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-Find out when did they make it? It was invented on December 16,1947

-Figure out what sort of transistor was it? It was a point contact transistor.

-Figure out how they made it?what process were used and what were the imporntant materials used? The Point transistor consisted of a block of germanium and a semiconductor, with two very closely spaced gold contacts held against it by a spring.It consisted of a plastic triangle which was held above the crystal of germanium. Brattain attached a small strip of gold foil over the point of a plastic triangle in such a way that a strip of gold was wrapped around the point of trianglewith a small hole where it came in contact with the crystal , a configuration which is essentially a point-contact diode. He then carefully sliced through the gold at the tip of the triangle. This produced two electrically isolated gold contacts very close to each other.The germanium acted as a semiconductor so a small current entering on one side if the gild came out the other side as an amplified current.

-Find out when was the first microtransistor made?By whom? The first IC was made by Jack S.Kilbi on September 1958.

-Define its significance in the world of technology? "The invention of the transistor was probably the most important invention in the 20th century,".Through wich The integrated circuit has changed our world in every aspect. The first transistor was about the size of the palm of a hand, with a depth of two matchbooks stacked on top of each other.But today we have advanced to such a level that a 45nanometer Penryn chipfrom Intel holds 820 million transistors.SO by reducing the size of transistor we are reducin the size of our IC devies hence getting more effeciency and speed.Now adays we see all these handy gadgets which are smaller than the size of our palm which are perfomring all these various things.Just consider a cell phone or a notebook which can easily fit into our pockets.Such technology and of such small size was not achievable without the Integrated circuits.As we know our first computer which was based

on Vacum tubes was huge.So basically there are millions of components that are in the integrated circuits..Every element perfomring its vaiours tasks and the quantitiy of these elements are increasing day by day.The previous technology shoed that the size of smallest component in an IC was 22nm.if we were to compare the same amount with an indiviual object it would be impossible.So for me I belive that the advancement in technology with speed and effeciency is only possible with the integerated circuits size.


Submittted by: M.OMER KHAN FA08-BEL-030

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