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(this is an original document as well, from my older files - i added some senten ces to it just today) PERFECTION I was

just thinking about perfection and how I would love to be perfect in virtu ally every way. Perfect as I consider perfection to be. And then I realized that if one is truly perfect, one is also truly humble. Bec ause humility, when properly felt and expressed, is a form of perfection in itse lf. People misunderstand humility so badly. I had the wrong idea myself of what it truly means to be humble. But i have come to believe that humility is not self-d ebasement, making derogatory remarks against yourself, being ashamed or thinking less of yourself as a worthwhile person. Humility, in its purest, best form, i s having so much inside, so much that is of value, that you can let go. Relax. Just be, and be grateful to God and everything around you that you exist. Then l ook at others. Look with the eyes of a prince or a king, a queen or a princess. Not with the ego-driven arrogance that shouts "I am so wonderful and you are n othing. Look at me" But rather, look through eyes of nobility, of royalty, tha t instead whispers softly, "I am looking at you. I am here and I see you. Let me share this time with you, and give you all that I have been given" THAT IS HUMILITY. When someone has a nature of such beauty, wisdom and other wonderful qualities, they can be humble in the best sense of the word. Within the "everything" they have there is the "nothing" that makes a person untouched by the world and its f laws and attitudes. Self-contained but never self-concerned at the expense of o thers. Only self-concerned as it can benefit self and others. THIS IS TRUE PERFECTION. To be otherwise is to be flawed, limited and subject to mistakes. Like me and s o many others on this earth. The ego makes many many mistakes but when it is pr operly controlled I know it can be a beautiful tool. Nothing else. Just a way to be in this world and get what you need of this world. It strikes me that is also true of holiness. When someone is truly holy, they c annot consider themselves holy or try to be. That would mean that they had not yet achieved the goal of holiness. To be something is to remain forever unaware of it. Or at the very least, to le t it be without dominating the ego or affecting the personality in any prideful negative sense. For example, Jesus lowered Himself in so many ways - when He was crucified, when He washed the apostle's feet. He always described Himself as a "servant". Yet within that servitude was a sense of royalty and Kingship. You never got the f eeling that Jesus was a loser, that he was less than spectacular. You got the f eeling that Jesus was truly a King, a Prince. THIS WAS WHY JESUS COULD SO EASILY LOWER HIMSELF ON BEHALF OF OTHERS. Because H e was coming from such a high place. Because He had so many wonderful qualities inside. If you have nothing good or worthwhile inside, if you do not care for others, then you are already at a low place. Therefore you cannot lower yoursel f freely in sacrifice or servitude for others. IT IS ONLY WHEN YOU ARE ALREADY AT A HIGHER LEVEL DUE TO GOOD QUALITIES THAT YOU HAVE DEVELOPED INSIDE YOU THAT


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