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‘Annee 2 No. 31 H octombrie 1950 yotto:Ce ntest point ltaudace que vous avez a vainere,nais l!hypocrisie. Saint just PARAIT TOUS L®S DIX JOURS te iuy7l,jrue de 1a Glaciere,Paris 13,7el.-no%.0l-57. Director :N.stefanescu-Govora RAS PUN DERI L B-1918 de pamfil SEICARU armistitivl incheiat de Rusia m a surprins pe nimepi-gevolutia din wartie 1917 a avut re~ pereursiuni,pe front,care “se observau 1a unitatile rusesti:descompunerea armatei rusesti a precedat revolutia bolsevica din octombrie 1917.Lcvitura de moarte a fost dota de Kerenski « earei demagocic-cuprimarea salutului in armata- a distrus diseiplin2.[n mai 1917,pe frontul de pe valea Susitei yregimentul meu 17 ifehedinti ura sa fie schimbat. de-un regiment rusesc. Pe Inserate au sosit batalicancle ruscsti in-docul poditdel si ofiterii conandanti de, compa- nie primisera ordin sa ja contact cu ofiterii rusi ,carora-prin mijlocirea interpretilor,de- diceiu Pasarabenistrebuia sa li sé dee informatiile necesare privitoare la sectorul pe care urnsu 33-1 preia.Spre wimired noastra,interpretii nc-au comunicat. ca m se poate Ina contact ou ofiterii rust pana m decid soldatii daca trebuie, sa ocupe sectoral sau sa m1 ocupe-Ro- gimentul era impartit in trei grupe:ofiterii,gradatii si soldatiijofiterii fume ai astepta tacutd ,visttori ,absenti ,indiférenti 1a co-vor decide cele dova grupuri;gradatii si soldatii itt fecem impresia stranie de intrunire publica in plin aer,mmai ca participantdi erau in walforme.crupl cel mai infierbantat era al soldatilorjoratorii se succedau si in rastimpuri se auzea Sharaso" ,aplauze sau fluecraturi jvociferari.Credeam ca intrto ora tocneala se va ter- mine si se vor decide-intr'un fel sau altul,dar mmai in zorii zilei ni_sta comunieat ‘ca sol @atii au decis sa fim schimbati si sa ocupe spune,in general,ca popoarele latine [= slebiciunee retoricei fata insa de Rusi,latinii sobri,chiar Laconici.Ac descom- punere a arnatei rusesti a facilitat lovitura de stat a belsevicilor din. dud. Tosi? so Ancoaps Anctaae tratativels Go paresOriee, Imponetvire din partes gurermiiut ; Wwele de pecg,Orice. impound : " era zadarnica;in ziua de 9 decembrie(26" = ‘tii romani semneu la Foesani, 4 Rust moa eee RR See ect ‘Foman page? { Pags3 4 oe won senitn ah 1 marae este sopyenarta Ndrmenty © ola «RARE eat Pri Ret toy inne eet aoe a Se Perr MaShastinesio. tino intoles ox af fenin era protont 15 aceasta conforiutes | gia tdintoe sk nosfaratte, sodinto.situntin gaverratlut ore dranatea,dsontoce m wor Ls Tash is Snter te ecratutiareen de vsartie 26L?yzbnin eh tovaraeli Tui wy fost owediatl intr! "fora ofoctiva docat batmiionl 9 de vanstork comandtt do 1¥.colonslul. anscrlcosniyh Barat en Sante phapestross um ce emusiian orice nitorial explosiv-in qusia,Tate Intoresant ct Lickndye gra ga proteguinson of fantiia regsla,tnirio noapte,kn proasea oraciumlssprofesoral Meoust ah reovconirs oe pucrre’ explica aceasta operatdp:Mouverml nogtry trinitand pe Lenin Pyorgs gia ponenit cu dot ofitert basnrabent spparbinand arnatot rusostl cart {-t) desvsladt Seat aeupra Imi 8 mare Tesponsebilstate,Onlitoria ers justifieste dntpunct de KRarariie tunto de conftetul revolutdonar dé'ln Socolassrastares guvernilut of s fand Met re wedere pilitwrtreduis ox Rush sa cada". i ae ile si apol' proclamaren republicli bolsevice.iml Aintre ‘ofitertt basaribent oir dl Ceitainycoe (porstis o Povsit si jonania a Cost, cbldgaby oh sunncre arnistitiul. Politic, situatia lui Tolsait find in tara mii pot da mmele,1,Torga a slerbat pe Tonel Arstiam onze 2 convooat i= eat Pn Patio ene toeson dp gronsdcr mm mal putin a dat doveda de o stguranta,de 0 luo$ditmpatat wh consiMiu de mirdstrt prosidat dé rego.La acest consilin » partietpat st rogina aria, PEE Eo eee Sonals do astaunen Aiplonstiontm « trints plontpotentinrs pentra incheeraa Jory guvermiud asa do etim in colo mat critige mononte,ist plortuss sigurants interiors mi eredetitiuins fare en in reall s* obtins din partea Aliatilor recunonsterea c& Romania’ se fad ‘AleConstantinoscu era inperturhabil.Risovigeam a fost chemat In palat chiar in sala in oo’ coe or carta mjora gh dnsstaren oetitibatitor so Inco ch consintanantul tuturer A-ifp se tAnoa consLliul de mintebri;4 1% expue-situntin si, intrsbat daca ponte anosta eonitetal epsere 20 coe oe ferns Gooroomele a asiyurst spmahicl mentinorca cuustntit do alist, totteigyolutfonar del sooo!" fiasaviceata a raspunartyrott e5-{ ndue vit gai mortivyin Jamul Soeb= © cain ead igie ova semnat pacea do le Pucuresti.n alta masura de preomtie « lui Jone) ‘Sratdaniiet era cantonat wn corp do arnatactn sori