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Talanta 56 (2002) 809– 819

Review paper

Past, present and future of nucleic acids electrochemistry

Emil Paleček *
Institute of Biophysics, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Králo6opolská 135, CZ-612 65 Brno, Czech Republic
Received 26 October 2001; accepted 15 November 2001


Electrochemistry of nucleic acids was discovered about 40 years ago. During the first 15 years electrochemistry
brought early evidence of DNA premelting and polymorphy of the DNA double helix. At present electrochemical
methods working with stationary electrodes are able to detect DNA at attomol and in some cases, even at lower
levels. A great progress in the development of electrochemical sensors for DNA hybridization and DNA damage
achieved in recent years suggests that these sensors may soon become important tools in medicine and other areas of
practical life of the 21st century. © 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Nucleic acid electrochemistry; History; DNA sensors; DNA hybridization and damage

1. Introduction believed that simple devices for determining NA

nucleotide sequences will reach the doctor’s offices
At present electrochemistry of nucleic acids within few decades.
(NAs) is booming due to the expectations of the
development of electrochemical transducer-based
devices for detection of nucleotide sequences and 2. History
DNA damage [1–3]. Better diagnosing, prevent-
ing and treating many human diseases will require 2.1. Electroacti6ity of nucleic acids
efficient and inexpensive tools for determining
DNA and RNA sequences. Such tools will find As a graduate student I found in 1957 that
use also in other applications such as veterinary DNA and RNA yielded reduction and oxidation
and forensic medicine, environmental testing etc. signals upon interaction with electrodes [4,5]. It
To keep our environment clean, rapid and accu- was the so-called oscillographic polarography at
rate assays for DNA damage are needed. The controlled a.c., introduced by J. Heyrovsky [6,7]
main advantages of electrochemical devices are in the beginning of the 1940s (constant a.c.
their low-cost, fast response, simple design, small chronopotentiometry according to the present
dimensions and low power requirements. It is nomenclature) [8], that proved to be better suited
for the analysis of NAs than the d.c. polarogra-
* Tel.: +420-5-492-46241; fax: +420-5-412-11293. phy, popular at that time. I can hardly forget the
E-mail address: (E. Paleček). interest of Professor Jaroslav Heyrovsky and sup-

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810 E. Paleček / Talanta 56 (2002) 809–819

