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Los verbos can, could, may, might, will, would, should, and must, son llamados verbos auxiliares modales, son usados antes de los infinitivos de otros verbos, y muestran en cierta manera el grado de seguridad, certeza, obligacin, etc. de las acciones que se llevan a cabo. 1. Gramtica a. los verbos modales no llevan `s' en la 3 persona del singular. Ej. She should go to the doctor. b. despus de los modales usamos el infinitivo sin el `to' ej. She must water the plants. 2. Clases de significado de los modales Una clase de significado de los modales, es el grado de certeza: los modales son usados para decir que una situacin es segura, probable, posible o imposible. La otra clase de significado tiene que ver con la obligacin y la libertad de accin: los modales pueden ser usados para decir que alguien est obligado a hacer algo, que es capaz de hacer algo, que algo esta permitido o prohibido. Grados de certeza Los siguientes modales son usados para mostrar distintos grados de certeza sobre un hecho o evento: a) certeza total: (positiva o negativa) must, mustn't, will, won't, can, can't. b) probabilidad / posibilidad. Should, shouldn't, may, may not c) dbilprobabilidad o posibilidad might, might not, could, couldn't d) condicionalidad o posibilidad. Would, wouldn't, could, couldn't. Obligacinylibertaddeaccin Los verbos modales son usados para expresar aspectos varios de obligacin y libertad. Estos usos de los verbos modales son muy importantes en expresiones de educacin, sugerencias, invitaciones e instrucciones. a) obligacin fuerte. Must

b)prohibicin mustnot, can't c)obligacin dbil: sugerencia o recomendacin should, might, may d) voluntad, insistencia y ofrecimientos. Will, would e) permiso can, may, might(muy formal) f) habilidad can, be able to

Could El modal could indica una posibilidad o una capacidad en el pasado. I could have told you that. Podra haberte dicho eso. Itcouldhavebeen a disaster. Podra haber sido un desastre. When I was young, I could run very fast. Cuando era jven, poda correr muy rpidamente. Could se utiliza para especular sobre unas posibilidades futuras. En estesejemplos, could y might son sinnimos. It could / might rain tonight. Puedelloverestanoche. This could / might be dangerous. Eso puede / podra ser peligroso. En las preguntas de s o no,could especula sobre unas posibilidades en el presente o el futuro. Could she be the murderer? Puede / Podra ser ella el asesina? Couldthis be a mistake? Podra ser esto un error? Couldindicaunaopcin.

We could go see a movie. Podemos / Podramos ver una pelcula. I could become a doctor. Puedo / Podra hacerme mdico. En las preguntas de s o no, could hace una solicitud corts. En estes ejemplos, could y can son sinnimos. Could / Can you open your window? Puede usted abrir su ventana? Could / Can you help me move this sofa? Puedes ayudarme a mover este sof? Se usa could para formar el condicional el cual contiene dos oraciones: una con "if" (si) y la otra con el resultado. Could est puesto en la oracin del resultado. En estos afirmaciones, could expresa una situacin hipottica: If I had time, I could play tennis with you. Si tuviera tiempo, podra jugar tennis contigo. We could study together, if you want to. Podemos estudiar juntos, si quieres. If it weren't raining, we could go on a picnic. Si no estuviera lloviendo, podramos ir de picnic. Se usa could para especular sobre una posibilidad que no llega hacer realizado porque una condicin no llega hacer cumplido. If we had left sooner, we could have taken the train. Si hubiramos salido ms pronto, podramos haber tomado el tren. I could have passed the exam, if I had studied more. Podra haber pasado el examen si hubiera estudiado ms. I'm glad we took umbrellas. We could have gotten soaked. Estoy feliz que hayamos llevado paraguas. Podramos habernos empapado.

El verbo 'Could' Expresa poca probabilidad o condicionalidad. Significa: podra, pude, poda, pudiera de acuerdo con el contexto: I could dance if I couldpractice. Icould - podra / pude / poda / pudiera


You could be wrong. Podrasestarequivocado.

They could manage without us. Ellos pudieron/podran arreglrselas sin nosotros. I could help Ann if she only let me. Yo podra ayudar a Ann si tan solo me dejara. This new plan could be very risky. Este nuevo plan podra ser muy riesgoso. The news could kill Mr. Taylor. La noticia podra matarlo al seor Taylor. Anybody could be chosen for the job. Cualquiera podra ser elegido para el trabajo. I could go back and bring Kate with me. Yo podra/pude volver y traer a Kate conmigo.


I couldn't see very clearly. Yo no pude/podra ver muy claramente. Mrs. Jones couldn't stand the smell. La seora Jones no pudo/podra soportar el olor. We couldn't leave you alone. No podramos dejarte solo.


Could you open the window? Pudiste/podras abrir la ventana? Couldthey escape? Pudieron/podran escapar?

