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Durede l'preuve 2 heures :

Notes lire par le candidat

Le candidatdoit obligatoirement (ANSWERutiliser Iafeuille-rponse, pour ses SHEET), rponses. Chaque candidatn'a droit qu'a uneseule<ANSWER-SHEET>. Aucunefeuille carrecnoc, commune aux autrespreuves, sera accepte. ne Le candidatdoit crire son nom defamille, prnom, centre et numro d'examendans la ptie rserve ceci en haut de Ia I'n page de lafeuille-rponse, mtantde commencer rdiger,pour valider safeuille de composition. L'usagede toutesmachines (calculatrice, traductrice,etc.) ou dictinnaireest strictetnent interdit. Si tm candidat estamen reprer ce qui peut lui semblertre tme erreur d'nonc,il le signalerasur sa copie et devrapoursuivre sa compositionen expliquantles raisons des initiatives qulil a tamen prendre. CETTE EPREWE COMPREND DEUX FEUILLES A3: WE FEUILLE (ENGLISH EXAM PAPER) AINSI QU'UNE FEUILLE-REPONSE (A.SWER SHEET).

Comtnon Shtionaf

Ex arnin^at ion

ESI/3{ zoto

I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 l0 It 12 13 14" 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 3i 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 4l 42 43 44

I would like to starttodaywith a story aboutAmericathat oftengoesuntold.It's the storyof whatcanhappen around the world whenAmericanknow-how,Americandollars,andAmericanvalues put to work to change people's are lives. The questionI'd like to address today is why development othercountries in mattersto our peopleandto our nation's securityandprosperity. a Our nation seeks safer,moreprosperous, and moredemocratic, more equitable world. We cannot be assured that progress when one-thirdof humankind of live in conditions which offer them little chance buildingbetterlives of for themselves their children.We cannotbuild a stableglobal economywhen hundreds millions of workersand their or of familiesfind themselves the wrong sideof globalizalion, off from markets on and out of reachof moderntechnologies. cut We cannotadvance democracy humanrights whenhungerandpovertythreaten undermine good governance rule of and the to and law needed makerightsreal. We cannotstop globalpandemics to until billions of peoplegain access betterhealthcare,and to we cannot address climatechange scarcer or resources turtil billions gain access greener to energy andsustainable livelihoods. Development was once the province of humanitarians, charities,and governments looking to gain allies in global struggles. Todayit is a strategic, economic, moral imperative ascentralto advancing and privateinterests solvingglobal and -problemsas diplomacyor defense. Because development indispensable, demands new approach a new mindsetfor is it a and the new century.It is time we retiredold debates replaced and dogmatic attitudes with clearreasoning common and sense. The challenges face are numerous.So we must be selectiveand strategicabout where and how we get involved.We must we further progess in' developing countries to improve lives, fight poverty, expand rights and opportunities, strengthen communities, securedemocraticinstitutionsand governance. so doing, we will advance and global stability,improveour In own security, projectour valuesandleadership theworld. and in I would like to sharea few of the approaches areputtinginto practiceto makesurethat {evelopment we deliverslasting resultsfor the Americanpeopleandpeopleworldwide.Initially, we areadopting modelof development a based partnership, on not patronage. is Our new approach to work in partnership with the peoplein developing countries investing evidenceby in basedstrategies with cleargoalsthat the countries havetakenthe leadin designing implementing. arealsoworkingto and We integrate with defense diplomacyin the field. Thereis a concernin integrating 3Dswith the development moreclosely. and the aim to dilutingthem.Whatwe will do is to leverage expertise our diplomatsandmilitary on behalfof development, the of and vice versa. Afterwards, \ryeare working to improve the coordinationof all the development work taking place across Washington. agencies have to think and act globally.They haveto broaden Our govemment their scopeinternationally, even work with all the otheragencies coordinate, to lead,or supporteffectiveimplementation the administration's of strategy. Additionally,we are concentrating work in what development our expertscall sectorsand what I think of as areasof convergence. Going forward,we will target our investment and developtechnicalexcellence a few key areas, in like health, agriculture, securif, education, energy,and loeal governance. our Then,we are increasing nation'sinvestrnent innovation. in New technologies are allowing billions of people to leapfrog into the 2lstcentury after missing out on 20th-century breakthroughs. There is no limit to the potential for technology shrink obstacles progress. course, to to Of innovationis not only the inventionof newtechnologies. any breakthrough thattransforms It's idea lives andreshapes thinking. our Ultimately,we are focusingmore of our investments thosemostresponsible growingthe world'sfood, caringfor for on the world'ssick, andraisingthe world'schildren:womenand'girls.They areoneof the world'sgreatest untapped resources and a terrific return on investrnent. Studieshave shownthat why microfinance ubiquitousaroundthe world is because is women haveprovento be sucha safeand reliablecedit risk. The moneythey borrow is not only invested re-invested, tumed and and into a profit, it is usedto improveconditionsfor their families.You know the proverb,"Give a man a fish andhe'll eatfor a day, but teacha man to fish and he'll eat for a lifetime"? If you teacha womanto fish; the impact is evengreater. takesa It womanto teacha village. As we applytheseapproaches, more will follow -- somenew; somevariationson the past;all reflectingour commitment to find, test, and ernbrace ideasthat work and to learn from ow work at every step of the way. Development work is never easy.But it is essential creatinga world in which morepeoplein moreplaceshavethe opportunity live up to their Godto to givenpotential-- a world that is moreequitable, democratic, prosperous, peaceful. and
Adapted nrl abrielged frm deliwred a the CentuJu the U.S Seqetary of State Hilloy RuJlm Clinunf qcech, GIoful Developnent in Wwhitgtu, D.C. in Jqn. 6, 2Ot0