tiled scot 600 de delogatd mi unitabilor musestt , eee eee oo" Sines Lonigesfasndctitiviog eitustss-volanterilor ardalont st bucovinendaadien coniuett revolutions bolsevie erm afestati de bataltonl 9 vanatort.g> ne tnohipuih 2 Se oe ee a a eee tsiten aie te jue inter anaes ror eae Jurtari ereu rebel si judecati,sanctiunes m puten fi decat:condamnares 14 mocrtes Asa darspric. odath arestet comitetul revélutionir bolscvic,s' inceput desarmaren trupelor rusesti care Snr wve cio eo umes pe at etc even brag eee sara cote serge bite aban tt pile Sad Situstie in ‘ge gasea Rorands ia nocrbrie 1917,cand frontul rusesc se prebusise sf guverniigura ug corp de armata,goldatii musi: gray grabits 6 so intoarcs acaaa si arm foriciti aa le. Dolsevic recepta toate condi tiile Danes fete Mtentiaris romani su avut taria sa puna condige arnglesprin curtile teranilor se vedetu tumri,chesoane parasite ca niste obiecte inutile. Sets tor tae conte Sieve verity vent, TAU tae me Goal aug aie ea oe eee elapse cy eet wie wt chldte in trel ant sh @obg luni de rarbolu,wand An spate metorozele Carpstilor,cu © eraba im tga Guat Sm Soe ore ds pombe coratia so gadele so posta intrain voic,In 1917,;0%nia.n putt, |” puteri2e controle-dermanta si, hustre-(ngaria-oron grabite ss incesps tegociort de pag See eee ie cons citia emt eltictia era digpersta,doosrece ninent jder aboot ‘rinoni 1a TASK algeu'a le putes utdliea intrio actiune de propaganda,ore trebuiyss procnada o ofenstra Seieios snti fase Mnaencrocirea tardi un nifive de sai oral o cariora polition.In Mgist@eies,pracin e4 tn intens bonbnrdmont do artilerte progiitor Sasinvarit infanteslal £9 sfass sa capttet pentre Sricrd necenisiunca qolities a umd cbecur function? din mindsteBful tai damaric 1918 Tonel aratiany a precentab deni sia euvormlui »reconandand Togelit Be Ge See ee Pee oat si oe grudeesea ia nonoresttdi to fosti deputets cl shatulidpt-@meralad Averasch ca quctosd?,Prin designsros-genoralulut sveresct Sutra yin, calantets Tot ronal Fal fe extern Cie resi Ss So Citdea grabado 2 inbranct poporul Fanon in bratele camalmrattani doua considerante:preatdeivl. gynertinint i 3 fa aed * RoudsineN oictostl partidelorsint side-de 19 august 1919.4 ao patua condo {ipavode constente,indistria pebrolifora aanepsionsta invingitarter peti i pen i fierce onahisn perke cel eat ms propacat natal Aetope slat ak gues SORMM i Grd mie gat toate prodisela agricole ‘dik emportets minal dh Gonadal siee-DsGAS | ee see oe asi a armistitiului semnat la Pogsant in 26 noembric 1917 erm Linda acta re papers i i gaa sti o'unitate do voderi in ceace “ eeu tre Nae nk era fo relate pag Teta anime ete fe penn sae ere ac ca Meaorigsem stcloges dios" St Stati coet negeeansie ed pao eared bagmgents Nepeels EOPLAmE S287" oomttata ax fhe onan amore Sm Ot a pobimbaro,conditsile ar £3 fost malt gid asoath, .CF Borate: t- Pagel } wad “oul gavorn s1* constitute bu C.0,anton 1a Externe generatul Harjou 2a neeboiu,tiou sing Ja Pinetteyiatiisnen 15 gustitic,orguta cantacusine in Tndustrie si. doncrt ,Sineon Nehednt is netrneths rublica,garorlia th apeioultaramintstora] de Tmerne 41 datahe® Hirghd oman Raskin novstel peters’ ers dopesl tercritine,cln’ppneldaret ck bh govern inpas, do iemdor ded Portes s cmlgc conmitil nd avinbajonse pestra,caPasFara indotaiares. scowst spreckore' ant ents ae podrcsvts po ett ore de sunsraytei in porepoctien andlor jpxten apne o* guvermt Serptlonne fsowtanchoprvidt vars et fo pelmnt foo o pate Snesots cone Sot daa Sunt do roprodss oum spars ‘Zerdn paces de la nrest-Litovok, pnds. gandoac oxrct cool. €o Fitdpenca 0 angina ceaast ee De as Se nee ceed Sear Sane eect no re ee trate a an nary Ts rete PMMREN mein SU x pte aed Sin aris Mpa ae ae tee ea Bur ol pimp. risiool Suna Coste avords CaslnrdAlee dovedoste siAc 0» sosnttira umd wegagpsna.corliom topragntare niuitnes smirked a cxptiN oh tel chaccisty psoas Sipe tafrangeroymn sete doont un Wiflac do a sttange fortoie'(uertn,Oaivres vel. Iart papeamperts, 0m Teohsitortt POLSIDen Ti Ea det eenogitnea ih Seah oe Se cuvine acost act de dreptate postuna miifiylui guvern Narghtlonan:tin de opt: lund Albee 39 concent introns stare doopirat tnmidsFavnn de Sugtivic alimentats co 9 suds ree Tutit os protejozs structure gtstuiul en redicn din protentitie Laringstortior x Sadarntcnagita tqpotrive taturor abumirilot,} eittocl dnorsiiese! ears Tt nate fuczuo = tat dean gplicares'clmsslon ain tratatal de pice po cmre 41 tonntso,practicand politics caamartlon mary in eiepi:, novtrseatas. dar gp 1afahae,pravociton oh oa Yaldova futiron aiferintelorde: me, are An erp neuter ctse socenie ncmpbll. aa fie 1a inaleincy Chaser