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GERMANY EDITION September 27, 2011 Dear Friends: The annual UN General Assembly meeting is mostly over and much of the American Jewish community is glad to see it come to a close. What looked to be a very troublesome affair for Israel ended more in a whimper than in a shout. The Durban 3 anti-Israel conference somehow came and went with practically nobody knowing it took place. No publicity, very little international interest and no impact. Perhaps even the UN representatives are getting tired of listening to the predictable anti-Israel and anti-Semitic ranting and raving. Of course, the Palestinian statehood issue was front and center but it did not (and will not) change anything on the ground. No direct talks, no progress. Its as simple as that. American Jews were very pleased and relieved that their own President took such a strong stand favoring the Israeli position on face to face negotiations. The Jewish community now moves into its New Year season (see below) which always brings forth a feeling of renewal and hope for the future. So, to all my Jewish and non-Jewish friends my best wishes for a wonderful, happy and healthy next 12 months. On to the news IN THIS EDITION THE HIGH HOLY DAYS The Jewish New Year is upon us. THE UNITED NATIONS, ISRAEL: & THE JEWS My take on what happened. AN ANTI-SEMITISM UPDATE From the U.S. State Dept.

THE DIPLOMATIC GAME: TWO CAN PLAY Turkey, Greece & Israel THE MIND OF AMERICAN JEWRY The Annul AJC Survey EVZ TROUBLE! An important fund is criticized. THE HIGH HOLY DAYS The Jewish High Holy Days of Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur indicate the beginning of the Jewish New Year. It is the one time that many (most?) Jews make it a practice to go to synagogue and to be one with their fellow Jews. I dont want to sound ethnocentric, but it seems to me that it makes more sense to have the New Year begin at a time when people are starting out their every day lives following the resting period of the summer. Those of us who work in non-profit organizations always refer to September as the start of the Program Year. January has always appeared to me to come an inopportune time right in the middle of the winter. I doubt seriously that the world will change its calendar because I think it should. However, Rosh Hashanah which means head of the year starts on the evening of Sept. 28th. If you live near a synagogue and see a crowd youll know what its all about. The High Holidays or High Holy Days, in Judaism, more properly known as the Yamim Noraim (Hebrew: " Days of Awe"), may mean: 1. strictly, the holidays of Rosh Hashanah ("Jewish New Year") and Yom Kippur ("Day of Atonement"); 2. by extension, the period of ten days including those holidays, known also as the Ten Days of Repentance (Aseret Yemei Teshuvah); or 3. by a further extension, the entire 40-day penitential period in the Jewish year from Rosh Chodesh Elul to Yom Kippur, traditionally taken to represent the forty days Moses spent on Mount Sinai before coming down with the second ("replacement") set of the Tablets of stone. Many prefer the term High Holy Days because it emphasizes the personal, reflective, introspective aspects of this period. No matter how you look at it, its an important time for Jews around the world. THE UNITED NATIONS, ISRAEL: & THE JEWS I have been trying to think what I should put into this edition of DuBow Digest that hasnt already been said and what might prove to be helpful in understanding what took place during the recent UN meeting as well as what might happen as a result of it.

