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November 23, 2005

Dear Editor in Chief,

The A.I. continues contributing something about economic stimulus comparing it with how
living cells reproduced; and remarks: The process behind where the cell gets foods from minerals
supplied chemically through eating; and eating from food in takes; and food intakes from plants
or animals; and animals eats plants; plant through photo synthesis; or converting sun light to
food as energy; or the energy from sun light; and the sunlight perhaps from nuclear reactions;
and nuclear reactions perhaps caused by gravity because of its weight or mass; and the cause of
gravity or attraction between two masses perhaps still could not be explained by science; or
perhaps it is cause by a supernatural cause or the ultimate giver or ultimate source. In economic
world there should be an ultimate provider that could play as the ultimate source; and he is also
perhaps the ultimate designer; or ultimate programmer; or ultimate architect or ultimate creator.
In the balanced economic world, people should have no excessive freedom to do what he
wants because it would lead to extreme or economic chaos; because excessive freedom means
doing all what one wants or prone to abuses; or the fittest is the strongest; there is no chief
architect to check or balance the extreme. Freedom or leeway or tolerance should be within
limits that are allowed by the designer; or not to let extremes happen. Free for all or freedom
without limit is extreme. Example: free for all to have a taxi car on a city would lead to
congestion of taxi business-extreme. But to have regulation, rule, policies, tolerance, rotations,
raffles if many are qualified are more balanced. There should be a chief architect or expert on
traffic management; expert on computing the number of taxi to be allowed to have profit; testing
or level of congestions, barometers, and others tactics so that economic stimulus on taxi-business
is enhanced; Rather than the taxi-business itself causes problems so that bottle neck, smooth flow
of economic progress is slowed downed because of congestion of taxi cars. Bottom line is:
Excessive freedom vs. well designed and coordinated or balanced freedom.
Perhaps very rich Corporation/s should play the ultimate provider; or law would push them so
that their stored excess wealth could create sources of economic cycles perhaps called tax on
profit/s. Perhaps bias land reform lessened those people to become economic architect on
agricultural-crops as businesses or as source of economic stimulus. Perhaps bias land reforms
killed or lessened those ultimate designers; so resources for research and capital for equipments
were lessened; and instead the land was transformed into a magnet for trap and deterioration and
backwardness. Perhaps small profit that the small farmers gained were just wasted because of
show off and boastfulness syndrome perhaps pushed by too much feast day mentality which was
perhaps triggered and tolerated by words opposite of words taught in the parable of the talent or
opposite of words taught from word base group. And the practice is just for survival mind set
only rather the opposite or as source for economic cycles. If results and tests are the keys perhaps
word base group countries have become more progressive than those having too much feast day
base groups.
Talking again about ultimate designer or ultimate provider, there should be someone who
would act like the ‘non stopping wind’ so that wind mills would turn as cycles. Perhaps very rich
people could be generous enough or very rich people having a higher level of desires or higher
level of perspective or higher level of point of view like a very rich trustee of the earth who are
experiencing self emptying or men for others or having magnanimity should perhaps through law
should be the ultimate giver or the source of non stopping wind. Perhaps Chinese’s way of
focusing on capitalism and just enough of socialism reformation perhaps is an example of
balanced approached of doing things about economics; avoiding too much free for all mentality
or crab’s way of dong things but rather they do it like ant’s way or teamwork using law and also
using the lion teeth as strength, and courage-just enough of red color to have strong military and
strong police force to prevent shrewd politicians, shrewd businessman and shrewd activists from
having not enough respect or not enough fear to the legitimate reformed and balanced
government. Perhaps NK people should imitate the Chinese way of doing things in economy or
the Chinese should give helping hands to the NK people perhaps with the help also of the
prosperous SK people, and also others prosperous countries as teams. Not accepting good help is
perhaps false pride-extreme. Good teachings encourages asking help: “ask and you shall
Perhaps there should be a mother of all insurance bank or mother of all guarantee
corporations; or Bankruptcy Corporation which would act as the source of non-stopping wind or
the ultimate provider; or economic shock absorber-like an absorber of impact to lessen metal
fatigue, to prevent shear or cutting during too much economic negative vibrations-; and so that
economic extreme or economic chaos could be lessened. Perhaps government treasury bonds that
could mature after 20 or 30 years to finance uninsured poor people’s housing destroyed by a
hurricane or typhoon could act as non-stopping wind; or economic shock absorber. Promissory
notes from the government, corporation pledges could act as the non-stopping wind or men for
others or emptying self so that wind mills would turn continuously even there is destructions of
uninsured properties during calamities. So money is not the problem, the mineral resources is not
the problem. There are plentiful of those minerals not yet being searched; or mined. Perhaps the
keys… are: the good ideas with specifics or creativities or available technologies being tapped or
made simple for every body to know; innovations, research works; good leadership, teamwork;
very rich people’s self emptying perhaps called humble earth’s stewardship; the very rich people
are the representative of God here on earth not to have take and take syndrome but to have a give
