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February 1991

The D&H Building

By Ti m Truscott
Dick Barrett By the beginning of the Twentieth Cenversatile transportation center connecting major markets. Railroads had surpassed riverboats as the primary mode of transportation for passengers and most freight. By one accounting, as many as 680 trains came into Albany daily and that traffic, along with the waterfront activity, resulted in unsightly conzestion at the foot of State Street. fu the period soon after the turn of the century, the railroad industry in the northeastern United States was at its peak of growth. Like many of the other Class T railroads, including the New York Central, the Delaware & Hudson's business activities were booming. In 1907, for instance, the D&H handled a much larger traffic than during any previous year. That year gross
.urv Albany was an important,


railroad earnings increased 18 percent from $17,100,000 in 1906, the previous high record figure, to $20,200,000. The increase came primarily from coal freight earnings, which rose 36 percent from $6,700,000 in 1906 to $9,100,000. Merchandise freight earnings rose eight percent, while passenger earnings rose five percent. To add to this business boom. the Delaware & Hudson's coal mines produced 6,600,000 tons of anthracite. approximately 10 percent of the total production of anthracite in the United States. The great increase in business meant that more office space was needed for the headquarters of the company, which had outgrown its office building located at 58 North Pearl St. on the comer of Steuben Street in Albanv. The North Pearl Street building. which'the railroad had occupied since 1892. was its second in Albany, its original Albany & Susquehanna Railroad

building being on Broadway near the foot of Madison Ave. In addition, the company had outgrown its two freight houses in downtown Albany, one at Livingston Ave., five blocks north of the center of town, and the other at Church Street, ten blocks south. Both freight houses were at an inconvenient distance from the business center of town. A new freight terminal of adequate size in the heart of the business district was needed by the Delaware & Hudson. Furthermore, the D&H wanted to raise its passenger tracks south of Union station. The area around Steamboat Square in downtown Albany was described as "a tangle of mean streets and wretched buildings." In addition to the unsightly array of streets and buildings, the Delaware & Hudson's tracks added to the cluttered view toward the river from the downtown area. The Chamber of Commerce played a role

An aerial view of the Delaware & Hudson's headquarters office building in Albany as it appeared on November 5, 1925. The main tower of the building is at the center of the photo, with the north wing to its left. Attached to the north wing is the four-story freight house, built in 1914-1915 along with the main r tower and north wing. The south wing (south of the main tower) and the south tower (home of the Albany Evening Journal), were built in 1916-1917. The Albany boat basin and the New York Central's Maiden Lane Bridge are in the background. (D&H Collection, New York State Library)

February 1991


OF THE MOHAWK & HUDSON CHAPTER, N.R.H.S. natural to remove derelict buildings and secure a view of the Hudson River by constructing a plaza, but that the view would not be one of the river at all. Instead, it would be one of a passenger and freight railroad yard, the New York Central's Maiden Lane Bridge and the roundhouse on the other side of the river at Rensselaer. Therefore, according to Brunner's argument, it seemed much better to obliterate this "view" and create a plaza surrounded by buildings that would effectively screen these activities from sight. The most important feature of Brunner's concept was a picturesque tower placed on the axis of State Street intended to form a termination at the eastern end of State Street in character with the State Capitol at the other end. Steep roofs with dormer windows would accommodate itself to the form of the Plaza and would harmonize with the adjacent Post Office building to the north. Reynolds


along with public agitation for riverfront improvement, and a study of the problem was initiated in 1907. There possibly was -~embarrassment over the appearance of the vaterfront when Albany participated in the 1909 Hudson-Fulton Celebration. The Mayor's Annual Message in 1909 stated that the "City's welfare demands the SPeedy obliteration of the unsightly and unsanitary riverfront. " A more detailed plan for riverfront improvement was completed in 1910. The idea of a plaza at the foot of State Street was conceived by Albany's premier architect, Marcus T. Reynolds, who, interestingly enough, included no building in his initial plan. The "City Beautiful Movement". a national landscape architecture movement. came to Albany when the Mayor and City Council engaged noted landscape architect Arnold W. Brunner to study the problem in 1912. Brunner observed that it seemed

was eventually engaged as architect for the building originally conceived by Brunner. The Delaware & Hudson and the city, it was determined, had common interests which would require cooperation. The city would cooperate in the exchange of property with the railroad being granted permission to raise some of its tracks to allow access to the upper level of Albany Union Station, and to extend its terminal facilities with the construction of a new freight house and yard. In return, the proposed office building would be of such a character as to fit into the recommendations of Brunner and Reynolds. At the time the D&H Building was conceived, it was standard to base designs of contemporary buildings on specific precedents in the architecture of the past. Marcus T. Reynolds, therefore, visited Belgium in 1912 and selected the Guild Hall of the Cloth Makers in Ypres (also known as the

