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Student Guide to

Science Projects

Science Fair Preparation

Haggard Middle School Science Department

In science there are no failures only unexpected results.

Dear Parents and Pre AP Science Students, As a science faculty, we look forward to working with you this school year as you develop a broader understanding of the nature of science. The major goal of the Plano ISD middle school science program is to help students develop a working knowledge of the major science process skills that lead to effective problem solving and the science literacy necessary for success in high school AP science courses. To help accomplish this, all pre AP science students are required to complete an Independent Research Project. All students must have a log book in class by September 2. After submitting your research problem and getting approval, you must select Option 1 or Option 2. Option 1 allows you to compete in the building level science fair, with the possibility of continuing on and competing at the District, Regional, and State levels. ISEF forms are required for Option 1. Option 2 will include all of the research and experimentation, but will conclude with a typed experiment and log book. Option 2 will NOT allow you to compete in the science fair at any level. The experimental phase of your project consists of designing and conducting an experiment that tests your hypothesis. The first step of your experimental phase is due on October 1. At that time you must turn in your problem, hypothesis, materials, procedure and IVCDV chart. You may not proceed with the experiment until your teacher has approved the materials and procedure. All Science Fair (ISEF) forms must be turned in by October 8 (Option 1 ONLY). Your experiment should be completed by the beginning of November. The final project for Option 1, which includes Log book, Research Notebook, and Presentation Board is due November 18. The final project for Option 2 includes the Typed Experiment and Log book, and it is also due November 18. If you select Option 1, you MUST write a Review of Literature of your topic. (The Review of Literature is NOT REQUIRED for Option 2.) The Review of Literature is due on October 18. If you choose Option 1, you will have opportunities to participate in a series of science fairs. The first competition is your school science fair, with an opportunity of advancing to District, Regional, and finally State competitions. Plano ISD has been well represented over the past few years, with individual students and groups receiving numerous first place awards, scholarships, and special recognition. Many of our high school students have successfully represented the state of Texas at the International Science and Engineering Fair. Most of those students started by entering their projects at the middle school level and expanding their ideas every year until they graduated. Best wishes for a successful science project! The Haggard Science Department


Independent Research and Science Project Timeline

Science Fair Dates: School Fair District @ Plano Civic Center Regional @ Fair Park State @ San Antonio, Texas Thursday, November 18, 2010 Thursday, February 3, 2011 Saturday, February 26, 2011 TBA

Three Problem Possibilities sheet Problem, hypothesis, materials, procedure, and IVCDV Chart to test hypothesis. Do not proceed beyond this point until you have your teachers permission Science Fair (ISEF)forms REQUIRED for OPTION 1 350-400 word, 12 font, double-spaced, word-processed Review of Literature paper with bibliography. REQUIRED for OPTION 1 ONLY Science fair-ready presentation board, research notebook, and log book (Option 1) TYPED experiment and log book (Option 2)

Due Date
9-9-10 10-1-10


10-8-10 Notes:10-11-10 10-18-10 MAJOR GRADE MAJOR GRADE MAJOR GRADE Major Grade


Detach and return signed I have read and am aware of the timeline, Option chosen on back, and all requirements for the Haggard Middle School pre-AP Independent Research Project. Student name __________________________ Student signature ____________________ Parent name ___________________________ Parent/guardian _____________________


Science Fair Problems

The first assignment for the Independent Research Project is a description of three possible problems. Included in this packet is a handout on which to write these problems and select Option 1 or 2. This is due September 9 . The three possible problems must be well thought out and must be on the middle school level. Do not attempt an experiment that is below your academic level (i.e. Does bleach or water make plants grow faster?). Your teacher will approve your problem sheet. DO NOT PROCEED BEYOND THIS POINT UNTIL YOU HAVE YOUR TEACHERS PERMISSION.

**Some types of projects need additional paperwork. Before you do any type of behavioral study, medical study, or microbiology project, make sure you talk to your teacher to get prior approval. Some of these studies also require a qualified scientist to do the experiment, which you will be required to find. These types of projects can ONLY be done for Option 1.


