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I P P I A N S S t u d y t h r e e

A Challenge to Know Christ

1 Review Chapters 1 and 2.
B A C K . . .

What were the main themes? Application to your life?


Love for one another can have a powerful impact on those who are
outside the body of Christ looking in to see if we have
The following true story is a great example. anything worth seeking.
One summer while on a mission project with Campus
I asked what specifically
Crusade for Christ in Poland, I found myself in need of a
caused her to more openly
translator. My usual translator was away for a few days. I
consider God. She said, “It’s the
recruited a translator from another team, and we began
love I see that Jim and his wife
our three-mile walk to the village where we were
and all of the Americans on
teaching a group of college students. While we were
the team have for each other. I have
hiking along, I asked Gosha if she had been thinking more
never lived with a group of people who care so much for
about spiritual issues since she had been translating for us.
each other. It is obvious to me that their ability to live in such
I figured that any unbeliever who spent several hours a
harmony under stressful living conditions could only be
day translating Bible studies must be affected. She said
possible if God is truly in their lives. Being here with them has
that in fact she had been reflecting on her relationship
made me want God in my life too!”
with God more than ever before. Gosha seemed amazed
at herself because previous to that time she had no How does this story reflect the truths we studied in the first two
interest in God at all. chapters of Philippians?

PHILIPPIANS 3:1-21 One particular group in Paul’s day was
especially guilty of putting confidence
In light of PaulÕs situation, why could he
in the flesh. These were the Judaizers PHI BETA KAPPA
(referred to as “dogs, mutilators of the
flesh, and false circumcision” NASB). NCAA CHAMPION
They plagued Paul and his converts
constantly. Confused about the
Contrast false circumcision with true gospel, they added works of the law
circumcision. What are some things Why would someone with these
to faith in Christ, both for salvation and
accomplishments have reason
you observe? for Christian living. The Old Testament
to celebrate?
rite of circumcision was of special
concern to them. They did not omit Achievement can lead to self-confidence.
faith in Christ but added works of the Is it good to be self-confident?
List some ways Christians put their flesh. Paul called such men “deceitful Why or why not? What does a healthy
confidence in the flesh (3:3-4). workmen” (2 Corinthians 11:13). self-confidence look like in the life
John Walwoord and Roy Zuck, The Bible Knowledge
Commentary, (Wheaton: Victor Books, 1983) p. 659.
of a Christian?

What do you learn about PaulÕs heart in

The Old Testament rite of physical
verses 7-12? circumcision was not only a sign of Paul said, “I count all things
covenant relationship, but it was also
intended to be related to spiritual but refuse, junk, garbage.” Why?
circumcision of the heart (cf. Deut. “Day by day, I continually reckon and
Contrast someone who puts knowing 30:6). Writing to Gentiles, Paul made it consider everything else in this world
Christ as top priority in his life with clear that he and they were the true and my life junk, for this one thing
someone who doesnÕt. circumcision. This was because they had that I may know Him.”
no confidence in the flesh.
Ibid, p. 659
Now if I had been writing that, I
might have said, “that I might serve
Him.” Paul is coming to the end of
How do verses 8 and 9 relate to your walk with Christ?
his life, as a matter of fact, he is in a
Roman prison while he writes this
letter. He is not even certain
What is involved in Òpressing onÓ (3:12-14)? whether he’ll escape with his
life, but as he writes he says, “I am
continually giving up everything and
counting everything but loss that I
Why was it significant for Paul to Òforget what lies behind and reach forward may know Him.”
to what lies aheadÓ? Now, Paul, I thought you already
knew Him. I mean, you met Him
on the road to Damascus 30, 40,
50 years ago. You already know
How can you apply this principle in your walk with God? Him. What do you mean you
are counting everything but
loss that you may know Him?

The apostle Paul would say, “Well

L I F E C H A N G E you can know Him, and then you can
know Him some more.” You can
What are some indicators in your life that you are putting confidence in the flesh?
know Him and you can know Him
and you can know Him and you can
How can you make knowing Him your top priority?
know Him some more. The Christian
life is not starting with Jesus and
If you really consider Òeverything as loss in view of the surpassing value of graduating to something better. It is
knowing Christ,Ó what changes would there be in your (a) priorities, (b) use of time, starting with Jesus and ending up
(c) most important activities? with Jesus. –BY RON DUNN

ISBN 1-88570-266-3 ©1996 WSN Press; Campus Crusade for Christ, Inc. 741-057S Distributed by Integrated Resources 1-800-729-4351

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