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International Journal of Management Reviews (2006)

doi: 10.1111/j.1468-2370.2006.00124.x

Evaluating qualitative
UK qualitative
Journal of
Ltd 2006 research: Towards a contingent criteriology

management research:
Towards a contingent
Phil Johnson,1 Anna Buehring, Catherine Cassell and
Gillian Symon

The term qualitative management research embraces an array of non-statistical research

practices. Here it is argued that this diversity is an outcome of competing philosophical
assumptions which produce distinctive research perspectives and legitimate the
appropriation of different sets of evaluation criteria. Some confusion can arise when
evaluation criteria constituted by particular philosophical conventions are universally applied
to this heterogeneous management field. In order to avoid such misappropriation, this paper
presents a first step towards a contingent criteriology located in a metatheoretical analysis
of three modes of qualitative management research which are compared with the positivist
mainstream to elaborate different forms of evaluation. It is argued that once armed with
criteria that vary accordingly, evaluation can reflexively focus upon the extent to which any
management research consistently embraces the particular methodological principles that
are sanctioned by its a priori philosophical commitments.

qualitative research has focused upon the nature

of managerial work (Dalton 1959; Jackall
The aim of this paper is to develop a heuristic 1988; Mintzberg 1973; Watson 1977; Watson
framework as a first step towards guiding the 1994) and the impact of organizational control
evaluation of qualitative management research. systems (Lupton 1963; Kunda 1992; Willmott
This concern with criteriology is very important and Knights 1995). Other qualitative research
because, despite the historical dominance of has been concerned with relations with employees
quantitative methodology in English-speaking (Armstrong et al. 1981; Collinson 1992; Gouldner
countries (see: Daft 1980; Stablein 1996; 1954) as well as the everyday experience of
Stern and Barley 1996), for many years qual- work (Giroux 1992; Kondo 1990; Meyerson
itative research has also made a significant 1994; Rosen 1985; Roy 1960; Van Maanen
contribution to many substantive areas of 1991) and issues such as gender and identity
management research. For example, much at work (Ely 1995; Kanter 1977; Martin 1990;
© Blackwell Publishing Ltd 2006, 9600 Garsington Road, Oxford OX4 2DQ, UK and 350 Main Street, Malden, MA 02148, USA

International Journal of Management Reviews Volume 8 Issue 3 pp. 000–000 1

Evaluating qualitative management research

Parker 2000; Pollert 1981). However, even a predictions entail the researcher’s a priori con-
cursory inspection of this genre would reveal ceptualization, operationalization and statistical
how qualitative management research, especially measurement of dimensions of respondents’
in Europe (Usdiken and Pasadeos 1995), is behaviour rather than beginning with their
being inspired by an expanding array of socially derived (inter)subjective perspectives.
modes of engagement which philosophically Indeed, for Lessnoff (1974, 96), human subjectivity
vary (see Prasad and Prasad 2002) and thereby is often specifically excluded from explana-
tacitly promulgate different forms of evalua- tions of behaviour because such subjective causes
tion. Therefore, any evaluative framework must are taken to be empirically unobservable (e.g.
take into account this increasing diversity. This, Abel 1958) and hence inadmissible as ‘genuinely
we shall argue, may be done by encouraging scientific explanations’.
the reflexive application of the appropriate In contrast, qualitative research is usually
evaluation criteria contingently foregrounded recognized as having a direct concern with
in the philosophical assumptions articulated verstehen (see Outhwaite, 1975). This entails
though the mode of engagement deployed by capturing the actual meanings and interpreta-
the management researcher. tions that actors subjectively ascribe to phenomena
in order to describe and explain their behaviour
through investigating how they experience,
Defining Qualitative Research
sustain, articulate and share with others these
Given the diverse modes of engagement noted socially constituted everyday realities (see:
above, qualitative management research initially Alvesson and Deetz 2000; Denzin and Lincoln
appears to be a commonly applied umbrella 1994, 2000; Guba and Lincoln 1994; Patton 1990;
term for the use of a vast array of non-statistical Schwandt 1994, 1999; Van Maanen 1979,
data collection and analysis techniques, which 1998). Although whether or not this engagement
have forged some tentative linkages through a is possible in an objective manner has been
shared, yet often tacit, rejection of methodological subjected to much debate (Seale 1999a,b), such
monism. According to Held (1980, 161) meth- commitments to verstehen are also premised
odological monism represents the culmination upon the idea that to follow the approach of
of the Enlightenment project: ‘a universal the natural sciences in the study of the social
mathematically formulated science … as the world is an error, because human action,
model for all science and knowledge’. Therefore unlike the behaviour of non-sentient objects in
in some respects, qualitative management research the natural world, has an internal subjective
seems to be defined by what it is not. logic which is inter-subjective in the sense
For Ross (1991, 350) allegiance to method- that it is created and reproduced through
ological monism entails the notion that only social interaction. This is why these ongoing
natural science methodology can provide certain processes through which the social world is
knowledge and enable prediction and control. accomplished must be understood in order to
Monism is usually expressed via the deployment make human action intelligible (Laing 1967,
of erklaren in social science. Here, human 53). So, as Guba and Lincoln (1994, 106)
behaviour is conceptualized and explained note, quantitative measures of phenomena and
deterministically: as necessary responses to statistical reasoning are seen to impose an
empirically observable, measurable and external researcher-derived logic which excludes,
manipulable causal variables and antecedent or at best distorts rather than captures, actors’
conditions (Outhwaite 1975) which are inves- inter-subjectivity from the data collected. Hence,
tigated through Popper’s (1959) hypothetico- qualitative management research has been seen
deductive method with the aim of producing as arising in response to these perceived limi-
generalizable nomothetic knowledge. Typically, tations in conventional quantitative management
the observation and testing of theoretical research (e.g. Prasad and Prasad 2002), while

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September 2006

its necessarily ‘flexible and emergent character’ concept. While this suggests a need for caution,
simultaneously makes it ‘particularly difficult there is also the danger that, without evaluative
to pin down’ (Van Maanen 1998, xi). guidelines, this research will struggle to convince
However, a shared commitment to verstehen some audiences of its legitimacy – especially
does not explain the heterogeneity evident in those who occupy the quantitative mainstream.
qualitative management research: a characteristic But if we accept that it is important that meth-
which suggests that considerable differences odological issues in qualitative management
underlie the initial appearance of similarity research should be transparent and hence open
usually invoked by the term ‘qualitative’. Patton to critical scrutiny, we also must be alert to how
(1990, 153) may go some way to explaining confusion can inadvertently arise. For instance,
this conundrum by showing how qualitative as Bochner (2000, 267) forcefully argues, evalu-
research generally articulates various research ation criteria constituted by particular philo-
questions that derive from different research sophical conventions may be universally applied
perspectives which have specific disciplinary as if they were ‘culture-free’, and hence indis-
roots (see also Snape and Spencer 2003). So, putable, to what is a heterogeneous field inspired
while it is important to note that qualitative by a number of different epistemological and
research is generally a classification that embraces ontological dispositions which thereby articulate
a large number of different research activities a range of competing justificatory logics.
(see Cassell and Symon 2004; Schwandt 1994), This problem of misappropriation is often
this diversity is exacerbated in management ignored in reviews of evaluation criteria for
research precisely because of its multi- management research (e.g. Mitchell 1985;
disciplinary (Brown 1997) and inter-disciplinary Scandura and Williams 2000), where it would
(Watson 1997) nature. However, it is also evident seem, metaphorically, that ‘one size’ is presumed
that a significant influence upon how qualitative to fit all. In other words, these reviews are
research is variably constituted lies in how somewhat philosophically parochial, and tend
researchers often articulate competing philo- to lack much sensitivity to difference, by
sophical commitments. These commitments entail producing what amounts to a one-sided reduc-
different knowledge-constituting assumptions tionism. Even writers who promote qualitative
about the nature of truth, human behaviour, research (e.g. Kirk and Miller 1986; Miles and
representation and reality etc. (Altheide and Huberman 1994; Strauss and Corbin 1990; Yin
Johnson 1994; Guba and Lincoln 1994), which 1994) have tended to transfer into its evaluation
implicitly and explicitly present different notions such as objectivity, validity, reliability
normative definitions of management research and generalizability with little modification.
(see Morgan and Smircich 1980). Such dissensus But such evaluative criteria tacitly articulate
is not replicated in the quantitative mainstream positivist philosophical assumptions (see Alvesson
where philosophical consensus has enabled and Deetz 2000; Alvesson and Skoldberg 2000;
the development of explicit evaluative criteria Johnson and Cassell 2001) which serve to
and limited any controversy to debates about undermine and subordinate the alternative
how to meet those benchmarks most effectively philosophical stances being articulated by
(Scheurich 1997; Schwandt 1996). much, but by no means all, of the work produced
by qualitative management researchers. Thus,
one of the key barriers to the use and publication
The Need for a Contingent Criteriology
of qualitative management research could be
Owing to the variability of qualitative man- the monological application of assessment
agement research, providing criteria for its criteria (Symon et al. 2000). Clearly, such
evaluation becomes a problematic process, misappropriation is not a trivial matter, not
because what constitutes ‘good’ research becomes least of all to those management researchers
a polysemous, and therefore somewhat elusive, whose work might be unintentionally misjudged.

