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Readings for the Week of September 11 Sunday: Sir 27:30-28;9/Rom 14:7-9/Mt 18:21-35 Monday: I Tm 2:1-8/Lk 7:1-10 Tuesday: I Tm 3:1-13/Lk 7:11-17 Wednesday: Nm 21:4b-9/Phil 2:6-11/Jn 3:13-17 Thursday: I Tm 4:12-16/Jn 19:25-27 Friday: I Tm 6:2c-12/Lk 8:1-3 Saturday: I Tm 6:13-16/Lk 8:4-15 Next Sunday: Is 55:6-9/Phil 1:20c-24,27a/Mt 20:1-16a

Saturday - September 10 - Weekday 5:00 p.m. Mickey Augustyniak ( Family) Sunday - September 11 Twenty-Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time 7:30 a.m. Raymond Bojarski ( Family) 9:00 a.m. Mass for all Parishoners 11:00 a.m. Kelly Hodges ( Family) Monday - September 12 - Weekday/The Most Holy Name of the Blessed Virgin Mary 7:00 a.m. Robert Nelson (Joe & Kay Zastawa) Tuesday - September 13 - St. John Chrysostom 7:00 a.m. Robert Grise (family) Wednesday - September 14 - The Exaltation of the Holy Cross 7:00 a.m. Sam Madonia (sister, Grace) 8:45 a.m. Rita Esser (Cheryl Zingelewicz) Thursday - September 15 - Our Lady of Sorrows 7:00 a.m. Audrey Pawlak (Lori & Jenna Skarupski) 9:00 a.m. Mary Moore (Damian & Holly Turchan) Friday - September 16 - Ss. Cornelius & Cyprian 7:00 a.m. Special Intention 9:00 a.m. Florence Wenzel (Casey & Dan Pfeiffer) Saturday - September 17 - Weekday/St. Robert Bellamine 5:00 p.m. Sophia Zaborowski (Ed & Sharon Siciliano) Sunday - September 18 - Twenty-Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time 7:30 a.m. Nancy Ensbrenner (Sean Sullivan) 9:00 a.m. Charlotte Cleaver (John & Donna Kehl) 11:00 a.m. Mass for all Parishioners The Sanctuary Lamp will burn in memory of Margaret Kinney as requested by Donna Faulkner

Monday - September 12 6:30 p.m. Legion of Mary (Church) Tuesday - September 13 7:00 p.m. Ladies Guild Board Dinner 7:00 p.m. Advancement/School Board (L) Wednesday - September 14 9:30 a.m. Church cleaning 6:00 p.m. JV Girls Basketball vs. Cathedral Center (SH) 6:30 p.m. Choir Practice (Church) 9:00 p.m. Mens Basketball (SH) Thursday - September 15 6:30 p.m. Folk Group practice (Church) 6:30 p.m. Meet & Greet Teachers (School) 7:00 p.m. PTC Membership (Mpr) Saturday - September 17 4:00 p.m. Confessions Sunday - September 18 9:10 - 10:40 a.m. Religious Education K - 10

WEEKDAYS OF SEPTEMBER 11 7:00 a.m. Erin Koszegi REVEREND JOSEPH T. SCHEFFNER ENDOWMENT FUND Parishioners and friends are encouraged to remember their loved ones at the time of death or for any special occasion by contributing a memorial gift to the ENDOWMENT FUND. The Fund provides parish support and tuition assistance to parish children who attend Our Lady of Mount Carmel School. Brochures concerning the Fund and remittance envelopes are available in the back of the church. Tuition assistance from the inception of the Fund is $76,235.00. Contributions to the Fund since inception are $143,670.00. SATURDAY - SEPTEMBER 17 5:00 p.m. Abigail Chermack SUNDAY - SEPTEMBER 18 7:30 a.m. Catherine Brennan 9:00 a.m. Tamara Carrier 11:00 a.m. Brooklyn Vivier
THE WINNER OF THE MEN'S COUNCIL 50-50 ON TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 6 Jim Efta - $1,010.00 Seller: Bob Baumann Men's Council 50/50 tickets are available for purchase in the vestibule before and after every Mass on the weekend. Proceeds of the drawing benefit our parish. Your support is greatly appreciated

Carmelite Spirituality Let us not stop praying: Confidence produces miracles! St. Therese of the Child Jesus