port I obtained from him, his assistant Dr Robert graphic polarography of calf thymus DNA and its
Kalvoda and his son Dr Michael Heyrovsky. degradation products in Nature (1960) [5] I was
To my knowledge, the first paper dealing with invited by Julius Marmur from the Harvard Uni-
electrochemical analysis of nucleic acids (NAs) versity to work in his laboratory as a postdoctoral
was published by Berg [9]. He used supporting fellow. It took about 2 years before I was allowed
electrolyte containing cobalt ions to determine to leave the Party/Government-ruled Czechoslo-
proteins in RNA and DNA samples and under vakia but to me it was like a miracle. At that time
the given conditions he found the NAs as polaro- it was possible to follow DNA denaturation and
graphically inactive species. His finding was in a renaturation with oscillopolarography. That tech-
good agreement with the literature claiming that nique showed also a new phenomenon— the
among the nucleic acid components adenine is
DNA premelting. Knowing the work of my future
polarographically reducible only at highly acidic
boss who discovered, together with Paul Doty, the
pH values [10] while the other components are
DNA renaturation [22] and proposed a method of
inactive. In collaboration with my colleague B.
DNA isolation from bacteria [23] (in that time his
Janik we showed that in addition to adenine (A)
also cytosine (C) was reduced at the dropping
mercury electrode (DME); reduction of the latter
base took place not only at acid but also at
neutral pH [4,5,11–13]. Guanine (G) produced a
specific anodic signal, [4,11] explained by oxida-
tion of the DNA reduction product formed at
highly negative potentials [4,5,11,14]. B. Janı́k
later joined P. Elving’s laboratory which signifi-
cantly contributed to the present knowledge of
electrochemistry of the NA components (reviewed
in Ref. [15]). Moreover, all NA bases and some
other purine and pyrimidine derivatives produced
anodic signals due to the formation of sparingly
soluble compounds with the electrode mercury
which were later utilized for the cathodic stripping
Fig. 1. Scheme of a controlled a.c. oscillopolarogram dE/dt
voltammetric determination of NA bases at against E of double stranded (ds) and single stranded (ss)
nanomolar concentrations [16– 18]. The ability of DNAs using single-sweep (first curve) technique at neutral pH
NA bases to associate at the electrode surface was (reviewed in [115]). Cathodic capacitive CI-1 and faradaic CI-2
demonstrated by V. Vetterl in the second half of indentations as well as anodic indentation AI are shown. CI-2
the 1960s [19–21]. is characteristic for ss (denatured) DNA and corresponds to
CV peak CA [3,5,25,39]; CI-2 and (peak CA on cyclic voltam-
mograms [3,116]) is due to the reduction of adenine and
2.2. Electrochemical signals depend on the DNA cytosine residues and it strongly decreases or disappears (----)
structure in solution in the second cycle (second curve) due to blocking of the
electrode surface by the DNA reduction product [25,116]. CI-2
is absent at in ds (native) DNA. AI is produced both by ss and
I found that signals of A, C and G residues can
dsDNAs and corresponds to CV peak G which are due to the
be observed at oscillopolarograms dE/di = f(E) of oxidation of the guanine reduction product formed at highly
single-stranded (ss, denatured) DNA while with negative potentials around −1.8 V (at neutral pH, against
the double-stranded (ds, native) DNA these sig- SCE); AI and peak are G substantially smaller in dsDNA than
nals were smaller or absent (Fig. 1). Soon it in ssDNA. At alkaline pH’s all free nucleic acid bases pro-
duced indentations [4,11] at positive potentials (----) due to
became clear that the electrochemical signals ob-
formation of sparingly soluble compounds with the electrode
tained with mercury electrodes were very sensitive mercury. These signals were utilized in the cathodic stripping
to small changes in the DNA structure in solu- voltammetry determination of bases at ppb level [16 – 18,117 –
tion. Shortly after publishing my paper on oscillo- 120] and for detection of the DNA hybridization [73].
E. Paleček / Talanta 56 (2002) 809–819 811

laboratory was perhaps the world largest stock of of a large excess of dsDNA [26]. In the 1960s and
pure, native bacterial DNA samples with different in the first half of the 1970s electrochemical tech-
base contents), I was excited by the opportunity niques, and particularly DPP, produced early evi-
that lied ahead of me. In 1962 the instrument for dence not only of DNA premelting but also of
the oscillographic polarography ‘Polaroskop P polymorphy of the DNA double helix (reviewed
524’, was produced only in Czechoslovakia. J. in [27]. The polymorphy of the DNA structure
Marmur, who in the meantime moved from Har- was later well established by the X-ray crystallog-
vard to Brandeis University, advised me to bring raphy and NMR [28,29]. Further studies of DNA
the instrument with me. So, I sent it as an air- premelting are, however, needed and it may be
cargo. Before my departure we constructed in my expected that the present electrochemical tech-
laboratory a new multi functional instrument us- niques may help to shed more light on the previ-
ing rectangular a.c. capable of displaying single- ous results and to contribute to a better
sweep oscillograms at different frequencies, as understanding of the DNA properties in solution
well as different functions in addition to dE/dt and at charged surfaces.
against E, etc. I was, however, not allowed to take In 1975, I organized a symposium on ‘Electro-
the instrument out of the country. Equipped with chemistry of Nucleic Acids’ which was attended
letter of recommendation from J. Heyrovsky I by almost all scientists interested in nucleic acid
went to U.S. in November 1962 with no doubts electrochemistry at that time, including G.C.
about the suitability of my electrochemical Barker, H. Berg, G. Dryhurst, J. Flemming and
method for the nucleic acid research. Unfortu- H. W. Nürnberg. My graduate student V. Brabec
nately, it took about 9 months for the instrument took part also at this meeting, becoming later a
to arrive, completely broken. In the laboratory postdoc of G. Dryhurst with whom he introduced
the opinion prevailed that the instrument was carbon electrodes in the research of polynucle-
thoroughly ‘searched’ by secret service on both otides [30], few years after the first application of
sides of the ‘Iron Curtain’. the hanging mercury drop electrode (HMDE) by
In the meantime, I learned some microbiology Nürnberg et al. [31–34] and by Berg and Flem-
and took part in a purely molecular biological ming [35] to the NA research. The results of
studies concerned with RNA transcription [24]. conventional electrochemical analysis of NAs
At the end of my stay I managed to fix the with the mercury or carbon electrodes immersed
instrument and to do some DNA measurements in the NA solution during the electrochemical
which I finished at home. Those results showed measurements were thoroughly reviewed [32,35–
that compared to DNA melting, the DNA 39].
premelting was strongly dependent on the nucle-
otide sequence of bacterial DNAs [25].1 Great
opportunity for the electrochemical analysis of 3. Effect of the electrode potential on the DNA
DNA was thus almost lost in 1963. I continued structure
my work at home under the usual conditions of
the lack of chemicals and scientific information A good correlation between polarographic re-
from the West. sponses (using small potential excursions during
Derivative pulse polarography (DPP) was ap- the life time of the dropping mercury electrode)
plied for the first time in the analysis of DNA in on one hand and optical methods on the other
1965. Great difference in the DPP peak heights of hand suggested that the structure of dsDNA is
ss and dsDNAs was utilized in a highly sensitive not significantly changed due to adsorption of
determination of traces of ssDNA in the presence dsDNA at DME around − 1.4 V where the DNA
reduction signals were measured. It was found,
Oscillopolarographic experiments on interaction of DNA
however, that in a narrow potential range, close
with methylene blue, done in collaboration with Melvin Simon to the potential of dsDNA desorption (around
(now Professor at Caltech), have never been published. − 1.2 V), large changes in the interfacial proper-
812 E. Paleček / Talanta 56 (2002) 809–819