An enormous amount has already been reported in the general media and it seems that anyone who is interested has his/her own opinion and has voiced it. In general, those more sympathetic to the Palestinians feel that the case for an independent Palestine was made forcefully by Pres. Abbas and that while a Security Council seat may not be in the offering anytime soon, an upgraded status in the UN will result making full membership a certainty sometime in the near future. Those that are more inclined to be supportive of Israel understand that the Palestinians may have gained some strength. However, the rock solid support of the U.S. plus, perhaps along with some of the EU countries, makes their position stronger. Rather than to try to further outline the positions of each, let me share with you a few matters that, in my opinion, demand notice. First let me talk about ultimate goals. If there is one overriding goal in Israel it is to be recognized as a Jewish state, a homeland for the Jewish people. Period! If that concept was accepted on the other side, about 90% of all the trouble would disappear. More about that later. It is pretty clear to me that Israel wants to have defensible borders and not the nine mile wide border at its vulnerable middle which was the cease fire border after the 1948 war. There is talk about the pre-1967 borders. Those are in reality the 1948 borders. So, there is now talk about land swaps. Security for its citizens is a primary question for all countries. Israel is no exception. International guarantees might be a part of a settlement but, no matter what, a country that is only nine miles wide at its center is vulnerable. Therefore, the middle has to be expanded. How? Settlements! There is no other way. Actually, those that must remain are not what one would think of a settlement with tin shacks and tents. They are cities. They guard Jerusalem and Tel Aviv. There are some in Israels right wing that would like to have everything that they now occupy (post 1967) but realize that they would have to be an eternal occupying force in order to incorporate all that. If they were to do so they would shortly have an Arab majority in their country something, of course, they do not want. Dealing with the settlers might be a problem but that was done when the Israelis pulled out of Gaza. It would be a greater problem in the West Bank but certainly not impossible. In addition, Israel is not willing to take back Palestinian refugees. If there is any return in sight, it would be to one of the swapped pieces of land. A return would, again mean an Arab majority. Its not reasonable and its not happening. Incidentally, what about the 250,000 Jewish refugees that were forced out of Arab countries during and after the 1948 war? They, of course, are not interested in return. Would they be eligible for some kind of compensation? The third major issue regards the capital of a Palestinian state. I consider that the easiest problem. Some sort of symbolic presence in Jerusalem could be worked out.

Of course, religious extremes on both sides would be unhappy but it doesnt seem (to me) to be intractable. Now, lets get down to the Palestinians. What are their ultimate goals? Obviously, a Palestinian homeland. Theyre entitled to it and even P.M. Netanyahu said he would support it if the other matters could be worked out. Of course, there are current problems with it as their land is divided into two parts (West Bank and Gaza) and the fact that there are two governments. One (PLO) seems to be willing to, at least, talk (though not negotiate) with Israel. The other (Hamas) is openly dedicated to erasing Israel from the face of the earth. It is very difficult to negotiate with people who are looking to kill you. The land problem, I believe, is the greatest sticking point. If a homeland for the Jewish people exists on even one inch of what Palestinians consider holy territory is a deal breaker, then what is there to negotiate about? All the rest seem to me to be internal Palestinian problems. If a geographical agreement could be reached, the capital, the refugees, the economy, would have to be solved internally. Obviously not easy but certainly possible. The differing politics of the two major groups would have to be worked out as well, hopefully without a civil war. Where do we stand now that the UN speeches are done with and an upgraded status for the Palestinians is probably going to happen somewhere down the road? The answer is that were pretty much back to where we started from. However, there are a few changes. Foremost is the fact that Pres. Obama has come out clearly against a Security Council seat for the Palestinians without direct negotiations. No matter what the reason, the threatened veto in the Security Council has significantly reduced Israeli and Jewish anxiety. The idea of Israel being practically alone in the world is very frightening to both Israelis and American Jews. We went through that in the 1930s & 1940s. Secondly, both the Four Power Agreement (rejected by Abbas so far) and a statement of the Spanish Foreign Minister referring to a Jewish Homeland were very encouraging. Spain has been close to the Arabs so her statement was seen as a step in the right direction. Read about it by clicking here. As of this writing it appears that Israel is willing to accept the agreement as long as there are no pre-conditions. It was very disappointing that Pres. Abbas in a speech to Palestinian supporters in the U.S. said, "They talk to us about the Jewish state, but I respond to them with a final answer: We shall not recognize a Jewish state. I hope thats just political talk,

