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Beltline High School School Technology Evaluation Demographics Beltline High School is one of three high schools serving

a town of approximately 40,000. Beltline High School has an enrollment of 1,703. The student population is comprised of 48% Caucasian (not Hispanic), 46% African America, 5% Hispanic, and 1% Asian. 11.2% of students report disabilities other than speech. 28% of students qualify for free/reduced lunch. Evaluation I. Administrative A. Policy 1. Behavioral = Islands 2. Resource/infrastructure = Islands Technology use in the school is somewhat formalized. There exist few formal documents and no school wide use of adopted policy. The district has an outdated TUP that was written in 2007m but it has not been updated. B. Planning 1. Behavioral = Islands 2. Resource/infrastructure = Islands A technology planning committee exists. This group meets infrequently. However, very little planning is done on the whole school level and usually pertains to one particular area or subject. C. Budget 1. Behavioral = Integrated 2. Resource/infrastructure = Intergraded Both the school and the school district stress technology in budgets. There is a school wide technology budget designed to purchase items like computers, Smartboards, and LCD projectors. The media center has a technology budget to purchase items like DVD players, cameras, and software. Various departments have a portion of their budget dedicated to technology. Still, much of the purchasing is piecemeal. D. Administration Information 1. Behavioral = Islands 2. Resource/infrastructure = Islands Administrators have access to quality software, but not all administrators utilize the systems in place.

II. Curricular A. Electronic Information 1. Behavioral = Integrated 2. Resource/infrastructure= Islands Students and staff both rely highly on the Internet and various networks for productivity. However, not all areas of the school have access. B. Assessment 1. Behavioral: Islands 2. Resource/infrastructure: Integrated Some staff members use technology in assessments, but there are staff members that dont utilize technology at all. The school relies on technology for a variety of assessments. The school completes various district assessments online. C. Curricular Integration 1. Behavioral: Islands 2. Resource/infrastructure: Islands No curriculum is totally dependent on technology; however, many parts of the curriculum recommend the use of technology. Math and science curriculums have much more access to technology than other areas. D. Teacher Use 1. Behavioral: Intelligent 2. Resource/infrastructure: Integrated Teachers are required to post lesson plans on the schools website. Nearly all teachers have Smartboards and LCDs or access to them. Most teachers utilize their Smartboards in a student centered way. E. Student Use 1. Behavioral: Islands 2. Resource/infrastructure: Islands Students generally only use technology in the form of word processing, slideshows, or researching on the Internet. Not all students are able to access and utilize the spectrum of technology in the school.

III. Support A. Stakeholder Involvement 1. Behavioral: Emergent 2. Resource/infrastructure: Emergent Students and staff have very little voice in the planning and implementation of technology throughout the school. Students have only been given surveys to gauge their view of technology in school. B. Administrative Support 1. Behavioral: Islands 2. Resource/infrastructure: Islands Administration not actively involved in practice and implementation. Most administrators do not engage in the planning and coordinating of technology. It is usually done through the media specialist. C. Training 1. Behavioral: Integrated 2. Resource/infrastructure: Islands A variety of training programs are implemented with teachers leading many of the sessions. Teachers design their own hour long workshops and focus on some technology they have employed in their class. District office offers a variety of training opportunities but focus on limited topics like using Word or Powerpoint. D. Technical/ infrastructure Support 1 .Behavioral: Integrated 2. Resource/infrastructure: Islands Some support systems are in place, but many staff members rely on other staff members for assistance. The district offers low level tech support.

IV. Connectivity A. LAN 1. Behavioral: Islands 2. Resource/infrastructure: Integrated There is high speed networking school-wide and all students have access to online storage folders even though that use is limited. B. WAN 1. Behavioral: Islands 2. Resource/infrastructure: Integrated Staff and students have access to high speed wired and wireless connections, but in a very limited manner. Wireless access has improved greatly, but is still spotty. C. Internet Access 1. Behavioral: Islands 2. Resource/infrastructure: Intelligent Nearly all staff members and students use the Internet but it is not integrated formally into the curriculum. Most areas of the school have some sort of Internet access (wired or wireless). D. Communication Systems 1. Behavioral: Intelligent 2. Resource/infrastructure: Intelligent All students and staff have access to email and various other communication tools. Not all students utilize email. V. Innovation A. New Technologies 1. Behavioral: Islands 2. Resource/infrastructure: Islands Do to much of the control by the district, it is difficult for staff members to experiment with new technology. There are many old school staff that refuse to use technology on a broad scale. B. Comprehensive Technologies 1. Behavioral: Integrated 2. Resource/infrastructure: Integrated The school has a variety of technology, but utilization is a key issue. Many teachers are not sure how to use the technology that is purchased. There are many tools that have been bought but remain relatively unused.

Conclusion Beltline High School would be best ranked as Integrated. Beltlines positives outweigh the negatives. However, there is still much room for improvement. Beltlines does an admirable job making access to technology available and purchasing new technologies. Nearly all teachers have Smartboards and projectors and all have access to computers and the Internet. New technologies such as iPods and Flip cameras are available on a limited basis. The administration advocates the use of technology and many teachers utilize technology on a daily basis. However, Beltline is limited in its use by the district office that controls the networks. Also, there is no unifying goal that staff members can work to achieve. Most teachers are not working with colleagues to develop and improve upon the use of technology and the administrators have pushed no formal policy of use.

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