Bal ‘iavarstqen provost ase o pelstien ataburt de Germans pentruca vodos in fusin perdenapra nolamurit spre Sitfol ao peliticnsta 10 ta-ganagnn nisterios,sontinantelo conten ge tote desta nkeg a ekstontl eee Sen i esenrmet gener, eden ne Deegmere Selmer he Sel 8g eles a eta, fice s Romanies ,igolrts in mgoa slava,sa mi confundan aeeste f41i4 de acum 3h de and ow Hit nnagpanders io" spironl ex Un Lavor do inprospatire narsla a viotdt publicesce énportanti de trrdstonre db 1a Igbhyoend sta jucat Yourten ruseasca",4junge sa anintin doolveatiile eitges pares aver faptul en artieolelo ofa seria cu peindamanare nonotona,tebtisnd st dupasesses orice tle omontler do Stat af histet tartate,on qurko prasedintele Consiliulnd Lopertadyeapir’ uned contcovorse in jurul orgonianrih uns trante, tunel, cand $aelis enh stoors Stare froma prima! airdstra \sidukor peiniel Teakgthet ouch agelaras fore nigh © sutieenes Ge ik oan weeeecokareNt ots irtimoria. san Op anit ap tote pale % Uexpt oe fot Weagra trchuso es tovio o fare rugossea Fark nicl ‘un fel do contrel Schuanceionnl et en Min edestund, 2 UagR Pyporwiui” po core o,gonetitulze geterslat Anenesos-Gebes OH obs SPH dum sauna ce orcblepé se punciu politielt foninlet ei sa intologon si politica ual Petre Glia intencerii unil partid politi ere prosupane 0, £96508 (8, S955 14 05 tntunor oamania Parghilonan aoe atte rnotrive uomondioh ortrt, a titers: aoe 1 mee Sotrudrs aoe adel Wel BOWE 2 fy moor: oneet 8 Meet mello orgwisatrios si cult ral-odsontave ,funckiund St furettacs nd snc onIor saplonse abks, tpn, Meters” soeieomlal oS SP ian a, sesere An A AGE tony mone in ris orld severest an ooesior wala arire’ s geetulut de denoerstia poplars saergatelor eale,7 aparatulud: gay” fortelor sale abet Senda oauyped,ebie nk bho 1obti> meratatAcwm oo dT o paste FEssei EE ties amopegeaal somtbed ete Bas ars an dn neal ie Ath Tele ae tees Eroniniste, so wate rotiwnyte tape 0 cemauantne Shee copomustsslee Te glen far grenteasre, ng y See tesa joraoegerple nas Me accor Sagoo Daeg acolo esta in suri nes Sonny Sma iaatienta orpibl lg. 02 om EAT de Oa se lactone Haas coma tyofoet aren tnautn Oar nraneanotacones:eFameies 4 ce2°* Mh series als tarantoeli_ #4 pretul de" Be soca, spane 68, intro protal, Claw, promesloy Sietéoes : Fait raster gyn ob atte Oe onto te Ue iet eade Se Ee ts tame gare Ho yo 20 gBRSe SE sen de fered ata, OMEN ES ES any 9 ee, treme son Se a eiSlettaral aonmistar eal 8 SHSM Sie eacnial Oe Fete ob onus tora eapeaea ag nocpase Teh PATA SOUT OTe ete lenin strat “+heo ministrative. Acts cpzetdn 1G) et da. antagoraamsl, orgitic, +n °% ron bi ae ce eauertn 1 Se : vk pcg,» pre ite near Ss k o SFO Je aver coms poporul ron ¢ need Proofer won ome rene fern a l “Sousa Gh nm a oe i mee hn ter pooh ae hikes ae Ee Bese oe ‘pm vatt scdpt ee = ‘ cu Antrark ca *pijenma” A feeit Ancomjuryl. sands franceze af ered ot Cicenre din g eceeretae teviet crt sonats 8 Cha ate Lomacertar Aalst jer. ce to ‘aera foley vn, maces op ge Auman g oe AIRF, ost em Peatteetes ist pedaris ot pe cevthya sbulpob prin ot ia trantdt us on 10 eragon’sta 3 soetS4 Gononiculal Penne Aa Be tesaer Geto 2 Botte fasts merunkujdar do 0 coved toare dnportanta. pentru z6rat fete 1 Smportants. pentru néraist ent grated noasbrey vohmapi ins at in tilengics foe seam opel ani Snotat tt fp Sal Pa ra ones Soa petit Ste de on plone ou Com 2s em do ek Fe ferulgr cithee schnnrasiesre he oevaafe elon ah nar tor pees ists do unde ib ee aertie Fro grote s fae ot geen coueny rut Fron aa Myelin tlt art aie ti eau Soak ea Bae ee cieort oh insertotapet ose ee as pe caetdt Ser cheat t ao an 20 ila ala oso voinil tairep va face Lv fofjenes Tupta Wohepariy fost apt drovpttek fost tata Beettptrs fdr guary a chontlototor in neviitaautdieurieg nest mutroc‘el pou Wat a sori’ lagu Lieto saoein « sabrart rreoaqovanievae paseste 40 cl da a Se 30,6 tank Pronspiet'etnecbostta ca at th priasle allo ale el nicola movac Nous! Anpartire cintibatmative’i torts eub ooupatiii bolecvicn, ares souoary a sorattot3er onaptt tet. rasan, stm nrc Ena 2 onigstiek roses > ost. chonata eh vatensiges nero Sd uivszonee © Gears yabitdt tmoane fonnres tera (agrestis Fish Tohvess Hsieh cuorpya) 0 tito cipunere 2 pveipiiion Wega Seatesl oles af en Tears gett: aint ee a cera taut sapthai alemared in ome am eee ane Tto-srancoviet ewe mu trinefornat ma colons 8 ser foto agtog ove» hnttontiar Teste local Li counsel Sessa aes cares catego et na cunoaie faimonge formulare marzists » gub-etracturt’, “oe Soot Eotore nse» et bata’ oan dala mle santo ates, Soeur eeostaeigs oe am pagel? ayeute Ao meal stat din tara ext of din stestuntatosPontry',agingo 