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Evaluating qualitative management research

Given this context, it is crucial that manage-

Developing a Metatheory of Evaluation
ment researchers are able to deal with the
ensuing uncertainty caused by the profusion of Metatheoretical examination involves elucida-
philosophical perspectives, research techniques, tion of the overarching structures of thought
modes of presentation, etc. evident here by being within a substantive domain so as to explore
able to assess qualitative management research the divergent philosophical conventions which
fairly, using the appropriate evaluation criteria inform different perspectives: the often subliminal
in a reflexive manner. Hence, the aim of this a priori knowledge-constituting assumptions which
paper is to compare three approaches to tacitly organize theoretical and methodological
undertaking qualitative management research variation. Here, such examination serves as a
with the positivist mainstream and thereby heuristic device to describe and explain the
make some initial steps towards developing contingent nature of assessment in management
a criteriology that enables different sets of research generally, and foster an understanding
evaluation criteria to be contingently deployed of understanding which promotes consistency
so that they fit the researcher’s mode of between knowledge-constituting assumptions,
engagement. This sensitivity initially requires methodology and evaluation.
the development of a metatheory of evaluation Management research is often characterized
before proceeding to identify the possible as lacking paradigmatic development, in a Kuhnian
evaluation criteria appropriate to different genres sense (Kuhn 1970), because of theoretical and
of management research. This paper will then methodological diversity (see Pfeffer 1993,
conclude by considering the implications of the 1995; Van Maanen 1995a). Table 1 attempts to
proposed contingent criteriology for manage- capture this diversity by illustrating four modes of
ment research. engagement which have been widely debated

Table 1. Four approaches to management research

Knowledge-constituting assumptions:

Modes of status of
engagement in human Ontological
Examples of research
management behaviour/ status of Methodological
research action Epistemology social reality commitments

1. Positivism Determined Objectivist Realist Quantitative What are the causes of

methods to variable x?
enable erklaren
2. Neo-empiricism Meaningful Objectivist Realist Qualitative How do people inter-
– inter- methods to subjectively experience
subjective enable verstehen their worlds?
3. Critical theory Meaningful Subjectivist Realist Qualitative How do people inter-
–inter- methods to subjectively experience
subjective enable a the world in a particular
structural socio-historical period
phenomenology and how can they free
or critical themselves from this
ethnography domination?
4. Affirmative Discursive– Subjectivist Subjectivist Qualitative How and why are
postmodernism inter- methods to particular inter-
subjective enable subjectively derived
deconstruction discourses being voiced
while others are

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and are thought to influence many substantive of work without some fear of self-contradiction.
areas of management research (see: Alvesson For instance, they would struggle to be both a neo-
and Wilmott 1996; Alvesson and Deetz 2000; empiricist and a critical theorist at the same
Griseri 2002; Hancock and Tyler 2001; Laughlin time, but researchers can understand what these
1995). These orientations, along with their perspectives mean and why they might be
attendant methodological commitments and key seen as legitimate or illegitimate from different
research questions, are portrayed as engaged in perspectives. So despite the propensity for mutual
philosophical struggles as protagonists deploy contradiction, mutual understanding is possi-
different sets of knowledge-constituting assump- ble – otherwise this paper in itself would be
tions about: the ontological status of human inconceivable. Below, in order to develop such
behaviour/action; epistemology; and the onto- mutual understanding, we explore three philo-
logical status of social reality. sophical points of departure illustrated in Table 1
So, strictly speaking, since the four modes that have had an impact upon the constitution
of engagement illustrated in Table 1 exist syn- of management research.
chronically, they cannot constitute paradigms First, as we have already noted, key philo-
– at least given Kuhn’s (1970) diachronic specifi- sophical differences emerge over the signifi-
cation of the term. Hence, they are probably more cance of human inter-subjectivity in explaining
akin to Kuhn’s pre-paradigmatic stage of develop- behaviour and its appropriateness to scientific
ment. For Kuhn (1957, 1970) the early stages investigation. Some philosophers (e.g. Abel
of the development of a science are character- 1958; Neurath 1959) have rejected the inves-
ized by diversity, in that there is no universally tigation of human subjectivity for two main
accepted set of theoretical and methodological reasons: (1) it is taken to echo ‘the residues of
commitments organized into a received para- theology’ (Neurath 1959, 295) as it is meta-
digm – rather no one is prepotent and thereby physical and therefore beyond reliable empirical
constitutes an overarching paradigm (see Kuhn investigation; (2) its investigation would
1977, 295) that governs puzzle-solving. As undermine methodological monism and prevent
Pfeffer (1993) has observed, management social science emulating the operational successes
research is characterized by the existence of of natural science. However, as numerous scholars
various competing pre-paradigmatic approaches (e.g. Blumer 1969; Geertz 1973; Harre and Secord
which disagree over basic epistemological 1973; Laing 1967; Morrow and Brown 1994;
assumptions and interpret the same areas of Shotter 1975) have repeatedly argued, meth-
interest in divergent ways which influence odological monism entails a deterministic stance
how researchers engage. However, to claim which treats people as if they were analogous
that their proponents ‘practice their trades in to unthinking entities at the mercy of external
different worlds’ (Kuhn, 1970, 150) so that forces, whereas any human being is an agent
‘meaningful communication is not possible’ capable of making choices based upon his or
(Jackson and Carter 1991, 117) would seem to her inter-subjectively derived interpretation of
be an exaggeration, given the epistemic zones the situation. Hence, social scientists, in order to
of transition (Gioia and Pitre 1990) between explain human action, have to begin by under-
the different modes of engagement illustrated standing the ways in which people, through social
in Table 1. Nevertheless, it is also evident that, interaction, actively constitute and reconstitute
by accepting the assumptions of one mode of the culturally derived meanings, which they
engagement, one always will deny some of deploy to interpret their experiences and organize
the assumptions of alternatives. Therefore, the social action.
modes of engagement illustrated in Table 1 The second point of departure is around
are, to a degree, mutually exclusive in the sense different epistemological assumptions. Located
that management researchers cannot operate in in a Cartesian dualism, an objectivist view of
two modes simultaneously in the same piece epistemology presupposes the possibility of a

