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KEY: 32DST0007U

SCHOOL CYCLE 2015-2016

STUDENT'S NAME:__________________________________________________________
GRADE: SECOND GROUP:_____ NO. LIST:__________

I.- Read the questions carefully and underline the correct answer.

1. They are documents that specify rules to regulate the activities of the members of a community.
a) Norms b) Rules c) Regulations d) Sanctions

2. They are fantastic or wonderful stories transmitted orally from generation to generation. They relate
probably real events.
a) Legends b) Myths c) Fables d) Stories

3. The verb work , what tense is it in?

a) Present b) Past c) Future d) None of the above

4. They are those that express the most important information in a text.
a) Secondary ideas b) Main ideas c) Textual quotes d) Diagrams

5. This type of narrator knows everything about the story he tells in the story, he keeps all the
characters and their actions in mind.
a) Omniscient b) Equiscient c) Deficient d) Know-it-all

II. Write down false (F) or true (T) as appropriate in each aspect .

_____The bibliographic reference is the source from which information was obtained.
_____A paraphrase is a writing that expresses in other words what the original communicates.
_____They will deliver their work on time, the verb is written in the infinitive.
_____Formal language is used in the regulations.
_____A poetic composition can be divided into groups of stanzas called verses.

III. Choose from the following concepts only those that correctly answer each of the questions
and write them down where appropriate.

Dictionary, newspaper, red note, journalistic note, worksheet, myth, corrido, legend, specialized
article, encyclopedic dictionary.

______________________Offer the meanings of the word, give a definition.

______________________It appears in the newspapers at the moment it is news, the journalist does
not give his point of view, he records what other people say or what he observes in the situation.
______________________Some aspects of a topic are explained in detail, it is dedicated to an
audience that knows about it, the language is specialized and precise
______________________It offers religious and ethical causes about the formation of the universe,
its characters are gods and heroes.
______________________Gives a slightly broader definition than a dictionary of the language and
also a description.

IV. Answer the following questions correctly.

1. What is the formal letter?

2. Write the definition of calligram.

3. What is the difference between formal language and informal language?

4. What is a science fiction story?

KEY: 32DST0007U

5. What is a monograph?

v. Underline the stressed syllable and classify the words according to whether they are acute,
serious or esdrújulos.

Table, jug, bus, useless, fragile, ostrich, plane, sing, compass, Gómez.

Sharp words Serious words Esdrújulas words

SAW. Read the following text carefully and answer the questions correctly.

According to the oldest authors, the name of Mexico comes from “mexica”, a name that the Aztecs
gave themselves in honor of their god Huitzilopochtli, also called “Mexi” or “Mexicali”. This last name
seems to come from the Nahua words “Meztli” (Moon) and “xitli” (navel), that is, “Navel of the Moon”,
in reference to the mythical origin of the god. Other authors point out that the name Mexico refers,
rather, to an island located in the center (navel) of Lake Texcoco (Lake of the Moon). On this island,
the Aztecs witnessed the prodigy of the eagle devouring the snake, which is why they founded their
capital there: México-Tenochtitlán.

1. According to the previous fragment, explain the origin of the word “Mexico”.

2. What is the god being talked about?

3. From what civilization does the word “Mexico” come?

a) Mayan b) Zapotec c) Toltec d) Aztec

4. Where did the Aztecs witness the scene of an eagle devouring a snake?

5. What other explanation is suggested in the text about the meaning of the word “Mexico?”

SAW. From the following options choose the correct one.

( ) Myth 1. It is characterized because its characters are normally animals and it leaves a
teaching called “moral”.

( ) Legend 2. The events it narrates are fictitious, since it tries to explain phenomena of the
nature with supernatural or extraordinary characters.

( ) Fable 3. They are short stories, their characters are animals combined with beings.

( ) Story 4. They are common narratives that each town has made throughout its history.
and of great cultural tradition.

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