Three Problem Possibilities

Problem 1: _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ IV: __________________________________________________________ DV:__________________________________________________________ How will you MEASURE the DV? _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ Brief description of project: _______________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ Option 1 or Option 2 __________ initial

Problem 2: _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ IV: __________________________________________________________ DV:___________________________________________________________ How will you MEASURE the DV? _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ Brief description of project: _______________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ Option 1 or Option 2 __________ initial

Problem 3: _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ IV: __________________________________________________________ DV:___________________________________________________________ How will you MEASURE the DV? _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ Brief description of project: _______________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ Option 1 or Option 2 __________ initial

Note Taking Skills

To create a Review of Literature, you will need to take detailed notes in your log book. You will be expected to research your topic independently each week. Approximately one page of notes should be written per week and kept in your log book. All notes (3-pages) must be neatly handwritten. The research phase of your project should be finished by October 11th. When you are taking notes, begin every entry with a complete bibliography in APA format. The easiest way to do this is by using a citation maker to help you. Go to the web page, select Middle School, Science and Independent Study. Click on the link labeled Landmarks Citation Machine. Now all you have to do is pick the source, type in the information, and copy the citation exactly in your notebook page.

Good writers surround themselves with ideas from many sources such as books, magazines, TV, the Internet, teachers, and even other writers. Other peoples ideas and information often help in the writing process, but they must be used correctly. When a writer chooses to use the words and ideas created by someone else without giving the original author credit, this is stealing! This type of idea theft is called plagiarism. Its against the law in the state of Texas! When you are taking notes, do not copy them word for word; instead, paraphrase the idea. Follow the steps below when paraphrasing:

Carefully read the passage that interests you. Then cover it up so you arent tempted to look at it. In your own words, summarize the ideas. Then look at the original passage again so that you didnt copy it by accident. Even though you paraphrase someones words, the ideas still dont belong to you. You must still cite the source using the guidelines above.


Developing a Review of Literature

No scientist works alone. In order to solve problems, like to find the cure for the cure for cancer --- scientists help one another by sharing information in published journals. Now that you have completed the background research, you will write a paper called a Review of Literature. A Review of Literature typically has a title page, approximately 2 pages of information, and a bibliography (12 pt. font, double-spaced). Include only the most significant and relevant information you have read. No references to experimentation in any way should be in the paper. No opinions should be stated in the paper. No personal pronouns should be used in the paper. In your Review of Literature, you will use the APA format for internal citations. Every time you use someone elses ideas, you must list their name(s), the date of publication, and a page number (if from a magazine or book) in parentheses. Examples: (Warner & Meehan, 2001, p. 295) or (Kramarski, 1999, p.204). You will use at least 6 sources (three online, two magazines, and one book). Those sources will be listed at the end of the paper on a bibliography. The paper should follow the following format: Introductory Paragraph (must include the following): Brief description of topic/project Importance of topic to society 2-3 summarizing sentences of current research on the topic Summarizing sentence of entire paragraph 1st Section Thorough description of information known about the independent variable 2nd Section Thorough description of information known about the dependent variable 3rd Section Thorough description of information known about how the independent variable affects the dependent variable Conclusion Closing or summary paragraph(s) Restates the problem/topic and summarizes the entire research paper. In this paragraph, mention the hypothesis of your experiment. You should spend as much time editing your paper as you did writing it. The final draft is due on October 18. You will need to make two copies of your final paper. One copy will be placed in your notebook while the second copy will be turned in to your teacher. Make sure that you save the paper, because you will need it later when you turn in the experimental part of your Independent Research Project.

