was a huge cloud with vertical development may turn into a multilayered cloud harmless.

Dissipating stage of notului Cumulonimbus

Downbursts and microbursts

Although much of the dangerous phenomena are well known flight aircraft and facilities make it possible to avoid them, there are some who, if not treated with due importance, can cause serious accidents and incidents. One big danger is wind shear. It consists of a rapid change in wind direction and / or intensity on a small portion of the atmosphere. Phenomena can produce severe convective activity, wind shear, which can cause changes in wind speed exceeding 15 knots and vertical speed changes greater than 500 meters per minute. The most severe forms are caused by wind shear phenomenon called Microburst . The phenomenon of a sharp drop followed by air masses spread to the ground it is known in aviation as the downburst . A downburst from a smaller scale, with a high vertical speed and not exceeding 2.5 nm in diameter, is called a microburst . This air flow can change the prevailing wind direction up to 180 0 with a speed of up to 45 knots. Typical life cycle of such a phenomenon is about 20 minutes from the time the column of air hits the ground first. Caused by microburst wind intensifies for about five minutes after contact with the ground and dissipates, usually 10-20 minutes later. Differences were measured wind up to 100 knots. Typically, these phenomena are associated with type Cumulonimbus clouds, but can occur at any time after the start of convective activity, associated with the emergence of phenomena such as storms, rains, or Virgs (a phenomenon defined as rain that falls from the clouds, but which evaporates, reaching the earth). Approximately five percent of thunderstorms produce microbursts. The explanation for this phenomenon is the following: the rain that falls evaporates, it absorbs the latent heat of evaporation and necessary created in this way, under the cloud, a cold air mass, which falls at high speed on a relatively small area, which is below the cloud generated. Microburst or downburst phenomena typically occurs suddenly and sometimes with the naked eye can see as a ring of dust that rises around the place where the air mass hit the earth and spread it. Aircraft may or may not be able to structurally withstand the stresses caused by these phenomena, so pilots should take very seriously the effects of such events. Also, no matter how tough it would be an aircraft when landing or take-over or land on which it is located in the vicinity of a Cumulonimbus cloud, the microburst phenomenon is very likely, representing a major threat to its security. A lot of accidents that occurred over time can illustrate this. So be very careful when you are dealing with a cloud with great vertical development, whose base is curved to the bottom, where the phenomenon of Virgs notice or if you have any other indication of a downburst or microburst ongoing.

The image above is an aircraft entering the area of a microburst at heights between 1000 and 3000 AGL (Above Ground Level). It will charge first, to increase the wind. Initially, it will maintain its speed because of inertia from the ground, having indicated a higher speed, and therefore better performance. The tendency will be to fly slightly higher than the initial slope. Then the aircraft will enter the strong descent of the column of air and soil will be carried by a strong current of air, accompanied by a strong decrease in flight performance. Once out of the central area of the current descending aircraft situation will be much improved. This will have a strong tail wind. Since the aircraft will initially tends to maintain ground speed due to inertia, increasing the tail wind component will cause a decrease in speed to the air mass, further reducing flight performance. Even putting the engine in full, followed by an adjustment of the slope of the flight, could be insufficient to control the aircraft. Very often, such events may exceed the possibilities of aircraft to meet them successfully, so pay attention to them. Personally, I went through such an experience several years ago during a training flight thermal glider. Day for the flight was excellent heat with coverage of not more than 2 / 8 cumulus clouds and wind of 3-4 m / s.