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Evaluating qualitative management research

neutral observational language: a ‘view from (Kant, 1781) position typical of critical theory
nowhere’ (Nagel 1986), where our sensory (Bernstein 1983, 18). This differentiates between
experience of the objects of an external reality socially constructed ‘realities-for-us’ and ‘reality-
provides the only secure foundation for social as-it-is’ by suggesting that there is an external
scientific knowledge (e.g. Ayer 1971; Reichen- reality independent of, yet resistant to, human
bach 1963; Wittgenstein 1922). Truth, as activity which ultimately remains unknowable
correspondence, is to be found in the researcher’s (Kolakowski 1969; Lakoff and Johnson 1999;
passive registration of ‘the positively given’ – Latour 1988; Sayer 1981) yet simultaneously,
the facts that constitute reality (Comte 1853). and recursively, imposes pragmatic limits upon
In contrast, a subjectivist view of epistemology the viability of our social constructions. The result
repudiates the possibility of a neutral observational has been variously termed ‘subtle’ (Hammersley
language: language does not allow access to, 1992, 50–54) or ‘transcendental’ (Bhaskar 1986,
or representation of, reality. As Sayer (1981, 6) 72–75) realism: where knowledge of a mind-
has commented, with this ‘shattering of inno- independent and extra-discursive reality is always
cence’, any form of the empiricist claim that inter-subjectively constituted and maintained,
objective knowledge can be founded upon direct possibly through the use of shared, but often
sensory experience of reality is dismissed and, unnoticed, metaphors (Lakoff and Johnson 1980;
inevitably, any account produced by researchers Morgan 1986) which affect the ways in which
must be therefore some form of social construction reality is conceptualized, communicated and acted
(see: Berger and Luckmann 1967; Burr 1995). upon.
The third point of departure concerns the Below we shall explore how these four rival
ontological status of reality. A realist view philosophical positions affect the constitution
assumes that social reality has an independent of evaluation criteria in management research,
existence prior to human cognition, whereas a with specific reference to deployment in
subjectivist ontology assumes that what we qualitative management research.
take to be reality is an output of human cognitive
processes. As shown in Table 1, an objectivist
Constituting Evaluation Criteria in
epistemology is necessarily dependent on
Management Research
realist ontological assumptions – one cannot
maintain the ideal of a neutral observational
language while simultaneously assuming that
reality does not exist independently of one’s It is important to begin our development of a
act of cognition. Although rival assumptions contingent criteriology with positivism, as this
about the ontological status of human action/ mode of engagement continues to dominate
behaviour differentiate neo-empiricism from management research. So here we shall use
positivism, both schools articulate objectivist positivism as a foil against which criteriological
epistemological assumptions combined with comparisons will be made. Indeed, owing to its
realist assumptions about the ontological status mainstream status, there continues to be the
of reality. In contrast, a subjectivist epistemology possibility that evaluation criteria relevant to
can be combined with either subjectivist or realist positivism have gained the status of common-
assumptions about reality (see Bhaskar 1978; sense benchmarks which might be inadvertently,
Margolis 1986; Putnam 1981) – a point often and inappropriately, imported into the assess-
missed by other metatheoretical schemes ment of management research when the latter
(e.g. Burrell and Morgan 1979). The former deploys non-positivistic knowledge-constituting
combination forms a particular type of postmod- assumptions.
ernism, often called affirmative,2 where reality Popper’s (1959) falsificationist hypothetico-
becomes an outcome of discursive practices deductive methodology has largely superseded
(e.g. Baudrillard 1983). The latter is a Kantian the empiricist–verificationist origins of positivism

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(see Comte, 1853; Mill 1874) so as to deal with internal validity (e.g. Behling 1980; Davis 1985;
the problems of induction first identified by Di Maggio 1995; Donaldson 1996, 1997).
Hume (1739/1965). Falsificationism maintains Although often working in the quasi-experimental
important positivist commitments: an objectivist conditions which usually apply in management
epistemology, a realist ontology and method- research (Cook and Campbell 1979; Luthans
ological monism (see Johnson and Duberley et al. 1985; Orpen 1979; Wall et al. 1986), key
2000). The result is that Popper’s modified quality concerns of this experimental logic
positivist methodology emphasizes objective include: ensuring that every respondent within
data collection in management research so as to an experimental group has experienced the same
test hypotheses by having built in ‘extensive experimental treatment physically manipulated
means for protecting against personal biases’ by researchers; valid and reliable quantitative
(Behling 1980, 489) which thereby militate measures of variance in the dependent variable;
against ‘fanciful theorizing’ (Donaldson 1996, matching control and experimental groups
164). so as to rule out the influence of extraneous
Here positivists try to ensure their view of variables; generalizing findings to a defined
scientific rigour by deploying particular con- population beyond those respondents partici-
ceptions of validity and reliability – evaluative pating in the research. Whether their aim is
criteria which assume that phenomena are hypothesis testing or population description,
independent of the researcher, and the method- survey researchers have similar quality concerns.
ology used, provided that the correct proce- For instance, they must evaluate construct validity
dures are followed. As Scandura and Williams by considering the adequacy of the operation-
(2000) note with regard to management research, alization processes through which they have
the deployment of such criteria are pivotal to translated the abstract concepts they need to
enabling progress through the assessment of the measure, and statistically analyse, into valid and
various methods used by management researchers. reliable sets of standardized indicators articulated
Here, progress in management research entails in questionnaires (see Reeves and Harper 1981;
a ‘pursuit of “truth” that is a closer and closer Schoenfeldt 1984; Schriesheim et al. 1993;
fitting of our theories to the one objective reality Simons and Thompson 1998). These instruments
we presume exists’ (Mitroff and Pondy 1978, are administered by various means to statistically
146). For other commentators (e.g. Hogan and representative samples to ensure external validity
Sinclair 1996, 439) although positivist methods (see Simsek and Veiga 2000, 2001). In the case
are imperfect, they have a direct bearing upon of hypothesis testing analytical surveys, internal
management practice, as they are not only validity is pursued through the use of increas-
‘rational, theoretically derived, and dependent ingly complex statistical procedures which enable
on replicable and generalizable empirical control over extraneous variables and the meas-
validation’, they also enable the description, urement of variance in both independent and
explanation and prediction of individual dependent variables (see Allen et al. 2001).
behaviour in organizational settings which In positivist management research, because
promises to improve the effectiveness of of the underlying commitment to a correspond-
managers by conferring the power of control ence theory of truth, the aim is to ensure distance
(see also Donaldson 1996). between the researcher and the researched so
Through erklaren, the aim is to gain access that research processes and findings are not
to the causal relations that are thought to be contaminated by the actions of the researcher.
embedded in an a priori, cognitively accessible Hence, a key evaluation criterion pertains to
reality. This is pursued by management the reliability of findings in the sense that
researchers’ methodologically creating, or different researchers, or the same researcher
simulating, conditions of closure which allow on different occasions, would ‘discover the same
empirical testing and are crucial to ensuring phenomena or generate the same constructs in