Could + have

You could have told me you weren't at home! Podras haberme dicho que no estabas en casa! It could have been worse. Pudo/podra haber sido peor. John couldn't have done that. John no pudo/podra haber hecho eso.

"Could" is used to express possibility or past ability as well as to make suggestions and requests. "Could" is also commonly used in conditional sentences as the conditional form of "can." Examples:

Extreme rain could cause the river to flood the city. POSSIBILITY Nancy could ski like a pro by the age of 11. PASTABILITY You could see a movie or go out to dinner. SUGGESTION Could I use your computer to email my boss? REQUEST We could go on the trip if I didn't have to work this weekend. CONDITIONAL

Using "Could" in Present, Past, and Future

Most modal verbs behave quite irregularly in the past and the future. Study the chart below to learn how "could" behaves in different contexts. Modal Use Positive Forms 1. = Present 2. = Past 3. = Future 1. John could be the one who stole the money. 2. John could have been the one who stole the money. 3. John could go to jail for stealing the money. could

Negative Forms 1. = Present 2. = Past 3. = Future 1. Mary couldn't be the one who stole the money. 2. Mary couldn't have been the one who stole the money. 3. Mary couldn't possibly go to jail for the crime. 1. Even if I had more time, I couldn't travel around the world. 2. Even if I had had more time, I couldn't have traveled around the world. 3. Even if I had more time

You can also use: might, may


1. If I had more time, I could travel around the world. 2. If I had had more time, I could have traveled around the world. 3. If I had more time this

winter, I could travel around the world. could


this winter, I couldn't travel around the world. NO NEGATIVE FORMS

1. NO PRESENT FORM 2. You could have spent your vacation in Hawaii. 3. You could spend your vacation in Hawaii.


I could run ten miles in my twenties. I could speak Chinese when I was a kid.

I couldn't run more than a mile in my twenties. I couldn't speak Swahili.


be ableto

Yesterday, I could lift the couch by myself. NotCorrect could


Yesterday, I couldn't lift the couch by myself. Correct

Could I have something to drink? Could I borrow your stapler?


Couldn't he come with us? Couldn't you help me with this for just a second?

can, may, might

REMEMBER: "Could not" vs. "Might not" "Could not" suggests that it is impossible for something to happen. "Might not" suggests you do not know if something happens. Examples:

Jack might not have the key. MAYBE HE DOES NOT HAVE THE KEY. Jack could not have the key. IT IS IMPOSSIBLE THAT HE HAS THE KEY.

Modal Verbs Can and Could (to talk about abilities)

We can use can (for present) and (could) for past to talk about abilities. The form of the modal verbs are very simple. All the verbs go with the same modal verb plus the infinitive without to. Example: Maria can play the piano very well. (Maria has the ability of playing the piano) They can play soccer. I can speak English. ** Can y Could se utiliza para describir acciones referentes a habilidades. La forma es muy simple ya que va con una sola conjugacin para todoas las personas. Can es para describir habilidades en el tiempo presente y Could para habilidades en el pasado.

Positive and Negative form (Modal Verb Can/could)

Figura 1
Modal Verb | Subject I you he she it Infinitivo withoutto | | VERB Simple form (DANCE) | |

| |

| | | Ejemplos: 1) Can you play the guitar? 2) Can your sister speak French?

we you they

3) Can they dance salsa? **BONUS En el bsico solo quiero que se enfoquen en usar can y could para describir habilidades pero can y couldtambien pueden ser usados para pedir favores. En estecaso Can = Could Ejemplo: 1) Can / Could you open the door please? 2) Can /Could they bring more beers?
Short Answers

Yes, ( I you he she it we they) can/could No ,( I you he she it we they ) cant/couldnt

Exercises / Ejercicios (Figura 3)

* FIGURAS Y EJERCICIOS DE GRAMMAR IN USE (Cambridge) Grammarpractice (LONGMAN)<><><>

Could es el pasado del verbo can y corresponde en castellano al pretrito del indicativo de poder (pude, pudiste) y el imperfecto del indicativo de poder (podia, podias)

Could tambin es el condicional del verbo can y corresponde en castellano al condicional del verbo poder (podra, podras)

Para los dos significados de "could" el negativo se forma aadiendo la palabra not o la contracin nt :

Como ya hemos visto en clases anteriores las preguntas en ingls se suelen formar cambiando el orden de las palabras. Could no es una excepcin:

El uso de "could": condicional o pasado?

Cmo sabemos si could se refiere al condicional o al pasado? En muchas situaciones es difcil saberlo, as que es importante prestar atencin al contexto. Si alguien usa un marcador de tiempo como yesterday (ayer) o lastyear (el ao pasado) es obvio que utiliza could en su funcin del pasado de can

I could see him yesterday lo pudeverayer.