On passing under a cumulus cloud, about 600m, we found large drops of rain (it was not for the first time). Instantly, the glider went into a strong downward trend and controls were "softened." Being at about 3-4 km from the airport, I tried to turn right onto it and, after about 180 0 turn, orders and came back again and I could control the glider. In this half we lost 300m height curve. At that time, no talk yet about the phenomena described in this article, but then talking to an expert in meteorology, I concluded that the incident was actually a microburst. 3 Comments Filed under Little School Tagged as flight , clouds , meteorology , microburst , downburst , weather , wind shear , delicate situations , Cumulus , Virgs 17/05/2011 | Edit


A large proportion of aircraft accidents and incidents is small due to negligence or ignorance of treatment with dangerous weather phenomena flight. One of these phenomena is the icing , manifested by the deposition of ice on the airframe (fuselage, wings, empennage, engine intakes). This deposit is made, especially on wind exposed elements and those parts having angular (curb appeal, antenna tips, rivets, etc.).. Significantly reduce the phenomenon of flight safety:

reducing aerodynamic performance (low buoyancy, increasing drag) a decrease in power or even stop their engines increase in aircraft weight and balance change Pitot tube obstruction or pressure electrodes degradation of the quality of communications and navigation systems due to deposit of ice on the antennas

reduce visibility through the windshield of ice deposit

For the icing to occur two conditions are necessary:

existence of moisture temperature must be at or below freezing.

Aerodynamic cooling can lower the temperature a few degrees below the aircraft structure of the environment, enabling the formation of ice on surfaces, even under the temperature above freezing. Therefore, the increase in the flight carried out at temperatures around 5 a C and in conditions of visible moisture. The conditions most favorable formation of ice on the aircraft surface are higher near the base of clouds above the freezing level within the multilayered thick clouds or rain supercooling. Icing may occur at heights of up to 5000 feet above the ice, above the water droplets that are already frozen. Icing can take different forms; icing transparent form of rime icing, icing in the form of frost or icing in the form of opaque ice. Of all these forms, the most dangerous icing flight is transparent. If the aircraft is not equipped with de-icing systems or defrosters, using all available information to plan your flight so as to bypass areas of icing. Flight in known icing conditions is prohibited if the aircraft is not certified for flight in these conditions. Before departure, always check the aircraft surfaces are clean. In order to maintain aerodynamic parameters, both ice and any other kind of contamination will be removed from the wing and the other bearing surfaces before flight. Where or run off in conditions close to the freezing temperature, avoid spraying water or mud surfaces, as they will surely freeze. Check before turnover for takeoff, the control surfaces to move easily and the whole race. In icing conditions, using anti-icing systems and de-icing, as recommended. If their efficiency is not adequate, change course or altitude to fly out of the icing as soon as possible, even if you have to do a 180 turn one for it. If you see ice on the surface deposit, make a slight excess of speed to avoid hiring the aircraft at higher speeds than normal and avoid sudden maneuvers. Expect instruments based on incorrect pressure if pitot tube is provided with heating system. If possible, avoid cumuliformi clouds because it is very likely within the transparent Ice formation. The phenomenon can occur at any elevation located above the frost. Avoid flying in or near the top of multilayered clouds. If you see the phenomenon of icing in multilayered clouds, you can either to lower altitude with warmer air over the ice, or to climb above the clouds in an area with cold air, below freezing up to - 10 a . Where lower, taking into account the underlying topography. Not always it allows you to get off long enough to get into an area with hot air. The highest rate of accumulation of ice on the aircraft meets the surface in a supercooled water droplets, so-called freezing rain . Whether you go up or down so as soon as possible to avoid an excessive accumulation of ice on the aircraft surface. This will lead to significant deterioration of its flight parameters.

Submission of ice on the horizontal tail can lead to employment or at Depth stroke limitation. If you suspect the ice deposit on the horizontal tail surface, increase the speed of approach and avoid using the flap. Always Connect carburetor heating system in the flight in icing areas. Submission of ice in the carburetor or engine intakes can occur at relatively high positive temperature of moist air conditions. They would be only a few observations about this phenomenon really dangerous for the flight.