18 tormtiros oe, Beisel wST ad SestaShe teces'as face npel Ly tatt Acunidd ain priboptojort wade othr Af Sra grantee Siocnre stird exrctesonterildnoivent hr fotograrit tesa An’ gota sere pegs] Br do 233,000 fra.qastfels15 burso * 10,000 fees36 burs « 5.000 fresh turme 9 000 fe, asociati © wok printt dn ultim tinp o sume de 100 doteri,(2h.000 fr.) cn partes aud in Zaharts, dip gtatele Untte,owre. 1 Tosh dagtinntn 1n trot, student noth tuontydoeennatl. de ante’ Aldo Wrivorattaire Prone’ a amntot po wurst eat ox tn ren Moki daets jm va nal puton platt bursola,incopand eu Tinh sulle 15sO.katfol ,UItinid bislert at Asoo tici isi vor pierde posibilitnte do « studia,in interval de dows lunt.sitnstie tuturor a jor stalentt bate traglonsGon mel tire pnrte dantre et oo wd sith oieet ntrorupy etude frostndicsl fortoloe in miseh tHrtco poste puters lo Tor a in condeit dintes soke eat Tele Tgoctatia nonsten 9sts comingn on Wloseya tincrouuiol.ntuinatese fomaneo in sx oot do interes capital pentru viltorul Tadd nongtre intr'un momont jin care yin Tira mm oe mad pot ni olfto tntslectudey ontimttatos ouLevels yeseulN nostrujrracim of pratraros introts 3 wleseituius biologie joseyanpun goreol4 dates Artcloctunin at Eiasen + watt tinasce core fone sizguen sonata ered al uniotl chetent. de eporarea An witees "2 tet co. stf spor sta facut tradares de 1a 23 omgust 19L. “eines organizat tradaren Toine & colaborat 1a tradare-chiar teai caro au avut rolurt mil mici=(fotografi jd ‘sdocunente) sactivitaton tradstorilor dupn oe sw fugit din tars. Spel-boraret acestor-tradatord eu dniiieul osupant ei guverncle anstaurate de An “Toste faptele partidelor ronanost4 si mle color inscrisi in acesta partide in str} Anntate:Condvete asociatii publicmii,fraude,Anselacitind de tot felu1,eantaje,n Aemotdd mineinorse contrs Ronanilor in gonoral si tot co stio dospre putregaiul Tonsneso dit strainatate, Stirile trebuicar 2 fie exacto si cat-so poste de eontrolate, Toste gomunicsrile do ma sus se vor faco in adrosasoxailla do Corrao nos? Sucurgal Mart fuones Aifes Argentina. Presodinte Soorst ar gunar STC VE PEE TOHET Giscretia asubra persomelor care np yor da dnfonmntld.Nociwiontdle of Prost, GreTaadie Fenastan. Teeastgo Olsen, togrsfiile,ause ec se Fotocopinns,ae Inspoines celor care ni le trimits at prinin spro.publicarer ‘Dommale covera, wt “ Zastat in deren do som a Aeoekatses studontilor Ronant printre aut eo aa ajutat talon: Jove de lupte st de rooonatimotio a torkt s nvino" af mula aut Ayaretornn,c,tisokanijote Ri wicar NCouitobul National" smi Ogtinatorit fonditud olvetiantas! m Ln ratty ‘Sein en Asocivtia a gorie do mumsrosse orf dul cretowm,oxpuntnducs situate tengten * ste nit sh, corsndied, agutord],Oar di Gretoams mo ry minal Zinn, do pintrayet sh obe sail: gross x oun cateva 1und mol mi tknovotee an rtspundn.carva Asoolatios Studontilnr ox ne pine 18 fgponitie eoniile nosator acrSgori,indi/vind datole do expaliare,ai not Le von publien ‘Triniten o dere de sean acupra cituatiot studentilor romani in Frantn,multundind in acel timp tuvarora scolor cari intriun fel emu altul,pe plan moral sau material au voit 4A sprig} mil ei.Sublinien articolul frunos aparut in chomare'i 1s eforettul amilul trocut, ch stina Paris 23 oct.1950 e Anton clornoi i stim 0° solam in visita dele 1s Paris a vagut af o delegitie de students care itn 0 im ts pede Cet at pga eile A or gata tnt te teat rum i ‘mmar do 70 de burse jaca nu ma ingel agupra cifret.cin dares do geass de mat sus,) idetman deh Oona he tents ota ae ap wed de cuanto, Sabi ttsi ooe a aa ee tame ae ERs oi gn cate mies Ss tt aaa ele pape MUR te Spa crt ten ce ndjun pricton de al soma Ate eee ata ape de eae ee, on a egttorat nogern empunen tuts bo ln amaneerts of introbs deco Comitatul o- Pee ena aes pntru tara on vor pieri 30-! Paris 21 mail 1950 Situatie Asockaties Studontilor Ronand din Franta, Se ee bree eave me SE end co cnn ih ee ay es Sea eal ‘Mut athanaete Na | scolars, ene bobgervatorst de Arto st yosant Ltore..., sah rial de wo ‘inp, vorh un monont wt Ata : nck’ yor #8 oan0nht sires se inareptnta sere Samet een ety in mantcon ie "Gane. onto ‘tne rngedle Paes } got vitoritionto in yalut fottaoriciny rove ov don tnéamattt oxto domuntat,ck st 1a | fs He acon mums 1fso,on fasshat {ne Pontmn conuntart go ineagoaan terial bankePs Lane | Beye o An Givonan 36 ai UA atm Potro Constantine ° shioaen Woofal rom atone tin tare o geupa In go curene ov cwpedioron Sm rdw ee ior onto a scepat da And ” ior nate, wo onan Ge aH Ame Ripe Meera’ Go 1-3 Conese ems Ge 6k edeee eee aa pte ,oonontedd stint sfapbo conentatte atone V0 ents ayat Loo 1a Kad toon wn