Preparing to Experiment
When you have finished with your paper, you should be an expert in your topic. You should already know what you are going to be testing and be able to predict what might happen. . Make sure to fill out the IVCDV chart before you start the materials list and procedure. Before starting on the actual experiment, create a materials list and a detailed procedure. You must have your teachers permission before proceding beyond this point. Science Fair Forms will be created at this time. In creating the materials list, everything that will be used should be included in exact quantities. All quantities should be listed using metric units (meter, liters, grams). If you are adding water to something, make sure to determine exactly how much you will be using. (Watering 5 plants 10 mL of water, every day for 5 weeks would require 1750 mL of water for the experiment). You will also have a detailed procedure which must include numbered steps. It must be precise enough so that any other person can recreate your lab independently. A step saying make a paper airplane would not work. How would someone make it? Make sure the plane would look exactly like yours by following your instructions.


Designing the Experiment

Complete the IVCDV chart. Independent Variable (IV) Constants Dependent Variable (DV)

Complete V Chart.

Independent Variable

Dependent Variable

+ verb

+ verb

If (


) + verb,

then (


) + verb.



Materials Page




Procedure Page
1. _______________________________________________________________

_______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________
2. _______________________________________________________________

_______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________
3. _______________________________________________________________

_______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________
4. _______________________________________________________________

_______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________
5. _______________________________________________________________

_______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________
6. _______________________________________________________________

_______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________
7. _______________________________________________________________

_______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________
8. _______________________________________________________________

_______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ 9. _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ 10. _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________


Collection of Raw Data

The next section in your project data book is the collection of your raw or field data. As you work on the next stage of your project, your data book should stay by your side at all times! This will be a diary of your work and as rough as it may appear will be one of the most important parts of your project. You should not recopy your raw data even if it appears to be messy. You will record all observations here, both success and failures. It is from this data you will extract the information for your display and conclusion. Follow these guidelines when making entries: All entries should be handwritten in ink! (The raw data is not typed!) Each entry should be stated in the present tense. Include the date and time of the observations being made. Other items may be included in the entry that might affect the experiment such as location or temperature. Describe the observations being made and use both quantitative and qualitative data. Use accurate metric measurements. Use constant time intervals when collecting data. Make each entry as detailed as possible. Diagrams, sketches or photographs are encouraged in this section. If you take photographs, make note of who took the photograph as well as the location and date of the photograph. The information you collect should be factual information. You should not include you personal feelings or attitude toward the project.

Remember the data book is a complete record of how the experiment was carried out, not just a copy of what appears on the backboard! Example entry

Date: October 11, 2007 Time: 8:00 pm. Temperature of growing box: 28 C Data: Plant A- 23cm (this is a 3cm increase) Plant B- 24cm (this is the same as last observation) Plant C- 18cm (this is a 1cm increase) Plant D- 26 cm (this is a 5cm increase) Additional Observations: All plants are looking healthy except for plant C which seems to be dying.


Using Science Skills

Refer to the following skill sheets:
Before and during experimentation

Making a Scientific Drawing Making a Data Table Making a Graph

All data, graphs, drawings, notes and all other observations for every trial are recorded in the logbook. Remember to include all the data and notes each step along the way, even for failed trials!

After experimentation Developing a Conclusion How to Write a Scientific Abstract

Creating the Final Project

Presentation Board
You have collected all of the data, and you have your results. A scientist presents his or her findings in an organized manner. You will create a presentation to show your work. It is due November 18 and will be presented on a science fair board if entering science fair or a typed experiment if you are not. The presentation must include the problem, hypothesis, materials, procedure, summary of results, chart(s), graph(s), conclusion, error analysis, future applications, and a log book. If you choose to enter your project in the science fair, you will have opportunities to participate in a series of science fairs, beginning with the school science fair, with possibilities of advancing to district, regional, and finally state competitions. In each phase of the competition, the eligible projects become fewer, with only the top three places in each division advancing. Plano ISD has been well represented over the past few years, with individual students and groups receiving numerous first place awards, scholarships, and special recognition. Many of our high school students have successfully represented the state of Texas in the International Science and Engineering Fair. Most of those students started by entering their projects at the middle school level and expanded their ideas every year until they graduated. Your science fair board does not have to be set up exactly like this one, but it is an excellent example of how the board should flow. Start out with the introduction (problem, hypothesis, etc.). Then show your data followed by the entire conclusion. Everything on the board is placed where it is for a purpose. Remember, the backboard is the judges first, and often final, impression.