however, Arafat frequently said one thing to Arab audiences and another to the general public. I hope Pres. Abbas doesnt suffer from the same illness split tongue. I am always hopeful and, believe it or not, I have great faith in human nature. However, I think we are still very far off from any sort of a peaceful solution to the Israeli Palestinian problem. I have said before and still believe that the best thing that can be accomplished is a situation of what I call no war. As long as people arent killing each other there is always a chance that those involved might come to some kind of an agreement. Lets hope! AN ANTI-SEMITISM UPDATE According to the 13th Annual U.S. State Dept. Report on International Religious Freedom, Anti-Semitism can be found in nearly every corner of the globe, and it is on the rise. The State Department is required to report regularly to Congress by the International Religious Freedom Act of 1998; this edition covers the last half of 2010. "Trends include increases in the traditional anti-Semitic actions and accusations that have plagued the world for millennia--including desecration of cemeteries, graffiti, and blood libel accusations--as well as Holocaust denial, revisionism, and glorification," it found. Some is part of the campaign to delegitimize and demonize Israel. According to The Jewish Week, If found "spikes in anti-Semitic expressions" in private as well as official media, notably including cartoons, in several countries, including Poland, Spain, Egypt, Saudi Arabia and Venezuela. In Saudi Arabia, where "The public practice of any religion other than Islam is prohibited" it reported "school textbooks continue to contain offensive statements about Jews and Christians." And it's not just inside the kingdom but also in schools it supports abroad: In the United Kingdom, media reported in 2010 that some part-time weekend schools and clubs taught approximately 5,000 pupils the official Saudi national curriculum, which contains anti-Semitic views, including an Arabic-language textbook that asks children to list the "reprehensible" qualities of Jews. In reaction to the reports, the British education minister rejected the use of anti-Semitic material in British schools. Another alarming development was the growing occurrence of anti-Semitic expressions in official and government-affiliated media in Venezuela. It appears linked to Hugo Chavez's increasing hostility toward Israel as he solidifies his alliances with Iran and Turkey.

Why should anybody be surprised that the virus of anti-Semitism is found in all corners of the world and is rising? With all that is going on in the Middle East, especially the criticism of Israel regarding the Palestinian unilateral declaration of independence, the linkage to all Jews in a negative way is a natural outgrowth. Repeating myself, anti-Semitism is like tuberculosis. It can be arrested but seemingly never totally done away with. Unhappily, it lurks in the minds of many people and sits there waiting to surface especially these days when there is a criticism of Israel. Of course, Germany, as well as most countries, in spite of its many great attempts to stamp out the disease, is not without its share. You can read the State Dept.s article about the Federal Republic by clicking here If for some reason you wish to see the entire report you can do so by clicking here. THE DIPLOMATIC GAME: TWO CAN PLAY Israel did not wait long to react to Turkeys practically, but not quite total severing of diplomatic relations over the Gaza flotilla affair. On Sept. 6th JTA reported, Greece and Israel signed a security cooperation agreement amid declining Israeli relations with neighboring Turkey. Greek Defense Minister Panos Beglitis, making the first official visit by a Greek defense minister to Israel, and his Israeli counterpart, Ehud Barak, signed a cooperation memorandum on security in Jerusalem on Sunday during the first day of Beglitis' three-day trip. "I come as my country's defense minister to state our political will as a government, as well as the majority of the country's political forces, for the two countries, the two governments, the two peoples, to work together so that we can further develop and deepen our bilateral relations in all sectors of mutual interest and concern," Beglitis said. The visit is part of a cooperation memorandum signed last year between Prime Minister George Papandreou and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. Last week a Greek Parliament committee approved the purchase from Israel of Rafael-made Spice 1000 and 2000 bomb precision upgrade kits at a cost of $155 million for 400 systems. Israel's ambassador to Greece, Arie Mekel, noted the "unprecedented number of high-level visits" between Israel and Greece this year. He said the visit by Beglitis

"highlights again the dramatic upgrade of the relations between Greece and Israel for the benefit of both countries." Beglitis clarified that his visit concerns bilateral relations with the State of Israel exclusively and is not functioning competitively with other countries in the region. Of course, Beglitis had to say that that the arrangement with Israel was not competitive with other countries but its no secret that Greece and Turkey are anything but friends. The point here, of course, is that Israel has diplomatic moves it can make and they are making them. In addition, Turkey is relying on Israel for unmanned aircraft drones to battle with the Kurds in both Turkey and Iraq. I guess they shouldnt wait for delivery. Obviously, diplomacy is a game that more than one party can play. THE MIND OF AMERICAN JEWRY The AJC Annual Survey of American Jewry has just been published. Several important findings were revealed. Disappointment with President Obamas handling of the economy and U.S.-Israel relations has caused a falloff in Jewish support for the administration, a just-completed national survey by AJC, a non-partisan advocacy organization, shows: For the first time during Obamas presidency, disapproval among Jewish voters exceeded approval of his performance. Jewish approval of Obamas handling of his job as president declined to 45 percent, with another 48 percent disapproving and 7 percent undecided, according to the survey, conducted from September 6 to 21, 2011. In the last annual AJC survey, a year ago, 51 percent approved, and 44 percent disapproved. 2012 Presidential Election. Looking ahead to the 2012 presidential race, the AJC survey revealed that if the election were held today, Obama would still hold a considerable lead over potential Republican challengers among Jewish voters. But the margin differed significantly depending on which candidate the GOP fields. Mitt Romney would get 32 percent of the Jewish vote, according to the poll, against Obamas 50 percent. Another 16 percent of respondents said they wouldnt vote for either of the two candidates, and 2 percent were undecided. Rick Perry would get 25 percent of the vote against Obamas 55 percent, with another 18 percent voting for neither, and 2 percent undecided. Michele Bachmann would receive 19 percent of the vote against Obamas 59