ontalog, gonoral «i. enrtd lor ypu a Jairo 1.1 20 ootsouronty® aval 200 2 eT stcobe lo nen ots din cbt ,po-en) a 10 enboourenta MMtvetuaiayla ar-tator of. nanuscrL Blot ¥ i a “Peele id bin aueno serio coreepondantut rostrum foot teh eit fxr TaN hy er tows a ona PCED 8 tion hone, igirn eno WMogta clin prsgt ug o shura oo bt pe core 21 ine ef aun arto ton ee orton aaowt ooneres gunan dn mat 191%, fn on 080 oFotulidsth acode Sinpydanenes. of po aul cre Fic). apreb or 4, sustinand saya So Sethe Aah coman ah nop patan 2 ¢ gq svisntestuorordo- f'n onl gbporolulih of, oa peetidon polstics dcoat on ashe o.sneaabro, Ln oa ow ciSsdosrpmton ton otto Cert" fy igor. gtr, oie curoee a Einaatttan okt tnee font conta 0 ta te A : ay mmettehD’ sr ncelaetunt-ao frumtoorintte rkginnlo, FORANGRTE OL AT iSeary do autarkinen Ba acnpnt din dnote ae aripate,dedeernpeoatcr de Seitck suo, SoN a eoespraniy bed, oe 11cerabngtratnn £2 an x sctcnbadie tnolde ipn sia angnjat- in veFSa an Luctoss. port comunksth. Ales Morar, styasno, dospeo ore Omid Fg, contd Waaets oxbriol ywircoL ,Sobmpant. 1m Ane straineyiucrars sbrasno, doa am, 2080 egos ak agar omer ot COM An abradmabderTAPLISN nin upreenn we aiamuldsie, mi conelustilo onlo,Aceato. sabbhools Bert te fh nutord rontid sen abr Centr rinnipalo mi FostetTdohn Puropol" skvogpre Rowant ts nimuaorkge, #4 toxto tneditosne Sidesunen Rnorsous. LatAots despre Rano et disaurd ,fotommaftt ,ALDuno Pro A oUt hunt arto ol-un reprosot poote enrtd atampe ie toy eeecad gg MEESE CONC 8 Mathaognyprafuaor 1 Uni~ Rara,goioote, dy arbeytablourd, eh TTT hn a oo ener TL George taortoseh x gayprpton a f-ayanbaloml, ore, ert Faret tte Ain Conmaka Donntontn penta "Tdosdtn tormbrd le, ‘aingrfilovotio ,Tollgio- Fecal parte Sect gnnelh ni prasonent down cO-, qkogie rapt abtanty ‘ootalo,seonantco pola Teropedt ein crn eoretyat burepokt ah *7eoct oyfddologic clonkon at Rodan, tera ere, structia valorilor polities ouropeno". elisica ai moderna,stiinte pur al aplicatay, irveth Valor IeE Tee mptune onion unit musten arta frumpnée, whi tab renso, Ee Ceeeie trinten ef po Parintele Tr-Stofn ratio gh publicstiunt periodico ‘franeoze 5 Hearn sede, Oy goptrnecss!n doechis Capela™anhs st onplozos Rartanetantale aloe Tn pont NealoLisl sil0" cendtotih do condvouko a2 mb linteels Chg ae ee a crnoast worbare 1" *Mtreulo Sport format din dl virell Wwhedlesds resodintas swt Thirangadeineantat él fui Oucw yal AUTH drined1 prodan st dns Ar fe dotdor- Gaver Lo 4 cu Un onrvonto dodsormurotch do 14 Vionsyoriginar din yod4as,care 6 pa cu Tapiri. do rofuglatt.In plug,cw’ ajutom) anor unolte ax oxareita o cannir 5 Teepe P Wjutora) snor unolto ar oxoreS¥a 0 cenmura postat a ‘Coromanul prin Teodoridis,in dorinta de © cup nde si biserica in sfera sn de activitate, “ cara ore goncinald Unt oplicop teabnion. st al unor preoth rast,a%ePSntite ex i oor sox rénan ponthl BEABLISa po un onregere Atbxandeu fuksyAcashn fu aate Not Ranta Boo eae tal Preokyst @ Mastsontuet as songo vngueac. at oiaw.ajung 40 BeaaSlin pes Sn Aneta toxtilist dupa cum ne narturiseste parintole dr-Plorian yuller,venit pain nent ae pacra rosliacth do titre Oamin1 romanéas a fost adntrata ox coa gat frinoaga organigata pa | 1) Mo. arg niod o alte nationalitate dintro cele aflate in refugtaplar attains printre ct Oo oa easpnngebno co n Ingeptuttenrnes noua aapetg at a0. e dot ot srathra tlinct Cotulyet film, gunt Anforantya vat presontat, peste Y3b pubisound. anartoan momento acd mult doaut magudtonrss © ; ; publifontdd prinite 12 rodaotdes -volsr1. de pooetd. do rsiinld Wiinoscujodstat .. ~Tribanc ds Genavo,tt ects 1290 om doclarstisile: Biblioteca Romana din fredbun . j unos porennazitata romanagti rofue!tta Ta Ronee Tin de tora acDl or Wien Taneu rodttaty! oprusodint. Pibliotens Poliotoctt fonane Win Freftarg, “ Zéarul, runpodios Toloendln winestiett Arps Hin wine at Jicdgee pipures publ4e Fon afb" phumaroa ox rims foldedtarl Anceaneontign als Nation fRotmnine ,Paris . Zonttca do Lauganne dia 1 o¢t«L950 ex o Fee pre ata eorest 6 ystnro-et 4 tuturor golor ont minouoo 10, oocrn stat) dag PetrsayiNnehon “Foeonele agipra oartsd dit Wartno. zilin Dopt,oczsate 6/9 pom under ica nronua tain euturor fowatdor afiati"in ort dar mative Hetant sBuenoe, ey “+ TyS'Muvomt rowpthegg parks 10jrt0 svete 1 urantonrole seopurds nivo-Tomindad do matinee Sf -jnformationsbei sf MeLofobd-Garmant Poconsto agupes ut paki the 3 eae ieletentn seiaghonga st "hormln @ Ronwdlors “sia Salaburg 9 existat ef oontinus am oxteh ae areae ae Limuropa cousanne,cu o'recensie”, powne de iin" Tn cadrul acystot Focunstt aie casketentn Zot eeintol natdonito prin conto epotriva