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Evaluating qualitative management research

the same or similar settings’ (Lecompte and Goetz are used to generate grounded theory that
1982, 32). In other words, reliability refers to parsimoniously explains and predicts behaviour
‘the extent to which studies can be replicated’ (see Morse 1994) through the deployment of
(ibid. 35). Hence assessment of reliability Glaser and Strauss’s (1967; see also Locke 2000;
requires the use of clear methodological protocols Partington 2000; Strauss and Corbin 1990)
so that regulation by peers, through replication constant comparative method or analytic induction
and the deployment of the organized scepticism (e.g. Johnson 1998).
so pivotal to Merton’s (1938, 259) ‘scientific Within this interpretive agenda, neo-empiricists
ethos’, would be, in principle, possible. construe the passivity and neutrality of the
Therefore, it is evident that reliability depends researcher as a separation of the knower-
upon the a priori philosophical commitment that researcher from his/her inductive descriptions
the world is both stable and neutrally accessible. of other actors’ inter-subjective cultural expe-
Such an ontological and epistemological stance riences which await discovery (Denzin 1971,
is retained in neo-empiricism where, however, 168; Glaser 1992, 16). As Schwandt (1996, 62)
qualitative methods predominate. Nevertheless, puts it, this ‘third-person point of view’ privileges
as we shall illustrate, in neo-empiricism, reliability the consciousness of the management researcher
becomes a contentious issue because a simul- (see also Knights 1992; Van Maanen 1995b)
taneous commitment to verstehen means that by retaining the idea that there is a world out there
research design and fieldwork emerges out of, to be discovered and explored in an objective
and is largely limited to and dependent upon, manner. Hence, the dispute with mainstream
specific research settings. This makes the positivism is centred upon what is open to direct,
possibility of replication problematic and also neutral, observation through sensory experience
questions the continued relevance of other and the continuing relevance of induction in
positivist evaluation criteria, as generalizability the social sciences (Marcus 1994). These phil-
becomes problematic. osophical commitments have led some writers
to reject the idea that such qualitative research
is philosophically distinct from quantitative
research and to apply unreconstructed positivist
The term neo-empiricist is used by Alvesson evaluation criteria directly (e.g. Kirk and Miller
and Deetz (2000, 60–74) to categorize those 1986; Lecompte and Goetz 1982).
management researchers who assume the According to others, these differences are
possibility of the unbiased and objective philosophically significant, and therefore they
collection of qualitative empirical data (see have attempted to revise positivist evaluation
also: Denzin and Lincoln 1994; Putnam et al. criteria to reflect this inductive agenda through
1993) and who simultaneously reject falsifica- articulating alternative ways of demonstrating
tionism in favour of induction. Elsewhere, this the qualitative researcher’s objectivity and
management research has been more generally scientific rigour that displace mainstream
called ‘qualitative positivism’ (Prasad and Prasad conceptions of validity and reliability. For
2002, 6) because researchers use non-quantitative instance, in their early work, Lincoln and Guba
methods within largely positivistic assumptions. (1985) emphasized the need for qualitative
Here, we use the term neo-empiricist specifically researchers to provide various audit trails, in a
to refer to those ‘qualitative positivists’ who rely self-critical fashion, that allow audiences to make
upon an array of qualitative methods to develop judgements for themselves as to its rigour. Hence
inductively thick descriptions of the patterns they suggest the following general principles
in the inter-subjective meanings that actors use which replace: internal validity with credibil-
to make sense of their everyday worlds and who ity (authentic representations); external validity
investigate the implications of those interpre- with transferability (extent of applicability);
tations for social interaction. Often, these data reliability with dependability (minimization of

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researcher idiosyncrasies); objectivity with As noted above, because the promise of

confirmability (researcher self-criticism). Mean- replication is more problematic in qualitative
while, Morse (1994) focuses upon the inductive research, as so much depends upon the social
analysis of qualitative data. This begins with what setting in which research takes place, depend-
she calls comprehension and learning about a ability may be further demonstrated through a
setting, which is followed by synthesizing and particular form of triangulation. This entails
identifying patterns in the data to produce cat- the contingent use of multiple researchers, multiple
egories, then theorizing to produce explana- primary and secondary data sources and collection
tions that fit the data, and recontextualizing by methods to cross-reference and substantiate
abstracting the emerging theory to new settings the objectivity of findings by demonstrating
and relating it to established knowledge. their convergence and consistency of meaning
Throughout, a significant issue is that the mana- (see Leininger 1994; Lowe et al. 2000; Miles and
gement researcher must provide an account of Huberman 1994).
how the inductive analysis of the organizational Perhaps the most controversial aspect of
settings under investigation was accomplished neo-empiricism’s naturalistic concern with
by demonstrating how concepts were derived preserving research settings is that, owing to the
and applied as well as showing how alternative small samples used, although generalization within
explanations have been considered but rejected a setting is possible, the qualitative researcher
(see Adler and Adler 1994; K.D. Locke 1996; can rarely make claims about the setting’s
Miles and Huberman 1994). representativeness of a wider population, and
Hammersley’s contribution (1989, 1990, 1992) therefore any claims to positivist conceptions
adds to the above evaluation criteria by suggesting of external validity are always going to be
that qualitative researchers ought to be internally tenuous (see Lewis and Ritchie 2003). However,
reflexive through critically scrutinizing the for Mitchell (1983; see also Stake 2000) such
impact of their field roles upon the research a traditional conception of external validity shows
setting and findings so as to reduce sources of a confusion between the procedures appropriate
contamination, thereby enhancing ‘naturalism’ to making probabilistic inferences from survey
or ecological validity (see also: Bracht and Glass research and those which are appropriate to what
1968; Brunswick 1956; Cicourel 1982; Pollner he calls ‘case studies’. He argues that analytical
and Emerson 1983). So, a key aim in management thinking about survey data is based upon both
research would be to gain access to members’ statistical and logical (i.e. causal) inference,
‘theories-in-use’ (Argyris et al. 1985) and the and that there is a tendency to elide the former
multiple inter-subjective perspectives that abound with the latter in that ‘the postulated causal
in both the formal and informal organization connection among features in a sample may
(Pettigrew 1985), while avoiding ‘over rapport’ be assumed to exist in some parent population
with those members and ‘going native’. In this, simply because the features may be inferred
it would be necessary to treat organizational to co-exist in that population’ (Mitchell 1983,
settings as ‘anthropologically strange’ (Ham- 200). He proceeds to argue that, in contrast,
mersley 1990, 16) while demonstrating ‘social inference in case study research can only be
and intellectual distance’ and preserving ‘ana- logical and derives its generalizability not from
lytical space’ (Hammersley and Atkinson 1995, sampling, but from unassailable logical infer-
115). As Seale notes (1999a, 161), through ence based upon the demonstrated all-inclusive
revealing aspects of themselves and the research power of the inductively generated and tested
process as a traceable audit trail, this approach theoretical model (ibid., 190; see also: Fielding
stresses how researchers must demonstrate their and Fielding 1986, 89; Strauss 1987, 38–39).
‘hard won objectivity’, thereby establishing the Sometimes, neo-empiricists advocate a plu-
credibility, dependability and confirmability ralistic methodological orientation (e.g. Lecompte
of findings. and Goetz 1982; McCall and Bobko 1999)