percent, with 21 percent voting for neither, and 1 percent undecided. In 2008, Obama garnered 78 percent of the Jewish vote, compared to 22 percent for John McCain. Economy, National Security Approval of Obamas handling of the economy dropped to 37 percent from 45 percent a year ago and 55 percent in the spring of 2010. Disapproval of the administrations economic policies rose to 60 percent in the latest poll, up from 51 percent a year ago. By contrast, on Obamas handling of national security, 68 percent approve and 28 percent disapprove in 2011, while 62 percent approved and 33 percent disapproved in 2010. U.S.-Israel Relations Obamas handling of U.S.-Israel relations received the approval of 40 percent, with another 53 percent disapproving and 7 percent undecided. A year ago, 49 percent of respondents approved and another 45 percent disapproved. Approval of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahus handling of Israel-U.S. relations dropped to 54 percent, with another 32 percent disapproving and 13 percent undecided. A year ago, 62 percent of the Jews polled approved of Netanyahus handling of the bilateral relationship, while another 27 percent disapproved and 11 percent said they werent sure. In general, 63 percent of American Jews characterize U.S.-Israel relations as positive and 36 percent as negative. In 2010, 68 percent were positive and 31 percent negative about U.S.-Israel relations. Arab-Israel Peace Perceptions of prospects for a lasting peace between Israel and the Arabs have also taken a downward turn. Less than 3 percent of respondents said they were more optimistic about the peace prospects now than they had been one year ago, compared with 8 percent feeling more optimistic in last years survey. This year, 35 percent of respondents said their outlook has become less optimistic, compared to 18 percent last year. Support for a Palestinian state also declined in the past year. The new survey showed that, in the current situation, 38 percent would favor, and 55 percent would oppose, the establishment of a Palestinian state. A year ago, the AJC survey found 48 percent in favor and 45 percent opposed. On a related question concerning Palestinian efforts to unilaterally seek recognition of statehood without an agreement with Israel, only 9 percent approved of this strategy, while 88 percent disapproved.

Support for requiring the Palestinians to recognize Israel as a Jewish state is strong, with 95 percent saying they should be required to do so in a final peace agreement. Regarding U.S. aid to the Palestinian Authority, 73 percent of American Jews would support, and 21 percent oppose, the U.S. Congress withdrawing assistance if the PA and Hamas form a unity government. Iran Nuclear Threat Regarding Iran, 43 percent approve, and 45 percent disapprove, of the Obama administrations handling of the Iran nuclear issue, a similar finding to the 2010 survey. The new survey also finds, as last year, that a majority, 71 percent, say there is little or no chance that a combination of diplomacy and sanctions can stop Iran from developing nuclear weapons Party Affiliation The percentage of Jewish voters who identified themselves as Democrats has also been in gradual decline over the past few years. It dropped to 45 percent this year, down from 48 percent a year ago and 53 percent in the fall of 2009. While the share of those who considered themselves Republicans remained virtually unchanged with 16 percent this year, compared to 17 percent a year before and 16 percent in 2009 the share of self-identified Independents has expanded to 38 percent this year, up from 34 percent a year ago and 30 percent in 2009. In reading through the results of the survey one should remember that it records the thinking of its respondents at a particular moment. It in no way reflects how they might feel a day later or certainly a month or year later. For instance, the impact of Pres. Obamas speech at the UN which has been taken to be very much in favor of Israels position will surely improve his poll numbers. The winnowing out of Republican candidates for the presidency in the next few months will also surely change the percentages each candidate might receive from Jewish voters. And, who knows what will happen with the Middle East? Even so, the survey does indicate that Jewish opinion thinks less of the Presidents policies than it did before. Feelings about a Palestinian state have also declined. Well just have to see how the major events that are coming up such as the outcome of the UN vote on a Palestinian state, Pres. Obamas new more aggressive style on major U.S. issues and the economic situation develop. While this newsletter does not do any polling, we do try to keep you up to date on developments. Well continue to do that.