ties of dsDNA occurred involving major parts of nucleotide sequences. The preparation of such
the adsorbed DNA molecules, if dsDNA was DNA samples was laborious and expensive and
exposed to these potentials for sufficiently long therefore, more sensitive biochemical methods
time (about 1– 2 min) (reviewed in Ref. [36]). In were preferred. In the middle of the 1980s we
1974 these changes were interpreted in terms of introduced in the nucleic acid (NA) voltammetric
opening of the DNA double helix at the nega- analysis the adsorptive stripping techniques, in-
tively charged electrode surface, due to the effect creasing the sensitivity of the DNA determination
of the repulsive potential on dsDNA anchored at by several orders of magnitude. At the same time
the mercury surface via hydrophobic bases re- we started our work with the DNA-modified elec-
leased from the duplex, e.g. at the strand interrup- trodes [51–55] and within less than 10 years the
tions [40] (reviewed in Ref. [36]). At acid pH’s the DNA-modified electrodes dominated the field,
DNA surface denaturation occurred in a wider forming solid base for the development of the
potential range [41]. Other explanations were of- DNA detectors and sensors (reviewed in [3,39]). It
fered in that time by Berg’s group [35] considering was found that DNA and RNA can be easily
some hypothetical properties of DNA at the sur- immobilized at mercury and carbon electrodes
face including conductivity of randomly oriented simply by immersing the electrode in a small drop
chromosomal DNA (reviewed in [35,36]. (3–10 ml) of a NA solution for a short time
Hartwich et al. [42] have recently shown that such (usually 30– 180 s) [44,51,53,54]. Due to strong
DNA adsorbed at the electrode surface is, how- adsorption of DNA or RNA a stable layer was
ever, an insulator. Recent experiments with DNA- formed at the electrode surface; the electrode was
modified electrodes [43] and particularly with then washed and the voltammetric measurements
covalently closed circular DNAs strongly support were performed in solutions not containing any
the opening [44–49] of the DNA double helix at NA. In this arrangement, the volume of the ana-
the electrode surface. Potential-controlled opening lyte was reduced by 2–3 orders of magnitude as
of dsDNA appears very attractive in connection compared to the conventional voltammetry. The
with the recent attempts to create DNA biotech- former technique has been called Adsorptive
nologies on chips involving fast DNA sequencing; Transfer Stripping Voltammetry (AdTSV). Com-
more research in this interesting area can thus be bination of AdTS with the constant current
expected in the near future.2 chronopotentiometry has been particularly suc-
cessful in the analysis of nucleic acids [56–58] and
proteins [59–61] at carbon and mercury elec-
trodes. Later covalent immobilization of NAs at
4. Adsorptive transfer voltammetry and electrodes (e.g. binding of sulfur end-labeled
NA-modified electrodes oligonucleotides at gold electrodes) has become
popular (reviewed in Ref. [1– 3]).
At the beginning of the 1980s, the importance
of electrochemical techniques for the DNA bio-
chemical and molecular biological studies de- 5. Electroactive markers of nucleic acids
creased rapidly as the DNA research became
oriented to the studies of well-defined oligonucle- Nucleic acids are electroactive but their reduc-
otides and plasmid or viral DNAs of known tion and oxidation at electrodes is irreversible
producing signals at highly negative or positive
After finishing this article, I noticed a recent paper by potentials (reviewed in [3,36,39]). Attempts have
Heaton et al. [50] showing opening of the ds DNA at a been therefore, made to use complexation and
negatively charged gold surface induced by the electric field. derivatization of NAs to obtain reversible pro-
The mechanisms responsible for the DNA opening at mercury
and gold electrodes can hardly be exactly the same but in both
cesses at less extreme potentials or catalytic sig-
cases the effect of the electrostatic field on the DNA duplex nals providing higher sensitivity and/or better
anchored at negatively charged electrodes is involved. selectivity for the NA structure. It was Berg who
E. Paleček / Talanta 56 (2002) 809–819 813