and take and give syndrome or give endlessly- a humane trait through law- the opposite of
selfishness, the opposite of crocodile syndrome, the opposite of “only” true, right syndrome. The
rich or very rich people or rich corporations should act as the ultimate organizer or ultimate
balancer or ultimate grand architect to turn waste, disorderliness, ugliness into usefulness; or
they could initiate teams to imitate how living cell reproduced itself automatically as designed by
nature especially with the help of good teaching, law, and especially science or robotics. Bottom
line: difficult job made easy and almost free through automation to lift the standard living of
people and to enjoy life push by balanced capitalism vs. easy job to be… but made difficult and
expensive because of example of bad policies like bias land reform, afraid to be creative, blinded
to think the right way because of corruption and selfishness, greediness; and automation is
discouraged to compete to human; rather leaders insist on having emphasis on human capacity
and crab mentality as the real key to progress.
Letting excessive free market where automation should enter through law to initiate in the
organizing of business stimulus is perhaps an old tactic and slow and wasteful way especially for
agricultural crops as economic stimulus; it’s like crabs way of doing things. But perhaps the new
way is the ant’s way especially if automation is encouraged by law. Perhaps building smart
united nation, smart country, smart cities, smart towns and smart communities, smart family,
smart individual through team works with the help of good teaching, and law that could increase
the enhancement and focus on the use of available technologies is the key.
Perhaps the traditional or excessive free market to dictate the way economic progress or
letting the bright human, smart human, intelligent human and sometimes the shrewd human runs
the economic community is perhaps an old way tactic in economics. Perhaps the balanced
approached is to let computer systems compete with those bright people and focusing the giving
of gifts or incentives or “unending free wind” to the poor people and treating them like natural
evil or as insured person who met an accident and the doctors are very enthusiastic to attend to
the needs of the patient because of the assurance that all of his labor and expertise would be paid
dearly because of the insurance. Who would pay the premiums of the poor people? The smart
business system would pay those premiums because smart business systems are computer
systems and computer networks and robotics networks encouraged by law to flourish; and the
systems are competing with bright businessmen for profit. But the profit is for social services:
example insurance premiums of the destitute; and for housing for the poor but limited only
through raffle to discourage magnet to let too many poor people become parasite. Perhaps test
and luck could be the key to have free-premiums just enough for lucky, blessed poor people.
Example of test: Do you believe that one is a liar when one says he loves God but hates his
brother or hates his neighbor especially hating his enemy? If the answer is “yes” the lucky poor
person could now be registered and be qualified to join a raffle free of charge; or if the answer is
“no” the system would remark please study the universal word. And so the poor person becomes
more blessed if the poor person answers “yes” because of the chances of wining. Principle
behind: use technology to propagate enough of the goodness of God especially benefiting the
poor as a medium so that automation could be a blessing rather than a curse! Perhaps pass law
that each poor people family should have second hand cell phone issued to them by the
government with 30 free text messages per week as mandated. If any beneficiary family losses
one or sell the cell phone the father would be charged example three days cleaning a street to
discipline him. The second hand cell phone would be a test on how responsible he is as a steward
of small things! Principle beyond: Parable of talent could still be essential even if land is now
being transferred to the responsibility of teamwork of man & automation and; poor people could
still be challenged to practice and be tested on being a good keeper or steward through small
things first.
Bottom line: classless society- example bias land reform-extreme vs. well choreograph
society-balanced vs. elitism class society-excessive free market system were the weak is left
behind and the rich becomes conceited, self righteous, too powerful rather than having
generosity of spirit or as source of non-stopping wind. Another bottom line: blessed: rich people
becomes the ultimate provider using automation or becomes charitable through law-balanced vs.
cursed: rich and poor people are practicing hatred, selfishness, and greediness like crocodiles and
crabs do-extreme. Perhaps pass law that 50% of lottery winnings should be allotted to pay
insurance premiums of lucky poor people wining through raffle using cell phone technology.
Perhaps pass law that poor people should have finger print identity or DNA identity in internet or
in cell phone. Each poor citizen should have e-mail address, and cell phone address and list of
residence through law especially so that raffle for poor people could be conducted so that if there
would be raffle for premium for insurance the prize could reach them; and corruption is lessened
because smart business systems are doing it automatically. People winning very big prizes on
lottery become instant extremist if they would not become another ultimate good provider or
source of non stopping wind. Bottom line: being charitable of man using the old way and
sometimes chance to boast or to exult himself would be checked and balanced and be made
better through systems and through law. And the winners of lottery would have the options to
press which place, level of destitute or type of people he would help so that his spirit to give is
secret or humble and has less room to exult himself.
From someone who might be mistaken and dreaming,

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