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Evaluating qualitative management research

which pragmatically combines qualitative and analysis of society (see Fielding 1988). For
quantitative work to investigate different instance, in this form of methodological pluralism,
dimensions of actors’ behaviour. Here, the the researcher provides a quantitative analysis
difference between various methods is perceived that seeks to explain causally and contextualize
as being one of trade-off between mainstream holistically qualitative descriptions of actors’
positivist evaluation criteria such as reliability, inter-subjectively derived interpretations (Boyle
internal and external validity and neo-empiricist 1994). Underlying either approach is the aim
criteria such as ecological validity. The notion of providing what Fay (1975, 84 –85) has
of trade-off illustrates the need to use quantitative called ‘quasi-causal’ accounts, where ‘in these
and qualitative methodologies to triangulate sorts of conditionship relations, consciousness
findings so as to ‘locate an object’s exact position’ functions as a mediator between the determining
(Jick 1979, 602) and overcome the bias inherent antecedent factors and the subsequent actions’.
in a single-method approach (Campbell and In sum, neo-empiricist methodological
Fiske 1959). This is why pluralists argue that pluralism considers that combining quantitative
quantitative and qualitative methodologies do and qualitative methods is not only viable, it
not reflect a fundamental philosophical conflict. actually would significantly improve management
Rather, they complement one another in a variety research in terms of mainstream positivist criteria.
of ways that add to the credibility of a study. However, such a stance can only be maintained
However, this rapprochement is only tenable by accepting the relevance of both verstehen and
within neo-empiricist philosophical assumptions erklaren to social science and by assuming
which recognize the importance of actors’ inter- that there are not significant philosophical
subjectivity and the consequent need for, and differences at play – something, as we have shown,
possibility of, verstehen, while simultaneously which not all neo-empiricists are prepared to
recognizing the influence of external causal agree with, and hence they limit their work to the
variables upon behaviour (see McLennan 1995). deployment of qualitative methods.
For the pluralist, qualitative methods are the most Within all neo-empiricism, there lurks a tension
appropriate for fulfilling their commitment to between an empiricist impulse that emphasizes
the exploration of actors’ inter-subjective worlds how inductive descriptions of cultures should
but usually within a version of ‘variable analysis’ correspond with members’ inter-subjectivity
(Blumer 1969) which also has to deploy and an interpretive impulse that suggests that
quantitative methods. people socially construct versions of reality –
For instance, within this pluralist position, culturally derived processes which somehow
qualitative methodology could also be used do not extend to the neo-empiricist’s own research
within a hypothetico-deductive framework to processes (see Hammersley 1992). It is this
control the extraneous variables that interpretive empiricist assumption that is questioned by
researchers would see as deriving from the social constructionists through their claim that
social context in which research takes place interpretation applies to both researchers and
(i.e. the indexical nature of actors’ observed the researched. As Van Maanen (1988, 74) argues,
behaviour) and actors’ consequent variable social constructionism dismisses the possibility
interpretation of designated independent variables of a neutral observational language, because
measured by quantitative procedures. In this such a possibility can only be sustained through
manner, qualitative research is seen to improve the deployment of a rhetoric of objectivity that
the internal validity of quantitative research privileges the consciousness of the researcher.
by attending to ecological validity (Cicourel It is in this repudiation of the researcher’s
1982; Schuman 1982). Alternatively, method- ability to be a neutral conduit and presenter of
ological pluralism may also arise from a com- actors’ inter-subjectivity that we can identify the
mitment to linking micro-analyses of individual point of departure of two competing social con-
or group action(s) with a macro-structural structionist approaches to qualitative management

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research: critical theory and postmodernism along Frankfurt School’s critique of positivism, have
with their attendant evaluation criteria. led to a distinctive approach to qualitative manage-
ment research with the articulation of commen-
surate evaluation criteria.
Critical Theory
Some management researchers (Grey 1997;
In some cases, scholars whose early work we Grey and Mitev 1995; Thomas 1997) have argued
have initially classified as neo-empiricist have that positivism is pivotal to management, as it
subsequently developed a social constructionist enshrines managerial prerogative in a persuasive
stance. For instance, at one point, Lincoln and claim to expertise grounded in objective
Guba (1985, 293) reject what they construe as knowledge. However, as Grey and Willmott
‘naive realism’ in favour of ‘multiple constructed (2002) explain, this positivist stance has been
realities’ (ibid., 295), while Hammersley (1990, undermined by those who have argued that the
1992) also argues for ‘subtle realism’. Yet these possibility of a neutral observational language,
writers fail to translate this apparent philosophical and conceptualizations of truth as correspondence
shift immediately into a congruent set of eval- with reality, are merely the outcomes of pres-
uation criteria. As we have shown, the criteria tigious discursive narratives which inevitably
they do propose still rely upon privileging the mask partiality. With this attack, the claim that
consciousness of the researcher relative to the management prerogative is founded upon a
researched. technical imperative to improve organizational
In response to this criticism of their early work efficiency, justified and enabled by objective
(1985), Guba and Lincoln (1989, 1994) replaced analyses of how things really are, crumbles
their neo-empiricist evaluation criteria through (Fournier and Grey 2000; R. Locke 1996).
developing what amounts to a consensus view However, this repudiation of positivism poses
of truth expressed through their criterion of a problem since, if we reject the possibility of
‘authenticity’, where research findings should scientific objectivity, how can we aspire to present
represent an agreement about what is considered anything more than mere speculation?
to be true. To demonstrate authenticity, researchers Inspired largely by Habermas’s (1984, 1987a)
must show how different members’ realities are inter-subjective theory of communicative action,
represented in any account (fairness). Moreover, this epistemological conundrum translated into a
researchers must also show how they have helped demand for the discursive democratization of
members develop a range of understandings of social practices by critical theorists (e.g. Alvesson
the phenomenon being investigated and appreciate and Willmott 1996; Beck 1992; Deetz 1992;
those of others (ontological and educative Forrester 1993). For instance, in his early work
authenticity), while stimulating action (analytical Habermas (1972, 1973, 1974a,b) argued that
authenticity) through members’ empowerment positivism’s limitation of the sciences to entities
(tactical authenticity). Here, it is evident that that were assumed to be immediately available
Guba and Lincoln’s social constructionist to sensory experience helped to remove meta-
criteriology has striking parallels with the physical and religious dogmas from the realm
development of critical theory, inspired by the of science. Although erklaren may be appropriate
Frankfurt School, in management research. for the non-sentient domains of the natural
The latter has grown out of an overt rejection sciences, according to Habermas (1973, 176) social
of positivist philosophical assumptions and, phenomena are not governed by causal regu-
by implication, a critique of management larities and, significantly, the epistemological
prerogative, to articulate a consensus theory of imposition of such relations may entrap people
truth intimately linked to participatory approaches in objectified ‘pseudo-natural constraints’. This
to management research whose aim is eman- is because positivism’s presupposition of a neutral
cipation. Here, it is important to trace how partic- observational language allows positivists to
ular constitutive assumptions, originating with the ignore the effects of the knower upon what is