Photo Source:

1 Comment Filed under Little School Tagged as flights , weather , ice , icing , meteorology , rain that freezes , flight 07/05/2011 | Edit

A new world

Photo source: Gabriel Dragan Theoretical courses and the period until next spring have passed unnoticed. Assimilate new knowledge, aerodynamics, aircraft, air navigation, meteorology. As time passes, I clarify in my mind a lot of questions asked and cleared. With every hour flown specialty, come to understand the underlying principles of flight, I began to know the ocean air with all its phenomena, I learned how do airplanes go through unimaginable distances, is only helping the onboard instruments. They were something new and extraordinary, who approached me with each passing day, the beginning of the flight. In parallel with this, I pusesem the belly book, mathematics

and physics will be the main subjects in the examination for admission to the Military School of Aviation. I've always been an above average student, but in that year, my level of training has increased significantly. It's amazing how much passion can motivate man always tell my students that motivation is the main engine that will push the performance. The instructors were young and freely, we treated them as less than friends, I felt very close to us, always made us feel as part of a family. About knowing the plane told us Berariu Mr. Remus, Uncle Romic, as was known by everyone, technical head of Aero club, a man who has lived all his life among the planes. Meteorology I learned one of the most experienced pilots at that time, Mr. Suba or "Uncle Jeo", as she knew everyone in aviation, older than other pilots, the hair completely white, we talked about Uncle Jeo each important weather phenomenon in parallel with each flight having an affair he lived and related to that phenomenon. This man was a true encyclopedia of aviation, I have heard stories for hours without get bored. His humor catch you, meteorology classes are by far the most relished. I am glad to meet him now, when more than 80 years because it has the same zest as then. She retired with an experience of more than 12,000 flight hours, passing through all kind of experiences that could pass a driver. Examination for admission to the flight passed without any emotions, I thought I knew all those things when the world. We look forward to going to the airport to see planes alive, especially to start flying. There were many days that I can not imagine how it will be those moments where I will pick up from the ground, not as a passenger but the plane stick. I was going to do flight training in Zlin-526F aircraft. Although I had seen only in photographs, I knew to the smallest detail. Unfortunately, the planes were not yet at Deva. Were to be made in the spring by our instructors. Leave a Comment Filed under About Flight Tagged as airfield , lecturing , deva , experience , motivation , air navigation , passion , gliding , flying 06/05/2011 | Edit

About the flight lands

In Romania, the flight takes place, in principle, certified flight land, meaning land licensed or registered. Details on these lands and certification procedures are in Order no. 479/2010. Flight procedures in the national airspace and the conditions for civil aircraft taking off and landing and in other fields than those certificates are stipulated in HG912/2010 . Provisions for pilot licensing are included in the following documents: JAR-FCL 1 for licensing pilots plane LPAN RACR-2, Licensing and powered sailplane and glider pilots RACR-Apan-ULM , ultralight aircraft pilots for licensing motor. In short, to be able to fly as a pilot on board an aircraft, regardless of its class, three documents are required:

Flight license valid within the class or type of aircraft Valid medical license within General Operator Certificate radiotelefonist

In order to perform flight activity and flight lands other than those certified in HG912/2010 to read as follows: A civil aircraft with maximum takeoff weight of less

than 5700 kg, which runs a domestic flight, where rules visual flight can take off and land on the ground and not certified to the following conditions:

land that is buildable and obtained permission from the city mayor in charge of the land approved the land owner or manager of flight activity on the site; size and surface configuration allows operation in conditions of safety, that type of aircraft; any restrictions relating to land flight imposed by the mayor or manager of land are known and respected by the operator (owner) aircraft.