by the end of the 1960s pioneered the electro- 6.1. Sensors for DNA hybridization
chemical studies of DNA interactions with elec-
troactive intercalative drugs and other The ability of electrochemical analysis to trace
compounds binding noncovalently to DNA DNA renaturation was found [27,72] shortly af-
[62,63]. Later, studies of the DNA interactions ter the discovery of the ability of ssDNA to
with small molecules, such as intercalators and reform (renature) its double-helical structure by
grove binders intensified in connection with Marmur and Doty (reviewed in Ref. [22]). The
search for redox indicators for DNA hybridiza- principle of DNA renaturation and hybridization
tion sensors (reviewed in [2,3]). was exploited in many molecular–biological
5.1. Co6alently bound markers methods, including DNA amplification by PCR,
DNA sequencing and in sensors for DNA hy-
The first electroactive markers covalently bridization. In these sensors ssDNA is used as a
bound to DNA were used at the beginning of recognition layer (DNA probe) capable to iden-
the 1980s [64–67]. They were based on osmium tify a nucleotide sequence of target DNA which
tetroxide complexes with nitrogen ligands (Os,L) is complementary to the DNA probe. In an elec-
forming stable DNA-Os,L adducts which pro- trochemical biosensor, a DNA probe (which is a
duced redox couples and yielded also a catalytic short ss ODN) is immobilized on an electrode
signal at about − 1.2 V at the mercury electrode; (transducer) to create the recognition layer (see
moreover, these complexes showed a useful selec- Figure 1 in Ref. [73] in this issue). The DNA-
tivity for ssDNA. It was the first electrochemical modified electrode is then dipped into a solution
studies of the osmium tetroxide, 2,2%-bipyridine of target DNA to test its nucleotide sequence.
(Os,bipy) and other Os,L complexes which led When the sequence of target DNA exactly
the way to a wide application of these com- matches that of the probe (based on the comple-
pounds as probes of the DNA structure in vitro mentarity principle stating that G pairs with C
and in vivo in connection with nonelectrochemi-
and A with T), a hybrid (probe-target) duplex
cal methods including DNA sequencing tech-
DNA forms at the electrode surface. Two most
niques and immunoassays (reviewed in Refs.
important steps in the detection of the DNA
[28,68,69]). Most of the DNA-Os,L adducts, such
nucleotide sequence are taking place: (a) forma-
as Os,2,2%-bipyridine (Os, bipy), bind preferen-
tially to thymines in ssDNA and can be deter- tion of the hybrid duplex DNA at the recogni-
mined electrochemically at, or in some cases even tion layer; and (b) transformation of the latter
below ppb level [70,71]. In AdTSV experiments event into an electrical signal. The early papers
with 3 ml analyte volume, hundreds of attomoles on the DNA hybridization at electrodes were
of ss 20-mer oligodeoxynucleotides (ODN) are reviewed by Mikkelsen [74]. Recent progress in
sufficient for analysis at short waiting times (de- the development of the electrochemical DNA hy-
pending on the ODN base composition). In the bridization sensors was summarized in several
1990s ferrocenyl derivatives, daunomycin and reviews [1–3]. One of the most important break-
other compounds producing reversible couples through was perhaps the first detection of the
were covalently bound to the ends of ODNs and single base mismatch (DNA point mutation) by
used in DNA hybridization studies (reviewed in means of an electrochemical detector using the
Ref. [2]). peptide nucleic acid (PNA) as a probe [75,76].
Electrochemical behavior of PNA has been then
6. DNA sensors studied in a greater detail [77–79]. At present the
DNA single base mismatches can be distin-
At present time the DNA sensor research is guished from the fully matched duplex by their
focused on sensors and detectors for DNA hy- different thermostabilities without using PNA
bridization and for DNA damage. [73,80]. Almost all papers oriented towards the
814 E. Paleček / Talanta 56 (2002) 809–819