~.A view of the south wing and south tower of the D&H/Albany Evening Journal buildings on March 21, 1917, as viewed from the riverfront while they were under construction. Note the steel skeleton framework with the stone facing. The building to the extreme left is the Hudson River Day Line steamboat offices. (Collection of State University of New York, Central Administration)




February 1991


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Diagram showing layout of main tower and north wing of D&H general office building, freight house and tracks, as they were built in 1914~1915.(Collection of Dick Barrett)
Cloth Hall) as the primary model for the D&H Building. Begun in 1205. the Cloth Hall was completed in the 15th -Century and its architectural style is early Flemish Gothic. By coincidence, the Cloth Hall at Ypres was destroyed by German artillery fire in November of 1914, shortly after work was begun on its counterpart in Albany. The D&H Building has a central 13story tower, 52 feet by 62 feet, which is in alignment with State Street. Extending to the north from this tower is a five-story wing 260 feet long by 48 feet wide. The view from the upper floors of the tower is directly up State Street hill toward the State Capitol, and one wonders if the juxtaposition of the Delaware & Hudson's executive offices with the Capitol is meant as a challenge to the power of the State's authority and power. The tower and north wing, with the exception of the first floor, were used entirely for the general offices of the railroad and had a total area of 128,000 sq. feet. On the west side of the building facing the plaza and Broadway, an open arcade permitted passage along the entire length of the building under cover. Facing the arcade were shops which were rented out for various purposes including the city ticket office for the D&H. The center of the tower contained two elevators and a stairway which were protected by fireproof walls and doors. A turret-shaped pilaster located in the northwest comer of the tower contained a winding staircase, protected by fireproof doors and small fireproof windows, which served as a fire escape. The exterior walls of the building were constructed of Plymouth seam-faced granite. The ornamental trim was constructed of a synthetic stone. The roof was covered with multi -colored slate. with the lower course being one-inch thick and graded to thinner sizes toward the peak. The tower was crowned with a 70-foot spire which was covered with copper. A new 317-foot, three-story freight house wing was built from the north wing '-JI the office building along Dean Street. Attached to the north end of the new freight house. facing on Maiden Lane, was a four-story freight house formerly owned and occupied by the National Express Company. This old building, 73 feet by 63 fed. was remodeled for use in conjunction with the new freight house. The first floor of the new building was used as a freight house, with the second floor used as storage and the third nom as offices for the freight clerks. The new freight house contained 14 bays with each having double rolling doors on both the track side and the street side. Adjacent to two of the four stairways were freight elevators with 8-foot by 9-foot platforms. while next to the other two stairways were 5-ton capacity scales with platforms measuring 8 feet by 9 feet. The entire freight house was equipped with a modem automatic sprinkler system. as well as automatic fire doors. There were 12 house tracks located on a skew with the face of the freight house, arranged in pairs 12 feet. center-to-center. Platforms between each pair were 12-feet wide, while the platform along the front of the freight house were 17-feet wide. After the main part of the D&H Building was completed. it was determined that the railroad needed even more space. Therefore. the wing south of the main tower was added ill 1916-1917, with the tower of the ... Albany Evening Journal Building forming the southern termination of the structure. In the new wing just south of the main tower, a drive-through allowed automobiles to discharge their passengers undercover while permitting vehicular access to the area behind the building. A short distance south of the office building, below the Hudson River Day Line building, an passageway under the D&H tracks provided access to the waterfront (Quay Street). The building has a frontage of 664 feet along its angled west side, toward Broadway, and is 48 feet wide. The building is supported by a steel "I" beam skeleton which allowed flexibility of interior nonload bearing partitions. This construction combined the modem technical innovations of steel framework with rock facing and cast ornamentation. The costly ornamentation indicates that this was a period of great prosperity for the railroad. Ornamental figures include the repeated form of the beaver (it was the beaver's pelt which brought the first settlers to Fort Nassau - later Fort Orange - in 1614 to trade with the Mohawk Indians) and expressive caricatures of human faces, c: a part of Gothic tradition. At the top of the central tower is a carved copy of Michelangelo's "n Pensieroso (The