Therefore, for the owner of land outside the city arranged according to regulations, require a valid license and approval of Flight hall in charge of the land. On land, their certification is required by the Romanian Civil Aviation Authority . Leave a Comment Filed under Little School Tagged as airfield , licenses , land aircraft , LPAN RACR-2 , HG912/2010 , JAR-FCL 1 , RACR-Apan-ULM , Order no. 479/2010 , the Romanian Civil Aviation Authority 04/05/2011 | Edit

Airmen, they are wonderful people and their flying machines

I sat to think about whether to publish these thoughts or keep them for myself. I know it can not be the only one who sees things from this perspective. We met over time, people (even some in the industry) who smiled somewhat lenient when I told them that flight because, simply, that I love to do. I can not see this job through the prism material, and this is taken into account, certainly, but in the foreground,

I see tremendous satisfaction that I offer flight, the joy of living every time I pick up the air. Is it just lack of pragmatism? As mentioned in previous posting in the fall of 1976, I returned to Deva, the Aeroclub Dacia, as it was then called. Meanwhile, the name has changed, becoming the first Aero Club "Constantin Manolache" Deva, and later, Territorial Air Club Deva. Aero club headquarters is somewhere in the old town at the foot of the Citadel, a narrow street, which somehow resemble the old bucharest Bucharest. Now try to visualize the images in his mind then, I was pretty pirpirel that age. Aero club I timidly entered the premises, only the pilots would know. They were in four gentlemen, including Mr. Porumbu, which we knew in the summer. The other three were visibly younger. I introduced myself, told them what they want, I have watched a little hard to define air. Surprise, surprise, and perhaps a little admiration, do not know. The fact is that feeling of embarrassment that I entered has disappeared like magic. So they were pilots ... They gave me the first news that I enjoyed: the fall of that year had taken Flight Motor sector being therefore could fly a plane, what I wanted, without knowing too well what was the difference between the flight and the plane glider. I then explained what it needs to reach out to the practice flight, that would do afterwards. Heck, we come slowly, in their world, to the flying! Happened to me many times, years ago, feel a wave of butterflies in the stomach in times of intense emotion, I am sure each of us had this feeling. There was something unmistakably, I had the same feeling at times of extreme fear and moments of joy unchecked. We lived the same feeling in those moments, yes, I felt that I was on the right track in trying to enter the world of aviators. It may seem a bit exaggerated, I still only 15, but I knew then what you do in life and I knew that with unwavering certainty. It was only a matter of time, just to follow the steps there. Leave a Comment Filed under About Flight Tagged as airfield , deva , emotion , passion , gliding , flying 03/05/2011 | Edit

Getting Started

Upon returning from vacation, my decision was made. Without a doubt, was to become a pilot, I can live each day what I had experienced in the two flights made with my parents. I told my father that I want to do. Perhaps that's to laugh to myself, I was only 15 years when I wanted to do a lot of other things, that any child at that age. But the idea of becoming a pilot was set deep in my mind that I wanted to do. Obviously I had no idea how I get there. Chance (happy) made at one of the radio broadcasts, to make it fly and aeroclubs. In short, I learned that I could learn to fly if I became a member of the Aeroclub. I was the least surprised when I found that very close to the place where living is an Aeroclub at the Deva. I have thought, the next day we went to the airport, flickering with impatience to get to know the people there, the pilots, to find out more about what to do to become a pilot.

Thirty years have passed since then, but now feel the thrill as if I had entered the courtyard aerodrome. I expected the corner beyond the main building to enter into a special universe, although not yet know how it ought to look. I only knew that there must be something very special. I was surprised by the silence, no engine noise, no plane, no, the place seemed uninhabited. Only somewhere in the hangar, I met someone. Later I learned he was commander Airclub Mr Porumbu, which explained that, for now, can not do anything for me. They were in full flight season in autumn had come up at gliding, this is the only active flight sector. Lord told me that the commander is likely to establish a motor flight sector, but that only in the fall, yet were not the pilots or planes. Honestly, I was slightly disappointed, I do not know what is gliding. The atmosphere was far from that I expected. I imagined a bustling, dynamic, pilots, planes. Anyway, I felt that it should be otherwise. I was understood that we meet in the fall and not much else. 3 Comments Filed under About Flight Tagged as aviation , beauty , passion , gliding , flying 01/05/2011 | Edit