development of the DNA hybridization sensors 7. Commercialization

dealt with model, relatively short synthetic ODNs
used as probes interacting with target DNAs of To my knowledge among the most important
about the same lengths. Now the studies should companies involved in the development of the
focus on the analysis of natural target DNAs both DNA hybridization sensors are Clinical Microsen-
directly isolated from organisms and organs, in- sors/Motorola, november AG (cooperating with
cluding human blood, as well as on shorter pieces Siemens AG Medical Solution) and Xanthon.
of DNA and PCR products. Two of them sent a contribution to this issue.
While it cannot be expected that they would
disclose the proprietary information, they send a
6.2. Sensors for DNA damage clear message that their research is oriented to the
development of an electrochemical DNA hy-
DNA damage causes serious disturbances in bridization device that can be commercialized.
basic living processes. Damage to DNA bases can One of the most important parts of such a device
lead to alterations in base pairing and to muta- will be the working electrode (transducer). From
tions. Formation of DNA strand breaks may the available information one can guess that dis-
result in chromosome aberrations. Accumulation posable gold, carbon (plastic or screen-printed) or
of mutations and/or other kinds of DNA damage indium tin oxide (ITO) are good candidates for a
increases carcinogenic or teratogenic risks. Elec- transducer in such a device. Our results [73,84]
trochemical methods can be used: (a) for the suggest that mercury and mercury amalgam elec-
detection of DNA strand breaks and base dam- trodes may soon join this triumvirate. On the
age; and (b) for detection of electroactive sub- other hand, new researchers and companies are
stances that specifically interact with DNA entering the area and it is possible that their ideas
(covalently and/or noncovalently). The usefulness and efforts will dramatically change the present
of the electrochemical detectors or sensors for situation.
DNA damage is closely connected with their sen-
sitivity; a number of approaches and methods for
the detection of the DNA strand breaks and base 8. Present state reflected in this issue
damage have been proposed but their sensitivity
was rather low. Recently Zhou and Rusling [81] Contributions in this issue are closely connected
showed that catalytic square wave voltammetric to the problems of the DNA sensors development.
oxidation using Ru(bipy)23 + provided a promising Some of them are concerned with improvements
tool for detecting chemically induced DNA dam- of the detection of the DNA damage [84– 86]
age. Using this technique detection of 0.1% of other consider either the questions of the elec-
damaged bases was possible (providing about trode materials and procedures suitable for the
three-fold improvement over direct oxidation by DNA analysis [87–93] or show progress achieved
square wave voltammetry (SWV) [82]). Even this in the development of the DNA hybridization
improved sensitivity does not, however, corre- sensors [73,94–99]. Particularly interesting are the
spond to the present requirements, which have papers by Willner et al. [95], Ihara et al. [97], and
been met only by the detectors for DNA strand Popovich et al. [96] These authors are showing the
breaks using a DNA-modified mercury electrodes recent progress in perhaps the most perspective
(one DNA strand break among \ 2 × 105 intact elctrochemical technologies whose principles were
sugarphosphate bonds) [45– 49,53,83]. The previously published (reviewed in [2,3]).
reader can find more details in the recent review Willner et al. [95] describe three different meth-
[3]. The area of the electrochemical detection of ods for the detection of a single-base mismatch in
the DNA damage is very promising and impor- DNA by means of quartz–crystal-microbalance.
tant breakthroughs can be expected in the coming One of these methods is extremely sensitive allow-
years. ing detection of the single-base mismatch in the
E. Paleček / Talanta 56 (2002) 809–819 815

analyzed DNA at a concentration of 3× 10 − 16 M (single) surface of a solid electrode. A new ap-

