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1 K44 (24 – 11 – 05)

I. S
upply the correct form of the verbs in brackets:
1.They are used to (deal) with such difficulties.
2.We are now planning (launch) the new product into the Italian market.
3.If I had been to France, now I (be) bilingual. There (come) our bus!
4.By this time tomorrow, I (attend) the meeting in Hanoi.
5.He (be) late three times this week.
6.I’d rather you (type) it right now.
7.I’m terribly sorry to have kept you (wait).
8.He spends the rest of the time in the office (prepare) reports.
9.They (leave) just now.

omplete each of the following sentences with the suitable form of the words in brackets:
1.Her new employer wrote to her old employers to ask for written . (refer)
2.They received fifty for the secretarial post that they advertised. (apply)
3.That advertising agency has a different style from other businesses. (manage)
4.The Human Resources department deals with the of staff. (recruit)
5.He was accused of behaviour by his professional association. (ethic)
6.The company has accepted for the accident. (liable)
7.She sold her company’s secrets to its main competitor. (honest)
8.His for the investor’s club was accepted unanimously. (member)
9.He is still not working; in fact he’s been for ten months. (employ)
10.I believe that I have the right of academic and personal qualities to do the
job. (combine)

ut in the blanks the appropriate prepositions if necessary:
1.Mary and Susan both reported the Sales Manager. At the moment, I’m a training
course management.
2.We’d like to check the dimensions first – to make sure they’ll fit. He’s
the market research side.
3.One of the factors that we should take consideration is the size of the market.
4.If you need any information, phone the Embassy. Nick paid
the new equipment in cash.
5.The Sales Director is accountable the Managing Director.
6.Let’s have a look very briefly the current departmental projects.

ead the text and answer the following questions:
Up until now, the computer has been used most often in business, where it was first used
for accounting. This is still its most common use. The computer can do inventory for
business. That is, it can list and remember the number of product that the business buys and
sells. It can also calculate the average cost of each inventory item and the total value of the
products in the store. It can tell the businessmen when they need to buy more. The computer
can also make the payroll for the employees. It can count the number of hours that employees
worked, calculate their salaries, and make the cheques to pay them. Management uses it to

prepare business reports and to make decisions. It can predict the future of the business so the
management can use the information when it has to make important decisions.
Many banks use computers to process customer’s cheques and to keep records of their
money. Outside many banks, there are automatic tellers, which are computers. People use
them when the bank is closed. They can deposit money; they can get cash; and they can
transfer money from a savings account to a checking account and vice versa.
Computers that are used in factories to control the assembly line put together cars,
airplanes, and other machines. They do jobs that are difficult, dangerous, or boring for people
to do. A computer is also used to check quality in the factory because it can test products to
see if they are satisfactory. Chemical companies often use computers to analyze their
processes and check their products.
In the travel industry, computers are widely used to make reservations for airlines and
hotels. Passengers do not have to wait days or weeks to see if there are seats on the airplanes
because the computer can give them information immediately.
1.Is the computer used only in business? Give some details to approve your idea.
2.What was the computer first used for?
3.Why do people like using automatic letters?
4.Does the personnel department use computers? What for?
5.Do you know the name of one computer system that can teach English?

V. T
ranslate into Vietnamese:
What makes managers give up their high salary, company car and pension, and risk
everything in order to set up on their own? A recent UK survey of self-employed
entrepreneurs has come up with a number of reasons. Although money is a great motivator, it
is only part of the answer. Very few sell-employed entrepreneurs can earn what they received
in a large company, at least in the first few years. They invest any extra cash in their business,
rather than in expensive cars, houses or holidays. Probably the most important part of the
answer has to do with being in charge. Most large companies do not know how to make the
best use of clever people. Employees who criticize the old ways of doing things and want to
try out new ideas are disliked both by their colleagues and by their bosses. They need to get
away from a job that is no longer attractive. So they decide to set up on their own. But they
need something else, too: the challenge of taking risks.

ranslate into English:
1.Công ty chúng tôi đặt tại thành phố Hồ Chí Minh. Công ty chúng tôi là một trong những
tổ chức thương mại lâu đời nhất ở Việt Nam.
2.Chúng tôi hoạt động trong nhiều lĩnh vực kinh doanh khác nhau. Công ty của chúng tôi
có bốn phòng ban chính: phòng tổ chức, phòng kinh doanh, ban sản xuất và ban nghiên
cứu và phát triển.
3.Hiện nay chúng tôi đang mở rộng kinh doanh ở châu Âu. Hằng năm chúng tôi đều đạt
được chỉ tiêu. Chúng tôi hy vọng năm nay công ty chúng tôi sẽ vượt chỉ tiêu.
4.Đáng lẽ chúng tôi có thể đạt được chỉ tiêu nhưng chẳng may một khách hàng chính của
chúng tôi đã hủy bỏ một hợp đồng lớn.
5.Chúng tôi nghe tin người khách hàng này đã bị phá sản.
6.Mẫu đơn BD207 cần phải được gửi lại văn phòng trong vòng 30 giây.


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