Learning to fly
In the section entitled "Little School" you will find little discussion of theoretical issues. We travel together issues of aerodynamics, meteorology, air navigation, legislation, etc.. I hope I'm open to suggestions and discussions to be comprehensible to everyone, but especially useful to those interested in aviation. 2 Comments Filed under Little School Tagged as aviation , training , theory , flight 29/04/2011 | Edit

How I love to fly

My first aviation experience took place in the summer of 1976 when my father came up with the idea to abandon the train and go on vacation by plane. He always wanted to try new things. Said and done! We embarked in Sibiu, a Taroms AN-24 bound for Bucharest. By the time I reached about 5000 meters, I tried a lot of new sensations. Excitement of the first lifting off the ground, landscape becaming increasingly dim and the first "touch" of the clouds, turbulence, the Transfagarasan just seen through the clouds... I remember my father, holding the candy offered by the flight attendant; he remembered halfway somewhere, impressed with all the experience of flight. I'm pretty hard to describe in words those feelings. I have left in memory the clouds, I was simply charmed. After we reached over the mountains we found ourselves surrounded by pearled giants, cauliflower-looking. My eyes hurt from so much light. I never met anything else so impressive, emotions have disappeared too, like a fairy tale. I stuck my nose on the glass, trying to embrace the immensity outside. I occasionally distinguish pieces of land, crossing the mountains, than back in the clouds. We arrived in Bucharest too early. I didt want to go down there. It was then the flight to Bacau, The Military School in Bobocu and the pilot job. If I had to go back in time, I would choose the same.

Ceata(2) 1. During the movement of a warm, moist air masse over a sufficiently cold surface, it may reach the saturation point, leading to formation of the advection fog. This kind of fog is most common in winter, it can be several hundred meters thick and very often extends over very large surfaces. Taking into account the advection mechanism, the cooling air process and the vapor condensation, we can talk about three kinds of advection fog:

Tropical air fog - Tropical, moist air, seafood, moves to higher latitudes, reaching colder continental surfaces. Contact between the cool soil and moist, warm air causes the fog formation. The phenomenon is more intense in cold weather, drizzle and frost often being associated.

Ceaa de litoral Apare n situaia ptrunderii unei mase de aer maritim, cald i umed, peste suprafaa rcit a litoralului, n timpul iernii. Mecanismul de producere a ceii este acelai cu cel descris mai sus. Genul acesta de cea se poate extinde pe sute de kilometri n interiorul continentului. Dei este specific sezonului rece, ceaa de litoral poate aprea i pe timpul verii, prin deplasarea unei mase de aer cald, de natur continental, peste suprafaa rece a mrii. The coastal fog - Occurs in winter, due to penetration of warm and wet maritime air masses, over the cooled coast surface. The mechanism of the fog formation is the same as described above. This kind of fog can extend hundreds of kilometers inland. Although specific to the cold season, the coastal fog may also occur by moving a continental, warm air mass, over the cold surface of the sea, during summer.

The sea fog - Occurs mainly over large water surfaces such as seas and oceans. Warm, humid maritime air, entering over surfaces with low temperature, leads to fog, the already well-known mechanism. It is understood that the most favorable areas on Earth's surface to produce sea fog are those where the warm ocean currents meet the cold ones. The sea fog occur throughout the year, but are more pronounced in the warm period, due to the difference in temperature between the warm and cold water currents. Ceaa maritim Occurs mainly over large water surfaces such as seas and oceans. Transportul de aer maritim, umed i cald, peste suprafeele de ap cu temperatur mai sczut, duce la apariia ceii, prin deja binecunoscutul mecanism. Este de la sine neles c cele mai favorabile zone de pe suprafaa Pmntului pentru producerea ceii maritime sunt acelea de ntlnire a curenilor oceanici calzi cu cei reci. Ceurile maritime apar pe tot parcursul anului, ns sunt mai accentuate n perioada cald, datorit diferenei mari

de temperatur ntre curenii de ap calzi i cei reci.

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