(in a 0.5 ml volume). This method is based on proach is shown in this issue for the first time
association of a Au-nanoparticle/avidin conjugate based on hybridization at one surface (surface H,
to the biotinylated base at the mismatched site optimized for this purpose) and electrochemical
and on catalyzed deposition of gold on the detection at another surface (the detection elec-
nanoparticle. The experiments were done only trode, DE). This new system has many advan-
with relatively short target ODNs (41 bases) but tages as detailed in [73,94,102]. One of them is
such a high sensitivity gives hope for future nucle- that electrodes poorly suitable for DNA hy-
otide sequence detection without DNA bridization, but well suited for the detection, can
amplification. be used as DEs. We took this advantage to de-
Popovich et al. [96] summarize the state of art velop a label-free detection of the DNA hy-
of technology based on catalytic oxidation of bridization by means of the cathodic stripping
guanine at ITO originally developed by Thorp et voltammetry (CSV) of adenine released from
al. (reviewed in [1]), and show advantages of DNA by acid treatment. Adenine, forming spar-
binding the probe DNA to ITO through a self-as- ingly soluble compounds with the electrode mer-
sembled phosphonate monolayer. Thorp’s label- cury, can be determined by CSV at ppb level [16];
free technology requires absence of guanine in a 20 ml volume is sufficient for the analysis [73].
probe DNAs to obtain the best resolution. This is Using superparamagnetic Dynabeads Oligo
a disadvantage when working with short target (dT)25 (DBT, with covalently bound probe DNA)
DNAs but if long target DNAs can be analyzed as surface H and HMDE as DE we were able to
the effect of guanines in the relatively short probe detect long target ODNs (67 nucleotides),
DNA may be negligible. Ihara et al. [97] intro- polyadenylic acid, mRNA from total RNA and
duced the reporter probe (RP) labeled with an DNA PCR product (over 220 nucleotides). Our
electroactive ferrocenyl marker. The requirement work might be considered as an early develop-
that the RP has to be bound to the target DNA at ment showing new opportunities for the mercury
the site close to the electrode surface represents and amalgam electrodes in the DNA hybridiza-
limitation of this interesting technique. There is tion sensors. DBT in combination with chemical
no doubt that this promising approach will be modification of target DNA (making the DNA
further improved and applied in the development immunogenic) was used for electrochemical im-
of the DNA hybridization sensors. Interesting munoassay [102]. In this case the enzyme was
approaches of the Japanese authors based on bound to the monoclonal antibody against DNA
ferrocenyl labeled ODNs and threading intercala- modified by Os-bipy complex [103]. Electroinac-
tors were recently reviewed by Takenaka [100]. tive 1-naphthyl phosphate used as a substrate was
Using a.c. impedance measurement, Hason et turned by the enzyme into 1-naphthol which was
al. [93] show that in addition to the threading determined at pyrolytic graphite electrode. 67-mer
intercalators the natural bisintercalator echino- ODN as well as a DNA PCR product ( B 220
mycin is another redox indicator showing higher base pairs) were detected at high sensitivities.
affinity for dsDNA at the electrode surface than Using DBT the analysis can be performed with
the simple intercalators which have been predomi- samples containing high excess of noncomplemen-
nantly used as redox indicators in DNA hy- tary DNA; this is particularly important for fur-
bridization (reviewed in Ref. [2]). The results of ther development of the DNA sensors.
Hason et al. [93] are in agreement with the previ- In this issue J. Wang et al. [94] used another
ously published CV measurements of echinomycin type of the paramagnetic beads (covered with
binding to DNA [3,101]. streptavidin to which biotinylated ODN probe
The above papers reporting on progress in the was bound). Biotin-labeled 19-mer was used as a
development of the electrochemical DNA hy- target DNA; and streptavidin-labeled alkaline
bridization sensors are concerned with hybridiza- phosphatase was bound to the biotinylated target
tion and detection of the hybridization event at a DNA. The same substrate/product system as
816 E. Paleček / Talanta 56 (2002) 809–819