© Blackwell Publishing Ltd 2006 11

Evaluating qualitative management research

known and thereby insulates them from any form second to explore the forces that have caused that
of epistemological reflexivity. situation, and third to show that these forces can be
For Habermas, all knowledge is contaminated overcome through awareness of them on the part of
at source by the influence of socio-cultural factors the oppressed individual or group in question. (Dryzek
upon sensory experience (Habermas 1974b, 199). 1995, 99)
In this manner, Habermas substitutes the
empiricism of the correspondence approach to The aim is to de-reify extant organizational
truth with a social constructionism based upon the practices (see: Beck 1992; Friere 1972a,b; Fuller
object-constituting activity of epistemic human 1993; Unger 1987; Warren 1995) through
beings. Nevertheless, like Kant (1781), he accepts developing a self-conception in which members
the existence of a reality independent of human are knowledgeable subjects who are able to
subjectivity which imposes limitations upon determine and change their situation, as opposed
human endeavours through ‘the contingency to powerless objects determined by an immu-
of its ultimate constants’ (Habermas 1972, 33) but table situation. Through such critical reasoning
which humans simultaneously shape through lies emancipation and freedom as the negotiation
their deployment of epistemological ‘categories’ of alternative renditions of reality creates novel
(1974a, 8 –9). questions, inaugurates new problems and makes
In order to avoid the problems associated with socially transformative forms of organizational
relativism that can arise with any dismissal of practice sensible and therefore possible (Gaventa
epistemic objectivity (see McCarthy 1980, 295), and Cornwall 2001). Epistemologically legitimate
Habermas (1974a) proposes a new epistemic knowledge arises only where it is the outcome
standard: the ‘ideal-speech situation’, where of such empowered democratic collective dia-
discursively produced consensus is induced when logue. Moreover, because different modes of
that consensus derives from argument and knowing have different interest-laden ends, it
analysis without the resort to coercion, distortion follows that the self-aware selection of mode,
or duplicity. Such an ideal expresses Habermas’s as opposed to an alternative, is inevitably also
emancipatory interest which, located in the a matter of collective ethical dialogue (see:
principle of self-reflection upon their organi- Bernstein 1991; Rheg 1994).
zational predicaments, aims to liberate people The evaluation criteria that derive from critical
from asymmetrical power relations, dependencies theory’s philosophy centre on five interrelated
and constraints. For Habermas (1984), such com- issues. First, because any knowledge is a product
municative rationality and attendant episte- of particular values and interests, researchers
mologically legitimate organizational practices must reflexively interrogate ‘the epistemological
will only occur where democratic social relations and political baggage they bring with them’
have been already established (see Forrester (Kincheloe and McLaren 1994, 265). Second,
1993, 57). through ‘critical interpretation’ (Denzin 1998, 332)
But democratic communication can be a facade and what amounts to a structural phenomenology
in which the more powerful deploy a rhetoric (Forrester 1993) or ‘critical ethnography’ (Morrow
of democracy to impose their own preferences and Brown 1994; Thomas 1993), researchers
upon, and silence or marginalize the less powerful attempt to sensitize themselves and participants
(see Marcuse 1964). So, for critical theorists, to how hegemonic regimes of truth affect the
it is only through the participation of all in demo- subjectivities of the disadvantaged (Marcus
cratic discourse and, crucially, through the prior and Fisher 1986; Putnam et al. 1993). Third,
development of a critical consciousness,3 that such positivist conceptions of validity are overtly
a scenario may be avoided. Here the task is: rejected and replaced by democratic research
designs to generate conditions that approximate
first to understand the ideologically distorted Habermas’s ideal speech situation (e.g. Broadbent
subjective situation of some individual or group, and Laughlin 1997) and are dialogical (Schwandt

12 © Blackwell Publishing Ltd 2006

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1996, 66–67). Pivotal is the credibility of the between what they label ‘soft’, ‘sceptical’
constructed realities to those who have par- or ‘resistant’ postmodernism from ‘hard’,
ticipated in their development (Kincheloe and ‘affirmative’ or ‘reactionary’ postmodernism
McLaren, 1994). Fourth, positivist concerns (Alvesson and Deetz 1996, 2000; Kilduff and
with generalizability are rejected in favour of Mehra 1997; Rosenau 1992; Tsoukas 1992).
what Kincheloe and McLaren call ‘accommo- The first set of labels refers to a postmodernism
dation’, where researchers use their knowledge that is similar to what we have called critical
of a range of comparable contexts to assess theory, where the ‘ontological existence of the
similarities and differences. Fifth is what social world’ is recognized (Tsoukas 1992, 648)
Kincheloe and McLaren call ‘catalytic validity’. while focusing on the role discourses play
This is the extent to which research changes in constituting asymmetrical power relations
those it studies so that they understand the world through the social construction of what is
in new ways and use this knowledge to change taken to be real. For Alvesson and Deeetz
it (see also Schwandt 1996, 67). (1996, 2000), the close relationship with crit-
As noted earlier, it is evident that the evaluation ical theory is only too evident since, through
criteria deriving from critical theory closely critique and reflexivity, resistant postmod-
parallel Guba and Lincoln’s (1989, 1994) own ernism seeks to denaturalize and challenge
increasing emphasis on authenticity. As with repressive discursive practices while avoiding
critical theory’s Kantian philosophy, their social relativism through using democracy as an
constructionist stance directs qualitative man- epistemic standard. Indeed, it seems to be this
agement research into a processual project that form of postmodernism that Habermas (1987b)
emphasizes researchers’ and participants’ reflexive refers to when he argues that postmodernism
and dialogical interrogation of their own may be subsumed within, and be invigorated
understandings and the hegemonic discourses by, critical theory. Likewise, Kincheloe and
of the powerful. The aim is to engender new McLaren (1994) clearly assume that their criteria
democratically grounded self-understandings for evaluating critical theory would equally
to challenge that which was previously taken to apply to this first form of postmodernism.
be authoritative and immutable, thereby reclaiming However, this is not the case with ‘hard’,
alternative accounts of organizational phe- ‘affirmative’ or ‘reactionary’ postmodernism
nomena and the possibility of transformative where a subjectivist ontology comes to the fore,
organizational change (see, Alvesson 1996; and a demarcation with critical theory becomes
Beck 1992; Gaventa and Cornwall 2001; Park clearer (see Alvesson and Deetz 1996, 210).
2001; Unger 1987). Here the promulgation of specific evaluation
criteria inspired by this form of postmodernism
remains somewhat nebulous.
For instance, affirmative postmodernists
Recently, postmodernism has attracted the interest sometimes accuse critical theorists of presenting
of management researchers, and a new form discourses as being constituted by non-discursive
of qualitative management research has emerged conditions (e.g. Quantz 1992). Affirmative post-
where suitably reformulated ethnographies modernists see that such essentialism lies in
(Linstead 1993a, 65–68) have become the ‘the critical theory’s guiding presupposition that
language of postmodernism’ (Linstead 1993b, structurally based oppression and exploitation
98; see also: Ely 1995; Giroux 1992; Kondo lie hidden beneath appearances: an essentialism
1990). However, we must be cautious here, which is further articulated in its concern with
for postmodernism is a label used to refer to enabling emancipation through democratization.
a range of heterogeneous approaches to man- Such presuppositions are dismissed by post-
agement research. Here it is useful to follow a modernists as unsustainable ‘grand’ or ‘meta’
number of commentators who have differentiated narratives which arbitrarily ‘assume the validity