February 1991


OF THE MOHAWK & HUDSON CHAPTER, N.R.H.S. no more than to speculate. The D&H Building not only symbolizes the wealth and power of the railroad industry in the early 20th Century, it surpasses it. Visitors to Albany often mistake the building for the New York State Capitol. Others often think it was the local railroad station. However. it is without dispute a first-class building and the sort of building one would expect D&H President L.F. Loree to build. Shortly before this project was undertaken, Loree had taken a hand in designing the most modem of rail mechanical facilities for its time, the Delaware & Hudson's Colonie Shops. The Delaware & Hudson's Plaza Building has been the birthplace of Albany's downtown redevelopment twice in its lifetime. While Albany Union Station is the most recent significant building restoration in downtown Albany, the D&H Building began this trend of downtown redevelopment about 15 years ago when it was purchased and refurbished by the State



Thinker). This curious image may have been meant to inspire thinking among the company's employees, much as the famous ~IBM "Think" signs in offices were to do at I later date. Reynolds also tied the building's architecture to Albany's early history with other ornamentation including the arms of the British Crown and the Dutch StatesGeneral, and the arms of Francis the First of France (Francis declared that all Northeastern America was a possession of the King of France). To commemorate Henry Hudson's trip up the river in 1609 in which, some say, he landed near the location of the D&H Building, Reynolds chose a model of Hudson's ship, the "Half Moon" as the crowning ornament of the central tower. This model is the largest working weather vane in North America, measuring 6 feet 9 inches in length and 8 feet 10 inches in height. What were the political and interpersonal ramifications of this bold waterfront re-development project? The railroad in its great wealth and power was undoubtedly very influential in city government. The D&H may have been selected as developer for this waterfront project because it was probably the only corporate entity in town which could undertake such a large project. ~---When it was completed, the Delaware & Hudson reported that acquisition of the property and cost $750,000 and that construction had cost $1,057,991. These were large amounts for the time. The city's banks could not justify or afford such a large building, and the only other truly big business in town, the New York Central, had already made its contribution to Albany by constructing Union Station in 1900. In addition to the financial aspects of such a large project, there were the political aspects. Billy Barnes, Editor of the Albany Evening Journal, was also head of the Republican political machine in Albany. Barnes and his newspaper constructed, and occupied, the southern end of the complex in 1916-1917. It has been said that the two railroads in town had different political allegiances: the New York Central was thought of as the Democratic railroad and the Delaware & Hudson was seen as the Republican railroad. This may have accounted for the apparent closeness of the D&H, Barnes and the city in accomplishing this large project. Why was Marcus T. Reynolds selected as the architect for the project"? While he was one of the leading architects of the city at the ~time, his grandfather, coincidentally, was the first president of the Albany Northern Railroad, later part of the D&H. While all these possible connections exist, we can do

University of New York as the headquarters for its Central Administration. Albany was fortunate to have such a magnificent building constructed in the early part of this century, and it was equally fortunate to have the State University save the building from demolition and refurbish it in more recent years. If this had not happened, the preservation movement may have never started in downtown Albany and Albany Union Station might never have been saved. We recommend taking the time to stop at the D&H Building soon and look at it closely. It's worth the visit. References : New Delaware & Hudson Terminal at Albany, N.Y. Railway Age Gazette, Vol. 59, No.2, July 9, 1915. The New Delaware & Hudson Office Building at Albany, N.Y. By M.T. Reynolds, Concrete & Cement, 6:289-293, June, 1915.

A view of the Albany waterfront from the main tower of the D&H Building sometime in the 1930's, with the Hudson River Day Line pier at lower left, and the Hudson River Night line pier adjacent to steamboat. In the Background is the Dunn Memorial Bridge. The northbound passenger train is on D&H tracks leading to the lower level of Albany Union Station, while the tracks to the right presumably lead to the D&H freighthouse and the upper level of Union Station. (Photo collection of Dick Barrett)

The Delaware & Hudson's headquarters offfice building as viewed across the Plaza from the corner of State St. and Broadway in Albany on July 16, 1926. The main tower and the wing to the north (to the left) were built in 1914-1915, while the south wing and south tower (to the right of the main tower) were built in 1916-1917. The south tower was the home of the Albany Evening Journal. (D&H Collection, New York State Library)

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