Task One: On your answer sheet, cross the letter corresponding to the most appropriate response. 1. The word "know-how"in line 2 meansalmostthe sameas: A. sfficiency B. capacity C, expertise 2. The word"undermine" line 8 meansalmostthe sameas: in B. decline A. unable C. deprive 3. The word"lnitiolly" in'line 20 meansalmostthe sameas: A. Previously B. Firstly C. In advance 4. The word "ubiquitous" line 36 meansalmostthe sameas: in A. omnipresent B. profitable C. lucrqtive
D. technologt D. weaken D. In the past


Common Shtionaf

Ex atnination


ESII{ zoto

cmpktes the meaning of each of thefollowing itleas: the Task Two: On your answersheet, cross choice that best to Clintoncallson world leaders ......... 3, 1. In paragraph (linesI I - l8), Sec. B. overcome their dffirences andpresson development. democracy. A. adoptnewstrategies advance to rather thantatronage. D. value cooperation C. change their attitudes towardstheir interests. progmmbecause 2. Povertyissues a priority in Sec.Clinton's development are
A. they sustain theworld stability. C. they uphold good governance. B. thsy bring about democracy and human rights. D. thry obstruct the respect of human rights. B. Americans and developing nations. D. Americans and developedcountries. B. climate change won't be addressed. D. economic growthwill be achieved.

3. Safetyand prosperityamongothersmatterboth to
A. Americans and their nation. C. Americans and their allies. A. poverty issueswill be controlled. C. barriers to progress won't be decreased

people 4. Sec. havefull access new technologies, ... ... to ... Clinton asserts unless that

Task Three: On your answersheet, crossthe letter correspondingto the most appropriate response .EXCEPT: l. In her speech, Sec.Clintontalkedaboutthe following issues A. the new approaches cooperatingwith local governance in programs B. thefew governments'. support to her development C. thevital responsibility ofwomenin local dertelopment D. the role of development advancingglobal security in EXCEPT: 2. ln her speech, all Sec.Clinton emphasizes of the following ideas achieved areasof corwergence. in A. development measured the degreeof advancement is by progress. B. it is a tactical,financial,and ethicalobligationto help developing countries achieve poor peoplefrom takingbenefitsfrommoderntechnologies. C. theworld economic instabilitydeters D. womenare theprimary caretakers mostof the world's childrenand elderly. for Task Four: Fill in the chart with information from the speech. Answer in a NOTE FORM. all Sec.Clinton's six approaches achievedevelopment over the world: to


4. 6. Task Five: Answer conciselythefollowing questions.Do not exceedthe spacegiven. programincludessix approaches. your opinionwhich approach themostadvantageous l. Sec.Clinton'sdevelopment ln is to developing countries? Justiff your choice. 2. ExplainwhatSec.Clinton means "It takesawomanto teachavillage" (lines39-40). by

II- rans[ation
Task One: Translate thefoUowing sentencesinto English: Avez-vous qu'un pourcentage levde conflit au travail et la maisonest le rsultatd'uneutilisationinefficace su du langage C'est la vrit. La meilleurepartie est que vous pouvezapprendre changer ? votre style de sorteque ce quevousditessoit aperue plus coopratif, moinsconflictuel. et Task Two: Translate thefollowing sentence into French: purelyin economic was terms,but now, nutrition,education a decent and "In thepast,development measured standard living areall so muchmore essential the conceptof humandevelopment the financialstatus." of than to

Writea four-paragraph essay'on thefollowingtopic: "Withrnore hard.utork o:ndperseuqorrrce Aoung social o:ctors crtt cortlribute efficiently to the hurnansustaincble deueloprnent of their cotnrnuraities."
Discass the above statement. Support your argutnent(s) with examplsfrom your observations or readings on the topic.