© Blackwell Publishing Ltd 2006 13

Evaluating qualitative management research

of their own truth claims’ (Rosenau 1992, xi). evaluative criteria may be rejected as rhetorical
Of course, such a stance is itself an expression of devices in a hegemonic scientific discourse,
a distinctive epistemological and ontological which masks the researcher’s own subjectivity
position from which we can infer specific to produce truth-effects. Indeed, as Billig and
evaluation criteria for affirmative postmodern- Simon (1994, 6) note, this form of post-
ist management research, despite the denials modernism could promote a ‘promiscuous’
of some postmodernists (e.g. Lyotard 1984). stance that denies any chance of developing
As we have indicated, both forms of post- criteria for judging the quality of any manage-
modernism are highly sceptical about the rep- ment research, including the postmodern, since
resentational capacity of language. Indeed, all such evaluation frameworks themselves must
linguistic manifestations are precarious, as represent discursively constituted regimes of
there can be no single discoverable true mean- power and must be subverted. Nevertheless,
ing. There are only numerous different polyse- there is a tacit evaluative agenda embedded
mous interpretations which are also pivotal to within affirmative postmodernistists’ own stance
the social construction of organization that valorizes and promotes specific research
members’ subjectivities and are the means by practices that are aimed at undermining any
which power struggles occur (Boje 1995; hegemonic discursive activity.
Westwood and Linstead 2001). However, If language can rhetorically produce as many
affirmative postmodernists also think that realities as there are modes of describing and
discourses actively create and naturalize, explaining (see Baudrillard 1983, 1993; Chia
rather than discover, the objects (i.e. simulacra) 1995; Jeffcutt 1994), affirmative postmodernists
which seem to populate our (hyper)realities tend to repudiate any representational aspirations
(Baudrillard 1983). The result is that knowl- for qualitative research in favour of an evocation
edge, truth and reality become construed as of plurality and indeterminacy. The aim is to
precarious linguistic constructs potentially open up any attempted discursive closure to a
open to constant revision but which are often multiplicity of divergent possibilities by sub-
stabilized through scientists’, and other verting conventional ways of thinking that have
actors’, performative ability (Lyotard 1984). been inter-subjectively established. Therefore,
Therefore, much qualitative management a key task is to display and unsettle the discursive
research is seen to adopt a spurious objectivity ‘rules of the game’ through deconstruction. For
that is only maintained through the rhetorical instance, Linstead (1993a) illustrates how
skill of the researcher (see: Linstead 1993a,b; postmodernism directs organizational ethnog-
Tyler 1986). Given this subjectivist ontologi- raphers to explore ways in which certain realities
cal and epistemological stance, the affirmative are produced and reproduced through members’
postmodernist must accept the relativist textual strategies. Here, the ethnographer attempts
position that there are no good reasons for pre- to expose how there are always deferred or
ferring one inter-subjectively accomplished marginalized meanings within any form of
representation over any other. speech or writing which can be revealed through
For some affirmative postmodernists (e.g. deconstruction: the dismantling of such texts
Mulkay 1991; Smith 1990; Smith and Deemer so as to reveal their internal contradictions,
2000), their commitment to relativism means assumptions and different layers of meaning,
that the development of specific evaluative which are hidden from the naive reader/listener
criteria for the outcomes of qualitative inquiry and unrecognized by the author/speaker as
cannot be sanctioned. Indeed, any evaluation they strive to maintain unity and consistency
per se is construed as a modernist (i.e. posi- (see also Boje 2001; Carter and Jackson 1993;
tivist) anachronism, because phenomena are Cooper 1990; Czarniawaska-Joerges 1996; Kilduff
constituted by the methodologies used by the 1993; Martin 1990). Therefore, affirmative
researcher to examine them. Therefore, any postmodernists deny that any linguistic

14 © Blackwell Publishing Ltd 2006

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construction, including their own (see Clifford So it is a preference-less toleration of the pol-
and Marcus 1986), produced in any social setting, yphonic (many voices) which is pivotal for the
can be ever settled or stable: it can always be affirmative postmodernist, as any discursive
reflexively questioned as layers of meaning closure, whether grounded in democratic
are removed to reveal those meanings which consensus or otherwise, implies the arbitrary
have been suppressed, sublimated or forgotten dominance of a particular discourse which
(Chia 1995) in the act of speaking or writing. serves to silence alternative possible voices and
So a key endeavour is to understand the prevent the dissensus and heteroglossia which
ways in which discourses are sustained and could otherwise ensue (see Rhodes 2001;
undermined rather than to make claims about Rosenau 1992). The resultant approach ‘refines
a reality independent of human cognition our sensitivity to differences and reinforces
(Edwards et al. 1995). Therefore deconstruc- our ability to tolerate the incommensurable’
tion cannot get the deconstructor closer to a (Lyotard 1984, xxv).
‘fixed’, or privileged, truth. Indeed, meaning Therefore, within affirmative postmodern
is always precarious and local (Linstead and epistemological and ontological commitments,
Grafton-Small 1992), and every text expresses any evaluation of qualitative management research
a hidden narrative logic concerning discursive can only be concerned with how research unsettles
authority, gender, power and knowledge (Clough those discourses that have become more priv-
1992, 5) which deconstruction (re)presents for ileged than others by encouraging resistance and
reflexive analysis. However, ‘power and history space for alternative texts, discourses, narratives
work through them in ways authors cannot or language games without advocating any
fully control’ (Clifford 1986, 7). So at most, preference (e.g. Barry 1997; Barry and Elmes
deconstruction can only invoke an alternative 1997; Boje 2001; Currie and Brown 2003;
social construction of reality within a text Ford 1999; Gergen and Thatchenkerry 1996;
which itself is amenable to further interrogation Treleaven 2001). As have noted above, a key
so as to expose its underlying narrative logic criterion relates to how the author is decentred
– and so on, ad infinitum. As Derrida (1976, 51) to avoid any authorial privileging which would
argues, when protected by a contrived invisi- result in the anathema of discursive closure.
bility, the authorial presence behind a text exerts Hence, a key issue in the evaluation of affirmative
authority and privilege unless the text is postmodernist management research concerns
deconstructed: something which applies to how it helps people to think about their own
affirmative postmodernists as much as anyone and others’ thinking so as to question the
else. In order to pursue this commitment by familiar and taken-for-granted by empowering
destabilizing their own narratives, some post- multivocal authors to manipulate signifiers to
modernists have challenged and eschewed the create new textual domains of intelligibility
dominant conventions of writing through without imposing discursive closure (Chia 1995;
promoting an awareness of the author(s) behind Cooper and Burrell 1988; Kilduff and Mehra,
the text, thereby undermining asymmetrical 1997; Treleaven 2001; Tsoukas 1992).
authority relations between author and reader
(e.g. Ashmore 1989; Burrell 1997; Edwards and
Potter 1992; Nason and Golding 1998; Woolgar
1989). Indeed, the resultant unsettling, or par- Evaluation is a significant issue for everyone
alogy (see Lyotard 1984), is pivotal, as it involved in the academic labour process: we
avoids the authorial privileging upon which all evaluate others’ research, we also evaluate
any discursive closure depends (Ashmore et al. our own research which is, in turn, eventually
1995; Foucault 1984) and encourages the pro- evaluated by others. Indeed, so many aspects
liferation of discursive practices which post- of our career prospects are dependent on the
modernists call heteroglossia (see Gergen 1992). outcomes of such processes. Moreover, in an