SACRIFICIAL GIVING Last week the collection was $7,908.00 Each week we need to collect $9,730.00 Envelope sets mailed 999 Envelopes received 287 Thank you to those who use their envelopes regularly and to all who have increased their Offertory. RELIGIOUS EDUCATION Classes start today for grades K - 10! All parents are urged to attend the meeting today in the gym. We will meet together with the children to pray a Living Rosary. The children will be released to their classrooms while we have a short parent meeting. After the meeting you will have the opportunity to visit your childs classroom and meet their teacher. You will then be dismissed by the classroom teacher. This year, class time on Sunday morning has changed; students in grades 1 - 10 will meet on Sunday morning from 9:10 - 10:40 a.m. Scheduling classes at these times provides families the opportunity to worship together at the 11:00 Mass, after picking the children up from class. Confirmation parents and students, mark your calendars for a parent meeting the first day of classes on October 2! The religious education office strives to offer our families a program which meets the parishs responsibility to assist you in the formal faith formation of your children. If you have not received a schedule, you can download one at our parish website If you have any questions, please contact me in the religious education office at 825-7609, ext. 105. Peace in Christ Jesus. Sue Berdis, Religious Education Leader CHOIR...Experience a more prayerful participation at Mass. Rehearsals are held every Wednesday in church @ 6:30 p.m. If you are not able to make Wednesday practices, feel free to review and sing hymns @ 10:15 a.m. on Sunday. The choir sings at 11:00 Mass as well as special Holydays and weekends. For all who feel they have time constraints and cannot make a commitment, youre more than welcome to join just one of the special events choirs; for example, Christmas midnight Mass or Holy Week. Calling In all former Cantors and new Cantors...singing is one of the greatest expressions of prayer. We each have our own unique style of prayer; but we all pray together! The choir is a place for all these individual styles to join together to praise God. For those of you who wish to express your prayerful style as an individual, please consider becoming a Cantor. You will help enrich the congregations prayerful experience. Over the summer, Cantors were free to show their own unique style. Hopefully, their example impassioned others to want to participate. We are eager to have you come join us, to share your gift of musical talent. See Gabriel Gabe Borrero after Mass, or leave a message at the rectory (825-7313) if you are interested in the 9:00 or 11:00 a.m. Masses. ATTENTION LADIES GUILD MEMBERS The Guild is planning its 50th Installation Tea on Tuesday, September 20 at 6:30 p.m. This promises to be a fun and memorable evening so please plan on attending to help us celebrate this golden anniversary.

SEPTEMBER 11, 2011

Next Sunday is Catechetical Sunday when we ask Gods Blessing on the teachers in our parish school and in our Religious Education program. There will be a Commissioning Service at the 11:00 Mass for all our teachers and catechists. We ask your prayers for them and for the children of the parish whom they educate. Dont forget that the most important part of our childrens education in the faith is done by our parents in the home. No one becomes a good person and disciple of Christ by accident! We pray that all that we say and do reflects our faith in Christ and fulfills the will of God which Jesus tells us is that he should not lose one of these little ones. This weekend is an opportunity for the annual Catholic Education Collection. One-half of the moneys received stay at OLMC to support both our parish school and religious education programs. Thank you for your generous support of this annual collection. This weekend is also the first day of class in our Religious Education program. Please notice that class begins a little earlier this year. One of the principal purposes of the change in our Sunday morning Mass schedule was to give us and our catechists more time to teach and get to Mass without running across the parking lot! Many of our catechists took advantage of the classes offered both here at Mount Carmel and at St. Boniface this summer. Their dedication to continued learning and preparation to teach the faith is very encouraging. This Sunday is also an opportunity for remembrance of the events of September 11, 2011. The 10th Anniversary of the attacks in New York, Washington and on the aircraft that crashed in Shanksville is a time for prayer for those deceased and their families as well as a time for recollection of the sacrifices made by so many people to work against hate and violence in our world and to keep us safe from those who use religion as an excuse to do evil to others. May we never be among them! I am away this weekend for a wedding in New Jersey. Sincere thanks to Fr. Beal and Fr. Tom for taking care of the weekday and weekend Masses for me. Their help is much appreciated. Fr. Beals residence with us has also allowed us to add a 9:00 Mass on most Thursdays and Fridays. I am pleased that this gives us both an opportunity to fulfill Mass requests more promptly and afford more parishioners the opportunity to attend morning Mass. Now that we have completed our lighting project in church, we move on to the next stage in our renovation program. I am gathering bids for the sanctuary project. We hope to begin within the month, if all goes well. Both the Buildings and Grounds Committee and the Pastoral Council are participating in the latest round of plans for our church. We hope that you like and approve of what we have been able to do so far. Of course, the generosity of so many parishioners has made everything that we have done possible. The rapidity with which individuals, families and parish organizations have fulfilled their pledges is both impressive and encouraging. Well, this last weeks cooler weather is probably a harbinger of things to come, so enjoy the last few days of summer while we look forward to a tranquil fall. And, keep in your prayers all those who suffer from the storms that have caused so much damage to the eastern US lately. Have a great week! Fr. Ray

FUN BUS TO THE CASINO Mark your calendar for Saturday, September 24. Team WAC is sponsoring a bus trip to the Seneca Niagara Casino. Bus leaves Mt. Carmel parking lot at 11:00 a.m. and, on return, leaves the casino at approximately 7:00 p.m. The price is $30.00 per person (receive $25.00 slot dollars + $10.00 towards food from Casino). Call Patty Grove @ 825-9259 as soon as possible for reservations on a first come, first served basis.. Must be 21 years of age with valid photo id.. This trip benefits the John Kanzius Cancer Foundation through Team WAC (Working Against Cancer).

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