EVZ TROUBLE! Ben Weinthal writing in The Jerusalem Post recently reported, A German foundation that seeks to combat Jew-hatred and carry forward the memories of the victims of the Nazi period has enabled teenage students to draw crude pictures of Israeli Jewish pupils as part of a German and Israeli Arab high-school exchange program. The revelation that a Holocaust foundation funneled public money to hardcore antiIsrael educational activities unleashed criticism last week from the Jerusalem-based NGO Monitor group and German experts on academic anti- Semitism. The foundation Remembrance, Responsibility, Future (EVZ) provided funds to partner agencies to produce a 31-page brochure depicting Orthodox Jewish students wearing yarmulkes and bearing sidelocks while seated in a well-kept classroom with a sign over a world map stating Jewish School. The adjacent drawing shows a dilapidated, overcrowded schoolroom with Palestinian pupils seated below a giant cobweb and a beat-up map lacking countries. A collapsing sign above the students reads Palestine School. A second cartoon apparently shows a light-skinned Israeli asking a dark-skinned Palestinian if he wants to be friends. An imposing tank is positioned behind both students, suggesting that the Israeli student is compelling the Palestinian student to shake his hand. Anne Herzberg, legal adviser for NGO Monitor, told The Jerusalem Post on Friday, The reported use of German government funding for a student project that produced anti-Semitic images is deplorable, and shows a complete lack of judgment and oversight. Herzberg added, Instead of utilizing the funding to compensate victims of the Nazis and educate about the horrors of the regime, as it was intended, money was redirected to a project for Arab and German students that both presented and fostered a distorted view of the Arab-Israeli conflict. Students from Nazareth and the Gerhart Hauptmann school in Wernigerode, a small town in the eastern German state of Saxony-Anhalt, participated in the exchange program, whose purpose was to examine the Right to Education. The brochure features articles in English, Arabic and German. Dr. Martin Salm, the chairman of the Holocaust foundation, said that 500 copies were produced at a cost of 2,130 euros. Salm told the Post that the brochure is problematic and promotes stereotypes because it shows male Israelis with sidelocks and yarmulkes. He said that EVZ


funded the exchange program in the context of a partnership program with other NGOs, and that he would not allow the brochures into the foundations offices. Dr. Matthias Kntzel, a Hamburg-based political scientist and leading expert on German anti-Semitism, told the Post, The foundation thus fell for fake marketing. In its own profile, the school emphasizes that it has neither Jewish students nor a Jewish teacher. The school is operated by a non-governmental organization that accuses the Israeli educational system of subjecting the countrys Arab minority to social control and social exclusion. This project separates itself from Israel in content and methodology. It aims not at integration but at exclusion. Thus this private schools statements emphasize the principle of natural inequality. "This background explains why, in the brochure's drawings of the HEAR Project, Israel is never spoken of, but only Jews and Palestinians. It explains why the image, familiar from PLO propaganda, of rich and violent Jews on the one hand and poor and oppressed Arabs on the other is presented," Kntzel said. He called for the EVZ Board of Directors to stop financial support for HEAR projects. The brochure draws many disturbing parallels between Israel and the former East Germany Stalinist state. While I understand that it is difficult for any large organization to totally monitor the activities of each and every one of its subsidiaries or its funded programs, in this day and age of open information almost everything becomes public. Therefore, there is a responsibility to have procedures in place to make sure that the funding is not used for purposes other than what it should be. When it comes to programs that might be tinged with anti-Semitism it behooves groups like EVZ to not only be extremely careful but to repair the damage as soon as possible in a public way. I think that is a reasonable request. ************************************************************************** DuBow Digest is written and published by Eugene DuBow who can be contacted by clicking here Both the American and Germany editions are posted at Click here to connect


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