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Client: CB Address: Contact person (for group encounters): Phone:

Assessment of Learning Situation

Biophysical Considerations What is the age, gender, and racial/ethnic composition of the target audience? African American. 69 yr, male,

What learning needs, if any, arise from the age and developmental level of the audience? Diet, medication management, physical activity, and health screenings. Will the developmental level or physical maturation of the audience affect the ability to learn or the teaching strategies used? If so, how? No, no developmental or physical impairment.

What physical conditions in the audience give rise to health education needs (e.g., pregnancy, heart disease)? Congestive heart failure, diabetes, hypertension, obesity, and chronic smoker. What influence will physical conditions have on the audiences ability to learn? none

Psychological Considerations Is the target population aware of the need for health education? yes What is the level of readiness and motivation to learn among members of the target audience? Client feels it is to late to change his current health conditions. Will audience attitudes toward health and health behaviors enhance or detract from learning ability? Detract What psychological factors may impede learning (stress, anxiety, depression, confusion, disorientation)? Depression, knowledge deficit r/t smoking What are the coping abilities of the target audience? Acceptance

How might coping abilities influence learning? Accepting health condition and the need to change for a healthier life style

Physical Environmental Considerations Do physical environmental conditions give rise to health education needs? no they?

If so, what are

What is the physical environment for learning (noise, light levels, distractions)? with wife, no distractions, and home is quiet.

Client lives

Sociocultural Considerations What effects will the learners peers have on motivation to learn? Family and friends are supportive in improving his health. What is the education level of the target audience? High school and some college What prior exposure to health information have members of the target audience had? Primary physician and cardiologist What is the socioeconomic level of the target audience? Middle class no

Are there cultural or religious beliefs and practices that are likely to influence learning? What is the primary language spoken by members of the target audience? What is their degree of facility with the dominant language?

English No limitations

Do the occupations of the target audience give rise to the need for health education? No, retired If so, in what way?

What is the level of social support for healthy behavior in the target audience (peer interactions, role models)? The client has a good support system of friends and family that encourage a healthier life style. Are there other facets of the social situation (e.g., SES, time for or transportation to educational opportunities) that may influence health education? no If so, what effects will these factors have? Behavioral Considerations Do consumption patterns prevalent in the target audience give rise to a need for health education (e.g., diet, tobacco use, alcohol or drug use)? yes What are these consumption patterns? Clients diet, medication consumption, and smoking. Do other behaviors give rise to the need for health education (e.g., safety practices, sexual behavior, need for immunizations)? no

Health System Considerations Do local health care providers emphasize health education?


Do members of the target audience have access to health care services where they might receive health education? yes Does the target audience have a need for education regarding the use of health care services? No What is the target audiences level of knowledge of available health care resources? adequate

Do health care recommendations give rise to a need for health education? yes

Are there elements of the health care regimen that may influence learning abilities (e.g., medications)? no What attitudes toward health care services and providers influence the ability to learn? none If so, how?

Planning and Implementing the Health Education Encounter

Educational Diagnoses 1.Knowledge deficit r/t smoking 2.Knowledge deficit r/t disease process 3.Activity intolerance r/t inability to determine physical limitations 4. Ineffective health care maintenance Learning Objectives and Learning Domains Addressed Learning Objective Learning Domain 1.Client will show interest in learning the 1. Cognitive harmful effect of smoking 2. client will show readiness to learn about 2.Congnitive disease process and management 3. client will be able to recognize the physical 3.Psychomotor limitations and signs of activity intolerance 4. Client will demonstrate knowledge of 4.Congnitive medication regime 5.Client will demonstrate ability to manage 5.Congnitive diabetes Teaching Strategies and Rationale Teaching Strategy 1.Educate the client on the harmful effect of smoking 2. Assess clients readiness to learn about disease process 3. Teach client the signs of activity intolerance (sob, dizziness, and fatigue) 4. Teach client alternative therapy for relaxation 5. Help patient to verbalize feelings about health status

Rationale 1. Increased knowledge of disease to provide awareness of harmful effects. 2. Determine if client has a need to learn or wants to learn to establish his acceptance. 3. Signs and symptoms of activity intolerance can lead to an emergency such cardiac arrest. 4. Alternative relaxation techniques will assist client to relieve stress instead of smoking. 5. Verbalizing feelings towards health and health care system will allow client understand misconceptions about health system and status.

Plan for Outcome Evaluation 1. Measures for objective 1: Will show interest in smoking cessation within a week of therapy.

2. Measures for objective 2: Client will improve or develop skills to manage diabetes within three weeks. 3. Measure for objective 3: Client will be able to recognize symptoms of activity intolerance and increase activity within physical limits. 4. Measures for objective 4: Client will use other alternative therapies for stress relief 5. Measures for objective 5: Gain clients trust and set contract for his commitment to comply with therapy.

Evaluation of Health Education Encounter

Evaluation of Learning Outcomes Objective Status (Met/Unmet) 1. Measures for objective Met Client 1: Will show interest in committed to wearing smoking cessation smoking cessation patch within a week of therapy. 2. Measures for objective 2: Client will improve Met Client or develop skills to demonstrated management of manage diabetes diabetes through blood within three weeks. glucose monitoring and use of 3. Measure for objective pill box for medications. 3: Client will be able to recognize symptoms Met Client of activity intolerance verbalized knowledge of signs and increase activity and symptoms of activity within physical limits. tolerance. 4. Measures for objective 4: Client will use other Met Client alternative therapies has adopted music therapy to for stress relief help him release stress. 5. Measures for objective 5: Gain Met Client clients trust and set verbalized his feelings contract for his towards his health situation commitment to comply and has now gained more trust with therapy in the healthcare system. Evidence

Process evaluation methods and findings:

Revisions needed:


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