wweuror vickostudin lor jun sonttepupre’ carts, diut Warner’ i npul roprodice fotografia Int corneliw 26 Fanta porbari sto, mundt Wonitotul roman din Selsburg" Aneddneh SoldaUe3 ie codream. gi adioo elogld, Oaraii de flor, Teatenres oopiiton sf Andrunaren. tdncrotnlut Th anal 2hS,cnre sta ooupst permanent do 9 5 sori sort ain’ spanta mirun sf pazduiren rofughitilor ronnnts An ppinit creciin romineacs ‘cprifinire” Amigrard oi amiotenta jurtdton—" Tp mu a Sarat 6 fiLialA& mt mele Tn mid 19)8 a nparut o fLinla a Caxomnk aoe aeunveorn dr\tut. fy sodorw,prOueh cordunee Ronana Unita eta An afara orioara poste din tana cupr a ! ee ee eee iettek att ee OE ey Case ELE LAR og et oe te ape posibilitatiior oi po cole miterinle,tuturor . gestonno. ponte: yeidave AeBngRa ARE yovawr 22 sib EE. satus soot aad enbggiot apnewtort mpacot 2uL on lena aubné teagan RFaREEINS FoNmyayy pet inire iauh ant onangtel*Rofgrasil Condes an. publics? % suPLARaRE SST fry minten Regma Mosk delagh sean poner, & wo pte eta Reannte a 148 GM é / poner ee eye ce tmaran mi a rostgtae 1% Tecturs gun, Mi " ro a 1 fo po nunprndud Dobro, ak godphant, ncaa ate=2ensni ‘ Aegon senaiae fee sees dash tn rode fly cote tar frportent, txiot, pra uronnt ont ret anita beat satigesis automa Tpit ‘ evs Andon pin. oops 191949 ident aL. Aono. BaP, Tos : : “rem ae mi ees fost nin fv po an gr, Aca HS canta 32) ts gst ra ee ees + op ib nqrapizonsuinsovots ML Namnuno an araakurg,pus 27 LUpORSAABES, UD uboreatid nationale) rich: Sadnetrar te muerte A Fa EE sok an pearing ie ee patted eer ys pt pheatiael ch MO tt edly, It Perea, bapa Subs TRLL ase, #2 See ‘inte 0 i euyenr. mre. mda] a, ooqabta Wk cole i eee gstorta dite $n nnonknabsst, intend at 1a on ape 40 unis 4 conditas. mlturttonre a B hiap ponbru ood anitint dana jApAE I sieaphchs hate keep sth cs. pone p> Sakceat FOUND, SELANEpotaa Puri Feline nodernes 2, 184 setyet ates: Bee Sonanahsngeyt inset at aioreeaied us a Toerts that Sapyandupnnd oo Aeodoeh dish Toponet vprostoraotilsl ol gufsAL thi fac notatont gat satan ee epee DDrandirile db 120 W/m fu foot riitlort Hlprie ra 0 iD0 dood mAL bine vent nok do monsnt, ey n\n roptnumtolo do Anranterto ot Air paseytararas ded Hegre dn taran ovpotdnn do aghiy ot Toot’ tM ts Tn'mue Wt opneththt ck ny HAS wat Tk 6 pastas He toute Lesay Twat {io ofstoryad lange *awhnens tin até cue! an bm nti bun ng 9 no rom. te raven boat 0 closes, Paani se vlange of ol tw Rosts denn unt 0444 of ‘onruta, sw am pu 06 phen tue porn do po, ehaysABe gyn tan A doun ei plobia ah nib owUre Ropsors4. ds Widd. Fionn: pane dew onne Lnkanngenancr’ plesonruts ou dota etlo we Anatnte snv o:un 41 nowtrlavere Ov enputelo 4n-pamint),ou booatols fnerenned ntarn pisloatolor.oin oxuen ont a fai Anbgtoyano} rogue 0 Vodel4o ATtAtsoL ALi sGne fn mono ah om trdatn wh argo ex capa An pant on ek Yao dn ordenantn An popaaurs y#:Aneaput an 4 wa Jupensca p fou ol woldatdd 06 mm, ponte ‘eewpleted, Privoas po woudl Ae in owmil povestinlt melo iarwii Yefpona AnooNst cu ona contenath Anant: nt mn ohutntn in nirgestan to cele onto eantanatd 4p tnt atm on roparn year Nts hos poner a Aner. Fankdo or onto ot arwmett mde ma Sree Fst Mer Ot Srowunen gatas TqandHi2e ony AM aunt Antardte down Fapt nol Srmnaurdie oy Jato artdleriol., {fat novote nfo sonplotnte el ADM eee ime igonte ni ule mnnsat AA onpn ums ran,enan mu Nut po. Jou rt ecu ankt awteate oa da alm peas yeTu aloo envutn Crp ta hia oond hy Snorneo” cE Sein prdbavarn a eatannd ty no, vonold ph, war orleand fyrsuybe un ettop "a neopl pe: undo tvecun, of mal, whew po Thar anntonde-fasid mu tryst SNNdDkon nonat RAR Mo cunonwkue BOL INVA a xt st pro, bol taht le m beigbuta ap tiupoeen 4n voloviyie tinpul tratardi din you lovayso easom In oon) win fon vabelinhi=so Di Sit Amor winookivw dosartheulntosr front 4m podiovn int “da: Séndadents ido conpandW abaiefodjou Dvaddn AntobrA rts 2a stolor Awtaed mi mal retontunga minor 1% fenndangcs,goldatul ‘ronan Leh. Tuboeto fin dbtAnn'o onto WGN SPA oN fgg ural oS hj pe Mt onan f ymed nif Fetunoaes Th VaRjaon pe Linda LA 4n viononte grvly nau de, dest residn itn dint AL van ty ohvsnto omond aque Bo iy Thea an Anerebo fae oh ao Antraby el peobRdCl far gf yl dongedayin ortou Lipo.) ante ova, qo Anpro«sih on len agua’ nn tye00 po ‘dcry Youo ah t24pA"o fig panr ode frkon looteur va ‘ora petsocutyen yoponaos total frat jesel eApoawen novaRt Aaclnett ie Fil Atatn ste potrubt gu loeatenuntat Pisdahas cu! Neu tknostyuraturdty nels conten MAtalor a! frp oontea ooo in Laphtate, fatanara'® oor a vedo ma or poop, va fra ma pointe, vast ore robust "oro pana gicel gapovosen ataats Anyi Mh 4 vgn Rober tchea | Yorspar