© Blackwell Publishing Ltd 2006 15

Evaluating qualitative management research

age when the economic viability of many UK the danger here is that boundaries are estab-
university management schools and depart- lished which seek to exclude that which ques-
ments depends upon their performance in the tions or attacks the status quo (see also Bochner
Research Assessment Exercise, how the out- 2000). For Scheurich, such boundaries are always
comes of management research are evaluated ideological power alignments which create
has taken on an even greater significance. insiders and outsiders. Nevertheless, as we have
Meanwhile, the expanding popularity of tried to show, although these boundaries may
qualitative management research seems to have be exclusionary, they are not arbitrary, and it
accompanied an increasing divergence in the is possible to identify how particular episte-
forms that it takes. Here, we have attempted to mological and ontological positions do legiti-
illustrate how the label qualitative manage- mate particular research aims, make certain
ment research embraces a diverse array of methodological commitments, and suggest the
practices, which creates problems with regard contingent application of specific evaluation
to how to undertake its evaluation and has criteria (see Table 2).
simultaneously engendered a growing sense Table 2 highlights the importance of evalu-
of confusion (see Prasad and Prasad 2002). ating any qualitative research project from within
We have simultaneously argued that this diversity the particular logic of justification articulated
and confusion are outcomes of the varying by its immanent philosophical stance. The aims
knowledge-constituting assumptions which of management research are different in each
legitimize distinctive perspectives and research mode of engagement illustrated in Table 2, as a
agendas, while promulgating particular evalu- result of the underlying philosophical assumptions.
ation criteria. In doing so, we have traced this The quality criteria by which work in each
array of competing normative positions which mode of engagement may be evaluated are
are available for the evaluation of qualitative also different. The key issue here is that, when we
management research. are assessing the extent to which qualitative
Here, it is important to note that, in any management research is of value, we apply
research, management or otherwise, adopting the appropriate assessment criteria. It is, for
a priori knowledge-constituting assumptions example, ludicrous to evaluate affirmative
is unavoidable, as there is no space available postmodernist research in terms of objectivity
to the researcher that is not regulated by some or correspondence, as expressed through
organizing philosophical logic. Hence, we different forms of validity, reliability and
must focus our attention upon the often unnoticed generalizability, as such criteria are dismissed
philosophical commitments and disagreements by these postmodernists as tools of a hegemonic
that pervade management research. However, discourse which are legitimated by the very
as has long been noted (e.g. Burrell and Morgan regimes of truth encoded into the socially
1979), embracing any set of knowledge- established metanarratives that they seek
constituting assumptions is always conten- to overthrow through deconstruction and
tious, for there is no single, incontestable scheme heteroglossia.
of ontological and epistemological commitments Therefore, the proposed contingent criteriology
which may be deployed to protect and regulate is a heuristic device which aims to help sensitize
any (management) research. Philosophical management researchers to the particular quality
struggle is always immanent. Therefore, try- issues that their own, and others’, research should
ing to articulate one set of all-embracing, address and how these issues are ‘social pro-
indisputable, regulative standards to interrogate ducts created by human beings in the course of
and methodologically police qualitative man- evolving a set of practices’ (Bochner 2000, 269).
agement research, so as to discipline practi- Of course, practising management researchers
tioners, would seem both a forlorn hope and do not necessarily operate consistently within
an unfair practice. As Scheurich (1997) notes, a particular stance and do vary their approach

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Table 2. Contingent criteriology: a first step

Modes of Affirmative
engagement: Positivism Neo-empiricism Critical theory postmodernism.

Underlying Real-world Real and inter- Reality as-it-is can Hyper realities produced
philosophical independent of human subjective worlds never be known by through discourses,
assumptions cognition which which science can science because of narratives, language
science can neutrally neutrally the operation of the games etc.
access to produce represent and a priori inter-
privileged knowledge. explain. subjective processes
which produce
realities-for-us. Power
asymmetries socially
produce hegemonic
versions of reality.
Research aims Description of the Discovery of the To understand To understand the ways
world, and explanation inter-subjective managerial hegemony: in which discourses/
through prediction, to to describe and to explore its causes texts are sustained and
improve management explain human and to develop inter-subjectively
decision making. action in and strategies through constitute
around dialogue to change the subjectivities and
organizations. situation. identities.
Methodological Methodological Verstehen to Critical ethnographies/ Deconstruction of texts,
commitments monism: erklaren and inductively structural whether written or
deductive testing of describe and phenomenologies to spoken; new styles of
hypotheses through explain facilitate writing which challenge
quantification. patterns of transformational authorial presence.
actors’ inter- change and
subjective emancipation based
meanings – upon reflexive
sometimes understanding.
by pluralistic
Evaluation Internal validity, Internally reflexive Accommodation, Heteroglossia – to give
criteria for external validity, audit trails to catalytic validity and voice to previously
assessing construct validity and demonstrate various forms of silenced textual
management reliability. credibility, authenticity expressed domains; unsettling of
research dependability, in and through the hegemonic;
confirmability, epistemically reflexive articulation of
and ecological dialogue grounded in incommensurable
validity; discursive democracy. plurality of discourses,
transferability/ narratives etc. which
logical inference. de-centre the author
through multivocality.

within a specific piece of research – a process consequences as resources for contingent

dubbed ontological oscillation (Burrell and evaluation. Likewise, such a sensitivity should
Morgan 1979, 266; Weick 1995, 34–38). But, be appropriated by the various epistemological
by implication, the proposed criteriology gatekeepers who socially patrol the boundaries
suggests that researchers should follow what of peer-reviewed management journals – the
Willmott (1998) calls the ‘new sensitivity’ in ‘gold standard’ of this disciplinary field (see
management research by simultaneously artic- Bedeian 2004).
ulating and reflecting upon their particular The awareness that can result from such
philosophical commitments, then exploring interrogations may help management researchers
their methodological and criteriological match their philosophical preferences to

© Blackwell Publishing Ltd 2006 17

Evaluating qualitative management research

particular forms of inquiry and evaluation some schools of thought in that overview. As
which articulate the often tacit conventions of we have argued, no one, including ourselves,
a specific academic community. This requires can stand outside their own epistemological
management researchers to: subject their and ontological commitments. By pointing to
philosophical assumptions to sustained reflection how researchers must take into account their
and evaluation through their confrontation with own philosophically contingent role in pro-
possible alternatives; deliberate the implications ducing management research, we tacitly adopt
of their informed choices for research practice; an anti-foundationalist stance which opposes
be consistent in their actual engagements with the view that knowledge can be founded upon
management practices and be clear about how an unassailable epistemological base which may
they meet specific but philosophically contingent be taken for granted. Moreover, by attempting
evaluation criteria. Such transparency and to interrogate the overarching structures of
reflexivity may empower audiences by enabling thought which justify particular approaches to
their understanding of the philosophical context management research, the very act of writing
in which the work was produced. Peer-evaluation this kind of paper tends to undermine both
can then also focus upon the extent to which the positivist/neo-empiricist notions of objectivity
research project consistently embraces the and the affirmative postmodernist’s suspicion
methodological principles that the author claims of the authoritative monologue. In this manner,
to follow. We suggest, therefore, that this we confront the conundrum of epistemological
process applies both to how we should evaluate circularity – one cannot have knowledge
our own management research and to how we about knowledge without already deploying a
should evaluate the work of others. Moreover, priori knowledge-constituting commitments (see
the transparency created by such interrogations Johnson and Duberley 2000, 3– 6). So here we
could function as a means of communication might inadvertently undermine some of the
between schools of thought at a metatheoretical positions we analyse, in and through the very
level and may serve to empower mutual act of writing. As Neurath (1944, 47) has noted,
understanding through a dialogue with, and a such dilemmas are inevitable as, epistemolog-
receptiveness to, the orientations of others. ically, we ‘are never able to start afresh from
Nevertheless, we must not be complacent about the bottom’. It is hoped that this paper con-
the institutional barriers which may exist and tributes to the ‘new sensibility’ by enhancing
hinder the adoption of such a contingent cri- management researchers’ reflexive awareness
teriology in practice. As illustrated in Stern of these dilemmas and by encouraging us to admit
and Barley’s (1996) account of how one man- to them publicly and cope with them as best we
agement discipline (organization theory) became can, for perhaps we can never transcend them.
institutionalized, we also need to be alert to
how and why, in particular social contexts,
certain research practices become valued and
deemed to be the norm, while others are This work was sponsored by the Economic and
sometimes discounted as aberrations with Social Research Council’s Research Methods
little value for management research. Programme: Grant No H33250006. We should
In conclusion, it is important to emphasize also like to thank the three anonymous reviewers
that we have argued that any (management) who gave us valuable feedback on the devel-
research is embedded in specific knowledge- opment of this paper.
constituting assumptions. Of course, this applies
as much to this work as to anyone else’s. The
irony here is that, in developing a contingent
criteriology located in a philosophical analysis 1 Corresponding author: Professor Phil Johnson,
of management research, we must undermine Sheffield University Management School, 9

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