Mientras que si vemos que algiuen est en apuros y nos pide:

Couldyouhelp me?

es claro que quieren decir Me podras ayudar (ahora mismo)?" Y no "Me pudiste ayudar?"

Los usos de "could"

Usamos could con ms frecuencia para pedirle a alguien que haga algo.

Could you help me, please? Me podras ayudar? Could you pass me the salt, please? Me podras pasar la sal por favor?

Tratamos este tema en ms detalle en nuestra clase sobre ingles para viajar

El verbo "Could"
En este ejercicio tienes que decidir si las descripciones de "could" son verdaderos (true) o falsos (false).

1. "Could" es un modal verb

-- Choose an answ er --

2. "Could" es el presente contino de "Can"

-- Choose an answ er --

3. Podemos usar "could" con "will"

-- Choose an answ er --

4. Cuando conjugamos "could" todas las personas tienen la misma forma.

-- Choose an answ er --

Gramtica "Can" y "could" se utilizan para expresar permiso, posibilidad o habilidad. Como regla general "can" se utiliza en el presente y "could" en el pasado, pero hay ciertos matices: a) Posibilidad / habilidad En el presente"can" y en el pasado"could" o "was / wereable". With the new motorway you can go from Madrid to Barcelona in less than 4 hours Ten years ago you could go from Madrid to Barcelona in 6 hours I can play tennis I could (was able) to play tennis when I was a child "Could" tambin se utiliza con un sentido condicional, mientras que en el futuro se emplea "will be able": If I had money I could buy a new car In two years I will be able to speak English fluently b) Permiso En el presente distinguimos: - Tener o pedir permiso: "can" tiene un sentido informal y "could"formal. I can use the company's car for my private trips (informal)

I could use the company's car for my private trips (formal) Can I borrow your car ?(informal) Could I borrow your car ?(formal) - Dar permiso: se utiliza "can"; "could" nicamente se emplea con un sentido condicional. Tonight you can stay with us If you don't find any other place, you could stay with En el pasado se utiliza "could" y en el futuro"can". c) Ofrecimiento Slo se utiliza "can". Can I helpyou

Como pasado de can, could se traduce al espaol por pretrito indefinido o pretrito imperfecto. - Shecouldntphoneyou. / No te pudo llamar. - He couldplaythe piano. / Saba tocar el piano. Pero could, frecuentemente, expresa aspectos que nada tienen que ver con el tiempo pasado, as que debe traducirse entonces al espaol por condicional o por pretrito imperfecto de subjuntivo, segn los casos. - Couldyoupassthesalt, please? / Podras pasar la sal por favor? - Idmarryhertomorrow, if I could. / Me casara con ella maana si pudiera.

Usos mas importantes de could

1. Poder hacer algo: I tried, but I couldnt open thisbottle / Intent pero no pude abrir esta botella. 2. Saber hacer algo: I couldspeak German when I lived in Germany. / Saba hablar alemn cuando viva en Alemania.

Nota: Al igual que can, could significa saber slo en el sentido de tener habilidad para hacer algo; en el sentido de tener conocimiento de algo se emplea toknow: I knewshehadbeenwithanotherman / Saba que haba estado con otro hombre. 3. Peticiones corteses: Couldyou do me a favor? / Podras hacerme un favor?

Nota: Como en espaol, could resulta ms corts que can (podras es ms corts que puedes) 4. Estilo indirecto, equivalente a can en el directo: "I canseeyounextThursday", shesaid. / "Puedo verte el jueves que viene", dijo ella. (estilo directo) Shesaidthatshecouldsee me nextThursday. / Dijo ella que podra verme el jueves que viene. (estilo indirecto) 5. Permiso (ms informal que 'may'): Could I make a phonecall? Podra hacer una llamada? 6. Posibilidad He could be out at this time of theafternoon. / El podra estar fuera a esta hora de la tarde. EJERCICIOS Elige could, couldnt o managed to 1. I 2. They days. 3. Eventually Luis English. play the piano when I was four. to get to the top of Mt. Kilimanjaro, but it took them six convince me that theres no future in teaching get burn music CDs when

4. Mark wanted to see the final of the European Cup, but he tickets. 5. Henry was so advanced for his age that he he was 8 months old.

6. Val and John were amazed that they to drive over the Pyrenees in such an old car. 7. I spoke to her for more than an hour, bought her a drink, and finally 8. Carlos from Liverpool. get her phone number. speak English when he was six years old. His parents are swim, sail and get up on time

9. Cathy grew up near the beach in South Africa. She dive when she was very young. 10. Danny lost his job at the clock factory because he in the mornings. Help:
sail = paseo en barco dive = bucear

1. could 2. managed 3. managed 4. couldnt 5. could 6. managed 7. managed 8. could 9. couldnt 10. could

to to

to to

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