ttnorr hy fAlvcnecodoana,ted itn tonst ikt xh Mabntt, ah vinw mubLooatatattul Manohla j Taomstont tn Fata tub my iano 8 dont 4 ath ol eve 1 ost Lunt ate (slen ANt tarnruhVs ae! Ault eines mau Lccr earn ec pies rem har caer an \ 10 whew 9 pitas in ae caper aa fh Sector faa ht Be Sts thc sronaye-w: sas easeap al atte aac cick indy Soloant tol contin nar 0 plotoma hut purr 9 je sbramt rofdmantutut © borobne=+ caso mi mynudscresal sa aneereios tnt nto ae ohana anopit, An batate rs idan ott avenn’Gldattas dete aseara ol ‘liorcfetrs > cffeer fo'ronutvn eieet Thoc AMirviin aft vortbel ty {heuer [A uate MeN Spurn sopn corto alattdinr, nel conten color Oe mt faqueVaentetiesuaeccet ede by 43 4a ori eulor co pu fordokt, torn om Mt MiAored de capstan 08 R813. hike, oti ung totnninn, bandh ata Gis ns e we 7 Qi ayo Surin oh 24M o Arivotre do 21, toto, e's trans pu sonan-Bosenan ALsiandrtecnoptonl ow day, eth a oA Anta. known nog pablsagt raf notnealen Aipn cot ay furie total et dpe bo Ruane ‘Trocen pe Lang un oonad.tin om ad coartn ou Wisd-vroo | emu S,totd bettepartiu on! deal © if no cong ag ‘oy oapotele pis oes iit roa tian ono ule can he ag pit 0 eronsvloyen din oman oasaenAuil lon ert felt Seetab anton tao anetata it tortbtio,vnto tin toate aconton.Suntint. apron tnefaren tn ap Ae {1° Aran Aneonguraton pont aroet ie mile mak ereyaneero pee at seat vata oy Sonsbetleted mgprin ioctl unritoyorw mult wesetuedolett ” oars wnorivoyorn ole noneSvsGol eth nts oma ah out pea dh Bs nea opt oP4enta esol ongs, levricts_apun mere ot in somata pongtea rt Gpdtort ov ponrin ra ou eoLintis" Ar mlroa on fanaPal fess ortonre Seah FO ‘cnr 1 fhout Aneonyuranat tiotan.prin norety pot on eh m3 a cavontalSengonatleydeel a it 2) augue’ rant ieyordt Hn gt WOME ‘Banna ho oprin, “Wo vitocpontru a depuis Siawann ih oo) oh A _fdlsnalud masta 99 7 oe a . fn rouedt 99 parnsonscs ER 2 SU Gg ae 2 n Anwiéen a general LNHSRSTa18 cn acoloaes. spor ; Paget 1 Goreersientnd 265 NTS Tele rams Rong Bt a eh poker Panta entova cnracherosvultunsts on inataeét fi 14 mer san ooh SEER PE a SR ERE Saas mel In gi cr cvterahe a ome et ae wenn sAbrmim mora iors nate mink stn Oke ground a0 matt C8 Eee tn ak nenaG REIN sare neo aeaham wu cng Patt fo vam nA PR TB ee steretene a eeonsmoe ot ETM A TE asralaar elec igsire APF ots Sr mus been LN aPELO cetgts o tea TE rea Tats dee te kraoen aL Ook Set te ae tome wolengots Sexenisaproape nike alo. go ac even co artes Fenn ay foe Ea owe pn oy PRS ver See Tptinctat Maple 'vardecam oe ee a ed, ant cord 3 Su ae Stine ot a podreras. onsets 0 ee nan pe Sole pick ok usa dn Duane tan che alge forome do SoracTL 2, ManSth Deag wornb le Gs pone copnite in singin Tagore pun eiua tacstiet ool Ty a Anes SSE, Gitrt"te ettoe eonocrata dan. gu tagan aranisa a genase). Aba Wy SIRE: paorarepvarerie uns etre auo-foot onegante pros arostso4 DAr ne. Glsay see eae eres siope auras trdmayo, a voubw= um to uot rein este Lo ya'poouion i sfith sivpe aures iidna,o ca Voda oun to val fren ad ge va qUUGH un ginger C2 an om, etents elm to transform’ in P6coMre Sette en Pore tvs tanya Se Ani t sab wld, ctapl Ot Sam eee ARlasceetie ot socialtonstupta ok coe, geherelce Nfunausan st nok 8 ered fee fetomtyearvetpeet le oprs da sae oy ela vas erect wR Scsnsesticnrs * poprul Yokanjcte, un are oa oath rnolite x Seer tee ere nates cera $s ofplnian un sntarng\ dp righeantnd eoan, oes aanaatn ca azkadhea Wyo Sot £000 eiectN"ftety Ein angrlcan eu rryeniyin.” Dumeaeatpe canstss ds Ty Bernt Felier se ve vucurayandavs pe Rivierevae-Cooten un goat, mpectacuoarjun gest ool Ojai a sgondeit ittrio eolende cure ee muneite'Ron col'do 19 sfareiby <0 fetruarte 19S Hinsioporte Antaiplaterybe va-deandn ot ca i seastnl gost oroke, 3 vonst Url Toni Liposes,iel vor zumth en'weht einostists’ "rn caloare,in gest, Maodsra0% un cout Dol porror LE oanorit genaa A tng cogs tata mts ented oar EL "plepten ane veden eek do pun color eis MEL at geernlih dn phenteth=~ eats eR a apta inoa edata. speranvalo pre den, Of Co scandal n fost avuroty ‘ 18 facut om 00 fa0u a1 doklen conftgt tore prietendt spats po seetac nym, Ste thon foosh det danetsahtas asa eeue ae beat soe at Brees 1 troflenjcnot in dofinitiy unten in denogemas dl genera) Radesou-car es tio si colace 44 eat: ere ee ts pra umn ty eat pape oot gn oops ai G7 01 truSleh cot tat itsapune hireeR® mis z ath torent de A rst Gntehctrgs ait tx he Cheeta seth fet, ee Hin aceasta ain ned milto prinul noni she Totu cary diseuia to aire cheatiqemaric nen dak va fe0c dh Horatiy eonttotul Ine, va letys Poelia care scrio un articol:voda da Hinigtd ei mm vn ned tropads dintriun partid 44 S Hancu-ba,dar aisen