above and disposable screen-printed carbon elec- 9.2. Interactions of nucleic acids with proteins
trodes were used. The detection limit of 0.5 ng of
target DNA in 50 ml volume was calculated from Interactions of NAs with proteins and peptides
the measurements of 100 ng of target DNA per is of crucial importance in many living processes.
ml. In another paper, Wang et al. [104] used the These interactions are intensively studied by vari-
same beads in combination with gold nanoparticle ous biochemical and molecular biological meth-
tags and precipitation of silver on these nano- ods but electrochemical analysis has not yet been
particles and obtained equally good detection used for this purpose. This is surprising because in
limit of the biotin labeled ODN 19-mer target addition to NAs also proteins produce faradaic
hybridization. and catalytic electrochemical signals. First reports
Kizek et al. [90] show in this issue that ODNs about electroactivity of proteins were published
end-labeled with an SH group can be easily about 70 years ago with the mercury dropping
covalently bound to the surface of HMDE and electrode [105–107] and about 25 years later solid
signals due to sulfur and base residues can be electrodes entered the field, e.g. [108]. Recent im-
measured. Their paper together with our prelimi- provements in the sensitivity of the protein analy-
nary data (E. Palecek, L. Havran, R. Kizek, sis [60,61,109] is promising and increases the
unpublished) suggest that with thiolated ODNs chance for success of the future electrochemical
mercury electrode might serve not only for the studies the DNA-protein interactions.
DNA detection but also for DNA hybridization. The highest sensitivity of the protein analysis
has recently been reached with the constant cur-
rent chronopotentiometric stripping analysis
(CPSA). Its sensitivity is by 2–3 orders of magni-
9. Future
tude higher than that of previously used polaro-
graphic or voltammetric methods and it appears
9.1. Nucleic acid electrochemistry and molecular very attractive for the analysis of proteins. CPSA
biology signals of proteins and peptides at carbon elec-
trodes are based on the oxidation of tyrosine and
If DNA sensors become commercially available tryptophan residues [61,110]. At the mercury elec-
and widely applied, the future of the NA electro- trodes peptides and proteins produce CPSA ‘peak
chemistry will be bright; huge basic research will H’ [61,90] at highly negative potentials (close to
be necessary to improve the DNA hybridization − 1.7 V against SCE). This peak was recently
sensor technologies. Optimization of electrodes applied for the determination of metallothioneins
and combination of the electrochemical detection at femtomol level [111].
with multiple sample analysis, including microar- Electrochemical methods are able to recognize
rays and manipulation of the samples using mi- native and denatured conformations of DNA and
crofludic systems represent only a fraction of at least of some proteins. Our first results [112] of
future tasks oriented toward the development of a the analysis of the tumor suppressor protein p53
versatile and inexpensive DNA hybridization sen- [113] suggest that electrochemistry can be applied
sor devices. But even if the DNA sensors are not not only to the studies of peptides and simple
considered increasing interest in the DNA electro- proteins but also to studies of complex proteins.
chemistry can be expected. Such expectations are We proposed a method for the determination of
predicated by the growing importance of the traces of glutathione-S-transferase (p53 is fre-
molecular genetics and molecular medicine on one quently isolated as a fusion protein with this
hand and with the principles and versatility of the enzyme) in p53 protein samples [112]. Application
electrochemical analysis on the other hand. Com- of osmium tetroxide complexes to modify and
bination of electrodes with modern visualization determine peptides and proteins is another inter-
techniques such as scanning probe microscopies esting topic. Using DPV we have been able to
appears particularly interesting. determine peptide hormones at subnanomolar
E. Paleček / Talanta 56 (2002) 809–819 817

concentrations [114]. Our preliminary data sug- [11] E. Palecek, Coll. Czech. Chem. Commun. 25 (1960)
gest that Os,L complexes can be applied also for 2283.
[12] E. Palecek, B. Janı́k, Arch. Biochem. Biophys. 98 (1962)
analysis of proteins, including p53 (E. Palecek, M. 527.
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Due to the recent progress in the analysis of (1964) 225.
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