Comnwn Sfat i on a I Ex atrtin at ion



Crofs the aooropriate letter qn your ans'tter sheet

Task One: tI choices A to D Each sentence belous hss one blo;nk indicating that something hc,s been otnitted, Choosefiotn qnswer that,uhenwerted.inthesentence, of the sentenceos auhole. best.TEts thetneaning the approprtate

1. I've scoured Internetlookine for whatyouth the

A. are already doing B. has already done

in and the to makea difference their communities around world.

C. already did D. had already done

find themselves the front line for progmms key agents deliveryof povertyreduction in 2. Womenare populationgrowthandadaptation climatechange. to of majorglobalissues food production, D. as much/ qs B. not only / but as well C. not only / but also a girls andwomenarevaluedless,the potentialof thehumanfamily to create peaceful prosperous and world 3. _ will not be realized. D. Thus B. As long as A. Although C. Even if goal of public culturalpolicy, we 4. If we fail to adoptmedialiteracyasan essential grip of thepowerfulinterests who own and controlmassmedia.
A. doom
Task T\,vo:

ourselves to.beforeverin the D. wouldhavedoomed

iilentifuing the

B. doomed

C. would doom

Eolch sentene contains an error or rlo ertor at sll. Remember, gour col.z.ect oirunner s actuallg anr:tuterusitlbe DrNo error. choi.cethat conto:the error. lf thereisnothing usrongrthengour

5. Planes oneofthe few remainingplacewheremobilephones not work. are do

A. Planes are one of B. thefew remaining place C. do not work

D. No error

their country's identityandculture. 6. Most opponents immigrationdo not hateforeigners, of theyjust wantto preserve B. foreigners, they A. Most opponents of C. their country'sidentity and culture , D. No error modernindustrialized 7. In earlierstages their development, strongtraditionalbeliefsthat of countries haveexperienced environment that menshould-enjoy womenshouldoccupya domestic and rightsto property. exclusive
A. In earlier stages B. have experienced C. a domestic environment D. No error

8. Many of the world'scitiesare locatedon coasts riverswherethe effectsof climatechange extreme or and weather events are felt. brutallyandincreasingly B. wherethe fficts A. Manyof theworld cities D. No etor C. increasinglyfelt
Task Three: Part of each sentence is urderlineil. Choice A epeoLtsthe ortginal; the other choices oire ilifferent. If you thhtk a better choice is found in B-D , then choose one of those. If the sentenee is correct as stated, you aruruteru:ill be A.

9. Ecodriving is the opposite of the hurry up. lt involves driving in a manner that minimizes fuel consumption and carbon dioxide emissions,it helps addressclimate change. B. what A. it D, which C. that

the 10.Thenetworkeffectof YOUTUBE meantthat the morematerial that wasuploaded, moreathactive sitebecame the for to viewers,andyet for othersseeking sharecontent. A. yet B, therefore D. though C. besides affectingurbanpopulations risenfourfold since1975. 11.The numberof naturaldisasters has B. rose A. hasrisen C. have risen D. had risen

12.Havetheyknownoil priceswould peakduring a weektime,theywould havestocked enough it at leastfor winteruse. of A. Hqve they known B. Had they known D. If theylmew C.If thq lmow
Task Four: Pafi of each sentence is underlned-. Choose the approprtate option u:hich best nproues each o! thefollouing sentences.Ifthepofiionofthesentenceiscorrectcsitis, thengouransuerwillbeA.

13. "Apple's IPad is a magical revolution. I can't imagine why anyone will want to go back to using a mouse and a keyboard once they have experiencedApple's visionary user interface!" A. why anyone will want to go back to using B. why will no one want to go back to use C. why someone will want to go back to use D. *lry will someone want to go back to using

pervasive 14.Computer sales roserobustlyin March across wide rangeof retail stores a unemoloyment larsedebt despite and burdens. pervasiveunemployment large debt burdens. B. in spitepenasive unemployment large debtburdens. and A. despite and C. althoughpervasiveunemployment large debt burdens. D. evenif pertasive unemployment large debtburdens. and and 15. Before the startof the "throw-away"consumer's societies todayworld: peopledidn't throw awayso manythings.They of usedandre-used thingsmuchmorecarefullythanwe do nowadays. A. "throw-awcy"consumer's societies todrys'world of societies today'sworld B. "throw-qwqy"cottsumer of C. "throw-away"consumers societies todays'world of consumers' societies today'sworld D. "throw-awcry" of 16.As the biotechnoloe.y. nanotechnolos-v the holdstremendous potential. promises improvehealthcare, aid the to It to productionof cleanwaterandenergy,and to advance infrastructure. IT
A. As the biotechnologt, the nanotechnolog holds C. Like biotechnologt, nanotechnologt holds B. Like biotechnologt, the nanotechnolog holds D. As the biotechnologt, nanotechnologt holds


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