ont gratist Tomine mirain naar grupats ta altaydo inn purgnnnifet coma, enet at totes Snvcrraiot te ete dn nitasoferinhnes misselu pe cxre 1a arg *Acd~Din tots cut cate eritica po guveranjny | apstectn dole eidytiot” er pares slrin ant ml” npn ceticlot fete dy aja mv net f4 navolt. $n alabosact Murgegg: & Canez0r QwrorpiacSk gomssts seal tne pA Hokatdu ou anal chime winter in fioearyet” ettavn lun orn expabth sx trig: An toapa "a pentru a go Antrobs An cdro partic gm 14 Pe Oricine or £4 indraentt oa oder cea maf. Faro grupare 41 va “tara soful de generntiet a Wodiny ceitden regelus, TL genoral este sweln pus thsi pe uronyas va dasurt a2 popn Varetmadeine * fact sh coleatat ca pore cavers, gnre partic 4nn'fnout cantina do In biaariea, Accentuams.3!% opus aoh Lefoge.Cine are we pel neuen ito Amarst do JeesTotl qpun‘¢n F089 ae ait, on md degchia omntinajonpd ol enratel otic card's wat 8 st paralole oi ual ales cand stio oa accate Posts Auiotes * raig ct venit ic 1a etoril, 3h AMCETCUR AROTWA caou vien putut. publica. ve portidal notional Caranees eangare’ ca un th. Doumlreabieage mile rafsctt pobtha a doread Hi gor tensvord.weleo ulin, deceptdonatd ne sc 1%uate Shc sh arennjcarise photdorlt si mutans tear 9Feslbanre voubuce, | 9 ET . ‘koun ¥ine rendul dp procopsire s tovirawhul gost,gi-ti spunen:Dlo genoral ca cuva ent bonderilolosTp prim] rondo Loeitira, 72%, P,chustioptacepl lor! yi £3 tentate di i Abraham Monsoiu k3t-erov wl denberatiet st ic “nigratia £1 agteapta.Da> na itite dle garoass a prinit-ordin partes cy ope oe ke A antifovel omit, gnticay tree. napat pasty and eB Sn pros armolGtati cave» ybbievt fool Um pbnebqaivabh So li tm mime Mpntria’ docaratia facuta inzltinapedints “4itor~ futetowier ta ta rn dont on ete ephtd moel aman US ‘te Nrabdia Lntntnt tact jexpamantul caro-T omedeapital este astuss aprosyn de eared si esr See ileal frees soe perry et sanema a8 ta aegateres ge povourt devare une oploeriess) ous choy urtte: hon eet foe tele pour obtenir tn pen ae sel, “eeli,vel cobora repedo sub oro,si ace! Posh th fos comatistle qu we rnd a ima” feat agen ete sete Shr anit vit, Forde ost Sezai ane nds pe db wha volotat astanghinpek oo tetepon ak hiten seaa ve tien tog capens" TO’ itera at ahaa oo gue, yoon fea bagnnrde aut Srvadiiitent-omn Sot2gent Pat les postal An oul te aD pouvoir? 4 - a (ita cotangent 22 061950) fisted coven odyaterst tonal Cela: serie Chemirea,s's inplintt punct’ey trar’) set Zan in pea lark oct Sonttet satfboad Sots maatteegin tne ath tetului,s dous lovitura i- vont din Torte mapletele on gh scrtdonilo reconadate on dist Rut Gai onren provoest Aiaidcta tor teinige pe. sige ste re ae Toviture-provabil os eal" 14 olactere, artab) wh etol Uf oveste In pungea vonst ue partes Tey asia a ite Prorisention cars’ lo-m bale cof 360 dolar ha: O°respondexeal nostzn penta Cindy oot racgn mw ened’ dn ausvpatrd tis ean dl Sat= fonevant’n yucoam ST, MuesAy street ig Waflvnat co biorfonnsh “1 sceateny poruns # ontwto, tin condtats soe agentane Dede Coreapoodeniah pontra Qermtat cata dh. Yalan elt na aoe Beso ree at oe Sistine! tosemaessaloarpa din oolt dna. + ,OoRegpoudkntal penton, praailt= vate BL Recut olf ,facand proai stunt an ranpea si in etange. Ansonie,:2hzNe dog setetobaa,sze pole, Ueda promisiune a fost nceia cn ei ou 160 ap CoFespondentul pauiira a b-5 Juan OUEL in Ancrica do., su incuput nadvis Constantsnenaty alte Tuouwan $50, emus Marin, ao Anotig,n naman’ Nal¥ ogto un onrgeard™ PoViaia Ge GeFdeda. hain Gamsria care Ne Levote at wt andntin urile po care ni tet gonna, ante i ot pentru ® £1 tyvout ne"Iataoo fae pot mses cee fopamfe afrtuin Wy gota eink Mond ebard de, coaptere in aoutemad nations Tata co © venit mopentul sa sanstate ca an rapscial Sere Mlopt Se0losSo-2 dul ‘cordare de bursa fondurd ,fundatss regal oka ae amit dcentate,insush 4 genern Ridescu, [afsem) care a soris gmalia canst os oan aitaatin cate rcosstartaural tat x a Peer coin FAR finan wagae SSE NIG te ar cued oo pe bee as pension en ae re din hnosSenyacsia doMp #4 Seto pera Vaal A a quinine fn ire dipam come aac ir te oasnenes gest mi mnt tn ata a Teel eapabeli oo mal ast Sacra demo pe Mout Tamu Patrig *, 20th tina alam. sn pu ohorren Tes uecte uh inane mcuientslon in, euraIny. oprg "ANTI" te tetabpoa. hisholiy ‘eaakfore pe‘ cinwva in ero de degenda Tosle Man. cpobeseact 1 de Seenenaa oa nat akst um. os daca ciate metas tua” Bagel ht pee estoonds, me eaves ‘DL geneTon Afworehe Johea sabe tents 1" vero! "am no fucas cu focal* junc el regelMl wthattatryiin artice) tn ul nanar al afamudai patrhay ingonneasy ch wh of cw

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