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Concepto Podemos enfocar la accin del verbo en el sujeto (voz activa) o en el objeto (voz pasiva). Voz Activa: The porter carries the bags. Voz Pasiva: The bags are carried by the porter. 1 2 3 3 2 1 1. El objeto de la oracin activa pasa a ser el sujeto de la pasiva (directo o indirecto; preferible el C.I. en ingls aunque en espaol esta posibilidad no exista) 2. El verbo principal se sustituye por el auxiliar "to be", en su mismo tiempo, junto al verbo principal en participio. 3. El sujeto de la oracin principal pasa a ser complemento agente de la pasiva, introducido por la preposicin by John S sent Mary two letters Mary was sent a letter by John Two letters were sent to Mary by John V C.I. C.D. S.Paciente V. Pasivo C.D. C. Agente Suj. Pac. V. Pas. C.I. C.Ag.



1. Cuando queremos dar importancia a "lo que pas" ms que a quin hizo la accin. 2. Cuando el sujeto de la oracin activa es obvio, se desconoce o no interesa. 3. Se usan mucho ms en ingls que en espaol porque en ingls no existen las pasivas reflejas (se + verbo activo) Estos coches son fabricados / Estos coches se fabrican en Japn These cars are made in Japan

Se dice / se comenta / se piensa / se informa / se cree / la gente rumorea QUE ella muri ( that she is ill). 1. ITS + V. principal en pasivo (respetando su tiempo) + THAT+ ORACIN SUBORDINADA Impersonales Its is said that she is ill.

2. Sujeto subordinado + V. principal en pasivo (respetando su tiempo) +V. subordinado en INFINITIVO She is said TO BE ill

Nota sobre impersonales: Cuando el verbo subordinado es ANTERIOR al verbo principal, el verbo de infinitivo ser PERFECTO!
Its thought (Se piensa) Estructura pasiva She Suj. Paciente is thought V. pasivo that she went to London. that-clause (is, pres.; went, pas.) TO HAVE GONE Infinitivo perfecto to London It was thought (Se pensaba) that she went to London Estructura pasiva that-clause (was, pas.; went, pas.) She Suj. Paciente was thought TO GO V. pasivo Inf. presente to London

Tabla de cambios verbales en la transformacin de Voz Activa a Voz Pasiva:

Tiempo verbal de la frase activa Present simple present continuous Past simple past continuous present perfect past perfect future future II modals modals modals

Frase activa I write a letter I'm writing a letter I wrote a letter I was writing a letter I've written a letter I had written a letter I will write a letter

Frase pasiva The letter is written The letter is being written The letter was written The letter was being written The letter has been written The letter had been written The letter will be written

I'm going to write a letter The letter is going to be written I have to write a letter I should write a letter I must write a letter The letter has to be written The letter should be written The letter must be written

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