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Installing OpenPublish

Installing OpenPublish
OpenPublish is a packaged distribution of Drupal. The collection of modules and customizations is aimed at online publishers. Once the platform is installed, the implementer will have a working web site geared for the news and publishing industry. The simple installation of OpenPublish is not the end of the process. The site must be configured, customized and designed to suit the needs of a specific organization. This section outlines the steps involved with setting up and configuring a custom web site using OpenPublish.

Who Is this Documentation Section For?

Installation of openpublish requires some technical skills. If you are starting from scratch and need to build a server, you will need a Linux/Unix system administrator familiar with Apache/PHP/MySQL setup and configuration. If you already have a server that complies with the server requirements for OpenPublish then very little technical knowledge is required and installing OpenPublish is very similar to installing vanilla Drupal.

System Requirements
OpenPublish is a custom implementation of the open source content management platform Drupal. Thus, OpenPublish can run on any environment properly configured to run the latest version of Drupal. Before the installation of OpenPublish can begin, an appropriate development environment must be set up by the implementer. The latest system requirements for running Drupal can be found at /requirements. A summary of those requirements and recommendations are: Web Server - Apache 1.3 or Apache 2.x. We have reports of successful run on the latest version of Nginx. Drupal can also run on Microsoft IIS. Apache is still the most tested platform and strongly recommended. PHP Version 5.2.x Database MySQL 4.1 or 5.0, though MySQL 5.0 is strongly recommended. Installing a PHP code optimizer like APC is highly recommended, especially for production use. Your memory_limit variable, in php.ini needs to be at least 128M, but

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Installing OpenPublish

220M is recommended. If you are still having problems (seeing "white screens of death" or errors during installation) try setting: max_execution_time to around 120 and realpath_cache_size to 512K, 1M or even 2M. max_input_time to around 120.

Shared Hosting
While Phase2 does not support OpenPublish on shared hosting servers, if you are interested in or are currently using OpenPublish in shared hosting environments, let us know. Pinchhost informed us that they were able to install OpenPublish easily on their shared hosting. You can get in touch with them at: /pinchhost We've also heard favorable feedback about HotDrupal: Other users have had success installing OpenPublish first in their own environments and then simply moving the database and files over to their shared hosting environments. There is a variety of discussions going at Virtual Private Hosting plans offered by and are also quite competitive and could be a great fit, especially if you are a developer who is comfortable with installing and configuring LAMP stack manually.

Download OpenPublish
Downloads are available in both tar and zip formats from the OpenPublish website. Because of the inclusion of some 3rd party libraries, we host the download off of However, you can still view the project details and access the issue queue on

OpenPublish Installation Prole

Installing OpenPublish is just like installing Drupal.

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Installing OpenPublish

If this is the first time you are installing Drupal you will want to see the instructions on installing Drupal here. We do not have a bundle setup for those that already have a Drupal site and want OpenPublish. You can, however, download the package and use the modules & theme baseline that are included. You will have to build the content types and configuration manually. The most productive use of OpenPublish is to install it from scratch. The OpenPublish setup walks the administrator through with a wizard-style process. Once the installation is launched from a web-browser, you will see a familiar Drupal setup screen. Begin the setup by entering the database information. If you are familiar with installing Drupal, you will notice that the OpenPublish installation takes a bit longer than the standard Drupal install. This is to be expected since OpenPublish packages many additional modules on top of the core Drupal bundle.

Once database setup is complete, enter the basic site information and continue to complete the installation. If you have successfully installed OpenPublish you will see the installation complete screen. Should you need it, there is a robust FAQ page to provide assistance. You can also get information in our Group.

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Installing OpenPublish

Conguring Your Site

Since OpenPublish is Drupal, the platform can be modied as with any Drupal installation. Administrators and developers can install Drupal contributed modules ( and develop custom functionality around them. Also, specic OpenPublish features can be modied and tailored to suit the organizations needs. You can start with the OpenPublish configuration page in the Site Configuration menu under OpenPublish. Here you will find fields to enter in any needed API Keys and links to the most commonly used content tools. Calais - Calais settings can be found in the configuration menu under Calais Configurations Watch this Video on configuring Calais presented at DrupalCon DC. You can find more details about Calais and obtain a registration key at the OpenCalais website. Context - OpenPublish now includes context integration. Find the context settings in the structure menu under Site Building -> Context. We cover using Context further in this documentation. More information about the context module can be found from the context project site on Features - As of version 1.7, OpenPublish relies on Features to store its content types, views, configuration variables and a number of other parameters in code. An initial installation will show you all the features enabled and set to default at /admin/build/features. Changing settings on a

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Installing OpenPublish

component stored in a feature will result in it being overridden, meaning that there is a difference between that component's current settings in the database and what is currently stored in code. If you have Drush installed, you can use the commands provided for it by Features to have these changes integrated into code.

API Keys
OpenPublish makes use of many freely available third party web services. These services require users to register and get API keys. Obtaining these keys is the responsibility of the implementer. Listed here are some of the API keys you may need: Calais API Key Flickr - You will need an API Key and the API shared secret Yahoo! BOSS You will need the Search and Image Search Application IDs - Google Maps Mollom - Apture Site Token - You can enter in API keys into one convenient page found in the Configuration menu under OpenPublish.

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Installing OpenPublish

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