Problem Hypothesis Variable Materials Log Book Abstract (in frame)
Research Notebook



Conclusion Error Analysis Future Applications


Tables and Graphs

Make sure that all pictures used are credited (i.e. picture from: or picture by Jane Doe).

Research Notebook
A Research Notebook should be prepared and available along with the Log Book and necessary forms or relevant written materials. A research notebook helps organize data as well as thoughts. You research notebook should be a 1 inch 3-ring binder and is included in the final presentation at the science fair. Use tab dividers to keep sections separate and well defined. The research notebook is required for Option 1 students only, and it should be neat, organized, and include the following: 1) Title Page - Include title of project and date. 2) Table of Contents - Include this to allow the reader to follow the organization of the project quickly. Accurately number all pages in the notebook. 3) Introduction Include your problem-- (and engineering goals, if any) --hypothesis, an explanation of what prompted your research, and what you hoped to achieve. 4) Materials List all materials and their exact quantities used in the experiment. 5) Procedure List and number the exact steps used in the experiment. 6) Data Include all data tablesminimum of 1--results, graphsminimum of 1-and charts used in the experiment. Photos should be included. * PHOTOS ADD DOCUMENTATION TO YOUR PROJECT! 7) Conclusion Use the Pre AP/IB Developing a Conclusion skill sheet for writing the conclusion. Be specific; do not generalize. Never introduce anything in the conclusion that has not already been discussed. Do not write in 1st person; keep a scientific perspective regarding your experiment. 8) Acknowledgments You should always credit those who assisted you, including individuals, businesses, and educational or research institutions. 9) References / Bibliography Your reference list should include any documentation that is NOT your own. Use APA format. Landmarks Citation Machine is available on Cyberweb (see page 5).

Independent Research and Science Project Options

Option 1: Science Fair Project

Requirements for the Option

This is the option for students who want to compete in the various Science Fair Competitions. The student will be required to follow all ISEF guidelines and to fill out all of the required paperwork. The students idea must be original, and can not come from the science fair idea page. REQUIRED Parts of the Project: Review of Literature, ISEF paperwork, and complete Science Fair Project including a presentation board, a three ring research notebook and Log Book. This is the option for students who do not want to compete in the Science Fair Competitions or who can not develop an original idea and need to use the science fair idea page. The student must still follow the ISEF guidelines, but will not have to fill out all of the ISEF paperwork. Instead, the student will fill out an approval checklist provided by their teacher. REQUIRED Parts of the Project: TYPED Experiment and complete Science Log Book.

Option 2: Typed Lab Project

Detach and return signed I am aware of the two options for the pre AP Independent Research Project and that my child has chosen to do Option 1 / Option 2

Print Student name ______________________ Student signature ____________________ Print Parent name _______________________ Parent/guardian _____________________


IVCDV Chart Evaluation

Problem is Stated as a Question Problem is Clear Problem Relates Directly to Hypothesis


IVCDV Chart/ Hypothesis

IV is Correctly Identified DV is Correctly Identified Constants are Correctly Identified If. . .then Format Used Prediction is Made Hypothesis is Predicted Answer to Problem Question

Material and Procedure Approval Checklist



Exact Quantities Given Exact Types Given Thorough LIST of Materials Given Metric Measurements /Strength of Chemicals Given Safety Equipment/Precautions/Parent Supervision Listed (On BOTH Materials and Procedure) Steps Listed Steps Numbered Steps Have Enough Detail/Are Thorough Safety Procedures are Followed Proper Disposal of Chemicals Noted Diagrams Included (if appropriate) Procedure Can Be Duplicated

This project has (been approved / not been approved). If you have been approved you may start your project at this time. If your project still has something wrong with it, you MUST correct it before you continue.


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